-Tar?" " " V" It iaunial SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1008. NO. 07. kxmi. "T'J sr i i i t is i i U lit JJIXLLII 11 fEftiPIfl 1 1 1 i F r LAN FOR ELASTIC CU on l ENCY ashington, D. C, Man May Be District Attorney 'JRTMENT IS NOT FAVORABLE TO OLEETON cjh "Persona Non Grata" to Heney Delegations (nrrel Say Lead to Appointment of Townsend or ttasmngion v. u t EtUrf PM Ceased Wire.) hid, Or, Feb. 10. It Is ro a foruana mai mu uimi t- 11 jattlco Is not satisfied with kt&loa of Thomas J. Clcton, kits', (or tho position of fod- iltfA attorney in Orogon, and tin doubtful if ho wllkbe nom- f lr tho President. It la said ihatj ii Dot favorable to Cleo- e kt this cannot bo confirmed. M&t th candidates mentioned, Cktton U not appointed, Is I), ifami, of Washington, D. 0 i tu Isttrested with Henoy lu tho Investigation of tho timber land frauds. SLUMMING TOUR ENDS IN MURDER. (United PresB Lcasod WIro.) Now York, Feb. 10. Affcor n night of slumming In Chinatown with four othors nn unknown woman was shot and fatally wounded In n Second avonuo street car at an early hour this morning. She- quarrolcd with her escort over a bottle of cham pagne, and ho drow a rovolver and shot, tho bullet entering her loft breast. Tho girl died shortly after reaching tho hospital. ANOTHER BIG BANK SCANDAL THE BURNS PALMER GO TONIGHT AT FOREST GROVEDURNS CONFIDENT H. W. HAINES CLAIMS HE WAS HORDED OP ?20,000 SAYS KANE AND W. II. HAINES WERE DISCHARGED HKCAUSE OF DIS CREPANCIES IN THE HANK'S HOOKS. ICAGO SIM I DrnDi re dadaiu unncc I ikvi uuu usrouAl ii mvuuu r UNLOADING SALE ONLY THIS WEEK THIS GItKAT UNLOADING SALE THE PRICES WILL HE I W THE QUICK. WE WANT THE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING SO IP YOU WANT GOOD, HONEST HARGAINS AT SMALL Vmi' IV mm-, m.-... . ...... . -.. ,,, iHIi ij,uti ii) 11U1, l ts Just Arrived Jl'llted at Sale Prices fM !uUful stock of Dross pttrmoadlng Prices. lfifcol yarda of daintv v.m. P1 Kolng at the same lni, from.,.. 4c Yd. Up Uoiesfirc -- Cotton Drew r,ond . -T-yard IOC 'Wj PIo '!.. I 5c r - Flannel h 7c & fe StwUaga t Mill rF'lajJp fllrmU AWAY nnu-v P. Hstip. r sitt Vfuv $klrt S2.05 3- S U the &me Low Awk-afliu I Ladles' $15.00 Suits Vow Ladles' $22.50 Suits Now , . . . , Ladle' $12.00 Coats Now Ladles' $18.00 Coats Now .$ 8.58 . 12.50 . 7.50 . 9.90 Better Suits at the Same Low Prices. Ladles' Shirt Waists Half Price. .TThat Saves You Money (United Press Loosed Wire.) Forest Grove, Or., Feb. io. Western Oregon may havo n bank scandal on its hands that will equal tho record of tho defunct Title, Guar antee & Trust Company, of Portlandt for delirious finance, bctrnyal pt trust and spectacular accusation. Ait a result of tho failure of tho E. W. Haines bank, of Forest Grove, Frank T. Kane, n former cnBhlor of tho bank ,nnd now a deputy shorlff, and W. B. Haines, also a former cashier In tho Bamo Institution ,arfe Involved In a cbargo of bank wrecking, made by the president of tho Suspended Institution. Both dony tho chnrgi 11I11IIII1IIM) M GREATEST CROWD ATTENDING A LONDON PRIZI FIGHT IN YEARS WILL WITNESS Till HURN8.PAIi.MKR SCRAP FOR CHAMPIONSHIP TONIGHT. (United Pross Lonsod WIro.) London, Fob. 10. A crowd which will probably bo one of -tho largost In years will (too Tommy BurnB meet Jack Pnlmor tonight before tho Na tional Sporting Club. Burns' vic tory ovir Gunnor Molr gavo him a clas.j In (England, nnd ho Is now gen erally regarded as tho best of hla weight lu tho world. Palmor Is looked upon as a .rough and reudy fighter that ought to glvo Burns a torriflo bftttlo of. tho kind that Burns likes tho least. Heavy and persistent mixing with llttlo ohanco for fast and clover footwork. Tho'tScttlng Is running 2 to 1 that Burns will stop palmer within ton ! ALDRIGH DEFENDS BANKING BILL It Provides For tiie Issuing of $500,000,018 Identical With National Bank Notes, Secured by State Or Railroad Bonds MCDONALD'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATES THE HIGHEST GRADE CHOCOLATES IN THE WOULD. fa Sa" at HENRY WIPRUT & CO'S tho confldonco of tho Amorlcnn poo plo, It would bo prudont to uho this form of currency. Oormany, Eng land and AuBtro-I lungary follow this plan in a gonnrnl way. Tho commit too folt Gormnny'B procodont tho safest to follow. Thoro tho Imperial bank Is dlroctly under Uio control of tho govornmont, nnd hnit tho authori ty to Ibsiio $119,000,000 or notes not covorod by speclo. Furthor Ibbuo Is authorized to oqual tho total amount of speclo hold, and n Htlll furthor