Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    t h
ic Filhusiasfic and the Most Stirring Meeting
liler llisfory Will Be That of the Boosters
' Club Wednesday " " ;
" """" m ' i ' ' BUS! SSHSBSSSSM WSSJSES) SS ss
othor peoplo know It. In tho east
aro countless thousands, land hun
gry, homo hungry, who have never
heard of Oregon, or if they have,
havo no more Idea of what It is than
they have of the country ruled over
by tho "Akoftind of Swat." Oregon
India Siberia and Australia are prac
tically synonymous to them.
Wo want them hero to help us
build tip a greater Oregon, to share
with us thte flne3t climate, the most
prolific soil and. tho greatest oppor-
atnwl of all, boosting for tiinitles to grow arid develop and
ni and realizing that prosper uini any piaco on tlio face
-.- . it.
or. mo giouo can oner mom
1P1BgeaeBUfor the big
tmr Wednesday evening
fleUd, and from present in-
1 .. ..,! nnern. house Will
f n the doors. A splendid
, ,. teen arranged and the
,.. one, but ono wnicu
, ti beginning of a new ora
fl, to era of push ana prog-
.. .1 nvtll nln atfn
,rfa united ami tu0.ow
, There ererycltiasn win o u
'tfasliiM of one, working
I W '
leflti the town benefits him
Uouererrbody else.
i Richardson. Portland's uig
md many other prominent
an from tiio metropolis
ifre and will hereafter work
itfts, becaujo a new era nns
thnti for tho Btate, and Port-
jju awakened to tho fact that
r benefits any section of tho
ii&thows a reflex bonefit to
The old slogan of "ovory-
ikUasdfand tho devil tako tho
t" which kept Portland back
tit kept the whole stato back,
i relegated to tho crematory
tew Idea of a long and
; raJ a'l together has takon
i sot long, as time goes, slnco
iTS'JDietto valley saw Its first
iieukn, for many are still
;? bo were araonc tho first to
tn tie broad pralrlos, to hW
forests, to mnko tho wild
i (Ire place to luxuriant mca-
! fields of grain to whisper
hutcoQi harvests, and bond and
Mlowi of gold before tho
itanaer breeze, They havo
(pirt peaceful contented lives,
i . their children grow Into
i nen and beautiful homc-lov-
itwd lonw-maklng women, who
n havo gathered children
! tielr firesides, and their old
ibteablewd with abundance
Hfcrmrdof lives well lived.
Ffei ire still abundant oppor
Hundreds of thousands of
la the broad Wlllamotto valley
ISmmrondlng foothills have
rlsora a plow. Hundreds of
of seres of tho flnost tlm-
tarth avalt the lumbonnan.
r acaouin canyon Is nourlnc
H&i of wator.rvnu-flp .l,.,vn
i t rocky rorcea waiting tn A dispatch from Newport, Or.,
Pd and made tho sorvant J85 Tno buildings destroyed in
But what's the use of colnc tho flro that devastated Newport'.!
I 'tte Willamette vniiAv im business district about January 1
'misty to enumerate th few w'l "Q replaced with new buildings
I few things Bhi lnoU nn,i of a olns far Bunorior to thoso
Mptfthst and Salam Is Ini hurned. Leo "Williams la on tho point
l of all this. But a few!0 lotting tho contract for a conoroto
m a net work of electric building, j. n. Porter will also ro
ji Hco the valley, and In- hulld. Ed. Btocker has tho founda-
fming win make It ono unfl Md for two buildings. 0.
Uet J . . .
isnoHonbwg, ono of tho principal
owners, haa porfeoted arrangements
for restorations on his burned-over
At a meeting of tho city council
resolutions woro offorod by a number
of citizens for a oity water supply.
Tho city council appointed Dr. J. W.
MInthorn and J. Porter as a com
mittee to devlso tho best and moat
practical mothod for wator supply
They will make a report at the next
meeting, and it is possible Newport
may have oity waterworks before au-
othor yoar.
what tho Boosters' club has set It
self to accomplish and that is what
every citizen of Salem, big, little, old,
young man, woman or child Is ex
pected fo work for.
