&v DATLT CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALBM. OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1008 mMi Unequaled Buying Opportunities Greatest Assortment of up-to-date and dependable merchandise of the highest quality which constite this Great stock presents buying opportunities that ace unequalled for values and moneysaving chances. During this sale a ma i ww AeneemMmaMaaaSn- MMgffww""iwwwlwMW'?ww-' ' . . i aMMlffMBBBMHMHHHHi EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE gA55S AT LESS PRICE Great Clearance of Women's Suits, Coats, Furs, Waists, Skirts and Wraps Bencatlonal OlSftrnnos 8ftl of our ntlr mntohla BhowliiB of Women', M1W and CliHdraA'fl pini'l t Moving Snlt Prlaw. Un rcfMtrtota lao from tit larftst una btot Holoil took In tk WIN lamotto volloy. HmnarcUi of dormant biOni hnv boon eagrly awaiting thin nnniml uvtirt. Tho time when nil outer npnarel iioqhIh oan bu suppllod nt a bid navlng. Tho shrowd buysr will rucoisnUe nt o glr.noa tho su periority of our nMortniontM, stylo ami vnluos. Whntover your needs Ik, llngrlo, tnllorud or ovou waists, tnll-orc-ij buIU, wnlklng or drew skirts ovonlng or Rtorm wraps, furs or silk petticoats -It onn bo purchniol htro nt tho lowest prlctj that will bo quoted thin sonson, WOOL WAI8TH DUliH HKlllTrt WOMIJN'H l'UHH WOMIIN'8 HU1TS LINdllltlK WAIHTH anumiiVB nmwHiw RAIN COATH MIHHHH HU1TS WOMHN'H tX)ATH WAIiKINO KICIRTN KILK l'l.TTICOATH t'llll.nitHN'S COATS LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS FOR FEBRUARY NOW READY Our annual sweep, No room to keep, You! -the benefit may reap! rx7m&& S7E A 5- yjyt-mU Dress Goods Knit Underwear MovlnT'salo .1.1c Womm'8 Kn,t V"' cons'Ht- 7Uo values, '" ot vost8 anA l,nnt, lo"B MovIiik Salo flOc sloevos, nnklo lengths; natural $1.00 values, , ,. rt , i r i Moving Salo m Bry C0'r; ,,no ftnUh ReB",ar $1.2K vnluos, 11.00 vnluo, JKr Moving Snlo Hie spsclul DC $l.liO valuer, - Moving Salo $1.00 $2.00 value, Saxony Yarn and SpanMi Moss ... V,n? 8a' I",U worth up to lSo skein, Moving Sale 81.(17 Entire Stock of Men's and Boy's Fine Clothing at Money Saving Prices Sweeping reductions on our entire stock of Men's and Young Man's Fine Suits and Overcoats. Every garment In our Immonse stock Included. Men's ready-to-wear uppearol in all stylos, materials and grade at the lowest prices of tho onr. Moving Sale Prices Wednesday Only WKDNKSDAY SI'KCIAT NO. .108. For Wednesday, January 22, wo offer a special that comos at Just tho right time Just whon you nod tho matorlufs Wo offor Outing Flannel A grand bargain at 7 V6c yard; comes In light, medium and dark ihados; In stripes, plaid and chocks; nono Bold until S 30 Wodnosdny a. m. 5c Hosiery 7 In e&, xti. llleueAA 6 QionA Hoslory bargains worth invostlgat Ing; all aro of tho bost mnk manorial and finish 50c ombroldored Black Hose In full ranga of sizes G5c and 75c ombroldorod Hebo, Moving Sale 39c Black 48c Cleanup on Footwear Broken lines of men's and wom en's high grado shoe at groatly reduced prices $3.00 and $3.50 kid patont and deml-brlght shots for womon's wear. . :$2.29 NEWEST GOODS BEST QUALITY $3 no famous PIngroo made shoes fr women, ro-nd-j Justmeot sale. ..... J I J $3.50 vnluos In men's shoos In a flno vnrloty; snlorv -,w price vpw.Uj 25c shoo polish; sold ovorywhoro nt tho uniform price, 25c, ro-adjustmont salo I DC Fancy Shirts Groat bargains In Men's Fancy Shirts (first floor). $1.25 vnluos, Moving