2 DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGOK. THURSDAY, FEIJItUAItY 1, 1008 I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IIOFKH, Hil. and Prop. V.. an Independent Kewjpr I)orotd to American Principles and j? lhMtmtHi and ttaTelorxmant of All Oretou. ' PublUlied Krery Eranlng Kxcept HumHr. Salem, Ore. SUIJBCTtlPTION RATES. (Irmrlablr In Adrance.) Pally, hj rrlcr, por year..... .t$j00 Per montb.......40c Dallr, by mail, per yar-.--...-. J rr month SBc Weekly, bf mall, per year.... ......... LOT 31k month ,.50o OIQSiaWv SPECIAL JKLIVKHY. For convenience of eubscrlbore branch delivery offlcoe are ectao Ushed At the followlsf place at IB cents per month, 11.00 for three MOHt . Asylum Store, F. Q. Da Voo & Bon, Asylum Avonuo Junction. Carllne, Seventeenth street o A. W. Lane, Qardon Road atoro. , Dauo'fl fltoro, Alex, Dfluo, South Commercial stroot, OUIcctrlo Btoro, 0, M. Eppley, East Stato street. Fair Qrounds Btoro, Harrison Dao, Fair Orounda Road. (Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. "O, K. Orocory, A. A, Epgloba t, Twolfth stroot. rwheefor's Btoro, W, D. Wheeor, Highland 'avenue. 'Voir Park Btor- F. O. Boworox. Twelfth and Leslie. .HV ciikkd II l,l , I g) III I I I think that ninny a soul has Cod within, Yet know no church, nor creed, no word of praer, No law of Ufa savo that which seems most fair And 4ruo and Just, and helpful to Its kin And kind; and holds that net nlono an ln .' TJiat lays upon nnothor soul Its nharo - 1 ' Of human pain, of sorrow, or of caro, " Or plants a doubt whoro faith has over boon In ovory othor heart It incutH, tho way Has found to tnnko Its own condition blessed To.'lovo Cod Is o Hlrlvo through llfo's short day Td-comfort grlof, to glvo tho weary rost, To bono and love that, suroly, In to pray. Alice Iilnnoy. , o THK HTItfATIO.V IN POHTUOAIj i fl It must not bu forgotten that In time of suoh uxaltement m now pro vnlln In PorttiKal nil sorts of rumors' get started whloh have no founda tion la faot. That tho lato linn was unfit to rule aooma plain enough, although personally pnsHuasiid of iniitiy Reed quatltliM. If ho had boon (It to bu a constitutional IcIiik he would havo under stood -Hint ho iould never hopo to win out In nn nttampt to overthrow a constitution oucn granted, nnd If ho had boon IU to be a king of nny kind ho would not havo submitted hlmsolf to an oh n man as his Int prlmo minister evidently was. Till! TIMI! HAH PAHT WIIKN' IN' A.VV (MVIUKD COI'XTItY OV KUNMHNT CAN' IIK CAHHIKD OX IV DHPIAXCK OK TDK WILL OF TIIH pkopm:. At tho nonift t lino II must be remembered that the Portuguese are pre cisely llkt other pcoplo mid Hint there la momlly cortaln to be an out burst of iltileotntloii or tho rbomlunble orlme which wn enmmlttod nnd sympathy for the unforUiuulH family of the murdered king. Tho young man whom the trngmly lira made king Is said to bo amia ble nml popular with tho people. It Is potwlblo, iiIho, that bu may prove to have wisdom and vigor. It In quite cortaln that bis ponple will anume that he poeseesea thoe ijilalltloh until tho contrary la ahowu. TIIH PKOPLK OF POHTWMIi Allll ACCt'STO.MHD TO A MON AllOIIIOAIi FOIt.M OF (iOVHUNMKNT, whloh. however absurd In prln qlplo, baa many pntetloal udvniitngos and dowt net. or at timet need not, In tho least lulurfcrw with tho development qf popular Institution. What la actually Inking place In Porlunal dnunot ettslty be made