Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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fiwi p W wtmmmmm iiniisi i i
(j, yvsJW';
An occasion when Undermuslins and White
Goods of the Meyers variety are offered at a re
markable saving. There are only a few more days
left of this annual white event and it is safe to as
sert that not for months will another such buying
chance present itself.
l m
JiSf 1 S.tr-rrti
Special Sale No. 371 --New DepartmentFirst Floor
Tomorrow only vo offer nB out big opening event In the new lndi'V
roady-miide department, Llngorlo WnlsU In Plain Tuck Embroidery
and laco effects; unual 2C for ,
No tulaphono order received; wilo Marta n& 8:30, uhnrp; first floor
Hold Two-Pnys' Session,
Ing Tomorrow Night.
White Dress
Of most ovcry known variety
for afternoon and ovonlng wear
in EolllncM, Vollou, lied ford Cord
Gropo do China, Gropo do PnrlB,
Henrietta, Hlallllon, Silk Voile,
Panama, Storm nnd Fro noli Serge
Cheviot, Pnintllu nnd Nip Vnlllo,
nt Whlto Bulo prices.
Horo'H nnothor opportunity that
you would not oxpoct until later
when nHfiortinontu nro very much
broken. It la a ploce of Reed for
tune of which thrifty Hhoppors will
take Advantage Wlilto walat in
laco taffota and Jap Bilks In a large
range of hIzoh, all of thlH Bowion's
nowoBt dlgne, at White 8alo prices.
(Beo Liberty Hlrvet Window.)
l2 Our now Hhoo Sloro preeeuL
,ono of tho fluent showing of Men'
Womon'e Mluaos' nnd Ghltdron'a
comfortablo iiprlnR ahoo to be
found anywhere. If you are look
lug for foot otuut our shoes will
si vi solid comfort.
An (unusually Reed value for lor,
White Snlo --
Hpuolal yard ZflC
In a large aasortment of large and
Hinall dot -- . i(
yard 23C 10 40C
nun npkiiadh
Full slxo bod ppreadB, regular $2
value, White Balu . ft
Special M.0U
In pink, blue, whlto nnd black,
regular 26o vhIuoh, to close
during White Salo,
Spool al
With safety pin, top In assorted
oolorn, SOo vuluoo to close
during White Salo, am
Spoolal . . . .' u3C
White LIhIo plain and ombrold
orod Hosoj Wliltr . ,n
Balu Sitoolal, pair i1C 10 UOC
fx?0. llleu&iA ojJxmA
6 A
Charming laces and ctnbroldorlcs.
dainty, flimsy lacea nnd cmbroldorlo
occupy a high position in tho favor
of most women, who hall with de
light a soason which provides ng lav
ishly for thoir iihc as tho prosont with
its continued wnvo of whlto. SIMS
CIA Ti lvtnlin)l(k,ry ICIki'h, Itundi and
HendliiK Lsm Ono-Tlilnl Hound
.Mc-di nnd Vnl Ijiice Ia'ss Onv-Tlilrd
Ijmv Applique and Fancy Trim
Men's Ready
to Wear
This now department In rondy
to reoelvo nil in on and boys with
the moat unique tylo of clothing
and furnlHlilUKH at a apodal Kiv
ln durlnK our Whlto 8nle. He
member tho ontrnnco Is on Court
stroot, In our now
Tho Portland-Tacoma conference
of the Evangelical Lutheran Ohio
pynod will convone today and tomor
row In the Grman Lutheran Christ
church, on State street, to dlsouss
doctrinal papers and transact routine
business. Tho conference was openod
by President A. Krause, of Portland
An exegesis by Rev. Krause on Gala-
tians 6 will be tho first subject con
sidered by the conference.
There will bo divine servlcos Wed
nesday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock, to
which the public Is cordially invited.
The following ministers are pres
ent: Revs. A. Krause, Portland; C.
Buechler, Peninsula; K. Klllan, Puy
allup, Wash.; J. Doosoher, Sherwood;
F. Melneblo, Castle Rook, Wash.; H.
Bruss, Tacoma, Wash.; Luther M.
Feeger, Seattle, Wash.; H. Flath
mann, Aurora; Dr. Carl Ackormann,
president of the Pacific Seminary,
Olympia, Wash; C. Hoflf, Salem.
Arizona, Tuosday, Fobruary 4,
190S, Bertha Irene Andrewartha,
aged 27, of tuborculosls.
