Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 08, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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You cannot accomplish muoh in n, business way without tbo ser
vlcco of a bank, and when 4t comoe to tho question of whethor or
not you ubould haro somo bank connections, thcro Is only ono ana
wor, any Individual or buslnow will derive some bonefit from a
bank's eorvico.
A bank la not a luxury for tho rfoh monj 4bat Idea Is fast disap
pearing. Tho pooplo from nil dosses aro beginning to roallso tho
Jtoportanco of a bank , connection.
Tho service that a bank gives to fU customers plncca within
their reach ovory ndvnntago to carry on flnanalnl matters caolly.
Many persons nro timid nbout opening n bnnk account bocauno
thoy (think tholr knowlodgo of banking In limited, or porhapB they
conaldor tholr onmunt of monoy too small. To any noli porsonB
wo wish to Bay that tho opening of a bnnk nccount la very oasy;
wo explain nil tho datalltt and make It rimplo for you. We also
oncourngo nny who have small sums to opon an account. Wo fur
nlnh n pass-book nnd checks, nnd nil nooossary Instruction. 12 von
though you nro not ready to opon an account, call nt tho bank nnd
tnlk It over with
u B.
li. W. HAZARD, Cashier
Recognized as a Food Product, and
So Dealt With by the Government
IT Is Wring recognised tho world over that tho drinking of beer
promote twmpuranort and sobriety to a far greater extent than
ill the prohibition laws ou tho statute books.
All enlightened HuropiMU nations are encouraging tho manu
facture and consumption of light boors containing about throo nnd
ono-hnlf per cent alcohol, and tho reoult has been most gratifying
to nil sincere lovers of temporanoe.
Tho United Htato government hue taken n positive stand In
thh direction, the war department holding that the re-oatabllshiui;
of tho army canteen for the salo of beer being an absoluto news
pity In the Interest of temperance and sobriety.
lleer Is today reeogBliuHl as a "Pood Product," aHd Is so dealt
with by the government.
All the great ItwuraHo eompanlee have oontradlcUM the lies
that have bee givon currency through prohibition fouro that
tho drinking of beer was a bar to semiring lnsuraaee, and have
lately published to the world nt large the statement that those
drinking bwr moderately (Hot more than two quarts durlag twen
ty -fenr hoore) wore the very be of rkk. The latest ltrttish life
ImntratH reports show that the ratio of death rate among abstain
on m thirty per ootu greater than among moderate drinkers.
lleer kt pure and wholeeoma. ami the day U hoc far distant when
It will be as murk a part f t)ui dal'y tmbetetexee of every family
as are milk, bread and ether food HeeUJ.
The beer brewed by the &4lem llrewury Atuorlatlo kt la every
miw the wry best that mode k tmtrprt ra produce. It speaks
fur Htt atnl la Ks own beat adrrument.
money out of bankrupted Insurance
compnnlcB, and borrow it In a con
tracting money market, on little se
curity but its own hopo nnd courage
It had to fnco political anarchy, n
labor rovolution nnd tho thropi of
a tcrrlblo moral upheaval. To have
accomplished all this means courare
cnergy, resourcefulness almost b-.'-yond
human precendont.
Hut the streets between these rows
of rising Bkycrnperfl arc still just ta
the oarthquako loft thorn, with th4
added havoc of two yours of wear
from an unprecedented traffic. Mud
everywhere, holes and gaps In which
wagons mire down, nn unclenneJ,
ruined city underfoot. Tho ruins of
tho city hall still stand as the oarth
quako left them. Tho city depart
ments are still, In many cases, in the
low Bhncks thrown up after the flre
It has taken two years of tragedy
and revolution to get a city govern
ment Just honoot. Tho business
taBkB, which private enterprise hns
noarly complotcd, tho government
hnH scarcely bogun. Frosso Repub
VIU VT1S IMTI.VUYK I.h . 0 .m to baild the eld rltv
.1X11 PHll.U' 1N.UTI0.N Th UtLmmyKoru . M y
, in" ''ameworg of a hw nty twit
The rebttlWlag of fen KtarcUc is' V I" ly Udlng; many
one of the moot Inspiring eaampioe of , ol ? 'IW oompiote hh4 oe
tVUWNH wuuktttjr juJ 04rt Uat tke''l,, M ta WWr. tkree
vprld has ever eeen. Us Ut to ,"" fro" tk ftf tke grwu Uv
year ag ihui rwUee was m. M,r lh wl w. thy sck
Irate, a vmms f iMieblee krfoks aM, "m IttWttl a watery at
twisted steel. Now it U clly i . " Uta.
