Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 18, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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18, 1008.
4 ;
wish for.
in milium IK
I A Collection of Important Par-
J Bgrnplis for Your Consideration J
HHIIMMHI Hill I I ill 13 I
Occasional rain tonlglit and Sun
day. Rtd-hot potato chips at ZIiiii'h.
Salem Stato Hank
Owing to the conversion of the Sa
lem State Dank Into tho national sys
tem, depositors of said bank nro
hereby rospootfully requested to
bring In their pass-books for balanc
ing, at tholr oarllost convenience.
Social Omu-tN
Tonight at Hit Armory. Music by
the Peorless orohostra. Grand
march at 9 o'clock.
It llns Pulry-LIko Quality
Thi Hoston Honsyoomb taffy,
the Spa.
Lucky Arii Ill
Tin nw linoleums Just recalvod
aro so handsome and satisfactory
tot "lucky again" aoemg to e.pros3'
H sxsctly. Huron & Hamilton.
Zlnn's candy Is tho best.
New Carts for Babies
' In anticipation of a goodly de
mand for baby cnrrlngos, we have
purchss! lavishly, with good results
jWw cart for new bablos. Como
sera, looking around is not neces
ssry. Duren & Hamilton.
Wall Papor .
The ni04t doooratlvo and hand-
contribution ono can make to
n l8,er,or of Uouso Is wall papor.
bv the dwHiratlvo kind. Dou't
stiiBed wlh the first thing you
Hr It hsre. Buren & Hamilton.
NaMottbnll Tonight
. c- B- C vs. Wlllmotte second
mm at Wlllametto gym., at 8 p. m.
Wseup of c. n. C: Hargrove and
wy forwards, Cole center, Paulus
a Slracral guards.
Kitchen Quoons
vi.Df th'8 we mron tho handsome
Kiichen dresbera now on display at
rI ?J. T,H' havo a drawer, bin
or shelf for everything required to
wok proi , Why cook with out-
""U310I lOtlUHUPnt nnn nnoonltori'
Graber Bros.
Will give prompt attention
to all orders, guarantee our
jrork to give satisfaction aud
to be up to the sanitary stand
Call at our shop on Liberty
street, back of Barr's Jewelry
Store, phone 550.
win i in-
New Comforters
Comforts for chilly nights at warm weather prices. Another lot
specially purchased, just opened up are not on salo at
$1 .25 and $1 .75
We urge the necessity of coining early to get one of these biz size,
full fl"ff' comforts at much less than ordinary price.
New Ginghams
Several hundred pieces of those very neat patterns In checks and
stripes for house dresses, etc.
New White Goods
The dainty mercerized Marcella cloth, Mercerized Chiffons, Persian
lawns, Fine Organdies, Nainsooks, Checked and Striped Swiss Mus
lins', Dotted Swiss, French Plaids, Lawns and Swisses.
A beautiful collection comprising almost everything tho heart cou'd
ns. Cook hotter, quicker and moro
Slly With COnVOnlOIlCO. S nnr linn
ul lyucnou wuoono. Thoy solvo tho
problem. Baron & Hamilton.
Ice cream ovory day at Zlnii's.
"Dad" ClrciflatOM Petition
'Dad" Gior will probably prosont a
POtltlOn fn thn oltv nminnll Mo.,.1,,.,
ovonlng asking permission to leavo
iiib poanut wagon on tho street. Tho
petition Is being circulated and Is
widely signed.
Good Work
N n Tallin l. l1 . l. .
intVnnii3 .'i . 'nV"..' "n8
form? of h0l0rr0r?ild,,ro.rolIt
r if i,ftii0rQa the custom-
nnnC of 5ninmIt0Hvln.tC3 4nt l
worir hL?Ln h N?t0 recoly(
MOrk becaUBO ho makes a SPOClalty Ot
Ugh ClnSH printing. His hobby is to
inSfntinn . "conwi to woddjng
Slit , i.1.0rica,.,,lJR C?.rd8 ,Xa ,9
r (tlit In his glory, for thoro ho has a
Wfun,10 .'7 Whtt,t he cnn (!0 Ho
IfiJi -!? K . 8h0V 8nm.n.108 a(l
nil T,1"1!109 f0,r M'?pk' nt hl8 on,ce
ovor Tho Journal oillce. ,
Some Bargains,
ixiiiim, aiong tno stroot nonr tho'
University, a very deslrnhlo hnmn'
houne of S rooms, lot 75x120 feet, nt
a bargain, for a short time only.
