J . DAILY CAPITAL JOffllKAL. SALES!, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1008. -, i M Jll"f' "' l TTAiTrJciiIlCpn through c chest, difficult hrcathinc." If this should be your experience, nd for your doctor. It may be pneumonia I Todoctoryoursclf would be too risky. If your ."... rnnot come at once, give Ayer's A " . .. UULlu. -- , ,,. .... ,.., ,i Km .i-jMfW'" rherrv Fcctorai. wutn ."'m,u ..im Wfe?LaiS exaciIy.what.yot VrLimfigSia- J t Aurt. you nave aone. yaf,,";; d' i ni fn ASTEIN & oKMJWAijffl CONTINUATION OF CLEARANCE SALE SPRING wm mi w AT SALE PRICES liflEriroiileries Mem :r.OT"-" I'5 ....5c 'u Site prlca y Denises. d 5,j pneo " -r rjidU He valued obroldorles, Anrlcs 1-V ' ja embroideries, S'a prfw er: a vil ,, j-dj tas Goods BcW' . ...i &Mprlro .. y ' l!4ach, ll'ool Eorgec, sJprico voc to (Mains Hnlocs, 25 yd, long, & price JVC l,r jtnlaei, !i yds long, Si. prlco G0 Ir IKUnluci, 3 yds long, S&e price 756 lr U5 n',m special good caci Salo prlco ....95c l,r l'A ra!nc, special good ate Salo prlco ..$1.15 I,r kjs' Siii pnlti, &! prlco S115 miK l5 ll, Jim prlco S125 CM nl'i. Sill prlco S150 wilt an mitt, W prlco .......$250 s,l,t Hi tad End. Stilts Half Price. ILM ontlng flannel gowns Mj price ., 75J K oane'ette wrappers, &prjce 75r U-35 uun underskirts, Sl urt S5c Mni flTfd underwear, - price ,.,.,... 202 ul I'c flwod underwear, Pw - 20 tot ijc flc t rd underwear, nm go AFTER THE LAND GRABBERS Staples 10c heavy outing flannel, Salo prlco 7 'd 10c flannolottC3, Salo prlco .' -7 y1 12VjC bluo twilled shirting, Salo prlco 9 5'l Calicoes, Salo prlco 3 yd Calicoes, Salo prlco 5 'd 40-lnch porcalo, Salo prlco 9 yil Bleached muslin, Salo prlco GVi$ yd 2Gc red tablecloth, Salo prlco 15 'd 38c Turkey red tablecloth, Salo prlco 25 J'1 25c largo Turkish towel, Salo price S$ l Dost 5c handkerchlofs, Salo prlco 3 va 15c and 12Vc sllkollnos,. Salo prlco 10 yd Hoys' overalls, Salo prlco 25 I1' Doys' doublo soats and knoos, Salo prlco 50 11' 25c shawls, Salo prlco 19 on Men's List 25c Buspondors, Salo prlco 15 pr $1.00 holldny Buspondors, Salo prlco 50 I"' 92.00 hats, Salo prlco $1.25 oa 50c undorwoar, Salo prlco 40 en $1.25 wool undorwoar, Salo prlco 95 en M-n'a $1.00 nightshirts, S lo prlco 50 'Men's 25c heavy wool jocks SpIo price 19 $2.00 show, Srlo prlos, Spl'05 $2.25 shoos, Sale prlco $175 Children's $1.38 shoos, Salo prlco $1.00 Men's $1.00 dress shirts, 35c o- 3 for .$1 00 I BANK TALK No. 1 BY THE SES UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ilSALEM, OREGON VW T THOSE WHO HAVE NO HANK CONNECTIONS. Ida HH..1 ... "Ul Kcorapiian much Jn a buslnosa way without tho ser- fbaak. and when it como to the question of whether or Ju ihould have some bank eonneetlons, there Is only one ana- Hr iDdlvldnnl - i...-i .... j...- t , ik - uunuivvH win uunvu Borne uuiiuut iruui a ll,Dota luxury for th rloh man; that Idea is fast dleap- Tho people from all elateoi aro beginning to reallzo tho eru of a bank eoRswtlon. 4 tktt a Mk 5lv to Its oustomsrs places within ITerr Ufo tc oarry on finnnqlal mattore easily. ICu ifr "iA..,. '"r oauant Af ... ,,. " ""wwy wq tmau. to any such persons lnhig of a bank aooount Is very easy; r UlCid attOHt Qtianin? n hanl- nannnt hftriit r ''wUdie of banking la Mmitod, or parhapa they foauunt or MM i. 'rv, tM. . " 2U Ik- H(6 t1,8 aRd waka It Jlmplq for you. W wo i,.. T '! im to open an account. We fur- l aa ebecks, aad all neoeaaary Instruction. Even w . . 5 to 'a au account, call at tho bank and "T wiu at. E. W. HAZARD, .Cashier NEW BASIS FOR TAX PROPOSED TAX REFORM WOULD SLVKE HOLDERS OP UNIM PROVED LANDS EITHER IM PROVE THEM OR LET OTHERS THE REFORM ASSOCIATION'S AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION. r l The Oregon Tax Reform associa tion has filed Its proposed amend ment for tho election next Juno, hav ing Bovoral thousand more nnmos signed than is required by law. To show tho widespread interest takon In tlils amendment it Is said that tho names wero ens'liy secured through out the stato making it the strongest petition ever filed. This amendment is not based on new or untried theorlos, but its prin ciples aro demonstrated to hove truth and right in thorn. New Zon lnnd, Mnnltobn and other Drlttsh colonlos, havo for a numbor of yoar exempted Improvomonta and porsou-. al property, and It has invariably worked in tho Interests of tho pro dticlng clasros in city or country. Many of tho grontost Amorlcans have endorsed tho princlplo which this