A New Typo of fitnto Loan,
A comple'o surprlBo for tho stock
exchanges, tho bankers and tho pub
lic nt largo wns th prospectus of th
now stato lonn advtrtlscd In thi pu
perj by the Prussian minister of
finance on Saturday, January 4.
Not only is thereby n now typo of
bonds adUod o tho funded debt of
the Prussian statr, but the method
of Inviting subscriptions Is also ee
sVit'ally different from the us ml
practice. At an oxperlmont In poli
tical economy thlj financial operation
dose r vim cIobo atteirtlon.
In some respects the conditions of
the now Issue rosemblo those of Mr.
(loschon's national debt act of 1SS8,
no wo find nn nutomntlc roductlou of
tho rnte of Intorost provided for after
iwi, and another nftor flftoen years.
Tho unoxpuotcd offootH of the Kngllsh
experiment, caused by tho coinci
dence or tho roduotlon with the out
break of tho Door war, has evident
ly not deterred tho Prussian govern
ment from adopting an appurenOy
similar course. Thero , however,
thts difference between tho Kugllih
model and tho now German oxperl
mont that In I3nglnn.l tho prosumetl
tendency of n gradual loworlng of
the rate of Interest In tho world's
ninny market was In advance taken
I Into consideration In tho plan of a
. fiilurp romprrueuslvo conver-lon of
,the national debt, while In Prussia
I At .... ... ...
ior me neeus ot me momeni mo re
quired Inducements under the extra
ordinary circumstances of the monoy
market are distributed over a period
of IS years. Subscriptions aro In
vited for a loan that may be for nil
practical purpose bo considered n
double bonus. One Is simply a die
tlouble boRHs. Quels simply a dis
count of 1 Vb per cent nllowod Im
medlatoly; tho other Is a bonus ot
M per ceat Interost for ton and ot
M per cent for flvo more years, or
altogether of OU on tho nominal
amount. Tho advantage obtalnnblo
by Investors with capita! of tholr
own at the present moment Is thus
partlnlly deferred over IS years.
The new loan Is Intended to ao
commodate only people who want a
permaaoHt Investment Speculators
who subscribe only with a view nt
realising a premium for the bands
allotted to them ought to be ex
cluded With this em) In view the
government.dttea not state the whole
amount wanted, and preetribM vory
rigid rule of subscription. Not only
are the heeds declared to be uuntar
ketable until December 31. 190S, but
they are also to be deposited with
the PntsekiH state bank. Moreover,
the very high due of & per censor the
nominal value Is fixed for ovan a
day's delay of the last Installment,
and by not paying up within 25 day
all previous payment are forfeited.
Thus all speculative euUeerlpUoas
ar eSectMilt)- excluded The Prus
Uu ute bank expreeelr nojltlea all
wouM-kt wilMerlbers "that an (he
whole tk whole amount tukserlued
will be aHottMl." OMltibMiial Cr-
- J K mm m i i
My (HHi Rex was takes daws a year ago with lusg trouble. We
doctored some months without improvement. Thea 1 b&gaa giving
Dr. King's Kew Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now nay sen is perfectly
weU and works every day. KRSt SAMP rippjej, Ava Mo
60c AND $1.00
Tho official report of the Fronch
wine hnrvoet, vhlch will be publish- I
od this year for tho first time, hns I
not yet buon Issued, but tho Moniteur f-
Vltlcole, the organ of the vine-grow-
ore, has made a forecast of the to- ,
suit, and outlmatoa that In round
nnmbors the wlno made In Franco
In tho autumn of 1907, not Including
Algeria, will reach a total of Just
undor 1,300,000,000 gallons. Till
' f33 KyUiiCAy
'' " ivl j Lvti jr '? HHPicl . V sty wyjQ
yjuiy yuuu ucargo a
horsos in Marlon and
joining counties.
I. O. 0. F. Dldg
456 Court
Is nn Increase of 187,000,000 gallons lho tronlc or ,n tho degort8 of Snharft pockot j8 onoof the t
over 100C. In spite of tho floods In nntI Arnolll mont8 agn,nBt hep f
I lilt SI t It TA trm 9 fmt Hll.itnS4lkni I !!
v..0 ..,.. , ,,HW...Wi By thus Incrennlng the facilities franchise. A sex which has not t
even In tho departments which suf- ot transportation, tho use of auto- most olomontnry notion of a pocl
fered moat from tho floods. 4hd wlno ,.,t.nM .. ..i i.i. .... i...t L ... ... .... . . ...