Picked Up, a bnrnMn. Inreo 0-rnnm
house, lot 75x1 OR fiot, corner lot, 7
uiooKii irom jitisn unnK, 1700.
For 30 drvs 1K0 noma nf nun v,i
farm lnnd K U. hiMac f., .ia '
hour.o, half In cultlvntlon, balanco
timber and pasture, flno spring, now
only 532.50 por aero, bosldes bar
gains lu n'J parts of tewn.
Good 8-room lionise, 2 largo lots,
oxtra garden l.nd, for only $900.
'Soe mo for your wants. Money to
loan, notary work, Insurance, fire,
life Rnd nccldont. R. R. RYAN.
Sst-Wed Offlce Commorclnl Hall,
By mutunl consont, tho firm of
Skalfo & Emmett have dissolved
iw-tnershlp. H. P. Chnso tnklnir Mr,
Emmett's intorest. which will bo con
ducted under the old firm name of
Chase & Skalfe. Wo will bo found
doing business nt tho same old place,
101 Front street. AH persons know
ing themselves Indobtod to the firm
of Skalfe & Emmett ploaso call nnd
settle. l-17-3t
f AtlmlulstrntorV Notice
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will receive on Monday.
January 20, 1908. written bids to
the following property:
One team of horses, wagon, rack.
set of double harness and 42 U cords
or wood. C. L. McNARY,
Administrator of the Estate of Wil
liam Thome, Deceased. 1-lS-lt
First Christian.
The regular services at the First
Christian church will be as follews:
Bible school at 1 0 a. m. Preaching by
the pnMor at 11 a, in. and 7:30 p.
m Respective themes: "Elements
of a True Church" and "The Old and
the New Psychology." Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p. m. The public Is
cordially Invited.
Email niazo
The fire company made a good run
to Sixteenth and W'fVer streets this
mornlne about 11 o'clock from where
!an alarm had been turned In owing to
a blaze which was oaused by a defec
tive flue. The fire had been extin
qulshed by the time tho boys arrived,
and did little damage other than
burning tho wall papor near the flue.
Grocer Committee Busy
Tho committee which Is soliciting
for tho locar grocers organization
Is meeting with success and the
prospects aro tho brightest for tho
mooting which will be held Monday
niiit There are 28 grocers Jn the
city eligible to become members of
the organization, auu ui m o
joined at tho preliminary meeting, j
Twq Enterprising Young Unsiness
Men of This City Open Modem
Plumbing Establishment.
Tho establishment of an up-to-date
plumbing establishment at 141 Lib
erty street by Messrs Joe and John
Oraber has added a now and sub
stantial firm to Salem's business cir
cles. Tho Bimcloua ntnro rnnm wtiini, win
bo occupied in a few dnys by Grabor
Bros.' Plumbing Shop" whb formerly
occupied by tho firm of Bernnrdl &
Dunsford and is ono ot tho beat locn-
w nB l2l that ,,no of business In tho
city. Tho building is being remodel
ed and fitted up with tho latest con
venience!) for tlm nllimtllnrr 1. ..!..
I Oraber Bros, will carry a full line of
uuui uios, toilets, basins and all ar
ticles which properly bolong to an up-to-date
plumbing establishment.
Both .Too and John Grabor are ex
perienced plumbers tho latter having
been associated with tho Frasor
plumbing shop for tho past 14 years,
whllo tho former has folowcd tho
. ousiness for tho past four years.
Both young mon nro well known
'citizens of Salem and dosorvlng of
tho liberal patronage which they
uoiinuess win receive
Hut tho Philippine Islands Are Still
In the Swim.