amount subject to a tax of flvo per cent u year. Against tho limt named, rpoolo must bo hold to o no-third of tho amount and gold bills of ox ohungo ngalnat tho remaining two thirds. "Tho bill, reported by tho commit tpo- provldos for tho possible Isstio In omorgvinclOB of $500,000,000 notos, to bo jdontlcttl In oharnctpr' that of nntlonnl hank notcH, ami pa- 4 c'urod by JttAto bqud. rho b?rtk uioln j 0 ,ln I tpr'to vigorously. At a meeting of tho de poBltors of the bank Saturdny after noon, E. W. Haines Btood beforo his creditors, and In an address, which was frequently Interrupted because of his sobs, ho declared that ho had been robbed of $20,000 during tho last few years, nnd asserted that both Kano and Halnos had boon dis missed by him from tho bank because of discrepancy In the bank's books. Tho spech cnuso.1 n tremondous sen sation In tho small town. At tho same tlmo Halnos declared that n rival bank president of Forost Grove bad circulated rumors In order to undermine tho oredlt of the, bank. President Halnos was president of tho Orogon senate In 1905. Today both Kano and W. B. Haines made detailed statements denying E. W. Halnos' ohargos, and E. W. Halne has lsued notice declaring that he will Insist that the bank's books bo oxperted by accountant!, selocted by tho Depositors' Association and paid for by hLmsolf in order to oloar his name. Kano declare the charge ar preposterous. o MAY 60 INTO RECEIVER'S HAND Washington, Feb. 10. If the Merchants' National Bank, of Port land, which suspended in November, dot 8 not reopen In solvent condition by February 15. It will be placed In the hands of a reoelver. This infor mation was given out by Comptroller Ridgley today. As yt Prosldoat Watson, of th bank, has not HOtifted the comptroller that he oan moat the government's terms In regard to re opening the bank. - o ' Oregon Hoy Elected Editor. Stanford University, Cal., Feb. 10. Frank Adams, of Portland, Or., a special student In the law depart ment, has been elected editor of the " Quad," the Stanford annual, pub lished by tho junior class. rounds-, and thoro aro many takers at that figure. Burns Is a 10 to 1 favorite on tho final rosult. Palmor dclnre that hs will last out 20 rounds. "If I don't stay 20 rounds, anJ give Burns tho worst trouncing of h"s fighting caroor I will quit tho ring forovor," said tho British pur this morning. "The fight won't last ten rounds." said BurnB today at his hotol. "I oan't possibly lose this fight. Aftsr the bsttlo I will fill n theatrical en gagement, and I may go to Paris for a fight for a $10,000 purse. My bat tle with Rooh, the Irish champion, will be pulled on as scheduled." o DISMISS GHARGE AGAINST RIGGINS The charge of larceny preferred against William Riggne and hie wire for stealing a mandolin by E. jr. JudW8. leeeo of tho Wilson boarding houso, was dismissed by Justice of th PeaoV Webster this inornintr. The mandolin had been left In Judkin'a possession as securi ty for $4. which Riggins hid bor rowed, but Judkins has boon in the habit of letting Rigging have it from time to time. On the Inst occasion the borrower refused to return the instrument, and on Friday night Judk:ns had them arrested. Judge Webster held that, as the mandolin had been handed to Rig- gins, and was not taken without ni consent, he was not guilty of lar ceny. o- SRNATOR FULTON WILL I1K HOME IN MARCH. (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Feb. 10. Senator Fulton Is preparing to come home ou March 15. and then publicly answer the rseent charges made against him by Heney. Ho cannot get away soon or because of preee of legislative' business (Unltod PresB Leased WIro,) Washington, Feb. 10. Tho reply of Sonntor Aldrlch, of Rhode Inland, to tho orltlcB of his banking currency bill, Introduced by htm as a iiioasuru to provide rcllof In tlmo or financial strws by allowing tho national banks to issue omorgoncy currency on certain approved sociirltlos and guaranteed by tho government, wuh mado today. It excited wldosproad Intorout because tho bill In supposed to havo tho beat opportunity or pass ing or the number -or bills offered thin sesHlon, Many financial critics de claro that tho bill affordH no substan tial rollof. Aldrlch rovlows tho sit uation In able style. Ho said In re viewing tho panic or 1897: "It wuh not a currency panic, In tho truo Bonso or tho word, ror -the Unltod States currency, In oharncter, In boyond question. Tho amount Of monoy lnv circulation at) that tlmo In Uio bandit of tha nennlo