DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OttEgOK, TTJEflDAy, flMUAltf 11, im. 7 ' ifyou cannot be handsome, be as hand some as you can. fcvery numan Being nas a local right to good looks. Know of any- . ITJ fYrjt 4vf-' thlngthatcontributesmorctoit thanasplen mil dlj head of hair? Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps . -UkUirt ' " , the hair SOU anu bihuuiu, iiics ii giuw rtttST' f ;,? ster. Does not colonic hair. &&&: riTE h BEST GUIDE ,ttleff"ciua . If wo turn to tho low animals and obsorvo how wisely and well their unvltlated appetites guldo them wo begin to seo tho point of the saying that "Ignorance 1b bliss." C. W. Saleeby, M. D., F. R. S. Edln., in London Mirror. . o $100 Rcwml 9100. Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thero Is at least ono dreaded disease that science has boon ablo to euro in all ita singes, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posltlvo cure now known to tho medical frntornlty. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cntarrh Ouro Is talcen Internal- practice of " 1 to thwart, porvort, IK their appetites t describe what this ad S of ours will do for HgwnichBnce Sn1" I..1..rtti1. ,U a great deal of sugar , ..netlts for this substance Si ... .. .ntmble and not a MN .,. ..ii.i l.. notlnc illrnotlv ttnnn ihn tilnml ir original sin uiu uuwu.-j. o !.Mmuch sugar as It and mucous surfaces of tho system, "' i .i I f hnrnlit' flAarrnvInc thn fan twin Mnn nt tho diseaso, and glvlhg tho patient strength by building up tho constitu tion and assisting natmro in doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith 'in Its curative powers that thoy offer One Hundrtsl Dollars for any caso that It falls to cure. Sond for list of testimonials. Address V. J. Cheney & Co., Tole do, O. Sold by nil druggists, 7Cc. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for constipation. more nor less, and eiuelfwlth sweets when ki tbacce. ilk talking at random, lor i !j- la a small child or my It Is tho experionco or an miovti with sumciont flte food which tho child nth as fat, Is tho rood lib ehlld'i stomnch has tho nllr la digesting. S!t life, 'f tho appotlto bs ntd b the cook, It is our : ototor and guldo and ffhtn we aro talcing nuioh i ft ii abundant. Whon wo iBfe tierclso It diminishes, a a ( ije comes on much loan ( l rtqnlred and appotlto cor- il'r diminishes. In short, F period of life and-In all clr- ; i properly respoctod ap- iH (tilde us In tho fashion kjfl ippetlto was doslgnod. ire much too clever to be int l&stincts, aro wo not? We i lie child of tho sugar which Kd then find It a llttlo ruJ a pig bpcvjBo It makes (Q Tlth iwtets It Is wo who U scolded and should 1W car own appetltos fall wo rfcuo of asking oursolvos itlia morbid falluro duo l'a or is a normal diminution m'hit wo do not need food pat cr that we aro not in n pit the moment to dlgoit it. W ra weather cornea mot liw f7 device of cookery in pjdnre an artificial appe- t'la we will then satisfy. Vir n wn complain of tho wttvene have jut plied 'tan on tho furnace, can tk"lu wo And hot weather W k the years go on and we '? leisure and free cash, w -able to devote our- fand more to the niana. U Ublcs, seeking ever now N 3nmote that hnntrar wlitnl. htwuce-tbo sauco which TURKISH ANISKKI) PRODUCTION GROWING Anlso is a species of parsley with largo, Bwoet-scontod scedo. It is ex tensively cultivated throughout the omplro of Turkey, but especially In tho consular district of Smyrna. Tho vllllago of Tchosmc, with