DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1008. BiiHillBllll . . I I0WER CAUSED TROUBLE JXimrlain Atnbusffltdor t IHtIIii ald k He 11 Person Without iitniuliiig nt Court. (United Press Leased "Wire.) Berlin, March 27. In American 'Jiang the Dltimtlon rotniltlng from Oho objection sent to Washington to tt&e appointment of Dr. J ay no Hill. hb amliassador to Germany, Is now "lup to Ambassdor Tower." 'Follfiwlng a somt-olllclnl denial by tho ntcto department yestordny, that ho 'Gorman Rovornmont had object ed to T.Tr. Hill, and following n re port ttriint -(ho rolclistng proposed to coaauru tho Kaleor, If It was shown ifcfarft flie liad bjeotcd to tho Amorlcan ifor 'purely porsonnl reasons, an of 'itctel etntonient from the omporor Tklmsolf -waa Issued today by tho for algn fflco, 'TSie statement says flatly that tlio TGIlrsr noviT said or wroto a word fth&t anight bo construod by anyone :r.iua objection to Mr. Hill's nppolnt rmont. On tho contrnry, it Is Btatcd tfUat, as Into ns tact November, tho Kaiser expressed his warm approval of tho Hill appointmont, and slnco tins bud no occasion io chango his vlows. It Is denied tliat tboro Is any olntomonl apropos of thO matter on route to Washington. The KnlHor's notion complitoly onds tho mnttor, ho far ns tho Ger man government h concorned. It jomovoB tho last shadow of doubt tli at Washington was misinformed. Junt whoro tho misinformation cnino from will now hnvo to bo oxplalned 1)y Ambassador Tower. As n roBiilt of tho controversy, It Is unit! thnt tho Knlsor, who has Tiorotoforo Ijeon on the most friendly tormH with both tho Amorlcnn am bannndor and his wife, Is now qtillo piqued at both of them, and, tin low Mr. Towor withdraws vory speedily of his own volition, It h probablo thnt Washington will rorolvo an In Uuintlun thnt l's nmbnsBndor has buenmo perHona non grata. Tirorr Gt'tn Hid .lolly. Tho aflornoon proas Is full of tho various plumes or tho TowoMIII! con troversy, and the coiibohhus of opin ion Is thai Ambassador Tower Is on tlroly to bluino for tho con ihIoii. TDlo Morgan PoBt tleolaron that Am lumiador Towor Ih not only unfrlond ly to his BuooosBor, but thnt ho dis played the sumo nnlmoslty to bis lirodecosfior. Tho paper attribute Towor'H dlBlIUo to Dr. Hill Io un old onmRy of lhair wlvos, mid brniulH tho eontrovoniy as a "pottlcont wlJu.' The Po duoluroe thnt tho only Took n which Ambassador Towor mn tiuug an oxplmiutlon Is a Jesting ro murli mndo by th Knlsor recently wlmt (ho AmurloiinH would oall u "Joliy" In which li laughingly ttuTri, in tho prooonoo of tho iitnbnmM tlor, "1 don't think I nun forglvo my friend, Mr. Hoosovelt, If ho re walls AmbusHHdor Towor." Tho oxproised boliol of all tho pa per Is that Dr. Hill VIII be up pointed. Totvur Will Quit. Ambassador Towor gnvo out nn 3tuthorUoo Mtatouiont lulu this after noon In whloh ho stated that he hnd dottnUoly duoided to rotlro In a fow months Onto. PRESIDENT CLASHES WITH CONGRESSMAN Washington March 27. That President Roosevelt and Represen tative Dickons, of Michigan, hook tholr flats nt each other In a recent argument over tho Wllfloy case, and roached a point In tho squabble, whoro It looked as though an actual fight could . not bo averted, Is tho substanco of a report today. Tho President had sent for Mr. Dickons, who Is a member of tho Ju diciary committee, which was Inves tigating chnrgOB against United States Judgo Wllfloy at Shanghai, to Inform hint thnt tho commlttoo was altogether too ofllclnus In tho mat'.or Tho Prosldent told tho Michigan leg islator that ho thought tho commit tee had gone further into tho case than It hnd been Instructed to. Representative Dickens Is said to havo retorted warmly, whoroupon both men lost their tompor, accord ing to tho report, and shook tholr fists In each other's faces. Neither could convlnco tho other that ho was right, and finally Dickons rushed from tho Whlto House In an excited frnmo of mind. PRACTICE LAYING OF MINES (Continued from pngo ono.l now bolng ongugod In dnlly by tho ships of Roar-Admiral