r - HRmHb gmmtmm il'ilttfB '.I m m DON'T BLAME HER DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1008 PpPpB DBHtJfi 4aEL-aaBlB 7 asMBBBBBBBBBBBBH iHPiiHBdffiH bB Vu Hli'iH 4tllllllHmIHIIHlllt THE CHURCHES j; " . . J J H I Iimlliil 1 I 1 r i i I i PI 'I I I J'l'Tl'f I I J IT f I" I fill n 1 f For e!jo cannot help it Women ore often cnwB, irritable, hysteric, nnd declare they aro driven to dtstrac tk)n at tho slightest provocation. Men cannot understand why thin should bo go. To thorn it is a mys tery because in nino times out of ten thlrt condition is caused by a nerious jcmimno (lorongotnont, A remedy is necessary which acta directly upon tho organs afllicted, re utoring n heal thy normal condition to Uhj fuminino system, which will quickly dispel allhystorical, norvous and Initablo conditions. Huch is LYD.A&PINKHAM'S VE6ETAILE COMPOUND Tho following loiter serves to IHWo lids fact. Mrs. Bfatlio Copcnhaver, 810 So. 21st fit., Parsons, ICans., writes s oriwo years i nuircrru Irom tho I lilted Kvnngcllcnl. The special meetings will con tinue throughout the coming week, cvity night at 7:30. Services (to morrow as usual. The nn&tor will nica'h both morning and evening II A Deck, pastor. flospci Chapel, Fifteenth and Mill stroota. Proach Ing at 10 30 a. tn. and 7:30 p. ro. Bunday school at 12 m. Praise sorv Ico at 0:30 p. m. Hlble study Tiues- day evening. Prayor rneotlng Friday ovening. Control CongreKntloinil. Rov. F. C. Hutlor will conduot conduct service at 11 a. m., and -the pastor, P. 8. Knight, at 7s30 p. m. Sunday pehool at 10 a. rn., Endoavor meeting at 0:30 p. in. Hlble study meeting Thursday erenlng. First ClirUtlnii. Services for Sunday will be as fol lows Hlblo school at 10 a. m., leaaon and communion at 10:30 a. in.; Apodal music at 10:30 a. rn.; Christian Endtnvor nt 0:30 p. m.; no evening service. V. C. T. U. Uov. F N. Neff will ononk nt the hall, cornor Commercial nnd Forry streets, Sr.indny at 4 p. m. Tho pub lic Is Invited. l'rcn 3ftluullNt. Itogtilnr Hunday service. Sundny school at 10 a. in. Proaohlng at 11 a. in. union meeting at salvation vBl 4W K fe. .aBBBM Av tVBBM HKaBBKXr As .the laundry business waxCd strong so have the methods of laundering become more and more refined. THE PHONE 25. ffho Kind You Have Always Bought, and illicit has been in. uso lor over u years, u uuluu mu di(,huu onu lias Dccnumuu uiiuuj: ui i;---z. fjonal snpcrvlslon sinco its infancy. - -- r r JLIAW Av jm . .. .-. ,7 - w-.j. All Counterfeits, Imitations ana"Just-ns-goou"nro uuo Experiments that trlflo "writh and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless snbstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Pnnucca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JBooifl the Signature of SALEM LAUNDRY CO. "The Laundry that Knows How" 13 C 8. LIBERTY ST. Has availed itself of all the mar velous changes in the process of laundry work, and today stands without a peer. K3SZ5S2QI TORRID ZONE FUNARCE Cz7y7eucM Chmukorii and Ghuroh strooti, Ilev. Dnrr O. 