f DAILY CAFI TAL JOURNAL. flALEM. ORF.OON. TUESDAY, FERUARY 11. 1008 h n THE CAPITAL JOURNAL V.. HOFEH, Kd. and Prop. in Indtptndent Kcwpper Drotl to American I'rlndplei rul UicVrogrew nd Dtrclopcmcnl of All Oregon. PuMUhed Hretr Krcnlng Kucept 8undr 8tem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. v (tnrrlblr In Adrnncfl.) Dally, by rrler, pit yer .............. ..W.OD Per tnonth......60o IHlIf, by Mill, pr yr..- . 4 Vtr month...... 3So Weakly, by mall, per year..... ..... 1.00 Hlx montbi ....Mo gPKGTAL KLIVURY. For convealoBce of subscribe branch doliyory offlceg are eetafc Hefee at tho followla pieces at 15 cents per month, 11.00 for three Asylum Btoro, F. 0, Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avonuo Junction. Carllno, Sovontcontb Btroot o A. W. Lane. Oardon Road store. Dauo'tJ Btore, Alox, Dauo, beam uommorciai street. Electric 8toro, O, M. Epptey, East Btato street. Fair Orounda Btoro, Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. O. K. Orocory, A. A. Engtoba t, Twelfth street. Whoelor'a Btoro, W. D. Wbeeor, Highland avonuo. Yew Park Rtor . F. 0. Bower ox, Twolfth and Leslie. OOD'flHKLP My hands havo ofton been weary hands, Too ilred to do their dally task, And Just to fold them forevcrmoro f IIoh jwoincd tho boon that was host to ask. My fleet havo ofton boon woary foot, fr. To tlrod to walk nnothor day, t f ' And J'vo thought to alt and calmly wait Wan bettor fur than tho onward way. i T J My eyes with tears havo been r,o dim That I Jiavo said, "I can not tnrirk Tho work I do or tho way I take For ovorywhoro It In dark o dark I" But, oh, thank God, thoro no'or line comj Tho hour that tnnkon tho bravcet quallj Wo inaUor how woary my foot and hands, 0xl uover haH Hiifforod my heart to fall I Ho lift folded hniida tako up their work, And tho weary foot pursmi tholr way; And ijll Is clear wlmn the good lion ft orlon, "llo lira vol Tomorrow nnothor day." Harper's Weekly. !) . i UMTK TO BOOST FOR HARMONY AM) PHOflHUSH You nro Invited to about for flalem Wednesday. Wednesday will go down In lilstory an the dHy of days for untied booming for (he Capital City IN TIIK HEART OF Til K WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Proof absoluto will bo presented by our people Hint thin Is the host olty In tho bent vnltoy In tho world. Tho grent movomout of population noroae th oontluent that Is Jint beginning IK HIIADHD FOR THE YALIiHVH. Tho Yakima valley, tho Boornmunto valley, the San Joaquin valloy have had tholr day. TIIK TIME HAH COMK TO FILL THE WILLAMETTE VALLHY WITH lOPULATION. Only 160.000 population where there U room for two million, ywi ten million. h March and April will 'too thousands dally starting for the Purine coast ON' THE RIIDUCHII COLONIST BATHS. Prwparlng for th arrival of hl army uf hetHeeeekar the Salem oommerlal organleatiloiMi have Malted 1m a aeaeml deHionetralloH. Wedneedy hIkIu the opera hoiite Is to lw peeked with loyal Satan no part of the world equate thle valley for productivity WITHOUT IRRIGATION. Thb board of trade and the Boostore club realize tho value of these facta for advertising purposes and vM so them oxtenslvely. What la needed Is for all citizens of Salem and Marlon county and of thb valley le to AWAKEN TO THE FACT OF WHAT THIS VALLEY IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING. Can wo realize what It means for two million