Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Baking Powder
Tk wily Bakiir Fiwiler mfo !
wHk Kiji! frayf CriiM 0! Tartar
mm km jjnwtf
Insures healthful and
delicious food for every
nome every day
Stftfftftrifs ym ti sgifest
sMsM IH pWf9pWllv W InBG
project will havo been defrayed by
Illinois und Chicago. ,
Thre Bqunre meals a day for Chi
cago's hungry 2,300,000 people ha
becomo a pressing problem In eco
nomics, for the city hag outgrown lu
prod-jclng area. Ah result the cost
of the transportation and distribu
tion of garden and farm produce has
become too largo a factor In house
wives' expenses and of late Investiga
tion haB boon mado of tho nogloctod
sand-solla In Michigan, for If they
will produco tho potatoes, berrlen
and garden truok, and will pasture
livestock It will moan a big saving.
Bell experts of tho govornmont re
cently roported that each of tho vari
ous Michigan soils was particularly
adapted to Bomo lino of farming or
gardening, which will moan a new
era for tho neglected outover region
which onco was forest abandoned to
tho lumbermen', who discouraged
Bottlomont. Bxperlmonis have
proved that conditions, for clovor and
winter feed for livestock are so good
that largo rnnchoa aro being estab
lished and In tlmo cattle, sheep and
hogs In largo numbers will bo
brought across old Lake Michigan
cool, woll watered and fed, to tho
fltock yards. Tho lako routo also
gives promtee of cheaper transporta
tion for tho "groon alull" and tho
vegetables, frulta and dairy produce
thnt Ohlrngo gulpa down In onormousi
iqiinntltlefl onch day. Alroudy lako
transportation compnnlos cannot
I build boats fnst onotigh. One plan
to ond tho congestion of famous South
Wnlor Htreet In to ortabllsh threa
markols ono on the north side, one
on tho south Hide, and another down
town, accessible to the Chicago river.
"The Scientific Coet of a inow
storm or How Muoh a Urge City
Ought lo Hpond for Winter Street
Cleaning" Is tho ttuhjoet of some
startling figures Just launched by
Let Tluin Work Off Their Had Tnii-
peiy Disabled from Doing;
OHIOAdO, Jan. 30. Tho pnrude
of tho unomployud In Uhlaugo wait Kiiu, lu national
If you dine at a woll known New
York hotel during tho coming spring
Iamb season, says the Washington,
D. C, Dispatch, you will find on ho
bill of fa re a new kind of moat which
oplcuro d olaro oxcoIb anything In the j
moat line that over grew on a hoof
except the incomparable Rocky
Mountain ahoep. It Is evon bottor,
so "Buffalo" Jonos deolaros, that bear
liver, which President Roosevelt as
serts is tho finest morsol of moat he-
over ate.
"Buffalo" Jones is a character in
tho Flo ky Mountains who earned hla
sobriquet In Kansas years ago when
tho Union Pacific was building and ho
supplied tho commissary with buffa
lo meet. This morning ho was be
fore tho house commlttco on agricul
ture and Interested that body in
Btorlos of his various hybrid experi
ments with animals on a ranch In the
public domain on tho north bank of
tho Grand Canyon in Arizona.
Tho new kind of spring lamb which
Jonos haB produced Is a cross be
twoon tho Persian snoop and tho do-
mottle spoclmon. Tho Porslan sheep
In a sturdy animal and Is nble to
stand cold and hardships which gon
orally kill American sheep in groat
(locks. Tho offspring of this nhoop
with the American specimen inhorlta
tho hardy characteristics of the Per
sian. Jones maintains that the meat of
tho hybrid has noti of tho tnste of
mutton, but Is mora like venison
and superior to anything excopt the
Itocky Mountain sheop. Ho hag or
dors for 1000 of these Iambi next
spring from a New York hotol to be
delivered at the rate of SO a weok.
