Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 16, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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. ... pt Out Ono Hundred
J. "' """J '' ,.. Trees.
, n stump of Monmouth is Inter
im general farming and is rep
f nlime of a largo number of tho
LofthatdUtrlct. He had 140
.res in oats in 1907 ana
f R000 bushels or an average of
. bushel's to the acre. Mr. Stump
?. " cclalist on livestock, and has
Le nne animals. He has a largo
Sof sheep and last year shipped
.hmit 2000 bucks.
'orchard culuiro Is interesting Mr.
j lm lins lust set Ollt
raPcres to English walnuts. Th
rl have been planted 60x40 feet
aBp has planted 420 Royal Ann
rterrles, which he figures will bear
eood crop for seveiui j "u'i
6 . t-n nnnltfrh .M Rnnll
ho walnuts nr uwb- v. .o x .
them by their shade. Ho thus makes
good income irom uw mau n
walnuts are coming mw uuiiub,
J3 perishable, it ought to
be kept in tight packages,
not exposed to air.
Vor ,rer returns rour money If you doa
PtScbillmff's Det we pay him
Prof. Clarke's Lecture.
Of Prof. W. J. Clnrko who lectures
at the First Christian church to
night tho mairazlnos of tho ontlro
country have only flattering com
mnts. A few of which nro append
Colorado The locturo given by
Prof. W. J. Clarke at tho opora house
!ait night was highly instructive and
appreciated by the audlonco. Willi's
It was strlctlv scientific, Prof. Clnrko
Itn tho happy faculty of ilkistrntlns
nd demonstrating in u mnnnor that
Interests an ordinary audlonco, -without
their having given tho science
of electricity or radium any Bpoclnl
study. Tho demonstrations woro so
perfect that we could got a good in
sight Into the wonderful strides be
ing made lu the science of wireless
telegraphy. We woro well satisfied
with tho lecture and hopo wo may
spin have tho ploasure of hearing
Prof. Clarke. Prank 'F. Frnsior,
Pres't Montroso Entertainment
Missouri -W. J. Clnrko gave us
the last and bos of a serlos of six
taturos. His work nppeals to tho
eyo as woll as tho ear and makes
everyone onjoy science. N. N.
Hoover, Mgr. Lecture Course, Pierce
City, Mo.
Oklahoma Your loclr.iro given
J here was moro than satisfactory to
j ay audlonce, a groat numbor of them
complimenting mo on troatlng them
j lo such brain stirring food as your
j lecture gave thorn. Thos. S. Green-
j wood, Shawnte, Okln.
' Pennsylvania I am directed to
' inform you that at a meeting of tho
Franklin imtltuto you were accorded
a unanimous vote of .thanks for the
Interesting communication and ex-
Wflmental demonstration with your
apparatus for wireless telegraphy.
Wm. h. wahl, soeretary Franklin
testltute, Philadelphia, Pa.
N'ew Hampshiro I cannot sneak
too highly of Mr. W. J. Clnrko's loc-
wr, he succeeded In keeping -the In
ttMat and attention of his audience
tft the vftry end. Wo shall have him
tot yr again. (Prof.) J. Milnor
CUt, St. Paul's School, Concord, N.
v'heD thi doctor is called ho asks:
How are the bowels?" They are
EWwally wrong. His visit might
Nre bfen saved by a timely dose of
woe's Family Medicine.
Brtry wine accidont Is an argu
t in favor of ohlld labor law and
wage increaa.
Kps Balaam will Btop any
Sh that can be stopped by any
7M 8ml ero coughs that can-
J curad by any other medicine.
always th bast cough cure
DropiKU Dead.
