Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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I Hundreds and Hundreds of yards of the newest, daintiest and prettiest
embroideries-our entire stock-no reserve-are on sale this week at prices
that you cannot resist. This sacrifice is made to make room for incoming
spring goods. If you need embroideries now or later you should take ad
vantage of this exceptional offer. Remember for this week all are
REDUCED 25 - 331 - 50 PER CENT
Silk Waists ,.; v'
In plain 'cpfbrifi, plaid o, and
chwka In neweist styles.
15.00 valuta
Moving Bulo
$0,00 values-
Moving Snlo
Children's Coats
In plain color, plaids, Btrlpos,
check and mixtures In nowost
stylo lie range from 0 to 14
year. Reduced to
Veils and velllngn In chiffon
not In plain colors, polka dot,
rlriKB, etc., In whlto, blnak, gray,
blue, pink.
2Go value
Moving Solo
COc valui-s
Moving Balo
$1.00 value
Moving Balo
J 1.25 valuos
Moving Balo
Pillow Tops
Muslin Underwear
Constating of gowns, drawora
mid corspt covers, beautifully
made. Laco unil embroidery
trimmed. Iteducod
Every one of this season's do
slgulng. No old furo In tho Int.
Tho lino consists of boon, scarfs,
coats, tic, muffs, etc, In Muck,
Tlrown, Orny, Whlto. lly buying
low you save tv groat donl.
Einbroldorod plllovr tops ready
for tho aushlon In oromt tvtltoh
and cmbroldory, In now mid prt
ly designs.
$1.75 values
Moving Balo
$2.00 valftico
Moving Balo
$3.00 vain on
Moving Balo
$4.00 vahiOB
Moving Balo
Rain Coats
Handsome, warm anil stylish,
Ono good thing about this store,
your poclcctbook la always mto
from fnkctf. Your ploaguro in buy
ing is part of your profit.
$12.00 values-
Moving Solo
$1C00 vatoieo
Moving Balo
$18.00 values
Moving Solo .
Baxony Ynrn and Bpunlsli
Flos, worth up to 18a skein, C
Oood poronlos, 28 Innhcn wide,
In medium and dark shades In
rod, bluo, gray In stripes, dots
nnd Horn) doslgns.
Men's Cloves
An nsortmont of men's mocha
nd kid gloves in light nnd dark
tan, light nnd dark brown.
Regular $1.60 valuos
Moving Silo
They Aro living Cut Three Times ns
Fnst ns They Grow.
lingular 10c grad
Moving Sitle . .
Children's Hose
Children's cushmore and cot
ton hose, hI-ch 4 to 0, In colors
blnok, red, pink, bluo and tan.
on Footwear
Drokon linos of mon's nnd worn
on's high grade shoes at groatly
reduced prices
$3.00 and $3.60 kid patoni and
doml-brlght shoB fortr rf
women's wenr 4Cb
$3.60 famous IMngroo made shoos
for women, ro-ad-s.-
JtiHtinont snlo 4) J.I J
IMO vnliios In men's shoos In n
flno variety; snlp.
prlco 4(v.t) J
2Cc shoo polish; sold ovcrywhoro
at tho uniform price, 26c,
ro-ndjustment snlo. . . .
Regular 2 60 values
Moving Solo
6 S.
m itn offrertATco
ywhoro I
15c I
A lino of men's fancy nockwonr
In bow Moo In all wantod shnros
and colors,
Ilcgulnr KOu vnliios
Men's 2 Co and 36c fancy
hosiery. Special
! ! A Collection of Important l'r
I ' agraplM for Your Consideration ! !
Fair this afternoon, (onlglit nnd
tmlnn Klnto Rank
Owing to tho conversion of the Ba
loin state Hank Into tho national yv
tern, dopoattora of saldi bank aro
hereby respectfully requested to
bring In their paitdjeaks for batons
leg, At their earliest eonvonXinoa.
A Induction In l'riro
Oi slab wood had beon ma do by
the BiKUiWlHg Logging Company.
Price It and ft.to a kHd. A dU
oount of 96c per loud on l4ud ar
dors, l31tf
Tlas MrkulOilloii
Korwftrty ttut KlUtcar grand.
lVfit Wl.a lh gral h!rk Mch.
dAy witlhcr., tke Wk lm sk
A . lro 1'llmi IHtililou
Ctt(y Ahit KIM yMtwrday
fllt, bU IHttlllMI tot r-MMMlHUM
for w um whMi k now Wtdv
ond rbleh W ka iiM w rmt
for & wmx tw ymn Mr. m
says m i iMrtlUcM. "If I m h1
MttttHl MA vttwd 1 win. during m;
ww w wivvu, uitea-iMi'Bv vmm UHiira
of tkn mmm m r)iiird by lv.M
teaching ptrmlts. Tho exawlim
tluiis will bo conducted by County
Bupvrlntendvnt Bmlth.