tho nolghborlng roglons, produces largo quantities of aniseed of flno quality. In tho trade It Is considered as rank ing next to tho Spanish article Formerly not moro 'than COO to 700 acrcB were given up to tho cul tivation of this plant, but slnco tho destruction of grnpovlnoa by phyl loxera this' area has Increased to ovor 1000 acres. Tho annal produc tion of ninsccd Is nt prosont about 000,000 pounds, against 300,000 pounds In 1903. Sowing takes plnco gonornlly In February and tho sood In gathorod In Juno. Exportation!? bogln In July and continuo until September. Sood la soldom to bo had from tho farm era in tho courso of tho yonr, ae mer chants secniro tho wholo crop Immo diatoly aftor tho harvost. Tho Tchosmo nnlsood is shipped principally to Constantinople Symma and sovoral 'largo towns of tho In terior. It also finds a mnrkot In llulgnrla', Kgypt ond Grooco, with Franco as an occasional buyor when tho Spanish crop Is small, Anlsood la usud In Turkey prin cipally In tho making of "rakl," a kind of alcoholic drink very popu lar throughout tho Levant, nnd which in 11a frit nltnnr T tirhM nnnf ft Qnfif . u:ei aro deslgawl to pro- It Is n'so used In Europo In the som know the results, 'manufacture of abslntho and anlsetf. 1EER PROMOTES EMPERANCE TOnizcd as a Fond Prndiirr. and MVitli by the Government 5ter0Sn,1 the world ovor that tho drinking of beer wtkr.mMi... " oou'wiy io a iar groater oxtont man W 2 m a laws 0n t,,e 8tatto books. Ma6hteoed Euuin j ... k' Pr !:Upt'oa of "8ht hxrs containing about throe nnd Utrw! U,eoho,'nd tho result has been most gratifying loale?h SUte Bovwnmt has tnkon a posltlvo stand In "aeirayea". l"ment holding that tho re-ostabllshlnq rJ!iL, i... WB for 'he wtfe of boor beinc an absoluto necea- 9 toda f t8m,H'lBoe ani sobriety. ?lrfk- rrec8id as a "Food Product and Is so doalt kite v. '8raBe tOm twin !V hnvn. onntraillnt 1,a Has lUfcu.1 B,Ve curroBftv th... iih.. .u fertlid oth Wa a bRr to S0CurnS Insuranco, and have felr1 teodftMj g0 th6 Btatomont that those J?rio ve7 it, (ROt ,noro than two Quart3 during twen ifc.. . e '"8 very bee of riaVa t. imi nriiict. nf J j?W ' ih raUo ot doth rato among abstaMn- u ,.; " Greater thaa Hr among moJerato drinkers. Ufl,5Mik.brti .a !n th dal,y subsistence of every family t. hT.!. uthftc' to1 necoltiea. 'nd wboiin.. . .. U fcfii - ' aaa ino aa' la noi far distant whon w.. Brewfti h .u. . .. """ 11 . - "J IMW Mlflm n..u ii . ifew " eet th "oncij- rtaauciunun a iu cvory ! yU I. ... al moleni entornrlsn mm nrn1iinn It ennnka Ss:s!n Wt advertteoment. M BREWERYASSOCIATION SALEM. OMGONJ Skillctl Mexican Labor. A new light on Mexican labor was given yesterday when It was an nounced ithat a man with much ex perience In the handling of men of almost all nationalities had decided to take to South Africa a gang of Mexlcann to work on a paving job. Tho contractor might have scoured thousands of laborers much closed to his now field of work, and It would havo been possible for him to have securod Oriental laborers nt wages less than ho will havo ito pay tho Mexicans ho Is going to itako across. Tho men ho will tako to South Africa aro men who havo been in his employ engaged in laying asphalt paving for some time, and the con tractor declares thoy do their work better than nny men ho has ever worked. This may b0 a shock to thoso men who nro prono to decry the value of tho Moxlcan laborer, but thero are few men who come to Mexi co who know how to hnndlo Moxlcan Inborora. This is a rather raro