nmendmont nproachos. Among them Senator La Follott, Govornor Folk, Tom Johnson, Henry George and Wm. Lloyd Gnrrtson. They be lieve in tho principle of raising tho needed revenues for carrying on our govornmont, and at tho Bamo time discouraging land monopoly by tax ing land vnluos and franchises more and exompting Improvements and personal proporty in short what Is commonly known as tho slnglo tax. One hundred feet squnro sold in Portland on Jnn. 22, for $SOO,000, or n tho rnto of moro than $2,000, 000,000 for CIO acres. Tho latter amount Is nbout ten timos the assess ed value of tho farms of Oregon. Such city vnluos, as wel las tho values of railroad rights of way, Is made by tribute paid by the producers of the stote. This moasuro will shift tho taxes mainly to alto values, such as tin. above, not to ncroa. Hut whoro a railroad holds mll 1'oih of ncroa, this moasuro will hit them so hard that it will bo intor-o-tlng to soe tho fight thoy will put up against It. The fnrmors of this county will certainly seo to It nindor this law that ovory acre of land grants Is assosod at least as high as that of the Improved farms which mnkos tho adjoining unusod laud voluablo without tho ownors offorts, This law goes on the princlplo that If you wnnt to dlscourago the hold ing of a lot of worthless dogs, or n hunch of vacant city lots or vnoant sootlons of land, put tho tnxos upon them. To oncourago production and homo building It tnkes tho taxes olf If It's Neuralgia and those sharp, shooting, agonizing pains drive you almost crazy, take Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, and get relief. They drive out the pain hy their soothing effect upon the nerves. "When taken as di rected they are harmless, and leave no bad after-effects. That's the reason they are so popular with all "who use them. Your druggist can tell you what others in your locality think of them. "I do po(tivly Ui Ink that Dr. Mile' Anti-Pain Pill are tha titut mwlloin. ever put upon tho market. I And them feo riuiiful and aoothlnp. and without any bad after-effecu. ( have suffered Uli neuralgia ao that my system would juat ache and quiver, and I cannot take opiate; but I ean take these tablets. nd chey alwaya rwtleve me. No one that suffers with neuralgia need fcur to take them as I know they will not form a habit, for If there was any opiate in them I could sot take them Just one in the morn Inr when I feel baa. and I can do toy work all day " MH3. W. H- BURKETT. Maeon, da. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by reur druggist, who will guarantee that he first package will bvnent. If It falls, he will return your money. U doses, 25 cenU. Never sold In bufk. Mika Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind THE nlNu lflr of CURES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY for COUGHS COLDS AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES PREVENTS PNEUMONIA CONSUMPTION "Two years ago a severe cold acttied on my lungs and eo completely prostrated me that I waa unable to work and scarcely able to atand. I then waa advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, aad after using one botUe I went back to work, as well as I ever waa." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 60c AND $1.00 k SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J J. C. PERRY from (In the words of tho amend ment "all dwolllng hoiucs, barns, sheds, outliousoe mid all othor ap rmrtonnncoH thoreto, all machlnory nnd buildings used exclusively for manufacturing purpoios, nil fences, farm machinery and nppllnncos uswl as such, all fruit treos, vinos, shmlu. nnd all other improvomonts on farms, all Hvostoek, housohold furniture In uao, nnd all worklngmon's tools." Supporters of this nmendmont sny that ovory locality has "undesirable citizens" who opposo ovory Improve ment of roads; good schools and teachers; brfdgos and other imbllc necessities, bocnuso of tho fact that tho loss taxos thoy pay, tho moro land thoy can hold out of use, nwaltlug thelndustry of the entlro community to mnko them wealthy. Nou-rosldoiit tho Industry of tho entlro community land ownors aro moro obstructive to locnl 'Improvomonta, yot contribute nothing to tho business Intorosts and development of tho community. If tho lnrgo tracts of this county pnld tho samo tux as Improved fnrmu, thojwvould bo divldod up and rapid ly improved, Incronslng our popula tion and wonlth, and making 20 sub soribors for this pnpor where