a I loumal SS3 rot xviii. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY,, JANUARY 20, 1008. NO. 18. vmemwmmmmMmmms&w IRST OREGON ELECTRIC CAR Ivelyn Thaw Tells Of Her Relations With White FRENCHMAN WHO HAS ANOTHER GUESS COMING ells What Will Happen When Japan Lands 100,000 Soldiers in CaliforniaBut Does Not Land Tliem (Uotted Prss Leased Wire.) Ne York, Jan. 20. Aloxnndor hr, eminent Fronch Journal Ut nnd ,rdgn editor of "Le Potlto Journal," Mch has a dally circulation of 1, W.000, declnros that a wnr between 1,4 United States and Japan 1b in rdible. Ho said: War betweon the Unltod States 1:4 Japan is Inevitable. I do not :flfno one knows when It will mt, but It cannot bo averted. In j opinion It will not bo long do- jri. "Of course, tho United States ld win after a time, but It would the greatest struggle this country w had. You see, America cannot sepire for war. The minute prora tions were begun, that mlnuto i ' ii thoro would bo wnr. Japan would not wait. If Japan should land an army of 80,000 or 100,000 trained soldiers, votorans of the Russian war, In California, It would tnko tho Unltod States perhaps flvo yoars to drive thorn out. They would fortify thomsolvos so that It would cost thousands of lives to overcome them." M. Ulnr returned from Washington today, whero ho hnd a long confer onco with Presldont Roosevelt. JAPS ARE 'PREACHER WATCHING WALKER ROASTS COURTS KEEP HIM IN SIGHT lloinzo Arrested. New York, Jan. 20. F. Augustus Holnze, accused of over-certifying cheeks, will bo tried January 27. The mnttor came up this morning, but want postponed to that day. CHICAGO ST0E PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Clearing Sale A Money-Making Harvest for Bargain Hunters TIllNK he has papers in his POSKSSION THEY WOULD LIKE TO SEE, AND SO WATCH HIM EVERY MOMENT OP THE DAY. WBJIRR OFI'KIUNG GREATER RARGAINS THAN GOODS NOW ON SALE AT COST AND LESS THAN COST, MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SWUNG PURCHASES. 3U11 PIUCRS FOR RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. 1MM yard of embroidery ' et Ml. They are a spot cash ' dlrwt from the import- td ve Uto best vslwes In Sa lt, I, a yard ,,Oc S.yard , .12c . a yard 15c f Wth art from 4 to IS . They are a fine pro- of artistie needlework. JJJ6r4i of 7e Diirk and Light "WdOatlng Flannels, yard. .3c , p-lce or Fine Dress" W Silks. f4 of ertiele all over at clearing prices. J8' OoU. Ladles' SuRa, La m 4 Misses' Coats, Milliner, Petticoats, Clothing for Md By, Blankets, Com ".Hoalcry Uaderwoar and D MMs. H Stliu' w $8.50 75 " W $11.50 04U,BOW $000 'r Cte. sow 90.50 iaMK than cost Qn all and slu. EVER. THEY SEE (Unltod Press Leased WIro.) San Francisco, Jan. 20. JnpnnoHO spies have been dogging tho move montK of Lloutcnant James II. Walk op, all tho way from Japan to Ameri ca. Right hero In San Francisco, dur ing his brief stay before his depar ture for the East, this American offi cer has been xnado tho victim of Jap anese esptonago. Little brown men took nip tho scent the moment the ofllcor Btoppod outsido of his hotel and never flag ged In their watchfulness .through the streets, and at last ovon to tho rail road station from which ho departed for Washington. In tho Far East, too, notably In tho Choo Foo nnd at other Chlnoso ports whero Japanoso spies nbound, this American naval officer, in the porformanco of his official duty, has beon followed about, trailed and spied upon. Lieutenant Walker was known to bo in possession of certain Informa tion concerning Jnpan's latest prepa rations for tho possible coming war that all Japan is talking about, and ho was also known to boar with him a socrot offloial report of .Japan'i part In stirring up tho rocent antl- Amerlcan fooling in Japan. This is a report which cortnln high military and naval officers of tho Japanese war offioo would give a grunt deal to see. IN SGHMITZ GASE MINISTER DENOUNCES APPEL LATE COURT FOR ITS DECISION SAYS C'ALIFORNA HAS SUR VIVED OTHER THINGS AND WILL SURVIVE EVEN THE AP PELLATE COURT. (UniteJ Press Leased Wire.) Alameda, Cal., Jan. 20. Before his congregation In the First Chris tian, church last night Rev. P. C. MncFarland unmercifully denounced tho nppollnte court for its decision in tho Bchmltz case. A moro blttor de nunciation from tho pulpit has sel dom beon heard. In par(, ho said: "Soidom In tho .history of