Evans' floot. Torpedo practico also Is under way. All of tho battleships except tho Vor mont, Kausns and Missouri, hnvo practically finished targot practice, and tho coming week will bo lnrgcly dovated to torpodo practico. All of tho ships are bolng clonnod nud painted, ami mndo spick and Bpnn for tho dross pnrado up tho coast. Tho governor of Lowor California last night tondoiTd n banquot, which wan held on board tho Mexican cruiser Tnmplco, ot tho admirals and captains of tho American flont. ChnrlUB F. Howling, a sonmnn on tho battloshlp .Missouri, died Wed nesday evening of pnoumonln. His homo was at Kan Claire, Wis. Jack Is tiring of tho Job lioro. Ho Is beginning to fuel' that onmiglrls enough. This doos not nocosHurlly moan thnt his patriotic ardor hns di minished, but nrdors to sail for the north cannot conio too soon to suit him. It Is now 15 days slnca tho groat tluot dropped anohor hero and, nuldo from tho oxcltomont that tar got practico affordB. the mon of tho llaot hnvo prnetlanlly no diversion, other than the regulations oall for. MngdnloniTs ISO Inhabitants, about i)t) per cent of which a to panne and tholr families, tiro not Bitting up nights nrrnnglng llostns for the lion- ulK of tho Bailors, and, to mnko mat- tors worse, tho "lid" Is still on. Not a drop of beor can tho sailor get, and thereby hnngs n tnlo. Wookb boforo the arrival of tho Meet a number of enterprising Amor loans come down with bumbouta Innded with good thlnga to drink, oat and mnoko. Tho nutoornt ot tho port, tho American representative of an Kngllsb development oompuny, whloh holds oxtoiiBlve loases In tho vicinity of the little sottlomont, un- nblo to prevent "boaoh comber" from lauding, much to Ills ohagrlu, Stanford Alumni Act. (United Press Leased Wire.) Portland, Or., March 27. After two sessions of tho Stanford Club of Portlnnd, at whloh various phases of tho present difficulty between tho students 'and tho faculty wore cnsld- ored, to following dlspntchs wero drawn up' and Bent to tho faculty) and tho students this noon. The telegrnms aro as follows; ' To tho Chairman of tho Students' Affairs Committee, Stanford Unlver-1 slty, Cal. Portland alumni havo wired the Associated Students their condemnation of organized Insubor dination. The Stanford Club Port lnnd roquests a reconsideration of nninlshment Imposed, and asks that leniency be oxtonded leading to their reinstatement. (Signed) CHESTER G. MURPHY, President Stanford Club. To tho President of tho Asosclated Students', Stanford University, Cal. Tho scntlmont of tho alumni of Port land Is that tho sttldonts should su bordinate thomsolvcs to tho univer sity regulations. That organized re bellion against such moots with tho disapproval of tho alumni. Wo have wired tho faculty commlttco similar ly, and requested that tho punish moots bo reviewed and leniency bo oxtonded. leading to reinstatement. (Signed) CHESTER 0. MURPHY, President. BMBbWMMMBMHBBMIWHWBBBMBM "j THE BURGOMASTER TONIGHT AT GRAND OPERA HOUSE Hk i iiHlHHiiHHHHHHy JBH Kl J'KHHHBHBflBBBHHHHMLtfiHiiBlr iBBBBBbSnniBK-VBWBMBVIBHBB ',tYJ E ""' .) St' '-j'Vr, BMiMJMlJiMMliWIBIt mMMM -4k - T Anarchist Surrenders. i Oakland, Cal., March 27. W. Fon I dor has glvon up to tho police ns an nnnrchlst. A local court Is author-' Izod by the government to tnko his i deposition to ho used In proceedings J against him. Tho prisoner Bald thnt ho hud no anarchistic tondonclo un til nftor ho bought a cigar storo In Cincinnati n short time ago. A won' thy man sold It to him for $300, nil tho monoy ho hnd, and then started a now ntoro In tho sntuu block, tak ing with him nil his old cuBtomors. It was this tncldont, Fonder says, that mndo him bitter ngalnst all rich mon. Ho dcclnrcs ho was a rank anarchist whon ho nrrlvod In Oak land n fow wookB ago, and surron dorod to tho police to koop out of trouble. VENETIAN SCENE IN THE LAST ACT. FRIDAY,. MARCH 27 WM. P. CULLEN PRESENTS P1XLEY AND LUDERS' .MERRY MUSICAL MASTERPIECE THE BURGOMASTER With Gus Wolborg, Ruth Whlto nud over half a hundred others, Includ'ng tho