J. U Joag dropped dead sud
.TJ ,Rw ome at Philomath at 5
k Monday night. She had not
III. and her d&ath came without
J,'tt- Her Ruaband had boon at,
w6e, uui ift It ton mtniitoa
ra th nalinnliAi.. ..-i
viiuij uveal.
retUmft.1 in flnrt
J body lyiag the middle of
" r "h life extinct. One or
taull eiilldran may have been
ta room whn she foil, but on
" Polt there is no information.
fiv chlldron In the fara
Jtlw eldaat being 13. They, with
w latker, are the survivors. The
" aa lived In Philomath
-- u years. Mrs
Jonos was
-"i a ywrs of ago
A casket was
" t from
uorvauis this noon
ZJS rema,ns. and tho funeral is
Jted to occur tomorrow. Cor-
1 Times
No Matter How Had Your Case Is Or
Hon Long You Have Hnd It,
Pyramid Pile Curo, Can
Cure It.
Free Package Sent to Prove It.
Half of tho suffering and torture
of pllea hn8 neveV been told. Whotb
er your particular case of piles is al
most too excrutiating for any mortal
to beaf", or if you nro fearfully tan
talized by unreachable itching and
bleeding or whether yoru havo only
a modorato case of piles, there is
positive roliof, and quick, too. In
Pyramid Pllo Cure.
You need not tako for granted all
wo say about our Pllo ltorncdy, Wo
want It to speak for itself.
That ia why wo say to evory per
Bon Buffering from piles or any form
of rectal dloettne, send us your name
and address and wo will gladly send
you a free trial package of tho mar
velous Pyramid Pllo Cure. After
using tho trlnl you will Iwirry to
your nearest druggist and got a 50
cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure, now
admitted by thousands to bo ono of
tho mor.it wonderful reliefs and
cures for Plloa ever known.
InBtnnt "roliof can bo gotten by
UBlng tho marvelous Pyramid Pllo
Curo. Tt immediatly roducos all con
gestion and swelling, heals all sores,
ulcora and irritated parts. It ren
ders an oporntlon absolutely unnec
essary. Sond' your name mid address to
day for froo trial package to Pyra
mid Drug Co., 138 Pyramid Dldg.,
Marshall, Midi.
Fine Hotel for Mnrshileld.
C. F. Himcbnugh, nn architect of
Marshflold, Coos county, Is in Port
land, says tho Tologrnm, arranging
for tho construction of a modem flvo
story hotel at tlint point. Tho build
ing will bo of reinforced concreto,
constructed on tho Kulin system. It
wl'l covor a spaco of 100x200 and
cost in tho neighborhood of $200,
000. Tho Trussed Concreto & Steel
Company, of which A. J. Currey Is
manncor, will erect tho building,
MnrBhllold 1b rapidly growing in im
portance an a Bhipplng and manufac
turing center, and Its prospective
connection with Portland by rail is
destined to make it an Important
summor resort for tho pcoplo of tho
city, as woll aB of tho entire state.
The way to buy tea is in
packages ; somebody is
responsible for it.
Your grocer return your money.lf you don't
Ilk Schilling !)'; nay hlta
Columbus, Ohio, shows rup the
champion mean man. He robbed tho
Salvation Army's Christmas poor box
Piles Cored In O to 14 Dnys.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to
cure any caso of Itching, Blind, Bleed
Ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14
day sor money refunded, GQc,
Dividends consisting of issues of
watorod stock vill not help tho flnan-
olal stringency to any appreciable ex
tont. o-
To Cure Cold in One Dny.
Tablets. Druggists refund money If
It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature on each box. 25c
The rapidly changing styles of baf
tloshlps may render It unnecessary
to tako tho fleet back.
It Is to bo hoped that tho navy will
settle its little internal fight before
anything happons abroad.
Up to date the name of the coal
dealer who is to command the navy
colliers has not been made public.
Fill the Tank
with gasolene if you want the
motor-car to go. The oil sup
plies the power that makes the
wheels turn round.
The human machine is set in
motion in the same way by
Scott's Emulsion
Folks arc like motor-cars. At
times they get run down.
Scotts Emulsion is full of power.
It not only produces flesh but
givesnew power to weakbodies.
AH DrWU I BO, mad tXA.
