F-t I'flp ''" l if- omriial ask SALEM, OREGON, 'KDNSJSDAY, Si RClt 11, 1008. NO. . iffffl T RITISH CRISIS IN EAST INDIA o Iowa Politicians End Quarrel In. a Fatal Duel MfSE BIN NEVADA KM MAPS OF SOUTH WITH NEGRO OX THEIIt HANDS HZK WITH FIGHT OF mono coast to shut MUoKIKSTAb IM3HGRA- IPrtti Leased Wire.) iSn, Xareh 11. City ofll- i in Halting word from i to determine the dispo rt JPaf who may be oa page five,) HARRIMAN GUT OUT , OF SOUND BY A NEW RULING IOWA PRIMARY MURDER OF INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION NORTHERN LINKS WILL NOT EXCHANGE TICKETS AND OREGON WILL GET AN IMMENSE! RENEF1T HAKRI MAN WILL LOSE RV THE. NEW ORDER. RESULTS IN DUEL BOSTON DOUBLE KILLING OREGON WOMAN SUICIDE (United Prc-fls Leased Wire.) Tncoma, Wash, March 11. Tnro inn people contemplating a trip to tho EaBt this summer, making their (Continued on page Ave.) D ICAGO STORE e0PLES BARGAIN HOUSE 1 i's Greatest Dry Goods Sellers 'fcVtVmj RrutluTN phu-o on jkiIo UiIh wwk tho Grandest Lines frtuiulk, tliat was over shown lu Salem. High class goods lris Xrw Dn-wt Gikm1i. Pirn miL-u. T iull. cia T.mllfw' 5 i MKIuerjr, nv ,nco, NVw Dr. Trimming, Lingerie HL n'' NV"' HmbroMTi'K, .u- Domestics, Ladles' i m Good at tho lowvst pric-o-. of yards of pretty w rad for yowr TfcTf ar. the latest ?'' a btt nu u laiy rt V h.- . IM aik f... -... '" I'riCHH &. 46c, 69c, '5c, 98c SILKS! SUKS! '"Ula, ' a eOr t 8e CUrriM .- . . W Wt hoi H Ifcat k r b earry M - 4m. or Detciu.. .. . . ipu, : ' is ' 49c, 65c, 'fc.SSc wTn fl In vJ iiri 'Wu 'itlV yffif J"M' lls'lVV! w; f ;wkIIeP FOLITIQAL DIFFERENCES CON CLUDB DW1TH A CHALLENGE AND CHOOSING OF SECONDS 4HYK, A YOUNG MAN, HAS RUN AWAY FROM S&ENE OF KILLING. . ' TWO COHLEGE GIRLS ift r WELLESLEV GRADUATES , I OF I-xfUND DEAD IN RED TOflKTII EljAFTKR FATAL QUARREI-7 ON'IW OIj1 THE VICTIMS WAS EV IDENTLY INSANE WHEN SHE f 4 PERFORMER THE AWFUL I DEED. TIRED OF LIVING GOLORED SOLDIERS CENSURED (?nl (United Press Lenaod Wire.) Roton, March 11. A douhlo (United Prcsi Leased Wire.) Amite, In., March .11; Murder was ndde'd to tho bitter political feud In Ailll! vlclnlrv when Ronntor- elect D. S. Komn. n nMmor.rnt. waii killing whlch lho J)0,,co Wnro to Bhot; and Inatantly killed JnBt night uhvolboon a murder and suicide, oc by C. F, Hydo, who Is prominent ln0urreld cro this mornlnB, nnd ro this part of tho stato as a politician BUU,J in tho Joath of Sarah Cham and huslnosH mnn, Tno tend at- borltSn JVood, of Phlladlphla. ntu tamed axllDiBX ,ul a quarrgl tolJoH1jtfW&j,iJalIoy. Iab oDVcai Ing tljo recent Democratic prlmnr les, at which Kemp was successful. UNHAPPY VICTIM OK OUR RE- FECTIVE EDUCATIONAL "SYS- v TEM ENDS HER LIFE REOAUSE SHE IS TIRED OF THE MISTAK EN PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Snvnnnnh, Georgia. (United Pross Leased Wlro.) Sncrnineuto, Cnl., March 11. Af ter several months' effort to carp a .livelihood In a local donee hall, Mrs, Lucy Howe, who loft her huaband and child In Tho Dal Urn, Or., nftor a quarrel, la a sulcldo, the victim of carbolic acid. Bho was but 20 years of ago. She left the following nete: "I'm tired of living; I'm just ho tlrod of It that 1 couldn't bo luippy. .Goodbye, baby IN FOR RIOTING ALL PURMU LANDS IN OREGON" ARE TO RE SURVEYKDOKLA II03IA WILL INSTRUCT FOB TAl'T IN SPITE OF HIS VluMS SPEECH THERE. rf 'into. JpJWyhlBway.- ,0o( cvjrybodyslstor. mother nnd Tho killing took plnco nt the fnah-and limband and futHer, tooj.gooji- As soon nB It had been announced IoDOb,0 Lmiren School for Young Jbyo, Llfo; wnlnomo death, Don't ... A 1. J A 41.. 4.