Try Zlnn'u French mlxod candy,
It will mwlt n your mouth.
Thi Nhke(Hlnu Clrtiuit
Aro dlrvot Importers of tho Intwt
In moving plotting, and tho flrBt to
got tho newMt llluitrntiHl Bong
a good long show for 6 oonts, Man
uny, Feiiumry 3, first day. 1-2 0.U
Proth today, n full Hue of ofcsoo
late eremus. at .luiiN.
Clerk Allen 1'llox IVllllou
OnHHty Clerk Allen, ywtttnlay af
ternooM tlltHi a itltlun for hvluIhh
! t Un ofrlo wkleh h now hokU.
"If 1 am HinlHAid and Seated 1
will, dMrlMg my term of mto, m-
rtOAVOT (4) UKHMAt Hl bHMlHWM of
Do Yml llt'Jh-uv
In luck If you do or If you do noU
ring up Mnlu 311, nnd you will have
good luck for J. M. Lawrence keepi
tho best grooerlea.
Wo Have Told You
Many tlimw that Wild How Hour
4n tho best Hour manufaotured In the
valley. Order a sack next time, and
bo convinced.
Ho You Want
To seo some nlee mill wrk, than
m arauMd t A. M. llanH's wtsh
ami door fartory at Uie eorner of
Mill ami Trade strett. He (ariM Ht
the kU4het etaw wurk M lk vry
therteDt notiee ami at reaMnable
Yiiliinldo Vroperty Sold
The Stave projwty on Conrl
tb olfett In bm efllei.Ht. eeflanklwli'1' '" y Wetwo
TIm N'ivknliHllon
Udlrt and efeUdrest are alwe
ur u vny wr emetuiitwftt
imi. tt. l-&9tf
Try 5&1mm wyn etJCKiatk; wl
Vllh YjeJ iytir.
Tril t the
0ly Mr)ete UW tmty
lu JiaKm. VtUm lh lejwwit oeitiy
the firKr and Market mwm.
ami Impartial mRMer," U tko Ute
MttHt which he HMkts 1m hie peUtle.
Come nnd Sw
The wy we haaille mtat.. If ytm
OtHHmertlal and Ukerty streU. has
b itmrhaeed Wy 111 rxasmftore,
tk eMerprMMg ytMg Wm man
of the Arm of J. U t(fkta & On.
Del eaye he bought the property for
do tale w foal OMtmloKl Of a i1w"lk, but U4 he womM
tomer. m or Hro-4le matktd aK mi R ! t t a 31 )r
waw iMki. 8oetolt MM Bt Imwh o the vrhae ori.
111. Tito hNiMt8 will probably W aJ-
Uftri ami imiMroved In the near (h
Wo Am lhrtw. jtNr Tm roerty. wkleh oecHplM
To do buelaeee. ami e Mn ? t troinage. eoawlne
b. Por AmlMo olwiiiUtt ml 4y. Cttal kry boMdlag ami
lK yo eMil aord to mhw emlUmc WM mi by Dave Urt.
on us. Jebaeoa & St, nu 4otr
to Joormii ottlee.
Personal Mention
Mrs. Klfa Wann left this morning
for Portland, where she will visit
friends for several days.
Itev. A. U Hutchinson, after a
short vlttt In this city to old-time
friend, returned today to his home
In TaeoiHa. He was formerly pastor
of the Pin Presbyterian church of
this oily.
Mrs. C. It. HoNgham, who has been
vlitlng her father H. J. Smith, of this
city, left this morula k for her home
ln Mt. Angel.
O. I). OabtieUoa. the Insurant
m leat this moralag for Portland
on basinet.
OommbMloHer N'eoilham woat to
'oodbarn this morning on aeeount
of the death oX the late John Whit-
faey. Mr. Need nam and Mr. Whit-
nay were to beet of frlonda. ami had
boon araoatated with eaeb other in
tmblte affairs for many year.
Oarl Abranw was among the S.
tomltoa wbo wont to Portland today.
Mrs. O. 1). Wtkson lafi this morn.
lag for Portland 10 viell her a.
Uoyd. wbo U very 111 at bis home tt
tnat nlaee,
Mr. W. M. Uavto. wbo baa been
voting br dangbtar. Mra. M. Bar-1 to swpp'y all our nele
nott. rotwrnod today to bar borne in
Oreo City.
Mm. Molllo Wcbam. of Ortgon
Oily, wbo baa boon vttyng her fath
r and motbar. Mr. d Mr. J. c
Wtanoa, of this city, baa roumed to
bar home. ilr. Wtmor. who baa
bow trtomdy 111, ranorted to be
waok Uoorored.