The following Is taken from the
Blue Mountain Eag!e, and is a pleas
ing bit of legend regarding the
sheepmen's greatest enemy:
During the coming month the
stockmen throughout the Btnte of
Oregon proposo to mako a concerted
war on the coyotes, in an effort to
free themselves from the depreda
tions of these ciftinlng pests among
their flocks of sheep.besldeB losses of
swine and poultry, says the Madras
Pioneer. The coyoto has not a friend
on earth among beast.3 and It has
been supposed that the hand of ev
ery man is against him, and It will
doubtless surprise mnny to learn that
not moro than a generation ago the
coyoto was held sacred by tho Warm
Spring tribe of Indians, nnd was, In
fact, knelt down to and worshiped
by them.
It is said that there arc still those
among the old Indians on tho reser
vation who will not under any cir-
cumstanccs kill or nioleBt coyotes.
According to the tradition threo or
four coyotes would be taken captive,
whereupon tho tribe would gather
around them and bow down and
"momuk hiyu wnwn."
The cunning of the coyote, his
ability to oxtrlcato himself in safety
from seemingly impossible situations
nnd his proverbial luck in keeping
his hide whole, doubtless appealed
to tho Indian imagination ns some
thing nkln to the supernatural, and
they foil down nnd worshipped this
thing which possossod of Kiich a high
degree thoso traits ostoomod ns vlr
lures by uncivilized Indians, whllo
his weird nnd lonesome cries in the
night probably took tho place of
songs of heavenly nngols.
But how nrotho mighty fnllon! In
thl rlmrock nnd sngobrush country
whoro his codshln onco ronmod and
howled at will, In a Innd overflowing
with JuckrabbitH, tho white man has
sot up his house and introduced the
fnlth of another God.
Tho Indians attend Christian serv
ices on Srandny, tho sagebrush wastes
grow crops of golden wheat, tho Jnck
rabbitB are becoming scarce nnd tho
erstwhile coyote-god. is
sore put to
It," being shot nt, trapped for,
hounded and hnrrnssed by every.
available means.
Now a gonornl wnr 1b declared
against him, with oven poisoned car
casses introduced aa a meanB toward
his end.
Thoro onco was a maiden young nnd
Sho'd laugh nnd sing tho whole
long day;
For I am bo happy and well, said
Now that I take Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Tea.
Dr. Stono's Store.
Standing on Etiquette,
When tho old lady appoared at tho
big door of tho life-saving station
she regarded tho rough waters of tho
bay with frightened eyos.
"Isn't something being done for
.that ship in distress?" sho anxiously
demanded, pointing soaward.
"Oh, that's all right, ma'am," re
plied a man In oilskins. "We've sen;
'em a lino to come ashore."
"Goodness mo!" exclaimed the
lad. "Woro thoy waiting, for a form
al invitation?" Tid Bits.
A Curo for Misery,
"I havo found a cure for the mis
ery malaria poison produces," says
R, M. James, of Lauellen, S. O. "It's
called Electric Bitters, and comes In
50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case
of chills or a bilious attack la almost
no timo; and it puts yellow Jaundice
oiean out of commission." This groat
tonic medicine and blood purlflar
gives quiok relief In all stomach,
llvor nnd kidnoy complaints and the
rniwry of lame back. Sold under
guarantoe at J. C. Perry's drug store.
The navy department hnsn't had
so much war since the day Corvera's
fteet went out of butlnse.
- Why Suffer From Rheumatism?
Do you know that rheumatic pains
can be relieved? If you doubt this
Ju6t try one application of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It will make rest
and sleep possible, and that certain
ly meanB a great deal to any one af
flicted with rheumatism. For sale
The musUrlng offlcors of the "Mil
lion Army" are very buaiy, but thsy
aro prepared to register all that
During tho long, droary winter
months mothers becomo tired, worn
out, 'can't eat, sleep or work Hoi
Hater's Rocky Mountain Tea Is tho
greatest blessing for mothers. Makes
them Uappy and weyy. 35 c, Tea or
Tablets Dr Stone's Str
We Sell
on the positive guarantee
that if it does not give satis
faction we will return the
entire amount of money paid
us for it. We mean this
and ask all those who are
sick and need strength to try
it with this understanding.