Mlsa Androwartha formerly resid
ed in thia city, whero sho attended
Willamette University and the Col
lego of Mnsle. Besides her parents
nnd a brother, who rosldo in Boise,
Idaho, bhe leavos a wide circle of
loving friends both hero and in
X A Collection of Importnnt Pr
T vgrAplM for Your Cotuldcnition 4!
Candidate for JudKt
IS. H. Llttlefleld. of Morrow. Sher-
lUilu tonlttht Mini Wttlii(MUy,
Wo Want
Two ton of jhl0kn nuxt wwjk.
CRpltal CommlitslQn Company. Phone
179. tf
Avoid lhipllOMto
lly buyluK Mr. Jink' band
pnlntod china at th Qupllnl Drus
Store, for wmldlHt nud nnnlvorary
prwtenu. , SSSt
At Uhi MitliKKllkt Churtih
Rev PattursoH wlU All tke )HilU
for Urn ltot MttU04)tit kirU Ut
morrow niRht. l'rIr 8Urwort
delivered a, seritHiH oh "U fcke YMHjf
Man Safe" SuHdny evening and Mm
dny vHlBK Hev. R. P. KlmuiwtHMii
fudetM the ivvIm,
Dr. It. CartMHubt
llt nwuiHwd Uls protlo In Stale
And bJi wm, an tiflli? Ln tw
0 and 9. vw Pry1 drUK tw. Qm
hour, llw Ui i j. u M1m
A w I1I Cnv ,
New rm tuN tohirtj am) tt
pboK Uuotl) )mv lMt m44 ta Um
iNiMlpiuttHt f tMe ettMMy etork'a !
tie hh M HMttrMlly Mrttit U x
(mhIiuhk int UrKtNPtU ( iMMttte.
IJModit nirtbdrty
Tke SStk aHHlvrAjy UmcoImN
Mrthduy Mill tumid; r
WHlw4e' lh ItU UK Dm W. a T.
V. lU Tltftrv will fc puM mk'
JhK a4 soJ wissk. ami Mrtllnl
welcome i N,
lWtor to WK
iu VMUamta r mm& & li
t IJ mV terk't Mftyy
MVll Ml .VjtJML. Ktt)Mw Kilt 94
4dwWW HwnUliMi to Om wife
orW mt AiKra. T!e va.ttia 1M
tak lc tM)uitlMM IR U hear fu
Tho HIhrM
Market prleu
paid fer ehlokttHH
Old-faMhloned hoar bound stick A Lively Runaway
candy, ood and strong, at Zlnn. Considerable xcltoment rolgnetl
.. .. 1
uuk wommeroiai airetu uuruig tno'iiian county, has tiled hla petition
Moon h ur oMnday, wh n Jaek Coop-lwlth tho eerretury of stato for noml
er' team of Iibvh not bovond tbluN(lin on tlm It..mil.llrun tlikt far
Capital CQtnmfMlQn. Company. Phone ,hTI of their driver, aud ilaahoil at) the olllco of circuit JdKe for the
17,i- tf their beet p-ed down Caimnwral.il 'lvnth Judicial dlstrlot. He at
etre for wveml blouk. Thoio who preeent holds that oflloo.
lutiiKiN wltnctwol tho uinaway xpootud uvery
That alwaM Rive satUfaetlon U moment to hoo tho buggy ovorturned
what you want. Oat uno. of our u,t when tho driver jumixM out, nf
Home qHM raHKtte at 20 per aent ter having the team Hourly stopped.
lUoaum. lluren & llaintHuu. tho looee roitiH caught In tho wIiimi,
and brought tho horww to a Htop.
Will Ship lttiitmlitH I
Tho remain uf Mm. Jane MeCvty, IiiMilhtl Women
tllllli 1111.11. S..k ...
who dhl at hw boiHe kut Tkuce-, " ,,,Him w H" B H,1M",r. w "
, ,,, .1 . - -1 1. , ., ... rted thl roomlRK by City Marshal
day night, wen, eWppe.1 ou the :M ablHH for pmMnK Mut.
KralH Monday wvmlg to nun, Cwl-jHK ymm oB tj,e atreeu. White
fornte. when, they wtM he iHterr! Uh4 BMirwly uw drmkltfg. and
Ir the fawU) )t 1h that eUy. .Mr. wlMt Hmlw thw lHMMfl of u,lMOr Ht
MMfcrtor'H mnt mu, Arthur. tk ,M,0 hf arrMed.
hih ever (rnti IMor Ut uewHiiMiJiv
the rematRi f Ui wmtUer to ikoir
H4 rewUR p9.
Cn ContlmHtl
j The xamlKHtlwi of McKay. Smith
1 aJMt F1MA&MUMM. tk Lkra iuaii no.
