DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL; SALEM, OKEGON Fill DAY, MAIICII 27, t008. r . L mmmmuummummmummmmmum A sensational flurry m Wal Paper. Wc never have permjtted and never will permit any one to undersell us or successfully dispute our su premacy in this branch of the business. Buy now. Special discount on all Wall Paper. A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever Our Carpet Department is complete with a choke and varied stock of most up-to-date patterns that ks possible to show You will like nine out of every ten. Then besides the patterns you will like the price. That's quite an Rem when you work hard for your money. lLSiMtm: nB ixinm 1 p asimiiiiii i i mm- 1 An excellent op portunity to replace shabby curtains that the bright sun shine is showing up, adding extra attractiveness to the heme at a real saving. iim i mJ ! i ii l mini R 'A Mffll M q cmiiiij the newest and II d iim11 RUGS We now have the best rug assortment that we have had for years in Wiltons, Body Brus sels, Axminsters, and Tapestries. They are in handsome floral and oriental designs and will please every individual taste. At any rate be fore you buy see our choice assortment. MARKET REPORTS BY WIRE BAY CITY MARKET (United Props Leased Wire.) QUOTATIONS OX TKODUCE AT SAX FKANCISCO AND PORT LAND LOCAL MARKET COR RECTK1) VP TO DATE RE CKIIT8 OP .LIVE STOCK AXI) CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. s -- ;i t$ W Eraming i 1 1 - ----- - ummmmMmmmmmmmmMMmmmmmmmMMMmMmmammMMMmmmMmamm Picture f mining Ih ono of our tyuielnltlos. Our Hklll In this lino Ih thu rosult of cxporlouoo and study and la responsible for the superior uMnlltloa of our work! "Whn you a8k our prices you will bo sur prised how rsasonnblo tlioy nro. Wo also sarry a HloaslriK lino of frnm6d and untrained pictures In Muck. Havo you u baby In your homo? Thou by ull moans tulco lilm out In tho air ovory lino dny. Thoro havon't boon ho many good onos Intoly that you can afford to miss any, of them. "Wo'vo got such a hnndponio lino of carts that you should havo no troublo In getting suited. Agonts for tho colobrntod Sturgoss folding go-cart. CLOSED. OPEN. LITTLE GIRLS 14 yoara and Hinder, rumombor our nd clipping oontost. Tho llttlo lrl outtlnK out from our nd tho largest number of Ducks Htoyo and rango trademarks will bo awarded tho Huoks Junior range now on display In our south window. All ads must be turned In not lator than tho wook following tholr publication. Do not car ry ono ovor. Got nil tho asBlst anoo you possibly can. This con tout l causing a groat doal of onthuslnsin, so nil must work very IndMstrlously, (United Press.. Leased Wire.) (Unlaod Press Leased Wlro.) San FranclBco, March 27. Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.57 ?81. OR; white milling club, $1.62 (fp I.C7 ; white AuHtrnllnn, $1.70 n 1.72; Northern bluostem, $1.02 flp 1.07; Northern cHb, $1.57 U 1.02 ; Inforlor grndos of LI wheat, $1.35 1.50. Butter Fresh California oxtraa, 23e; llrBtH, 22e; seconds, 20 e; frosh parking stock, No. 1, 18 c; No. 2, ISc. Fre-di eggt, por dozon Extras, 17c; flritts, 10c; soconds, 15o5 thirds, 15c; dlrtlos, No. 1, 15c; dir ties, No. 2, 14c. x" ' Now chooso, por pound Califor nia Mats, 12c; firsts, llc; seconds. 10c; California Young Amurlcn, fan cy, 14c; ftrsn, 12e Storage Enitern fancy New York ISc; Oregon, 13 o. PotntoM, pur cental Lompocs, $1.101.30; Oregon Hurbanks, 85 $1.10; Itlvor Whites, fancy, 50(Qi75c; Early Koho, $1.25(1.35; Hlvor Rods $1.35 fj 1.40; sweet potatoes, 3c por pound; now potntoos 2rj3c por pound. Onions Orogon yellow, $4fl4.25 Australian browns, $4.75. OrnngoB, por box Navels, fanoy, $2 2.25; choice, $1.752; stand ards, $1.501.75; TangcrInos,t$l.7G ff2. Ontlo Markets. Chicago, March 27. Hogs, re ceipts, 15,000; cattle, 2500; sheep, 8000. Hogs oponed strong at yos terday's close. Loft ovor yostorday, 3G00. Mixed, $5.15(TJi$5.52: good heavy, $5. 40(5. 