Tho latch string Is out and wo
want everybody .to know it; and we
want to open tho door and invito
them in.
uot ine uoom spirit, wear your
moBt pleasant smllo, don't got envi
ous or sour or crabbed, or got tui
Idea someone ts going to mako moro
money than you do. Your turn will
conio and you will share in the gen
eral prosperity. Tho Inst man is
absolutely necessary to ovory pro
cession. Try not to bo last, but re
member If, you nro that no proces
sion can exist without both a first
and last man.
The Salem Military band has vol
unteered o give a street concert bo
foro tho meeting. Tho indies of tho
civic Improvement club will bo tlipre
and occupy the boxes, and will also
tako part in the program. McElroy's
orchestra will furnish tho music in
tho opora house Tho mayor and
council will nttond in a body. The
board of trado, tho Boosters' club
and tho BuBlncBs Men's leaguo will
all bo there, and Tom Richardson
will mnko art address that will make
you glad you aro alivo nnd llvo In
Salem. Don't fall to bo therb and
get your share of tho enthusiasm.
I densely populated agrl-
? anions 0r .he elnh
o live hero know all this
llDore and th problem th
"o is to noive U to let
I Kid lit IHpn flra M
kj Kidney and
m Trouble.
cwblt weva ,, ., , .
"8or and cheerful'
ws soon diwippoar
when the kduys are
wt of order of dis
eased, Kulne Uoblehas
Jecowe so prevaleHt
Wni affiitl ...:.,.
H&lfL ' v..1. t. , " ""IH
( .?. "th "nne scald
jjd uiffiH"0" f
rteaT. r 8nd to a
ii? tLF1 riv
tStafiftv; ""t. ""sold
1, Or
Replying to on article TMblMied
v,tu "issniinawion n hIkIj
School L-ague," In which fauU wa--found
with tho managsmont of tho
Oregon High school Debating league,
Fro essor E. T. Mnrlntte, Its presN
,dont, and' principal of the Salem
high school, made the following
statement for Tho Capital Jeurnal:
"As president of the Oregon State
Debating league, I wish to say that
at the annual meetlne of th vn.
tivo committee all weak points in the
leaguo constitution will bo carefully
lookwd after. I hereby' Invite all
dissatisfied schools to bo present at
that tlmo (July 2G-7-S) at tho State
Teachers association in Eugene.
Until such time, however, It Is hard
ly north while worrying about
trivial matters.
(Signed) "E. T. MAULATTE "
The article, which occupies a col
umn and a half in tho most conspicu
ous part of the first page, reads, In
part, aj follows:'
. Unless radical change, aro made
in the rules governing the high school
debating leaguo of Oregon, n rupture
nnd dissolution of th league is said
to bo tho ultimate prospect. Local
high school students who aro inter
ested in tho debating loaguo and whe
havo tho interests of tho longu at
heart assort that under tho prosont
management of tho state university
a& utigono, thb league now only in
Its boglnnlng, will provo a fnlluro
uii'OM some changes nro maty tond
Ing to romovo tho many sources of
dissatisfaction now oxlstlng.
Among tho causoe assigned locally
for complaint Ib that the quostlons
selected for dobnto cannot bo em
ployed by all tho schools. Undor
tho present arrangement whenever
nuy two schools in tho loaguo debato,
tho students who nro choson to dis
cuss tho question propnro for tho
contest, and then when tho debato
Is over tho victorious side must ngaln
get to work nnd study another ques
tion to debato with some othor school
In tho leaguo. Becauso of tho varied
questions choson for debnto tho de
baters, it Is assorted, aro, forced to
givo up far too great a portion of
their tlmo toward preparing thol'r
subjects nnd as a nnturnl consequonco
tho school work is relegated to tho
rear, and tho debaters aro forced to
work far In excess of tholr strength
If they would keep up tholr grades
In their school work and do proper
JubUco to themselves and their school
In tho dtobntes.