Salo. . . . $1.50 vnluos, Moving Salo.. . . $2.50 vnluos, Moving Salo. . . . ....78c ...75c $1.55 Bath Robes $6,00 valuoe, Moving Salo. . . ., . !p 3 Jv $6.00 vnluos, a aa Moving Salo H-.lfU $7.50 values, Moving Snlo, vv,p s.oo ' M IIIIIIHIHIH1HIIIIIIH I! CITY NEWS I i - - . ! A CVUrilua of lniKtrtMnt l'r ! uriptM for Your (Xmtltkration ! ! IMIIMHIIIIItlllHHil WmttttTk Otwfcloiuil mlu toalcht ami Tim, tiny. Cblitiot MU lliiuutsti (if Uc At tko TW41 HtHfMwb Taffy. lUrxt (tub Mtt, , Ther wltt bt H (? ft Ul lew Hlf4 MlNty CH at IK )IWff f aut AH tetrMM ateMW h KM tiMt. WwtkNi 1 mcT aim) coo4 Tim I. M. &,- Wkm v. mm m MytltUkg etitMl q Uio wy f gig erpMUMUM. th .pukun ot o IaHm Msk KM md tfatt vaj fur t, muiImt ol tk ' wri out." tfrfc Ui ft elMi fev . rHtl) forwM) a !, Ko M Tfc I. M. V 8." AHi.fth Um mmhUmm Ji MW JlV ' MKiny ui, r, uK ut the i on hHptsI utfiull wan urukeu mid eatfii by mat. The lamp iu e)iotn ti mm of S wns oUlet lili.n. who wjlnlHil that the ljrn.r wr uokm! when lie wg a u) Th bo4y of tk Uwp rfW Ulw km oil enit wHh a afcwt WTHlgkt tHlM aimavl at tba toy. Tota roiw hniMiii m w t)IM wltk otl Into wkek wm hIhm.) a .! wk. A fur iMttaktag tka lawi foviul t. nwlay i)m wo 'Tnuk" wra tntrM4i on a eor Ut, wklck rlvtti Ui U MMi. . .1.. .. I'lIU' I i int. rniia ui n mo who use Wild Ho Flour It Is made here h home Try a ck and b convlncwl l) You Kiumv Tkat rlgkt ktr at kow Is m ( tke bt mm markets wi U IaItle ? SwwOMf arm turnUk aigr tkUg yo wnnt im waU, at tk right HHet. lkowlSl. 'TWO ROBBERIES SUNDAY NI6HT U'l It y Milel Miaat W all doctor bill, but Ma iiv a god ekarc of tke. One two-skll- ,,, h... i" -"" -" "' miy B9mUlof Tliwi nut ua iiiilllUllllllllHiniii t 1uIb til - .v i. .. ... It t- "TO"- Mt m i lCKT BUM kw. tor M. UiwifniM it it Um oth mi t (nmhtk j wtu 6k wm -I PHOENIX f SPRAY 11" Alutkii QiiMrta Ut. u. w. itm, i urn kM a Am Mm !!, MMt from AlMfct kjr kto MrtMr. O. B. Bol.. i lrU4. m H w t Alk on Mr MUM. TlK. MW0 INI will MM MmiM U.M a im, ut4 U Ud MM Mu 7 Ukett mi at iw- Tk rti m ran mm nous M Ike toa Tkat AiitiM. -j .i IT J TkU u tl0 iruni a4 mm I akrav on h nirk( witkotU t aiy cpiutt W kin U. t J aklpftMNU cotulac 4 om NMk Hi Tr low prtc for Im aUto Mtlvery EMy UtHk Mjrk4l wltk ik atrwttk ul (IMfMIIMd t tMt at to SO kr et. pim your mmm ow. Tk rreldrnre of A. J Dayton, at 111 Cottage strtet, was robbed Sun toy nlgkt, the tkkvM souring a Bttrie uit $7 1q money. Tky eater ej wkil tke family wa at ckurck by tudocklng tke froat door. A aelek. r saw two suenlrloua ekar a er kaagtog about earlier in tk rnlag. lloliliiti Suiuluy Ktiilng. K A Uag. a reeldeat of Moralag tW aldUUu. was held ud bv iwn , mrn Sunday evraiag at tk corner of i. I rakki iM.v.l. a . t;v"""""1i tt rerry streets. Tke I tkllna hM i.v..'a. .- wi. i . Tj while thty ot tkrougk kls pockeu. tjThr) overlooked a $10 kill ke kad is one iHket. and dMUtted to uke a sold watch he carried. After going trough Uag pockets thy let klm go. tky rvtHirt tamtdM Uwea. Tk tkame. i. u. tk. r... Mtvltam. ar kekt at Ue kMjee of Ot kMM 1 mtlM onk al tk. 1 .To. " . " ." ,MWM ( w l tk e ywre la Ot Ik HMMt MIHUw MgWMllMlBlM 1 tk tew kltkk. Att Iwiwrtftin DMJnctlon. li't k afraid" W ike ataj. ea tk fwat t, Uat dog UU iTaagora. dwieg Mike j d Mi a j. AHrtt! Udt ka vtakl iiVu 8t a you. rt-fer t klm as a dUtrkt Irvik' bet- !!. fe. WM w Wa mt m a vtalt. but Me to Hr t tke Kbrtk .)