50; rough hoavy, $5.1575.30; light, $fi.l&G5.15; rattle, strong and shoop stoady. Kansas City, Mo., March 27. Hogs, receipts, 7000; cattlo, 3000; shop, 4000. Omnhn, Neb., March 27. Hogs, rocelpts, 4000; cattlo, 2000; sheep, S000. ' SALEM MARKET. ! Correction Announcement We beg to announce for the management of Buren & Hamilton in connection with their ad clipping contest for tittle jtfrls for the Buck's Junior Range, a mistake was made by saying cut out the Buck's Stove and Range trademarks instead f, as the rules formerly rend, cut out the whole ad. DURABLE DANE VS ABE ATTELL f hi training stuuts aro a safti Chicago's Lightweight. . criterion, it la his plan to koop on Ptickoy MoPnrland, tho Chicago top of AtloU from tho opening gong; lightweight, who meets Jimmy Brltt, California Llgtmvulght to M.tt CM oago Punchui In tho Ulng, April 11. x United Vtm Loattd Wirt.)' San Francis, March IT. With their bawle but filur dy away, Date tllng Nelson and Ahe AVtU( who arc scheduled to moot In a leround bout on tho night of March ai.i.ro training as though their Uv do neudod on tho outcome of the affair. to the Unit)), thats preventing the fouthorvelgkt ehamplon from bring iMg his wonderful olovrHc into (day. It l hid only chanco. as h kpov that to permit tk Uttlo He Uftw wlU-o-tk-viip to waktt a sUnd off buttU of H would menu the waiting of Atuil bats. NUn has developed a elight oold, but says he will be rid uMt before he stetw Into the rlK. He" will make the weight, 1SS pound, hamllly. Ills condition could not be belter, At toll has given it out that he in tend to elHg with NliQ. that ho will meet the Dane at every point, and giro him o roet. Whethor Uio ohampion Is rugged onough to car ry out this plait of oHinpalgn remains Tho durublo Dane has not trained so bard for a light since his mom-M" b . but ke U. quite a fox. and prablo vnoountor with Jo Oas at,ot In the bablt of telling all he Goldtleld. Nelson fully ton lite that (Knows, and It la more than likely h& must muko good ucuct Tuoday I that he will not framo u a plan of night, as auothor revorso ineotu back,b-fttilo until he kas gono a round or to Uegowlsoh for him. Appreciating AtteU's cloverncnw and stylo so well, the battler Is pro farlng himself lor a fast battle, and an aggretslvo one. Agrottlvauosa la kls chief stock In trade, but ho plana 4o trot out an oven fuller lino than! (inter tho usual n his coming engagement. Ipoxinds. two with Nelson. II knows the Dane's style of light ing, havlug trained him for his hat tie with Uuholx, and fools that ho onn outwit Nelson at any sort of a gumo, Atloll Is in grand oondltlon, and will ring weighing about 124 at Calm on the afternoon of April 11, has nettled down to tho hard grind, and from mow until tho day of tho battle will leave uuthlng un. dono to nut himself Into the beat pas siblu coHdHtou. in hu ilret roal training bout with the gloves mo Garland eurprlsed the old-Unitsi! wttk UU balHHoe and reolelan. Ho hauls wltk llshtnlug-llke rapidity; from any poeltlon, ultker set or on, the move, aad there Is forte In evl ALL0HA PUT ON THE STAGE toll 10c (United Press Leased Wire.) Honolulu. Murek S7. Mrs. Klla Wkeelor Wilcox, tke American an threg.and Aloxunder Hume Ford will shortly collaborate on a winy which will tell the story of Hawaii on the Orv MUHek. In Ike muttr nf unbixl he Is ryUy the equal af the uaMvd ' 8,a8' Tbl wel h oon decided . ajkl prohably has It on HrlU in ',Mm by th9m l conforenee held pHuehlns ability. Tke Impression hO? rcUy. liaa iMudo hi a oa,i th u t ,,nf , om of bronder outlines of likely that he will be better than 10 th l,,ot Ux irmy been nlunued to S favorite. Urltt Is training-ouro-l' NVOfkiMS ot scenario and th fHlly for tke ftkt, and Is confidant tkat hbt eleveraess will carry him to the writing of tke elay as a proso com jKlt!ou u to be undertaken hi" Pord vlotory. Tke Callfornlaa has llttlo . Mn' w,wox WIU " u It to po weight reducing to do. asd Uiorefor Uy- Th Haw oharaotors will la paying wore attention to building "l11 ,H rm verse, and tho white ...... ' n lnitOAtAa t lkL.l. ., up his strength and Improving apeed than to ratting down poundage. his hi characters In blank verso. mt& lto Irt m ton tints tetjjH Rainy Days Havo no offset upon the satisfied customers of J. M. L&wreuce. for tkey know that he fills kls phase or ders wltk the same conscientious can? that