f-fff' KMV LHIIIImi 'IJ. 'M'Jfl I II DAILY OATITAIi JOURNAL, ,. SALEM. MIEOOM. THtRSDAV, JANUAItY 10, 1008. THE CAPITAL1JOURNAL M. HOFKH, Ed. and Prop. i?N Hie-rrorert ud iwrelopement of Alljtacion. 'oMIb4 Brery Kreuldg Kxctpt Sunday, '" 0ft- BUHSGHIPTION KATES. (lumlabtr in Adrsnce.) lir,far Mirier, per yr Per month -Jo Bailr br null. P' !"- iM Pr """"t , I JjgMB. Bl'KClAL )ELIVKRV. phase of the situation Is that of our transportation Tho most serious Interests. . ... ...........pm ,..i.it mm? I.MT.I.IVO OFF l iini.no HAS MADE, FOR THE THKRI2 , nre.tenci of aubicriber. branch delivery offices art eaua- lUbed at tho followJH e at 15 cents per moncn, i.w -"-Asylum Store. P. 0. De Voe & Bon. Asylum Avenue wMn. ctrllnc. Seventeenth street o A. W. Lane, Garden Road atore. dYuI's Store, Alex. Dauo, Boath Commercial atreot. PlMlrlfi Store. C. if. Epplcy, East State street. 1 FaTr Grounda' Store. Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. I Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cros streets. 0 fc : Grocery. A. A. Eagleba t, Twelfth atroet. WbNtor" rSSSorwT D. Wbeeor, Highland .. Yew Park Wor, F. 0. nnwar or. Twelfth and Lcalto. m a widwi M" ' M V THE THREE VOICES. There aro three voices born of heaven's blue; Tho 'first to all men sounds tit Morning's break; It ring a trumpet-blast tho whole world through, When God ay "Wake!" Tho second cornea when Noonday's sun la high; , . A volco commanding and Imperative, lllddfnjc meu strlvo and pray unceasingly, Whon. God says "Llvof" Tho third when Kvonlng follows la tho "hade Of manhood's dying day, sounds lost and bast To thoso who woke, and lived, aand worked, nnd prnyod, . When God nays "Host!" "' San Franalsao ttxamlnar. FHHR RURAL MAIL HIHTION. RoRlnnlng today Tho GapUal Journal will Isaua A SKCO.VI) EDITION RHI'HGIALLV FOR THE FHHH IllfllAL MAILS. Tho circulation of thin paper In the rurnl route ha oonstnntly Increased until now It Is m large that special million l Jutlnd. The Free Itural Mall edition w'll eontnln tho latest news IX FACT NEWS THAT WILL APPEAR IN THE MORNING PAPHHH. For lit coming political cumpnluju a reduced rnto will be Klvun to new subsorlbsrs 4u Introduce tlm paper to many who do not rtoelv It. Tho Dally Journal will hw sent on trlnl to such four months for one dollar. NO COMMISSION TO AGENTS WILL UK ALM)WHI. This Is tho ohenpwt dully pnper published on the Paul lie coast, and tho now edition will ruiitnln later news than the Portland dallies, AT AMOIT HALF THU COST IIV MAIU Thoso rwelvlag sample copies are reqmwsed to give It n trial at the low rnto of 21 nu pur nionth. Tho United Prow Leased Wlro telegraph sarvlee Is TIIH IIIIST NUWS REPORT HVH.V TAICIiV IIV A HAIiHM NHWHPAPHR. I! U naauralo nnd IndaneiidHiiL or the AwoolnttHl Pre, am! Th Capi tal Journal has this report axelsislva for tlils territory,. Try The Capital Journal Free Rural Mall lWltlon ami we think you will like It, TRADII A.ViriMNANCIi. Tb baaks of tkr mautry karla; beau triad oat uader ooauitloM morally oarialn to aRtalitaU taa waak. eoafMaaea aaa aow baas fally ruitared. aH aitly la tkla ally, teat tarcMghatit tka eeaatry. aaya tha Sua Fro ar two ObroMlcIa. Uaaks wkiek m aacaaa(ally amiaral b atraia of taa but two HMiHtbs and malatalaad thalr rrv Hr aatltlatl to tka fall aoaadenro el Ikrlr dopositor. aad. la our opinion, no oaa aaad aara tka laaat fear nf tb MtuudHew uf any bank aow doing aaalaaas la tka cMy of tkla Kate, wkgikw a lara baak or a amaJI . It U arokak'a. altkotigk, of eoars. we do aot kaow It. tkat tha smaller boHka of tka olty utter! mmt taaa tka laraar banks (rota the koardlan wkiek was so saarked at oaa Usae. Wa