DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1008. 5 ' c.nu Vf Pectoral make us have great confidence In f f Y p fl J C It for coughs, colds on the chest, bronchitis, J - M. s I J )0rscnes6, weak throats, weak lungs. Ask .... 4.... r I1f .Mil fit nvftAfUnm with KjouUipourJodor Jtdjt. ' AMUSEMENTS mnniuniiiHniiiiit (Irani! Opera House, Monday, February 3 "A $10,000 Beauty." Saturrlny, February 8. "Kerry Go." Tho KIImjjm1 Grand. Tho Bijou Stock Company In "Health and Home." AHdHorliirn Roller Rink. Morning, afternoon and orcnlng sessions, TIio VamMte, Moving pictures and lllustratod Mttgtt, every afternoon and evening sieept Bundny and Monday after Jsj9VRB tmmmmmmmmm HARRY A. VAN Presents tbo Bijou Stock Co. IN A A -AOT 1'ARCH COMKffV. ".MIHTAKKN miSNTITY'f OH "WHO IH WHO." Preceded by a one-net comedy en titled "A Cowboy'H nomnneo," by Geo. 11. Hbnw. tnnteur nlulit Frl- day. FltlCIttIO, '20 AM) no OHNTH.r0 ,ho Cttmo 'Kcd 'or tbo rash SATURDAY MATINKH..10 OKNTHi?1" "? WflH " 'Mn of nR0' BU,)0r- Till: GINriKRIUtlJAD MAN. A Delightful Miislnil Coim-ily That Oho Will Remember. Tho aingsrbrvad Matt has conio and gone, leaving behind him only pleasant memories that earry ono back to and mlnglo with childhood's days. It was a rnmarkablo creation, In that It In something made from prActlcally nothing, Its foundation bo Ing simply tho "Old Mother Goocu" Jingles, but It Is certainly artlcllo and poetical1, for surely tho au thor "gavo to airy nothing a local habitation and a name." For n won der, a good thow and a crowded house stuick tho Grand opera boimo tho samo night, and tho nudlenco got Us money's worth. Thoro was catchy music, and lots of Hi good voices, a pretty and graceful bunch of chorus glrlsj bubbling humor and wit; tparkllog comedy and pretty cos tumts, and tho uualnl conceit of tho play wno carried out smoothly and perfectly. To speak of the Individual members of the cast would roqulro both tlmo and spneo; but tho Ginger bread Man, hltnioir. Is certainly wor thy of espoolal mention. Ho does some 'hlng Impotstbln to any but a gingerbread mnn In fairy Innd, and was a itioaoM, even when ho did nothing but hang In tho baker's win dow. Mnilo Hon lion, the princess, bad n remarkably tweet and floxlble voir, and her sung "Hprlngltna" was a go in The encore that would stot be refused snowed Uist H wan Appreciated. The song of tbo ovun tng wnn "Moon. Moan. Moon," and tho scone was as bnnutlful m the souk; It showing the fleacy etauda lit up by faint inoouliKkt. and n unity tho appaarnnoe of the erecovat apan Vrhleh was Mated a pretty llsUf kI'U who mwroJ thajso wks MHg te hHL Tho oH mas rope!! throo Ujh beforo tk amlloHto wnkl farlHmn. Tho "GlRKMbreAd Ma" will ramatu as pla sat & wwry with tMeo' whfi aw Mri tax alght as hla aauieaaki lt.fl. wttk wa faav at UISV: tn the baker! dtn ta us oMw fitdeaMH to tMr. $t,tl l.tTVt . 'Who dH wRk klta ro tko day Urowag at iaa Pvaaossoo. $1 fancy enad ami aihor ak tUlassj lit; orvwtAg a4 nktMkUg at Vwrt 4r "jajppi COLONISTS RATES IN 1908 I --' ' Wo ytsir tt aaoaaoif 1 Piwtk , pmr oa K&traa. that fro VMireh 1. ISlt. t April Sto; ima. StVt; mssssi, llr. 90. is. mlM rua will U aMia UsrOa. a, stora-CUMUorata x la fCvl im Dm Hmm v latiU u llSkr. Atsta. U.