Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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Copyright 1908 by
Hsrt Schiflscr & Marx
1 '
Men arc said to bo tho smart
est, most critical dressers and
that'a ono reason why Hart,
Schaffncr & Max clothes are
bo very popular In college
towns. Theso olothcs arc not
tnado for college mon only; It
you nover went to colloge
that's no reason why you can't
dress In style. Wo'ro ready to
show you or any other man
tho host olothcs ovor seon in
this town; thoy'ro llnrt, Schnff
ner & Mark clothos, all wool
fabric, porfectly tailored, ac
curate) In style, correct In fit, 1
tho heat money's worth of
clothes you ever saw.
A list In your mind of all tho good qualities you want to find In tho
boyn' clothing you buy, thon como hero and get moro man you
thought of In sailor Junior or Hftisslan suit In many vnrintlons of style
and fabrics carefully tailored and trimmed. Also a largo show
ing of Norfolks and douhlo broastcd suits. (Now department, now
annox). .
iii-i 1 1 1 "
6 &
led. llleqeU irOanA,,
iBKK"-1 m -Mm 1 - - - "
i-iir-vT Wrwxrcy i
uij news
Kali tonight with light frost, &!
unfay fair.
Try Writing to Me
And boo If I ennnot eavo you
Money on any stocks you want to
hy. P. 0, box 10, Portland, Ore
Watches nnd? Clocks-
On tho Installment plan. Buy a
good watch pny in small payments
and you will huvo tho watoh paid
for buforo you know It. A clock for
tho house uu low as f0o a week. You
can't afford to bo without ono on this
plan. Only tho host goods tho mar
ket affords aro to bo found In our
Mock. Chun. II. Hinges, 123 Com
inorctal stroot.
I Am Selling
Bmmd.grado 3-lnqh Ulo "t $5.00
por thousand, ono-lhlrd regular
prlco; lOand 12-lnoh wqondgrado
at vory low prlco, also. J. H, Mur
phy, Balom Tllo Factory. 34-eod
AVI1I llo lUiiul MunIc
From 7:30 until 10 tonight at tho
rink, ami skating also. Como and
huar a good concart.
Tonight Is Society Night
Tho night whon ovorybody skntOB.
Como nnd onjoy yourself. Music by
Mc21roy'u band.
Ilomcopathlst -
Dr. L, Q. Altman, Oinco and real
donco 200 Liberty stroet, Salem.
J11M Received
Wo aro now sotting up a cholco
lino nf biugglos Just from tho fac
tory. Wo buy dlrpot, and also man
ufaoturo our own harness, and can
give you tho bout prices In town on
a complete outfit. 13. 8. Lnmport,
21!) North Commorolnl street.
Solom In Growing
And so Is Stousloff Bros.' moat
niujkot, becouso thoy havo so many
tmtlsflod quutomers. Qlvo thorn n
trial ordor. Phono 321. -
You Can llooHt
For Salem in no bottur way than
by supporting homo luduBtrlos, Or
dor a snok of Wild Roso Hour, n
homo product.
For COmmlttcoiiK'n
Tho following havo fllod tholr pe
tition for nomination on the Re
publican tlokot to precinct commit cemmit
teemen: For Haas, Salem No. a;
D. F West, 8nlem No. 1 F. J.
Doltor. nrookst A. J. SUgniMnd,
qerYl; W. A. Taylor, MaLoay; H.
Slogmund, Mahamnj deo. II Donoon
Salem No. 4; N. f. HHIott, 8alom
No. t
S20OO Roynl Ann Trees
For sale. 3i to 6 foot, at 20 cants
Rnqulre of S. P. Kimball, No. 2
dray block, Saltnt, Or. 3-17-tf
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Rome, Mnrch 27. Ill feeling has
arisen between Pope Plus and the
members of his family because tho
latter wish to give up tho small pa
ternal Inn, which they have kept for
many years at Rlese, tho pope's na
tive village.
Tho pope's sister, brother-in-law
and nephew runs the Inn, and they
nBsort that not only have they made
enough money to retire, but It Is not
.decorous for tho pope's relatives to
provldo food and wine for peasants.