Slnco 18S0 tho sources of lumber
Bupply have undargono romarknblc
changes. Tho first change was in
tho region from which the principal
kinds of lumber wore procured, and
this wns followed by the substitution
of other kinds of wood in tholr
places. Nolthor the centers of the
lumber industry nor the loading
classes of woods are .the same ns
they were 25 years ago. In 1SS0
nine state Michigan, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin, New York, Texas, Arkan
sas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Wash
lngton produced 52.8 per cent, or
moro than half of the total lumber
production of tho United States. In
190C these states produced 61.6 per
cont, practically tho samo propor
tion, but tho changes which have
taken place In tho output of Individ
ual states are very striking. Michi
gan, for instance, cut 23 por cent of
tho total In 1SS0 nnd but 5.G por
cent In 190C; Louisiana cut 0.7 per
cont of tho total. In 1880 and but C.G
per cent In 1906; Washington fur
nlsluM but 0.9 per cent of tho lum
ber production of 1880 and 11.5 per
cont of that of 190C. The cutting
out of the virgin tlmbor In the north
nnd east hns been followed by In
creased drains upon the forost re
sources of tho south nnd west.
Dospito theso conditions thu
amount of tlmbor required has in
creased yoar by year. The incronso
In consumption of timber slnco 1SS0
has been moro rnpld than the In
crease of tho population, and greater
than In any slmlllar period In the
history of tho country. This showj
In n striking nmnuor how much tho
nation depends upon foreat products,
and Indicates how grontoly all Inter
ests must suffer ns lumbor becomes
scarcer and dearer.
Statistics gnthorod by the bureau
of the census and tho forosts service
how that tho quantities of timber
utcd last yoar for lumbor, shlugles,
tlen, pulpwood, cooporage stock, mine
Umbers, lath, distillation, venoor,
poled, tanning, and turpontlno nnd
rosin, oxprossod In board feetfl roach
n total of approximately 50 billion
board foot.
Whllo theso drnlns upon tho for
ost nro known with reasonable cer
tainty, thor nro othors of which thoro
Is no record. Thoo are the demand
for posts, fuol, nnd domestic pur
poses, rognrdlng whloh It Is more
dltncult to obtain Information, be
cause the products often nass
through no market, but aro con-
sunKxl on the farm whoro they wore
produced. Careful estimates, how
evor, p!aco the total of wood usod
for fuel alono at an equivalent of 60
billion board feet a year.
It will be sewn, thon that tho pros
out ootMKimptlon of wood In all forms
Is about 100 billion board foot an
nually. Batlmatlng the forost area
of the United Statu from 600 to 700
miMlon aoroe, and the annual grow'.h
at 60 board feet por acre, tho year
ly mcreaso Is from 30 to 42 billion
feat. At this rate, the annual growth
barely equals the amount consumed
for lumbar alone. Considering all
t.h( drain, tho annual consumption
of wood Is probably three times the
Muml growth. Detailed estimates
of standing Umber range from It 00
to 300 blllloH feet. Ualng the larger
fjguro, and considering the annual
growth of 10 billion fet, It appears
that there w not more than a 36
Xmru' shjh! of timber In this coun
try at the present rate of oonaump
tlon. At present only about S3 por cant
of tr totm forest area la In state or
national foreata. the remainder be
ing unreeorved public lands or In
private baada. The forot orea Is
amply um'rUnt. if rightly managed
to product erntiu!y enough timber
Yet private
tlonal governments, must use thea
luif&i iuuus in a rigut way if
aro to maintain our timber suppij
uircuiar izy, just Issued by u
rorest service, contains a discusalc
nf fliA ,1tnlnc linnn -flirt . .
u. tu v...... u,.uu mc iuh-818 ana
the soMrces and the duration of th
timber supply. This publication wj
be sent freo upon application f( th
Forostor, U. S. Department of Agr
culture, wasnington, d. C.
TUiaij. Ai mo iamuy homo 32
Wilson Btrcct, this, Thursda
morning at 4 o'clock, Ruby Tud
tho 12-yoar-ohl daughter of M
and Mrs. Charles E. Tuol, of mel
Tho funeral serviceo, which wl
bo private, will be conducted frol
tho homo this aftornoon. Intermej
In Odd Follows cemetory.
o . -
The Ladles' Aid Society
Of tho First Presbyterian churj
will meet with Mrs. L. K. Page, ii
Cottaga street, tomorrow (Fridaj
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. AH
u:es oi 1110 ennren anu congrcg
tlon nro cordially Invited to atton
Norwich Union Ffrc
Insurance Sociel
Frank Meredith, Kcsident Agent.'