-; mshi. lie. Nortltwwt. lialoa fNN Cakmra to Baatora satrma. t. trots, Ik; so BaIow wlH bo 35. fro MfcwHtrt oswt. M. river otMMsaon Mots (Cssstsetl HioXs Mow ia. pt piMaJCaHtor- to kums cit)'. Mo . isvllv, alw.otr. u. tetry. HH: Mrvta. It He: Kt rnJ amt MtwMM. tfe: L ! Calttersua Yomhk Awrkis ft. loutw Itlte. at trm Doav'w, Cu. or4o Hftrlikfi ami taM, ftt. JOHN M. SCO'tT. At asoai I'sjwomcor Ait. Wtu W Murray, (Wa. l ,t CASTOR I A luc Iaiaatu and CUUra. W 1m Kara Always UnW win nf rvnrricncc with Aver's Cherrr wry confidence in It. ffiffiffi WAS A CASE OF SUICIDE Woodburn, Or., Jan 20, 1008. John Whitney, a prosperous and highly respaotcd altlzon of this vi cinity, committed suicide at his homo two miles north of thin city at 2 o'clock this afternoon, by shoot ing himself with nn old mtiikct. It In nttpposcd ho placed tho gun against the barn or on tho ground with the mtizzlo against Alio pit of his stom ach, and discharged tho wonpon with n stick 21& foot in length. Mr. Whitney bad boon out shoot ing chicken hawks, In company with thrca nephews, Gbales, Honry and Gage Whltnoy, and hnd returned to tho homo and put tho pun In the raok. Wlilla tho boys worn at tho front gato, wotting for a chanco to rldo homo, Mr. Whitney was scon go ;ng toward tbo barn with n gun, and a soon or ho was out of sight thny heard a roport, and Baw Mr. Whitney falling past tho corner of tho barn. They burrlod to tho spot and found Mr. Whitney breathing hlii lost. 1Mb clothing wbero tbo charge wont In was on flrn. Worry over nervous troublo4 and limomnla visor of rond district No. 8V4, a tn vorlto with ovoryono, In good clrcum stancod and with a Inrge farm. Mr. Whltnoy was a nntlvo son, being born and rnlsed on the old fnrm, a part of which was bin homo. flu leaven a widow, a son, I'etor, and daughter, Mr. (1. W. Knight, of Hubbard, Oregon, two sisters, Mrs. Jonathan F. Htalgor, of Halom, nnd Mrs. Joseph Dodge, of Hubbard, Ore gon, and threo brothers, Giorgo W., Woodburn, Oregon; Churl, I.oba non, Oregon, nnd William, of Cali fornia, nnd n host of friends to mourn his lots. Put In Jail. very accurately describes anyono's fool In go who Is confined to tho houso with nn attack of rheumatism, lum bago, stiff Joints or muscles. Hal lard's flnow Liniment will euro the trouble, relievo tho pain, and make you as supplo as a two-year-old, For sale by all druggists. Rumor Atmut Ruef. Ban FrnusUeo, Jun. 30. -Warned by a persistant and wollHloflnod ru mor that Abe Ruef, grown frantic ou tho evo of a trial which moans al most certain conviction for him, has planned out In dotall an escape from ouitody to bo accomplished on the lonely road botwoon this city and tho county Jail, Shorn Dolan has doublad tho kurM over the slippery prisoner, uml has taken every precaution to provuut tho carrying out of tho bus polkl plot. Han lnmclc Markets. Ban FraMoiocti, Jan. 38. No. 1 Oaltfarala Gtuu, por otatal, Sl.StVi tf !. white lHUItttg fsMb, 11.67 V, l.Ta. Wklt AMtiratlaa. $!.?! t.TI; NrlRra blMoaUw, ll.TOtf t.TSVh; Norihora olaa. $l.av0 1 : iNforksr ndm mt wheal $1 to t.U. Harlo No. 1 f. MTV4 OtMUu MIMil.lTVs; Ckollor. n.4lt-S. arwaatag U muUtt;. llHttor hrk Oallfwraia. extra. Se: ftrau, IU; soooimIo. tie. or- "25r.:riE; JXS. tie. Krsia, llr; ooosmat, IU; laJlas. Maasom. too; Iw. lie. f.tjr. Now Yotk. UHc Qrte. lt. IHtMsm, pmt llaallsiaa bar tVx. StHHiat; uimM, list fl.4t; Oiea UnrlMsMka, Slrf tli; rivor wMloa. Am)-. Tli; ttuOoa UTfff; ttarry K, flit tl.lt; river r4. H 3tf t 10; ti. atMl list (sr straisM. Oslaaa -Yattaw SHM. 9.Ca 5l; Uwhw. 3.fit3.Tt own&a. pw lx-5ws ft Tit 3 St. vuii k4i faaey at ft FAIR WILL BE HELD IN 1909 Seattle, Jan. 20. Owing to a sHrIi rumor that tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflr exposition is going to be poetponrri, caused by the reoont financial flurry, tho exocutlvo committee of tho 1909 fair has passed tho following resolu reselu resolu teon: "It Is tho unanimous sense of tho mombora of tho executive com mittee Abut tho Alaskn-Yukon-Pari flc Exposition bo hold at tho place an I tlmo hlthorto planned Seattle, I 8. A., from June 1 to October 13 1909." The contract for