criminal Jurisprudence has a decision boon rondored thnt so shocked tho sonsl bilitlo of thoso who hopo for better things. Tho decision Intorests every man who 1b conccrnod for righteous government, becauso into this enso enter many of tho olomonts round which tho graft systom pivots. "A decision which londa hopo to orlminnlo and puts a millstone about tho neck of civic vlrtuo must bo bnd, Bocbubo it Is bad, it cannot survivo. Justice Hall, Justice Cooper and Jus- tioo Kerrigan hnvo won for thorn- solves a placo in history. Wo shall romomber thorn as wo rornombor tho earthquake and flro and tho bubonic plague. And as we havo survived all thoso wo shall, doubtloss, survivo thorn and tholr decision," EVELYN TELLS OF HER DESCENT OF THE LADDER How Site Got Into the Spider's Web-anil Of tfie Matters That Led Up To the Killing Of the Spider WILL TRY FOR THEN0RTH POLE The Store That Does the Bssiiess Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 20. Cap tain R. Aold Amundson, tho dlscover- i tor of the Northwest passage, today announced that ho would head an ox- partition which will In 1910 try for !the North Polo. Added intorost will , bo attached to the expedition by the j Americans from tho faot that Captain Amundson will make his start on tho perilous trip from San Francisco, and will then proceed through the Dehor- ing straits. I "Yes, I shall make an attempt to 'reach tho north polo In a trip which I Bhal undertake In 1910," said Cap tain Amundsen. "I shall start on my trip from San Franolsco, and will go through theBehring straits. Tho nature of tho trip will be tho same as Nansen's, in that we will use ships and dogs. I will probably re ceive some aid from private partloa, and, together with my own funds, I do not expeot to have any trouble financially." t "What do I think of the proposed Wellman expedition?" "I do not think there is one chance In a thousand of his reaching the, polo by tho balloon route. The at mospheric conditions in thai region are such as to make such an expedi tion almost impossible " WANTS SHORT pa ah rn DFW rui Now York, an. 20. Evolyn Thaw was recalled to tho stand this morn ing when tho trlnl of Harry Thaw was rotumod. She will complcto her story before other wltnoseos nro callod. Juotico Dowllng dually con sented to the admission of roportors to tho court room whilo tho defend ant's wlfo rolutos her relationship with Stanford White. As soon as Evelyn wns called to tho stand by tho dofenso DltUrlct At tornoy Joromo ronowed his motion to hnvo tho public excluded during tho tlmo she gnvo her testimony. Af tor giving hl ronsons, Justlco Dowl lng denied tho motion, nnd Attorney Littleton plunged into the oxn ml na tion of witness rclntivo to an inter view with Harry Thaw In Paris. In which oho confessed that shocbuM not marry i naw uocause or ine- n logod wrongs dona hor nt tho hands of White. Joromo objected when bo wns nskod to ropoat tho conversation. Littleton contonded thnt tho story was matorial to the dofonsc. Tho court finally allowed Evolyn Thaw to procood. This was a swooping vic tory for tho dofonse. Tho story of hor rolntlons with . Whlto Is a ropotltlon of tho one sho rolfttod at tho II rat trial, Sho said alio first; mot tho nrohltoot wlion ho wn introduced to him by a ptvty of glrln. Later alio mot him aovornl tlmo. Ings, as sho did at tho flmt trial. Af tor that thoy took a rldo through tho park. Then tho wltnosB told tho story oC hor posing In n Two nty-t bird streot gnllory for pictures. On tho follow ing night sho nccoptcd another Invi tation from Whlto to nit end a dln nor pnrty in tho towor. When sho nrrlvod Whlto was cilono, although tho tablo was sot for four, Evolyn tostlflod thnt Whlto sug gested thnt beforo thoy sit down at tho tablo ho show hor tho rest of hi! npartmonts. Sho nccompanlcd htm to tho mirror room, and whon thoy ronchrd tho bedroom Whlto Inalstod Hint Hho drink a glnis of wlno. She drank a little of It, according to Ivor testimony, and Immediately loHt con SQlousness. When sho rognlned her1 houbcm, slib dclnrcd, her clothing hnd been re moved. "Whon I Horonmod Mr. Whlto told mo no to worry," continued tho wit ness. "I returned to my hotel apnrt monts, and wns visited that day by Whlto. Ho told inn not to toll mv mother of what had happonad, that suoh things wero n part of life." During tho rooitnl tho voice of tho witnoss