3 DAIMT CAPITAL JOUIINAIi. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 87, 1008. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' U. HOFER.'IM. and Prop. kn Independent Kewipspcr Devoted to American Principles am) the"lrogrcifl aud Dovcloperaent of AH Oregon. PtjMUlied livery Bvoulnif Kxccpt Sunday, Salem, Ore. 8UH30RIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance.) tj)tij, toy carrier, per year W.00 Per month.- -..Wo filrv, r "H tet year- ........... M Per month.. 35c Wcofcly, tiy mall, per vcar... ).00 Six month COo VOgn SPECIAL DELIVERY. Vov c nvenlonce of subscriber branch delivery offlcos are estab tSehe at the follow! places at 15 cents per month, $1.00 for three Asylum Btoro, F. O. Do Voo & 8on, Asylum Avonuo Junction. Carllno, Sovonteonth Btreot o A. W. Lane, harden Road Btoro. OrtUo'B Storo, Aloz, Dauo, S'outh Commercial Btreot. Electric Storo, C, M. Epploy, East Stato street. Fair Grounds Storo, Harrison Dee, Pair Grounds Road. Slowoll'a Corner, Twelfth nrd Cross streets. O. IC. Grocory, A. A. Engloba t, Twolfth street. WUeolor'o Storo, W. D. Wheoer, Highland avonuo. Tow Park Stor , P. O. Dower ox, Twolfth and Leslie. growing tendency to level tho strong and able men to tho standards of tho half-baked professor or official who has a llttlo authority. This class wero mightily swollcd up. with Importnnco slnco tho death of Mrs. Stanford, whoso broad hu manity WAS ALWAYS A RE STRAINT UPON THE OARFINO SCHISMATIC PHAHA8AIOAL RLE- MKNT AMONG PROFESSORS and 7WTID IS RIGHT AT STANFORD VAOVIVY OR STUDENTS? "Tho controversy botweon tho stu 'dt7its and tho faculty, or .rathor tho 'lavk of faculty rtt Stanford unlvor aUy Inlorcstu tho wholo north wont, and thnt Is, tho only oxoubo for tho.,, BtmnK studont-body and faculty oxlBtod as long as Mrs. Etanford was nllvo. Mon of broad vlows have had to go about with a mufllcr over tholr imonllghtoiiod editor of u hiiiuII dally paper In Orogoit to dip Into tho af fair. Tlioro Iiiih boon so much nilsrop- Tosontntlon by a tvlnwt of owpniori,'opn,onB ..on 1ntt V01. ,,fm Mnd. thnt. linvo tholr news olnfuolorlo In flamed by tho too-slrongly prevalent wniBo of graft and moral-calamity "howling Kuorally, that a porson TAKING A SANE HUMAN VIEW OF THE TROUIHiK ALMOST TAKKfl HIS LIFE I.V HIS HANDS. Hut lioro ijo rH for a pltiiiKu Into tho thlok of It, nevur foigltlng Ihnl.l wo tiro dealing i with f prob'um ihntj oh tho Cormans sny, nnd tho rdmovnl of Prof. Durnnd and big nasoclatoa from tho Htudont body affairs com- mltteo, was only A STEP IN THE. DIRECTION OF A NARROW AND HIGOTED POLICY thnt has put tho boat mon In tho college nnd tho bwit profosHors on tho faculty under u cloud of condemnation. Tho wnrfnro on the fratornltles somos right horn to oursolvon, and ,, ,, on nnolhor vainglorious strpnk to nur own sons nnd tlnughtors, and that wo ought not sny anything avo (oniI(lo, ,m,,rn,v rontnln many of ara noi proinirou io live up io una carry Into n notion! opdrotlon In our -own homos nnd famlllim, and soo our own uhlldrnii face to fare with. Tho moral cartrtqunkp nnd up lioaval at Slunford bus disclosed one thing vary dourly nnd that Is that the students are men in uv t:ry sense of the word and cannot he treated as c1iil. DREN. of whnm morality, because tho f ra the PICKED MEN IN ANY KHUt'A TIONAL INSTITUTION. Tho luteal climax of absurd It lot has boon witched In tho practical suspension of 2fi0 mn bocnuse they participated In n pnratlo no offenco at all, o)' If an offeuoe, It was ridicu lously small. Mon with any blood In tholr veins nro golit(f to poop once I if a while, uro unluir to blow off titunm. are tin- They road newspaper, linvo opln- , l0 0XI,iaa OIU10 n Ymar or 0fBnar ions, nold tnooiing. uounm. voto ana Wm tnor ,H Ooooelon. and Instead pass JiulKinuiil. nre