DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OftEQON, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 108. Mf 5BIWP 5YTAFT WB FAIR PLAY DIOWABSECBBTAIIY jHOBCNtlBLY THAN ALL STANDS FOB TiiM S3 OP TUB K00SKV13LT CBIBAHO-V AND AGAINST -, .rtlf 1fll 'tiflG I BIG lAW J J lrt Ji' ' B5 ' u perfectly natural inni , Adams, who Is lumseii a ram' of the Harrimna ln- U&old h refused to enter- isotloa complimentary to tuo Keretary o' tJl "OOJMJVOH ltfoB. bstloa ww made by plain Bob of North Salem, an anti- it Xo. I delegate who la a eifcttr of Wm. H. Taft ot icj It was wconded by at least t, vhen ''No. no," camo Uj corner whoro sat Mr. Blng' lotier bosses They had pre- I w endorsement of the nd- aln the platform, and ro- Sct Donaldson motion to ! 'h de'egatw to tho state itwTaft Taft and Tedy ikt on the program of the a:igtfi on the floor of tho and hence tho motion Iwt to entertained Donaldson l to turn that the flRlit on i V 1 Is engineered by 10.1 Harrimau. et al. Ho I ttf h oa to that fact, and niat the corporations want. JifiUr Hay for Tnft. liiinu-Blngham variety of has Its way tho state wl'J not allow nny fair rTaf Dut Is that the wish Bpat man of Republican! In Wr Mr Taft will or should td fo h Pivddenoy U wfor ttk rnnvcnt'fin of his Iltihcr ho should t) fairly la s aute-ionmiMoh ean- Muw- aiatt-r The newtf- tkit a a m that matter f 'l-tj ttmt arc "organa," !(Md atMM fuJr play tn )nc- . pr..t.t HKHlnut aura rg8n " otu. of tbom. tki MiaHinu to proteet wii lull. I Taft Is an Auwrlran iharaetw. to Mclty and t. American He can i,,. Wfuibly fay- Pwd, tut h honW be BKN8!v Ati ktnl HnwkahH wt ljuk ,f n MMra-tiNi oa '0 difflmir time have ' ll hr j .. I .,. tat. "" w" I ' ! rn liagU- . Thera bear ia some of tb "at- " 8 bxTMary Tad Thnv , ,lsr tad mor nrt,. .t IHhi. iw ...... ' - "T"'iantani who e r'alCM nn iu. iii.i. . BR&, w OVHiHUU ''1 Sj!!.1wr , .. . i0b party for CuUidtrallnn -l.l . W1 raff. .- itKu uTernor wV'B0,,a,k on Mr- AW Knox ha. madt. noaa. awi h,, mi . t p.084 h W nor ( "! WW'allwwl Ulc tor & u, t.. w. ." "KWattii-W ir k- aufM.ut,,,. fciiTCEL'tirfrr RU on him. The old pictured spelling book which eel forth the 'great num ber of olubs thrown at fruit under tho tree, conceded it to be the best troo and to bemr tho richest fruit. As the leading candidate, Mr. Taft attracts tho warmest support and provok,es the most Bpirited attacks, but tho attacks are a miBtake alt the same, and are not aiding the cause of Mr. Taft's 'legitimate and courte ous rivals. There is another matter to be re garded, "William H. Taft Is not to bo blamed for Btandlng by Theodore Roosevelt. Tho latter Is not to bo blamed for preferring Mz Taft. Mr. Taft Is the appointee of Mr. Roose velt. Mr. Roosevelt has sustained the acta of Mr. Taft. The Roosevelt ad ministration is the estate, the test and responsibility of Republicanism. Republicanism and Rooseveltlsm arc indistinguishable iiv tho front the party must turn toward tho werld: in tho nearing canvass. Were Mr. Tnft to attempt to Ignore or seek oven inferentlally to attack Mr. Rooscvolt, selfishness and tiu in consistency wouM bo revealed foreign to tho candor and to tho Justice of tho secretary of war. Were Mr. Roosevelt to try to undermine Mr. Taft, solfltthness would bo illustrated to 'ft degree that could not bo exag gerated; or temperately character ized. Ingratitude In politics Is bad policy. In character It la a base quality. Neither man can bo ac cused or euspeoted of Ingratitude. Wo aro plnd that Mr. Taft haB neith er shown it tmv can be regarded as capubio of It, ORKGON JSLECTRIO RAILWAY COMPANY NEW FAST LIMITED SERVICE. Effective Sunday, March IE, this company will placo in service addi tional local and limited trains be tween Portland and Salem. Hours of arrival and departure of those trains will be found In another part of ths paper. 