acres of land to turn off C0 to iho'acro? Yot In these statement of fact are stories of TWO, THREE FOUR AND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR YIELDS TO THE ACRE. And literally speaking, every aero of this valloy will como near pro ducing whot every other acre will produce Can you realize what It moane to stato that .'1000 PRUNE TREES TURNED OFF $1000 PRUNES IN THE YEAH 1007. It was not a big 'prune year? Last year wa not a bumper year for orope of any kind. But read thono statements. Now Wo want to mako this prediction thero will bo not leas than 100,000 COPIES Ob .THE 1000 FACTS OF PRODUCTION CIRCU LATED IN 1008. What will bo tho result of tho Impact of 100,000,000 facta upon the minds of homo-seokora and business men already looking towards Ore gon7 THoro aro 3000 lo'tters mailed from Salem over. day. Thcso facts nro In such condensed form THAT THE WHOLE 1000 FACTS CAN BE ENCLOSED IN A LETTER. Without paying ono cent additional postago theso 1000 facts can be cown broadcast over tho United States and can anyono doubt thb re sult. Tho Oregon Nursery company will clrculato 5000 copies of tho 1000 Facta of ioductlon ALONG WITH THEIR REGULAR MAILING LISTS. Tho Salem board of irodo will circulate 20,000 copies, mostly In reply to iholr advertisements In moro than 4000 newspapers. Every real estato firm In Salem and In tho valloy nnd overy business firm In tho valloy should uso thesi facts IN THEIR MAILS TO AD VERTISE THIS WONDERFUL REGION OF PRODUCTION. Every resident should endow thorn In private lettors to friends. Cut them out of Saturday's Capital Journal, and call for thorn at this ofllco. Let tin tell tho world what wo hao got hero and our country WILL NOT HOLD THE PEOPLE WHO WILL WANT TO COME HERE. Our lnndrt Instead of bring worth from ?20 to 50 per aero will be worth from 200 to $500 per acre. Tho posstbllltlea of dovolopmont have only bfon touched upon In thU nrtlolo but are fully disclosed In the 1000 Faota of Production. Factors of Safety The human body is a wonderful machine, provided with muscular, nervous and mental energy far in excess of normal needs. In health, the organs and tissues can do double their usual amount of work without strain or friction, because thev have stored energy to meet the extra demand. When you feci "all tuckered out," these factors of safety are nearly exhausted and you need to resort to c BEECHAM'S PILLS! to renew the supply of energy, wherever it may be called for. Indigestion, bilious attacks, constipation, loss of sleep ner vousness, diz2y spells, arc warnings that the factor of safety in the stomach, liver, bowels or brain, is low, or ncaring the danger point and needs to be replenished. Beecham's Pills increase the supply of blood, strengthen the stomach, operate the bowels, feed the nerve cells, build tissue, and create a reserve supply of energy, which is the only natural and effective way to J Protect the Health la bexea with fall dlreeUetw, lee. aaa Sfe. line united TO PIT THIS CITY lO THH FRONT AH THH OltNTIIR OF WltSTEIIN OREGON. Wm vitm wvery man, woman end ohIW wk ran be there te help iHk a demoHelrallMM at unity or iiurpuee. tteleiu'e thru ettlotidJd eumuiffttlel organ heirtJMW WILL PRIISIINT A VNITHD FRONT. 