DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1008. IPAIGN BEGINS SATURDAY NI6HT FOR CROSS-VALLEY RAILROAD THE DALLAS OBSERVER PLAYS THE OREGONIAN ivtofl Boosters Get Little Btit Empty poises From Portland Railroad Mag- S sites pVrKVI)KNT O'BRIEN, OK THIS SOUTHERN PACIFIC, 1)11) prnjSTBXDKXT TAliUUi, ut- ajii-j uiuWi juji-uiiuu, iia mtlVMlNI), BUT CANNOT BUILD HIS YEAR. ttiOKR WKLCH, OF THE PORTLAND SALEM, ALBANY, EU- EASTERN, COULD JMKK AO JIKFIMTK I'ltOMIHE TO o.v. , t Stayton hustlers went. , determined (o get nn oioctric Hjjwajr, and will tackle tno (tt Ms ma-mni "i "- " hi fib Saturday night. Uemltteo, composed or K. L jwldent of tho Wlllnmotto LDenlopmont League; A. Huck iPrwidcnt or tno snioin iiim- llA'i League, J Frank Hughes, iSiIs Board of Trado, and It Ttasurer Illclianison aim wrc the Orrcon Sienna Paint "and E. D. Aloxandor. Co., will go up rom this city to help Btart tho hall rolling for tho Saloon and Stayton rallroud, tho first of several lines across tho vnlloy, short lines to tho Capital City. Tho committee of Stayton boost ors who woro In tho city yostordoy woro V. P. Klorkor, Goo. Spanlol, R. A. Elwood, 'h. P. Iirown, W. A. Wright, W. A. Woddlo, Dr. II. A. Denuohnmp, Jncoh Spnnlol, 0. L. Iirown, II. J. Marking, Charles Straff (The Dal'in Ohservor.) Tho Obiorvor would ilke to sug gest that a mighty good way to keep Govornor Chiunborlnln out of tho senate would he for no Republican to vote for him at the Juno election, By pursuing this course, a, Republi can oonntor would bo assured and tho desired result could be accom plished without putting old corrupt and discredited machine politicians in chargo of tho Btnto again. Commenting on the foregoing par agraph, tho Oregonian says: "Lot us havo none of JJio old corrupt, dis credited politicians In charge of tho stato again; no man who ever has stood up for tho principles and pur poses of tho Republican pnrty nnd fought Its bnttlos. No more of Geer, finally disgraced 'he state In tho eyes of the nation. To a few hossos whoie odious methods not only made poMlble, but hastonod, the adoption of tho revolutionary diroct primary. To tho gang that defeated Mr. Scott in his honorable nmbltion to ropro sont his stato In tho highost lawmak ing body in tho United States, and whose leadors, not content with bo traying him, shamelessly gloated be cause one- of their number gave to tho public certain private corre spondence that, by evory law of de cency nnd honors should havo boon hold sacred. To the same political bosses who nro even now attempting to repair their old, discredited mn chlno nnd again fasten tholr grip on the fair state of Oregon. Do wo or Simon, or Moody; no more of (make our moaning plain? THROUGH BRUZZI .. MAY BE RECALLED irnHc3, March 27 Ponnl- I token in health, John Dal- Utrtjon, nsMs'nnt ppo-rotnry of Um California Safe Dopnslt t Company, I anxious to ro- sS Francisco from Now ttl Mirn state's ovldonco ttle financiers who are hold k:'ortho rash of tho trust si itMa has made, through ht practically amounts to W confession, nnd ho Is wll- ime back If ho Is promised He disappeared lmmodl- ' 'bo bank failed, and has Wire for four months. Ho it indictment for embezzlo- rtU Daixcll Brown, Walter fW" and James Troodwoll, '' th Institution. Clnlms If Mm are paid to directly In- three rnn. Hta has traveled from city Fatne East, looking for cm- f la banks, but ho wns uu- JU position becnuso of his 1 1 to give tho necessury refor- " information that ho wns k was received bv tho lljy !!,- js r,f.V I l.....,n ' ?a ty tho j.