1. ' r 3. -i. l lowmal 0 SALEM, OREGON, WKttNWUAY, MARCH 18, 11M8. iXtffl. NO. . ( - - Lkjr I L-i 111 1 AFR KAN S L AVERY ', Portland Fire Calls Out the Entire Department . - - .f. j i BR -- -Ml II I I I f rM j, , ,, , , ,frg , fcjgMfcp y J I 1 j, I I I i ff I ". L ''"' "' - ! . WfAW UFQTFPN 'PAPTIMIAI IhA&CV IcilVF. IPAPTI AMH i m an HONOR U COUNTRY ixnocxD tiii; horn at r-CUIIlini) THIRTEEN MM) )!! AXI1 T1IKV ircn mki: (jp.ntlemen RYrORTWHKKBTHKY ASHOItK SIZE AND I OF TIIK FLEET. Pre Lea o.l Wlro.) stiM. Cat. March 18. Connolly, tho magazine linthor. who accompanied Itnu'lleet as tho personal iKffwirtaUro of Presidont imwd here todnv. nntl 'www w i- mm Co pago live ) WESTERN PORTUGAL AFRICAN SLAVERY A MORAL ISSUE CAMPAIGN STARTED THAT WILTi AROUSE THE WOIlTltitT TIIK HARHAHISMS THAT ARK SANC TIONED IIV TIIK RULERS OF PORTUGAL RAHIKS MUR DERER AND MOTHERS LASHED TO DEATH. (United Prcsa Lensod Wlro.) Washington, Mnrch 18. OonernL Francois Joubert Pionnor, of Angela? AfrJcn, n hero of the Door war, has challenged tho Portugese, minister horc to refuto a Bluglo charge Plen aer has mado In describing tho ATROCIOUS RARBARISM FERPE1 4t N OR RE DRIVEN FROM TIIK COUN CIL IIOARR OK NATIONS FRENCH TROOPS ARK PUTTING PRETENDER AND HIS LEAR KltS IN MOROCCO TO FLIGHT PRISONERS. WILL RK TAKKN , & iirurA CTARFI ilt)AUV DWKL PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE NEWEST OF THE NEW IS HERE for yaw inspection. Dress Goods, Fine SWks, ft lakes' Suits, Gloves, Laces, White Goods, em- Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Shoes, Hosiery and . Don't forget the store with the good goods jtfkes. 1 &Q On at 1 r cart M Sflks- l(hto v. fc-"M nHe in j w 4wn WttttV o .. - ..-v, m,,,. .- m lun Veil,-. 49c . .. i ; yard. nt llVjy 5d Id Jhry yu H.U."" if I w rt to , 4-9Sbi Um c 15c SWELL SUITS at snail prices. Wo have pue prices aur aulu that will make this d artuieBt boom. Tbe new shadow stripe and Japanese slev sulU. Just ece.red aad oa sale. Dont buy aa l! ou et our uric&s. U will pay ' w well. Pricj 8 50, IS,50 jiad 15.0d. WARNED TO PUNISH ASSASSINS, KIN6 so y FRANCE, (Unltod Press" lifted Wlro. Lisbon, March 18.Alt.Is reported hero that England hnavarned Por tugal Oiat tho Intter country niust punish tho nWtsIn of her king, or oluo hot show her-offlclul fnco In tho councils of tho great European pow- or "w ,..-..v tt..,m '.n nvnuiuf afiJi-HHK Qv9r the hejw) of the nw Y OKI HARD ENTENGED TOfiANG MAY 15 COUItTAMAKlvH PflKA THAT UK HK SPARKI) FOR HAVING TOM) Til E'WI IO Iii:XR VTH WAS THE Vt&iht OF TIIK SYSTEM, FOR WHIGir IIIKEO CRIMES. HK WAV AGKNT ONLY THE TO COMMIT (Unltld TnvM Loosed Wlro. Caldwo Idaho, March 18. J ml go Wood u(ny scntonccd Harry Orch ard to lifct; hanged May IK, but au companJfjtt tho sentenco with n rcc ommoiiatlon to tho state board of par1otfer a commutation of son tenco -wftMout intimating tho degroo nf ini2liitlnn. nml illrortfd Or. ckarI,Satt''uc'. uppolnlod by thn lino vln I., tttn i.liii.iinnii n i.n nroiMil Jm untlitrtn fnr ttnr.lnn nr Drltlsh diplomatic representatives toJ commutation. Portugal. It was precipitated by thai Ho based his recommendation up. report thnt King Erannuei Ih con-1 on n long legal decision, quoting nu- nMM-lm. ..i.ll Ann.nt ..nil l.l . IlinvlMoa linlfllniv thnt nil AnilltnlllA amncMy to tha slayers of his, father 'right exists on tho part of n con- . . l.it... A .. . .1 I. -I.