Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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iiKUVmU " r.T""'L fiMMr
ELRBHMvBE3KEHHSHB&ailBLii s-ty JBtaitt wBlWUT-rf" sflHr9BaiSBSBSBBlBV
IHIBlBHEH'aHHV'iHPcP " tJnJiMHili IWBiiiHtiifr 'H innasaisasasasassaM
"aHBsssssssBBBaBBsusssf9sssi BmEP'WhIjHHhm 'xHllHiHr -TBMr ?. ishbsssssssssssssssssssssj
BHBBHHtaUk i H1BHk r - 'WkllsBHRL'K kc,vi?ii,c'U bSlsbsbsbbsbsbdisbI
Meyers & Sons
Upon Their Enlarged
to. About 7000
Additional floor Space
Salem's Greatest Depart
ment Store' Adds Full
Fledged Clothing and Shoe
Department on Court st
View of Court Street, Widest nnd Most Costly PWved Street In Nortlnres , Showing Joseph Meyers Sons'
I DeiMirttncnt Store With 100 feet of Plato Glass Show Windows.
ge Investment by Enterprising Mercantile Boosters That Will
Draw Trade to the Capital City
Ittrrtin is not n very long
(u'.lne goes, and yet It marks
!r; the full mensuro of n
Yet In thirty yoars of
rfrtDouj life, how much may
raid What a library It
I arte were all Its events put
life, n4 what Interesting rund-
k I toad make And yot thirty
ktfwsliaoous contact with tlio
i Is a business way Is iudocd
Use. The man or tho firm
(Vu beta In tho llmo light of
i for that lonRth of tlmo, and
testation for fair dunlins
(ktfr and Reed citizenship la
i thrown can safoly bo tnutod
taiit along that line to tho
WUUrer has been practised
(t msr be classed as a habit.
IWy can be and are acquired
ifouseasbad habits, though
i ot m easily, and n good
formed, the habit of bo-
mr clean, honest, fair.
id and cbarltablo nro
'wairj to break as vicious
Lfo ot Joseph Mtyera &
Sons hns boon In business almost feet his own Ideas about conducting wost was purchnsod nnd romodolcd
that longth of time. It started out .tho business; ideas gnlnod by years .to milt Its now ubo. This gavo 7000
on tho principle, that fair, squaro
dealing was tho only foundation on
which miccosn could he built, and. II.
hns demonstrated tho correctness of
thnt view. Tho storo n long whllo ago
formed tho habit; and Its omployoo
from tho highest to lowest are ln
noculatcd with It from tho start.
Tho mngnlflcont department store
on tho corner of Court nnd Liberty
strcotB Is tho ovldcnco that tho hab
it Is a good ono to form.
Away back In 1880 Joseph Meyjrs
inld tho foundations for tho prosont
magnificent business. At that time
ho bocamo tho hond of tho firm of
J. M, Rosonburg & Company, suc
ceeding Droymnu Bros. At this tlmo
the storo wns at tho cornor of Court
nnd Commercial streets nnd was
known as "Tho Whlto Cornor." Tho
firm contlnuod In business until
1889, whon Joseph 'Moyors purchased
tho Interest of his partners and b?-
of experience, nnd tho buslnoss bo- squaro feet additional floor spneo,
gan to grow llko young corn nftor a nnd Into thlu was moved tho cloth
Juno rain. ling department for men nnd children
In 1901, tho rapidly growing bual-,nn tho inimonfo shoo department.
noss hod crowdetl tho old qunrto-s Thl8 now nnnox, with a hnndsomo
hoyond tholr cnimclty. nnd arrange-1 ,,rou otnrnnco, and flno pinto gksj
monts woro mado by which Mr. Mc
Cormack was Induced to romod I
tho big brick on tho cornor of. Court
nnd Liberty, and In thnt year tho
business was .transferred to Its now
location, nnd there it has slnco re
mained, growing steadily and add
ing department nftor department.
In 189G Mr. Meyers took his sons,
Henry W. and Milton U, In tho firm
nnd has gradually transferred tho
wolght nnd responsibility so long
carried by him onto tho sturdy
shoulders of his sons,
Under .tholr mnnagoment nnd with
tholr father's wise experience and
ndvlco tho storo has continued to
grow until, Inst fall moro spaco be
came solo proprlotor. Mr. Meyora came an ufinoluto necessity. To get
show windows, fronts on Court
street, bringing tho full half block
frontngo under tho occupancy of tho
Tho Immonso room la nrtlstlcully
finished in cream nnd green, and tho
result Is a soft mollow light that
gives ono a jonso of rostfulnoss, Tho
clothing hi kept in the most modorn
onblnets, dust proof nnd with sliding
hangors, so that no garment nftor It
Is onco placed thoroln nood tc in
foldod, but Is brought out, examined,
nnd If unsold, roplaoed without any
wrinkling. This system mnkos shop
woar or shelf woar impossible, bo
sidos being convenient nnd speedy.