-OMCutlon In (United Proas Loasod Wire.) London, March 27. Duko D'Ab ruzzl, roportod to bo ongugod to Miss Katherlno BIklus, Is snld to bo pro pared to tnko stops to ask tho recall of tho Italian nmbnsBador nt Wash ington, hocnuso ho blames that ofll cIp' for divulging hln Identity dur ing his visit to Amorlca. This report was circulated today upon tho arrival of tho duko at Liv erpool. Ho. would not discuss tho roport, but It 1b said, on what seems to bo good authority, that ho fools that ho would havo boon nblo to trnvol Incognito had It not been for tho Intorost tho Italian ambassador at Washington had tnkon In his nf folr. Anothor roport Is that ho will carry tho matter directly to tho king and nsk for tho diplomat's recall Abruzzl refciRod also to say whether or not ho wns engaged to Miss Blklns Lord, or Williams, or Pulton, or Peo. As a helper, of course, the Orogonlun is not needed. "Agnln, tho simplicity of tho ap peal o Republicans or so-cnllod Re publicans not to vote for Chambor- Inln nt tlu Juno election, is touch ing. It i3 so ohildliko nnd bland. What havo those snino voters beon doing thoso many yoarB? Aro thoy oxpocted to forsako Chnmborlnln now? -o- INS FEAR THE JAPANESE Ul rh i i. - -. tar or a "aigu .f Jv-aBhinatlnn " stasia-. , vw!n (h ''bmh.r,. stevons in baS S-t'.rrpil nOlnlnla ,!.,il fA., . . . --, .v,.-fiU urpunmants 'lr,lua l,enif ttxarntanil ' . .,.., tolwrntho U-iure grant- "fa, k. GENERAL GREELY RETIRES ,.i . - " ra, pr 'E'-an,,- ht I...,, U' to ? ri4 r bo M Haw N ii fr Ir ' a-M T'1 a' d-. ir,- aiij Seoul plaeed Japnee to be on N'aws r- ! r4 ho K'-n rinl,l.alln 1 'h" a-...i.,.,i.n a- i.ation iibi ib. rnBlXPH i. i. V ...: vo"a - "wfrioa ""lo,r,wn. r " f u . . FM up, J . both in vrea AcZ? - OKUIlun t fci... "' 'othaeh tk. .!: .Sbow Liniment .. 7 "ii0g ... N..1 .and wre re Jlu." "!B, bruise. ii8 and Pains (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, March 27. Many ohauge In the personnel of tho army will bo brought about by the retire ment today of Major-Gonoral Adel- nhiis W. Greoly, famous ns an Arotio exploror, nnd formerly chlof signal ofllcor, and now commandor of the depurtmpnt of the Dakotas. Brrgadlor-General Wlnflold S. Kdg erly, who has beon temporarily In Qhargo of tho department slnco Jan uary, when Goneral Grooly was granted loavo of absence, will iif cflod him. Brlgadior-Gonoral Chas. B. Hall, now conimandant of the army school of the lino at Port Lenv- worth, Knnens. becomes a major goneral today, taking the plae of Gonoral Groely. General Hall will bo succeod4 by Colonel John B. Kerr, of th Twelfth cavalry, sta tioned at Port Oglathprpe. General Greoly retires under the operation or the age limit. He was born In Nowburyport. Maes., March 27, 1S44. His army career hus been long and moritorlous, and ho is also famous as an explorer. He discov ered a new land north of Graenjand, crowing Gjlnnol land to the polar sou. Ho built thousands of miles of talagraph in Porto Rioo. Cuba, Phil ippines and China. "Brothron, you havo tMrned down or cast out of the Republican party ovorybody who has or has had any forco or chnractor In pushing nnd sustaining Its principle or purpoics. Bvery mnn who has hoen oarneat In his support of the Republican parly Is under tho ban as a machine mnn. You will got on famously, no doubt. All hnpptuoss to you! It will bo oasy going, slnco party noods no organiza tion nnd no holpors." The Orono nlnn. D.vspoptlc, unreasonable, and vin dictive! Not sookiug to dUcrlmlnnto botwoon frlond or foo, but striking out blindly nnd vongofully In ovory dlnectlonl "Vca havo disrupted tin Republican party I" "Von havo cant out ovory Ropubllcun of promlnonco nnd Inlluonco!" "You" have dono this, and "You" havo dono that! It would ho Intorostlng to know JiiBt who tho Orogonlan means by "You." Suroly, that pnpor does not mean to Includo tho Observor, which has nl wa8 worked to tho oxtent of its ability for party organization and the success of Republican principles. No mnn can point a finger nt this pnpor and truthfully say that it has had any pnrt in bringing about exist ing political conditions In Orogon. At no tlmo hns tho Observor fnld, or thought of saying, that tho Oro gonlan was "ijnt noodod" as a helper in fighting tho Republican untiles. Wo havo never said this, bocause It never was true. Nor have wo sought to rond any Republican out of tho party. Wo could npt havo dono bo, if wo would, nnd It Is cortnln thnt wo have had no doalro to do so. Then why drng In tho names of Mr. Geer or Mr. Moody, or Mr. Williams or Mr. Peo, or any other of the promlnont Republicans naraod? Tho odltor has never voted for Mr. Chamberlain for any office, nor does ho Intend to In future This paper