His holiness hhs replied to their
complaint by saying that It is not
very Indccorus to work, even If ono
does not need to do so, nnd even If
one's relative is tho pope.
A. J. Wood, a teamster In the cm
ploy of tho contractor oxcnvntlng
for the three-story Drnymnn build
ing on Stnto Btreet, between Liberty
and High, wns arrested this morn
ing by Stroet Commissioner Martin,
under Instructions from Mayor Itodg
ors, for carrying dirt In loose bot
tomed wagons, contrary to tho city
Rodgers yesterday wnrnod the con
trnctor of tho provisions of the ordi
nance, which provided that earth
cannot bo carried In any oxcopt tight
box wagons. Tho contractor prom
ised to boo that all his wagons con
formed with tho ordinance, but
Rodgors' attontlon wns attracted to
tho amount of dirt leading from
1I10 excavation undor progroBB, and
soon saw n team coming from tho
lot with earth utronmlng from nil
sides and hononth tho wagon. Ho
then dlroctod Mnrtln to place tho
driver undor arrest. This stopped
tho work for a tlmo, n all of the
wagons wero In bad condition, but
tho bottoms woro soon mndo tight,
and tho work procoodod with.
Tngn, Tugs, Tug
And Hit other parts of your har
ness mod attention, mid tho moat 1m
portaut part la oiling. F. I! 8hR.fr.
tho harness man. will attend to this
work for you. Ho also soils tho oil.
You Will Not Reret It
If you attend tho turnout at tho
rink tonight. AdtylmlQu Qc kkuloc
26c, Droamy tnuslo and a flso tlour.
Act Quickly
IIoubo for wvlo for $200.
pauldlng Logging Co.
ftyet'tal Ruto to KugeiHr-
Qrogon stao convention Young
Women s Christian association to he
hold at Rugous, Or., April 3, 4, B,
190S For tho ub9Ve occasion, a rat,
of ono and third faro on tho oertlrt
Ato plan la authorised. Wm. Mo
Murray, General Passouger Agont.
Gst DoWltt'a Cnrbolltod Witch
Haol Salvo It Is good for pltos
Sold by all druggists.
Snloin v. Ohummvn,
Salem high sohool will opon tholr
hnsobnll Benson tomorrow In a prno
tloo game against Chomnwa at Qhe
mnwn. Tho gamo will be playod In
tho aftornoon, unless the weather
provos entirely too sovero, and prob
ably a number of Salem fans will go
along to soo the hoys ny.
Not Hound Oor
C. Waokon, who wa8 arrested for
Interfering wltli U. N. Morris, and
throatttiilng D. 11. TodhunUr with a
rltls, while Uiy wra atlaiujUlng to
rowove ft)uw rtUls on a farm In
North Salum, was dliiuld from
cuMudy lhl morning, thoro bulug lu
sullluloHt ovldnoa to warrttnt his bo
lug bound ovr Hot to disturb tho
Suit for Injunction
Th suit tor Injunction brought by
J. L. Froolaml to provnt tho city
from oponlng Pln stroet through his
proporty In North Salem was ar
guod boforo Judge Oalloway this
umrnlng, and Uikon undor advlso
meyt. 01 AttoiKty Kojta appeared
for tho olty and M. H. Poguo ropro
soutod Froolaml.
Niv Divorce Suit
Rosa G. Fursytho has bagur. suit
fpr dlvore In the droult court
against her huabaud, J. M. Forsyth,
011 tho grounds of doaortlon.
Tho suit for tho nppolntmont of a
receiver In tho butcher Bhop of F.
A. Kurtz, brought by P. Androson,
who clnlniB to bo n pnrtner, wns ar
gued boforo Judgo Galloway In tho
circuit court this morning. Frank
HolmcH, ropreaontlng Androion,
claimed that thoro was an agrcomont
existing between Andrcson nnd
Kurz, wheroby tho two agreed to ac
cept a salary of $C0 n month. Andro
son claims Kurtz overdrew to tho
extent of $1100, and asks for a dis
solution of tho partnership nnd tho
nppolntmont of n rocolver. CharloH
II. McNary, appoarlng for Kurtz,
produced ntUdavlts of omployos of
the biitohor shop, which Is located at
277 Commercial stroot, stating thnt
AndreBon did not own any share In
tho huslnoBs, and was merely work
ing on a salary for Kurtz. It appoara
that whon Androson first wont Into
tho shop Kurtz mado him an offer to
buy a ill n 10 in tho buslnoss, but Mc
Nary olalms Andrson wns unnblo to
take advantnge of the offer, not hav
ing tho nocoBsury funds.