Methods of preparation for tho d
bates nro also a oubjoot for com
plaint. With tho presont system
.which is assorted to ho vory lax, the
various schoolfl in the leaguo havo
a wldo divorgonco as to tho way tho
debates are prepared and glvon. Tho
results so far of the dobatos havo
resulted In tho smnller schools carry
ing off tho honors.
Tho dlssatUfaotlon with tho moth
ods of selecting Judgoe for tho de
bates is also becoming prominent.
As It now stands each school chooses
ono judgo then a third judgo 1b se
lected Jointly. It Is olnlmod that
tills method Is vory inequable to both
sides of a debato as oach school en
deavors apparently to chooso a judgo
favorable to It, and "thus ondltos com
plaint ensues whon tho debato is
ui i Two years ago a severe cold Mttled en my lunga and so completely prostrated me that I was
unable to work and scarcely ablo to stand. I then was advised te try Dr. Kiae's New Discovery, aad
v ... b v.. fcfcu wiuk v. vo wuik, as weu as t. ever was."
W. J. ATKINS, Banaer Springs, Teas.
Hugono, Feb. 11. -(Special )
Tho annual roport of tho president of
tho Unlvorslty of Orogon for 1907,
with tho roports of tho steward and
roglstrar, havo Just boon Issuod. Tho
president's report bIiows that tho
University haB mado a gain of 23 In
enrollment this yenr over that of
loot. Tho funds linvw fnllon nimrt
$15,000 of meeting tho current ox
ponBes of the yoar, and to avoid n
deficiency tho faculty served thruo
montliB without pay. Tho work of
tho summer school nnd tho corre
spondence school Is discussed, nnd a
rccommondntlon Is mndo for a bureau
of research In economics, politics nnd
sociology. An outline of tho plans
of tho school of education for train
ing high school teachers and princi
pal is glvon, and attention Is called
to tho gift . to tho University of a
building nnd land by tho cltlzonB of
North nond. Orecon. for tho ostnii-
llBhmont of a mnrlno blologlcnl lab
oratory, for which Coos Day offora
exceptional advantages. Tho total
registration, as shown by tho rogls-
trar's report is 977 students, distrib
uted as follews: Liberal artaj 298,
onginoorlng 101, school of law 87,
school of medtclno 89, school of mu
sic 12ff, correspondonco school 2C1,
summer Bchool 25. Tho Btownrd's
roport gives a comploto stntomont of
tho University's flnancos for tho yoar.
Tlio nooth Fund.
fci- A
sik.-"-xaj t ,
..? I)r"fcr Jl".?w
Kt k BtSBf.-. - .
k - w to..
Mulkty Wants Attorneyship.
Hon. B. F. Mmlkey of Jacksonville.
formerly prosldent of the state nor
mal school at Ashland, has an
nounced himwalf as a candidate for
th Ropubllcan nomination for dis
trict attorney for tho dJstriot em
bracing Jaokson and Joeophlne coun
tios. Gus Newberg, of Jnckeonvllle,
had already shied his castor Into the
same ring. Josephine county has
not bwn hoard from with eamlidatos
aa yet, hut with tho entrlos already
made In the raoa there promises to
he a Mvaly oontost. It is reported
thero arj no avalablo oandWatoa on
the Domooratio eide of tho house.
KtamathFalls Express.
o :
Mrs. Lisohen Miller, one of Ore
gon's brightest women, naively says
there are a dozen men In Eugene who
can discount Senator Mulkey for
manly beauty. Corroct she Is, and
If she will take a look at Salsm. she
will find dozens of 'era without
counting tho horse editor, whose dif-
naence and modesty prevent
overshadowing the senator.