., tke Srat of )knr- . . v L. - ---.. .w ii ni hmm Mr. Jum ka to make a 1. WIN trip varktitd wlta j.. . till itm te ituatax) i iii f m umaar ua. r Mii. Ami blaj .i... KM4 eompWloa. !- vs.- lc topaaleatku or as aa -',,.7? v Ub VawU -W'Mklagtoa Star ",,,Mr,' ,' good blood AH r rugjuts wij ,t f r J5 WB, SPRAY PUMPS We kandle tke Ooakl list of pump. ad ih.re i aoae bet ter made Cum la ad mw iMr are auui. ami tk material tkey ar mad of If jo N looking for a pump ym certain); vUli kv a U5MIW. ID. A. WHITE ji & SONS ;! Local Jgts. Salem, Or. :: illM44W444tVHi EVELYN TEILS Of HER DESCENT OF LADDER roatiaud from pag om) mxi aw Wkiu I a koaae oa Twm-ty-furth et-eet. ' NN klie I was taiktog akoait ktt, Harry pacod tke ioor. pUg kls Ualr. wrlagtag ku y finger nails aad sokkdnr- m t wltneea "He told m It wa an an fortunate ocrnrreuo, mi tka aakaj m if 1 had told aayon. I told klm I kad not up to tkat Um. U said tke atory made no dlffMnc In hi feeltags toward nw, tkat 1 was not to blame " Tke wltncot toatlMd tkat Thw tii urged her to marry klm. tkat If she refused it would ruin his wkole 'ife Sh, dec.arrd tkat Tkaw ap- IHa ed Tcs b ha f crarM whiTA m. ' , ., MVV Uf tiiMlng the subject, and would In ariably end the dlsculon by do clarlng that White had ruined his life as well as hers. It was obarveU during her ecltal that tke story Evelyn Thaw is toll ing today is not so elaborate as the one she told during the first trial. Many ot tk harrowing incidents she described bfor have be n eliminat ed, and her appearance on the stand has lost tk rkamatic effect it pro duced at the former hearing. CALIFORNIA A RECORD BREAKER (Unttod Pres Leased Wire.) Snn Franeiaeo. .la 9 a tu cruUer California steamed Into port ystrdav ai l enii nt .. wl cruii. Tk California ka more i mm kb 40 kr oontract stlpula- I" rry way has oarned kr tltl of -Tk Prtd of the Pacific SuMdron." Sm cut tk wavo as far up the Mat as Caw Btan, Orgon, thon Ployed around ad flaw hack to her home port tuU of honors. Tm contmc UId for a sptl of IS kMta par kottr for a continued tonr-kour run. under forMd draught, A tke had tkis avorag and a good fmctlOB over. Mk of tk IS guns of her mala fcs-etory kad koan flrA.i thnu i,. k aunt, stount and hattrls' ham ,1 imhi'm pericot. Th OaUfomla U tk first cruiser X hor dans to make good on kr trial trip, 0 To Cut Out tho Dope, rnned Pre Leasod Wire ) f ' - vas. uaK Tso Fal and 60 Chlnow residents are ii STARR PIANO !! HIGH CLASS GOODS !! GFCI C Will 'lIHIIHIMMMHimglH Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, IUsldent Ageot Ofllco with "Win. Brown & Co., No. 29 Commercial street MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bunh's Bank, Salem, Of Mi I NEW TODAY J For Sale Several houses In Salem, and farm 'ands at a bargain. Cap Ital National Bank. 6-1-wd- Auditorium Holler Itink. Morning, afternoon and cvW sosslons. Tlie Kllnger Grnnd. Tho A'nmlette. Movlne nlntnrps nnri Illustrated songs, evarv afternoon and eveaW axoept Sunday and Monday "" noons. - o members of an association fornw hex to make war on opium ulag I Hawaii, according to tho edict of ti ompross, which has had tremendo91 results In suppressing tho habit a1 traffic within tho empire. It Is mated that there are 5000 users opium among the 25,000 Chin & tho territory. In a systematic investigation w tko opium dens of Honolulu "' Kv ln lftH C -V.u ft M..alAtf ATI- " "j io jiiu oau win a"v" the organization is named, cere1 whites, including one woman, " discovered among the addicted