not huoollo In- . ox,)n,on JoaPrVl, commendation fonts to b tlod to a pout with n cob- fo,. nM Muy, , BIWam0 orWitroa woli and loft standing hltchod then. 8lloIl onmlemimtlonii a Prof. Clark's until sumo nno hanponH along nnd WOIMl MA1CE TIIKM OUT TO UK Reed nnUiredly unllo thorn and n? vnty )) ot RltSKNT IT TU1UNS T1IKM INTO THEIR Abov, ,,t u- t R ;,(r . TALUSTO!fcT"AYANDMUNCH ,,, of U, fMcl Uut ,. WniATICVHR IS PUT IN Til HI It , ,(l, ,, aPeordll. t0 lfllI VHKDROX.HH nrouniniN or the angelle gooily-woody Th avenue Mtudeat M n freo variety, moral unent, paytn hie way. or hB ', m,ml lHl youth Usg (h0 wWIiliii hU way. through oolloK. Uotu, Wl0rgy nJ, gtom, tHU1. owes It to lilmialf mid lp the Inatl- tlee t)F THIS .MANHOOD AND WOM- ttnion be u attending to make good aniiood of TIIH FIT uric nw or his Univ. and to eontluot lilm-. It tnt 0-0,re ower RU(1 t'h, I. rtT tie a neiitleniNH under all olr-j.nillllK- ,,, of American maHbond MnmatHUFM. lo jj(, Mpriloii? Is the hull- llrroad tbRt he Is nlllle4l to his vliluulUy and the warmer ImpHleee liour or ruarontlon. and to onjoy of humHnUy u lo b squeoil out ALL -rilll FREEDOM CONSISTENT ftlu, Hinooth8(, ,,own ,,,, Ul. rulwj WITH A VIUU.IC MANLY MAN. 0p DAPPER SALARY.DRAWINO 1,001' PROFRSSOltS who have sense A oollesu or an uulvorelty U a tnoi,h t0 innk, ftw niloe hut not tremondous .Iftlng proce to "' egcty enough to enforce them? out what real manhood consists of. Tho mvmxl or iehoo, t(mp,1r who nnd the prove aiu o to j, lwnyt ,Ryh,K ,,0WI, ru!ll for lhtt profeeeore as It do to studenU. lB0Vrnment of children IS STOR1NO The mero dig. the owd. the sneak. m. troUHI.H KOll THE 1'lTl'ltll the man. or thing ollel a man. who Rml wl 080 mMlug nlu, ,nflunce 'line uuiie oi me eiomeiiw ui koouvi.. iironnpllnn .u k. .!,. ..rr-a fellowship and gondwlll that marks xm all-around good man. Is sooner poited at u oolleg or university than unywhoro olso In tho world, AND MAY HE A STUDENT OR A VROFKHSOR, At Stanford thero has beon n t How to Obtain Wealth U the problem U nre anxlotu to Mire- Some expevl u have It left U ihim: others sigh bseause they hmv luwrloh relatiTee, but the rmrt uiuhi uuh or woman Of tOdft) 0i,Ui h VlttM aiMiant as the Smv Way iuvnls ohUIu lug wBltk. Your 'TvhsK wlU mm threo por oJU latereet with ie. Small Hocounta weleomv. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK his rules. It takes more wtedom and tnUMt genco to rule by low than by foroe and thla applies tu college prafteeor us wall aa to nth ere. Young men own bo rull by iclnd new. by love and by reagog far bet tor than by arbitrary rules WHICH TIIHY HAVE HAD NO HAND IN 'ADOPTING. University students are men sad .women la every sense of tke wonl, and the old Id of a pedtfo with I authority to pnnlsh arbitrarily has , dUaitttearetl. , A rutins of a ciM9itttM or of a jdUHUpltHariRH Mutt be subject to dis. jowsetoH. to appeal, to refereace If ,lt la arbitrary. AA'D INCONSlSnCNT WITH COMMON S1IX81L The profeeeor or bead of aa In- stltntlon nowadaj-s who Ukee the suuleuUi Into his coaaUeaae. who asks Uiem to boar a share of the re- spoujlblltty ror school government will win out. Young Amorloan manhood and womanhood has dovolopod to tha point where it domauds to know the reason ror rulings and the grounds for decisions, and IT WILL KNOW THRM OR RERHL AGAINST UN- RIUSONAllJ.E RULINGS. It has boon to tho credit of Stan ford lu tho past that liberal poll- cloa have prevailed, that freedom for tho Individual not lnconslst-nt' with tho rights of othors prevailed. It bus been a democratic school WHERE MANHOOD COUNTED FOR MORE THAN WEALTH OR SOCIAL POSITION. It was Above all the Institution noted for its college spirit that In vincible something which made Hi mon successful. It was tho ono school whore namby-pamby