tatak so for tb raasoa that a ira munbar of taelr dapoaltora wore if tk rlaa ttMiat likely to be aaalty alarmad. TIIH SMALI.IIR RANKS, IIOWHVUR, ARII OP VURV ftHIIAT AD. VANTAtHtTOTIIHCOMMrNrrVPuu SSIAI.L ACC0P.VIV5 ARII t)l VALPH'mTllllM. Tkay bar Hate o Inform UtMtlv tkoroackly as to tka ataadtac and ability of ssaali Rrsa aad lira attaatloa at Aral aaada to eaatotatra ta whaw sa)ttaa la vakuakta. Tkr baa all oawa tkremsk Uts 'rWls aalaadMly aad ara raaily aa tltlad ta mm ereM tkaa tka big ktoaaoctlaas, and wboaa Uapoaliors a aHks wltk troas sirH and tf4art o a grant axbMM ataa o larta t fairs aad aat aaatly staataatlad. Thaaata a grawtag dtasaUaiaettaa Wtk aar atat aaDarrtsloa of baaks. MftMar of lartp kaaka bmgk at it. Kn wamlMMtlaa of of aar arK baaks wMra kaa laan tkaa a wenk aaa aaaai o aitklag wrtk wklla, aad wltk tkrta rtmittlaatoa r ajat btw laa aad taa ktak r taalr JarlaritcUoa It la akj-al. oallj' iMoteatbto to aiaaabw mor tkna tka moat artnatary aatidrMitoa. Ta4 ka aasaastasloiiara ar aaaiMiy aim la raatrslHlHa; tk la aa!Had utMgr of .aiaii wnl-y baaks tkarate no aaabt. aad WMtat f tka id tkat tky 4v avr baaoMM matter of pnUk kaowledta. imt n m umiw iNvtr n ctHgM uoMiMloMr ronUl rkack aa th baMaeas ( oaeof oar btraer eomiaerttsl baaks la s woatk of kar work. It woaW Hrakably take blw two drt to rouat tke rak I tka lataaasc of bHk baaka aaa dafMsttors sosaklaK more ,tt-ilr should be dartsad. bat a kela la tTmll go Mim tx. t-io from aar ablaat aaakara. for THHV RAVil not thii ciinnr. MOT COXIMDIINCII IN A.VV SVSTUji IX WHICH TIIH lOSITlOX OF1 RANK COMMISSIOXHR IS OIV1IN l.y PAYMUNT OF IMIdTICAlJ 11 is akW. Ms tkat a taaua will aa auda tai sosao metier wkkb .bar raa b. -d wm ,,, thjo tiM 2.' V1- "'" ' f ay aad wbt l i k Hm j k J - "-. baak tallara. ru, y tj larrd io trtulo ibarait aa aMb taat ibora Wm b- .r.i .)uB- UlSa tku tUtt'a .Ml 1... ... m - mmmfi-nj at ..." " "" "'", """"a lais cooi:ttu of roat will cuotlaae While Tiih i-rtiiiii.w .. roUIPMENT AMPLE, TIIER13 ruoiio op,u,"". f .h't w haVo touched bottom Is goneral, and tho St mlM. . lmp't..t 0.md (or thMo .ocur.tlc. ha, n- ',. ,1n not know what they will bo worth. Tho No" York baukTharo nearly got back' tho.r legal reserves, and I.-, ( AvnnMpit snnn. azyr: zTs:::i ; t. ... bCn? cared for ho govornmont will presumably begin to recall its uoposus, and noTmuch monoy for speculation will bo available until tho govern tnont Is repaid. HOME TREATMENT. For Consumption nnd Tliront Trouble Also Common Colds. Tho enmpa for tuberculosis pa tlonta In tho plno forests of Maine, have demonstrated a wonderfully BUccoftBfully phase In tho treatmenl of pulmonnry dlHonses, Of Two Evils. Mrs. Gramorcy What reconciled her husband to her keeping a pet dog? Mrs. Park It put a atop to hor piano playing as It always mndo Fldo growl. Philadelphia Prcs3. O ' IF YOU KNOW. Tho remarkablo atlmulatlng'offectjTho merits of tho Texas Wonder, you nn tha rosnlrntorv organs by lUO reslnoua atmosphore of the plno for est ha always boon a matter of groat IntoroBt to tho modical world nnd now that sclonco has producod n form of plno extrnct that Is free from for eign matt or the treatment has sprung Into popular pronflnenoa. The for mula aa originally prescribed Is the follewing: "Ono-hnlf ounce Concon tracted oil of pine; two ounce of glycerine; half pint of good whisky. It shwifd be shaken thoroughly and taken In dosea of u tmspoonful to n tablaspoonful erery four hours." If tlilH proiwratlon be usetl pn tleuts will hnve the advantage or the pine foreata eamin right at their own homes and tha most efftotlra remedy obtainable for any oaseof lung trou ble that Is not too far advanced and a cure for nny rough or oold tkat Is eurable. The Ingredients can be procured from any well stocked prescription druggist and tha mixture made at koines. Care should be taken ta sa eiift oaly tke 'CoHcenlruted" oil of plae wbteh comes put up for medl etaal hm la kalf-OMHc vials and In eloaad In tie screw top eases which orotaet It from koat and light, thus avoiding th Imitations frwiuautly found Pit up In Hoodn boxes. They iuusII.v work hnM to tho kidneys. