llflunial H 1 m B B r H M H H H B SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1008. NO. 10. 1 1 inSSPBwifefcfcllliltellB II , III. I -1 1 1 I!'--- - -I - - I mi ptxn- VELYN TO REPEAT HER STORY nt apan Says She Is Keeping Her Fleet At Home mYN WILL TELL ABOUT STANFORD WHITE robably More Sinned Against Than Sinning Her Story Is Sure to Awaken Pity In Brea sts Of Jurors (tfolted Presa Loasod Wire.) Kew York, Jan. 18 Bvolyn Thnw a not take the stand whon tho trial hr husband, Harry Thnw, who Is j trlod for the second tlmo for .murder of Stanford Whlto Is to ted Monday. This decision wna Mtincod today, after tho defense njed its plans, rhe wife of ho defendant hns bean Wrawn at a wltnoss in ordor to it Mrs. Hollo Morolionse Lnw e, Thaw's first governess, to tos . Mrs. Lawronco ronched Now k today from her home In Call lie, and held a long conference 1 attorney Littloton. t ras Mrs. Lawronco who taught ry Thaw to talk ns a child. Slio U diary on Harry's actions, and defense will rnnko a strong nt pt to get thla before the Jury. It mderstood that tho diary glvea Impression that tho defendant weak minded whon ho was a' youth. Mrs. Willinm Thaw may bo called to tho Btad dlroctly after Mrs. Lawronco llnlshon hor story. New York, Jan. IS According to tho Iews of those closoly Idontiflod with tho proceedings, tho case of Harry Thnw, now boing triad for tho second tlmo for tho murder of Stan ford White, tho architect, will bo placod In tho handu of the jmry with in ten dnyu, Neither side Is showing nuy disposition to prolong tho trial and this In boing evidenced by every step taken by tho prosecution and defense Will Evelyn Thnw bo asked again to publicly recite on tho stand tho story of hor ruin? This question will bo answorod next Monday by Justico Dowllng, who has tho matter under advisement. In all probability, it Is thought, ho will decldo against Dis trict Attorney Jerome, who wantB this testimony taken secrotaly. HadthlB JAPAN'S FLEET IS AT HOME WHEELER SCORES GOOD PLACE FOR IT TALKS THE COURT OF UTOPiA MAY RESCUE MINERS IN NEXT 24 HOURS JAP MINISTER DENIES REPORT THAT THE FLEICT IS OFF ON A SECRET MISSION, AND SAYS IT la Afn lirvxn.' yimii.mm.-i im il I SAFE. (United ProsB Leased Wlro.) Toklo, Japan, Jan. 18. All, doubt concerning tho whoroabouts of tho Japanoso lloet has boon removed by a CUnlCod Press Loasod Wire.) college president as usual is impractical, and shows what a practical ass an education can make of a Self-satisfied pipe-dreamer, v (United Press Loosed Wlro.) Borkaloy, Cal Jan .18. Tho dis trict appellate court, which recently CHICAGO Jj I URL; PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Clearing Sale A Money-Making Harvest for Bargain Hunters SEE V WK ARR OPPF.RING GRKA TER BARGAINS THAN EVER. ODS NOW OX SALE AT COST AND LESS THAN COST. THEY ST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SWUNG PURCHASES. It l'RICBS FOR RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. l,Me yards of embroidery 0 Ml. They are a spot cash s direct from the Import ed art tho beat values in Sa lt yard Oc Sirwl I2tfc J. & yam i5c to wHUn ar from 4 to IS S Jdt. Thoy are a flpo pro fa of artiMle needlework. yarns of 7c Dark and Light l Outlaj Flaanela, yard. .3c 'rtH P'ices qb Flao Dross b tad Silks. of article all ovor at clearing price. m' OoaU. Ladies' Suits, La- M Kisses' Coata, Milliner, . Petticoat. Clothing for Boys, Blankets, Com t. Hosiery Underwear and Do- Sltg, w $8.50 Slts, ow $11.50 Oaau, aow $0.00 Oeats, aow $0.50 Md Itse than oost on all a Salts. mutter If it becomes necessary. m 9XwiwPWl Kl 1 1 a5 wt'JI Jl n pt JBIt rlUltlnln lilt !n fMlUI'jnl llil la The Store That Does the Business moral cWSfacloitce." o- themsolvoB from n'l Jnpanoso iloet has boon removed by a reversed tho records of tho superior siaiemcni omcmiiy mauo uy baito,- court in tho cnBo of ox-Mayor Eugene tho Japanese mlnlator of marine, who e. Schmltz, wob Bcored by Prosldont says tho warships aro at home. Wheeler yosterdny at tho mooting of Salto declared that ho made thlH i University of California students In statement to allay tho excitement j Harmon gymnnslum. Tho head of that hns been created by false minora J tho university mndo no direct rofor that tho iloet had loft Japanese enco to tho appellate court, but snld waters on a secret mission. Ho offerB , that any court moklng a decision to make n moro lengthy report on tho, should consider tho moral Ibsuob In volved. "Thero cannot bo any decision of course been mirsuod in tho first trlnl i V court tnai is rignt ir tno morni con- thoro Is no doubt but that Justico