- I... I fA.alHI. MHAAmnllAA tf.lllf.V t It A Uflinlrb Him uruinur, uiui dropping nil iu- "" m-twiui"" .vn..B . r.,lu.v vestlgationa of tho nBsnHslnations. truth, to bo spared Ihft death son England's press has doc'nrod thnt tenco. Ho dc'ared ho bollvod Orchnnl such nction would place Portugal In. told thp full and exact tnuth nnd tho amo cntogory with Sorvla. Tho propos d that yet, tho mon ho lm ropubllcnn prosa of Lisbon la oponly plicntod would rocelvA punlshmont, ..-!.. . n. ...... i.in - j.inITn cnl.t tlin nrnnlttnl nt TTnvu'nnil cowardice, and fear to attempt tho nnd Pottlbono by two turles was not SILVER LAKE. OR., MURDER BODV NOW FOUND iSVlCH COUNTY CRIME HAS RHEN MID 1,RK--R0I)Y IS NOW FOUND JUST WHERK MURDER." ERS SAID IT WAS ROIHIERY WAS MOTIVE MAN WHO OAR. RIED A GREAT DEAL OF MON EY ON HIS PERSON, punishment of tho reglcldCB. TVinrli In Morocco. .'" ;v.:j.:: ,;... . iaea uiancn, Morocco, .Mnron .;:;, ;ni, i ,. -i,ia P.-nnrnl n'Amniln onmmnninir'nrCI1011' OttOUgll lOgnl OVldWlCO 0SK10 :rG neral D Amode. commanding, - eonf0SiliOn t0 wnrrnnt their incntiRlstcnt with ills declaration. n their vordlcts did not signify that Haywood and Pottlbono are. inno rollsh tho chango, which Is for tho commnnuuiK . :: .v , i' . a,., tho French forces In Morocco, has "om. V.10 con.esi.ion ,10 wnrrani uiir ronlloi to th iWnn nvVrlnrfla from ' conv f"on' AB IJO spOKO urcimru ropuea to me )np ovcruirea irom ,,,,. llnB,n ,i wt rr th nmt ?hShi li1 . abfc to h'8 co,,rt "or'on 0v' that bo Is ab'e to promlo the intter .. . , norinliiion to innko ft Sl?t .llbSSIlnlnl. 'ap'' 8'J that ho had ex- !. nSltdS Iv ifnondifonnl aur- Ppc n makp ft fuU tement, but bo prootded by uncondlt onal "ur-iho CQUrt.B rovj0w of tno ca,0 had renilOr. i. ,l,n, l. ,inntf1 In onv nnlv hn Mulnl was practically drivn into ,... tn ,,H .,... ,,a ,,,, mm, ' hl- a cornr a fortnight ago. and Gon- rtn.aatnn ,,. Ihrt wiintrt trilt. ral D'Amndo has been cutting his " , i.in.Riif without bono of followers to nieces oyer since. Ilia Trtlli'AannmiS of p:ea for poaco is constuercu a m nrK- ,- from anyono whatever. !.t,,neBrnnron?o0f mIi. IS ' Woi SolaSJ bU belief that tllH'e In Morocco. If Mulal sur- nMr, hni, hnfln tho vl-nm of ,i,e widers bo will Probably be sent to ', reproasntod. and that ho Franco, to cnard ncainut frosn 0r.1t- ..'...". t.,' i ,. .. , . .. . . "ji.i. , COmniilitiu mo oriiuwa uucmuu ui n breaks under hla leadership. ,,(.i1in nn.l ndvlca of tho leadora i.n uutim nrtil AvnfAian.l 111- tii l III- HJBiVHI UM VJ" .rwv M- TRATED IN PORTUGKSK AVEST ij,f that proper legal corroboration I'anual Dlnnniir hn vtnrlorl n cum n..lnl win Hi on rpriimnill tfld to pa'gn against the cruelties practiced tho penltont'ary. .... il., nallvu nt 7ft Afrfrin hv. " IIJIUU HIV I.UW..O . ..... -, 1 - agents of tho Lisbon government 'hhief LIUHED WIRE I hav seen barbarisms In that. TELEGRAMS TODAY". country which would mako tne civ- chIfo live stock market r lUred world gaip wl'- horror." said n,uj,er today. General Plonaer today, In dlscus'lng, union Iros Work, at San Fran conllt'ons In Western Africa. Ictsco leaned ui ICOO.OOu profltl I have wen JlMie baptos torn , t,,B , rMti wtfoti wll bo put Into frnm thntr mntheni liroast by native ,... ' ,Q.. desperadoes in the employ of the xal r anndUioae all over Oa'ltor Portugese Rernmnh.