Klnn'e k f wlU m ir cm4 of rowhlRR DUIrmuT woond.
0URh. Try tk$m.
A OtHHl It.lllgtv.
Pr III jttriaf Mr isHk
lUmi. f
(HNd store, wne oRtlMeI today Uy
Jtt0o Mooroe wrUI 1:11 o'eleok to-
aftomvoR. Jack WMUoh.
jsw.Wij0 h, ehargil with Smith of lrtak.
Ilnuloy WIIISiKtak -
CoiiRrofttiman Hawloy will be oae
of tho speakers at tho Booators' ral
ly at the Grand opera house -tomorrow
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dodge, In
Lewlaton, Idaho, Monday, Febru
ary 3, 1908, Miss Ernestlno M. Hal
ley to Mr. James McNorney.
The bride was one of Salem's most
charming girls with a large clrclo of
friend. She was for a time society
editor on tho Statesman, nml bad a
graceful and piquant stylo of writing
that mndo her department an Inter
esting and always rend featuro of
that pnpor. Miss Halley wont to
Lewlston a couplo of years ago, and
It Is thero sho ran up against tho
decrees of fato that evontually led
lier to tho altar. Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Nerney will resldo In Spoknno, nnd,
If the wishes of Salem friends ma
terialize, their lives will be one
round of hnpplnose nnd content,
Tho following from tho Lowlston
Teller of February 4, gives a glimpse
of tho romnnco that precedod the
"Tho marriage of Jamos J, JTo
Norney and Miss Ernostlne M. Hat
Joy last night waa the happy culmi
nation of a romance commenced last
sununor, when the young man was
throni from a horse and rendored
mnooii wlous, to bo loaded upon his
home and brought to tho city, a dls;
tanoo of sevoral mllee, by Mlee Hal
ley, who was 00m polled to walk
through the duet and lend the animal."
Mrs. A. E. Tamaie and M
oiveiuaiuiuHr were passengi
ui vicvu-ic train to Portland
they are going for a hot
inenas and relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Larkfn
have gone to Portland, hel
win remain for a few da
ing to business matters
uev. u. u. L.ee. rf o.
ohurch, loft this mornlnjr f
land to attend the m?t'ng toi
tne uregqn Board of Miseio
which organization, ho is
Routine business will be attei
and tho policy for the comll
decided upon. Dr. Le expeel
gono but a few days.
Leo D. Wood, who has been
ing to buslnoss matters in Sab
lng tho past four months, i(
morning ror a visit o Portli
fore returning to his home at
Father D. do Faber, of
mauo a nurneu trip into toi
morning, remaining but a fe
...l.t. l.l,U. ....
wiui iv pai loiuuuvi , ueiore reH
to his home.
u. fcJ. wnson, or the real
firm of Yerex Bros., after t
spent attending to business
m snenuan, returned to thi
Mondny afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Miller i
over in Salem Monday altera
their way home from Portland!
they have been on a pleasure,!
William Letnaster, after
6onco of 23 years from Sales
turned hero Monday afUrnool
vUit to his daughters. Mrs.
Goebel and Mrs. G. E, WilsoJ
mastor Is now a resident of
Mlsa Mary Ellzabe'h Hi
Idaho, who has been vMtlnfl
Misses D'Arcy, nt 685 North
stroot, loft Monday for Vahl
D. C, to Join her broth'r,;
William H. Harf, V, S A , Inj
to Europe. Major Hart v.a$ la
two yoara ago.
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance S
Frnnk Meredlth, Resident A;
Olllco with Wm. Brown &
29 Commercial street.
Over Iadd & Buph'a Bank, Stlj
For Sale -Sevoral houses In
and farm 'ands at a bargain
1U1 National Bank. C-l-B
Irjc tho iKjkt of J C. Colo In Talk
........... x,.... - wov mwr
""'"" '""i ikovo hta Wol HtUft, same UmoM
THe rovlrai MOtJettK Ira Hlicikt Wt 1 UMOorrow, Wvt: wtl kl hrollw
m ooRkor lwrf. A Hioro or usary xhUaMoh.
the vot "Is U YoMiHr MR SRio.M!
