DAILY OArra'AL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FUIDAY, MARC1C 27, 1008. 9 ; frhe way of the I m w t transgressor is Lard The wise housewife specifies Cottok?ie every time in place of lard. Anyone with narticle of respect for his stomach would 8 Xr a Dure vegetable product to one made 'Cthefatoftnehog. Cottokne is always pure; lard isn't. Cottohie will make more palatable food than lard, and food that any stomach can Lest with ease. Lard is a friend of indigestion. Cottokne is put up in odor-proof, sealed tin pails; most lard comes in bulk. !onrf will absorb any old odorwhichisnear it. You can prove every word say By buying and trying a pail of Cctiolmc. All good poccrs sell it; all the great cooking authorities of America recommend it. Nature's Gift from the Sunny South MM Yd Candle Power "Economy" Electric Lamps 15 Cents Each Highest Efficiency Lowest Prices MAUIOX COUNTY PKO'HATK COUNT An Inventory and aprnisement of tho property left by Marianne Mor roy shows tho estate to bo worth $7150. Tho appraisement nnd io port was llled with tho county clork thla morning. Leonard Walker was this morning appointed nppralser of the estate of Alice G. Walker by Judp Scott. Ho has qualified under n bond of $150 to proporly administer on tho estate, which Is valued at $1000. Harvey Taylor, administrator of the eBtato of Mary C. Castcol, this morning filed his report of n Balo of a small amount of property, which netted $210. The final nccount of O. H. Thomp son, administrator of tho estate of Alexander Thompson, was filed tha mornltiR and April 27th lias been set as tho dato for hearing o Why So Many Senators Die. 12dltor Jeurnnl: Can you publish n list of United States senators who havo died with in tho paRt four years? Is It not posslblo (lint somo Bccret agency Is nt work In this country that Is caus ing such a fatality among tho mom bora of tho United Slates senate Notice thnt within a very Bliort tlrao A'nbama has lOBt two by death, Maryland two by' death, Oregon one H death, Plorflda two by death, South Carolina ono by death, and another's llfo hangs in tho balance from tho snmo state. Am under tho Impression that thoro havo born other doath In tho upper houso re cently. I likewise Heuini Htrnngo that the minority party should Imve the greatest per ccntago of loss. A. T. ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY COMPANY Mi V Liberty SI. Phone 263 Do Not Crowd the KeiiHOii. Tho first warm days of aprltis bring with thoni a doslro to got out and onjoy tho oxhlllrntlng air nnd biiii shlno. Chlldron tlfnt havo boon hnuiod up all wintor aro brought out and you wondor whoro they all came from. Tho heavy wintor cloth ing Is thrown nsldo and many shed tholr flannols. Then n cold wnvo comos nnd poonlo say thnt grip Is oplriomle. Colds nt this soason aro ovon rro dnnujoroiiB than In mid wintor, ns there Is nvuoh moro clan gor of pneumonia. Tnko Chnmbor laln'B Cough Remedy, howovor, nnd you will havo nothing to fonr. It al ways euros, nnd wo havo novcr known n cold to result In pneumonia when It was used. It Ib plonsnnt and safo to tnko. Chlldron like it. For sale tit Dr. Stone's drug'storc. LABOR LEADER ON RACE SUICIDE London, March 26. John Durns, labor leader and president of tho lo cal government bonrd In tho cabinet, has taken lssuo with President KooBovolt on tho race suicide ques tion. "I do not plond for a dosolating flood of babies." ho said, speaking to tho delegates to tho national confer ence of Infantile mortality. "I at tach moro Importanco to quality than to quantity. Let us first look proporly aftor thoso wo have boforo starting an ngitntlon to produce a grentor number. Let us mitigate tho slaughter of innocents under a year old, and cease our cruel neglect of thoso hbovo that ago beforo shouting to tho nation to give rus a,, hlghor birth rato." OJB S " W W M fl sB IhHHhB Onrden aoll ought to be too daJaty n feeder to be given coarse, strawy iniui"iie: the well rotted form la much better for tlu- hoII'h stomach. L YWtT "' 1 MflMntTl!Ssrfk JC- i jfrirf iJ .jssT u It Settles Down to the Bi" emiEf Af i 3 This is the testimony, of every typewriter user who knows by experience the relative performance of writing machines. The man of all men who swears by the Remington is the man who has tried to get the same, service out of some other machine, , A man may know the Remington or he may know some other typewriter, but the man who really knows typewriters is the man who knows the difference between the Remington and others. Remington Typewriter Company 249 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon Takes Right View. (Jefferson Review,.) A. C. Llbby haB, wo believe, jjcd good Judgment In coming fairly nut In liis pi'omlso to support nt nil times tho cholco of tho people, Irrespective of his personal preference. It will mnke him hundreds of votes. MKMilKUS WHO WANT TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT WILL AT ALL TIMI2S TRY TO CARRY OUT TIIK KXl'UKSSEI) W1SHKS OP TIIKIR CONSTITUENTS. Mr. Llbby Is well known In Mnrlon county nnd has tho qualification to mnko a