-f:V. AC nb r reported Improving. INTO THE AIR AND IMPALED O.N -... sntatlve Frenolt. of Idaho. THE POINTS OF SPEARS. I havo ,g u, ,)B,y fatJ)W. of a Vng Inruba- seen mothers lashed almost to death , tor bJ(,,y ,n oongros n-ith a crtiol whin called the ChlP-1 .... ...,iinn nt tin. RmtbArn Pa- poc." when they reVstcd the traders nU Banta yv Jn California for xvhn tnnv t)ialr chPdren from them. i.ii.n.iDaiinn in iitt j-ii ii con- UIH-llHi'nnny" r w ..... i,i iu Anrll. Oov. rnor Guild, of Mawuohusetts. i flgb'lng a merger of the prlnol- who took their chPdren from them. Mhtcrloui Shootins. rTTnitflfi Prot Leased Wire.) - . -., -. 10 r.!l. ..1 miirnmla in that state. Kftti 1 iiftrn 1:211 . jiaiuii ,- imt . ...- . ....-, worth Whaloa 17 years old. dUd to- Th state of Washington, win tae last Hluht. Tiie ooy was wiruw- an ui" " - -hv' rubber balls at a negro's heed, ply wlih the atate lieon.e Jaws. David Roderick, proprietor of the that suite for President. gallery, ana u. 11. wtwi, V . (United Press Leased Wlro.) Silver l.nko, Or., March 18. An nnonymotiB lottcr fropi portlaud, Or., thumb-stnlncd nud tornk told -the story thnt led -to tho discovery of ono of tho must atrocious murders Hint over shockctl Isolated Lnkc county, nnd sent n thrill of horror through nil of tho 000 Inhabitants of. Silver Lnko City. Lnl December Julls " AVnllondo dlsnpponro'd frbm his kwor'ftnd- it was bsMoved thnt ho was murdered. The fact that tho mop or man. who did (lie deed remained in Portland for weeks after tho crlmo had boon committed, nnd then audaciously Kent a letter to th Lnko county uri- thorltlos tolling thorn whoro jMio boxly cuuui 110 louuu, uiiiy oniuu 10 iiKiii todny whou It was announced that Wnlloudr'a body had boon located in exactly tho spot named In tho badly written mid uln-soitcd note. Tho corpse was found tindor a bridgo which cro88e.l Sllvor creek. It wan bndly mutlluted, tho trunk and lower llmbB in tho wator. Tho skull was crushed, nnd the rifled clothes showed thnt robbory hnd been the motive of tho crime. Wallanda wus known to rnrry considerable money on his person. The dond man was well known here. Hi was sauvo. woM educnted. and n porson who de clared that ho on mo from n promi nent family in Ohio, of mare than nverngo wealth. Aroused by the atrocity of the crlmo and th boldness of its perpe trators, the county officials have de clared that n reward of $2RQ will bo given for the arrest and conviction 'of tho murderer. Governor Cham berlain has been appeaed to to rnlo this amount. SOUTHERN . PAGIFIG GRABBING PORTLAND SUFFERS BAD FIRE PACIFIC RUBBER CO. ONE (X)NCERN HAS A WHS OF Ql(10.tt00 AND TWENTY-FIVH HMPMYKS WERE IN DANGER. FOR A TIME, RUT A Mi WKIIH RESCUED IIY THE VALLIANT FljMJ DEPARTMENT. lUnltee Press Leaned Wire.) Portland, Or., March 18. Tho Pacific Const Rubber Compuuy, tliu Rny City lodging house and tho CharlcH Reobu Adnnlant Company are on lire, nnd tho noston market la threatened In n big b'nso In tho whc-lovnlo disfTlct this morning, which tho flr department have not yot bromght under control. A gonr nl alarm hns been turned in, and practically tho entire flro depart mvnt of Portland Ih mansed nt tho threatened point. Thn Are originate In tho PncUlo Rubber Company's building. The rour'tory building nnd $160. OOOtock of tho Pnolllo RubborwOom pany"wu8 completely gutted, nnipfor A short tlmo tho lives of the 3'fi oni plnyoH of tho concern were bollevod to bo In grunt danger. Tho moit wore penned In on tho second floor, but all oxcopt one OHCnpod without asslitnnco. George