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the r Signature of Clo J o PosMbly none of Governor Hughes' recommendatloas will bo come law, but tha public will think aoaa tka was of Ike governor, nor mora of the hjtisbuare on tkat ao count. Una's Family Madleiae Is a tenia laxaUva. It doas aot depress er wakaa. bat ImaarU a fellag of buayaaay and straagtk tkat Is da- Msktfal. At ail druggists 25c would never suffer from kiunoy, bladder or rheumatic trouble. $1 bottle, two months' treatment, sold by S. C. Stono druc store, or by mail. Testimonials with oncli bottle. -o OASTOIIIA. o Most Dlivct Roiito. "How did your husband get out of the building after ho had located tho gna leak?" asked tho reporter. "As nonrly as ho could romomher It afterward," said the woman, "he went out through tho roof." Ex change. o Too Much Face. Von feel ns if you had ono face too many when you hnvo Nouralglo. Don't you? Savo tho fnco, you may noed It; but get rid of tho nournlgla by applying Dullard's Snow Lini ment. Finost thing In tho world for rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scnldslame back and pains. Sold by D. J. Fry. o Ever TIiih. ICnlcker Children are ao disap pointing. Hooker Yes. Johnny broke his Indestructible toy and won't 'break hi drum. New York Sun. It Is Impossible, simply i impossiwfortT? one to enjoy the bes of health if theboeii I T--V tf tf one to enjoy inc oct vi ucauu u me bowel, f IJigKtr arc constipated. Undigested materialVl J X aIDPF JLiilO products, poisonous substances, must t &JKU&I C,BV tt removed from the bodvftrt,..' he knows abtiUt b(j ,roubet and often serious trouble.toa rfJte '!" ' Aycr's Pills aid naturc,th.t is ILfcag; ho a Aik pour doctor i.111 f-m tllttffti Pilh. TL- '-nU'ite"; Getting nn Opening. A man had a story about a gun which ho delivered himself of upon all occasions. At a dinner party ono evening bo writhed in his chair for over an hour, waiting for a chance to Introduce his story, but no opportu nity presented Itself. Finany slipped a coin Into the hand of waiter and whispered: "When you leavo tho room again slam tho door." Tho waiter slammed tho door as directed, and -the man sprang to his feet, with tho exclamatien: "What's that noise a gun?" "Oh, no!" resumed his host. "It was only tho door." "Ah, I eee! Welt speaking of guns rcmindB mo of a little story," etc. Liverpool Mercury. D A Hlehw Health LcvcJ. "i hnvn reached a higher health lovol Blnco I began using Dr. King's New Llfo Pills," writes Jacob Spring er, of West Franklin, Maine. "Thoy keep my stomach, liver anu uuwu. working Just right." If thoso pllla dlsannolnt you on trial, monoy will bo refunded at J. 0. Perry's drug Btoro; 2Gc. o Hohontn. "Wo'ro Infested with mice." "Why not Invost In n mouse trap'.'" "1 can't afford the choose!" Now Vork Telegram. O" It Does tho Ruslncss. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Malno, snys of Buckion's Arnica Salvo. "It doos the businoss; I nnvo used It for piles nnd it curod thorn. Usod it for chnppod hands and It curod them. Applied It to an oiu soro nnd It healed without loavlng a soar behind." 