Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 21, 1908, Image 1

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    (Ik Doil
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NO. ttf.
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1 1 liiii f iwliKiIi 1 1
mmomAr ol lollnllnllnllrilrBinUniiniiniiril p?jC
Tesses Up and Tells A Straight Story
Members Of Council to Whom Was Referred the Mayor's
Message Endorse Policy Of PuWic Improvements
We concur In the suggestion re-
trdleg Jtcurlng a landscape gnrd-
terto plat cur public parks ami ai
t (bo suggestion in reign rd to the
iklog of Court street to Four
:wth street.
j "Id the matter 01 paving city
vNto we recommend the follow
"That Commercial street he pavo.l
;bj South Commercial street brldgo
Xwth Mill creek; State stroot to
imi stroot; Chemolteta stroot to
rr street; Center street to steel
ridge; South Twelfth street to mill
tre; ami Court street to Fifteenth
irwt, and the cross streets botwoen
'4te and Court stroot,
"We suggest that the streot com
jtuloner bo Instructed to propnro
Utei and ordinances concerning
e Improvemonts with ns little do
ty si poHlble. We also favor tho
Plng of Capital stroot to tho fair
"We recommend that the com-
mltteo on health nnd police bo In
structed to report and propnro ordl
nrtnes for tho protection or tho
health of tho city providing tho pres
ent ordinance Is Imporfeot, and thnt
tho. stroot commlsslonor, the health
ofllcor and the chief of tho fir de
partment be given police powor with
out compensation.
"Wd.pncnnimnii.l Mint .. .........
ami mtv oneinnnF i. .,w.i ,.,... Jm,KO Galloway throatens to tafto
dlltloa Shall alRo onnmrl.n thnt of . nwn-v from J,,UK McRrldo tho glory
street commlHBlonor. nn.i ti.nt ,Hno( bol"K lho '"O"1 PPlar divorce
lawyer In Oregon, lie has 30 casos
at this term of court.
lef.'ed that would not
look well in 1'hint and not
all true.
street commlHslonor, and thnt action
on this matter be taken at an oarly
I'UliniO crib.
Says She Met White Soon After She Returned FroM
Europ2and Told Thaw About It
"Wo rocommoml thnt nr,iinnnn.' . um u, x"y or Judge Mc-
20C, in so far as tho requirement con ' ,, V ,roRon Clty to tho motrov'
corning crosswnlka and street repairs ?l,94 "ftv081 ,,,m from lB""n!nloiis do
bo mniio nt ti.n .nn. -f i.....iw foftt H tho tribunal before whom
property ownors bo renonlod. I tho "nhn),)y morrlnROB are dissolved.
property ownors bo repealed.
"All of which wo respectfully sub
(United , Press Loasod Wire.)
Sn Francisco, Jan. 21. Charges
But tho first olectric carB pushed
Into Salem on tho day of Judge Gal
loway oponlng court nnd ns tho tend
to oxpedlto court procoedlngB, Mar
ion county may bocomo tho populnr
rosort for sottllng mctrlmonlal in
felicities. In Slovors vs. Slovers It Is charged
that ho has not lived with hor for
flvo yoars, nnd that ho got mad n
llttlo too onsy.
(Unttod Press Leased Wlro.)
San FranclBco, an. 21.-Propuni-tloni
for nnn nf Mm i. !..., n..i....
slnco the, opening of tho graft proso
cutlon nto bolng made today, in both
tho offlcus or District Attorney Lang
don and Abraham Ruef. In ho otllco
or tho fattor ovory effort Ib being
mndo to whip tho dofonso Into shnpo
so as to bo ablo to moot ihn nn-
r.lnughts or tho prosocutlon next
weok, when tho trial will undohut
odly open. Ituor personally took
chargo or hlrt nfralrs early this morn
ing, and, 'assisted by a largo corps
or clorks, spent tho ontlro day In
making arrangements ror )il ii.
fenHO. IttlQf rOfllSOil tn ntntn wlnm
ho had ongagod to dorond him. but
announced that when his caso shnil
como to trial ono or tho abloHt nttor-
( United Press Loased Wire.)
BoIbo, Idaho, Jan. 21. The Cnpl-
o,., ... t .!,- , ,... ..: ... ""w
vyiuuKiiuui vh. vruuKimni ib a pinin."- uw win roprosont nlm
icnBo or a child and desertion. lu dofonBe. in rognrd to what his
J In Davenport vs. "Davenport thero deronoo will bo ho kopt an absolute
(Unit ol Proea Leased Wire.)