outside. bunks' treasury, $19.30 'por'captUrfiUi'aro roqulrod to deposit Iri tho United much lorgor than that hold by Tho Status t'riasury municipal, stuto or" f pooplo or any othor commercial coun- flrst-cla.is railroad bonds. On tho try in the world, oxcopt France, state or municipal bonds the bunkd whoro tho Conditions nra -antlroly dlf- aro entitled to 90 pur cont lu notos, feront. , and on railroad bonds 75 por cent. "Undor tho ordinary oomlltloiib "On railroad bonds 75 por osnt. tho volume of our currency could b At nny tlmo within hours, tho on- fairly orltlolsed as oxcosuivo, eoi- tiro $500,000,000 can bo put Into talnly It Is adequate to most tin channels of trndo to allay public normal domunds. But no provision exeltemont. ror an emorgenoy which occurs more "Tho bill simply gives tho banks or lose froquontly In ovary country, tho right to accomplish by Jogal and which wo now see oxlsts yot on methods that which wuh folt nocos must bo provided ror. It Is simply lin- wiry lu tho tiinjom crisis to nocom posslblo to oitlmato the losses Inflict pllsh by Illegal moans." od by tho Misponslon puymont by tho Aldrloh grew saroastlo In roforrlng banks in tho recont dlBturbnncas. to the objection or the offQat tho bill Thore wns financial ombnrrassmont would have on bunk earnings. IIo on ovory hand, thousands were said ho must confesH that tho corn thrown out of employment nnd the mlttlso did not try to d ovine a plan wages of tho omployod reduced. Of to lnoroase them, tho flvo oxpodlentM adopted to met "In tho recont pnnle thoro was tho tho omsrgoncy, tho uso or tho clear- Konornl suspension or onsli puymont ing houso cortlflcutos was unquestiou by the banks," ho said, "and this Is ably tho most offeotlvo. I In violation or ovory banking law. . "This wns tho eighth tlmo that But tho bunk mnnaB,ra should roal- tholr employment has been ben- law but ror the oxtrnordlnnry rore eflclul at tirnos preventing a sorlous boaranao or tho people it would not dlsttstar, but It rosulted this tlmo In bo ropentod. Our collections during such a dlsnrrangomont or tho ox-1 tho past three mouths aro too lndofl change us to make It doubtful nt to listen with patlenoe to a dU whothor the disadvantages woro not cusslon by tho officers or bunks In greater than tho benefits. Tho great largo oltios whether tho ntmodlos losses Uio peoplo or tho country stir-, Mroposod by oongpsse would1 result In farad thrnnirh ihn niirtlnl liranlrilnwn Inrtfn nililltlnris III Ihftlr dividends. of cur oredlt system, and which the "I do not intend to place u promt abnormal Incroaso In the volume of, urn on that kind of bank manage- monoy failed to avert, should load congroes to seriously consider wheth er it Is posslblo to provide for lsgls latlon that will provent Its recur rence. If a panic should be repoot d. tho method of relief used In 1907 would not bo available, and tho treus ury might not bo in a condition to come to tho relief of the pooplo. It lu Impossible to Inoroasq tho national bank notos on United Stutes bonds. No ono can predict what the financial conditions will bo by autumn. Some urge the ontlre rovislon of the mon etary system, some the establish ment of a eontral bank of Issue. "I personally think the adoption of Uio latter system In tho Immediate future Is out of the question. There fore the entiro finance com rait too agreed to demand for an Issuo or emorgenoy notes. The minority fa vored the United States nott-s, but tho majority felt that this would es tablish a dangerous precedent. "They believe, since the national bank notes, with their convertibility guaranteed by tho government, have ment which proposes to make a flnan clal disturbance and disaster thw source of profit. Th securities named must find universal accept ance In the sotUement of obligations. No securities, oxoept United States bonds, haw bettor orodk or standing In financial circles as to the assor tlon that tho government should not exact from the banks a pledge of definite securities, and that It Is Hafo to accept geikerul credit uud usssUi us security.!' Aldrloh ald that a tuiflolont an swer was that tho bunka did not fol low this rule In doullng with ouoh othor. The olearlng hoiiBos require carefully sefeotcd soeurltlos on wliloh to ndvanco 75 per cent of the value of the paper offered. Now Llstiii We have told you many times that tho way to build up Salem Is to buy homo prodiuots, and especially when they are as good as a foreign make. Wild Rose flour has no superior, and It Is mado hero.