After much deliberation, at tho
,c1obo of tho debating contest Inst oven
"ig in mo university chapel, tho
I III! iron nu'nrloil nlnnna in t)n fnltmw-
Ig young ladles, who will compose
twn tpnmu tn rnnrnannt TM MMHnn.-
otto" In tho trl-dobntlnir loncuc
Miss Nora Emmol. first nlace: MIr
Selma Norborg, second place; MIbb
Atha Dlmmlck, third place; Theo.
Bonnott, fourth place; Mnbol Glover,
fifth place, and Miss Helen Smith,
sixth place.
Tho first threo young ladles will
t McMlnnvlllo somo
tlmo In
The debato was a hard-fought lin
guistic battle, and when tho smoko
nnd mist of oratory llftod tho Philip,
i plno islands woro riddled with oppo-
l"" UIIU IUIUIUU lllgciliur Willi Hl-
iirmatlvo argument until t wns dini-
cu,t for tno JU(1Bps to dotormlno
whether or not the Islands would bo
a valuable acquisition to Undo Sam.
Though some of tho co-eds nro ro-
nnrtn,! t n linvn l.nnn Rnmruvhnt, om.
Imrrnnso,! wlinn nrt niinnnrltio lmfnrn
but tho question to bo dlscussod, nnd
rimsBod oven tho best expectations
0f tholr friends.
c,n8S rivalry wnB In ovldonco In nil
Pnrts of tho spacious (Vapel. During
lo siisponso when JudgoH McNary.
Clatons and Mnrlatte woro arriving at
la decision, tho ontlro nudlonco Jolnol
! In singing America.
Attention. KnightH of Pythias
All knights nro requested to meet
at tho Hoi man hall on Sunday, Janu
ary 19, nt 130 p. in to nttind the
r.mni1 f n.fi, Mn...nn
L S.
Powland. C. C,
State Street
i it,
(United Press Leased Wiro.)
Chicago, Jan. lS.John It. Walsh,
former pros dent or th PMnnr. m
tlonar and Home Savlnca hnnirn hno I
been found guilty on li3 counts In
tho indictments accusing him of mis -
j.vl,.,,.,aw..B lunus oi mo rormor uuminry, tort tnia morning for Port
institution, land on business.
rho Jury reached n verdict shortly ' Charles Murphy. Harry dinger,
after midnight this morning, and It Prank Meredith, W. N. Welch, N. W.
was rend when court opened at 10 Clark and Otto Hanson woro among
o clock. It was charged that Walsh tho Salomltes who went to Portland
UBed savings Intrusted to his caro by .this morning to attend tho Shrlner'3
depositors to finance his rallronds moetlntr. whlnh win mnvon in mh
nnd other enterprises.
Alter listening for two months to ' MIsb Hortonso Eppley went to
a recital of tho "fronzied flnanco" .Portland this morning,
methods of the bnnker, tho Jury con-j Herbert Nutter, formorly of thi3
8.Vm m3,0 houta !n rcnc"'ng Its ver- city, now In tho employ of tho Wells
diet. Tho verdict Is based upon fi3 Fargo Exprosa Company, on the
of tho 150 counts In tho lndlctmont, Southern Pacific linos, la expected to
nnd ho was found not guilty on tho nrrlvo In Salem this ovonlng for a
remaining 97 counts. , iBhort visit to frlorids.
Thus ends tho final drama of an ' Mrs. G. W. Godward loft this morn
Irish lnd who camo to America in ing to Join her husband In Holton,
1849, nnd immediately sot out to whoro they will reside '
build an immonso fortnine and welld Mrs. James McCoMrt and daughter,
power In tho political world. Success Mbb Holen, who hnvo been visiting
attended his efforts to becom n relatives nnd frtomia in thta itv inn
money king as tho years rolled on.
but nB a politician ho never becamo
n great power.