Bldorntlon Is loft out of the net," Dowllng would allow tho defend- 8nIa Prosldent yiieoler. "I could ant's wlfo to roueat hor story under "nmo 'wyor of ho cltios around tho tho snmo mmiinnim. Tint nnw ho l . bay who aro failures becnuso thoy Bald, to bo.opposed to any soorooy in bavo iBolatod tho matter. - So .tho lmpreselon provnlls that when Evolyn Thaw takes tho tantl again sho will bo orderod by the court to again roclto tho Indignities sho claims to havo wufferod at tho hands of Stanford Whlto. In addi tion to this she will bo forced to de scrlbo tho eccontrlcltlos of her hus band. At tho first trial sho wns not asked to give testimony boaring on this point to any great extent, Mrs. WJllInm Thnw, tho defend ant's mother, is reported quite 111 to day. It is not thought sho will re sumo her testimony until her daughter-in-law la finally oxcusod from tho stand. o STAMP MILL NOT A SEDATIVE HE GOT UNDER THE HYDRANT Have Been Burned a Thousand Feet Deep For Nearly a Moiidi-Oiie Is Reported to Have Gone Insane (United Pros Leased Wire.) Ely, Nov., Jan. 18. RoscuorB wero within 30 foot of tho throe men en tombed in tho Alphn Hlinft at noon today, when tho onrth again sank, thoroby provontlng Immediate roscue. At this time tho rcMcuorero wore nt n depth of 000 foet from the mouth of tho Bhnft, Ely, Nov., Jnn18. Dovolopmonta within tho ptiht fow hours point to tho possibility that tho throo miners who have boon entombed In tho Alpha shaft for nearly a month, will bo res cued In 2 1 hours. Tho roBcuorora lust night encoun tered solid ground lust bolow the . GOO-foot lovol, and dlacoverofl that falling llmberB had stopped tho debrin leaving an oponlng largo onougli for a mnn to crawl through. Tho roscu or rrnchod m iolnt 7C0 feet below tho mouth of tho shaft and could havo gono father If tholr ladder had not broke. Thoy could nol boo how far tho oponlng oxtondod, but It lu known that the Hlinft Is blocked at tho 1000-foot lovol. IT thi progreeH Hint him boon mndo Ih continued the entombed men will bo rescued within two days. A re port Ib being circulated to tho effect tint ono of tho lmprhionod mou hurt lost bin mind on account of tho long strain. . REMEMBER The Passion Play will be produced Sunday afternoon and night, 1 :30 and 6:30. Last chan e to sec this su perb production.. . Regutar, prices. p.f, admission HorMy night as usual, 5c (United Pres Leased Wire.) Tacoma. Wash., Jan. 18. Tho operation of a Btamp mill crushing oro Is not conducive to slumber, whon operated In tho basement of a hotel, according to an opinion handed down by the supreme court at Olympla yos terdny. William M. Ridpath, of Spokane, admitted stamp works to the baso mont of his hotel on a loaso, with tho understanding that It was for tho display of machinery. Whon tho stamps began dropping for prospec tive customers he dlcotrod his mis-; take. Ho brought suit in tno supe rior court to oust his tenants, but his suit was dismissed by the court. On appeal to tho supremo court the low er oourt was uveraed. ' -O" THE SHOW WILL BE ON TIME1 (United Presa Lonsed Wlro.) Los Angeloa, Cal., Jan. IS. Chan. Serrltt, who lives on Lookout drive, shocked, startled and mortified tho entlro neighborhood by sitting calm ly beneath a hydrant In tho front yard for 15 mlnutos yostorday morn ing, allowing the wnter to go squirt ing over his entirely nude figure. Tho resldonts of tho vloinity sont n hurry call to tho police. They said that Serrltt probably had no tub In his house and had sought tho lawn ub a substitute, sitting on tho grnsa and turning tho hydrant on, whllo womon ran for cover and men yolled and threw rocks at the wet spoctacle. Tho oiflcors, boaring a blanket and other secretive appliance, wont to tho rescue, but Sorrltt, having fin ished his eloanslng, had ropalrod to tho house, A warrant for his arrest was sworn to by neighbors, who oharge him with boing In an unplo- turesquo attitude in plain publig view o CAUGHT AFTER A LONG CHASE LABOR WINS A VICTORY THE END OF THE TRAGEDY (Unltod Pross L6asod Wire.) Soattlo, Wash., an. 18. After n day's hearing of argument and aitldu viu, Judge Qoorgo E. Morris donled tho potltlou of tho Pugot Sound Shoot Metnl Works for an injunc tion against picketing by tho Amal gamated Shoot Metal Workers' Union No. 99, ot nl., on tho grorjnd that no showing had boon mndo for tho striking omployos of tho plaintiff company had usod any forco or Intim idation in thu Intorcoptlon of work men who took their places at tho plant. AUGUST BELMONT IS PINGHED (UnRed Prose Loasod Wire.) Merced, Cal., Jan. IS. After a chake that oxtended half arotnd the world and lasted live yoars, two Eng lish ailegod Jewol thieves, aocusod of iii.oiini t'tnn nnn wm-tii .r imuuic aro under arroat In this city. Thoy qmiWp ,.., u . .,...