O G- T. Co
Steamers Pomona i. OiVonla
leave for Portland Monday, Wei.es
day and Friday at 10 a. m, and
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
C n. m. For Corvnllls, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday about 6 p.
m. M. P. Baldwin, agent. Offlcei
nnd dock at foot of Trado street.
Chenmwii Division.
Cars will leave for Chemnwa ns
follows, commencing Jan. 1C, 190S
A. M. 0:00, a7:0B, 8:05, 10,05.
P. M. 12:05, 2:05, 4:05, 0:10,
7:05, 8:05, 9:05, 10:05, 11:05.
Lonva Snlom for city limits as fol fel fol
eows: A. M. 0.05, 11.05.
P. M.- 1:05, 3:05, 5:.05.
Lonvo Chemnwa for Snlom ns fol fel fol
eows: A. M. 0:21, 7:35, 8:20, 10:35.
P. M. 12:35, 2:35, 4:35, 0:35,
7:35, 8:35, 9:35, 10,35, 11:35.
Tho first car coming in from city
llntB nt CMP carries paaBengon.
II. R.
Trnliw from nnd to Yuqulun.
No. 1
Leaves Ynqulhn C:4Cn. m.
Arrives at Corvallis ,...ll:00n.m.
Arrlvo3 at Albany 11:58 n. m.
No. 2
Leavo- Albany
Leavon Curvtdlln
.12:35 p. m.
1:40 p.m.
6:15 p. m.
t t
Arrives nt Ynquinn
Trains to nnd
from Detroit.
N3. 3
Loaves Albany 7:30 a.m.
No. 4
Leaves Detroit -1:00 p.m.
Arrive? nt Albany 5:55 p.m.
Trains for Corvnllls.
No. 8
Loaves Albany 7:55 a.m.
Arrlvos at Corvallis ....8:35a.m.
No. 10.
Loaves Albany ,. 3:55 p.m.
Arrlvos at Corvallis ... 4:35p.m.
No. 6
Lonvos Albany
7:45 p.m.
8:25 p. m.
Arrlvos at Corvallis
Trains for Albany.
No. 5
LoaveB CorvnlHs
0:30 a. m.
7:10 a. m.
2:1G p. m.
2:55 p.m.
C:00p. ra.
Arrives nt Albany
No, 9
Loavoa Corvallis
t t
Arrlvos at Albany
No. 7
Loavoa OirvnlHs ,
Arrlvos nt Albany
6:40 p. m.
No, 11 (Sunday only)
Ltavos Corvallln 11:15 a.m.
Arrive at Albany 11:58 a.m.
No. 12 (Sunday only)
Loaves Albany 12:35 p.m.
Arrlvw? at Corvallis .... 1:18p.m.
For furthor Information nnply to
Gen. Pns. Act., Portland, Oregon,
Jno. M, Scott, Asst. G, P. A.
Time Card No, 82 Effective Sunday
Recembnr 20th, 12.01 A. TT.
Toward Portlnml Pnssenger. '
No. 16. 5:53 A. M. Oregon Express
No. IS. 8i40 A. M. Cottage Grove
No. 12. 2:45 P. M. Roseburg Pas-
No. 14. 9:1U P. M, Portland Bx
press. Toward Portland Freight.
No. 222 8:00 P. M. Portland Fast
No. 22010:40 a, m., way frolght
No. 22611:28 a. m., way fralght
Toward Snn Francisco Passenger,
No. 11. 11.03 A. M, Roseburg Pas
senger. No. 17. 6:45 P. M. Cottago Grove
No. 15.-9:56 P. M. California Ex-
Vn ia?-ni A T Ran TTrnnnlRPrt
W. w , ... W v.ww ww
Toward Ban Francisco Freight,
No. 421.-2:43 A. M. Portland Fast
No, 22511:28 A. M. Way-Freight 1
f-H1 1 t w tw 1 9 t'9'it O'tH t'9 1''t'W'frW'l 9
rox MIA
For Sale a well-broko colt, Nearly
4 yoars old; good hack and now
single harness. Altsp n good fresh
young cow, and 25 Plymouth Rock
chlckonB. Enqulro 1749 North
Front street. 1-1 4-3 1.