has never printed a lino (paid for. or otherwise). In favor of Cham- b 'Haiti's candidacy for governor, aitornoy gonoral or any other office. Cm Mr. Scott say as muqh? Tho Observer was fighting tho prU n.ary law when nine out of ten nows pipors In' Oregon the Oregoplan Included w,oro olther working fori It) enactment or 'saying nothln axalnst it. We fought the ontlr measure, with Statement Np. 1 and all other frills and trimmings there untp belonging or In any wise apper taining. Wo. opposed the measure because we beliovod that It would lend to the very conditions that uc list In Oregon toil ay. Therefore, It does not beoonto any paper to try to place the Observer among those re sponsible for present conditions. This paper believos la organization for the preservation of tho party -jnd the enrryiUK out of party pollelag, but It does not believe Ir "machine" Th Orogonlan sneers becauao the Observer urges Republicans to sup port tholr ticket In the coming elec tion; bocnuBO It nppoals to Republi cans to conso voting for Dpmocrats for tho Important state and county orflcoB. If n nowspapor may not np- peal to tho voters of Its pnrty to' stand by tho party ticket, thou, In hoavon's nnnio, to whom may It ap peal? To tho loaders of tho gang that corrupted Oregon politics for 30 year? No thank you! If Mr. Scott doslros to assume the rolo of a spootator and stand idly by while the old gani; selr.os control of tho stnto again, that Is his affair. Wo agroo with tho Oregonian that ap peals to party loyalty in the Inst few years havo mostly hem In vain, but If nn appeal for party loyalty PARASITES THAT SAP LIFE EXPELLED BY NEW METHOD Tho Intorost crented In lending cities drarlng tho pnst yonr by young Mr. Coopor with his now prepnrnt tlon, Is largely accountod for by a peculiar quality possessed by this medicine, whlo'li ho calls IiIb Now Discovery. Mr. Coopor boliovcs that Internal parasites, or tapeworms, nro respon sible for much 111 health, and it Is nu undoubted fact that his medicine has expcllod Immenso numbors of thoso crontures In various cities vls lltcd by him. Tho young man nlao believos thnt stomnoh trouble Is tho mulu cause- of all ill health. Ho clnlmti that few can havo poor health with a good dlgostion. He furathor claims that his New Discovery mod Iclno does nothing but tono up tho stomach, yet It not only expels tho lng wo did not know whnt the trouble was. She was oxtromolje nervous; tho lwtst thing would" upsot her; hor tongun was canted, and at tlmoB sho' would havo a good nppo tlto, thon again could not bear tho sight of food; sho was restless! at night, had n bad bronth. especially1 when sho got up of mornings. Wo tried ovorythlng to rollovo hor, but met with no success. Wo woro "w8t on tho point of giving up trying- any thing oIbo, whon wo hegan (o read or Coopor's Now DUcovory. cm oral dnya ago wo purchased thfcs mcdlclno. Jessie has been using It regularly, and this morning thlw purnnlte loft her system. J don't wonder thnt sho hns always fott bA'C and "nothing wo would glvo her Roamed to rollovo hor. Now thnt sho sho Is rollovcd of this tnnoworm 1 parasites but rollovcB many other fool sure that Bho wll grow bottor nllmontB not as a rule associated with stomnoh trouble Llttlo Josslo Blrdsall, daughter of Mrs. Ida Blrdinll, living at 2138 Carroll nvonuo, Chlcngo, is nmong many rollovod of a largo pnr jjslto by Mr. Coqpor's propnrn tloiiH during his stay in that city. In spanking of tho mnt- oaoh day, nnd onjoy perfect health. Mr. Coopor, your mcdlclno is worth n thousand tlmo; moro than your ohnrgo for It. 1 know of a numbor of pooplo troubled the samo war Joslso hnR boon, nnd I certainly ex pect to toll them personally to try your mcdlclno." Wo would ndviiso anyone who has tor to Mr. Copor, tho mothor said: boon troublod for some tlmo wlthr "My child Josslo, who Is 14 yoars old gonornl poor health to try thto has boon suffering with this trouble gront medicine. Wo aro ngont for for ovor aovon yoars. Until thin mor It In this city. J. C. Pory. NAPOLBON BONOPARTB AND TUB H1MPLB LUM5 Graltnn did not always adhuro to and 'the details of the simple llfo