oat from tho dlMpatohiM, but upon general prliiolalrte no ehUMg In the form f govevament would be wcpeotetl. WHICH THROUGH SO MANY LONG YKARS HAS PRODUCED SUCH A SUCCESSION OF POWERFUL MEN. It has been pre-cmlnentlv tho party of construction, Just as the Demo crats havo been the party of obstruction. ' No president can control a national pnrty. It control lies In tho great body of the citizens of whom It Is com posed. What tho Democratic party really la may be seen In tho record of Its accomplishment under President Cleveland and Its pyroteohnlcal flights since under -the leadership of Mr. Bryan, It Is not a party or ability and If In power would not bo a party of, uscfulnosa. ItUILDING OPERATIONS AND TIMIIER SUPPLY -0- A POLITICAL IMIIM) DAY. Tim eMlMii e( eoMgrete preceding h presWtlal etoettaMi M weoew aarlly prmlwelWe f wueh ttelltlaal oratory. UeewuM wkat li swkM tliere paMHa tree thruHga Ike mallii The Jwrty oommltteoM. bae to pay the eoet tf rUtlg the stMecke. but tllfl postage aHd Mt of nlorage and matlUaf room aro mwA. Thorela money la It far both iMrttos, ami iHcMeHally a WAi deal of fun. Noltmly muro oHjojrti a nulling goml Muuto aoecli lk a oonireea man. wad there ar nretolttiie aeellblMdere oh botk side of Ike kowee. The dhat tke other diiy oh lk t'rMldeni s wmu was worthy a good many thousand dollar to to trooaitrle of both part tew, aJUoofh tb DwiHomratir Htriy was probably the prlacthal bvaetlclary. Tim UopHbllraaa will t tkwlr Inulage Hxt Umi ONE DOItH NOT NHHD TO HAVE A I'HUVUNT HHMItF IN THE HINt'HItrt'Y OF tlOUHKH CttOKRAN '10 UIUX1X7.K THAT HI! IS A MOST HNTHHTAIXINO STUMP SPIUKKH. AND III! OAMII NOULV TO Till! FRONT IN Till! DHIlATtt tN MONDAY. Mm tutudhftl kta MMhJeet vory deftly. Hta Joy In the itrtmiao ami arfrmaoee of Pritlileot Hoooro loeto e oaly otiualttd lay kin deUgkt tkat he li so aeXNt to post ft Me labors Oae may or may not hav MaHdeaea la ho alaooreit)' Of Oookraa'a prut of the PrftldeMl't millelea, but ho ea Meed daHtkt Ikul k la do lights! 4o bu rid or hlat. Whloh tMv coekraa klKiaelf will lt e after too leaoUwitioiw Is oore guH(awork. but he made aH Axeeilmit potttteal sooeah. Whoa It la dllrUit?d aHd read titut inmrnor ihie iHeeto wUI bo fMtml to b lateuded to prove that tke Hopubtttajii are oiototlac H tko good pollc4e whlak the Ueutrnts have ever fuvoejl. At Hr.t tkoaght that wmhUI toem to (Mtitaato ho fortoor e tor the DemettraUe pwty. That, laoworer. wUI Hoi oo tke eoMetftkNt wots M. OmKjoji will reoek Htrt tkoory win We Uwt tite PfJasooot it the ooly lAr aol Mta Ut to UtHtkUo)iM HHttr Hd UiHt wink Mm ot ! o roiimt tooto ti oo ko for (ke retoUlto eraiot to Ay to to attoe WtMlus J. ftm whom Mr tKkra kM oeror yol soonorle) aod koa bo H mMm la M) UMlt k MMT OOt SOMMMrl MOW. or eaitr. tkU to oil ttOHseoso. W do oot mw roesUI Hoy ImponMiit oolky nklch oo kMi troeoW4 V PreoMooi lUioaovek wktok HaoMoi boon a4 or ) oroaolooMf RwookMentw Cement and steol and brick and Btono aro not yet used In sucffllcnt quantities to encourage lumber users to predict tho tlmo whon the forests will not bo called upon to furnUh tho principal materials used In build Inft operations. Notwithstanding tho romnrknblo Incroato In the use of ce ment and othor fireproof material1, tho last reports of tho building oper atlons In 40 of tho leading cltloB of. tho United 8tatea for tho year, col looted by tho geological survey, show, Hint DO per cent woro