O '
HOFFMAN AT S o'clock p. m.t
Mnroh 12, 190S. at tho family
homo south of this olty, of hoart
dlioaso, .Ml Roxann Hoffman,
a god 2-i years.
Miss Hoffman was tho daughter
of Mrs. J. C. Half man and was a
yoAing lady admired by a host of
frlonds, who sympnthlzo with tho
boreaved family In tholr heavy affec
tion. Shu loaves besldos hor mothor,
flvo brothers and threo sisters to
mourn hor loss, all of whom woro
with hor until death. Hor father
having passod ovor tho dark rlvor
In tho yoars that have gono by.
Tho remains wero laid to rost Sat
urday, March H, In tht Olty Viw
mmmm ..MM m Q 1 1 11
Suit PtOIUHl
Tho divorce suit of Hvn JJ. Pjil
morton agslust her husband, Orrln
H., which haj been before tho pub
lic ye for sow time, has been again
postponed until April 11.
Judg GaUoway ttulay handod
down a decision in the suit of Louis
luvohmutul. representing Ptuil R. G.
Hort t 0c. New York. vs. Lopo
Sing, Oliver Users aud Sold Uaok,
holding for the dofendants. who ad
vmiood tloking monoy whon the buy
ors failed to como through.
QhiougQ. May 27. May wheat
oponed 9RVe; highest, 9Bic; low
est, 94Vio; closod. 94 c. May corn
opened G6?4c; highest. GGc; low
cut. GDc; cloeod, GGVtc. May
oats oponed 54 He; highest, fitc;
lowest, 54 c, closed, 54Hc
(Continued from First Page.")
president of tho New York, No Haven
& Hartford.
Tho gamo has been played out by
Mr. Harrlman, and, while ne win
continue to bo heavily Interested In
at least two nation's transcontinental
railroads, ho will not longer direct
their policies.
Tho actual rotlroment of Mr. Har
rlman dateB back to last October, al
though tho fact has been kept a
closoly guarded secret. Ho has been
only nomlnnlly the directing head of
tho Union Pacific aud amUatcd lines,
his real dictation having censed
whon he was suddenly called by tho
groat banking Interests that had been
carrying him for heavy loans, and ho
was obliged to turn ovor something
over ?200,ouo,uuo or union racinc
shares that ho had put up as collateral.
Starting lower, stocks soon devel
oped n much Improved tono, and nt
H19 close tho Canadian Pacific showed
a gain of ilvo points, MlBBourl Pn
clfio threo, and Union Pacific and
copper 2 .
(United ProBB Leased Wlro.)
Mexico City, March 27. Chllapa,
a city of 15,000 persons, Is In flames,
following an earthquake shock which
struck tho placo early today.
Delayed dispatches', reaching
hero lato this afternoon, Htato that
thoro havo boon many fntalltles, and
that mnny people havo boen Injured,
but no dotnlls or flguros aio given.
At the tlmo tho dispatch was sent
tho ontlro city soomod cortnln to bo
swept by tho 11 urn oh.
All telographlc communication has
boen cut off. Tho govornmont tole-
graph station Is believed to havo
been doitroyod .
Fine Home for Sale
Party with cash
better investi
gate. Price
Ad dress II., care Journal
(Continued from pago one.)
tho antl-truit measure to got Hep
burn's scalp, bo far as his aspirations
nneht tho spoakorshlp aro Involved.