Ofllco with Win. Brown & Co., N
29 Commercial Btrcct.
Over Ladd & Buph's Dank, Salem, 1
aajajajaajBijf ej
For Sale Sovornl houses In Sales
and fnrm 'nnds at a bargain, Ca
Ital National Bank. C-1-eod-l
Wmitcd A man and woman
worg on inrm in polk counl
nonr Independence. Chns. O Drt
490 North Capital Btreot, Phc
1467. l-28-3t
For Sale A live-room cottage, pli
tored In lino condition, largo 1c
small barn; good woodshed; fruij
both city nnd well water Spcclj
bargain, $S50. Lnthnm Land Ci
over Portland Genernl EVcts
Co., 1-30-tf
Tlio Safcht Way To buy New Yo
stocks and bonds Is tho periodic
paymont plan. Stock Is yours
on paymont of first InstcMmci
No mnrgln dealing. Wrlto for pa
tloulars. Q. J. Murray & CI
31 1-12 Union Trust Bldg , Lea
galea. Cal. 1-30 !t
IM for Sahv in Hlo Park addltW
to tho city of Portland; w!'l
sold chenp for cash. Win Ara
strong. 1-30 2wk
WU faVo IhawiiutkH.
About 1 teaobaw will ambbi
( tba Flf ajf . R chrot of this lt
m WsV, February 13 M taV
cxetulurJlow for county and tto
Clixmlt IVurt llulnes.
Tho fBlbwv'tntf dMki tw k.&
Orwgun llbvulo Ctutngu onictt- haatt nmaW la depttrtaitat No. t-
Tho tlrkot oo 0 Ua Q&m Frtama . Brow. '. '
IBaeuia ba bean narnev! tnm Ue Bro-wn. habeas aaroea: aet for trtaj
CliaJ m Mora. M stat atraat. irbriaay . at l p.
u the opara bouao drc aiore, whiob i. k. iMn v. 1 n,..k.. .
... . . ... . w '"" " """M . W-
9 mh ws 10 mem wmatn a mmmummi j
Jaw toot mt th ttefe wiao. ail-rbismsnt
., n... " ' . rw ". nlntatrotor of
;,zrrw., r. w i
im M tka libwrnikMiat CW aMo 1IU0; farm ttoaod "aS
ajMabnra Sahool. bu raitit4 ftom u,Ua vZmrvm!Z
voaitoa of atrntraa of , hMoj a jhi. 0. Horn m Lou Uob
momjiarHin of . Mr. Uhmoo ataiaa ram if .1 . .
that ike fratwnUy tll u or- J '
to otniL Um fkiJlut .m Ii!! Vr9kUl " aj yar atajaaaab nj btftVjIa Irniy. ammaitag to be
L;T il IT: "?? WrtkrMM ol ,h. brt w. Uev V U, of ,b German Lu.h
Fuiieml YaMrb).
Mrs. rrotfarion itoaa. who dlei
aku aadarlbtat Sumlay avete, hu burivd
WilaoiUy moraine M ! o'alock.
Tka aarrbMo hold at tho borne of hor
H wit In Ooraaa. whllo at ae
eVAAto HM Iaiui U '- .
&Unxaah. Mr. Bann waa las yr
Sbo eaana from Oornuuiv is
yaaua ao. with two aoa and a
dajtgfctar. On sam and the danch
Inr are now Ui,g in Polk eamaty.
ami tho other aoa Uvt in North lm
kjtH. liar bnohaajd died U Oarmany
ft yaara aw. Mrs. m waa a Ana
ner. aa well as the state and nv
For Sale m Mason county, V3
lngton, two lots In Detroit No
on thp line of tho contcrj;!aU
railroad from Port Town-c-d
Olynmla. near Hood's cana . cl
Improvements made, Thh is
bargain. Price 400 EnqyJ1
Win. Armstronc. 1-3' Cwkl
Itocue Hlver Orchard for Sal'
Clean. Proflt-boarlng, d' ?
luvlal river bottom scm' G3
buildings. Sell entire rr t.l
vislout. Good roads. N 3"
S.maath anhonl. Good r Cll
Dam A Ijiwftll Wood. ( Or
gon. 1-3 'lta
Wnnted To buy a f.U
hor (mare preferred, ir
tne!e or double, also a c:
waeon Phone 386 Main 1 3 M
Khool to ukom accident and uV La Famn Medina wi
trt cv
W wl4i to call yoor attention to
our stock la theso line. It Is our
aim to keop a strictly freeh and u:
to-dnte stock at the meet reasonable
ywfeaa. Wtth our guarantaa of all
Sttdf si mt of onr tare, and our
"wn daiivory. wo wnt yon U Av ms
a hrtal.
Country Meats Today
Spare Ribs, Tenderloin. IM and
BulkSausage :::::::
give reran church va Stau
du(Ul rh wuk
mMnwcKNH j,ef 35 wnts at dugg...