Jones also told tho committee
about his experiments In producing
the catalo. Most people nover heard
of a catalo; most of the members of
the commlttoo on agriculture never
hear of ono. A oatalo Is a cross be
tween n buffalo bull and a galloway
cow. Thus far Jonos lins boon able
to produce only holfer entitles, but
his experiments are only In tliolr be
ginning. The moat of the catalo Is said to bo
dollclous, but the animal's chlof valun
It the hide, which, when much like
tlmt of Uh paternal ancestor Is never,
tholes of long silky fiber and suited
counts and th umrqulest Ing tS foot In width on eh. a1td ovju milking the now priceless Ixiffnlo
the doputy commissioner of piihllii
works of Chicago. Most munlel-
nols branch of the Goniuiiienf Leu polities know to their sorrow how
convention horo, 'much monoy Is actually spent for
significant toil nothing moro. There's ,nn,, "' ,)r Hlwrd A. Htolner. lie this purpose ovory winter and how
no denying that thire still aro a l forKn ,,ll " lo mm'" of "ltf henutlfifl" is aniittnlly
Krt many ruduced oavrolls m..n'v ,",,,",,""l,), to Ainarlmi regardless J"" to turn to slush and Jce on the
factories. hr.n.J ,,U tiT I-ii 11 f ltrl' T,,,B a" tmm ol,t ' the -trts. It remained for tho Chicago
o. last r. Z .? Z.."", . """' ' !! Immigration prob- i.rl to determine the theoretical
hb g o wh "" t Immlgrn-Wof picking up a b.Wd and h-
n TVZ A II ovlr li.n Uon ,lrftWH l"onoy oul r th0 "- entonlously dumping It outatdetk
Instance, lofZ,e aroelnlr's. ,rjr "T f ,0r,,Bn '' "T' " bttuA hU tlnMtmt
down on short iiiu ,2 . ni.i 11 rn,,,,nl" for' ' '. t money , on tho last storm In Chleago and this
Si Z o srs Pr Tglea ,gJ,nkS" ' thl 1-n.ll-lm.l.l. how h work.. It: "The factor,
of railroads aro wil'Ii "1", f"' H JTSSZL i"!"1!?-f
ManilfaotUNfM. lOblu.pu un.i ,.,.i".' """ "" "" ' """ ! - -. xv vuj, rrraK
....... , ".....'. . M '" MHt
''"' iiiivu uui rm-uvvrwi uuoHMcy;
Uiuy aro keoplntt within their own
Id to Ue
.amUkedukwt vreof verv mnnli t. m erl (If tl wMstliMriiiMM
'"liml..., t !.. luii...i .,....-. .. I -.. II. I. ...... .... ....
HourniM. rni. .tm-n.u. ii,. -u ."""' "' " """i" isn wi,siniini whs isn incaes oi snow
, .-. ........n . louwnv lllinu- tt I,,,... I. ..,.., ..i.f i.i.. ml,U ,.l. i ... ..
ulal rlnrry the Iwnks lismosri nj"' ,m",,K,,H,, w 'K"t leara .thhi gives, by simuie arltkmotle, a
tho IKmS II.TIMM-.1)I. y.m. of
systems! in urtf-proleciloH, reqwlr-1 ' ,Z"m "" . BHl " ,ro,M im ., lo morw w "
.i umt f i.u.1. u, '.J ,.' . " Wvs the spirit of vtrtNo.hlMl -ret-cteal Wrles. ru
oviuied bardihlp all aloMg the Use.'
The rMMt ncramuaui or ilin.u.u
. --- .. . .,n. w, ... vnv ,, ihv ni ivnx . ...,.. ..
l.ltlll amk-rf... .11 f .u- u .... . . 1HH SS NNMMH M W HfS. UMt WS
nhiI from all of them the sulrlt at oulsVe yards, sutl s tssiu wll lkaul M
loads a day. Tserefore. by a little
reverasre. 'fit arerasw immlsrsMi SMblo yards, sad s imw win koui Hv
,wmI know t
looro simple arlliimetlr w hmotUIb
tliMt It would take 1 11,131 . 1-1 toam
ohs daj to enrry off the show. The
dsmrtnitMU , h to mr for the er
vfetw of a twm aiul driver $1 a day.
five tint Kl.m l-l makes ti.