New York, Jan. 21. District At
torney Jerome announced today that
he did not think It would be nocea-
Mary to keep Klvulyn Thnw under
crow-examination In the murder
trial or hor husband, llnrry Thaw,
longer than today. He thinks ho
may be ablo to finish tho examina
tion shortly after court reconvenoa
for tho afternoon soislon.
Thorp la no me difference of opinion
ns to whothor Jerome Is gaining an
advantage by IiIb latest trick, In In
ducing Attorney Llttloton to have
sonio of tho "revolting dotnlls" of
tho testimony ollmlnntod. Llttlohvi
agroed to this, but on crosB-oxnmlnn-tlon
Joromo Is bringing out ovory In
cident of tho first trlnl. Attorney
O'Rollly, of tho defoiiBO, declared
that unlosB unforsocn complications
not In tho dofonso will roat It? c.a&o
nt tho ond or fills weok.
Mrs. Evelyn Thaw resumed tho
stand at 10:15 o'clock this marntiirc
to bo further grlllod by District At
torney Joromo. As sho snttlod into
the chnlr sho smllod at hor husband,
who lookod much brlghtor than ho
did yesterday.
Tho prosecutor then Bought to
learn at tho beginning of tho
examination how long tho wlt
noas lived In 1'arln In 1003.
Thon ho followod hor innvumontn
through Buropo and bnck to thla
country. Tho wIUiohb ndmlttod sho
wroto to Stnnford Whlto whllo sho
wns in Boulogne, and saw him bov
oral days after alio roturnod to New
"And did you toll Thnw that you
wont to tho towor with Whtto soonj
artor you landod from ISuroiior'
nskod Joromo.
"What do you moan?,r replied tho
wltnoBs, sharply. "You aro trying to
create o wrong linnrosslon. 1 wan -
(Contlnuod on fourth pago.)
jIb a chargo or dlssortlon, cruelty, mis
conduct nnd minor children.
In Davis vs. Davis thoro aro ao-
l... T. . I
"h tesima8ter Arthur G. Flsk. I tal SUito Bank, a stato institution 'cnsntlonB of nhnso viniont inn
Wi If fairly Investigated, must .'failed to open Its doors this morning, Bage, bad temper and children.
fe rewUeU in the removal or not,co bolng posted that a tompor-1 Urgent vs. Largont Is a case in-
w tae summary dismlseol or ary aiBl)on8,on of payment was round i volvlng ohnrgos or cruolty and the
ka,,... , i nocossnry owing to recent hoavy cftso has been hanging firo for years,
--"" uwi i w wnn nf(irarrn.i
-- !..... v.. , u rni tn itmio riii. ,.nni. ,. n ,...i i
ponding good conduct,
-. we ioged with Postmaster- tal of $200,000 and a surplus of'nont by tho rrlondly offloos or the
M Meyer inula tatA m... . . . ,i. . -.--..
1,1 .. i "i "4 fuv,v ttuu ii surplus oi
M Meyer under date or May 1, $100,000, and the deposits at the
ifci k uuennienaent tlmo or Its last statement wore a
.!U; j, Pranclgoo post-' mtlo ovor a million. George D. El-
Can K t0 8try Pr,nted ,n 1,s u )r08jllont; J. C. Pence, vlce-
k, ' . . president, nud II. E. Neal, oashler.
f involving' nrnlln. ,. ... i... .. ...
I setiviti --... iu- ium iuii uoise a low uays ago lor ,,u wiiuuiou urnvai m a uaoy na
w. i wrlbU to aliegod Portland, owing to a breakdown In hoaled up all differences ror present
from th nuitnfll ,u. . i ... . I -.. i-.. ...... ...
family minister.
Sottlod is written across the
docket in the case or Hampton va.
Hampton. Thoro woro somo florce
ohargos and counter-charges, but
tho oxpootod arrival or a baby ha
Mrs. Steinboru will bo given a dl
vorco ror tho simple reason that
Chris is serving a torm In the pen
will bo bowled out without Here
in ony.
Schmidt v. Schmidt happened In
Ls!ILthe potofllce Pnrt-( health, brought on presumably over
il3!! f know,etlgo or a worry booauso or-tho bank's condl
j" mrtVi contract said to bo II- tion.
llMultU,ton B,VB 0 fnvor,to Befor tho financial trouble bogan
nrtaJr. ,ngS Jn private the bank's savings deposits amounted
VT!L dwnt or the to $1,260,000, but in spite or the
7' P,ynRt or Ineanacltatod rt ti,n i,n. mnnAn m.,.
