DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. BALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1008 3 Ml An& G9-s.ir r, j. ".vys ftfSfc nm ' a. SOME GOOD HINTS TO THE SLEEPLESS it. ixs.'&uS. JvetaWe Compound 0 well as ever. ri,orpe,oiwe8uui6,T. H-ftSbam: ibww.'j; r,v i iWTwC iir.iT ffn- tea hire done mc. rfl SICK WOMEN. rMreT.ril!n E. Pink- iSu!e impound nmjlj .f'TM-i- nV; IWfrrured thousands ol (Slire Icen troubled with -. inflammation, ulcera- fed tumor?, irregularities, nblliji flatulency, indices ewanervous prostration. Rtrutryit? nfialhara Invites nil slclc i write Iier for ml vice. Many find themselves unable to sleep until the whole household is accounted for and the house locked for the night, until certain news is reclvQd, nnd the like. The same tendency postpones sleep till all af fairs are straightened out in the mind, as well as in reality. A little reflection shows how Indefinite must he the. postponement of sleep under such conditions. No training is more important for the victim of compulsive tendencies than tho practico of trusting some, thing to luck nnd to .the morrow, and reconciling himself do the fact that at no time, in this world, will all things bo finally adjusted to his sat isfaction. Next comes the Insistent desiro to sleep In n certain bed, with a certain degree of light or .darkness, heat or cold, air or nbsenco of air. This is In lino with the desire to eat certain foods only, at a certain table and at a certain time. Tho man who loses his appotlto if dinner Is half an hour late Is uhnblo to sloop i again If once waked up. This, Individual must say to himself, "Any one can Btand what ho likes; it takes a philosopher to Btand what ho loes not llkp," and try at being a philosopher instead of a sensitive plant. Inability to sleep while certain nolsos are continued must ho similar ly combated. If orio goes from plnco to plnco in search of tho quite spot for sleep, ho may finally find quiet itself oppressive, or worso yot, may ho kopt awake by hearing his own circulation, from which oscnpo Is out of tho question. Ho who finds himself persistently r fc Z7 i-t7fiffli si . i Aiii ris r IJVlA-'m rfajcwrr . READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. t KM lot. HAfN&E. zo $40 ;iW raided thousands to 'out of Joint with his surroundings , IdJrMJ, Lynn, Muss. BMMVMMHMMMm WEitite Transfers. kcr:j fansfere of land kttq'dtd lUHuaKton to K. E. iJ2urei, C e, r 3 if - ,..,....$5000 M ox to C V, ItJ acres, t 10 Ii.tJ 15000 tI:Trt al to Harry c,t m, S9H acres, U.wd 4907 tr to Patrick Early, ltJi,rS w,w d .. 3C0O fcttt ox to C K. (lofting Company, timet lot 7, block le.d 2500 IfcwtoG. K. Knos- icr, t 5 s, r 1 H r tt ix to M. ux. 10 acros, i!t wd fc'Ulto A. Daue, iwti 1 Owen's add!- ". d 2000 lfcKrif et ux to W. l al. land jn lot ' Salem, w d .. 18E0 'UH Wilson, lots ' f k 20, EriKle- t-'3 to Salem. A unn $t 't nx to Jag. p 5 bock 3. WnnA. !fc Co addition Kd ,5tH Cooper to C. t-l ' ax land In t 7 PMd Ptoii Md"n. ia SlIvertoB. will do woll to ponder tho lnngungo of tho Chlnoso phllosephor: "Tho logs of tho stork are long, tho logs of tho duck aro short; you cannot mnko tho legs of tho stork short, nolther enn you make tho logs of tho duck long. Why worry?" Genrgo Lincoln Walton, M. D in Llpplncott's. Notice. Notice is hereby given to nil par ties holding school bonds Nog. 1, 2, 3 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9 and 10, of school district No. 4, of Douglas county, Stato of Oregon, to present tho same nt tho banking house of tho Now York Trust Company, 2G Broad streot, New York City, N. Y., fot payment, aB Interest will ceaso thero on after tho first dny of March, 1008 Dated nt Roseburg, Oregon, this 31st day of January, 1908. J. E. SAWYERS, County Treasurer of Douglas County, Oregon. 