For Snk Good driving h&rso, 1100
pounds; 2 buggies and harness; 2
ord3 of dry old fir wood; rondy for
cords of dry old flr wood; ready for
stovo. All at a bargain, nt 4G0
North Commercial Btrectt Phono
Main 033. l-14-3t
For Sale OS easy terms, if sold
soon, tho R. B. Fleming restdonco,
on 'Center and Cottage. Enqulro
of owner for terms and prices.
For Sale Ono hundred tons clover
hay nt my placo eight miles cast
of Salem. Price, ten dollars par
ton. Call nt my ofllco, room 13,
Bush bank building, or phono
Main 401 or 1431. F. W. Durbin.
For Sale 100 acres in Albortn, good
fanning Innd, woll watered. Will
soli or oxchnngo for property nt or
near Snlom. Addroso W. N. Blod
gott, caro Journnl ofllco. 1-11-tf
For Sale 1C acres of rich farm land
5 milos oast of fair grounds, 8
noros in hops, 8 ncros lu grain nnd
liny, $1000. Team, harness, nin-
chinory, grain and liny, $500. J. J.
Twood; routo 7, Snlom. 1-11-lw
For Sale or Rout Sltuntod In Fair
mount Park, a nlno-room cottage,
partly furnlshod, oloctric lights,
and nil modem Improvements, two
lots, 'fruit nnd borrlos. For furth
or particulars enqulro of Mrs.
Geo, II. Jones, ond of car lino,
south. 1-10-lwk
To Ilwit Housekeeping rooms. En
qulro 440 Mill Btrcot. 1-15-31
For SiUe Good cow, flvo years old
(a fino chnnco), will bo fresh In
Juno; perfectly gentle. Enquire
nt 1441 Stato Btrcot. 1-5-1 wk
For Sulo BoBt quality cord wood.
Phono 1417 or 1283. Downing .fc
Eoff. 1-15-lwk
For Side Small printing plant, con
sisting of Pilot hand prose, slzo
0x9, and about 25 fonts of typt,
together with other nocoBHrtry mn
torlnl, Addross Frod Waehlto, gon
eral delivery, Snlom. 1-15-lw
Hop Yard to Rent 3C ncros; horsos
all Implomonts, together with bas
kets and sacks. Cultivation and
picking monoy furnished. Enquiru
of Win. II. Egnn, Gcrvals, No. 2,
Phono Farmors' 30, 1-1 3-1 wk
If. S. Gilo & Co. Wholesale grocord
and commission merchants. We
nro solo ngonts for Rex Spray, (t
Is absolutely uniform In strongth. A
porfoct chomlcnl combination.
Costs a llttlo moro, but ahoanast In
tho ond, strength and reliability
considered. 1-15-tt
Will tho Party Who borrowed a
Snoll blcyolo from Tho Journal
ofllco about two weoks ago kindly
roturn sarao, as tho ownor need3
It. 1-10-tf
Voget Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum
ber .Bhlnglos, building roatortal,
wood and coal, Low prices and
prompt dollvorloB. One block east
of 8. P. pasBongiS- dopot. Phono
198. 7-2-tf
Dutto H Wcnderoth Fine wlnos,
liquors and cigars. We handle
the celebrated Kellog gand Castle
whiskies. Cool and refreshing boer
constantly ov draught. South
Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr
Our meat market on East State
streot has been doubled In size and
we are bettor prepared tkan over o
serve customers. Prompt servlco and
the best of meats our motto. Call
01 phono 199. D. E. Edwards, Prop
We Are Cash Purchasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Berry crates mado up
In unlimited quantities, Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Cma
merclal street, Salem Phone Main
It Is worth moro than any other
bread yet tho price Js no higher.
For sale at your grocers'.
Thomas Cooley, Props.
i 1 I -
;nrpentcrs Union No, 1005 Local
Union No. 1065 of Carpontors cJut
Jolrers of America meet ovory
Saturday ovonlng nt 7:30 p. m. Ik
Hearst hall, 420 Stato St. A. W.