Ma. m-,m . . .k ...u UUUUL ivv,uvu lit uuduivi I I - ' -"
lws- d a of CIvU SOr' chocks wero issued, tho deposit do- Minnesota In 190C. To her great
kwrlt.r0,a?UOa of ,B0O,ni)e-! oroased $200,000 in the monthg or snrprlso Immediately artor the oere-
bvmimV Bs,wt of TIjo deciaieu to closo tho doors wau
far Md fH,,Mr0 ,0 reuohed at a meeting or the dlreotora
--1- ' " irem pos laat night.
l"'aottt tae country
Z1 the local employe
dUacter of April. 190C.
'klllfllllv nl.u.k.U.i .
of l. K """"" "M Pnt several days examining " w i""" "
ine poatoflic de- into tho condition or the Capital 8lr l P8 as a second Coxy sjut-l
sllonco. However, It Is rumored that
during tho coming trial Ruof will
mnke public tho rosult or tho many
conferencofl held botwoen hlmsolf,
and tho district attorney's o,!loo.
Ever slnco Ruor plondod culltv in
tho oxtortion chargo ho had main-
tainod a dlsoroot silonco. but from
ono close to the ox-boss It wns
loarnod today thnt In coming to trlnl
bo will throw discretion to tho winds
and chance all upon tho vordlct or
the Jury,
District Attornoy Langdon rofusoi!
thla morning to disewsa ony phaso or
tho coming trial. Whon asked if the
prosecution expected to bring Ruor
to -trial on all the trolley Indictments
against him, ho repllod that at pres
ent ho would have nothing to say up-
Washington, 21. Sonator Till
man Is on tho warpath with his fa
mous pitchfork, becauae or the at-
(Unltod Proas Leased Wire.)
Washington, Jan. 21. Thoro can
be no further doubt as to tho opinion
tornoy-genornl's statomont that he army authorities entertain conoorn-
wiu suiponu uie oporation of that lug tho canteen quostlon.
portion of tho railroad rate law, j In his nnnunl roport as ohlor of
which requires railroads to cease an Just submitted, General J,
carrying coal or other minerals pro- Franklin Bell sava
ducoil from inlnea which they own "Regular and Bnoaim rnnnn. mni..
after May 1, tills yonr. , up from time to time oainbiiih ttm
"I propoaa to Introduce a resolu- fact that tlm nrmv frm.i tw. iv.-.i.
tlnn." fliMilnratl Rannlnv 'Plllioox .'aui i . .. ..
"" ...,.. -..vw. ........... w-.in.nn ni, i jiraoucany ititanimouK in
day. "Inquiring Into tho right of tho !u desire to hnvo tho canteen ro-attorney-genoral
or any other oflloer , established. Even many offloara wht
of tho government to suapend the are opposed to tho uso of Intoxicant
ror an unmontionablo offense. H0'on tb wattor. Upon what partlou
oporation or tho direct demands or a
law by oongroas. My resolution will
Inquire Into the authority by which
the attorney-general has entered In
to such an agreement with the coal
lar Indlctmont ho Intends to nlaoe r0fl(1- In connection with Jt I shall
'Continued on second pace.)
Walter IB. Bruce, an expert ac
countant, made the following state-
niAn f .
l ' n i. .
t -. ..-i . , ii.. uninan. wnom tue nailae uv !-
No Holnxts lii Chicago.
(United Preai Iaaad Wire.)
OliJeago, Jan. 21. Dr. Ben
Ruef uion trial ho declared thnt It
would be Impoeelble to state at thla
T Prea, Uaacd Wire.)
22XT' iM- Sl-A rn,ark"
rj"' dtmooatratloa took
J; tay when Champ
J ' Republican leader.
JWMI. PNrMi to tagk fQr
M ifte coerte or the new Mis
fErC'; t0d maklng the.pre
J UU rl WlM 80 Ro,,ub"
re Clark declared that
"" win nominate Bryan
"". d that Missouri will
I..01 r him. The Ifemn.
J" w,Wly. but when this had
No Mom Chvaii K.tiii-)!oii,
Chicago, Ja. 21. The central
Pasier aseoclatlon road here
have notified their Weetem ami
j Southwestern egunectlons that they
win not join them In arrangements
for the home-aeekers' excursions ror
180S. The last excursion or the kimi
with which they will hare anytltlne
to do win be tbat or February 18, ar
Rtntn Tlanlr nf I.1nVi at Aim As.iAf? Ilia nntiiAMml mIah.i .a a t. t !
or tho directors, and I give it as my was today notified by the chief uf ilr 'lch the Con t raj roada will go
firm opinion that the bank is solvent, police that any attempt to hold a ,t ot tb bomo-aeekora' bueinaaa.
and that assets are sunlclont to pay , maea meeting or hoboes, Socialists, ) The wesson aafllgned' la a coinpll
tho depositors evory dollar that s anarchists and other Idlers under the ci system or rates which the
due them." banner or "unemployed" on the Jake "ssiern and Southwestern roada
Tho failure or the Capital State front next Sunday will not bo toler- bT ubmitted as haelag rates.