and valuablo qnnllty. Not every con tractor knows this llttlo cocrot. Too ninny men como to Mexico nnd at tempt to drive ,tho peon Inbor of Mex ico like thoy would cattle. They usually fall. Thero Is a way to got work out of all men, and tho way to got It out of tho lower classos'of thlJ country Is not by driving, If tho tes timony of a few successful contrac tors Is worth nnythlng. In cldontally, thoso men who nro going to South Africa have been pnld fnir wages In this corn n try, nnd will bo paid In tho samo manner. In South Africa. Not all Mexican laborers aro worth good wngos, nor aro all Jnpnnoso or Chinese. Thoro Is n good deal In tho selection of the inntcrlnl. It Is doubt less true tlint tho number of Inbor ora In Moxlco Is not largo enough to do tho vodlumo of work tho country needs done, but Is It not Just possible that If n llttlo judgment nnd some common senso wero moro frequently used ono might hear less about tho inoillcloncy of tho labor at hand? Moxlcan Record. n4RKBT REPORTS 1 MHJftalMM-a1lH-MMIa1 SALtiAl MA1CKKT. Local Wholesale Market. EKgB 20c. Butter 37 &c; buttor fat, 37 c. Hens 10e: mixed chlckons, lO'fcc Locnl wheat 85c. Oats 3Gc. Barloy $24?2r. Flour Hard wheat, $G.00; valloy, .00. Hay Ohoat, ?13; olovdr, $10 per ton; timothy, ?13?1G. Onions 2J4a lb. Hops Old.'l Vi G 2 Vj c; now, 3 7Kc Chltthn bark 4 Ms Go. Retail Market. Onts Whlto, $28 por ton. Whoat 11.00. Rolled barloy $30. Rggs 30c Buttor Country, 3036c; cream ery, 40c. Flour Valloy, $1.20 pr aack: bard wheat, $1.40Q$1.50. Bran 85c por saok; $27. GO por ton; shorts, $1.1G por sack. Hay Timothy, 85 90c por cwt: cheat, 90c; clover, 7Gs por cwt ; Bhorts, $1,15 por Back. 'Livestock. Hogs Fat, $5.00. Stock Iioes $4.00, Cows Top, $2.75; fair, $28$2.G0 Stoers Tops, $3.50; fair, $2.7G $3 00. Tropical Frulta. Bananas $0. Orangos $2.25. Lemons $3.50 2 4.50. Veal Dressed, 67c. Portlniul Market. WhoatClub, 83c; valloy, 83cf blueatom, 85c. MIUatuiT Bran, $24. Hay Timothy, valloy, $17 ft1 $18; alfalfa, $12 $13. Vetch $8.60. Poultry Hans, 12 13c; ducke, lCl7o; plgeoiiB, old, $1 por doz. Tho Jiinipiug Off Place. Consumption had mo in its grasp; and I had almost reaohed tho jump ing off plnco whon I was advised to try Dr. King's Now Discovery; and I want to say right now, It savod my life. Improvomont began with the first bottle, and aftor taking ono dozon bottles I won a woll and hap py man again," says George Moore, of Grlmoaland, N. O. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, Eoro lungs and for preventing pneumonia New DIscovory Is su preme, auo and ii.uo at J. u. perry, druggist. Trial bottle free, o CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Tin M Yw Havi Always Uti &5&i Bears the Slgnaturo of .tc uuientparaiionlorAs. sbtbigtlBFboifanlReihb ting tlic S toirachs andJ3ow3s of ICflSTORti kwfirof ''"' mill I I ii 1 aVS tt Ai;M.T.ir.n "n?r Kj EMkMi mi m H Wrltt m$& 2Ti:.Tll IhrmSrrrf- I 9 IP ii 5D abKu Ml1 vsm i m GASTQRIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TORRID ZONE FUNARCE Promotes DiScstaOmW' ncssandltestjCMihlntnrUur Opiimi.Morplite norftanL nOTMAHCOTIC. jstSM tSA MmSrrrf IW"JI I OT A7M! Ancrfccl Rcmedv for Ctreflas Hon . Sour Stomadi.Dlarrlm Wonns.ComnlslonsjotnsIr ncssanaLossorStEEP. fttcSinifc Si jnamrt ot NEW YORK. uarantccd Exnrt Copy of Wrapper. Bears the Signature jVp ft lCi 'vr iu j For In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tM etMTAun owrAur, vm Ton omr. inwwwimwwwwwwwwimwwHwwwwwwwwwwwiw IArc You Interested In Saving