44 The Huttlne Men' lentrlie oimnrteee the keen. ihIhIIhk, nervy, tkrob. Mug, tlHAiielaj iMWi aHJhrtiiv of tji OeplUtl City. Durlnii I tin ljnWHij riucvy of let fU It w 1Mb Halew UtiaKea men who OUHIU UP LIKH A SOLID WALL AND SA Villi Tllll DAV FROM HIKAKTHR. The koanl uf trede U a live. Hdve orsajtkBHttoti. tmlag JaaUtetloe for tho lant ltv )er IT HAS TODAY A STRONGER MltMtlltKSIIIP THAN HVIIR BKFtlRR. The IHhhHw iliih coaUlHi th moot BRILLIANT AM) AGGRESSIVE V.AtTOItS OF OVR YOPNGHR (MTI7.UNSIIIP. Thte lhre roMumtretttl orKHUlMtloHe lMt MHltetl for a kmc etroai luM Ir the eathronement of Salem ae mm elty of the valley. TheMt orKnlHittoa aok you to Join haatle sltk thew Mad BOOST J1)R THH BliST CITY IN Tllll BUST VALLKY IN TUB WOULD. Will you do lit Of rotihte. -hii uMI. You will be at the laeettag at (ho ttfHa Umih WedaeMlay alKkt a ad bear wttac Ute keede of tkeee or KanluiUiBU have to nay for this elty. You will ha thero to se the deluRHllOMH fntm Utr eiUwe nad t hear what the leattlNK BtOSTHUS Ft)U THE OTIIHIl BUST CITII1S OF ORE AON HAVE TO HAY, AND WHAT fllHY ARE DOING TO PROMOTII TIIK DEVHMU'Mavr OF THOSE PUOHK. "We anl to oatoh oh o th vrUilui; fact that we arv eaUKI to hue tie In theMt duyn of vllt iirotre. The time when a wnn in unity or autaeM maa toahl ett haek and my U WILL TAKE WHAT IS (X)MING TO MH, IS PAST. The oommuniu or the' baaiae Whh mH att lHAt t v,m HfttU. Im. The- will rmiw like Hoan'n tall- lewawaH. or emetH a aever isre la u kWerj (. Ue eMy tke tine ha Kme U move llaae at HaratuHteue h4 erar! N'egb'rted Colin TlireittetiH Life. (From tho Chicago Tribune ) " 'Don't trlllo with a cold,' Is good ndvlco for prudont men and women It may bo vltnl In tho caso of a child. Propor food, good vontllntlon, nnd dry, warm clothing nro the proper (mfoguardH against colds. It timy nro maintained through tho change nblo weather of nutumn, winter and spring, tho chances of a surprlMe from ordinary colds will bo Blight. But tho ordinary light colds will become sovero It neglected, and a well ea tahflehcd rlpo cold Is to tho germs of diphtheria whnt honey Is to the boo. Tho groatimt mouaco to child llfo at title HoaHou of tho year U th neglected cold." Whether It Is a ohlld or aduk, tho cold slight or se vere, the very host tl'oatment that eon bo adoptod Is to glvo Chamber Inlu'H Cough Remedy, It Is-safe and with. Tho great popularity and Im mense enlo of this preparation hi been nttnlned by Its remarkable CAUGHT COUPLE OF VERY BAD ONES Two men suspected of having com mitted a oouplo of the worst crimes the Inland empire line twnVrod In many months nro now tindor arroet her and If tho onsoe can uo fnatonod upon thonr, as now hooiiih Ineovltnble, Sheriff Taylor and Chief of Police Ourdnne will be ontltlod to much credit for the onptures. Tho erlmoa for which tho men were arreeted woe the brutal robbery of C. K. Helgr, managor of tho Co lumbia theatre In Spokano, on the night of January 2X. Hodgor wa hrtd up on the street of Spokane. and falling to aeiire any money from him the thuwi kaoeked him down and pred a Kohl brldce from hli reeulta In pneumonia, when It ! glv en. For an) at Dr. Stone's drug Btoro, Tho Time Win , Jack I may ktoe yon. UttnJ Perdllle IbluahlHjly) JJomo ilme Id the future. Jack. Jack (eagerly Wkea? Peril II tmorre ual. Arreled a eouffk tkat ha beea buaglug on for over two moat he by taklHg Bal kml'B Horwkoaad 8ran. If yau have a cough, doa't wall atop It At oaee with tale wtHHlerfal rewely. Splea did for eaagaa. eoUie oa