- wero taken into custody Sunday by ka-Yukon Pacific Exposition will be a Scotland Yard's doUctlvo. Tho hold at the time and nlac nlanned. names of the prisoners aro not given. Anv Aotxht In the nublic mind that I The homo of a wealthy roeldont In the 1909 fair would be openod at the London was robbod of jewels about .appointed time was dispelled yester- Ave years ago. Shortly afterward day when the executlvo oommittee two men employed about the housa .met After unanimously passing a disappeared, and Scotland Yard do- resolutlon that there would bo no tootlves have been on their trail ev- postponement. the committee pro- er since. They wero caught in a, eroded with letting a contract for the .Merced saloon. The prisoners will erection of the agricultural building, 'not fight extradition. to cost $81,250. Administrator's Notice. Notice 1b horoby given that the un dersigned will receive on Monday, bids to j V. of O. Hop. The Booletv event of the voar at the University of Oregon will be the January 20, 1908, written freshman hop tonight. Guests from the following preperty: many of the valley towns will be pros One team of horsos, wagon, rack, ont Among those who will attend ' set of double harnesa and 42 hi cords from hero are Miss Aitnoa Moores Bertha Erkerlen, Claire Jones and Lloyd Farmer of wood 0. L. McNARY, Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam Thome, Deceased. 1-1 8-1 1 Now York, Jan. 18. Financial and real estate circles in this city aro astosindod to learn that August Bol mont has transferred to-Iord Nathan iol Meyor Rotohsohlld, of the English banking house In London, more than $0,000,000 worth of real estate In Manhattan and tho Bronx. Tho exact reason for tho transfer of tho vabt amount of proporty to Rotschllds has not beon learned, but It was recalled that Mr. Belmont hold ouo of tho largest Interests In the noted poo, which was organlzod with tho Idoa of making a big profit out of the common stook of tho Inter Borough Metropolitan Railway Com pany or traction trust, aa it is now more commonly known. Tho pool agrood to undorwrlto 300,000 sharos of this stock at fiQc. Strive as thoy would, tho rnembors of tho pool could not foroo tho prlw any higher than 65c, and at that figure Mr. Belmont found It impos sible to unload any quantity. Mr. Bolmont's loss today would bo about 112.000.000. During tbo recent panic It Is be lieved Mr Belmont was forced to burn to his financial backers for a heavy loan to proteot his interests. It is possible, said financiers last night, that Mr. Belmont has beon unable to repay that loan and to dis charge It bad quietly transferred to tbo Rothschilds practically all tbo real ostato bo holds, in this city. (United ProoB" Loasod Wlro.) Boyorstown, Pa., Jnn. 18. In uplto of tho urgont request of frlonds and rolatlvoB for moro tlmo in which to rnnko efforts to identify tho victims of the recent thontor tiro and paule, Coroner StrniiHsor (Irmly declares that all bodies must bo tairlod beforo night. Tho 20 remaining unidenti fied bodlou will bo buried In a trench. o . Adiiiliilstratrlv Appoint!. jMdg Scott yustorday appointed Mary Oswnld adminlHtratrix of Ber nard Oswald, deceasod. Tho roal and porsonnl proporty of tho estato Is val ued at $0600. Tho admlntstratrlx'a bond was fixed nt 113.000, and F. O. Hudson, Alox. Sehtirbach and Petor Sehnrbach wen appointed nppralsora Judgo Pai-kdr Retained. Washington, Jan. 17. Alton B. Parker, who watt tho Domooratlc presidential oundldato In 1904, hat boon retnlnod as ohiof counsel by the American Pedoratlon of Labor In tho case, brought by the Amerloau Manufacturers' Association to onjoln tho publication of the "unfair Hat" In the federation's monthly magalno. Afck City to Givo ItmployiiU'iit, New York, Jan. 17. Tho contral Federated Union last night adopted resolutions calling upon tbo olty to appropriate Immediately a sulllclent sum of mnnoy to start up publlo work that will give omploymont to a large number of unemployed. do- Au Up-to-Duto Child. Mother Whatovor aru you ing to poor dolly, child 7 Ohlld I'm Just going to put her to bod, mummy. I've taken (iff her hair, but I oan't get hor tooth out. Illustrated Bits. -o- Durlng tho long, droary winter months mothers bocomo tired, worn out, can't oat, sloop or work Hoi llstor'a Rooky Mountain Ton Is tho greatest blessing for mothors. Makea them happy and woyy. 35c, Tea or Tablet. Dr. Stone's Str t5 VfcA mmmmmmmm i