Tho administration bll,l so called.
was lntrnducod by Roprosoutntlvo
Hopburn and roforrod to tho Ju
diciary committee. Tho first ornsh
botwoen tho Cannon nnd Hepburn
forget wns startod today by some of
tho in om bora of tho commlttoo tin
commorco, who today aro sounding
tho eontlmcnt of the Republicans In
tho houso ns to the probablo fato of
tho rosolutlon to dlsohnrgo tho ju
diciary commlttoo from a considera
tion of tho bill, nnd hand it ovor to
tho Intorstnto Commerce Commis
sion. It Is said that Hopburn fools
thnt the moniuro would not bo ship
wrookod In tho caro of tho commission.
Rl'IIIO WINS 913,000
(Unltoc Press Lcasoa Wlro.)
Liverpool, March 27. In the
presence of ono of tho blggoet crowds
that over wltnoseod a liorso race on
this sido of tho water, Rublo today
won tho grand nntlonnl steeplechase
evont with graco and oase. Ills prlco
to win was GG to 1.
The animal led his closest rival by
ton lengths when ho dnshod past tho
judge's stand at the finish, thoroby
capturing for his owner tho $15,000
purse. Tho chase Is tho top-notohor
of the yoar's turf ovonts, and, bo-'
00 use of this (set, beauty, wonlth and
fashion woro abundantly represont-J
od. !
In support of President Roose
velt's proposed conferenco In May at
the Whlto House to which he has In
vited tho governors of tho various
states to dlacuss tho question of for
est preservation, the National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers mnke3 tho
following resolutiens:
Whereas, An adeuuato supply of
wood nnd timber 1b necessary to tho
permanence and prosperity of many
of our most important industries,
Whorens, The country as a wholo
consumes evory yonr between threo
and four times more wood than all
tho forosts of tho United States grow
In tho meantime, nnd It is estimated
that tho cntiro commercial supply of
wood and timber In 'this generation
will not Inst ovor 25 years unless
systematically conserved and replen
ished, and
Whorens, Deforestation menaces
the rlvor valleyB with Increasing
danger from dostructlng floods, and
steadily lessens nnd renders moro
Irregular tho flow of streams used
for Irrigation and water power, and
Wherons, Tho repeal of tho Tim
ber and Stono act has beon repented
ly urged upon congress by tho Presi
dent In his messages to congresB and
by tho secretary of tho Interior, ns
well us In tho report of tho public
lands commission; therefore bo It
Rosolvfd, 1. Thnt tho Timber and
Stono act shall bo ropoaled and that
all public lands shall bo Included In
pormnnent forost reserves, tho tltlo
to tho lnnd to bo forever retained
by the nntlonnl govornmont, stump
ngo only of matured tlmhor to bo
sold, and young tlmhor to bo pro
Borvod for futuro cutting, so thnt tho
forests will bo porpotunted by right
use; and that tho nntlonnl govern
ment shall, by tho rosorvntlon of
purchnso of oxlsltlng forost lnnds,
nnd tho planting of now forosts
cronto In evory stnto national forost
plantntloiiB from which, through all
tho yoars to como, a BUillclont supply
of wood nnd timber can bo nnnunlly
harvoBted to supply tho neods of tho
pooplo of ench stnto from tho forost
plantations in thnt state, nnd that
tho necessary legislation should ho
Immcdlntoly enacted by congress to
crcnto tho national forest rosorvos
known as tho Whlto mountain nnd
tho Appalachian reserves.
2. Thnt tho consua department
nnd tho forestry scrvlco of the agri
cultural department ohould bo au
thorized to tako a census of tho
standing tlmhor In tho United Stntos
In 1910 whon tho noxt national con
sus Is taken.
In passing thaso resolutions the
National Association of Manufactur
ers puts Itsolf on record doflnltoly as
favoring tho President's policy of
orontlng national forostB In all parts
of tho country. Tho rocont roporta
from tho forost soijvtco of tho depart
ment of agriculture Indicate that
drastic notion must bo taken in tho
very nonr futuro to protoct the man
ufacturing tntorosts which aro in
vnlvod In tho throatoned fnmlno In
wood for manufacturing purposes.
