j ft v ' r.l'. ., f; ,1 ' ". 3f I lanraal ic& SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, 1'KIHIUARY 1.1, 1008 NO. 40. St I Ik EM WIDE-AWAKE AND ENT HUS I ASTIC - I ' '" 'I ' ' ps Ordered to Alaska-Martial Law Declared 1 WITH HOUSE FILLED SALEM BOOSTERS iUflsiasin Prevailed and Life and. Energy Was ... t i nr it M In the Movement for me making 01 a Greater and Better City bau4 boosting men and wo- LWri the meeting in the ln tcx last night, and by &u applause and enthu- d of the evening 4Qi spirit with which they kjtjpnt their shoulder to irii the commercial bodlo jal fcelp make Salem tho kijhilielu the state, jsktudson gave a very plain jthiufatu men of Salem, in hvi tbfm they must stop stofcrm organizations' to jUts to subscribe a dollar la their p!aco form on-- (tsl subscribe a hundred . v (dollars a month." Aftor thcu moot- lug, Richardson and tho buslnoss mon retired to tho Illihaa Olub, nnd within & short time had formod n commltteo to ,go to Portland and bring tho mayor of thnt city nud its bite llnnnoial mon down horo .to real Izo tho oxoollont conditions abound Ing in and surrounding this city. Mayor Rodgors wns tho first sonkor of -tho evening. His talk was Joxtotupornnootis nnd full of good hit- mor. Ho oponcd his reranrks- by j stating that ho wns glad to havo brought Mr. Richardson horo, and added, "as your chlof Shogun, I'm ALONG HEADED Indian SPOKANE AIDED ELOPEMENT GAVK SON-IN-LAW UK WOULDN'T SCAUR SO RACK- (MR RUN BY THUGS A REIGN Of TERROR ALASKA HAS LABOR TROUBLES IN A HURRY TO LOSE HIS COIN SALOONS ALL SHUTlGRIEflELD MADE IT COMH Till OLD MAN WAS SUPPORT. ING TWO AND WAS .SO TO SPKAK BADLY. HALMONliR. MS PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE ' GET OUR PRICES you buy one dollar's worth'of and you will find out that it W you well. We buy for cash N for cash and allow no house Pacific coast to beat our prices: en: UEW SILKS! forouriric. -ybWlfulUiort. n ,7 r ruu'w, "- th.. .. T . n7l ' i r wm. . v. . m , 'WRrandtM. - 'woww, yOM it. ' &.. 's.Ll- '"-8t relTl. t Zi-r?. " .. ' "" suuf ti, Wt tr ; ;4tk " . 8i ju. lk, SW' "I S10.50 $12.50 It Jir i lt7s tt-rr15?' iFieJiJ ' Qwii;e-? Iwv .cjTH:. -!. J J)I. ., sr Qfat burgalns la Silk Coats. Silk Underskirt a ad Spring Jaeksu. iThat Saves You Money HOLDUP MKN TKHH0IIIKI3 THIS CITY?, AND OPMRATK IN RROAD DAYjAiGIIT MUSICIAN HKATKN INTOINSKNSIRILITY UY NKGHO ItUKKIAN AT MIDDAY. I (United Pross Leased Wlro.) Spolfnne, Wash., Fob. 13. Thugs aro holding high cnrnlval In Spokane And thoroby hnngB a tnlo of nnd huvo become o bold from their romance, Indian strategy, nnd conn- Biiceosaw'at night that they aro now ter strategy which has so far failed oporatlng In broad daylight. Denton to aottlo definitely whom tho joko is fnto insensibility by n nogro rufllnn, on. .. George Schurtz, a violinist, was found lying in tho strcot nt 11 o'clock Cyostonlny morning. Honry Topponlsh, Wash., Feb. 13 well known Indian of tho reserva tion has Intoly becomo a father-in- law. TIIK STRIKING MINIMIS RAISK TitouiiLi-: rkcausi: mini: owx- I'.KS AIIK 1MP0RTIN(3 LAROR- KltS 'IX) TAKK THK1R PLACID AT SMALLKIt WAGKS. Latoly aAoung Umatilla bravo, sporting a. blanket rich in gaudy col- " - i ore, mndoiqulck lpvo to tho Yakima (Sadlor,. a nogro, wns discovered cov IndJan'sjUaughtor. Providing him- orod with blood In a room nonr tho iuH wiLh nn fixtrn nonv. ho rodo to wonn of. .tho assault, and Was niTMt- ttKj'iVSii" r l v""-sviM T-iiVAn' xvpvn'i jv i "apd finding tho old man absent, per-1 "Take your baby and got out or suaded tho girl to mount and they here," whb tho command glvon Mrs. rodo away. Tho old man was notjj, Smith nt 3 o'alook in tho nf tor long in apponring on tho sceno, nnd noon by two mon who callod hor to whon ho did como ho brought with tho door of hor homo. Sho-rnn to n hljrn an old rusty ropeatlng rlflo. Ho ni-lgbbor'B houso, and gave th allowod tho couplo to got a couplo of alarm, but tho thugs escapod bofoco miles Btart before ho took after them .tho arrival of tho police, but overtaking hom near Alfalfa,ho Aftor a desperate and bloody fight emptied tho rlflo in