Tho main storo whero drosses and
gowns aro displayed Is provided with
bolng now In solo control put In of-' this tho building adjoining on the tho same modorn convenloncoa.
Tho ono featuro, howovor, thnt
wilt uppoal moro than all othors, al
ways excepting the dollght tho fom
Initio mind finds In looking at
beautiful garments nnd dainty llng
orlo, Is tho big rest room. This has
boen fitted up In tho nnnox with
plonty of onsy chairs nnd cozy cor
nor, tho furnlturo upholstered In
Spanish loathor, u roal genulno big
sitting room, with lavatories con
vonlont, and It has a home-like, in
vltlng look that mnkos ono want to
Just sit down and do nothing for a
whllo, only Jiiot bo Inzy.
Tho Moyors' big display windows,
n row of pinto glass tho full longth
of tho sttoro on Court and ncrose Use)
front on Liberty, nro always a do
light. They nro a panorama of
woarablos; hnndsomo gowns artis
tically displayed, dainty things that
dollght tho fomlnlno heart; laces
and llngorlo, hoslory that when
tho wrltor hereof fastonen his gaz
on It mndo him long ,lo bo a girl
Thousands of . things whlto aiu
boRuttful, tho uses of which poor,
Ignorant man knows not oven tho ubo
of, and nil arranged bo thnt ono
can't pasa by without pausing to nd
mlro, attost tho volume and qunllty
of tho stock nnd boar unlmpoachablo
ovldonco of it ho artistic oyo and doft
hands of tho window drosoor.
Yootordny tho storo was a bUBy
placo for bo 'Ides tho rogular crowd
of cuHtomora dozom of blk jjacklng
boxes woro bolng omptled of tholr
contonts, and busy bauds ami hurry
Ing foot woro placing thorn In tho
Tn tho uoi'r futuro thoro will bo a
formul opening and It Is snfo to say
that thoro will ho tho biggest gath
ering of Salom'fl beautiful women
that over nswmblod undor ono roof
In tho city.
Tho Journal unltos with tho bnl
an co of tho city In wishing Joseph
Meyers & Sons that continued pros
perity tholr rnlr dealing, straight"
forward buslnoHS methods and tire
lows energy eutltlo them to.
M":s for the itniu foil-
Bjltt held from September
..v, nno oegun oy
1 rd of AsrlcHlture Mou-H
Ptture, will be bu!U and
r improremenu to be
K we tronnH. .in .
00 TUe board
KS ' lh,K bulM" ol a
UBd, & bulld.n tr ha
secretary t effice: artrfi.
t Poultry 89d creamery
?IUdfor a new i. ... '
WlTr . walk.
t.. la eiBArto,! !.
tC,?l!lu ooo.
- tv u.nq
Pacing, b-yonr-old, $500.
Pacing, 2:1G class, $800.
Trotting, 2:14 class, $5000.
Pacing, consolation, $1000.
Pnolng, 2:05 class, $1500.
Trotting, 2:20 class, $800.
Trotting, 2:09 classy $1000.
Trotting, consolation, $1000,
S. S. Bailey, of Albany, has of
fered to duplicate the money for
trotting and pacing In tho 2-yoar-old
Tho Brook Nook ranch, of Mon
tana, C. X. Larrabee, of Portland,
owner, has offered to pay .$50 to
each trotter and pacer that was
bred on tho above ranch that makes
the time of 2:30 or better on 4 ho
Sa'om track this yar.
Special premiums have been of
fered by the Shorthorn Cattlo Breed
ors' Association, of Chioaco. tho
Red Pollod Cattle Breeders' Asso
ciation, of Iowa, and tho Pereheron
Salmi, -trlnal papery, It was docldod tomor-
An advortlsomont of tho fair will! row the t-ibjeets assigned to uomo
bo plnced In tho "Billboard," a mag
azine dovoted to amusements.
$100 Reward $100.
Tho readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that thoro Is at least
partioular point nnd to limit Its
longth. It li to be the duty of the
pastor loci to appoint the proachors
for tho conferonco meetings.
The conforenoe expressed tlself em
phatlcftlly on the use of thv minister-
ono dreaded disease that sclenco has ( lal robe by Its pastors whon oon
beon able to euro hi all its fiftagea, and ducting services, and voiced its dis
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo'ploasuro ou tho abolition or negloct
Ja tho only positlvo euro now known! to uso th robe, '
ft 4 reeiM sjoaa t I Horso Broodors Soolety of Amorl
'fktt Ih.
tom .1 'ProaieBH
I? Hi. .
LP tT141 off ud.