Dennis, Rcc. Sec.
Foresters of AmericanCourt Sher
wood Foresters, No. 19. Moot
Wednesday m Hurst hnll, Statu
street. Lo oAbbe, C. It.; J. Q,
Perry, financial Bccrotnry.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P.-
Castle Hall In Holtnnn block, cor
nor Stato and Liberty stroetk.
Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 p.
m. Oscar JohnBon, O. O.; E. H.
Anderson, K. of R. and 8.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Codar Camp No. 5240. Meet
every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. O.J F. A. Tumor, clork.
Woodmen of World Meot ovory Fri'
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall,
L. E. Ponnoll, C. C; P. L. Fras
Ir, Clork.
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci
dent nnd pension lnsurnnco; $3,
000,000 plodg-d; ovory claim palit
Good ngonts wanted. J. II. O.
Mongomory, supremo organlzor,
I)ox432 Snlom, Oregon. R. R.
Rynn, eecrotnry, 540 Stato strwjt.
.iimitiliiH tiros.' TnuiHfcr Oempnny
All kinds of trnnsfor work dono.
Furniture nnd plnnos hoxod rondy
tor shipment. Prompt survlco la
our motto. Stand and ofllco at
253 South Commercial stroot.
Phono 210. Ruflltlcnca Phono 908.
OViyniHrMriK Physician nnd
Burgeon. Tolophono 307 Main.
Offices, CIO Stato street, opposlt
court houso, Salem, Or. Rcnldonc
Phono 313 Main. 8-13- lmo
I'mnk M. IJrown.- Manufacturer of
snsb, doors, mouldings. All kinds
of houso finish nnd hard wood
work. Front Btrcot, between 8tat
and Court. Mako ull complaints
at thft office.
Tlivo. M. Hnrr Plumbing, not watr
and steam heating nnd tlnntnc.
164 Commercial stroot. Pboat
MnlD 192. 9-1-lyr
M. J. Pctzel Plumbing, steam nud
gas fitting. Succoesor to Knox A
Murphy, 226 Commercial stroot
Prono Main 17.
lliy.ljty- AAf .'-ft.3.1. HTARLES.
rTvrrMiuTTTSrfn I'ost-
ofllco Stnbles, at 254 Ferry stroot,
betweon Commercial nnd Front
streots. Tolophono 188. Somo of
the finest liveries in tho city can
be found hnro. Dick Wcstncott,
proprietor. 10-1-lyr
j iiuHinon an ciitk in gru-
cory store, by a person with oxp
rIonco Addross X, onto Journal,
Wnntcd Evory ono that has proper
ty to soil to list with tho Latham
Land Co. Over Portland Oonoral
Electric Co. 1-14-tf
Wuuttd To trndtj Oklahoma farm
proporty for Oregon stock ranch
or fnrm Innd. Addross, F oaro
Journal office. 1-11-lwk
Wanted If you wnnt a mnrblo or
grnnlto monumont wo oan savo you
monoy. Wo don't pay big rent nor
city taxoa you get tho . banoflt.
Co mo and got our prices, nnd bo
oonvincod. Qur shop Is in City
View oomotory, Biaeslng Grantlo
Co., J. D. Bohannnn, mnnagsr.
Wanted An oldorly man to do
choros, tand furnace and do gardon
work Apply to A F. Hofor, boaid
of trade rooms. 1-lS-Ct
Wanted Girl io do housowork. Good
wages. Apply at 337 Stato street.
Dissolution Notice,
Notice is hereby given that tho co
partnership of Charlow J. Spltzbnrt
and Honry Borumn, dohiff business
In West Salem, Oregon, undor tho
firm namo of Tho West Salem Sup
ply 'Company, has this day been
dissolved by mutunl consent, Ouurlo
J. Spltzbnrt purchasing all of tho
partnership proporty, and continu
ing tho bu-lnoss, collecting ull out
standing accounts and paying all
partnership debts.
Dated Salem, Oregon, January 15,