-1 A t. 4. ' nun iunii huu vdiurK-u I rum uiu primary fight victorious Ilydo sought him, and n quarrel onsucd. Friondn tried to patch up tho trouble between them on moro than ono occasion lur- Ing the day, but tho bitter fooling Inrrensed hourly. When the two mon again last night the quarrel was roBumed. In n fit of decoration Hydo drow a ro- volver and flrod point blank at hla opponont. Tho first bullet hit Kemn and ho foil mortnl'y wounded. Hs died within a Jew seconds. Tho ox clt mont occasioned by the tragedy Is Intonso today. Threats agnlnst tho life of Hyde are freely ?indo. Hydo surrendered, and Ik being olosoly' guarded in his eoJIl. it. Wik a Duel. Later report show that In a diyol carefully arranged and fought to BAllla tli hit Lor lu.ltllml faitil lia. tw.u them. D. S. Kemp. I)omcx)rat.,Bd' M,w "atU utaa'h turnHl ic .tato aenator-eloct. was hot and,tl,e won on hor80,f- nh wom,M wer in moir iniruo. inty wrf Women, nnd tho report of the police fol too bad. I am bolter off dead, If atntea that MIbh Wood first killed hori fool too bad. 1 nm bcU oft dead, If GREAT BRITAIN MAY LOSE INDIA LONDON. MARCH 11, THE 1IIMTIKII GOVERNMENT HAS REAJilIvI) THAT A CRISIS IS IMMINENT IN INDIA, WHICH OALL)j,FOR KOMITrilNGlORE 7HAN MERE PUNITIVE EXPE DITIONS AOAINST FRONTIER RERELS. CU.M1JLATIVE ADVICES FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES H1IOW THAT REVOLUTION IS READY TO 1111KAK FORTH AT A DO' EN POINTS TIIHOrnilOUT THE GREAT INDIAN R.MPIRE. UNREST AND SEDITION ARE RIPE AND LAWLESSNESS EVERY DAY HECOMES MORE DIFFICUIT TO SUPPRF-SS. THE IATP-ST MOVE MADE RY THE RRITIHH GOVERNMENT WAS THE SENDING OF GENHRAL SIR .TAMILS WILLVOCKS AT THE HEAD OF A PUNTATIVE KXPEDITION AGAINST THE 'lvKAKHELS. killed last night by C. F. Hyde, 'one of the loudlng polltloians.and InuU nen men of thta eoiamunlty. After a violent quarrel, In whleh Kemp tiiappiMl Hyde's faco, after the) latter had aoowMd him of untrulh- fosiDd deed in (he same hod, by stu den' a of the echool. wbo broke in the deor of their room, after hearing tho ho4t. The young wonion had Uen frlonda I . iLku -,. :inilkti fvAin V'nlWA. fulnat.fi. the two mB agreod to ot- " ,M",r " "-- ley. ailM narnoe waa uir uiue i etrudtor 1 mothemntlen nt Welloi. toy. Iast summer the two openod a Hli- su kM Swell Suits NOW ON SALE f beewtf- Material and Tduimlunt. Jjtrt IVIw "far Ww,v ? mUtQ the IM-V), SI 00, MJU), t50 18 tie their difforoneee, growing out of the root nt Domoorntlc primaries, in a dual. Hyd challenged Kemp, and the. lattor lnstnUy atoeefibed. noth ijnon apltenrodn the saene at the appoint od time, in as u rod the dletancc. No time win. loot A signal wait glvon and both fired. Hyde's marksman ship waj aecurate, for the firet or necond bullet ho fired Infllctod a fa tal wpund. Kemp's bullets wnit wide of their mark. The woundtd men died olmoM Inetantly. Rotb men had seondtf. And, so far ag can fsahtoiMble boarding school, but on tto opening dey Mise Weed broke down and has been In a eenltorlum uRii! iel nift)jt. whop she eagaped and rn9 to her friend's room at tho school. The two quarreled, and noth ing inure was heard mmUI tho shots wer tired. HARRY ORCHARD WILL I'ROIIAIILV HANG. lioiae. Idaho. March 11. Only one bo learned, they were the only ones jmulMmt le po&aJhle for Harry pre.nt besides the contestants. 'Orchard, under the plea of guilty Titers had been bad feeling be twp.n Hyde and Kemp fer some time hut their friend did not real ize that tho feud might have a fatal NORODY TO HIjAME FOR SCHOOL FIRE. (United Prow Loaied Wlro.) CUvuUhiuI, 0., March 11. The oor uuer'e verdict returned Unlay In tho onse of the Colllnwood sohool firo (lle- aster indicated thai no one will bo neJiI ronpouBlblo for Iht death of the 6i ohlldron. Tho decision of tha l$Yy ( that the fire started In a closet from rlvor headed fyriineu pi pee. Jnnltortjtiirtar Is exonerated from nil btamA The coronor aUxJhutd tho Ioh of lfi to panic whleh followed the ajarm of fire. (United Proaii Loasod Wlro.) Washington, March 1 1. Tho cora mlttco on military affnlro In tho sen ate todny filed thrco reports on thu Ilrownsvlllo shooting nffafr, In