.ulrT 'or the
u" at ftf.
yL1Ut SH.
,. r.
! s.
b.o .. .
oa to breeders in their raspeotlve
branches. ,
Th members of the board are:
W. II. Matlook, president, Pondle
ton; M. . D. Wisdom, Portland;
Mark Hurlburt, Albany; Frank Lot,
Portland; W. H. Downing, Shaw.
The following appointments were
Superintendent of Art Depart
mentMrs. W. N. Gntans, Salem.
Lady's Work Mrs. A. L. Brown,
Lady Matron Mrs. E. A. Holton.
. Superintendent Livestock Depart
ment. Mr. Geo. Gammle, Portland.
Superintendent of Pavilion W
H. Savage, Salem.
Superintendent Poultry Depart-
at H. C. Schellhaus, Gc-rvals,
Route 2.
The restaurant privilege at the
to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh
bolng a constitutional disease, re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Internal
ly, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system,
thereby destroying the foundation of
tho disease, and giving tho patient
strength by building up tho constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing
its work. Tho proprietors bavo so
muoh faith in its curative powers that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any ease that it falls to curo. Send
for list of testimonials.
Addross P. J. Cheney & Co., Tole
do, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75a.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oou-
Thmrm Im Only Onm
Bromo Quinino"
Thmt Im
Laxativo Bromo Qulninm
Always remember tho full name,
for this signature on every box.
Rev. Carl Hopf, pastor of Christ
.German Lutheran church of this
City, was elected presidontof the
Portland-Tacoma conference of tho
Ohio synod at its session yesterday
afternoon, The posltldn of secretary
fell to Rev. H. 'Flathmann, of Au
rora Succeeding the reorganiza
tion of tho conforenoe, business mat
ters relating to the mission activity
of the body wero considered at
length. Recommendations regarding
the future supply of tho mission
pets were sent to synod leal head
quarters, at Columbus, Ohio.
TV, fnfll(tnta th Irnntafllnn nf
mala gate was let to E. M Law. olhualne&3 and the dIscuEfl,on of doc.
At Its sosslon today tho confer
oace dlsoussod a paper proparod by
Rev. J. F. Doescher, of Sherwood on
This ovonlng Rev. K. Klllan, of
Puyallup, Wash., will preach tho
sermon at tho rogular service, nnd
Rev. C. Hopp will read the confosi
slonal service.
, o
.Veglocted Colds Threatens Life.
(Prom tho Chicago Tribune.)
" 'Don't trlflo with a cold,' Is good
advice for prudont mon and women.
It may be vital In the ease of a child.
Proper food, good ventilation, and
dry, warm olothing are the proper
safeguards against colds. If they
are maintained through the change
able weather of autumn, winter and
! spring, tho chanoes of a surprise from
ordinary colds will be slight. But
the ordinary light colds will become
severe If noglected, and a well os
tabttehed ripe cold is to the germs
of diphtheria what honey is to tho
bee. Tho groatost menace to child j,md ben daolarod ,aBt faU by the
life at this season of the year Is :J-..nig 8lx, tbo employers secured an
negieciea ooiu. wneiner u m a
child or aduk, the cold slight or se
vere, the very best treatment that
can be adopted is to give Chamber
lalst's Cough Remedy. It is safe and
sure. The groat popularity and im
mense sale of this preparation has
beea attained by Its remarkable
cured of this ailment, A cold never
result in pneumonia when It Is giv
es. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug'
(United Prosa Loasod Wire.)
Now York, Feb. 12. Threo out
of flvo mombors of til? Typographic
al Union No. fi, punished for violat
ing an Injunction, have beeu sen
tenced by Justice BUihoff to pay
$2fi0 In line each, and spend 20 das
In Jail. The other two members
were lined $100 each.
Patrick MoCormlok. former prod
dont of the union; George Jackson
and Vincent Costollo, organizon), the
three men sentenced to Jail, are
members of tho "Big Six" local of
the union. After a strike for a
closed shop and an eight-hour day
injunction restraining the unionists
from Interfering with non-union
men. They called the court's atten
tion to the fact that the Injunction
was vlolatod. and the Ones Just Im
posed are tho result of an investiga
tion by tho court.
JRS; TflKTaasl
lyQaw,r3fW' JaKsiSiLaLal
HLLWbW- f W steaBSstBHaVkB I
j Lfuton
Dr. Stone's
Drug Store
The only cash drug store lu Oregon,
owes no one, and no ono owes It;
carries large stock; Its shelves,
counters and show cases are loaded
with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet
articles, wines and liquors of all
kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr.
Stone is a regular graduate in medi
cine, and has had many years of
experience in tho practice. Consul
tations are freo. Prescriptions are
free, and only regular prices for
medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at
bis drug store, Slem, Or., from
la the morning tuUil I at sight.