I..lt. !
tires or slAsUet) ami grester Mer I , mmml ,m,", in9n
ir now promise ,o Uri.. to m ZTotl"' " "'
some serlOHi coHslderstMHi Uy mu . '
Kress of th lliiHUdal miestlwH. Vh
congressmen begin heartHg from tks! Ah Interesting bit or h Mate's bis-
UuslSSM HtlMi. wklelt IselHUaa ntriur tarv u lumiv .i lu l. luii , .t. .
and steeksiSH, Is tklr dtetriel to.1 r.o,,, Br.ul.. , lk. i1"'' ? tk CO,t of " l
will iMUiy uke hh tor adoUoH this th-Qult u Wutrwf - .Uo ImoroTwi streets. Tbe if yos
eurroHcr moastir tbt Una tuth i,H1 , " " wr H Is oroootoj to go still furtber and eoMMt lo
halluisfk r oartt or)wntUoM. M UMMM to join tbe'U bp eery to
Whn iMUikors dhMffftMl. an.VkkAoo drsloat. MM u. Ml ITItl SWP " lh ,H0W'
in tm Kvirwf wifi pr tisyj iters
. Ue export pa seed to get a sentteti pet J
b. d..si .w u. r?. :!r taa"m,.l,p.,r.!
mi hi tn IWMI mm l uitsiiy llgMriOSj
llllU n tl numaMu ..... ..-. .... 1.
for tkow."
im lls.116 tM of tbe
.-.. ... ... . ... I
sun rpnssHuiuve dsemmi uioaois- etssippi rtvr. PesdlNg Ue solstlo
of tbbj pfblo. ssy HpproprteUes by
eottfree will
Hsai tsdsloo. Prior i ISIS tbe eoo
wool stMstloM of tke stalo psmltto ItMor-
frow farms aj) fco resxbos m Hr " Improrewsou at stele expooae
west as Itocky MohhuUm sotm mr i1 r' e tUys Uo llllools aoi
oMdy esMKk ws whirled past Ohl (MIpojIjm el. ajmic eer tklsik
(Wfto Ih 1996 U mills is Ike esot.h fuaotrootod M tano Mot sJ
whr "It onI Hht In ami mros-l wU)l bards l t0 the yosai
aroHiwr and mm rtibt back wi iwmwswHk. Alter bbj loaoon.
alN, at Uam tft.MMM xfds( IU,M rM,lttM xmmuU
did ll Just shows tJu( us esMtH'''1 ,ttf "' rMr " " prohftblud
ii y U UU ysa. hasn't got down l iMprossoots and bus bees
bHslMosH yet. for lbs msttor of.HMleo to prtmu eoierprtso that It
frstiOU oh Ute wool to wsstori milts Mt expovt tbe Halo's vomppU
Hd tHt U ttolH mtU'VPtsil tmm Okl .Uo Vndor tkese eoottiisMW ibo
Mg Is ao How of , ! lew 4 bat trpuwer a loo tbe roots or too
ysar. Tho UI predoeMoM of wool , w, W oeveloped by tbo MsM
Is Ue UkiumI tMUOs In lsi was III.- Mr & iowor romp?, wblrb
M1I.T9 rHOde, of birb TT por, botb books of tbe UespJale
wmt was krti h iko wojt sd rlvr Nl (be slate ploos, by
iHHiikwst. Tbo tepi tbt ho big wool- MMber eoootlioilotttJ asseodssoot.
oi HtlWs haw bees sUrtod oosx " H tods loot loo water
tho big woolen goods mailtt ' Mi isU Ibat lbs wator-
ttoa nwsntiy .iuiseatd us b Moocr tacs. but thai sslf a mil-
W. II Mjmpm. ladostiisi two
talMrtoMor sd Qateosjo Vod
freights feHi MlUloas, Uaoi . 'u Us
U s.ro ft. ? iu Cbo. SI It;
a differ eoss of l& eettbl a aeadred
wgbt." Up aU t T'eaalof rodcit
lb w4gbt Of wl abooi oao-balf.
so Ikeeo MmH be a proat to veot
groor saol loMrartHror of IIP
a too. whip k I per ot o J.-
dtl.feT. Im Jott (be wvU
lloa dvdsr. ul Isteotojool u sl(4y
l.udered b ibe sVooooty rusapaay
Kh wourvo . ibe dat betas;
itst wub U )k rejoin lor
Ibat fur eJiv rdbrdl rdu rdlsrd'u
a aatgsbie iroam Tbe mgtpo.pj's
rlpb puiit) lele4 10 It eao
mm b avoiod. but be stioMlua bas
created a po problatH to bo ludh
rbHksU oolissj Tat-ro will bo so or-
os gaoiawd oaUHis o a eoMsUtoUpaal
KMMIHIt WOW Kill WMbto tbO
on tbo saHHsl coot of a Jaaosfy lanw.
basod op km eotlHMtte of 4.3Tt.S IS
wet foot la tbo elty Mad oao eaoo of
Kftppe to ovoey tboooaad fast.