the to Is now one. Our nifrchnntK, blacksmiths, bob bers, carponters, bnnkors, hotel keep era nnd all othor buslnoas men would fool tho effoct of tho new blood, capi tal and on orgy, nnd under such n syBtom of taxation our community would movo forward as novor before. Ono of tho hofit featurea of the nmondmont is tho exemption of manufacturing plnnt, which souib thoughtlessly crltlolso. This Is don hy sevoral southern statoB, and they nro becoming Indopondont of the oust. Dosldes giving employment to labor It vttll provldo a roal homo markot for our Orogon fnrmorsr, not In Connootltout or Massachiuotts, but in Orogon. Those or all political faiths can sjo that this does not oonfilct with their viows, hut does oncouraga mamifaoturlng in Orogon something we a'l want, g a Not So Clover. Said She Don't you think that girls show their ago more thnn wom en? Said Ho .Naturally. Woman know jhow to hido theirs. Chicago News. o Thoro Is nothing olso "Just a good" as Komp's Balsam, tho beat cough oure, and the other kinds cost just as muoh ae this famous remedy. lcg.r.Y!yq".r . idiSHktJrtssg Unseen Power, Howell Do you over fool that you are controlled hy some unsoon power? Henpeok Yoa; when my wife Is sues her orders over the telephone. Exchange. o I 1 ina'e Pnmllv MaHfolnn will clVD e . 9 "j1 e-ve- w .. .-- 0- - - iyou a digestion that will pormlt yon i tn Mt eoad thintzfi instead of "hoalth HOT ROLLS FOK HIIKAKPAST. Or dainty Httlo dlnnor rolls that will tempt tho nppotlto of tho moBt fastidious, Is tho kind wo sorvo ov ory day when ordered. BrendstuffB, light, whlto and delicious, Is our specialty, as well as tho richost, finoBt cakos, nnd pnstry. When you wnnt to onjoy your monls order your brcndstuiYa from CAPITAL 11AKKRV HID Court Street Phono .'180 .IbbbbbbbbV jH All sbbbbbbE. ..THE PHESKNT IS AS GOOD A TIME AS ANY TO TEST THE MEH- ITS OV EPPLEV'S PERFECTION RAKING POWDER. IT IS PUT UP IN GLASS JARS, i MANUFACTURED RIGHT II K It E IN SALE M. AND SOLD UY ALL LEADINO GROCERS AND DEAI ER8. ITS USE WILL INSURE SATISFACTORY RESULTS. -. w. iSsb ilbbbbbbbbbbbbW. K Essssss'a'afasssssssssssl Dr. Stone's Drug Store Tho only cash drug store In Orogon, owes no ono, nnd no ono owes It: carrlos lnrgo stock; Us sholvos, counters and show cases nro loaded with drugs, mediclnos, notions, toilet nrtlclos, wlnos nnd liquors of nil kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stono Is a rogular graduhto In modi oino, and has had many yonrs of expedience In tho prnctlco. Cousul tatluns nro froo. Proscriptions aro free, nnd only rogular prices for meulclno. Dr. Stono can ho found nt his drug storo, Snlem, Or., from G In tho morning until 0 at night. THE O.K. GROCERY WHITE DHONZI3 MONUMENTS Never chip, crack tarnlsu, moss or corrode. Tho nly kind that nover uced cleaulng, For the truth of the abovo see thorn In all the Saloin aud many of tho coun ty ceraetorlojt; some of them have been there fo. 7'i years, If you want tho vryb Jit at living p'Jie' call on irnddieBS 458 Mill St. Phono 12SI Salem, O T. II. WAIT. foods" of various aorta as palatable as bay. that are! Easy Money. I Her Pathor What ure you and yuuii; ouiunuiu emib iu im ' caio you marry? His Daughtor Well, If you must known, papa, go and look In the mir ror Illustrated Bits. . o- Constipation, or Irregularity, is' very often the cause of sick-bead-1 ache. Lane'a Family Medicine is; tho creat preventative and cure ofh 'CT'2? r Ty-ant, rnmnlftTlnn I ' h preserved and produced by 1 TAfi Robertine, a mild, delignuui n&) preparation, delicately fragrant. Let 4 Makes the ikln exquljitely softi banunes cracuea appearance mu.m hy oyer-dryneut reduces the slie of nlinrril ivirM. rleanics them, re- , duces inflammation and spreads an even, radiant glow due to wholesome noimm rntnt of skin glands and stimulation of skin and supply Its healthful color. Ask jour Dntaistfirafrti seMftt if OBERTINEj THAT,SMILEOP3DELIGHT Is on everybody's faco who bought our holiday groceries, nnd It will not como off, olthor, as long as you pat ronize us. Good grocoilos and good' service Is our object. Wo havo a largo stock of staplo and fancy goods for you to select from. Try us. Wo are geographically In tho confer of tho city Wo wish to havo you try us. A. A. ENGLEBART, Twelfth Street noar Woolon Mill i Phono 122. U WHERE? wl"a,J0HN HUGHES CO. For All Kinds of Spray Material Lime, Sulpher, Blue Vitriol Etc. PRICES TUB LOWEST. MT v S n s i5 U !. j headache. Druglsta acll it for 25c J