TwitaRt Hot, H, W. tkwuomaR win .,
w i. nn , ... lwRy to RRroiRRORUy rRlr
RfOOOR. TRO ROT. Mf. ttilRtRM Will W- U wttt ttmLwm mt Ml-k .it J
CHsort otrooU. wMi w4 UrkoR
wrUr RUios tho rallroRil Urnek at
tho JoRtftkMi of tho stroofa lut
RRTtAK. tho Omor Wectrto
RHRj' UlW RIOTMlMg MWOMtrea lh
RtOOi tTMMO RttUt Ml lOrURRl to 1UR
Rt tte 4lH. ac Um Uwe of broak
i$ R4 dmrm wm only tosHIKM-urlli-
pewHth iMnarto) r WwlReoiav
vRRtRS 1W RMlo It ewoUUr lo-vttod.
Ctet n Hani;
Ilore4i &. UariIMor.
ORoi illeoooof
UrliR te Yyur CtUkiin
Wo 4M U ye hftR. ORRMal
OeWMfcrtUa Oo. l 119. U
Cr w keel rrJn U lrrtHptoo &
N Poitooe. to gfooert iht m-
fm ym mM wi dy n to
Houh' Qum lUn
lUt, UttrOR & lUMtltOB.
11 0 f5io l
LoUak wko hi HojAd e9h rv
at Uh UwrgitR 9h $!, auootor
vq a. a qivoji.
Revh Srlcn
Qmmjo W the Qrauii BvaRKallcal
ofcftrefc tAi ovojttRs at 7 II o'oloek.
and ovry oRlae UortK the weok.
A revival nlw U Ir kort4. The
Gwwaa puhltc i eonllally tovlted
R4ls Prhv f School laiudv
The Stuto I.nnd Board, at lt nitot
In thte morning, decided Rpon mis
in the value of school lands from
J2 io to $6.00 par acre. Thla action
wim decided upoo by the board be-
of tho Increase, of btad rallies
throwKhout the state slRee the orig
inal prloe waa sot or school land.
ThU aereout all state school IarUa.
The railroad oommloslou le Ir re
ceipt of a letter from Asaietawt-Gea-era!
Solicitor FeraaW. of the Pwll
Run Comoaay, la Chlenso. roAlylni;
to a letter ihnU fram the eoHiMleeioR
Mrtttws forth tho ooMplaiRi of Dr.
Kother Pohl. health ofllcer of Port-
Imri. In rofxre: to tho condition of
tho temlRal yanU Ir the latter city.
lAtlAg thi Dr. Croweo. sanitary
iRoooetor lor tho eomoARy. wlU go to
PorthMMl At tho oarltoot opportuwity
to eoRfor with Dr. Peel.
(URited Pre I.oAe Wire.)
New York. Poo. U TtUoU for
eiflNeng who arrlvoo rrom nuropo t
doy to auoml too woJHK of Ml
TR0O4OTA ShoMd to too Dee o
OhAAlaee. iw.xt SatowlAy. aro, iho
DHOheee DPsee. sister of th 4ko.
PriRco GaMUIao. Prlocoee ReioeUl.
sky. IIaton de L Bootllerle aad
BaroA LwU d inde
Personal Mention
Mrs. H. W. Smith, of Turner, was
a Salem visitor Monday.
Mrs. M. E. Wolla, of Portland, vis
ited this city Monday.
W. A. Rio and wife left this morn
Ing for Portland on a few days' busl
neet trip.
Mrs. S. L. Hulea, of Turaer, paid
a short vlrtt to her mother Ir thla
city or Moaday.
Mlo Oraoe Pawk has returned to
her homo Ir Hageae. after a few
days' visit with her folks here.
Mies Bead CerReltiu return!
Monday evoolRg after a week's visit
with frtoMe Ir Portia ad.
Roy Klrkley. W. K. Fnuler, W. A.
Romaely aad Ivan Hmnaeon have
gooe to Bugene or r Rttxod baotAOst
RRd pleoeare trip.
For Snlo Largo body anJj
grado Bocond-growth fir
1417 or 1283. Downing &j
For Sale Flno big White UM
breeding oggs, pnee SOc pri
Enqulro W. H. Timm, 20tM
Trado Sts. 2-lOlfl
Wanted A centleman boar
prlvato family room and
523 N. Cottage. Phone 77S
For Salt- FJvc-room house
60x160; good barn and hent
Uttlo storo house Sxl2 10
Irens: irood well of w.ter
blooks from business part of
all for S600 cash No agett
quire at S27 Broadway, N'ort
1.1m S 11-1
lroprty Owners, Attention
one lloting thoir property
Derby & Wlllson w tbia t
can Arrango to bae it put t
big now prlco list that conua.
and will ko all owr tne
StilM f?ll aad Sr-0 IM
WllUnn 2 H-tl
Best Creamery Butter
Per 7T
Roll iDL
Every Pound Guaranteed
Moir Grocery Co.
456 State
Phone 182