3-ll-10t Graber Bros. PIUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will givo prompt attontton to all orders, guarantoo our work to givo satisfaction and to be up to the sanitary stand ard. WE WILL BE' PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS. Call at our shop on Liberty otrect, back of Barr's Jewelry Storo. Phono 550. Southern Pacific R. R. Time Card Timo Card No, C2 Effective Sunday uecemDor SOth, 12.01 A, J. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 16. 5:53 A. M. Oregon Express No. 18. 8:40 A. M. Cottan-n Ornc Passenger. No. 12.- 2 i 45 P. M. Rosoburir Paa- songer. No. 14.-9:13 .P. m. Portland Ex press. Toward Portland Freight, No. 2225:00 P. M. Portland Fast Freight. 'No. 226 10:40 a, m., way freight arrives. No. 22611:28 a. m way freight departs. Toward San Francisco Passenger. No. 11. 11.03 A. M. Roseburis Pas senger. No. 17. 6:45 P. M. Cottago Grove Passongor. No. 15. 9:56 P. M. California Ex press. No. 13. 2:01 A. M. San Franolsco Express. Toward Sn Francisco Freight, No. 221.-2:43 A. M. Portland Fast Freight No. 225-11:28 A, M. Way-Frolgat COFFEE Why do we drink so much poor coffee? Because, gfood .coffee is so good. yourrrorielurni!,rour moner II you don't Ilk Schilling's Hrsti we py him. "O Albany will have a bitf1 booHter batiQiiot noxt Friday night. Plutus for 200 aro sold and muny will go from Salem. Plies Cured nt Home by Now Absorp tlou Method. It you suffer from blooding, Itch ing, blind or protruding Piles, send mo your address, and I will toll you how to cure yourself at homo by tho now absorption treatment; and will also send somo of this homo treat ment free for trial, with roforoncoa from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell othors of this offor. Wrlto today to Mrs. M". Summors, Box P, Norte Dame, lud. J. C. GUI of Portland ia running for ooronor ou a public morgue plat form. No combination with under takers, ho says. i) ' ' ' Tho Lucky Quarter. Ia the ono you, pny out for a box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They bring you the hoaTTh that's more precious than Jowols. Try them for haadanhe, blllouaneas, constipation and malaria. If they disappoint you the price will bo aheorfully refunded at J. C. Perry's drug store. o Hoofttor Ilartog pf Kugene. 1 get Unjf oot u magazine to advertise that town. Bargains Still closing out my old stock, especially indlos' and ohlldrans' shoes and slippers. Prices $2.25, $2.50, , $2.75 and $3.00 Givo mo a call and see these bargains. Repairing neatly done. Many Pairs Sold at Cost Jacob Vogt 345 State St. PM4 tw 'at thl L. btt requAad A Swollen Jaw Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache or aeoidentr Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and reliove the pain. The great and 'Dure oure for rheumatism, outs, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by all dealers. o AMERICAN Il.VPXLESlUP FLEET IN SAN FRANCISCO. To enable the poplo of Salem and victulty to witness the rtviw to San Prauoteeo Bay ot the great ha't'e ship fleet, tha Southern FaHfl. Co will sell tickets from Salem t.. aaa Frttuctaco ad return at $2i " for jthe round trip, limit ten day I cm date of 6al. This Is an i a ion that will probably not occur agum - wiau aare Bot rUi way ,fan, aad S1111 rpop"e watdia,. Mr T . 