which decency and clean politics will avail nothing, thon this pnpor has no other npponl to make. Tho Obiorver had nothing to do with tho enactment of, tho now prl mnry law, but now that It is n law, wo shall oudoavar lo respsct nnd ob sorvo It, And wo still maintain that tho wny to koop Mr. Chnmborlnln out of the sonnto Is for no Republi can to voto for him It will he a dlfll cult matter to mako tho average votor bollevo thnt it Is necossnry to hnvo a machine to koop him In lino nnd mako him voto his tlckot, nnd for this roason wo bollovo It will bo possible to oloct n Republican sonn tor nnd still prevent n fw dlicrodlt ed bosses from securing control of tho politics of tho stnte again. Tho Observor. BIG DOUGH BAG TO BEAT RAGE TRACK BILL (Unkod Press LoaBed Wlro.) Albany, N. Y., Mnroh 27. A $200,000 "dough bag," tho biggest sent to Albany In the Inst deoado, Is snld to havo arrived today and boon nlncod in the oustody of a prominent Brooklyn polltlolnn, who has ordors to distribute it among thoso sonators who are "right" on th onntl-raoing bill According to roport tho bribe monoy was collected in New York last week, every bookmaker In the ring having boen fot'ood to glvo up. Had tho bill to stop rnee traok gam bling been killed In tho nssombly yeeterday, whon a voto was tnkon, the monoy would not havo boon used Tho passage of tho monsuro by a voto of 126 to 7, however, showed tho raae track men that thoy must adopt heroic mottsuros If they hope to win in the senate. The gamblers mow claim 23 of tho (0 rates thero. With the arrival of the "dough bag today, thoy aro eon fldont of landing the other noooesary TQtes. - - o he llrst outlined. He multlpllod his minimum needs. So did Napoleon whon, In rovulwing the puBt, he th might what he would do woro ho again nt'the oiitwot of life. In those moods thoughts of omplro woro farthest from his mind. Twelve francs a day would havo sufllcpd. Dinner for 30 sous n day, nnd lodg ings for a louis a month would hnvo beon tho ordor. Thon ho would hnvo boon free to froquont tho hnuuts of lltorary men, tho libraries nnd tho parquet or the thoator. "Oh, hut I must hnvo a sorvnnt," he would rolloct, "I havo boon too, much accustomed to ono; I could not dross mysolf," which Ib n llttlo help loss for the mnn with but 12 francs a day. And, though he sworo that tho poor man wns happlor than himself and nnjoyod his dinner bottor, yet the dron in would pass into anothor phaso In wliloh ho would bo tho bo novolont pntron of art and litem turo, to whom all mon Hhould go for approval and roward. Thoy would not -talk of arms and empires, but of things npart from tho court and tho camp, and ho would ontortaln nnd onrlch thorn, which could not bo dono on hair a louts a day. Lon don Standard. 1200 J5f 25 1.10 Mr. John Illlin or Vlnlng. In., snys "I have boou solllug DoWltt's Kldnoy 1111(1 n If! ill) AT Pills tnf nlimt n nana nnd ahoy glvo hotter satisfaction than,13- w Chapman to C. II. and B. Traiisfuvs of R'al Bstato. Olive Lewis to Bdwnnl Bns- oo n, ot iix, land In t 6 s. r 1 w, w d $ M. D. nnd R. L. Wlmor to J. R. Gardner, lots 1, 3. 3 and 1, block 7, Whltnoy's ad dition to Stayton, w d Anna Hnyos, ot nl to A. L. Prasnr, lot B, tiloolc 2, Capi tal Park addition to Salem, w d Mrs. K. Hoffman to Bruce Pox ot ux, Hot 5, Liberty Fruit Parm, w d A. J. Johnson ot ux to P. K. Miller, 2.31 acros In Marlon county, w d J. nnd B, Wemor to P. M. Brooks, right H)f wny, q o d M. and B. Ormsoth, ot nl to Win. Plootwood, 9C noros, bogs 3 and 1, t C u, r 1 w, w d C. W. and B. Llvoeny to B. A. and L. A. Cunningham, half ncro, t B s, r 1 w, w d 2000. K. R. and W. H. Mnrtln to IC T. Moulding, n o M lot Q. Jofmson'n nddltlon to Sllvor ton, w d 1C0" K. It. and W. U. Mnrtln to K. T. and Clara Moulding, n o '4 lot C, Johnson's nddltlon . to 8llvorton, w d 1G0 A. M. JnokBon to Potter Bsoh, .07 of an ncro, t 1 s, r 1 w, w d s P. S. Bsoh ot ux to B. M. Turn- j bull, 28.07 nores, t -l h, r 1 w, d moo 300O any pill I ovor sold. I hnve used thorn myself with fine results." Sold by all druggists - - ... - i i, i 1. 