fnmous.y Original ks roo Girls original production. Avorltnblo triumph Dlggor, brightor, botttr than ever New songi, u,j surprises. Prices: $1.G0, $1,00, 7oc nnu riuc. beat saio at box omco Friday 8 a. m. MlHHmiHIMMnMlMNHnBmHHHmH -o- AIRSHIP RACE FOR $200,000 (United Pro3s LeiiBOd Wlro.) Now York, March 27. An Inter national airship raco botwoon Now York and Chicago, with a $200,000 stako, may bo tho outcomo of tho challenge nnnouncod today by A. P. Illlven, tho Urooklyn Invontor. llllvon mnkos a startling offer of S100.000 against un enunl amount A3drlch Hill (Iocs. Urn nh I in? Inn Murnll 27 Itnfnrn ..........E,,..., .......... .. .rv.w ,. --r- .. -- - v adjourning this ovonlng tho senate for any other noronaut for an nlr wlll tako a llnnl voto on the Aldrlch .Hhlp to bent tho ono ho will hnvo com financial bill. Tho moaBtiro wTil pass' plotod during tho coming summer, tho upper Iiomro by a largo majority. His crnft, ho says, will be ablo to muko tho trip to Chicago at an av orugo rato of 70 miles an hour. Dlivon's chnllongo has boon sont abroad, and ho has rcoolvod numer ous Inulrlos from Europonn govern ments nud ueronnutlcul associations regarding it. AMERICAN THOMAS RACER (Contlnuod from pago ono.) oblo, on tho second part of Its 21,-000-mllo trip. After undergoing n goncrnl ovor hauling, tho car was run to'the steam or and immediately taken aboard. In It wero Cnptnln Huns Hansen, bnck to Ogden on a flat ar hi pairs, nnd then hnulcd to tbt wherolhe accident occurrtdtai a rrcsli start for 'hu ooait Tti ran Into Ely nt 7 oaockluul ALKKS WORK EASIER. devised another scheme to Bet their Ho would not Intlmntu the van awry. Ho appealed to tho nov omor of Lowor California to irvnt tho sale of lluqor to the sailors, and, upor. his raproaontutlons, nccomptin led by uioro or less veiled throats, u "olonod town" order was iMued Not only woro tho Amorloans prohlbltod from Boiling tholr boor. IvtK tho Mox kn8, woll stookod with their tor rlblo tequila mocal, found them eolvos In thf sniuo oalogory. All In all, the rovtralnt on ship nnd aehnrc Is getting on the Bailors' nerve. TO Hl'UCHHl) HAULA.N ON' StllMUlMi: UliXCH. (United Press Leased Wire.) Clovelaud. O., March 87. The Vllovolund proud today prints a Wash Ington dUpntch from (HIbou Gnrd liar. He spuolul oorraepoudont, which irintos Hint Frnuk It. Kollogpf, of Mlnnottota, has Xrnvn slated for a place on tho supremo heuoh, to till tho vaennoy onueod by tho probablo rotlromont or Justlu Harlan uaxt May. Kellogg, though n young man, tint uttraotod untlonal nUonttnn by h doteriuUiod and auoowaful at tacks ou tho Standard Oil, and Its illogul methods. Lorer? V)t good health should provont slok Ursa Intstoud of letting thflin.ROlvoJ Bet sick and then try to cure It. So Ion( us you kwpp your llvor, bowoU nud Btomaah In a healthy aud notlvo condition you won't get slok. nal SaiVs llcrbino rollevoe oonstltpatlon, Inactive llvor and nil itoiuaah and bowel trouble. Sold by all dealers. IhdllUKhutn loggora uro ohjoctlng to 80,000.000 foot of logs being hip. yed tn from nntUh Columbia. v- OJlIVVOXILXA. Do Not Crowd tli Season, Tho first warm daya of spring bring with them a doslro to get out and onjoy tho luthlllrutlng air and auti Bhin. Chlldron thnt have been hotuod up all winter nru brought out and you wander where they all oame from. Tho heavy winter oloth Ing Is thrown' nildo and many shed tholr flauuels. Thou a oold wave eamos and people say that grip is opldemlo. Colds at this season are uvon more daugerous than in mid wlntur, ns there Is imtoh more dan ger of pneumonia. Tako Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, howovor, etnd you will have nothing to foar. It al ways euros, aud wo havo never known a oold to rosult tn pneumonia when It was used. It la pleusant and ante to take. Chlldron like it. Fur sulo at Dr. Stouo's drug store, o i fc11 in m jw to i" Bt Saloin People Aro Pleased to Lcaru How It In Done, R'h protty hard to attend to dutloi With n oonstnntly aching bnok; With annoying urlnnry disorders. Donn's Kidney Pills mnko