25c at J. C. Perry's drug storo. o The liiplMii-iit. Tho Judge Did tho prlsonor hnvu any provocation whon he struck you? Tho wltnoes No, sorr; he had u shovel. Uohomlnu. o Put In Jail, very accurately describes anyone's feelings who la conflnod to tho houso with nn attack of rheumatism, lum bago, stiff Joints or musoloe. Bal lard's Snow Llnlmont will euro tho trouble, rellove tho pain, nnd make you as suppl uv a two-yoar-old. Sold by D. J. Fry. Find Vnlunblo Wood. A vaUiablo piece of Jenoreso rare wood grown In the Philip, Islands, has boon found on the siy opposlto Pony Inlet, according to ctory from North Bend. Tho Utsl is several foot long and a ( squaro and Is said to bo worth Hoj Tho wood was Becurcd by Mean Wcrnich, Btanflold, Gardiner IK Oakley. Hovr tho wood came to thoro ia a mystery, as it Is too heiri to float!, and must havo come troi a wrecked Bhlp. Cooa Bay Tiooi . -0.. 1 Rank Foolishness, "Whon attacked by a cough or i cold, or whon your throat ia sore ! is rank foolishness to tako any o modiclno than Dr. King'o Nqw covory," Bays .0 O. Eldridgo, o" Es pire, Ga., "I havo used NowDlteer. cry sovon yeara hnd I know It !( u best romody on earth for caught m colda croup, and all throat andhsj troubloa. My children are tni to croup, but Now Discovery qaitty cures ovory attack." Known tit world over ns tho king of throat tjj lung romcdlos. Sold under gur. antoo nt J. C. Perry's drug store. 5l( and $1.00. Trial bottlo free. - o . Stirjo Thing. "Now then, children," said Uj tonchor, "what Is It we want awt In this world to mako us perfect! happy?" "Do things wo nln't got!" shoukf tho bright boy In tho back ml-1 Philadelphia Press. I . o ! FROM THE ANTILLES. I ocUcAvli Eat anything yon want, don't trve yonrsair, fearing It won't agrt, for Hnlliatar'a Hoeky Mouu- t&ln Toa clanns tha Iwwala aad atom sch, and mnkan digaatlon oaay. 35e, Tea or Tablets Dr. Stone's Store A PoolMi Quostlim. "Aad how los did yan va la South Dakou, Mr Talrdaoa?" "How loag? Goodaaati gracious. oh yoalda't axpaet ma to live tkara aa hour loagar thH wa neasiry to comp!) wuh tkt law. would you." Chicago Rcord-HraM. TI1R DRPG STORK It Involution From tlm Apothui'arlcs of tb Colonlos. lac til M U a. aowtvor. Wttawatl thai tfc jrWJ .i,,,.....,, la r aa a.tr aj tfcaaa vrala. xZt? tZzZT?. M fnk y 4 Tkar sarj rm will U- Wak kta aarta Mtail aaal us tal ms tkla " - liMt MitiMt t. iw n.i n."7 . . . Wr " " 8 aoatoad ITOK.. wMZT.iTJZTL.'r?! WWaagfja, , , . BaiUIBWPi w Krii waaaatatv tada aar taHl U wcrv. moiiv. sj da la 4Jlti u that tit mmars .. -rJMiMtt ,,. r trtnM uaaraHi wmZTuJffSS ! b ornr DEPOSITORS in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the Capitol National Bank Arc requested to pre sent their pass books for the purpose of hav ing credited the semi annual interest due January 1st. Jos. H. Albert, Cashier Puss It Along. "That young groom." wild the minister after tha ceremony, "gava ma a llfty dollar fee. What a bless ing!' "Yea." said his wife, with bar hand out, "it Is more bloated to give than to rooalva." Houston Post. o ItVHRV MOTH Hit. is or should be worrhd whan tho lit tla ones have a cough or cold, It may load to croup or pleurisy or pneunfonla then to something more serious. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will aire the trouble nt once and pre reut any complication, Sold by D. J, Fry. Don't be stingy with tips to hostl ers. One of them may dlo and leave you JTO.OflO. This hannaned In PaHasjlvanla and a hotel olork got druggists It! Caught In tho Ruin. then a oold and a cough lot It run on gt pneumonia or consumption that's all. No matter how you g't your cough, don't nogloot It take uaiiard s Horhound Syrup and you'll During ike Mvaath century tha druggist came to America and close ly followed Ungllsk precedents, modi fylag them1, however, by tho practloa of tka Indians, wltk whom he came la coaUet. Quack apothecaries began to aarfag up In tha naw land, and in U3G tka colony of Virginia passed a law which among other things rag- w tut tM the prkes aad fees of the drusgu. At kl time It was fash lonabl for tka druggists to practice sanry la addition to pharmacy, and tke Virginia COklUV Mfltulna.1 I...... number of omi wko were pro- Je 0V9r U ln no tImo' Tho sure cure flrtant both arofaastoaa. In MaaanJ 0OUKhi' co,d3' bronchitis and all ckutt tke buaiaeag was Urgly ,nl,,mo,,a"y dlseasos In young and ta hand, of imitaus, schoolmaat.r, 0'd' So,d b" D- J- Pr ,oid women and taaoaere. The Salem ,,, witchcraft demaloa raUrdad the arlnl tide has turned, says sprnid of tha druggist tor soma time bnk 8taume,lt May the waters iut uy tute, tor Ute ooouUr lm.' . . lv '" H urK1' Brn l'r-sson fuaasl oa tna apothaearies a upictou that they sold the potions that tr saaUMSd to piodura the ;pala. AasoAf thoso who .nr4 PnMuttoa at tan time tuuer, ,-f mwdklno appear to har- b.,n urouii- 'UrUt. I Thdruhaa ad not t liai,,. a dladact iaaiMsjlsffli it mss aaaalh !a branch of tk) grocery tore or spice ;bulns In l$il one Gl'w Fonn.u Jor Bowon. UA. koHTer MrmU ..tab- isa aimsaif M davottn patal t Uutlon to pharmacy, u lt$ th nrat dlstlncdvo im. . , AjBei a waa op te g. hy Wl,taw Da We UooincoU'a. Clinmbcrluln'fl Cough Remedy Bent. fits n City Councilman at Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. W. O'Reilly Forgarty, who b a mombor of tho city council at Klnr ton, Jamalcn, West Indios, wrltd u follews: "Ono bottlo of Chamber- Iain's Cough Romody had good effect on a cough that wns giving me uw bio and I think I should havo b: nioro quickly relieved If I bad to: tlnuod tho romody. That It was beef flcial and quick ln relieving me tht.i Is no doutit nnd it Is my Intention b obtain another bottlo." For sale Ij Dr. Stono's drug storo. 0 i rt',..i V..t..H.. t9 .1... If.in, ! 1IIV IIHIIIIVI u .III' Illllll, Nlmrod Aro you fond of hHk Ing? Oyer it all doponds Nlmrod Doponds o Gyor Foxas or collar lustrated Bits. )n what? j illar tudi.-ajj lfow's This? Wo offor Ono Hundred DollariRh ward for any caso of Catarrh Ufc oannot be curod by Hall's CaUra Curo. F. J. CHBNBi' & CO., ToltW 0. j Wo, the undersigned, have kM P. J. Ghenoy for tho last 15 jm and bellovo him porfoctly honortV' Inall businoss transactions and Sen- olally able to carry out any oW tlons mado by his Arm. Waldlng, Klnnnn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, a Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken U- ternally, acting directly upon m blood and mucous surfaces of til system. Testimonials sent i" Price 75 cents por bottle, Sold W! and . '!(. B0J Biliousness ' I K4t 'H.J mmwi Ml 4 lh.m t BTfk4 KiU 4 Wr4A M.n Albtay.N.r. 5esT For TKa Rnwvl. LVVdauieto CAHOY CATUAATK Tako Hall'8 Family Pills for , stipatlon. i m. MmrtTlTAi b ij,. lta Risi fey K3rt W W i SALEM BRICKYARD A. A. DURTON. Prop. Brick alwava en hand. In ear W of otherwise. Pressed brick mi to order. Yard on Stato street, wa of pentltentlary. '7'liL m HICKOKT Cough Remedy AMOlVTUVrilt lnf. HotHTts 11 j Prof. t. S. Rabarm. or Uto mi . at raoortad to aa ndia ta attand his work at th sehaoi ow 'as to a slight illness. UALSAUf TEH WLMM 10XES tESSSSBBB 191 Coughs. Colds CROUP BHMIWIilliBS jwhoopmy Couh gron.k "t SORE THROAT a m pi.!.... M THOATltl'N MUOttimHUUTCA SAUM.OWCON.US.A. Ml. iMhfHC-a Prices 25c, BOc, tl.OO SoM j srat-clasa drugglaU aTeryvB?