anothor largo oxhlblt palace, tho OBrlouItural build ing,, has been lot for $81,830. Six of tho main buildings will soon b well under way. Tho manufacturer' building is progressing rapidly. Tho executive committee an nounced that thoro 1b plenty of mon ey on hand with which to carry on tho work and that money for stock la coming In all the time. Word received from Washington D. C from Vice-President John H. McGraw, Director of Exploitation Henry E. Hood, indlcatos that con Kross In looking with favor on the exposition. Tho appropriation bill will soon come up for consideration. Tho government hns asked for nior" ground npneo than wnn originally a! lotted to It, Tho manngomont of tho opposition has secured tho sorvleos of Col. Henrv B. DobcIi, of Portland, Ore., as. direc tor of tho division of oxhlblts. The exhibits' department Is bolng organ oid and prospectlvo exhibitor phm now reeolvo Information In regard ti spiieo by applying o Col. Dosch. Al ready many largo firms throughout tho cam ti try have applied for space. Co. Dosch reprosoutod the stat of Oregon ns commissioner nt New Orleans, Chlengo, Omnhti, Buffalo Chnrloatown and at tho Fifth Inter national Exhibition held at Osaka Japan, In 1003, ho was commissioner from tho state of Oregon and I.ewli and Clark exposition. Tho dlroctora of tho Japnnso exposition recognized Col. Dosch'H ability as on "oxposl tlonlst," and placod him In charge of nil foreign exhibits. His son-Ices were rocognlzod by tho emperor of Jnpan, who decorated him with the medal of tho obevnllor of tho tacred treasure. Col. Dosch wan also given a diploma of morlt for his sorvlcoi ,U tho Osaka exposition. It boars the slgunturo of the mikado und tho royal seal. Col. Dosoh was also commlisloner general to the Louisiana Purohaso exposition for tho Lewis and Clark fair. o TEA U S imports but little more in 1904 than in 1864. So much poor tea. Yen i itMtr re turn jenr money M roo dost XHikhlt!l, II,. I. j.i, him. Huys l'lno liiNtmiiHint. Jam .Moailehrtot. the well known olork with the Ualted StatoM .N'atloHal bank, yoirtonlay reetvd a uow 1100 Cork alto saxapkono wkkk will m a valNaulo arqaMtton to iko bad lastiMmoatattoa of two elty. If You Are Sick It is bocnuso samo of tho orgmts of the body nro not doing their work well. Thoro is n Inck of thnt nervous onergy thnt gives thaui motion.' Con soqueutly )ou nro wonk, worn-out, uwvous, irrit nblo, ennnot sloep; have hondacho, indigestiou, ote. booanso thoro is not sufli dont norvo foreo to koop tho organs aetivo and al low thorn to perform their natural functions. Dr. Miles' Nor vino restores hoalth beeauso it restores 1 iut norvous energy. narvous . k y mm w sssr- ! 71 ar W Mck for k yr Vnd Wv --"- niaV m. Sa1.,,?. "!L L1 k ttr r aa j x mtt4 U(U. mM Mm i hid u Mlf tl a Wtur ! mM hv Vzr .tr vwmm. jw u4 not T,..T'.Jm7t'ml """.J I coa "S ,'". M u,u " trl K i' At n Liiv f.1.,.1. ... . 7k.. ' . ruiMd iv&asfSaiwi" ' nv 0 ( SBBl On, MMm rTwv4 uiSd by you MUm Medical Co., Elkhart, lad m ALCOHOL 3 PER oemt ANgctabfelVcnsrafteiCrAj slrallailnjj ihcfhodaKRegtfe ling Uic StocciclB oalBwdsof Pforaolcs DigcsHonkfuUl ncss and ResLContalns ndta- Ojsuni.Morphlnc norJfaeraL ,h AfdW' JMdttUtt- tf, Apr rfecl Remedy for CbroHii-; I ion , sour 3toraacn.uii Worms .toHVUlswiisjcvcns ncssawlLossorSLEEP. frcS'untte Sljnamrt of j nM s. sit KBMsj rs. ML'Sj-M w NEW YOHK. t.J Exort Copy of Wrapper. rASTQRiil RSSfiHOTnniM xc .