broke, and moro than onco tours rolled down bar oIiocUh. Dur ing nil tho time Evolyn told hor sail story Harry Thaw sat in front of hor Thon alio told of hor visit to White's wltl his liandkorchlof proaiod to hla apartment In the Madison Square W. 1I form shaking with Bobs. Onrdon iKilldlng, explaining how Evelyn said sho told Thaw tJiut bIiq White showed hor through the roomij nnd gnvo a description of the furnish-' (Contlnuod on pnue ght). (Contlnuod from first page). Now Yorki Jan. 20. Announce ment was made tpday by Attorney Edward Lauterbnek that n sytiilloate of New York business man has been former to control the Provldonco Savings Life Aseuraneo Society. This announcement follows tho re port of E. IS. Rittenhouso, Insurance oommiMloner of Colorado, which se verely criticises the management of the ooncorn. Tho names of tho financiers who will compose the syndicato are not known, but it is said that tho rec ommendations made by Commission er Rlttenhouae will be followed. The latter says ho discovered that the oompan's assets aro $441,601 less than its 'liabilities. Commissioner Rittonhouio says in his ropert: "Common good demands that a di rect, swift road to tho ponltentiary bo provided for men who secure con trol of a corporation to manipulate or speculato with Its triut fainds to till their own pockets or to unload on such corporations undwsirablo or valueloee securities in which they are personally interested." THROUGH SERVICE IS ESTABLISHED Found Old Relic The workmen who are excavating for the now department of Josepb Meyers store on Court street Satur day dug up at a depth of about six feet an old lamp which waa proba bly used by the early pioneers of Oregon The lamp which, was made of st&el was covered with rust and the handle had been riveted on the The flret through electric car car rying paesengors from Portland to Salem arrived this morning at 11 o'olock, nftor a smooth throe-hours' run. Conduotor Smith, upon arriv ing, snld: "Tho only disadvantage of tho run is that our schodulo at present will not allow us to make any whore near tho time that the big coaches aro capable of making. As tho traok bocomos solid, and the schodulo Is adjusted, tho three-hour tlmo will probably be reduced mate rial' v. "This car Is oapablo of a apood of over CO miles per hour, and can be brought to a full stop when going at this spsod within a distance of 400 foot, by applying tho ornergonoy brnkos. The car can dovolop its full speed within a distanne of 860 foot, and is always under the complojte con trol of the motorman. We do not use any bolls. Tho pull on this cord blows a whistle noar tho motorman, and by a oodo system tho conductor can give orders from any part of tho car. There is a thin, narrow com partment at the motorman's right, which sontain electric switohes in great number, from where wo control tho various eleotrlc forces of the car. Wo havo an arc headlight, the coach is elegantly lighted with, incandes cepts, tho air brake and whistle aro all operated by soparato switches." Tho first through car from Port land was crowded for standing room will start a cor from Portland ouch morning at 8 o'clock, and which will loavo Salem on Its return trip at 2 p. m. dally. In two wooks more cars will be put on, The company will sell straight tick ets to Portland from this olty for 11.60, Or will iseuo h round trip tick et good for 30 days for $2,715. A family ticket, good for SB rides, q!U or way over the line, will be sold fe: $25. These tickets must be used within 90. dy, and are only good for those designated on tb ticket Hi tho time of purchase. A round trip wiH be sold onah Snt- v urday, good to return Monday, for $2.00. , Tho stations on tho line will bo A3 follows, In order, boginnlng In Salem, Stato stroet. Highland, Ohomawn, Chomokefa, Wacondn, St. LoaiIs, West Woodburn, Broad Aorou, Donald, Chopiinish, Wllsonvllle, Toncjuln, Tu alatin. Tlgardvlllo, MuUnomah, Cap ital Hill, Fulton Park, Gorbott and Jefferson street. An official of the Orogon Electric cdmltted today that negotiations wore ponding to purohao tho Sulom car Unas. ' o - Card of Thanks Wo wish to sincoroly thank tho Knights of Pythias and also Silver Bell dlrclo for tholr kidness during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and brother. MrH. W. W. Tho Bchcdulo as used at present Newtop, O W. Newton. I