Its members In chid 0 roprcsontntlvoa
of such tntorosts ns tho Builders'
association, tho Agricultural nnd ve
hlclo makers, furniture and coopor
ago Interests, whos obuslness is seri
ously threatonod. Thoso Industries,
which uso hard wood primarily, aro
warned that tho BuppJy of this ma
terial will bo exhausted within IB
yoars. Tho wator-powpr tntorosts
reproscntod by the association aro
confroutod by lossos of millions of
dollars duo to tho uon-rogulation of
rlvors and streams on account of 1m
propor forostry methods. Tho cot
ton mill mon of the south and oast
and factory In all parts of the coun
try sufforod last yoar damages
amounting to moro thau $100,000,
000 ou account of floods duo to tho
same eaifso. Tho groat Irrigation
and roclamatlon projects of tho gov-
San Francisco, March 17 .
business men of Hn '""
s """"" . iSza
""":, "?""a ..'".;,
- v.UDu lu u.eir own door , .1
them." wnn tim ...!.... uwrtorJ
... cmusmnco of ..
dress delivered last night by prJ
els Heney, special prosecutor S
IlGIlOV until thn, it.
bankers and capitalists areU
plaining on the Kroun,! 11... .
vesications aro injuring tte d
w-.udv, uu wu woric our r '
thoso responsible for mPi, ,
corruption, wo como upon the trirl
01 irnu ciaas or people. Then M
uLntuuo iowara civic righteous
takes a turn for the Kcrse. hv
snrvlpn enrnnrntlnn. .
public servants aro rcsMnilkl
much of tho wrong that Is being i j
tlln nonnlo " I
waaw jiwjfiv,
eminent, wnn the vast oollir
manufacturing capital are ab!s
ly aopotnient upon tho kind ot
forestatlon urged by tho assocliuj
Tho Increnso In tho price 0! ball
ing mntorlal and conscqueaUr I
ront and other Increases In tort j
commodities which tho public
uuuu iuiwh 10 pu) on account ot tkj
growing scarcity of wood for 1
purposes hub "developed a tW
spread and vigorous sentiment Vi
Ib national in scope In favor oltl
domnnd of President Iloornlt til
Immodlnto attention bo glrentol
groat problem. Pa-tlcular atttctk
will bo given at tho coming cosfc
once In Washington to urglog d
passage of tho Lever aud Curt
bills creating national forests in 1!
Appalachian and Whlto mouito
HlllwllHHI Ill
Norwich Union Fire
Frank .Meredith, RwWkst ArtJ
Ofllco with Win. Drown 4 Ca,l
20 Comniorclnl street.
TH03. K. FOB
Ovor I-Add & Buih'e Dank,Bil,(l
Wanted A position as stcnogrsrM
hv vounc lady In a bank or -
Has worked In a hank the a j
vnnra nml Pfln flimljb th M
- A.l.lrARl P 0 M
ruiuruutca, - "..,
271, Salotn, Or.
For Sale Largo body M
grado second-growth flr J
iii7 n- iocs. Downing ft
"' I-WM
For Sale Several houses In 8M
and farm 'Rnds at a barga nu
.., v.ti..l RnP.k. '
Hill lUlluuui a.--
bs-d i'l
I1 ill 7V VJWWM --
?? "r". ; fooi
xeeu Cu -- Ejr,j
pounus ihijh i" , j
,01 v iflth St Owners !r
.". ... ' . .v iiiivs heM
wuniu ni v" .
nooessiiy vi "
For Rent One suite M"
keeping room!, at Ho" J ,
wnier nnu m
Comptroller of Currency Rldgeloy
hss reslgaoil. to Ukt the presidency
ot the N'atlotwl Rank of Commorce,
QCansas City.
The Chicago Milk Wagon Drlvors'1
Unlou has wted 967 to 67 to go on
atriko April 1. There are 2400
drivers, handling 00 per oem of the
milk of the city. J
Reginald Berg, a 18-yoar-old Is on
trial at Bolllngham for stealing a
suit of clothos worth $40.
Masked robbers tried to force an
ontranoe into the San Diego court
houso this mornlug, but failed.
Louis Soldar, superintendent of
tho public schools at St. Louis, drop
ped dead while walking tho street
Just Receiygj
A. Shipment of Those fine
Finnan Haddies
DU' """
Wo have boon trying to got those for some time
tho scarcity have beon unable to do so. Order ear
last long.
as tVJ 4
456 State
phone I82