ekeet, Inllu aw. broaekftla ami palmenarr troublw. Prlee Sic. 0e and $1.00. Bold by all dealers. o Cirt'tiiiittnitw, Alur Cjti. Uve r Kreut iaa aow reiulad We may reaek (lted nlace. Ami. dopttrtta lave btthtad ue Ftetprlau oa a rivnl fe. New York Sun uroe of this allmeat. A cold never I tlh U4IK BMch nmml prm( It attracted much attention and the poilro of Spokaae have been striving hard to catch the guilty pnrtlr WImsPmv Bought Gold. rwo dara ago a atranger entered the Wtaelow Broa. Jewelry etore and offered for sale a gold plat that had plainly been iism1 In ( of tietl- Tha hrLlvA wnd mirAlinii.1 1.. nl.-n. Morrew.Oaeeeire Satanltiy JSinNli, ., , , ., ' ., 'y ami iiuiiiiniHitii) iiuiiiivi Sheriff Taylor of the Incident. Shorlb aftwrwarda la eomtway with Mamhal Oardaae the aaerlff looateil the f 1 low and piaeed him under rrea The other man umlor nrreet was tak en tn bewuee he had freoeatly been t la cowjKiay with the other, thereby eaaelag smshIcIou to fall up on kUa ateo. After maklag the arreat Sheriff Taylor aotlfted the Spekaae ohlef of poliee aal aeked tor farther faoU regnrdlag tha ease. Ih reply a dia gram ami deeortptlon of the stolen bridge was soat him. The bridge parehaMHl by the Wlnstows Is iden tical with oae deeerlbed. The pUoe covers toar teeth, there being u crown at eaoh ead with two dummy teeth hetwoa. The faet that Ue teeth were sold by the aaa under arreat makes troag eideaee agalaet him and If It ana be streaethMetl by Iledgerj utuatlikatloa Urn mm will be rum plete KiuK OreoIaa j Tho world will pauso longer to laugh with you than It will to sym pathlzo with you. A Slniplo Trick. It's an easy matter to keep your Joints and muscles eripple no matter what your ago may bo or how you havo suffered with rhoumatiBtn. Rub yourself night and morning with Bol lard's Snow Liniment. Cures rheu matism, stiffness, cramps, crick tn tho back, side, neck or limbs and re llovos all aohos and pains. Sold by nil dealers.- o Wo always have our doubts about tho voracity of those who say thoy don't Mko onions, o Haby Hands will got Into mlsohiof ofton It moans a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon m tho accident unppons, nnd the pain will bo relieved while tho wound will honl quickly nnd nicely. A suro euro for sprains, rheumatism and all pains, Prlco 2Gc, COc nnd $1.00 a bottlo. Sold by nil dealers, o Wo cheorfully confoes to bo Just otd-faahloncd enough to like to sit In front of a flreplnco. O ' i To Curo Cold In Ono Day. Tako LAXATIVE HROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to curo. E. W GROVE'S slgnaturo on each box. 25c. opcaKing oi giad surprised you ever nnd a quarter In the pa or pair or discarded trousers? p Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcomo when fool good; and wo foci that wayi wnen our aigcstivo organs aro Ing properly. Dr. King's New PIIIs regulatp tho action of stoa liver and bowels so perfectly can't help fooling good when he those pills. 