1-31-lino CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho s, Signaturo of C&L 250 2000 CANDIDATES CARDS I For Representative. I hereby announco mysolf as a can didate for tho Republican nomina tion for Representative at tho prl marioa, April 17. HAL D. PATTON. I heroby announco mynolf as u candidate for nomination at tho Re publican primaries for county su perintendent of 60bOOl8. WALTER M. SMITH. CT5 SQI I hereby nnnonnco myself aa a candidate for noirllnntlou at tho Re publican primaries for commission er. B. B. ROBERTSON, Turner, Orogon. I dealro to place ray name beforo tho Republican primaries for a ro noralnaMon for County recorder. D. O. DRAQER. h1 f'juanllaoi to r'i" l iM f . u "lr"- l . nx to u..l 'te,irlWi '' ' to J w to t . I ' r 1 w, r ' Adolnk ..! pMnoa tcunn. Jiw..-. .. ItT, " .' tit., C S(4)d t,i John Xr LS,-1fl. w. . r .7: " itu,As. .... Ulf. .; .. " Triply ft '.A.rort. fk.., HhT ". . .?", t mfc" :m Hli-A -" i I wish to announce to my friends iwm i am a cnndldato for county trwiurflr, subject to tho RopMbllcan 175 prlaurlaa. JOSEPH MOORE. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No. 02 Kffectlvo Sunday Dccemhw 20tli, 12.01 A. M. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10. 5:G3 A. M. Oregon Express No. 18. -8:40 A. M. Cottago Grove Passongor. No. 12. 2:4C P. M. Rosoburc Pas songor. No. 14. 9:13 P. M. Portland Ex press. Toward Portland lYclRht. No. 2225:00 P. M. Portland Fast Freight. No. 22 C 10:40 a. m way freight arrives. No. 22C 11:28 a. m way freight departs. Toward Snit Francisco Passenger. No. 11. 11.03 A. M. Roseburg Pas sengor. No. 17. 0:45 P. M. Cottago Qrovo Passongor. No. 16. 9:GC P. M. California Ex press. No. 13. 2:01 A. M. San Francisco Express. Townrd 8nn Francisco Frelgbt. . No. 221.-2:43 A. M. Portland Fast Freight No. 225 11:2a A, M. Way-Frolgbt tin tin m i n n h 1 1 1 The t Whkc House Restaurant 3 For a Regular i 25c Dinner at 20c J They can't bo beat McGilchrist & Son Proprietors. HMMIHjllMMHM l-M waBioeinoigiaaa i very n 1 1 80 COURT 8TREJET. Call and try tiWHi. Meali ! ; 15c. Board per veek 12.76, also fnrnlflhed ooms reatonablo. AT THX Salem Restaurant MEALS 15c f hi 1 i I ii 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 - jj ELITE HOTEL Robtnurnnt and hotel, on . . European plan. Meuls at all 4 I hours on short order. Regular 4 ; dinner 25 conts. Thirty now- T ty unisncu lurnisned rooms. E. ECKERLEN. Prop. 148 Commercial 8t. H I I I II I I H I I I I I I M I I 1 I H i TIME TAIILK 175 175! THE O. K. Store 0 50 GKOOHRIRS THAT SPEAK for taemsolvos, as ours do need llUlo praising. W might well jt b pardoned for being .enthus- " I lastlc about them. But all we say is j OIVK US A TRIAL ORDER. j Onee you do that wo will not I have to coax you for a second. j : Our Groceries will speak for tnemselves on your table. You'll be sorry you hadn't commenced trading hero before. liiw A- A- ENGLEBART, . r I G& Twelfth street near Woolen I Phone 122. Mill CORVAuLIB & EASTERN R. IL Trains from and to Ynqulna. No. 1 Arrives at Corvnllls . . . .11:00-'. m. Arrive nt Albany 5:55 p. m. Leavoa Ynqulna C:45a. m. Arrlvea at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 2 Leavo. Albany 12:35 p.m. Arrlvea at Ynqulna .... 0:15p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. Leavoa CurvtilllB 1:40 p.m. No. 3 Lonves Albany 7:30 a.m. A. M. (5:00, a7:05, 8:05, 10,06. No. 4 Leases Detroit 1:00 p.m. follows, commenolng Jan. 16, 1908 Trains for Corvnllls. No. 8 Loaves Albany 7:55 a.m. Arrives at Corvnllls .... 8:35a.m. No. 10. Loaves Albany 3:55 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls ... 4:35p.m. No, G Leavos Albany 7:45 p.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls .... 8:25 p. m. JTrnlns for Albany. No. 5 Leavos Corvallls Arrives at Albany No. 9 Lcavc3 Corvallls Arrlvos at Albany No. 1 Leavoa Cirvall!s Arrives at Albany No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallto 11:15 a.m. Arrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leavos Albany 12:35 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls .... 1:18p.m. For further Information apply to WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Jno. M. Scott, Asst. O. P. A. O C T. Co Steamers Pomona C2 Oiv"nU leave for Portland Monday, Weuev day and Friday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a, m. For Corvallls, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 6 p. m. M, P. Baldwin, agent. Offlcef and dock at foot of Trade street M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. Hotel St. Philip Fourth and Fifth nnd llarnsldr Strewn, Portland, Oregon. Now nroproof European Hotel Steam heat. Modern convonlencea. Rates $1.00 per day and up. Union dopot car will land you at tho door H.PIERCE, Prop. Harnett's Restaurant and Lunch Counter In Bush bank block remodolod and Ilrut-clOHH eorvico. Meals nnd lunches in beat stylos. Ladles nnd family trado solicited. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Wovoa WJro Fencing. ' Netting, Pickets, Gates, Malthold Roofing, P. & D. Ready Roofing All at lowest prices. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN Succossor WALTER MORLEY. .150 Court St. Salem, Ore. t t t t t G:30 a. m. 7:10 a. ra. 2:15 p. m. 2:55 p. m. 6:00 p.m. C:40p. m. Hide Wing Sang Co. Removal Sale We aro selling out all goods at cost price. Movo and sell etore building and all the goods. Everything must go. 34C Court Street, Salem, Or. 2 For Sale Or Trade Fr Salem city property, 2"o acres, half In cultivation, balance timber and fine past ure, will divide Into 120 and 130 acree, ideal dairy farms, 45 per aont. See us for Ira proved fruit lands. We have eoro special bargains. Ireland Investment Co. JAMES KEUN0, Manaoer Qfllcu Pliono Maine 331. Itebldence Phone 300. 13 Z B Commercial St Salem, Oregon wimi!itmim if imimf -i wnmw THE OASSIf IED -HiHIlHfttthHH-iff l ro& SAUK r I f iwllll For Sale s Vz acres two mllos south of Salem, on Liberty rond; chick en wlro fence nil around place; now house and furniture; now out buildings; three dozen chlokons.' Q, W". Flesher, Salem, roaUbNo. 3. . 2-C-2wk For Snle 34 acres adjoining stato fair grounds, 10 ncrcs cast and 24 acres west of tho fair grounds road Can bo sold separately or in bulk. Good Improvements and nil kinds of fruita. A bargain for tho right party. Call on S. S. Colo, 570 Llb orty streot, Salem. Il8-lm Wood For Snlo -Dry cord Wood; flrBt, und somo second, growth flr. All orders dolivorod. Prices rea sonably. L. M. Van Cleave at Fairgrounds Wood Yard. Phono Main 1497. 1-16-lmo Peach Seed for Sale. Wo will havo a carload of California seedling peach seed for Bale at Salem, and would contract with purchasers to grow us prunes and peachos for fall dcllvory, 1909. For Informa tion nddress Chlco Nursery Co., Chlco, California. 1-27-tf For Sale Flno big White Leghorn breeding oggs, price 50c por dozen Enqulro W. H. tlmm, 20th and Trade Sts. 2-1014t For Sale Seven-room houso nnd lot, modern, oxcoptlng hont. Price $1700, also Vt block, good loca tion. Prlco $1900. Latham Land Company, ovor Portland General Electric Company. 2-S-tf For Sale Flvo ncros of clonrod bind, within ono mile of Salem, Also flvo ncres partly covoroJ with tlmbor. Phono Farmer 93. 2-12-31 FOR RENT. For Rent Rooms with or without bonrd by tho day, wcok or month. Mrs. W. R. Speece, 480 Soyjth Commercial St. 2-10-Ot MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted, iniornmtioii Families Iav" lng soda enscs nnd bottles, kegs or Jugs belonging to tho Gideon Stola. Company, pleaso call up phono' 20, or drop postal car, giving stroot and number. 2-10-lw Roguo River Orchard for Sato Clean. Pront-bcnring; deep al luvial river bottom boII. Good buildings. Sell cntlro or subdi visions. Good roads. Near good 9-montb school. Good cllmato. Bon A. Lowell, Woodvlllo, Oro gon. 1-30-lm. WllllluidPnylDa'fliiFornhon?b oast off olothln, broken watche and Jowolry. Wo clean and prosa. High grado work. Phono 963. Sigournoy, 483 State. 1-2 5m. II. S. Gilo & Co. Wholesale grocow and commission merchants. We aro solo ngonto for Rex Spray. It Is absolutoly uniform in strongth. A perfect chomlcnl combination. Costs a llttlo moro, but cbonpost In tho end, strength and reliability considered. 1-lG-tf Will tho Party Who borrowed a Snoll blcyclo from Tho Journal olllco about two wcoks ngo kindly return sniuo, as tho owner needs it. 1-10-tf ogot Lumlier and Fuel Co. Lu la bor .shingles, building material, wood nnd coal. Low prlcon and prompt dolivorlos. Ono block oast of S. P. posseugee dopot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD. It 1b worth moro than any othor 'read yot tho prlco Is no hlghor. For oalo at your grooera. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thomas & Cooley, Props. MBMnaaMMBnmaHaMi IMtAYMBN. Cummins Bros.' Transfer Cetnpany All kinds of transfer work don Furniture and pianos boxod road for shipment. Prompt sorvlcc our motto. Stand and office 253 South Commercial tro" Phonn 210 Rmldenc Phoiif WANTED. A antcu ii you want a mnrblo oi gnxnlto monument wo can envo yon monoy. Wo don't pay big rent nor city taxoo you ' get the benoflt Corao and got our prloos, and be convinced. Our shop Is In CIt? VIow comotery. Blneslng Grantle Co., J. D, Bohannnn, manager. 1-13- Wnnted First-class general black smith. Call at 16th and Markot stroota, Salem. E. M. Thomas. 2-7-lwk PLUMBERS. heo, Al. Burr Plumoing, hot wat and steam hoatlng and tlnrn 164 Commercial street Pboti Main 192. 9-1-ly SI. J. Pouol Plumbing, steam anr gas fitting. Succossor to Knox A Murphy, 22 C Commercial tro Prone Main 17. LIVERY ATfTT FEED riTAI'ILK Livery und Fwil Stables Old I'oh offlco Stablos, at 254 Forry Rtro' between Commercial and Fron streets. Tophono 188. Some or the finest llvcrlos In the city oa. bo found hero. Dlek Wostacot' proprietor 1 0-1-1 yr PROFESSIONAL. O. V. mils, 31. D. Physician and surgeon. Telephone 307 Male Offices, 546 State street, opposlt court bouse, 8alem, Or. Residence Phono 313 Main 8-13 Iran Butto Ni Wenderotli Flno wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handle tho eolobrated Kollog gand Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor constantly oi draught. 8outh Commercial street. 9-3-lyr Enlarged Our meat markot on East State utroet has been doublod In size and wo are hotter prepared tkan over .o aorvo customors. Prompt corvlce and tho boat of moats our motto. Gall or phono 199. B. E. Edwnrds & Co. LODGES. Arpi'Mcr Union No. 100 Local Union No. 1065 of Carpontora sjut Jolrors of America moot ovory Saturday ovonlng at 7:30 p. m. 1a Hearat hall, 420 SUvto St. A. W. Dennis, Roc. Sec Fonviteni of Amerlcn Court Shor wood Foreutors, No. 19. Moots Sntmrdny night in Holmnn hall, Stato fltroot. Waldo Miller, C. R.; J. C. Perry, financial secretary. Central Lodgo No. J8, K. of P. Cuutlo Hall In Holman fcteck, cos nor Stato and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each wook at 7:80 . m. Oacar Johnson, O. O.; B. H. Andorson, K. of R. and 8. Modern Woodmeu of America Ore gon Cednr Camp No. 6246. Meets jvory Thursday ovonlng at I o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O,; F. A. Turner, clerk. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frt day night at 7:30, In Holman hall, L. E. Ponnell, O. O,; P. L. Fras It, Glork. Llnoolii Annuity Union. Sick, acei dent and ponslon Insurnnco; 3, 000,000 plodgrd; every claim paJa' Good agonts wanted. J. H, C. Mongomery, supreme organizer, Oox432 Salem, Orogon. R. R. Ryan, secretary, 540 State strret. H.1HH NV DOOR FACTORIES, Pmnk M. Brown. Manufacturer of dash, doors, mouldings, All kinds if bone finish nnd hard wood work Front streot, between State and Court Makn all complaints at th ttlrt WHITE BRONZE S10NUMENT8 Never chip, crack tarnlib, moss or corrode. The cly kind that never nrttA Alantilnir Xfnr I the truth of the abovo ste them in all the Salem and many of tho coun. t y cemeteries; some of tbein hare been there fo. fz ynrs. II you want tho very bjit at living p'lceJ call on braddi ess 458 Mill St Phone 1231, Salem, O. T, B. WAIT. DR. KUM WONDERFUL OIIINK8B DOCTOR Will treat you with Oriental herbs and cure any disease without opera tion or pain. Dr. Kutu Is known everywhere In Salem, and has cured many proml nent peoplo here. He has lived la Salem for 20 years, and can be fruit ed. He uses many medicines un known to white doctors, and with thorn can cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rehumatism, stomach, liver and kidney diseases. Dr. Kum- makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. His rem edlus cure private disease whoa v- erything else falls. He has hun dreds of testimonials, and gives con sultation free. Prices for medietas very moderate. Persons In tks cous try can write for blank, Send stamp, If you want some- extra la tea. est It from us. DM. KUM HOW WO (XV