nnd softshell vnrletios of Bontlment were at a discount, and whero puppy-love- affairs nnd olopo montff of callow kids and SPOONING UNDER THE SYCAMORE TREES WAS NOT THE CHIEF OCCUPA TION OF YOUNG MEN AND WOM EN. It was not a cardinal sin to smoke or chew or drink at Stanford. It was known that beer was drank nt tho fraternity houses on occasions 6f great Jubilation and student blow outs and Initiations. But tho boor was brought in at tho front door nnd IN HROAD DAY LIGHT AND THERE WAS NO CON CEALMJJNT ABOUT IT. These blowouts did not happen ofton, nnd altogether Stanford stoi donts wero n sober lot, nnd a woll bohhved lot when away from home. Especially was Stanford free from Hecrot vices OF THE MORE DE GRADING CHARACTER. And whnt mnn of brains would not rathor bavo his Bon do whatever ho did lu tho way of drinking, smok ing, or pinylng enrds In thoopen than bo n sneaking socretly about In for bidden places to prnctlre vices? Right tlioro la whoro college re formers make tho groatost mistake of all In trying to suppress all mani festation of enjoyment and good fel lowship among students, Neven though It bo a shade off thn perfection of conduct WE ALL SO MUCH AD MIRE FOR OUR CH IliDRKN. Tho standard for colleges nnd for fumillcm Is that THE SON SHALL HE TAUGHT TO CONDUCT HIM SELF AS A GENTLEMAN, as n man among mon, and thnt hi shnll never do anything secretly that he would not do opouly and publlrly. Tim daughters should be brought up TO ACT THE PART OF A LADY UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, to bo a womanly woman among wom- on, and u lady ntwayn In tho proaonee of mon. Hut It is a Had fact that mon nnd womou enn crnm nnd buoome college prorossors without hnvlng the fun damental Instincts of n Indy or n gontloman. t Persons may bo educated and even so-callod religion wlthrwit knowing Tine imtcn niMVnmr.wc ma iij. INO A LADY OR A GKNTLICMAN. The writer has vleltod nt the Stan ford fraternity houses nnd knows that the amount of drinking, smok ing, swuarlng. vulgarity and vloe In those houees Is winced almost to a minimum. Tho standards of goutlemen pre vail and It Is au honor and a credit to a young man or woman TO BE LONG TO THIS AYHRAGE COL- LUOU FRATERNITY. It la a liberal education to a young man or woman to take a college course and become a frat. It Is to be regretted that Staufo'd has got all the bad advertising on account of the differences botwven tho students and the fnculty. The assumption of somo of the newapapera is that the fnoulty are afway.4 right and tho students always wrong. THAT IS NOT TRUE IN THIS CASE. The ranlty have been unreason able la title caw'. a anyone can see who will read Mr. Mott's lottcr. Tho fet8 of young men oxpelled contain the BRIGHTEST AND .MOST DISTINGUISHED STUDENTS and uthletoe nnd writers and debaters. The tondeuc) In St an font for some yearn has been to expell evory brlghr ami brainy man who could do any thing above tht average. Medloclrty has beon riding on the Croat seat of the band wagon, and one bright writer after another has heea expelled to make a snoee in CANDIDATES CARDS (Cards of county candidates $5. Cards for district and stuta candi dates $10). Colds Are Alway Dangerous It's easy to catch a cold at any season, and hard to tret rid of It unless you treat it in time with .DILD.JAYNE'I EXPECTORANT Upon the first elgn of a cough or congested cold. co to your drun?iat j - . . "? - uhu jci a oottio of this remedy the old. est and most reliabla known for C o u p- h . i WW PIT -oiaa, cronchitio, Pleurlov. Inflammn. tion of the Lungs, and Bimuor atseaacs. In countleaa numbers of homes this- boa been a standard remedy for 77 ycitro. AH dniR-fdits sell It In 91.09. Mc nnd 23c bottles. Jarno's Tonic Vormlfarfe Is a eptentfld tont- 'v Julia n tt as a iiaTe ' "r