of wooden con- utructlon. p In wooden buildings New York city is nt tho bottom of tho list, though It lends with $18,076 as tho nvorngo coBt of buildings. Except nt Ban Frnnclnco, where nbnormal condltlona hnvo provallcd slnco tho lire, Hoston allows tho greatest In creano of nny of tho cities In the total !ont or building operations. The nvorngo cost of building Is con stantly Increasing, hnvlng rlson over $300 during tho lust throe yean. Tho avorngo value of n building Is given In tho report ns $2036. Lumbor la by fnr tho gratost drain on tho forostx, nnd tho wondorful development of tlio oountry during the post duendo has called for the UHo of noarly 40,000,000,000 board feot a year. Tho largest quantity uvr roiuirtud for a year wa xor 1000, when thlrty-soven and one-hnlf billion foot, wkh n mlM vatuo or $02I,1M.3S8, wat lined. Including the value or the lath and shlnglos iiatsl with thbl limnunt, tlie tntnl value of tho wood used for buildings la brought up to $JB0.70C,R13. Tho Incronslng price for lumber and the mpldly Increasing use of per factad llrHproof sstem of conatruc llnn should have much 4o do In holding down tho amount which the formats aro culled upon to yield each yonf, but so far theao more substan tial material havw not decreHUfd the lumbor out of the nation. Moby Hnnds will get Into mischief often It means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow LXnlment just as Boon as the accident happens, nnd the pain will bo relieved while tho wound will heal quickly and nlcoty. A suro euro for sprains, rheumatism and all pains. Prico 25c, GOc and $1.00 a bottle. 8old by all dealers. -- o TIh Latest Method. "Yes, Drown la always getting tho cart beforo tho horse.' "My dear boy, don't bo old-fash-loncd. NowndayB wo say getting tho smell boforo fho motorenr." Phila delphia Inquirer. o Worn Out That's tho way you fool about tho lung whon you havo a hacking cough. It's foolishness to lot it go on nnd tnust to luck to get over It, whon Ballard's Horchound Syrup will stop tho cough and heal tho lungs. Prlco 2Gc, 60c and $1.00 per bottle Sold by all dealers. OUR INVENTORY SAL i Will Positively End February 29th Otto Drawback. Olive Whoo" nn Imlprovomeut It wilt bo If tho tlmo ovor comos whon overybody can got u sent In tho stroot oars. Vlolot Oh, I don't know. A girl would novor bo suro than thnt sho was pretty. Puck. COFFEE - You can buy something called "coffee" at 10c lb with 3000 miles of R R freight from the roaster; don't. Vm( (whiiii Tt wwr It fou deo'i lUtlkhillHU'MHati wtparMm. I Th rCHtlwood growth of tkla bauk for tke post twoaty tuis la evideHce that tke public appr . Into promp aod coortixua trtat itirut We give ikl ohnio uttn llutt to cNvtooiore wttk smll mote as w do to tkoe having Urgr aotoNMto. Our rwetooMrt are afforded vvory KooiMMMiotlo ronshttunt wttk ommI aod coMrvatl keHk'ag. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK SiilTvritig nml Dollars Snvrd. 