tho. direction of with a masked thug M a lato hour tho fleeing lovors. Whon tho gun j lost night, J. A. Tnylor, a roal os was empty tho old man retraced h)s tnto dealor, overpowered his onsnll stops toward homo. unt, pinned him to tho ground and "You seo," said tho old Indian, "I hold him until tho pollco nrrlvod. don't want catoh thorn, just want j Whon taken to tho pollco station tho scare them llko hell. I already got, holdup still woro his mask, two sons-in-law, both board at my I M a m heuse: mo think Bhoot lots scaro him lots ho no como back. Injun no fool." (United Press Lonsod Wlro.) Fairbanks, Alaska, Fob. 13. Martial law ban just boon doclnrod by Marshal Perry nwoarlng In 100 doputlos. All tho snlooiiH nro closed, and everything 1b quiet. DlHtrlct At torney Harlan has boon ordorod to Fairbanks from VnUIez to attond to any orlmlnal notion thnt may bo nec essary In tho -troublo between the unionists and tho now arrivals. HAD TO RUN TO RKACII THIS RANK RKFORK IT CI.OSKD, RU1 TIIK OASHIKR TOOK HIS $10, 000 AND TIIK NKXT MORNINU Til 13 RANK DOORS WMRK NOT OPKNKR. Wasblngton, Fob. 13, President Roosevelt nnnouncod this morning 'tUnt,JipiJ.in .Ooojdvd to pnd fQdprpl troops to Fairbanks, Aioaigittita prq-, servo ordor among the striking .min or. Tho Prosldent had declluod to net until ho hob convlnbod beyond doubt that unions ho took tho action lU' has Just doolded Upon tho dlsordor might huvo Borlousro8ults. Tho Presldont notod on informn tlon transmitted by Marshal Perry. Ho Is not Informed 'as to tho causa nf tho strlko, but was told that many aiTo&Ui havo bom inndo. Aftor n conforonco with tho Prosldent, Attor-noy-Geuoral Ronapnrto dlsoussod the situation at Fairbanks with Aotlnn Soorotary of War Ollvor. 4LDRICH BILL IS DANGEROUS Washington, Feb. 13. A potltlon demanding that tho Aldrlch flnanclul bill be dofoated bocauso It wbb draft- , cd sololy for tho boneftt of tho Wall .street monoy kings, and that It places in the hands of such mon as ( Rockofellor, Morgan and Ryan the power to crer.te panic and to ex pand the ourrency to the extant of hundreds of millions of dollars at their will, was today praaanied to tho sonaU by Alfrod Crozlor, of WU- ,mlngton, Del. i Tho petition was announced by Senator Tlllmsui with characteristic .comment. The document charge that tho individual woasth of "six poworful gamesters of Wall street" is sufficient to oroate a corner In gold to enable thorn to "demand any priae therefore from those who mutt have, aotual gold to pay on vast numbers of maturing bonds." Crozler deolares that the bill cen tal na other daagerosiB features; that It would satisfy the well-known spirit of revenge of the financiers and block all nrogreealve loglslatlon be tween a Democratic administration and a Republican congress. Tho petltloa further asserts that the bill will multiply tho political power of the "lawless, relentless ma! tors of Wall etreot," and that by controlling the secretary of the treasury they would b able to wield in..i ia..nnAn. nA all ha hnnlra nf I iuulr luuuiwra ii ! " -- tho country, and thereby build tte greatest political machlno in the his tory of the United 8tates. DROPPED DEAD WHILE IN CHURCH (United Presfl Leased Wire.) ' Oakland, Cal., Fob. 13. While reading from Mrs. Mary Rnker G. Eddy' "Science und Honlth," at tho Christian Science church in Oakland last night, Nathan Frank Whipple, n votoran Instructor at tho Berkeley Institute for tho blind, dropped dead on the platform bofore a orowdod auditorium. The meotlng was In a state of con fusion in a moment. Men and wo men rose in tholr seats and some started for the doors. Thon the Rv. Elmer McRurney, a rotlrod roader In the church, stood up, and In a loud but steady voice requested the audience to be seated and Join him In silt prayer. The response was immediate, anil tho house became still. An unusually large audience had assembled when Mr. Whipple rose to read from Mrs. Eddy's "Sclonce and Health. " Ho had been reading but ew minutes whon he was seon to drop hU hands and almest Immedi ately he sank to the floor unson scions. Death came almost