ctilMrt-n. t SfU- " 1 I hereby announce myself na a candldato for nomination nt tho Ho- Kuibllcnn prlmnrieB for commission er. B. 13. ROBERTSON, Turner, Oregon. SPECIAL RATES TO WOODBURN HORSE FAIR. To be hold at Woodburn, March 1. For tho above occnulou, n rato of one and ono-thlrd on tho certifi cate plan Is authorized to Woodburn and roturn, via S. P. Co. W3I M'MURRAY, General Passongor Agent. bTL.!". I niCKOKT BfIRK Cough Remedy Aitoiutriv uic Coughs. Colds CROUP Whooping Coufh Itoartrnra DronchllU 3S0RC THROAT TIIKOAT.ndt.UNCS KXiratr n itwot w. SAtfM, ONTCON. US.A. Wa rrtt fMi Can I i Gold Dust Floui Mude by THJ3 BYDNinr POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregoa. U Mado for futallv uo. Atk jour grooM mx it tr.n tntl isorts alwuy on tnd. P. B. Wallace AGENT m b iiit,. FOR COUNTY JUDGE OF MARION COUNTY, M. L. JONES. Republican, fnrmer business man and taxpayer. Gardiuato of Wlllum etto University, studied law and ad mitted to tho bar. Whoro he Is best known are found his strongest sup porters. Among business men every where IiIb word is as good as his bond. Ho stands for a strictly busi ness nnd economical administration of county affairs. For Representative. I hereby nnnounco myself as a can didato for tho Republican nomina tion for representative at tho pri maries, April 17. IF NOMINATED AND ELECTED I SHALL ALWAYS VOTE FOR THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR. HAL D. PATTON. f hereby nnnounco myself ns a cmdldato for nomination at tho Re publican primaries for county su perintendent of schools. WALTER M. SMITH. I- dofilro to plnco my unino bofor tho Republican prlmnrlos for a ro nomlnnUon for County recorder. D. G. DRAG13R. I wish to nnnounco to my friends that I am n enndidnto for county tronstiror, subjoct o th Ropruhllcan primaries. JOSEPH G. MOORE. I horoby nnnounco myself a enndi dnto ror county commissioner on tho Ropubltcan tlckot. G. B. IIOYT, Jefferson, Oro. I am a candidates for ofllco of county Judge, oubjoot to tho Ropub llcnn prlmnrlos, on tho platform of a squnro donl to all. W. W. HALL. At tho request of many Republi cans I havo decided to becomo a can didato for tho nomination for county 'Judgo, subjact to tho Republican pri mary oleotlon. WILLIAM BU3HEY. For AsscMsor. I horoby nnnounco my candidacy in tho Ropubllcnu primaries for as soaeor of Mnrlon ceunty: pledging Just nnd oqunl tnxatlnn. F. J. R10B. For County Siip4'iiutoiidont. I hereby announce) myself as a can didate for County Superintendent of Schools Tor Mnrlon county, at tho Republican primaries, April 17. A C. BAKER, Turner, Or M FRENCH FEMALE immam uum up l .q e AKr. Csnx Biuif frti.rruuoMirH,Areus. timivrn itania . . . riV-V?w'"WIVAfcfcW'0T4,LAe0ATm. fA VoW In Safem by Dr. S. C. Stone HOLLISTt-h Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggots A Buy MeJiob fo Bniy I'msU Brlagi QUa IlwIUi a4 Xet V'cm .MIH, IlllHIN A spocHtlo f rCii-iiiiviii Hi. In.iketioa. Lira na-l Kitlikoy Trou ti.-s ri il Kcun-t. IiuiHtn ntooti, IUI lliiuili Miu'it'tli ttoofK UuJaelie Hiut UHOiit in I I. r fviii V. Ji U w U udmiu Vtn in ub i' l r i-nmn- in.nl bv ,, .... .' '' "''"' v ' I. r i-nmn- in.nl bi any walk of life that he ehoc to , u.u.wi.. - .. -in,, mi.u. w. follow. l,fl"f' " tor 5m niw ppopi p Dean AbbtHt of the law deiart Nieat was relneaaUy obliged to go over to Columbia HliCAUSK OF NARROWPIIOHIA. It It a nw deal that Is aedtd at Staaford and iiinnhmnl mukt t..