13. S. Lopor, of Marilla, N. Y., says: "I mil a enrpontor and hnvo hnd mnny sovoro cut honied by Ruck leu'a Arnica Salvo. It has saved mo suffering nnd dollars. It Is by rar tho host hoallng wilvo I havo ovor round." Healrt Irurne, soros, ulcere, fover soros, oezomn and plloe; 25o at J. C. Perry, druggist. Your Choice of Any Suit i Overcoat in Our Store f A whole army of buyers have already been bi fitted by OUR NINE DOUAR AND EIGBTVJ CENT SUIT SALE. We've still many choice meats lefHfe l1ie early bird never catches the worms It will pay you to come to Our Grand Iri tory Sale, for another such a sale may be held. We are giving full measure at measure prices. Your Choice of Any Suit or Overo in Our Store for $9.85. ' . G. W. JOHNSON & COl 141 Commercial St. HOP CONTItOYKKSIKS havi: 11KK.V SirTTLKD. TIih various differences between Paul It. CI. Horst & Co., or New York, nnd Iinchmund & Co., or this city, for mnny years tho roprosonta tlva of tho largest hop firm In tho world, havo all boon amicably rot tled out,of court, and I.nchmund & Co. will remain ob tho firm's ropro- soutntlvee hero. Mr. Ilorst will loavo ror San Tranctsco and" on Saturday evening, nnd pleaaed that he has bcrn nbn just all business dlffrenca tho young men who h.ivr prl grown up In the bu-lnf3j um Paul It. G. Worst fc Co, of and Now York, will con'iniu btiHluosa in the Vtlim tto whoro they have paid the grcj lupulln millions of dollars iwwwtwwwwiiwwtiiiwwwwiwwwmwwwwwwwww Tii vtrto of irelilBt Hoooovott It Ift ela rark0e vigor He axtnallr om toUMP wkiok lo Olrooeou HoooNlirao oroeoleou ksw bnm hoaMo to do. do tm to there t ertttetew of ike Preooieot In Rooobitrao rako. tt Is net tor w.kat he km 4o Wot lor wool om eaM That h okowld advotio go4 Ihw ao4 rtdurvoely voforro the was feu duty and ke Una dene It. The faolt to ke ftmad le lUt Ih kit ooor uf Ula ft lw kaa orMted wt)rMwkl foar that ho wnld ttwiormtoo tko teooMitUojm of ootelj. and that whether ke o imeeded or not. He 1 u wore eltettve tkaa GvnMr Hp. wo aiMA doo what k hah to do and wy aotktujc Uwt k dooa ooi kAve to y. Thi poMoJe whloh Preldwtt Hevult k4 outdo etfootlte are ItotwtW lleaa, oaitetee and th will be rwraued riKKOKT BARK Coush Remedy ik n ft Save Your Dollars Weekly Capital Journal, one year 91.0 ioml-Weekly Oregon Journal one vir $1.30 Regular prlco of both paporo .$2.50 Couhi. Colds CROUP 9k.vt SORC THROAT V ! I V iTHiOAT.USCS mmniini tmmmmama imtMx vtt ttit (a. VUXM.OBtV4Kl.14. fn loA ltt NauaMoaaiaaaaacaMi Both Papers One Year For Price of One AT OUR EXCLUSIVE CLUB RATE $1.58 Dally Capital Journal, by mall $1.00 Dally Portland Journal, by mall $3.00 Dally and Sunday Portland Journal, by mall ,...$7.30 Exclusive Great Cut Rate Offer for the Two Dailies Dally Capital Journal and Portland Journal, by mall, one year ..M $7.3 Dally Capital Journal and Dally and Sunday Portland Journal one year, by mall $0.00 SAVE $l.5 ON THE FIRST COMBINATION AND $2.51 ON THE SECONB Those prices are strictly nH cash In advance mall order propo sitions, and do not apply on nny of our city carrlor or speclajl de llTry system. THE SEMI-WEEkXY OREGON JOURNAL PMbllshas the latest and most comploto telegraphic news of tke world; gtvaa reliable market reports, as It Is published at Port land, whera the market uewa can bo and U corrected to date for eaok teams; has an entertaining story page and a page or more of otntle each week, and It feoet to the subscriber twice every week 111 time a year THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ! a eloaa. model. o-to-daU loeal newspaper. It gives all the feiosi ad oaooottiBga and should be In every home In this Tieilt Th t,w oof matfb a cpleadld comblaatloa and yoe sav Sajp Wr lowiiftc yoor subscription to E. MR, Publisher, Salem, Oregex FrUi 35c, SOe, fl 00 Sold ey TIIHIIH HAa .NOT UHKX IX ANY I.A.ND IN)I.1TH1. IMIKY ,lntoloM 4rurt1U eferywhero. i mmmmmmmmmMM