Ih Jspaa' poaeofttl eoae.ttfH
Msodp tbo United uie as aa ally.
aerardlag to C. V Vllbbard. Hatlooal
V. M. C. A. secretary of JapaMooe
work In Korea sad Japaa. In a loc
lor bare. Tke treaty of pea
Hbkb eodod to Japaa a groat terri
tory la MaaebsrU. was doo ebledy to
tbe iaterreatkka of tbe I'slts,! States,
bet Jaitaa was Pot satltflod. "It ox-
parted largo war tadesaaivy w
It did aot px. aad sbsolot
stoa of Kore sad MaPoHrit." b"
said "Tbo aatloa ass dlaaotatod
aad Ibe rosolt was reseat atosjl of tbo
iapaao pooplo against toe. O4to4
ate But tb Ud. r arp bsUl
isg 10 see taat m ruuatry was
Jatas frknd. thai If tbe wr bad
booa prtKrariod ih.- Jsimaote SVHMr
sost bar tsiU-u dsck Tltjtp wba
Maatwd tbe ar snuv tbU. Tpejr
kaow tbere a a u esras npr cam
brt wllb lb Tuned stee, 4 lht
know taat tbe prohlem ut oao
a powortal axsntoivai rar frltdiy re
btlloat Tbo leaders wore oafek Vo
NuJtW lb poseibU'Aie is tbo mat
nadeelopsd tracu sparsely AtPtHUat
robes. Jones told the committee he
bad sold some specimens of the oatalo
robes as high as SS00 each.
liosmV th eanlmal la much stur
dier and larger than the domestic
row aad Mr. Jones believes that there
Is a great future In the breeding.
All that b asked tbe com wit tee to do
was to lorlndo In lu bill an appro
priation to enable him to construct
a ronce on mo reserve wnrre he has
his ranch by permission or the agri
cultural department In order that his
animals ma not stray away
' o
Wnablaaton. Jan 30 Senator
Nlxoa. of Nevada. Is authority for the
sMvaaestaeai taai me troops how
earnped at Ooldneld will not be need
ed at taw end of two weeks. He so
laformed Presldeat Koosovolt today.
Mddlag that tbe state eoastabnlary
l blag hastily organdsed.
A lllgltrr Health Ixivel.
"I kav reached a higher health
Wvl laeo 1 began ustnK Dr. King's
Now Utm Pills," wrttas Jaoob Spring
er, of West Franklin. Mala. 'They
keep my stomas, liver and bowels
work-log )ot right." If these nllls
disappoint yon oa trial, monay will
b rofnadod at J. a Porry4 drag
itors; Xia,
' HAto lo tMMlortaXo top lsrway ttpkr1' Wl r " "nr1 furs.
The Uhtroptsn mvat s4 Mrai to Ute Mieateslppi; in fuat ovary pars
and dak b taVaa f9M,H9 b JMl4 In Iktw ol tap amondmoni.
Iropt tke United Stats to m noUua fr llitaos Is po tapper yonas Tbo
oT ke obsrwlMif aad wesJtay youa; ai oi Npw York bas ptuvtdl
women who won tbp titles of tma- Iliw.tPMfe ir a ran I. Witbtb
teS or wartjKUgi or duchf. aroeid- wHdtuoat ar d more than fcaU
US to stlrrlPif spawil to tbj U th cost of the Ukes tv' UpQmt1
wbKk wor aco.Mid aad IbaV are ap-
rdylsjc moders metbds in JYtp4c
tbm "
o . .
WetNls Wprtb M!lllous.