- the teat among tho professors as w. as ajnoag th studeats. At preeont the maahood and hr or aad stability atl a largt pa; of the abitttx j atuoag the oun Hiea wao lvtok la vuin for broad prtnelaUe of justice and humanit i amaag thoae who should be their guide and patters for development into saaad mou aad women. Kodol u today the bwt known romedy for all disorders of the stom ach, such a dyspepsia, heart burn sour womach and belching of gas Sold by an druggists. I . ;eH! m M iSUTNf i-W foi rnolHH Wm ( CNr OR MANY COLORS H . H l.AKUtli 1 hAlMI.I TIKSi m H IN THE WEST FOR B H TUB PRODUCTION OFH , HIGH GRADE WORK'I B . H H tiTIS AS tSW AS tASTIII ROIStS H For RoprfKontntlvo. Tho undorslgned Is a cnndldhto for roprosontatlvo at the Direct Pri maries, April 17. If olootod will fa vor business administration and vote for the people's choice for Unjted States sonntor. HENRY J. MILLER. Aurora, Or. For Trensutvr. I hereby announao to tho voters of Marlon county that I am a candidate for county tronstiror at tho Republi can primaries; pledging honest, faith ful and Impartial handling or the county funds. WM. STAIGER For Representative, I horeby announce that I will be a candidate tor tho Republican nomi nation tor stato representative nt the primaries April 17. S. D. ADKINS. Scotts Mills. Or. For County Coiunilssloiiur. T T. Beckwlth of Sldny preolnet. P''feM: UcoNOiniORl business ad ni. in tratlon and an aggressive policy of constructing permanent highways bv the co-operation of state, county ami total rommnultie. Good ronds ar tiu- beet investment for tho people for countv tn,i ,T " - "can prlma'rlororS; April 17. Having beon H mlssloiiP.- . .b "eanwtoJ mu Lprmi . i Judge ono term, I bellereT f Wed tor the once fo h 'H candidate. ' wmcl I tj U. I'. Ttn 1 - 'autLl Vnv cii.i ""Villi, I am a candldatn for lhfl , I t on for Rliortff ., .. T. Ue m tho Ronuhll "-.!,ar a C0tl " 1'iiuiaiies, " p hint! For Railroad &,!..,. T linrnttrltU -.t- "fJ Republican nomination Kl tl(l llnoasfH " . a rit W1H MM For fnn.l.t.i. WNJUIOIC, I am a candidate for the Bf, tlnn tnr in.i.i.L -. . -. .. v..oiau.e oi saien t u. mo Muiiuuiican primary,. "'A. mMILT( For Rcnrcontiir. I horoby announce mrself uuuuiumo ior tne legislature , primaries, April 17. If noJ aim eiecteu i III vote for th, J llcan United Stato. mn.i. ..1 havq beon elected by the prop'J PHANK A Trad I'or nonrcjentflilm I horeby announce tnrielt cnntimnte ror tho nomination t rosontntlvo at th0 Repsbllci: ftinrlno A ttrlt IT , . . ....... ua, ouiii i ii nnm fit,, elected. I will votn fnr tti. b. can choice for United Sitcj tor. LLOYD X- HErxol l-'or County Commlnitft ino uniiprsign-d Is a carl for nomination on the R-;j tlckot. Strict cconomr la cod fnlrs Is my platform JOHN E, LEWI Aunuv I Fir ItcprrM'sUtiTf I hereby announce mTit'iij dldnto for tho Rpubl.antj tion for reprofuntaMvo s mnrioi), April 17 IF NO.MIVATKI) AXD III I SHALL ALWAYS YOTKPJ pkoplk's ciiein: ion ij STATICS SKNATOII. A C IJBI w HOTKLS AXD HKST.irW imiiiiniiHim For Repixvioiitatirr. P'rase announce that 1 am a can didate for representative from Ma rion (out)ty. subject to the dqclslon of t Republican voters at tho prl nure. to bo held April 17. If nom inattd and oleotod. shall support the popig choice for U. S. senator. Shall oppose all grafts and nil un ncressar and luxurious npproprla ton O. h. HATTBBERG. Sllverton, Oregon For County Judgo. I hereby announce my candidacy The I White House Rcsti For a Urgohr 25cDinnerat2 They can't bo to McGilchnst&So lroprIor. ttttttWTTITTT o uii rvii'TtT RH1S Call and try tii IOC uui r" - i g also furnUhed W ? roanonablo. S AT TOM 8 Salem I Restaurs i HIFALS i: n..t nl iSd llWiiaui European plao- "Vj . .linrt Ofdf 1 nniirH uu wmw- -- . . t dinner 25 cent Afl I jy finished furnttw v KCKEW'Wt' Hi fjosa HOTEL 01 .,..- wmiiithDtlSu v in -'- -- PnrlhnJ'sNeH! Hotel. Raw $1 i nn Fiirooean ;, um. - !! WRIfillT-WCMNSOKI Propnew i9i I-&m1 Ik :: HAfCAchoe : : j,j sum su '-' baa ofpsed ' .; old mw- .. : : Bcstjjz !:IKBJJ1 17 U IN I" If" T:- H- 'l.C! Ir Hir hj- -4 f ' r, -r. , Kct f 't:tr .j . i Cf v. t5t X Mr A Si ' 'ty 'ts. n. 1351 !3i li to