Concent rated OH of Pine From thJ
Camp Also Furnishc it Suro
Cure for Coughs and Cold
A renowned Philadelphia doctor
famous for his plno forest oures has
rocontly given to his follow physici
ans a new and probably tho most
valuablo of plno forest products. It
is known to -the profession as Con
centrated oil of pine. In speaking
of this oil a woll known local physl-
oian declared It Is without an equal
for tho speedy relief of aouto colds
and coughs and all manner of throat
and lung trouble. Tho original for
mula use,! ami now generally pre
scribed is as follews:
"On-half ounce of Concentrated
oil of pine; two ounces of glyosriae;
half pint of good pure whisky; mix
thoroughly and use in does of a
teaspoonful to a tablsspooHtal every
four hours, shaking tho bottle each
On inquiring at one of tho loading
drug stores It was found that the
Concentrated oil of pine is put up
only in ono way that is In half
ounce bottles each euolosed in a tin
screw top ease which protects It from
UVat and light Tho oils sold In bulk
and patent modloines Imitations sold
as oil of pine frequently put out la
wooden boxes aro useless, on account
him 1 0f their Impurities they produce na
I usea and kidney trouble.
Just glvon tho st-udont loan fund of
tho Unlvorslty of Orogon a check for
5500, to bo used as an Irreduclblg
educational loan fund for students.
Tho fund will bo known as tho
"Booth Loan Fiund," and will bo
kept soparate from tho genoral loan
fund, which at prosont is distributed
in loans ranging in amount from $15
to $80 among ten students of the
University. Slnco tho establishment
of the genoral fund five yours ago,
more than 30 students have boon en
abled to comploto tholr colleeo
courses, who could not otherwise
havo done so.
The Unlvorslty hopoe to establish
during the present yenr a loan fund
of at least $5000, to bo loaned undfrr
the direction of President Campbell,
or some on designated by him, to
boys end girls all over Oregon, who
wish to comploto their education, but
we eaariot do s6 without asslstunoe.
It is believed that -a loan of approxi
mately $100 a yoar, at a low rato of
interest, to bo ropsld In two years
after graduation, is much moro pre
ferable than an outright gift in the
form of a scholarship. Tho fund will
be guaranteed by ten men against
loss. Two signatures will bo re
quired on eaoh note, and a small
amount of life insurance will bo tak
es! out to Insure against loss by
Tkv present loan fund amounts to
approximately $1000.
(United Prosn Leased Wlro.)
Soattlo, Wash., Feb. 10. After n
week away from (olograph and news
papora Inspecting possible timber
nnd conl proportlos, President A. J.
Enrllng, of tho Chlcngo, Milwaukee
& St. Paul railroad, returned to So
attlo last night. With him returned
tho remnants of ono of tho blggOBt
and most important pnrtioB of capi
talists that ever visited tho North
west. Not funtll yostordny wos It known
thnt this party had gono on a special
ly chartered stoamor to tho Queon
Chnrlotto lslunds, off tho const of
British Columbia. President Enrllng
was believed to havo gone to Van
couver to look ovor somo timber
proportlos, nccompanled by President
II. II. Wllllnms, of tho Mllwaukco
systom In this stnto, and Potter Pal
mer, Jr., of Chicago. Yesterday,
howovor, tho nowa enmo out of tlw
truo goal of tho party that left So
uttlo .ton days ago, and wns cou
firmed when President Earling and
his men roachod Seattle at 10 o'clock
last night. Tho group of capitalists,
42 in number, mot In Vnncouvor a
week ago Saturday. Ail wero Amer
icans. Tho party was arranged by
!l. F. Hunter, of Chicago, n capitalist
intorosted In tlmbor and coal prop
erties on Queen Churlotto islands.
Tho steamer Princess Bentrlco was
chartorod for tho trip. Beforo It re
turned tho capitalists, whoso com-
Leap War Dunce
Tho leap year danco glvon by sov
oral of Salem's up-to-date young wo
men at tho armory Mondny night waa
a brilliant buccobs. Tho affair was n
"leap yoar" ono from tho first, whon
tho young Indloa brought tholr gon
tlomen frlondB to tho dniioo In cabs,
down to solootlng part nor for tho
vory last danco. Croat credit for th
muuagomont of tho party It duo the
Misses Louise Hoyt, Mildred Turner,
Luiunnu Brown, Gertrude hidings,
Vina Shormnn and Mabel Do Lonff.