Tho collapse of tho Chicago Na
tional, Home Snvlngs and Equitable
banks, all controlled by WnlBh, creat
ed n tremondotiB sonsatlon In tho
financial world In 1905. At first It
wns genornlly supposed that tho gov
ernment would allow Walsh to es
cape prosecution, but opposition to
such a plan was so strong In certain
quarters that an Invitation wns
Nntlonnl bnnk oxamlnors, accord
ing to tholr report, discovered that
Wn!sh, In following a shrewd system
of Juggling the funds of hlo threo
banks, had employed $7,000,000 of
depositors' saving In promoting rnll-
rond properties nnd other ontorprlsoa
In which ho wns IntorostpJ.
This discovery wns or such Btart
llng character that thoro was no pos
sible way for tho banker to oscnno
lndlctmont. Aftor tho crnnd Jury hnd'iIonUor .
Indicted htm his nttornova soucht In
Vlllll tn linvn nil in prutitilu nt tnnnt
V - - ' "" -"- W. , V .W..UM
trial and todny's vordlct Is tho rosult.
Arter tho bnnk oxiimlncra showed In
blnck and whlto how tho defendant
had Juggled tho funds of his banks,
in violation or tno lotiorni laws,
Walsh took tho stand and mndo n
swooping stntomont, tho burdon of
O.I.li nno lm t .11.1 nil ! U'no nn.
which wns that he did all ho whb ac
cusod of for tho host Intorosts of
tho InstltutloiiH.
"Tho light hns only bogun,"
tho only commont tho defondnnt
would mnko this morning aftor tho
vordlct was announced,
Again tho Servant Problem.
Ho I thought thoy woron't going
to get mnrrled until Intor?
Sho Yos; but thoy chiingod tholr
minds suddenly. You soe, they linn-
poned to hoar of a good sorvant out
of a place, nnd they wanted to secure
her Itospleaf.
S? nnnlhn I dBmBB,nK t0 U,0,r c,,"8alom !f '1 . 1008. at 5 o'clock' ). m ,
out, quashed. I J jm go. 3 t w f NMVt0
Surrounded by array of tho most g JJJ gj r J somo months ago Mr. Newton,
lonrned attorneys thnt his wealth , " t,"' -" who was living In Montana, had to
could retain, John 11. Wnlsh wont to Q " " t, .' ZZ co under tho Humeon' hands. Not
Having reduced our stock sufficiently to make room for our immense spring stock
which has begun to arrive, and having cleared enough of this season's styles to be
assured of not having any out of date shoes to show you next season we are com
pelled to offer the following reductiens:
$2.00 Values $1 .70 $3.50 Values $2.95
$2.50 Values $2.1 0 $4.00 Values $3.35
$3.00 Values $2.55 $5.00 Values $4.35
Hanans' and advance shipments of spring styles excepted.
Remember sale closes Saturday night, Jan. 25 ONE WEEK ONLY
F. H. Kavlor camn 1nwn trnm Mo
rion this morning.
Mrs. Anderson nnd grand daugh
ter, Miss Thorman, of Jefferson, are
visiting friends and relatives in this
S. H. Russell, of Marlon, Is in tho
city on business.
William Stnigor wh3 among those
J who wont to Portland this morning.!
1 Superintendent James, of the pon-
! metropolis today.
this morning for tholr homo In Po
cntollo, Idaho.
Will n. King omclated at Junction'
last night as ono of tho Judcos In a !
uuimiiug coiueBt ueiwceu Liconuon
.tt.ii' .-. . . - - .
nnd Junction high schools.
Jim Wlllson, of Derby & Wlllson,
has been at Brownsvlllo and Albany
on real estuto business.
Guy II. Smith has returned to Port
land, nfter spending tho holidays In
thl3 city with relatives.
Many Aro 1toglntrlng.