Fchlor, a clerk, was shut off iiy tho tinmen, nnd was unable to, roach tho stairway. Tho firemen cf-1, foot oil his escape from tho outside by raising an extension ladder. Ho Was uninjured. Sovonty-flvo por cent of tho stock wns Impliedly damaged, nnd tho bul'dlng Ih a wreck. Tho company Is owned by the Hoatling oatnto of San KranrlBjy. Resides tho Pacific Rubber Comminy. tho Ronton Meat Company, the Charles Doelie: Ada mant Company and tho nay City lodging limine were damaged by the fire. Tho hlnzo Ih tsipposad to havo originated on tho second flour, In tho blcyrlo dopnrtimnt of tho rub ber company, but what canned the Arc li not yet known. A general nlnrm wuh turned in, and for over nn hour the fire burned fiercely dojplte -tho beet offortM of the depart ment, and the situation looked very grave. At ono tim It wus thought '.he safety of the entire wholesale dUtrlct was threatened. men shooting at the o target, have She Marrtol Aaollwr, Seattle. Wash., Marob 18. Martin . -v., lKhr has treu a camjujiin. i - bn arreuted. m l?T' " !Lun vine a iudemeet '""T. .. ,r .. t. .iajt f!frtradft DiSSOB JOT iSZS Z U K cloeel! S promise of marriage, whlea ,be ys v. mVh o!wed Jc; blgheetibe tnd to carry oat. fi7 Kwoe? i!it. clolk. ilMc In August. 1806. eoetrary b' SiSc; loweat, 54S eloed, 5Hc. Baffled James, (United Prose Leaned Wire.) San Frnnolseo, Maroh 18. What Is considered one of the biggest al tniniit nt Ifltift erniiblnu! ever called to the attention of the socrctary of thn interior has been uneanntHi ana stopped by tho Susauvlllo land office, Th!h has prevented one mnn from olaimlng 205.000 acres along the Feather rlvr, valued at leuu.uo. IJ. II Yard, formerly right of way man for tho Southern Pacific rail' road. Is the man whoe bauds have hnun ti! bv the land office, pending a deoislon fnn Washington Vmr.i has iioen annexlni; large tracts of California land lulonglng to the government, and has alo beea especially active la Rutte aJ 'W niA eounti'-s in taking up largo eo tlons of public domain In the form or mineral claims. The Susuuvilie laad ollce has deprived him of these claims on the ground that the land Is not Mineral la character. The taction thus retained by the government Is worth 1800.000 It Is ctuirged that Yard has used dum my locators, and has not done the assessment work required by law. O 1 ' ' There Is a smbIoJpsI scandal at Has Jee, Cal IbvoMh the bef of police aad a prowiaeat lawyer, who are charged with selllag prottipH to the womea t4 the red light di-trltt -- BAGGAGE MASTER ROBERTS I'rnvo HfniKflf n Niiiiilier One tlmo J11 Hctviiii; Lift- of a Little Girl. nihlted Prosi Leased Wire.) Antlooh, Cnl.. Maroh 18,Knthu iastle citizens 0' this nluoc are to day talking of rjcominepdinc Bag gage Master noforts, who was on duty on train No. & last evening, for tiie Carnegie hero medal. An the, train wns crossing the San Jttoaquln river here, the tratnmun aw 13-yoar-old Agues Gollen over taken on the bridge, and forced to drop Into the river to avoid being run down. Without an Instant's hes itation, Reberta: 1eatd from tho baggage ear door into the river and caught the child a she wa sinking for the last time. The two were picked by a bot which put out from the shore. ' th" ' A very competent pWeer, Merrltt R. Pomeroy. Is the Republican can didate for re-eleotlon tot sheriff, of Clalaep enmity. The etook of th lOinoie Central Is to he iRcritfti S0 per ei l May --