-. "" "" i f l JH H bbk. H H H HKl H 11 jnzff Guaranteed un&rllicrowfffr j j ssj g LB wiwwwwiwwtmtwiiwtiwiiwwwinwwwwwiwttwiii I Are You Interested 1 In Saving Your Of course you are. That's why wo advertise. Wo carry ono of tho best stockB of wagons nnd implements In tho city, and It Is to your Intorost as a money-saver to call and boo our line no matter whether you buy or not, wo know that you know a bnrgnln when you soo It, and that you will bo sure to toll others about them. "Wo carry a complete lino of wngons, buggies, farm Implements, all kinds of fnrm and mill maohlnory, palnte, oils nnd varnishes. First clnsa blacksmlthlng and horso shoeing also done. Wo-tnko second-hnnd vchlclos and maohlnory as part payment on nil now cash ordors. Keep your monoy at homo by buying what you noed at homo, M and at tho same tlmo seo wha'. GEORGE R. i D. 8' - iiiiiiinniiiiniiiiiiiwiiwttmwnmnnfcnmiomiim First Class Conveyances and Reliable Horses You always get at Yannko's, Wo oan giro you any kind of a vehicle that you Joslro and a horso to hitch to it that Is gentle In harness Horses boarded. f ASHION STABLES C V. YA.NNKK, Prop. 13MU7 N. High St. lhoiu Main 44 BOSTON BROWN ymi Is-Sclf-rislng. It makes Genuine Brown Bread, Toothsome Quick. Biscuit, and a GLORIOUS BOILED PUDDING Sold by All Grocers BBBBBBBBBSBBSSSBBSHilHBBKBHSBBBHMSBBSBBBBVSaBJBJSBJBBBJBJ As tho lauadry huala- uaxod stroag s have tho umkods at laaadorlag boeouo wore aad uiace rAa4. TUB SALEM LAUNDRY CO. "The Laundry tjiat Knows How" CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years tmi tirruiitoMrnr NiwTomtcrrv. Money? you're getting. B. JACOBS - Salem, Or. I I BREAD FLOUR PHONE 2S. Has ral4 ttMtf of aM tho mar Tassam aaaasM la the process of aua4ry vrark, and today stands w l LA jSSSm SI AT Ah r Sni-f JwraJJIi 'is. AWH'H WLrO sWaMWn!5SlsV'f W-ti ..TQr V - - itSN mMMfi' ' V TC"tj TORRID ZONE FUNARCE Tho above cut represents ( brick lined Torrid Zono Furna uuuruuifcu gas, smoKO atu (Jd proof. Economical and durtble. A. L. FRASE 258 STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on hea T,., THE BEST ItOAST TITO FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtalnod from our prli tender and juicy beef, mutton pork. All our meats aro select from tho choicest, and prepared tho tablo to suit tho demands of fastidious. Our prlcos aro lower quality than you can find at plnco In Salem, E. C. C It O 8 S, IMiono 201. 870 Bute Gold Past Flom Mido bj TH2 BTDNBT POW KX COMPANY, IJdney, Orejosj Made for family cm. Aik jonr grocer for It. Brut sad shorts always ox ka&d. P. B. Wallace AGENT ttsjmsjBunaansjsjaBBn SALEM WATER COMPAF office crrr uall. For water service apply at ofl Dills payablo monthly In advao THE AVENUE Creams, ices, clgarj and conf ions, corner of Seventeenth ABylum avenue, N. u. oaar. pi prietor " OWE 01 MAHV COIORS LARGEST FACILITITS IN THE WEST TOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE" WORK SATIS AS 10W AS (ASTtlH NOISlf I raOTKilM2 HOLLISTCR 3 flocky Mountain Tea Nugget A Bttiy Mftlsoiit fci B T T: - BHsji QcUmi Etsltlk ml F JL r4tlltf (. rCituiiiiMii . J ftad KhlMr Trbls riinr. -IHurtJ. Kn4 Urwttib. 8lurv - ,r.r -z t- U.I BtaeknHtt' It R.A v I M ftiriii. M tfliiA it UT HoLiariH Dua fV.vpiv. Ma . nni ncM wittij rnn5i'inv PEPlJ HHICHESTER'S PILL! '"rjrr. THK lilkUlMi nun ' La4Ul A.JMf ir- ' I'll) a Ur4 ( a I T.o m fce IIut ' y I M-mtt. . 1 111 4 uivVutn ifuisn 1 ' -il it..- 7rtf.f'A c- SOiDftYORIAr.KTRrRWJ MlWMAlWFRawrcwi imuum. pills. i Btfl. rntia huu Ur knum Ml ' juciis3sraAiL - klftjnH, tttualM. 1 ritj. t lUm ul ftrnt tttn i tk UWITtO M tOICALCO. n TA Uql bbbbswHBhbbsIbbbbbbLk gSSSSBSNBSSBSSSJtRnSSSSSSSHST rBBsVHHsiSHBlBBHBBSBfll i AiSBBBBLSBBBBBjnBBBBBBBSJBBHBBjgjHn ' mSSSBSSJBSSJOnBSBJBSSSB&SSJfMSNSBJ i fMnMsHsfwRHMl ' 'sBBBBBBBBBBBSBsl 'vAS I BmBBsVBBBBBBrLBVlHESKE SMBSSSSSSSSSSMflHI 1 1 1 l.4MffSsy3SSf JMSSSSS F ECr SSSSJHSeISSBSSSSSSSStac . w f v a 134 S. UBBUTY ST. uaout a por. "5WkSakDf. S. C Sto