. ... ... . H,u""ra i'b u iiiL-ieuBiiiK ui ua uwu ougai'iioi. 10 uo permit
harvest has been most abundant, and trnd0 ana lt ,ook8 n8 thoU;h nn tho contro, of th(j pubU(.g
I.. I.. .... !.......- I.. .... . . H..1
.n . ,wrj IH.UUIUO in uacww oi uiui onormoiiH mnrkot for vohlcles of th
of lUOd. the Incronso In the four do- klnd w be ,lovoopod ,n c0,npnra
partmonts of the south being on the tlvoly romote ,mrt8 of Ul0 worJd
whole one-fourth above tho produo-, A tho worl(,.8 ,nrg0it mnnufnct.
tlon of last year.
iirer of nutomobllos the Unltod State Mall Gnzctto.
Tho nioro thought of a lady ehi
collor of tho oxchoqyer Is enough
mako a man thirst to sally forth
strangle a Suffrngotto on sight H
This will not bo to tho advantage l8 doop,y ,ntor08tod , th,8 ,ubJoct I
of wlne-growors for ono of tho chlof whloh hod8 out 80 much ppom,to 0 '
thlnga of which they complnlnod, nnd trndo doVeIopment
which, luguinar wun mo irnuuuioni cnn
imiiauon or wine, oauseu tno riots
this year, was tho over-production Tho ,,,, for tJ P
which made It almost Impossible for Mrg Banh MoNnOKnton of lQWtt
til It Ilk tn aAll 4 li A nlinniuiM art usr ...
wir ssuitva ui hno fnllA1 tn tf(t ilnnin (vai ttr n
' MRMIIinW" 41 win 4k
rallwnv pnmnnnv tnv Infnrtnu rn.
ANMille there Is thus no lack of M,V0 thr0URn fo,UnK down.Ittlp,
v.iifuiu b"t on thn
wine, the Moniteur
nothing about the quality of tho liar-
company's promisoa whilo
trvIriL' tn nvtrnrl linr nnru tmm Imv
vest of whloh. presumably, It Is ;itooklng. Tht BUpromo wl' of
yet too early to judge. Somo time ,own wM1 nnf ,,,., ,lint .iU.
Ilun 1...1......AM I, ...nn n.AllllAal..l , . n 4 I -
"nw, uunuiiri, i. nan ii niMtusiuu liiuv
1907 worid not bo a year of great
vintage, and In that case the misery
of tho south of Franoo will only be
augmented by tho quantity of wlno
produced. It Is probable that when
the official report Is publlthed we
shall Had tha this ha been a year
of great quantity and poor quality.--Ioudoii
.vrmMonu.HS a.vd
Arcordtag to Oiear P. Austla, chief
Donvor Ropub-
Never chip, crsj
tarnlsii, moss
corrode. The )l
kind that net
need cleaning
the truth ot
above see then
all tbo Salem
many cf thoeoi
t y cemeterlf
Btooklng Is tho propor place for n Bomo of
lady's purse. haVe boon thoro fo, f 2 yean.
Without presuming to carp at tho you want tho vorvb.st at Wr
doclslon of that tribunal, wo would plce.i call on oradditss
reapectruily submit that thoro Is n 458 Mill St. Phono 12S4 Salem, i
good doal to he said on tho other! T, II. WAIT,
side. Moro man, we admit, should'
not, and doea not, carry his purse in
his sock. Dut thon more man Is
reasonably provided with pockotB,
whoroas it Is notorious that the feml
bIbo pocket la either absolutely non
vnvrRni?nT. rmiVKSE
cxletent or aburdiy unpractical a ' Will treat you with Orients! bei
stadlBg temptation to a thief and anu" cure any disease wlthou; op
utnniil tn narnntimi iv -w .t 'linn nr nnln
of the bureaH of statieties of lhtjdtntal loss of fu contont8 Dr. Kum Is known ereryirber
departweat of eoMNiere and labor. 't1,nvi i.i.. .u. ,.., 'ri a ,. ,rA nt dtm
'""""in mwwu, iu luuuie oi worn-. -"" " "" v-.v. .
an to provide herself with a rational nont people here. He has Htm
Salem for 20 years, and can be s
,ed. Ho uses many medicines
known to whlto doctors, and
them run mir catarrh. l
I lung troubles, rehumatlsm, itoi
liver and kidney diseases.
Dr. Kum makes a special
dropsy and femalo troubles. Hii
edlea cure nrlvato disease when
erythlng else falls. He MM
dreds of testimonials, and glres c
sultatlon free. Prices for nedie
very moderate. Persons la the tj
try can write for blank Send i
If you want some ext-a flas 1
ekyserapem. flutehed and biMts.
