p I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, FEHRUARY ,1, 1008. f1 TJjyfv vf3r 2m smfflmi fjx J. L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER New Royal Worcester Corsets In the now 1908 lines are many boautlful designs or this season' newest and smartest corset models, Including tho very latest mode decreed by tho great fashion creators of Paris. Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets havo stood prc-emlnnnt for half a century ao tho leading corsets of tho world for stylo, fit, quality, durability and workmanship, and this season's models arc a triumph In tho art of corset making. Evory corset virtue la exemplified In Royal Worcester nnd Bon Ton Corsets, tho result of exhaustlvo and continued study of tho ever changing fashions. The New Adjusto Dowager No. 610 tfped especially for stout women H, medium low bust, long hips and & Made from durablo coutlllo kaUtaand drab. We carry this Utfe!ailzM24 to 36. I VoRcC m I STYLE B 592 H ' 0OWAGER II The Royal Worcester $1 to $2.50 In thlo lino of styles' nnd prices wo can pleaoo any lrxly no mnttor how particular sho may bo. Wo carry a complete' lino of about 30 tyl.o In sizes 18 to 3C. Wo alio havo grades nt GOo, $1.00 nnd $1.20. A Great Assortment of Styles in Warner's and R. & G. At Just HALF Former Prices 1112 SURE AM) ASK FOR THE STYLUS WE AIMS SELLING AT HALE PRICE, AND WE WILL MORE THAN LIKELY PLEASE YOU WITH ONE OF THEM. MWORCESTERif New Embroideries Undermuslins Etc. New Spring Goods Arriving Daily Wo will show more now goods th's spring than over boforo. When othor buyers woro holding back for fear of (InnnolRl crisis In tho Country our buyorti woro taking ndvantago of tho opportunity to got early shipments and Beciiro tho vory boat prlcos of fered by tho manufacturers. Depend on us for tho best goods at the low oit prlcos. jwniiuuunnmmi CITY NEWS iWhtlon of Important Par. t JH for Your Consideration J hum urn- ff teilsht and TucMlm-. immu.. a Asks for Dlvom J. H. Prosnefll Saturday nftornoon filed proceedings In dopnrtmont No. 2 ngalnst Bertha Presuoll on tho grounds of desertion. Tho plaintiff clnlms that his wlfolesertod him In 190G and wont to Spokano whero she has slnco resided nnd Is known thora na MIsm Dortlm Hanson. Tho Highest Market prlco paid for chlokonB Capital Commission Company. Phone 179. tf r l. '"""" l WJK. -WIDtniSJinn rABinnn. nu.. Ilmml r.r fr,,l ir.. rii,i tf J A fine sovon-globo chandelier was 14 1 " I ,),nco1 m tn8 Board t Trado rooms uW7 i Saturday as a gift of tho Vorn Ifct , mum ufiuiovmi, uumiHtuj, 1 uu viuiiiuuuui iNSiT "'"S Company. Is one of the fine ,,?": a load, a dls k ' Per load on 10-load or- 1-21.tr finest that has been made by Salem's enterprising flxtnire firm, and will bo a valuable acquisi tion to the large number of Salem products which are on display. It is not only ornamental, but la a practical fixture for tho rooms and an advertisement for the olty's pro gressive faotory. If Ton n.ii. J'! 1011 k.ra n-.4-. "Co. Phono 179. tf Ui C-nuM-. rfiJ?L B' Bra1(0. a Polk nought Mnj.on's Lot --l Tl. I A Mutk. In Ko, ;- . i. r I- IT'h , ig t4 mo tiuiiaior ui ilia .uuduuu r'k..-,-008 lml to property on tho corner of Stato and k. "M Miff for Hi-vIb .. uii. .-.. ... . . "w t .t -wt (Himri bu sureeis, wnion wus Hrnuigetj W lha iliilei.j . .. ... ... Jmv "uuaai wj msi Friday night, one or tno most (WioeT Vb9er court Prt-! valuable pieces of property in he i-m-h nar ad- olty will probably go into the pos- 'JStr, " p'wmed by soggion of tho Oregon Electric Com- ,Jl H nSrL Ut l mor paBy Thomas SIgournay stated to a r y th defend. Journal reprosentatlvg yotorday that ' MlfM !he nml purchased the property for "eii- ;vr,wJ m 57800, and that It would be tran- i h 7 CQt tht frrd to a Seattle comjway In tho li or if near future. "MMorjii, . . U T"' MottK in Fine t'oueutlon iT'ft'tnuw State Veterinary Surgeon Kprnlok i t,4hh6M as returnod from RIckreal, whero ' tfcii .. Uc ta