1 . nitYAX GUTS A ROUSIIR AT I'lTTHUUIia. (United Press Leased Wlro.) Pitt burg, Pa., March 2T. A roulsug demonstration In honor of poIKk. In the ordinary ncoeptatlou William Jennings Bryan will he hold r fimi t.m Thar l vast difcf tonight In the oxpoiltlon building. Has Summoned Wihwtst-s District Attorney MoNary has bad subponeas issued for witnesses in all stato caioH, returnable March 31, when he will Bit as a grand Juiy. There will probably be 30 witnesses brought from different parts of the district to testify In these cases. fcroneo between leeeat. legitimate organisation and the banding to gether of a few scheming politician who oare nothing for party or party Itrlnclples farther than thoy can use them for solftsh onds. Wo are of the opinion that had the Republican party in Oregon been dominated a little loss by these maohine methods, it would havo been in a healthier QQnditlon today. To whom 4? we refer, when we speak of maahiae politicians? To thft gang of political plratoa who pur sued their policy of rule or ruin in Oregon for nearly 30 yeara, and who and the Nebraska n will he the prin cipal speaker. Preddent Jore S. Black, of the Pennsylvania Bryan League, will preside over tho gathering. Demo crats from every part of Western Pennsylvania are swarming to the city to participate In the festivities. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gontly yet promptly on the bowels and allays inflamatlon at the same time. It Is ploaiant to take. Sold by all druggists. DeWItfs IJttly Early Risers, small, safe, sure little liver pills. Sold by all drugghts. KK.NATOIt PULTON AHH1VH8 AT PORTLAND. Interviewed upon his arrival at Portland by the Telegram, he was asked : "Have you changed to Statement No. 1?" ho was asked. "No." repllod Fulton. "That Ib a manor wnicn uoiongs to tho mon who nro candidates for tho legisla ture. I loavo that to tholr aonscl- onco. If thoy want to subscribe to tho statemont, well and good, and If thoy do not, very well. Tho law Is not mandatory, and loaves it option al. I do not wish to dictate what candidates for the legislature should do. They are sooklng nn office, and so am I, so why should I Interfere with them? "I havo always ndvocatod the elec tion of United States senators by tho pooplo, and this has probably given rise to the report that I am a State mont No. 1 man. I am neither for nor against it, and I stand on the declaration I made at Corvallis." O I I ! Kodol Is a iQlontlflc preparation of vegetable a olds with natural digest ants and contains tho samo JuIoqh found In a hoalthy stomach. Each dose will digest more than 30Q0 grains or good food. Sold by all druggists. P. MoKnlghM acros, I 0 a. 1 w, w d goo I). P. nnd K.Jormun to P. II. Reeves, lot C, block 89, city of Salem, w d HOO C. 15. Smith to S. II. Coltllraok, south half lot 18, Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2, w d .. 200 J. M. anil R. II. WndJworlli to Sam Oorlg, one-third of an noro, t 9 s, r 3 o, w d 60 Christiana Fischer to Stephen Auor, lots B and fl, hloek 2, Jos. minor's nddltlon to Mt. Angol, w d 120- L. L. L. How, et ux., lo 0, Bnoeeheu, hind In lots 7 and S, block university add.... A Neighbor of Yours as well as yourself is llablo at nnr Unio to havo rheumatism. We're nil liable to have cuts or burns, bruisos or scalds, crlok in tho back, neck or Sldo somo kind of nn ache or nnln. Thon hood this advice and toll your nelghborsDallard's Snow Liniment rolloves nil aches and pains, and heals all wounds. Sold by all dealers. -- The custom of plaojng a higher estimate an the advice of a stranger than on that of a neighbor costs a lot or money during an average life time. Tho fioet will not enter San Fran cleco bay until May 6, as primary olection falls on Mny 5. O fMttr r ,MV03rtXAa ,KiWl9iVlwUn)tiKgi Tf . sirra: WB f f'Vlv'leT9 niiciimatfc rains Relieved. Ii. P. Crackor, Esq., now 8-1 yera or age, and ror 20 years Justlco or tho peace at Martlnsburg, Jow, says: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism In ray left arm and right hip. J have used threo bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Bnlio and It did me lots or good." For eaifr at Drv Stone's drug store.