'lafoirld'Uke advantage of thlb i.r cr tonlty to wfees one of the tranl eat naval dlaplays that has e i ak a laee. Bales of aalu of these tick, u wi 1 u' Mat&aUoa Wfciwii announced ag eoon as It U Jeter l tu - . Hnox Rdr . H , ' ' T7 "H4tert yr f Francisco, which l new asti'-lpa'cd T ftoi ..;!! l be about May 8. 9 1" t H6Re Krox a cot to ,, .,.. " W to tk ,... .. tut. .. .. ""w iJZ " fctew . ."" r IMIUc; H 4 " wa tnat t Z. Ta art was fT.Hrtof Mr T-f, I2lfc.mU! Wt.. irw i Mr. thotWR. lie MUg win, For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles nnd backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c E. C. DeWITT te CO., Chicago, 111. WHITE "BRONZE MONUMENTS Never chip, crack tarul8i, moss or corrode. Tho jcly kind that uovor n6od cleaning. For the truth of the above see them In all tho Salem and many ot tho coun t y cemeteries; somo of thein hare been there fo, ?2 yeara. II you want the very bjst at living p'lre.t call on or ad Ji ess 458 Mill St Phono 12 S4, Salem, C T. 11. WAIT. W"1Mx "" " W M r T.ft 1 -" , .. " u... - rs ij a- the W of hies. aad H . Ar al. CASTOR I A 7or Iaimtf a&i Ckilirea- dUtf&z&t 'RODUCTION TIME TABLE CORVAuLIS & EASTERN R. R. Trains from and to Yaqulna,- No. 1 Arrives at Corvallla . . . .11:00 a, m. Arrive, at Albany 5:55 p.m. Loaves Yaqulna 6:46 a. m. thrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 2 Leavo Albany 12:35 p. m Arrlvos at Yaqulna .... 6:16p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. Leaves CurvtUlis 1: (0 p. m. Nx 3' Loaves Albany 7:30.m. A. M. 6:00, a7:0B, 8:05, 10,05. No. 4 Leaes Detroit 1(00 p. m. follows, commencing Jan. 16, 1908' Trains for CorvalUs. No. 8 Loaves Albany 7:65 a.m. Arrives nt Corvallla .... 8:35a.m. No, 10. Loav03 Albany 3:56p.m. Arrlvos at CorvallU ... 4:35p.m. No. 6 Loavoo Albany 7:45 p.m. Arrives at Corvallla .... 8:25p.m. Trains for Albany. No. G Loaves Corvnllls 6:30 a. m. Arrives at Albany 7:10 a. m No. 9 Loavea CorvallU 2:15 p. m Anlves at Albany ..... 2:CC p. m. No. 7 Loaves CorvalUs 6:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallla 11:15 a. in Arrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Loavna Albany .12:35 p.m. Arrives at Corvallla . . . .' 1:18 p.m. For further Information apply to WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Ant., Portland, OrtJfron. Jno. M. Scott, Abst. G. P. A. Oregon Electric . Railway Company TIME CARD Leaving Salem. Portland and intermediate stations, local 0:15 a. m. Portland nnd intermediate statlonu. local ., 8:05 a. in. Weet Woodburn, WIlBoavllle, TuaU atla, Portland, limited 9:30 a. in. Portland aad Intermediate statiooa, local 11:03 a. m. Portland and intermediate staUonB, loeej .... 2:30 p. m. Waat Woodbura, Wllsonvillo. Tuala tin. Portland, limited 4:02 p. m. Portland and Intermediate stations, loool 8:38 p. m. Arriving Salem. Portland and intermediate stations, local 8:35 a. ra. Portland and isterwedlate statlona, joal 10:45 a. m. Port and. Tualatin, Wllsonvillo. Wwt Woodburn. limited ..11:16 a m. Port and and InUrweillate statlona, u.ca 1.26 p m. Pu (land and Intermediate stat.ons, l.al .. . . 4-50 p m. ' Po- land. TualaUs, Wllaoftvllte. Weat Woodbura. limited.. 6:47 p m. Portland and laUrutedlato stations I al 7:60 p ta OREGON'S OPP O RTUN1TY (.OIONIST RATES from all parts ot tins United States and Canada to all ports of Oresou nnd Uw Northwest will bo put into effect by THE OREGONRAILROAD 3c NAVIGATION CO. and- SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY (Lines in Oregon) DAILY DURING MARCR" AND APRILy tfK8. 