Near Xeaiaad tax at oae of a auav
porfeot rtgbi to tear dowa tke
of wild woods that ylpbl
r aataeror areot
Tme tat. tbe troagt kaawo. grows
wild la marsbea. Wbea It Is eal
tlvated tt dwIadbM and lu Paras
bosom brittle pad raloasoav
ladlaa betap grows wild, sad oat
If It baaWwb. or kf. U
Koof look like PXkas of
straw It Is smoked la a alee: It U
opjtea oa Hrer. tt Is draak In water;
k produce an Iptoaas. a doilriosu
paatuaeos. aad aatoag orleajufe :t
takes tho plaoe of boor aad wkrky .
Tb mswt valaakas weed of all th
wild growths Is tho awed. Th
nttrmu hod of Sootk Aneartoa.
yhrtd somotktag. Nk Sai.oaa.opt a
-ar. are nothtag bat bad of so
wd decomoiMed -CoktmbM DU-
41VB I
(Dr. Arbuoklc'a Letter In American
Sheep Brpoder.)
Whon yo.i tnko the rams out of
the flocks and bring thorn Into tho
tot a at the bnrns you are apt to se3
somo stiff flghtt.. Every ram thinks
ho Is tho boa's and ho Is dotormined
to clean up thoo,tho'r follows. It
might bo funny If It. did not so often
result in jfatalltleB. So many rams
aro killed -at this season. No ani
mals -fight with moro. obstinacy. It
la very important to know how to
handlo thoso rambunctious chaps.
Two methods have given good suc
cess. Ono Is to put them In very
small pens, go that they cannot run
back far enough to cause great In
Jury and kocp them thus until they
have becomo frlonds. Tho other
method has given universal satis
faction. Tio tho rams together two
and two with short pieces of rope.
Thus hampered no ono mm Is frco
enough to land a very hard blow on
any of his opponents. After a week
or moro they may bo loosed, and
thoy will grazo together in pence.
I recall n veryamustng oxperbneo
in connection with this method a
fow yonrs since. A widow, who
handlod Dorsots, wroto me in grat
distress thnt hor ranis woro fight
ing nil the tlmo; two had been killed
and several Injured, and she had
fastonod thim up In tho stnblo to
keep thorn through tho wlntor.
1 wroto her or this plnn, but ahe
did not think It would work
thought I was Joking. In tho early
spring I was passing her station and
stopped to seo hor sheep. I was
surprised to find her rams all pon
nod up In Binnll rail pens with Just
room onotigh to move around con
veniently, and thoy Btiroly did look
haggard nud mad and menu. Aftor
I had had ono look at ono Billion
chap with dopruod couutennnce
nnd bloodshot oyea I declnrod I
would set thorn free. Rlio doclnrod
they would kill onch other. I told
hor I would be responsible for all
loseoa If she furnished good ropes
and a mnn to catch the wrnthy ras
cals for mo. After deliberation she
agreed. Wo procoedud to tho barn
yard, and selecting two fellows that
seomod equally ugly nnd vicious I
ordered them brought forth. I fas
tened tin- rope on tho neck or tho
first one and as I waited for his
comrade to be brought up I saw him
preparing for battle. It was hard
to hold those two rams until we got
tbe ropes tied, and then let them go.
We mounted the fence to see the
fun A pood hunch In the ribs and
all the latent Ire that belougs to a
caged Dpnm ram was aroused, lis
stood on his hind feet and pawed
tb other ram In the face, where up
on the assault! ram smote him in
tb belly, and down he went on hit
bark, while the ram that struck hint
wax driKfod down with him. They
wallowed about la the dust for some
minntes, not being able to agree on
-th exact moment of rising. Mean
while their anger was waxing hot.
When they did gt to their foot they
were frothing at the mouth ami
speaking murder from their lurid
eys. Doth tried to ran back, an.l
stmiilUneously the ropes cut their
wind off and they fell to their knees.
to rise pawing wildly at each other.
whon In desperation on started to
run away, bat Ul be couldn't do
without the other's consent. Finally
they festooned themselves around a
gat post, and we went after the
others. In a fw mfnntei we had
nv pairs af tumbling writhing
creatures out there In U barnyard.