work easier. Thoy out'o baokaoho. They ouro ovary kldnoy 111. ' W. H. Wood, of 2B0 Cottugo 8t., Salem, Oro., Bnys: "A good many yours ago I got badly klckod by a mulo right ovor tho kldnoys and at another time whllo digging n woll It envod In on mo oIbo Injuring my hRok nnd slnco then I hnvo had more or loss nnnoynnco from my kldnoys. Chango of wonthor causod my buck to uolio nnd whon I worked hard It booamo so lama that I could hardly stralghton up after stooping. I pro cured Doan's Kldnoy Pills nt Stono'a drug storo, and slnco taking thorn I hnvo continued to work hard and boon exposed to sovor wtathor, not nn ncho or othor symptom of my former troublo romalns. This clonr ly proves thnt Doan's Kidney Pills not up to the roprusentatlns mad- for them. I also kuow of othor people who havo dorlvod groat bonofit from their use. I am glad to let others know the merits of Donn's Kldnoy Pills for bncgacho and kidney troublo." For snlo by nil deulers. Prlco BO cant. Fojter-Mllburo Co., Duffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United Stntoa. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Attorneys for Chester Gillette. Bonteucod to die .Monday morning, hnvo bocu granted a hsarlnt; by Lumber .Market !lrrh Bolllnghnm, Wash, Much ino iiimuer an sningie qif; decidedly demoralized Clnr George Schustor nnd George Mlllor. 'K08 nro Bol!InK n, 93 10 Tho Pueblo Hnnson expects to ronoh 8antl wlth ..st!lr8 mnginttte Vnldoz In bIx dnys. Ho will go cH-'C01,t8 lower Cedar ildlif, rucuy io 4omo onu inenco nno icy lengths of the best qualltr a ainorin. A renturo of tho trip North will ho tho turning looso of carrier pigeons at different points along the roulo. At tho end of ovory 500 mllos oth ers will bo released to carry mos sugeB back to San Frnuclsco. Ing nt $20 per thousand, iT) l longths nt $17. Fir lumbc rl is soiling at about U below 111 prlco. silvkkto.v .sri'Fi:iw A DISASTIIOI'S A disastrous lire at Si'id which for a time threitM town, broke out at 3 o dock Fl morning, nnd, borore It if dor control, had burned fsr I c Ely, Nov., Mnroh 27. Tho Ital ian car, In tho Now York-to-Pnrls raco, loft this city at 7 o'clock this morning, nftor havlhg experienced a lino of hard luok whloh subjected It'ings-, the dainogo amounMf to sovornl delays. It will take the $10,000. The buildings i samu routo to Snn Francisco thnt j woro Graham & Wetca was followod by tlio American whep: J. I). Drake pnotjir TlioimiH car. Tho Italian car Is hopnleB bohlnd tho AmerlcHii racor, but tho groat dlstanco between them Is duo to n , lery; Hendryx. nnd n saloon. lonfertiMr It Is clalnifJ tlie ne -. Governor IhiKhos to nrosent now evl- break-down DO mlloa woat nr ri(rinn nnintmnnts tn Jntun w ski 'lonce. jutah, on March 26 It was taken long. WfclitMWfcllttifclfclilllllVIWWtiWiWWWWIIIIPIilllW!! $15 SUITS $15 -cv. W. O. W. Snloin Camp And AbittlHg neighbor! are requosted, to attend rte funeral of our Into neighbor, O. M. Peterson, at the First pallet churok, SaHirdny. nt 10 a. m. ' All neighbors who can pleaso meet at the hall at 0:30 o'olook. O. ' L. Darllits. C. a. L. S. Frailer, clerk. Mexloe City, Maret X7. Later ad vices reoelved by the government of (Itttols. und transmitted to Prosldent DIr. indloHU that the loss of life will meunt into the hundreds. t M IIIH i - i llllSlillliliB i ' 111 liHliluiiP ' ' r iKum jl me liklilkrl 111 Ml ii i mm 11 " SslllllJ inlMdJ This week we are making a special sfaowbl $15 suits. Ii will pay you to see what excellent st quality, and fit you can get in the Iff 55 Tailored Suits For $15.00 A Swollen uar ' Is not Hrotty nor plsasant. Whether U'a caused by neuralgia, toothache' or acottUnt, Dallard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and rollove tho pain. The great ne suro euro for rheuuiatlaui. cuts. hums, bruises. scald .any and aH aches and pains. Washington Fashioned Apparel TK WMMM4T0N CO. Stop in as You Pass by and See the You Can Get at this Price. Many Salem Woolen Mill St We Pf mi. n K lU.-K hu. Uf-t bold by all dealers. itiiiiHsHMimiifciniiinnmMinmnmiin'