1-Yom tlifoi Priclpal Cities of tho MioHUctt West tho Rates, will B as "Follews: FROM TO SALEM FROM TO SALEM CHICAQO $38 COUNCIL .BLUFFS ....JOG ST. LOUIS $35 OMAHA $30 KANSAS CITY $30 ST. PAUL $30 Corresponding Rats from all other Eastern points. Stopovers at ptonnuro at all points In Oregon. Tho Colonist Rato Is th0 greaKwt of all homebtilUkH'S. OtVffoa kM unlimited resources ad eel9.iH0ro people who ikslr Itomes aad larger opiortHnltlcs. Oregon pooplo can accomplish Aplondld results by heralding this opportunity to all tho world. Send Oregon lltoraturo glvlag good rellablo information about the state, far and wide, Call on tho above railroads for It If nocossary. FARES CAN BE PREPAID Hero at homo If desired. Any agent Is uulhorleod to accept tho roqulrcd deposit and telegraph ticket to nuy point CrII on local agent or address. WM. McMURRAY, General Passengor Agvnt, Portland. Oregon. mmtwwMwwwwwimxnwwwtiwwwwwwwwwiWji I Are You Interested In Saving Your Money? Of course you aro. That's why wo ndvortlso. Wo carry ono ot tho best stocks ot wagons and implements in tho city, and It in to your Intorest as a mouox-Bavor to call and boo our lino no matter whothor you buy or not, wo know that you know a bargain whea you seo it, and that you will be suro to tell othors about thorn. Wo carry a complete lino of wngona, buggies, farm Implements, all kinds ot farm and mill machinery, paints, oils nnd varnhihea. First clnaa blacksmlthlng arid horBo shoeing also dono, , , We tako second-hand vehicles nnd 'machinery as pari payment on all now cash orders. ( Keep your money at homo by buying whnt you novd at homo, and at tho uamo timo seo whnt you're getting, GEORGE B. JACOBS F. D. 8 - - Salem, Or. I ItlWMMMIMMhlMKWiiMMMiWM YOP'LL H.VJOY A DRIVE In one of our rigs just ns much as If you owned It. More,, In fact, for you wlM have nil tho plcnuuro and only ii inoro fraotion of tho exponre of a private stable. You aro not limited In your choice ot a turnout, Ithor. Our livery sorvlco can tup ply anything you roqulre, from a runnltout to a coach and tflftm. How can wo serve youT I'AKHION BTA1ILKS, (. W. Yannke, Prop, 131-137 N. High 8t. Phono Mala 44 Ai bostonjbrownBread;flour Is Seli-tltkig. It makes Gtttlc Brown Beadr Toothsofae QtffckBJsctftVand a GLORIOUS BOILED PUD'DING Sold Iiv Al Grocers warsamsa& attacks fflCHESTEB'S'PTttJ g4itci nn y i fpC: " r 4 WW 4 iUk.t IHmmmmi ItUa U H4 i M HUfe tui. Mio4 ak -. ILbtMb1 TL m tkr. jr r mrT tfrnjjl.t, uiuini4;ll.iu suiymirSTsnema5K: O C T. Co S'eamera Pomoaa && 0 onia leave for Portland Meda, Veu'i day aad Friday at 10 a. ra. and Tuesday, Thurada and Saturday at 6 a. n. For Corvallla. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday about 9 p ni M P. Baldwin, agent Oflo and dock at foot of Trade street M. P. BALDWIN, Agt SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFfCB CIH JfALL. For water srrte af ply at e MU raW mt&if te a4nuaM r HAVE AN EARNEST CRE For the comfort of the folks at home Bundle up the family wuhlng aad phom No 26 early Monday for u to aesd a wagon ior tho elotboa W wlH save you moaey, worry and discomfort, and tare the riotho. as well. They will aomr baek to you freab, crisp and olean. WE DO IT RIGHT The Salem Steam Laundry THE V LAINUKY THAT KNOWS HOW ai LIME AND SULPHUR SPRAY DEPENDABLE BRAND Manufactured by Gkkon Mi ComY. Cof. MM aJ Smtm Sis HALI3I, OREGON I'HONK MAIN 'M, Wo guaraate this spray to be a strictly pure lime aad aulphur aolutlos, tett 29 to 31 Baume. For tale by FLErrCWKK AHYHD, I, A. WMIThJ A SON8, TILL. SON A CO., K. J). GILBERT 00. A.VD AT WAfWY, tri H.(0 Pr srrt; f I 60 er4k, fw'ha,, rf rMuraA., M . a