which colored sold lorn woro luvolvod. Tho majority roport vfaa signed by Sonator Warren, chairman of the committee, and tho minority roport bears tho signatures of Ronatorfr Scott, Iiulkclcy, Homonwny and For uker, and tho third Is slgnod by For alter ntid Ilulktflbyf ' Tho Wa.rren re port snstatnn tho contention of, tho I'roHldont In tho mntter, whl!. Ac cording to tho vlow of tho minority, the evidence was unreliable, nnd tho rlghtH of tho soldiers should bo re stored through legislation. Tho third report dlffors from tho minority report, In that it completely vindi cator the soldiers. The majority finds that tho shoot ing was dbno "by some soldlors, but the testimony fall to Idontlfy any parijonlnr oiiob In accordance with tho wlsjios of the President, the muJorRy vJl sub mit bill providing foMlio M-enllst-ment of the so!dlers. , ' o- liiiMthnllfstH Objctif, Tncomn, Wash., March 11. A half dosun ropreHontntlvoa from tho labor council lu H19 leading eltles of Washington nppeared befoo tho liCorthwoetorn hnsoball league mag nates yesterday, and declared If th Spokane franchise was voted to the .S'Htntorlum Park people InMead of the Itaerofltlon Park Company, the present owners, tho Northwestern league wotthj be p)gel on the un fair list. Tolegrauii ware also reul from every largo town from Portland to Uiitte, protesting against tho elrnngo After tho magnate had listened to the speeehn of the labor Isadora and heard the iolesrams, they adjourned until tomorrow afternoon before tak. (ng fiiwl aetlon upon the mouer. DIRECT J'RIMARY SUITS AT TACO.MA. Taooma. Wuih., Marah ll.--Tho flret tost of the dlr)ot primary law wae made in Taooma yesterday and was generally -satisfaotory, hut It Is roundly scored by the Independent voters, who were not In It at all ye Urday, the polltlojaps having inserted made by him In the dUtrlef eourt at; provision In the law that put Mm (ill OI UHlitUVM, John W. LInek won the Republican nomination over four candidate. ending, until the two nun clashed yoeterday. Hyde Is in Jail, where he' Ib being, cloeely guarded,. Hyde, who is only 24 years oM. ran from the seeae, and hue not been arreitol On. of thd wltneseef sys Kmp dUl not ebooL John Corcoran was arretted at A bant for stealing a foat frgia Prelt Caldwtfll yesterday. He will bo sen tned to hang for his crime. Orchard , ta will nnt uaV tor aBV merOV. 7. -,.. i, Vo.w. . nv th- nanal, Mayer Wright was renominated by unv v w .-., 1 - - Vf. PIONKKR OAITAI.y OF INDUKTRV Dl&tIL Saa Kranelsoo, Mareb 11 Captain R. R. ThopOH, founder of the Ore- me Demoerats. To 1U'Imm DegfMv4i. Auburn, N. Y., Mareb 11. Thp pe tition asking for the pardon of Chee ter Gillette, mrdrer of Grace goa Steam Narigatloa CompaBy. and . Drown, will be pt&sented (o Governor ou of the most prominent capital- .HugHe next week. Tho parent of iftts tn 'he city died here yetterday the ronvlctod man jecured the aaree Survey OrVKjn TjuuI. Washington, March H.-Biiiatop Jloyburn has secured the passago through tho senate of hit bill provid ing for the survey of all public land, reserved and unreserved In Idaho, Oregon, Montana and California. Un der the present aystcm, tho govern ment only survey land upon tho ro quost of actual settlors. Mr. llay Wn says this system tends to retard development. " "'tr! Ho will confer with tho Oregon. Montana and California senators and have an amendment made to tho sundry civil bill appropriating sum flent money to begin thw surveys. New StMtn fnc Tf t. Oklahoma City. Okla.. March II Uarly fndk-atfont are that Okla homa will Instruct its delegation eol idly for Taft at the convention being1 held here today. There baa bee some slight opposition, and an effort to create interest In Lh Fol let te can- dldgfy, but the Taft men tay they t Inspector Arsntroag. at tbt 8 of 88 years jto the peutloa, v hold the situation safe 1 if