Immediately. CHAMP CLARK TALKS TARIFF (United Press Lonsod Wlro.) Downglnc, Mich., Fob. 13. Chn. Crllllcld, u wealthy fanner, thlnkn ho Is tho most unluoky man In tho world. Last Monday ho nlnposed of property valuod at $10,000, and Im mediately boarded tho next train for Downgloc to deposit tho "nmall for tune in tho City Rank. Tho train reached tho city behind schedule tlmo, and Crlfllold, unxloim to reach tho bank and deposit the monoy beforo Jt-oloHod for tho tiny j-nn m fnst as his legs Mould enrtr lilm from tho train. Ho nibliotl lute tho'inRtltutlon JiiBt ns It was closing, but tho accommodating cashier snld ho would break a rule for Rrothrr Crlfllold, and accepted tho deposit. Thon tho bnnk closod and hnn not opened since. Depositors figure thoy will be lucky If they got 2Q cents. om the dollar. i o AN UGLY ROW IS RRKWINO. Will Comply With tlw Imv. (United Press Leased Wire.) Cbleao. Feb. 13. Operating ofll olr.ls of railroads have practically givta op hope of putting off -tho Urns when It was necessary to comply with the ffderal law limiting to nine bou the working day of telegraph optr-tort. Plans aro being made to meet the conditions of the law as far m possible March 4 Is the date It 'becotbee effective. (Unltod Press Lonsod Wire.) Washington, Feb. 13. An uglr row Is brewing in tho home commlt teo on nnval affairs, whiuh recently ngrood upon a naval program to re port to congress, consisting of wa battleships, ton torpedo boat destroy ers and eight submarines. Tho administration, from Presi dent Rootovelt down, asked for four battloshlpH, ten destroyers and only four submarines, nnd cornmont has been caused by tho fact that, whllo tho battloshlps were out down from tho administration program tho sub marines woro raised. A lobby has been at work In behalf of tho sub marines for many years, and tit Ih I In fact of tho tariff without Indioatlng nn investigation of an allogsd at whothor they were for an increase or tempt to bribe one member to vot for them was held In tho fl fly-as vent Is congress. Washington, Feb. 13. Champ Clark, of Missouri, enllvoned the prooeodlngs in the houso this morn lug, ns ho has on other occasions, by donnuhoing tho Republican mem bora for the stand they huve taken on tho tariff question. Tho Mlssourian charged that thoy were trylug to operate a stupendous confidence game, by announolng tholr Intontion to declare a revision the first scandal threatened. OVERLOOKED . EASY MONEY (United Press Leased Wire a reduction In the schedules. He cited tho r oosn t speech of Roprosen- tttive Payne, who pleaded that the Republicans bo given a new lease of life, and asked the people to over look past omissions, stating that the Republicans would revise the tariff) one way or another. j "Representative Payne doesn't J seem to know which way the revision ; Is going to bo made," Clark oontln- j ueil, "but still he asks the American n winl A tn mn tn the noils SRd bU7 i these trlff pigs In a poke.' " ' Wasilngton. Fel 13-Pre.ident Dlsosseing the money panic. Clark H4mmhvU tor& U) ak Congress for deaiared that tho reoent dlstsrb-; appropriation of $28,000 whff aiioe gve tbo-RopublJfisu platform he is entlUed to as travollng oxinsos of 19IM the Ho. i0 " ,,M tmvel3 round tho country "The Republican's platform de- nt yr " " ,,ftyo to roach down oisres that Republican tariff Is al- wn ,0k f"- money. way followed by prosperity." he' When the President asked for tho added, "aad that business adversity appropriation last year Congress at results from a DemocraUe tariff." i Ignored the plea, but whon h , iade ajiother appeal In an emor- Pnh? Usual Dlvldttsiils. 'geney message tho roquoat wa New York. Feb. 13. The failure granted. Should tho President sud of the dlreotors of the Southern Pa- denly realize that he had entirely clflc railroad today to reduce the overlooked the matter "' $2" 000. quarterly dividend 1 per cent on, and that ho will need every cent of common stock is taken as an Jndlca- . no must prepare an emergency tlon by financiers that other roads mesage and emergency bill to Con- wtll take similar action. t gree.