'Iki, rector. Third Bunday after Hplphnny. Usual norv lew ar 7:30 a. in. 11 a. in. and 7:30 Bunday school at 10 -a. in. workt forms of feminine ills, until IlArmv imil n fi i m nv s n itm lmot driven frantic Nothing I ',r .?. P' . Imt morphine would relic re me. LyUlo I "0wr iwr, u ur wuiquih. K. Plnkham'n Wgctnblo Compound St. Paul's. urougat mo Iirnitli nnd hnpptneM snd wade me n well womin." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydla K, Pink-' nniin ti'kuuiuiu luiiiiiuuiiu, lllliuo ' frnm IvvitM illll linrlia Ima ltnim (fin I'' '"' Btftiulanl romody for fotnalo ills, Mor"'"K Biihjoot, "Janus Christ the nd has jiositlvoly cured thousandaoi Manlfetatloa of Lov." All welcome women who have k'en troubled with at aN wirvlris. dtflplncpnieiitii, In Ilaininutlmi, ulcora-1" FirHt inHiiyfrlnii. !IiJu 51? S lMlm0,, FroKUlurltlou.l church street, near Chonuketa Mnodio pains, backache, that lioar- .- . ,,,,.. f4MlownfcHiWtllaluleu.V,lndK-,frwt' Kev: ,,onrj; T' ,n,"ncok' pnh tion,dlzzlncsH,ornorvoua prostration. 4or- M)rn,K wrvice at 10:30 a. in, "Why don't you try It V JPrwichiiiK by the pastor, thsmo, "The Mrs. lMnkliiim Invites all sick Chief End of tho Church." Annuil kT "I'A.r;. i Kl" tmuTa S ff nffw,n 'or 10 ' ' iMsalth. Address. Lynn. Mass. 'iionH Winuny soliool at 12 in. j union uiiriMian iJimoavor nt 3:JU p. ni. Senior Christian tindeavor at 0:30 p. m. IIvonliiK Mirvlc at 7:30 Mld-wiHik prater mtHitlnjr Tlmmlay Mld'wnk prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. in., mihjaot, "Balvatlon to tho Uttormost." Public cordially In- The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMl CINTAUH COUrtHI, TT MUIOr BTKCtT, NrW VOKH CITV. THE O. K. GROCERY ILL., . 1. If M-H Wort IiiMHts, Out of every llvo animals la tho nlmal kingdom fonir are Iniects, of which there am 300.000 upwolwi. In a huninu world of that sort for every glgnntlo main there would bn four vltod to all throe sorvlgee. pyKmleri and of the pygmlcii 200.000 distinct mct'S. Thtwe pygmlea would be mado up of n head, a mlddlo body ad a hind body, wioh of whloli would be oompeuHl of hard, shell llko rings, and becauso their bod Ion wore thus dlvldvd or Insoctod the)' Wight bo called InsectB. Their legs would grow out of either the mlddlo body of tho hind body. Thwy would breathe through helps In the middle body aud eat, drink. iw. tinell. with All kinds of apparatus mad for the purpose lu varlou and often widely eparatH parta of the body. If tome of t)u pygMiM were yung, weighed & wuu h4 aU llk a silk worm, they would In U'o moatlu de vour 46 tons of food. It Is seartety renmrViiblo, thai-eforo, what hUIUoha of grsMhomiem will dt to a wm-h-Hold or g)! mettM to aa appl or chant - e ' First Congregational. Cornor Uborty and Center streets, Pnviohlng Sunday morning nt 10:30 aad Bunday owning ad 7:30 by Rev. 11. II. Kennedy. Buaday school at 13 in. Y. P. ii. C. K at 0:30 p. ra. Prayer meeting Thuretlay evening at 7:30. All persons are cordially In vited and welcomed te thoe serv ices. o .. m Wtij Buffer Prom