s, transacted professional basins 3Hpfw.. . rooms last weok. In speaking to a Journal toP l raportor yeorday ur. KornieK soin. 8-l-lW 'In mv racani trlDs throughout the . .. . - - horso that I havo soon In my prao- tlco." Turning to n cabinet ho got a tooth, which at tho request of tho reporter, hp wolghod. Tho tooth balnncod tho scnlos nt S lA ouncos nnd monsurod four lnclios In longth nnd five luchos In clrcumforonco. Storm in tln Slsklyoiis A hoavy storm hns boon raging In tho Slskiyous for tho past throo day. Tho snowfall Is gonoral, covering nil Northorn California and Southern Oregon. Tho snow Is vary wot and sticky, and has owusoJ much trouble with tologrnph and tolophouo Hues. Ituildiiig lIonn R. J. Milos, tho well-known Lib erty fruit grower. Is excavating for 4ho foundation of a modom dwollln?, which will bo construatod In tho noar future. Eastern Str The rogular mooting of Chad wick Chapter, No. 37, Order of tho Eastern Star, will be hold Tnosday evening, February 4, atk 8 o'clock A full attendanco is desired. ftL t Bu.. Male I found the stock In good con- 'dltion. In a. few localities It was - mWf Of tki Milt- M.. t ...! 4.1 l. .... it 4. v P0ftd to be diseased, but in everv case this was , Ut otd!?' Mr Eplr ccompllshed in harmony with tho uif Otdst ,V "nwt auourapi r'toB... . eBls f owners. Not long ago." continued" viiuiThrAH-l. . THIm lafr-T,asIfrIftiiIi owners, wot long ago," conur -tts 5n" lb0 doctor, "I had occasion to re firaber Bros. Wo Relieve That courteous treatment and un- to-dato methods bring customers. Glyo us a cal land seo what you think Stousloff Bros., corner of Court and Liberty streets. Do You Ilcmcmbcr Tho name? It Is Wild Roso. the best flour manufactured In tho Wll lamotto valley, and mado here at Sa lem. Try a sack. Wo Do- All kinds of cleaning, pressing and dying. Our work is guaranteed to plcaso, Remember our namo, John son &-Stege, next door to tho Journal office. . Ho It Always Pleasant "Whether It rains or snows, and his groceries never vary in quality. His policy is to givo you the best values for your tnonoy. J. M. Lawrence. corner of Commercial and Ferry streets. o Personal Mention Mr. and" Irs? Andrew McCartor havo returned to ithelr homo in Vir ginia; after visiting Iholr son, Chas. McCartor of this blty. Miss Ethel Clark and Miss Clnlro Jones havo returned to their homos nt Lnblsh Meadows, nftor visiting Mrs. A. M. Cannon of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Qearhart of Pomeroy, Wash., nro tho gucBts of Salem friends and rolatlves. Mrs. M. G. Stottor of Albany re turned homo last ovonlng after a visit with friends in this city, being tho guest of Mrs. Harry Crawford. Trncoy Hatch loft this morning for Portland, whoro ho will visit friends for a fow days. Guy Hunt wont to Portland this morning for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Turpln, who havo boon visiting tho latter's pa ront's, Mr. nnd Mrs. W II. Hunt, of this city, left this morning for thel; homo in Modlclno Hat, Alberta. Miss Wlnnlfrod Hyt'd, tho pianist, loft this morning for Portland on buslnoBH. MV. and Mro. Chn'.tncoy DIshop re turned on tho Orogon Electric yester day, nftcr a wook's visit In I'ortlnnd. Mies Mario Hofor roturnod from Portland this morning, whero sho has boon visiting friends. WE AltE NOW SHOWING OUU SPUING SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS Thompson's Glove- efittiiig Corsets liw ) t THOMSON'S TGLDVE-FTTTINfir . C0R5ET5 J 2 I wr W YomMt find a modol Bultablo for your figure, as thoy' Improvo tf without destroying It. ' Havo you evor tried Modl No. 125, white coutll, dlp-hlp corset, with front and side hoso-a.upporlcru, mado for tho avorago flguro? Our prlco J 1.00. Samo stylo for Blonder fig ures is No. 137t also ? 