I rmmur one nner pair did a
moot pacnlinr stunt. The on was a
small chap that spewed parairsod
wU foar when he found he was
yoked t a visions moaalor( and he
did th least, thine of all he Just
lay dow. The big oa couldn't pan
aim ap boeans tt choked him down,
aad after aovoral yank be backed
ap to th prostrate ram aad sat
dowa on him. and there they re-
malawd la taat moat dramatic pot
tae for many minutes. Meaatim
otaer tblags woro irapcpirlag la oth
er ouartere. Dowa (bora by tbe
gate mm ih Prat two had drawn
tp artirl of agrismeat btwp
themselves, bat thoy eon Id not rU
U temputioa to land oa aa an
other struggilac pair taat wr ap
proarhiag Tay. auaagw to say.
barkid together; U was aohle to act
t cencert: but Ua did not
opat lovethor. for as tky rnahed
to tk attack oa Uunehad ktmif
laso th air Ilk a catapult, but be
fore tb otkor got started be had
raad tk oad of kit rope and
earn dowa tagiortowsiy a few laches
short of his mark. It wa rich. la
Jt mlaataa ik sortmmag was ovr
aad tbe wore either grating quiet
ly together or lytag dowa crosawUe
or staadiag la silence aad peace un
der tho shade of some tree
ropes did their work and 11c
wero killed. If you have
tried this plan, try It. it W
and then you may have n real
Soattle Vash.rtl- Jan. 30..
presence at Port Crescent In CI
county, this state, of a so-calb
rnnch on which 500 Japanes
expected to be Bottled withJn
weeks, has caused consterr
among army offlcerB, who have
learned of tho fact.
Tho Japanese havo Yented
acres from tho Pugct Sound M
Timber Compnny, and all prp
tlpna for tho establishment or a
oalony nro completed. -
An army officer, who wish!
namo kept secret, declared In
torvlew ycBterday that the led
of tho colony was of tho J
stragotlo importanco -to an ini
il id i-Aiii-cii-u, ns ib ine cassl
where thnt tho Japanese who
uh wio lurm win 00 ex-sol
Thy will bo In a position to tai
offensive on tho least notice, t
onlng the fort guarding tho eni
to tho Sound. Thoy can guldi
landing party, and are n raeni
the Btibmarlno dofenso becaui
nblllty to sovor tho wrcs by
tho explosives nro discharge
Home, Jan. 30. Tho Italian
ernmont hns been compelled
cronBe tho staff or pollco and Jti
ofllclalB In Sicily nnd the sob
provlncos lu consooicnco or tl
croaso or domoatlc crimes and
ration stilts. Tho Incrcuse Is
ii ted to the return of Italians!
tho United Stntea during the lad
months nnd tho discovery by
returnod Immigrants that
wives, sisters nnd daughters?
bean guilty of intrigues in tho
llelllngham, Wash , Jan 30i
neat White was Instant'v kill
Ulrrh hay yeotorday bj a h-tgel
tump that blow over rr I rrj
nun. w 11110 wna at c.tr cl
anl a sou of n pJono r 'jml
this county. HU mo b
irs. Otto Bought, came H rd
SS years ago.
WWt. at the tint- r.f fhe
dent, was IiuiiIIiik Hhing' lo'tl
hs drove along n road n
tierce gust of wind swecj -r lai
(no iay topplod over a n gl
stump Jitst as the sled ' nl of
was passing. Ills bod vs&s
some time Intor. crushed a ma
)oud recognltton.
i fit
San Franolteo. Jan 3' TbJ
kJil Promotion Assoc la n-j ha
wrTn ih board of supen.
of a ettrfow law prepa'
dorsod Uy the aaou
vide that minors un.l
10 years ahull be ).'
lukorlng, wandering
P'aylag la or about
piaeas. atreets. av
annaras or parks of r'
sccompaalod by part-n -
otbr person having ;
thm. Th time limit .
o'clock In th suainu ..
during th wlat.r I -'
Tout eh lid ran from g
school. Tk punbbni'
a a An not exeeedlh S
prtsaumpnt in tke iunr
perkKl not exceeding 3
V 01
Cliltw Prt-iwriiiK tor Wr
IVakln. Jan 3 -Tb rr IT1
Sl'llv lu ntlltlarv fin . '"
is rushing war ntunt! n '
whara thav will be n- aA l
the event that an attfa. ' '
iDMila IIia jnn.a rt i-'- I - t&
rltory. Troops are also t Z
In a quiet way to strag F