IUieunuititm7 Do you kaew Utat rkwm.tU (mIri cn be reJIsvedT f y dnbt thU just try e a(tpUlea of OaamtMr lala's Paia jiaiw, u wlij wak0 mt Bd s!m HwtUl, Am lRt twuia. Jy me&at a grwt deal to nay Mte af. fiietvd with rkeHaUm. Or ) Mr. W. C TttiMMi Uft om TV, day fur lsriknMj u rtslt ber imk ter. Mm Cly4e UtoMw. o- - ..' - . HVNHY MQTI1KH. It or sAni4 wwrrtHt aWen Ute Ut tie omm bv a esmga jr sold. It jmeuwoat-. taa MMeiklHg mst crlo. Ulbd'B Ueee4 gyn, will wire the iriM ai ami am hm veal ay smtkaUm. lr wU W all dragfW. .foKXfttMwhtijiBKM ftlfetpA . - ji ss""- - AWt& Nf ;."-"'..' u I. TEA We couldn't money-back tea, if our tea weren't bet ter than tea as you know it. Veer mih mmm rm Mr II ? l'l UU fcaUlwit' Urt. w hi bta w It Arc You Interested In Saving Your Money? Of course you are. That's why wo advertise. Wo carry ono of the best stocks of wagons and Implements In tho city, and it in to your Interest ns a inonoy-saver to call and sou our line no matter whether you buy or not, wo know that you know a bnrgaln when you sco It, and thnt you will bo sure to toll othors about thorn. Wo carry a complete lino of wagons, buggUs, farm Implomonts, all kinds of farm and mill machinery, paints, oIIb nnd varnlshos. First class blacksmlthlng nnd bono shooing also done. wo tako second-hand vehlolos and mnchlnory bb port paymont mi iii i uvw casn oruors, Keop your money at home by buying what you netd at homo, and at the samo tlmo see what you're getting. GEORGE B. JACOBS it,r. u, - . Salem, Or. inimniWinmimmiiii)nniimfcinnhtfclM The above cut represents out brick lined Torrid Zono Furnace. Guaranteed gas, smoko and dust proof. Economical and durable. A. L. FRASER 258 STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on heating T& V .2 I I VsVifififHk i xX . THAT SMILEfOFSDliLIGrlT Is on everybody's faco who hnn.t.i our holiday groceries, and It will not como on, oitnor, as long as you wt. ronlzQ us. Good groccilos and imn.i sorvlco is our object. Wo havo largo utock of etaplo and fancy goodi for you to select from. Try u w are geographically In tho center of tho city Wo wish to have you try us. A. A. ENGLEBART, Twelfth Street near Woolen Mill Phono 122. o- cW RUPTURE PuIMkhI ami vlgtirmn. all(lHeri bait f Hm. ta hl iW. Uie itrtit tar MiMeior r Hmml Mm to i a mt. "K bt out, mm ttutmuL." - - Use MMMNMOr. MlNl4l MM rMIBd Ik. . ltttor, "if i kT nUtu M mv v. tetf essar. The o4IUoa to wKkb I Wml refwresw w tm 0H iir !Mrary Moa-comkiuUuM wt c . t i is miiaM. uw tMimUH, i mtx at. of tH tikrtteM rsMc of mi wetuw U4oa tmum, tat proves t9ml lilimlly ky cahhiJam mt tkMi or4o fjew HmosJla M Mmomm wo wrrndy mmmki ieskU,. I fmr, la ti tmaiti oltMt of oossMk la a kewkjse mmMm uj isvy alts ki to !m: kt, vim. ui. POrie fllf, yoit tkntw Ikai . rtk b oor or III throw y Ma It bou. Is?- fcBW, srasssii . prafMr mia.1 l0 WSWtOJHsr BfcwklV. mmU k W-l L ftfM - ttt.Ujlw..