In le time lhau It took to
atruet the Hood WftUdtM, a w
tty of Meh balWIiMS 1mm Hum. U
Me4. oeeiUd d tn ftti
Of M vaH.
ties iHMtma-
tly er4 l a fw dys
without surgieAl epruUm r
deteptton from bla. No jy
) te aeptJ wuttl the p.
UeM, 1 oi)4teiy sattsl.
Vfrtf or call en TII8 FIDKU-
rr iuuTniR cithk, tu
wetlund Wig, I'ujtUaJ, Or,
All this aae Wni assHH)lt44
t this HmMi mtottel.
tko sriatst why em comoh
w,w tin at one Ume, has
aM ovr MMSMrted railroad
ay fetd wtth a lwfflelt k,w
MtT. 8a mMWM beeem m-
hIWtg when Umt wce no plar
to Xvtmm H laUrers d no j-.
1mu materials for Urw to k
!- It Watl to eloar the way by n
Mwvtac the grit.t afceaHitiK of
debris IB the history of the woru
lorvntreot a mixt ImivwsAbW even
iiur oraiEaty ,M u hjuJ l() Knj
lib OiHHl lltrtuti lcttiil. .
U la poteJWle to live long bs mttaM-
eboly ajMl to 4te swiftly ttnwf jai'.
So M ho tttorod with a IHtrls oar
IMMtor wtmA Tm. lie had
wofMl for year to a etrook stalo
of MMbuioooly, aggravated wamt
of MMmoy. stMt all vh clremiietaMOM
tA OOlOt to ft long bUnu-
aoee of tola tooditioa of ihtoai whoa
id4e.ly a4 mi oMtaMe the immw
fellow's oxotaioe there eamo to
him tho bowh that he waa the o
MMor Vy benoost of ile.to. For
met aloot wont traaue with de-
Ujrht. Uht rv atood Um reowr
reoee of thrills all day. bet In the
Uag k got anion the Lobr-
the aatooiohllo Is revolutionising
trade traaseortatlON Ih the tropica
aad those parts of the Orient where
rallroade have Nat occupied the Held.
Mr AuttlB retHrood a short time
o from a trip arouad the world,
and tu an addreoe reeeatly delivered
Im nosion he gave some laterestlug
laiormatloa roHceralag the iBcreased
use of autowoolles aotl the Boeelbilt
tiea of their sootlttlOB for laade-
e.Mate weaBe of trajMporutloa la th
Orient and the tropica.
He sad that of tho loe.eet.Ooo'
horsos said o exist la the world.'
for-ttftlu are toaod the temper-'
M bomo. la plaeo of the horses In
troploal sad Oriental roBBtrlea
S.Mt.BM ramole, lMoe.Ott don
koy and SO.OOt.tOO ooffalo or can-'
how are weed. In addhtOB to the ox t
whleh W fonnd erory whore.
Rapidly antooaootlos aro taking the
ptaee of these animals, la Porto,
Itlco and Cob. I Contiwi Auu.rtrAt
ttgyp. Sooth Afrko. tho Oongo
oowBtry. Tnrkey and India the name
story if tohi of tho soooUtMUo ot
motor ears for tho ordinary moane of
Tho govomniow of tho Oonso Free
State is conetmotlnqg an atomott
toad from the hoad of navtgntlon oa
tho Congo to tno Nile. In Sonth
Africa antomooftos nro repUrtng
donkey at an eoormene rate, and tn
Hgypt they aro being enhttltnted for
Climate ha no effert upon a mo
nnmnmHttnfnmBml '
get It from us
DR. KUM now wo cal
thanipe cafea and wa rvtatlag his
'uk tor about tkr fwcutleth time tor Mr for whero the roads are Mss
waeonewudead -lndQlobe Jalu taey C4a U8M waethcr In
Dr. Stone's
Drug Store
IwLX Stk dn,.s 8ore ln 0resn. ;
onnters and show eases are loaded
S!i,liin,S8'."lki3- 8as. toilet
SteS l? ZZS?1 P,1" Dr.
uSSr T'52J ycvSsui
?il aB Y,iJ P'wtrlpUoo. are
jiU drug store, S;Vmr or ti
to the aoralag MUft JVnlghT
- r
P tr a T!-.t. PnmnlftXlOfl 1
i jar r a " rr ii
41 i- rm
af' ooerune, . --,-'
m tVJ prepmuoo. oeuca i
VSt I .m muCCS tt'3'!
nrW4 naM- deanif tea,
iliuvi inflimmition Iiul iprt" .
i - . " . n
nuiiaatglow due to wboiwcs -mtnt
d ska gtmdi sad "f ,
the opUliries wwca -
rida aid supply iu j