Boglotratlon Clork Charlos Elgin
Is ono of tho busiest mon In tho court
house, In kooplng tally of tho votors
of tho county who nro coming to tho
court houBo in gront numbers to bo
roglBtorod. Last ovonlng tho books
showed tho registration of tho varl
0119 precincts as follews:
Mohnuia .
lt' Angol
i Sal0II No,
D, "' ,;:L. :
S'.V""' ""'
qiivortnn South 1
q,", ou,m
81ivorton iSoru T
oi pij? U rn
Amilvin a
Aurora v l
Broltenlnish 1
ni'nntrn 1
Chomawn '. . . 21
Gsrvala x 52
Horoh 35
Hovoll ,. 5
Hubbard 1
Joffer-on 3
Llborty 12
Mnolony 2
Marlon , 17
enDHmitv !l
Turner 9
Woodlnirn 1
Ilo9Pt,aI 4
Total 160
1 no '
o..i f.. n rcwwri in. ill sniiLiin. irrmnv. .inn-
McMANUS. -At tho homo of his sls
'tor, Mrs. Mary Aral, on French
Prairie, January 17, 1903, Mlchaol
MoMnnus, aged 75 yenrs.
He was born in County Cavon, Ire
land, and came to Oregon In 1865. Ho
wns unmarried and has resided for
the past several years at tho homo of
his sister, Mrs. Aral. He was of n
kind and charltnblo disposition, nnd
will bo greatly missed bv his Humor
ous frlendu throughput Oregon.
v uuorni sorvices win bo held at tho
St. Lo'uls CAthollo church on Mon
day, anuary 20j at 10 a. m. Intor
ment will be In tho St. Louis como
tery. BREYMAN. At tho family homo In
Portland, Friday, anuary 17, 1908,
Arthur Henrlch Broyman, aged 68.
Mr. Broyman was born In Ger
many 68 years ago, and In 1856 camo
to New York. Tho next year ho ar
rived In Oregon, and Boon aftorwnrds
engaged -In tho general morchnndiso
business" In company with his brother-in-law,
undor tho firm natno of
Broyman & Bartols, at Muddy, la
Yamhill county. Ho wns afterwarda
engagdd In stock raising In Crook
county, and organized tho Baldwin
Sheep & Land Company at Hay Creok
In 1885, nnd In 1890 camo to Port
land and started In the wholosalo
loathor business undor the firm nnmo
or tho Broyman Loathor Company.
Mr. Breyman was marrlod In Salem
" ? " .i ,, The follow
?2 0V? J"r?i ??AVn1, .T R?..f? ,0
to Miss Phoobo
iiuk uuiiuiuii ri'Hiuu in 1'eriinuu: ui-
Ing children resldo in Pertlnnd: Ot-
ito, Mrs. Bertha Ash, MIbros Edna nnd
Flora Broyman, and Toddy Broyman,
tho youngOBt. Ho nlso loavoa a sis
ter In Portlnnd, Mrs, Albortlno Bar
tols, of 415 Mill street, and another
sister, Mrs. Bortha Sohst, in Ham
burg. August Breyman, of Mount
Tabor, Is a brothor, and Wornor, an
othor brothor, Is a resident of Sa
lem. Tho funoral Is sot for Saturday nt
2 p. in. Tho Interment will bo at
nivervlow cemotory In Porttand.
McCROItY. Nonr Shaw, Orogon,
January 16, 1908, Mrs. T. S. Mc-
Crory, aged about 05 yonrs.
Mrs. McCrory was a tnomhor of tho
Order of Enstoru Star. Intormont
"will lif linil nt Rfnvlnn tfidnv .Tnnimpif
I'm. inns
- .., 4.VVU.
rooovorlmr na thov thouaht ho should
j th0y advlood a lower nltltudo, and ho
I wont to Seattlo. Tho chrngo did not
i bonollt him, and ho pnsaod away yos-
Ho la the
Downing, ar
I.,?... ,
tho brothor of Mrs. W. IL
and como 20 yonrs bko was
n rofildont of Salem, and has many
rrlonda hero. Tho body will nrriv
tomorrow, Sundpy, and tho funoral
BorvlcoB will bo hold nt tho Episco
pal church tomorrow, Sunday, at 2
o'clock p. m.. on intormont will bo
had In tho Odd Fellows' coniotory.
Mr. Newton bolongod to -tho ordor
of Knight of Pythlns. and tho local
lodgo of thst ordor will havo chnrgo
of the roromonlos nt tho gravo.
Women with good comploxlonB aro
novor homoly. Guod blood makes
good complexions. Lnno's Family
Modlclno makes good blood. All
druggists seU It for 25 cents.