1,00. Tho "Grand Duchess" modol at 11.10, for extra stout flguros Is built unusually Btrong nnd Is a porfoct fitting corset for fleshy women. Othor models ranging In prlco from GOc to $3.45. Wo carry a comploto' assort ment of tho Velvet Grip Hoso Supporters. - MARRIED. STANTON -VAN VLACK. At the homo of Judgo Daniel Wobeter, 001 South Tblrtoenth atroet, Sat urday ovontng, Fobruary 1, 1908, Mary M. Stanton to Frank P. Van Vlaok, Judgo Wobstor officiating. DIED DIOMAN At tho Salem hospital. Friday, January 31, 1908, Joseph Dlgman, ngod 85 yoars. Mr. Dlgman was a pioneer of Sa eom, having mado this olty his home for tho pnHt 45 yoars. Ho was born In Lancashire, England, Jan. 1, 1823, Ho leuvofl no family. The funeral servlow wero con ducted from tho Catholic ohuroh Sun day aftornoon at 3 o'clook .by Father A. A. Mooro. Informant In tho Cath olic cometory. 1 wfflr i I3B M z? . s a?- r wst&ds ozdsi uw&s'e (5, l. J(jxrssieS', cJ&'cfe: STORE CIX)SI EVERV EVEN'IXO KXCKIT SATUHDAV AT 5j!J0. R ArgumeiitH Filed Extondud nrgumonts woro filod to day for (ho Klnglo tax amoudmaal tn tho constitution, to ruatoro the grund jury systom, for woman suf frage by MrB. Dunlway and for the rooall, proportional roprasontntlou and to compoll members of tho legis lature to vote for dlroct cholco of tho pooplo for tho Unltod Stntos sonata by Mr. U'Ren Reform HcIkhiI Hoard Tho Stato Reform School Hoard mat this morning, but beyond tho usual auditing of bills no notion was taken. CnmllrtntcH Flic A. D. Locdy, of Canyon City, nnd J. W. McCullooh, of Ontario, for dis trict attorney, and J. W. Knowloa, of La Grando, for Judgo, nro Republi can filings TRAGLIO. At tho Willnmotto San itarium, Sunday, February 2, 190S, at 9:30 p. m., Arthur Trag llo, agod 26 years, 11 months and 7 days. .Mr. Tragllo was ij son of Mr. and Mr. Tragllo, of Polk county. Tho funeral scrvlcos will bo con- ductod from tho Clough undertaking parlors, Tuosday, Fobruary 4, at 2:30 p. m., by Rev. W. H. Solleck. Intor mont In City View cometory. STARR PIANO W iTinrr nr.Aca nnnnn m hm man class goods GEO. C WILL PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will givo prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to givo satisfaction nnd to be up to the sanitary stand ard. WE WILfc HE PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS. Call at our shop on Liberty street, baok of Barr'a Jewelry Store. Phone 550. Nor wfch Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent, Office with Wm. Brown & Co., No 29 Commercial street. Surpassing Beauty Mnkuo this Oxford npnrt from tho common lot. Its outlluus nro oxtramuly graceful. It is aharac torlBOt! by stylo that will win it woll-desorvoU favor In any wo man's oytts. A shoo that can bo worn with nonfidunoo tn Its abso lute correctness. Just orio of tho many popular styles of LEADING LADY SHOES Custom-Mud) by O. I Ford Shoo Co. The trado mark Idcntlfiou their worth, Thoy are shoos that wonr long and well oomfortablo from tho first and stylish to tho finish, Wo havo them In tan, patont kid nnd gun motul. Also tho R. P. Smith shoos. A vory trim nnd smart shoo slightly mannish In effect . Mon's tan, patent, colt and gun metal Oxfords, all slzos, nl lwldths. Also boys' and mlssos' oxfords. SALEM SHOE STORE REPAIRING A 8PECIALTV. . W. Kyw T. Muplothorpc MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD. Over Idd & Rush's Bank, Salem, Or 'I I NEW TODAY miiiiumhiiiih For &ale Several bouses In Salem and farm 'ands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. 6-1-eod For Rale Good dry wood. Phono 1419. M. P. Dennis, corner State and Ninetenth Sta. -3i-3t House for Rent And furniture for sale, all or part. Call 253 "D" street, between Front and Com mercial streets. 2-3-3t Now is the time to place your order for anything needed in our line for spring planting. Such as Walnuts, Apples, Cherries, Prunes Plums, Peache vShade Trees, Oraameafal Shrubs, Roses Our Ornamental Department is the largest and most complete on this coast. If you need anything In our line 'phone Main 75 or address ! OREGON NURSERY CO.; vJiWCHi ir.;K?l XM H s Wi H $ u . i move on of the largest teeth from a