- UHwnwi First Class Conveyances land Reliable Horses ou always gt at Yannke's We oaa give you any kind of a vohtcie that you deajreand a horse to hitch to it that Is gaatlo In harness. Horsw boarded. FASHION STABLES tf. W. YAN.VKK, IVop. 1U1.137 .V. High St. l'lione Slnln 44 TUB I1EST ItOAST TIIE FAMILY EVKR HAD Can bo obtained from our prim tender and Juicy beof, mutton or pork. All our meats aro selected from tho cholcost, and prepared for too table to suit the demands of th fastidious. Our prices aro lowor for quality than you can find at an placo la Salem, E. C. CROSS. rnone 201. no fltr a SMMUlia.TYyf,..,.,,-.--, w Gold DtBst Flotft I Md by TIIB BTDNXT POW X COMPANY, Wdaty, Oregon, Made for family ns. Ask yonr frecer for It. Bran aad starts always oa hand. WHITE I1RONZE SIONUMEliTS Novcr chip, crack tarnlsij, mos3 or corrode. Tho cly kind that new nocd cleaning, For tho truth of the abovo see them la all tho Salem aad many of tbo coon. t y ceraotorlei; socio of them nave boon tnorofo.' ?2 years. If you want tho verybdst at llrlng p:lctM. call on oraddiess 458 Mill St. Phono 12S4, Salem, 0.' T. B. WAIT. Bs I m jHal 1 A - I I U I P. B. Wallace ii AGENT S SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service annlv t nfN.- mus payable monthly in adrancs BOSTON BROWN BREADJFLGUR Of ail ul. Wh red li, ttaet a mrtti irasfisiait w 4temMi frwH kmlm, K J Jill be aow, m tte g jv itvpTunii oun, th MaiH !Mf. IVtltad, Ore. t V'OU KtfQW. rJi ,w V-,4W' " kUK tWC3 MMMkB 11.. -. . ST' 4wr W W ll. -"""' wsm aa k4ti. Is Seif-risliig. It makes Genuine Brown Bread, Toothsome Quick Biscuit, and a GLORIOUS BOILED PUDDING Sold by All Grocers UNDERTAKING AND iiwiiinii iiiHiMTOiMjjMfc. fc anPMtnsrCiSjry! C5y;b HH ( H 'N ONE OR MANY COLORS I M LARGEST FACILITTPo H iH IN THE WEST FOR B IB THr. PRODUCTION OfB H HIGH GRADE WORkH I B TIS Ai tow tSTIBK HODSCS I i KitkTf P v v H flsl Esl ai n asssjsiaaaHHaSBBMMMiXiKJE!ZjJMI ' 11J iff ' iJYtlil JsJlB iHsnflaaaMaaiiKKX?wEEvaRraV I "sssaWMMD I (New I lLllL1(rpHiPti( The management of the Cap ital City Laundry wishes to no tify Its patrons that it will be closed for ropalra and to la Stall new machinery until the first of tho ear. After tbo first of the year It will bo run un der tbo management of COMBS & HAINER The owners bolng the managerJ WHERE? my at JOHN HUGHES CO. For All Kinds of :imtA i .. .4.14, u , , 1.HST SHUVICE COnLHTH OUTFIT Only white harA .. hor Marloa and ad-' Uni I lewn.n Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets tj A r, Meiat ' Buy Pwri. cd bJTjV. ui owU. Uradki.h.. . -v . ii Hum-v Vimnid.. IV. j . . Mt. i ,-- -T ",H" "U0- Si.r '" -x """"W 4'Hlvl I nnmew mrorrc .. 2 "' ini'i: " l" "'W PEOPLE .. oautayi! i fc. Spray Material Lime, Sulpher, Blue VilrioIjEtc. PRICES TIIE LOWEST. THE AVENUE Creams, ices, cigara and coofM; lOna. Comftr nt Raranlnanth W3 Asylum avenua. n. u. Saier. P prietor. pHBES aUli'Ll r"f"ir"r"Wii OAfiVan'r .. jwiaiag eoeatltw, W. T. RIGDON I O. 0. P. Dldg 456 Court St. .7.. i ". U.TE1NI tomSSsSSSSSB . w -' - """'U I! IAJL I ii SoUk&kmkfDr.S.CSh SSMlan)PPBi issisaiMI lv i&x?zvl$L& i n va . . m. m m. v 1 T t-r ItlAMura vr sbst fctflM MMM w. 1. ....W. -