DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1008. i K TO vc-fcfaiawyi 1 'MHHilinHMiniMBHBHMi ladies' Waists kguk LaHti nn! Wool ShfrnVafeta going at clearing pnro. $4.50 SUk Waists now $2.05 $2.00 White Lawn Waists, slightly soiled, now 75(J Wool Waists HALF PRIOR Ladies' Dress Skirls AT CLEARANCE PRICES. Si.o.-, $2.50, $h.so mid 91.50. Ladies' Muslin Gowns VT CLKIHIXCK PRICES. 10c, (Ji)o mid ()Kc. Ladies' Shoes AT CLEARANCE PRICES. ,5i!!.KKS ,,0,v 91-65 9ni.au hhoes now cb oo V -' c Hose UOw "X 30 Hoe no.r ...;..25c AU.k,nds-co, IUle, plain' lisle and 1 TN $ w;:whf rhmsk F-t' W Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Underwear Stacks of Ladles' Under wear In winter weight. Somo nru Bllghtly soiled and sold less than cost. 85c Union Suits now 49 Vests and umwers 19, 25 and 35c .' i $ Clearing Sale Continued Prices nil over the store slaughtered. 29o Fancy Dres3 GoodB, pretty stylos, yard 15c 75 Fancy Wool Dress Goods, yard W)c All our Flno Black and Colored Dress Goods nt clearing prices Remnnnts of Dress Goods HALF PRICE. I Remnants of Dress and Walstlng Silks HALF PRICE. 75c Taffeta Silks, nil colors, yard 'ne C5c Velveteens, 'all colors, yard . . ., ...,20c 7o dark and light colored Outing Flannol, yard He 9c Whlto Outing Flannel, yard ...... ., . .CVic 75c Doublo Blankets pair c DeBevoiuVs Brosstero" Corset Waists for sale- hero AT CLEARING PRICES. They are beautlful. Co mo and got our prices. . mrmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmi ttTiTiTMBTj-MW The Store That m Clearing Sale 2000 yards of beautiful Torchon Laces, good 10c quality, clear Ing price, yard 5c 3000 -yards of beautiful Plat and EBcural Laces, good values for 15c, clearing prices, yard...Oc 8000 yadsof the- prettiest Needle work Embroideries that was over shown In Salem at clear Ing prices Lot 1 , yard Oc Lot 2, yard 12c Lot 3, yard 15c Thoso run from 4 to 18 Inches wide. ,$2000 worth of boautlful Snow Whlto Muslin Shirts, hand somely trimmed, clearing prices I)8c, 81.25, $1.!15 and 81.1!) Girls' Coats AT CLEARING PRICES $3.00 Coats now 81.50 $ 1.00 Coats now 82.50 $G.B0 Coats now $tf.75 $S.G0 Coats now 81.50 Corset Covers AT CLEARING PRICKS 25o Corst Covers slightly soiled, Cloarlng Price 15c Boautlful new Coraot Covers at 25c and 35c K I EBS)-m 1 Chicago Store SALEM, iifswl r Men's Suits AT CLEARING PRICES. $10.00 Suits now '. 80.00 $12.00 Suits now 87.00 $15.00 Suits now 80.50 Boy's Overcoats AT CLEARING PRICES. We novo a big stock of Boyi Overcoats wo will now soil them at cost and Ie&a Prices are from , $2.50 up Does the itmmm OREGON MILLINERY Ladies wanting lints now ore getting BARGAINS. $3.00 Trimmed lints no" ; Jpl.05 $5.00 Trimmed lints, now $2.50 if rw "Am' Boy's Suits AT CLEARING PRICES. Wo have too many Boys' Suits, wo have put prions on thorn that will sell thorn quick from 8L50 up CLEARING SALE The- goods iiiut go, wo want the room for our Spring Stock. $1.76 Fur Nack Scarfs, oltaring prices 85o $1.10 Black Morcerlzed Bateau Underskirt, . now Hf)c Ladles' 860 Lawn Shirt Waist, slightly iolltd, cloarlng sale prloo ,.10o Man's CJq Winter Undarwoar, olaarlng prloos :i()n Mqu' hoavy Bluo Overalls, dear Ing prloos ' HOc Ladlos' 39o Derby rlbbod whlto Underwoar, olearlng prlaes...25c Groat Bargains in Table LriK'ns Towels, Napkins, Whlto Red Spreads, Blankets, Comforts, Do- mcstlcs, Hosiery, Underwent and Notions. Business 1 1 ,a'' M B ' Ladies' Jackets $7.50 Jackotn now $1.50 13.00 Jackets now $5.00 $10.00 Jackets now $0.00 Others HALF PRICE. ooso. rrcwi ifefvr If' Llil ifti JIXV'PC'MN '11 II ft v'f $n&m 1 W'W W v&e& ' IHVa m v JnfI 1 j1Yi1m v I I 111 illl'lm iriJLI. til 1 1 III UBi X.J "-PLl $fi . Ladies' Coats AT CLEARING PRICKS. $8.90 Coats now $1.05 $15.00 Coats now $8.00 $18.00 Coats now $11.50 (oo Ladies' Suits AT CLEARING PRICES. $12.00 Suits now $7,50 $15.00 Suits now $8.00 $18.00 Suits now $11.50 Othors at HALF PRICE. Ladies' Muslin Underskirts Slfeitlr iffir 3g2X Sfflp AT CLEARING PRICES. 76c Skirts now tiOc $1.00 Skirts now 0o $1.39 Skirts now 08c $2.00 Skirts now $1.15 All handsomely trimmed. I tt-EARLVG PRICES. I