Tho rooms woro beautifully docorat
pd and 20 dnnciH and an extra com
pleted tho program for tho evening,
tho young Indies selecting tholr part
ners and carrying out tho program
llko Uttlo men.
To the Hospital
Harry Emerson, while on hlB way
from California to his homo In Alan
kn, was Jakou slcka hero last night
nnd sont to Che Snlem hospital by
City Physician MIIob,
lilnnil unnlth rnnxnanntn,!
Hon. R. A. Booth, of Eucono. hnR """" "... -"-" "....
,n .!, .,, i ",..'., n, ,,0"B ol ao"ara ""1 raio tiior
ough Inspection of tho tlmbor 'ami
coal lands on tho lslunds, as well a
Investigating Port. Simpson and
Prlnco Huport, tho terminus of the
Qraiid Tirdnk Pnclflo railroad.
For IUicumntlc Buffers.
Tho quick rellof from pain afford
od by applying Chnmhorlaln' Pain
Balm makos It a favorlto with suffer
ors from rhoumatism, solatloa, lame
back, lumbago, and deep Eontod and
muscular palna. For sulo nt Dr.
Stone's drug storo.
We Sell
on tho positive guarantee
that if it does not give satis
faction we will return tho
entire amount of money paid
us for it. We mean this
and ask all those who are
sick and need strength to try
it with this understanding.
. V. I'lTNAM CO.
Llko Old Co(lic,
Llttlo James had boon Imparting
to the minister tho Important ami
ohoerful Information that his fathor
had got a now sot of falso tooth.
"Indeed, James!" roplled tho mln-
lotor indulgontly. "And what wli:
ho do with tho old sot?"
"Oh, I 'sposo," replied little
Jamos, "they'll out 'em down and
mako mo wear 'ora."
Nover chip, crack
tarnlsii, moss or
corrode. Tho inly
kind that nover
nood cleaning. For
tho truth of tho
nbovo soo them In
all tho Snlem aud
many of tho couti
t y cuiueturieit;
somo of them
have boon thorofo, ?& years. It
you wnnt tho veryh.it at living
p'lce.' call on (rnddioBS
458 Mill St. Phono U'S-1, Salem, O.
'.'VWHlUftVIF.jr -
The settlsment of tho estate cf
Marshal FleJd "shows that be had
dodged the payment of 11,300,000
taxes la the yoars from 1900 to
190C. The estate, to escape paying
a ton per oent penalty, will pay f 1,-
000.000 in back taxes. Marshall
1-. a was an honorable man In pri
vate life. bu when, it came to dealing
with the country be was the biggest
thief in America.
Red Checker Men
Float (he red checker from
your checkerboard in a bowl
of water and you will know
why blood b red. Blood has
mlllioru and millions of little
red wheels floating in a clear
fluid. The profeuor calls them
red corpuscles. Well, J
Scott's Emulsion
maXes red corpuKlej. These
little red wheels grow In the
bone marrow. SCOTT'S
EMULSION contains a power
which feeds and puts new life
Into the bone marrow of pale
AUDtvttUtt fee m4 ftt.84.
Will treat you with Oriental herbs
and euro any disease without opera
tion or pain.
Dr. Kum Is known everywhere in
Salem, and has cured many promi
nent people hero. IIo has lived In
Salem for 20 years, and can bo trust,
ed. IIo uses many medicines un
known to whlto doctors, and with
them can euro catarrh, asthma.
lung troubles, rehumatlsra, Btomach,
Uvor and kidney diseases.
Dr. Kum makes a sneclaltr of
dropsy and feraalo troubles. Ills rem
cdles cure prlvato disease when ev
erything else falls. He has hun
dreds of testimonials, and gives con
sultation freo. Prices for medicine
very moderate. Persons In the coua
try cau wrlto for blank. Bend stamp.
If you want some extra floe tea.
Kt It from us.