h does personal orders. His phoue number Is 311. Local Wholesale Market. lSggs 13o. Butter Cronmery, ne doom 30O3&C. Hens Ho; mixed ohlqkeng. Local wheat' S5c. Oats lOo. Warley J2G. Flour Hard wheat, $-1.80 0 $6, valley, $L0Q. Hay-Sheat. $14; cJovor, $10 $12 per ton; timothy, $14 IT $15. Onions 3 ye. Hops 01d,l2Vsc; now, 3 GCc. ' ; ' :' Caacara Bark 3 to 3J4c Mohalf 26c. ' ' . . Retail Market. ' Oats 45q per bu, . Wheat ll.OO. Rolled barloy $31. ' ISlS lc. Butter Country, 28o; eroomory, 3?e. Ploui- Valley, $1.20 pr ack; hard wheat, $1.40 31.50. Bran 90o por sack; $21.50 per ton; short, $1.20 por saok, - Ha' Choat, $16; olover, $15; shoat, SSc; clover, 75c por cwt, -Livestock. Hogs Fat, $5.00. Stook hogs $4.00. Cows Top. $2.50; fair $2 $2.50 Steers Tops. $3.60; fair, $2.75 $3.Q0. Veal Drosaed, 67c Tropical Fruits. ' Bananas .$6. Oranges $2.35 H5.0. Lemons $3,50 4,50. Portland Market. Wheat Club. S3c; valley, S3ot blue stem. S5c. Poultry Hons, 13 14 c; duoks. 16 16c; pigeons, old $1 per dps, Mlllstutt Bran, $24. Hay Timothy, valley, $17 $18; alfalfa. $12 $13. Vetch $14. AMUSEMENTS, Grand Ornrn ii.. Friday, March 27 -Tho' master." e Bfc Wednesday, Marrh 31 v. Ing In "Glorionis Betiy " "; Saturday, ApnHHorSe.w( Salem. ,ee;j Auditorium Roller ltnV t flesB;: b "llvruoon ana ni - Tho Vaudcttc. Moving pictures and m... ong, every afternoon an Z excent Sundav n i,.. iyta nooni ' " "wnair and Tho Xlckelodion, Trvftlrv rtlnk... ....b iiiutures ana liinitr.ij a --w.i8 una eveningj. PUBLIGITY (Continued from PaS8 flre WORK $100 tn sinnn .. ...i. . . -- r-. ,V1 iim, iatIM Tj vauoy nas as yet no ifl0o jJ .a. ins. wnen more of the l- buslness of the United State, J ..uvua- wiu virgin loresta of Orfic when the various mine? eet .km,.. facilities so they can ooerat. profit, whan industry, manuhchn. nnu MHors or power turn to the cif water powers to be had for the u ing, tho fruit growers of Oregon t wonoer wny ttiey havo been itafy uiu mancois or the world to ltd iriousiy. Expansion of all mitr will surprise tho Oregon optimist ollmnto thnt permits of 12 kom work In n yonr, the comrae'ee of t! Pacllle and the development dAi ka nil will tend to add toihdpj latlon and create a home nurbt! 111U8U jiruuuciR. uinamettfi'. n Initnnce, furnishes power to rna lorn nnd Portland streitcaii u terurbane, alfo ilRhts b ir m homos nnd stores, and fomi! powor to many liiduKtripj 0n. :& on tho ClRcknnuu river faraitii 25,000 horse-powir, another a a furthor up stream Is to firuui othor 25,000. Thoro It fa'l tan for several more Ono irua'l pi jniat put In by the Mt Hood Elect rond has a hend of 680 fe, Ih not horticulture but cheap e' trlclty has been a largo r.o southern California nnd wl.i Uk such in Oregon. What of tho future On t not bo a seer to fortell totted of what is to come Oregonlasj happy in the thought that ft! saved Oregon and Waahingtos to Unltod States nnj nro not alter: sorrv tho English own DrltW lummla ovon if recent dlicoTeriw cloud their title for the line lij marks tho limit of the fruit iom; not far south of tho Intenutx: monuments. Tho Lucky Quarter. la tho ono you pay out foriV"! r 1,'lnr'a Vnw Liffl Pllli. H b... ...o M ...... brim: you tho health that's precious than Jewels. Try tb honilnnho. biliousness. C0niUjtl and malnria. If they dlupPW' tho prlco will be cheerfully rthtj at J. C. Perry's drug store. Tho family nam of the PJ day Goulds was Gold The Ust 1 now be a more appropriate " thatn than It wi for their pv tors. H- Stnto of Ohio. City of To 'tU naa liint" ttfl. Frank J. Cheney make oai i ho Is senior r"nr of " Zi F. J. cneney a " , m e Tiiedo. county w aforesaid, and that ,! .,. f ONE l"-"l Er.""r;-....h.rtii-' . . . .i.. ..nnllt bl C"' of Cntarrn wiw ia"M"" ,. the ui. of the Hairs CWg . ....mKlldn11 sworn to ueiv.v .-- . In my pretence, tbl 6th d r' w Vou.j .,. Pi W otarr n,,M u ta Tinii'a Patau h tornally, asd acta dirwO ' ... and for tes.!"1 P. J. CHENEY & CO jo Sold by all drugs c Take Hairs m-' " stlpatlon. , nlii nawaUAIM-rs W forget tbatthUisPJ H WQHW v ' pookot If ' QUOHt. BlODC yesrs l-'9 ' TEA Moneyback means the tea is eood ana worth the money- Can't mean an) elSe. M If"