25c at J. C, Peri s i Btore. Tho proudest moment in a man's life Ib when tho barber "Your board is getting tough Cullnnrv skill limited ta and chocolato enk Is n"t ca'cul to mnko housekeeping p!caian Strong and Healthy PoJ THE O. K. Store ue OASTOHIA. Dr tU -rf KW t Kw iUirs Bifet '- THE VALLEY OF A THOUSAND WOTS. ( Oa of the Ml adverUneiaeaU by (km 8aUerH Bae nlkmA la IU pautphlK "Te Rd f a Thoueand WtajlttN." One or the We meaaa ef advertiabag Ike THatt jr kg tke esw.1 Wlatlon by IU WIHaHeHeVaile' veaaMim iNM. OMI THOl'. ai,xn faci's of t'liunyprioNV TheAi Oh 1lMaMiMl luu eiaM by Uie arvdae-a Uih tell a tory or profoaM lnmmH to the (MteeMVaee. I The etatoaieau of faet Wy Uw Keer .Umm. XSSWmi A THOFHAND QWHMTIONS ASI?HI ay THE UfMHVSHHKIIIl IN THH HR WKSV. j U a uew cttttairy to Mm He wM be mw wt It win preiiMee i Here u the llotHWKlN i AnK hamu. Tk Mmmu are fraa Uetwnm see ftfta ie mJum. -a..,! over the titht eoaatiwi ( the valt. Heh etatemeat tofe of oee or mere erttelee imwa Ih lltl. THE YIULII IMIII APRK AND THE PRU'E BROIKIHT IN THH MARKBT. Thm fci at Waet are Uid Va uawMable tetiae aoiaal retera a ad prteo a ad artiste. Tre la a t-w ttm the oaelvloa that for YAHltrrv OF PRO, DVCriONH, Wli ISRlilTNKHH OF YIHI.D. AND PROFITS ON SALUS SmwmuVMKrrM VA1I,UV 8lMlwsslK ANV QwA iSiliioN S A Birthday Fund Aa -irllat atoa. or provtdla a mm or daughter v.lth uH lahert taaee whe they arrive at a ma turity u ea Mnhday to la to ihotr rrwllt Ha tau baak he imw ot a iMIar for mm year of lhlr Tee ewu. with In iarMt tll KMoaat to mmrly IM Moet eatMrett kaeie baak ar eouel le growing (or ijw wjh ataktf roiMlaaoiu vru to add la it aad thaa a lead will be aro xtiUd twMrtai to urt them la a bMBla ra:ar SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK fBBBBPBI R?Jvh IIIIb Suffering mid Dollar Sucl, S S Loper of MuriUa. N Y , savs "1 aa a earpeater ad have had aiaay severe rU aeaM by Bok lea'e Anika itdv. u aa MTtd me swttwtac xmI a'oliara it u b far ta beat kealtat ealve i ay -loa4." Heal tare, eerea. uU-ere. fe-er wee. ereemg ejal ile. tic at J C Perry, drexgtat. OHOl'KHHvS THAT RPKAK for theme-lve, Hi ours do neesl little praising V might well be pardoned for bolng enthus lastlr about them Hut all we say la OIVK ItS A TRIAL ORDKR. Oaee you do that we will not have to ooax you for n socond. Our Grdcoriee will spoak for themselves on your table. You'll be sorry you hadn't commenoed trading hero before. A. A. ENGLEBART, iweinn street near woolen Mill Phone 123. For Sale Or Trade For If you Uhh Couloir Impmu'd! Fgg FcxmI oiir lions will bo lack'iP.e fresh Inld oggg, thrc'"' nr as ! ad thev u-mill lav wlHin thirl You will help yourHra nrl hfl If vnu iln vnnr liuvlnir tn i l" ' r.c UH Good llteratui on r ' fr. TILLSON & C irl HIGH ST P-:na :&V! J'? I 'I &Z&" W? 7t K , SotaMwa waa wit ataa mH he sot ea aaeea iay h Made hiu foole. COFPEE Your gfrocer must sell roor cofiee; wc can't all be comfortable; but he needn't sell it to you. COUWMIONT " act Sltfin rtt piopert) m. half in rultlvatloR. baataee Umber aad flae ftaet wre; wtM dtrWe Imo li aad 1 aerie. Ideal ajairy farme; Hi per ae. See we for Im proved fre.lt htade. w have some aneclel barsals. Ireland Investment Co. JAMES IRELAND. Manager Orilcw Phono Maino 331. Heeldeiiro Phone 3J0. 14a s Commercial St JUST RECEIVE! A Full IJim of riilldrvn's St Wo aliA aa . o vnninlete 11 iiw uav inuj a --r- mon's hoavy work'ng ao men's and women's drc$s too Como In'and see r s:?k.( bargains lu footwear 345 Stato S-ct JACOB VMT i Criiiim 1 T u IlilCKOKT Cough RcrncoV itoe.-fir" Coughs. Colds CROUP IWK!Cvi ""l!V-a SOt THROAT -- THBOAT4U sKireVftB" I ui iv ntftA. I m knu 'aas 'Ite S Aa a cold Ratter of fart- w far t aaae h beea able to dUt 3Ur Salem, Oregon. Price S5c I0. f el lrt-la drajnleta & I