useful mombor. Wo hope to seo him got a big vote. o Chntnbcrlnln's Cough Remedy li Roth Agreeable nnd Kffectlvc. Chnmborlnln's Cough Remedy has no suporlor for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that It is plens ant to tnko nnd contains nothing in any way Injurious hns mado It n favorldo with mothors. Mr. W. S. Pollinm, a merchant of Klrksvllle, Iown, says: "For moro than 20 yonri Chnmborlnln's Coupli Remody has lee,n my lending remedy for all throat troublos. It Is ospoclally suc cessful In ensos of croup. Children llko it nnd my cuBtomors who have usod It will not tnko any other." For Balo nl Dr. Stone's drug store, o Large, fine, honlthy seed potatoes ' and clonn soil, on which potatoos havo not grown for sovornl yours, make n good potato scab provoutn-tlvo. 93io Kind Tor Hnve Always Bought, and which 1ms hoes. In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of nnd has been, juaclo under his per-ffiy-y aonRlsapervisioiiBtncoitalnftwicy. rt iccAit4- Allow no oue to decoivo you In this. All Couutorfclts, Imitations and" Just-as-good "aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against JSxnoruncnt. What is CASTOR1A Castoria Is n, harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing' Syrups It is Pleasant. It contains noithor Opium, MorphLae nor other Narcotic substnnccu Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVoruis and allays Peverlshnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It rcllovea Teotliing Troubles, cures CoiiHtlpatlou and Flatulcilcy. It assimilates tho Pood, regulator tho Stomnch unci Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sexrs tho Signature of '5 zci The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC Of NTAUR OOWMNT. TV MURftAV TIUCT. NIWVORHOtTt. MAKKS WORK KASIUR. Salem I'ooylo Aro Pleased to Loarn Row It Is Done. It's pretty hard to attend to duties With n conatautly Hchlng buck; With annoying urinary dlBordert-. Doun's Kidney V mk work wlr. Thfy euro bsokneho. Thuy euro vry kldnoy 111. W. II. Wood, of 850 CotU St., Salem, Oro., my: "A good many yoam ngo I sot badly klckod by a mulo right over tho kidnoys and ft another time while -digging a well It caved in on mo nluo injuring my book nnd slnco thon I have had more or lotw nnnoyanco from my kidneys. Change of woathur caueod my back to aohe nnd whon I worked hard It beoame so Inme that I could hardly etralghton up nftor stooping. I pro enrod Donn'a Klanoy Pills at Stone'u drug Htoro. nnd alnoa taking thorn I havo oontlnuod to work hard and bean oxposcd to sovor- weather, not an .noho or othor symptom of my former trouble romalns. This clear ly provos that Doan'a Kidney Pills act up to tho ropresentntins mad for them. T also know of other poople who havo derived groat benefit from their use. I am glad to let others know the merits of Doan'a Kidney PHls for bnogaohe and kidney trouble." For vale by all donler. Trleo 50 eHU. Foitor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York, solo agonU for the United Statee. Remember he name Doan's and take-no other. BREEDERS' HORSE SHOW Saturday, April 4th, Salem, Oregon FARMERS' PRACTICAL EXHIBITION Cash prizes, merchants' special prizes, stallion breeders' prizes, valuable cups etc. FOR ALL BREEDS OF HORSES, (pure-bred and grades), stallions, marcs, colts, ponies and jacks; two, three and four-horse teams, roadsters, saddlers. I you own good horses show them at Salem, April 4. If you wish to sell here's your market. For premium Iftt and Information, address L. K. PAGE. F. A. WELCH. President. Secretary. mMummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmwmnmm I '&&, ' i t A& ( jaiKtS' i r.,mt$.'j SPRING SHOES Shoee for iiimmtr wonr. Just re ceived. A big shipment of tho latest atylee and trim pee; mou'i, boy', la dle and ohlldruu'a. Tennis ahoos and light ahooi. iSuay and comfort able houso Hllppurn. , Jacob Vogt I 1.1 State Street, Kalein, Oregon AsAifYiJVA tthoorr READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. price: range 20 '40 Graber Bros. A man was poisoned from hand ling mlerobUtfested money. Uere a root of evil that money tiae not heretofore Iiish noeused of .poeeeb- SlHJf. COFFEE Nothing does more for a grocer, one way or the other, than coffee. lie must sell poor; (he needn't sell it to you) it is good thit makes him. Yaor ttottt return yosr mtoej'U ro doa'l Uca Schllliiii' Vttli we par btw PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will rIvo prompt attention to all ordere, guarantee our work io give satUfaotlon and to be up to the sanitary stand ard. WH WH.f UK I'LKAHKU TO GIVU I3STI9IATKS ON COXTIIACT6, Call at our shop on Llborty etreet, back or Darr's Jewelry Store. Phono 550. a" 1' kr? K!jv' Isr TH. TIJIJ liEHT ItOAHT THK FAMILY EVER HAiy 4 Can be obtained from our prlm tender nnd Jutcy bent, mutton or pork. All our meat are telect4 from thi choicest, and prepare for the table to gult the demand! of the fastidious. Our prices are lower for quality than you can And at aar placa In Salem, B.C. OK 088, (PfaoBC Ml. 7 KU4 , 1 1 M & Si i i vr 151 - ? s-U Hi Hi 7, U ft ! i! -f ?i r j