Your Money? Of courso you are. That'a why wo ndvortlBo. Wo carry ono of tho best ?tockB ot wagons nnd Implomontu In tho city, nnd It la to your Interest na a money-savor to call and boo our lino no mnttor wliother you buy or not, wo know that you know a bargain whon you boo It, and that you will bo auro to toll others about thorn. Wo carry n comploto lino of wngoiiB, bugglcfl, farm Implomonta, all kinds of farm ami mill mnchlnory, paints, oils nnd vnrnlBhcH. Firm class blnckBmlthlng and horoo shooing also dono. Wo tnko flccond-hnnd vehicles and mnchlnory ab part payment on nil now cash ordoro. Koop your monoy nt homo by buying what you noed nt homo, and nt tho aamo tlmo boo whnl you'ro gottlug, GEORGE B. JACOBS 1 R. F. D. 8' - - Salem, Or. WMtWMMiWMMMMMMMMMBWIrtimilMMMMMMMMttl PUB ii BVF vC vBBaBnfp M Tho abovo cut rcprosonts our brick lined Torrid Zono Furnaca. Guaranteed gna, Bmoko nud duat proof. Economical and durablo, A. L. FRASER 258 STATU STKEIJT. Estimates furnished on heating THE 11KST ItOAST THK FAMITjY KVKK HAD Can bo obtained from our prima tendor and juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our moats nro aoloctod from tho choicest, and proparod for tho tnblo to suit tho domanda of tha fastidious. Our prlcoa aro lowor for quality than you can And at any placo In Balom, E. O. O 11 O 8 8, Phone 201. 870 HUtc Si, iBMMtwimim Gold Dust Flout Mud by TUB 8YDNEY TOW' IIH COMPAJKT, Sidney, Oregoi, Mado for fatally oh, Aik jour ffrooer for It. Bran and aaorta alwaya oa hand. I P. B. Wallace AGENT aiii1aiiqHMMaiaaHi(iimliya1 m(j iH aaaaaB1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB M I ttBaaaaaB"V'r l A flOOD-LOOKINO HOUSE Is always Included In our Uvory Borv Ico. You noodn't bo nHhamod to moot any body whllo onjoylng a rldo In one of our rigs. You can havo till tho ploaauro of a prlvato atablo without olthor tho bothor or tho oxpouso Just let us know and tho rig you wnnt will bo nt your commnnd, FASHION 8TAHLES, O. W. Yuiiuko, Prop. 131-137 N. High St. Phono Main -14 3 SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water aorrlco apply at offlca, Dilli payable monthly in adranca. THE AVENUE Creams, Icos, olgarj and coufoc lons, Cornor of Bovontuonth and Aaylum avoiuio n. u. Luer. proprietor BOSTON BROWN BREADJFLOUR Is Self-rising. It makes Genuine Bt own Bread, Toothsome Quick Biscuit, and a GLORIOUS BOILED PUDDING11 Sold by All Gtocetn IMM Aa tho laundry business waxed strong so havo the methods of laundering become moro and more refined. THE PHONE 2fi. HOUIQTEn-3 ftocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Daijr UtJlriat fi Daiy Feoplt Bringi QoIJeo Kttltb &oJ UtaeweJ Vlger. A mixwHIo t rOonttirtattun. InillH&itlon, Mm Mid itlilney Ttu'ibU riiniilfn Horin. Impure JIIucmI. Iittl Urtxtili NliiKmh JlowxU. I!nuiultl uul llaoknolf I ' It'Ay M uuittiiii T In lab let for in Ji- rtt' h x 'Juiilo riiiulo y KoLUtrrKM I'hi 1 1 Mi'ANr, ilifitiK'ii, V.'U- fminPMNIIf T FOR RAI I im PEOPLH SALEM LAUNDRY CO. "The Laundry that Knows How" 1J6 S, LIBERTY ST. Has availed Itself of all the mar voioua changes in the process of laundry work, and today stands without a peer. N bi v CHICHESTER'S PILLS J ui- net-it rg ummtaii Hrto4f.ii U. 1 .l -a b a KoUxuXSi itiliiriiCii mi ihii iii . . 71 tuinwiati lux, iMfMt AlairV(rtlU "ZiJM Ry WITifiKTS fVERVWtfRt1 Jfl FRENCH FEMALE UPILLIt. tVM pi. w i,llt, Zti w ii Sit lltS fr artl taka.a.1. k , id -. 7 f" '" iiiiml.yL' ,l "- -N Ji!in12?.:M' V . pa. I ! ii ri v A vi 'SoUkSukmbyfto. 5. C ShuP