Bank has had no 111 effects on the ated, and If the order la disobeyed
other Boise basks this morning. (the "unemployed" would discover
what the mountod police could do In
s eh emergencies. It was learned
that tho occasion was to be seized
Kaiser Wore a Mask,
(United Prase T.anMd Wire.)
( ., ,
Kiel, Jan. 21. Society circles re- PPn by anarchists, Sooiallsts and
calved n. aiuldon Khnck Inst nluht. othor nrofaselonal nrasnhprs nt .n-
when the Kaiser, in disguise, walked , content to air their views. Many of
into tho home nf his son. Prlnoe AI. tho "unomnloved" fled from tha m,i.
. . i -
bort, where a masquerade ball was nioipal lodging houses and 8alvation
AdkiiiH In mi H,.iP.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Portland. Or., Jan. 21. J. W. II.
Adkiss, a larmsr living near Porest
Qrove. Oregon, has discovered that
he in the heir of one-rourth or tho
estate or Millionaire John Severs, or
Rlohmond, Mo. Adklns la now in
Richmond sottllng up tho affairs of,
tako tho opportunity to submit a few
pertinent remarks."
- o ...
Young DtNpmidot,
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. SI. Alex
ander A. Thornley, Moxlean vies
consul and secretary of the Crososat
Coal Compaay, was shot down by a
youthful bandit at 0:25 o'clock last
night. The boys fled as soon as the
shot was fired. Thornley was climb
ing the winding stairs leading to C
street from the water front, when he
was confronted by two youths, one
or whom placed a pistol close to his
face and flrod. The bullet entered
the cheek soar tho chin, passed
around tho neck and lodged ajcalnat
the spinal cord, causing paralysis of
one arm. He was taken o a hospi-
tal whore tho bullet was removed.
rtanze mat drinking cannot bi
stopped, and thnt tho salo or beor at
a post would bo a lessor ovli. I am
satisfied that the abolition of tho
canteen has resulted In an injury ta
the service."
Harry MInto seems to bo playing a
solo game lor sheriff. So far no one
Iso has been mehtlonod.
ReBshiin t ; , . i,n Prross- Untn wMnlght. when.army barracks when they were or- the estate. While Adklns lnherit-
that i rJ0 th0 Ka,8dr tnrw a8,d0 h,a masque. I dared to take a bath, .and to do a anoo comes to him in a perfectly rog-
'rttrauaa !ie ? Demo- tho dancers did not know that the day's work on the streets In return ujar manner, It was a great eurprlso.
-. m u- uciiuuu niiiur whs iu Liieir iiiici&i. i iif w, tivu. ilfukiiik uiiii pininini rn. iii .a hn haha. ... . is
- " " " " W aujJJJUSUU III) woum
Kaiser remained until sunrise , three days receive anything from Severs.
For county Judge Orovor Simmons.
a woll-to-do farmer, road builder nnd
-""- iziiiiuiiu sins l'iiiviih uninn inn iiiiaifhi
,"",, rrn' i",M.onvr- "' . . . .
Su-IMjI tin; Old (Jlrl't Llotlmx.
(United Press Uated Wire.)
Portland, Jan. 21. Tho lienia of
JIn Douglas, graudson of tho lata
r Jamos Douglas, the first governor
of British Columbia, was raided by
two burglars Sunday night and
Jewels, heirlooms, cath aud Parisian
gowns to the value or $4000 were
stolon. A small safe, which con
tained a consider!! sum of money
and more Jewelry, was charged with
nitro-glyaerlne, and was about to bet
expiodod when the two men wore
frights-nod off by the arrival or tho
Chinese oook. fltorly the next morn
ing the burglars. Mippouodly the
same two men, again attempted to
enter the house, but Douglas awokei
in time to drlvo them off.
The thieves secured in tholr foot
tho court sword belonging to Sir
James Doouglas. which was rloblr
Jowolod and highly valued. Thoy al
so took Jowelry amounting to $1000.
Among tho gowns which tho thieves
ell Prairlo noar Sllvorton, has been
George Hoyt, or Jefferson, is
talked of somo for county commis
sioner. The place belongs to the
Douglas whon nho wns presented nt
the court of Quoen Victoria. It wa
valued at $900. Cash amounting to
$170 is missing. Tho Douglas fam
ily rocontly arrived hero from Lon-