DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OKEGO.N'. TUESDAY. JANUARY 14, 1008. Hi THE CAPITAMJOURNAL li. I101KH, Ed. amW'rop. Am (wUpeodenl Nowppr I)Totl to American Mftclplei nd I UielrogTW nd Dartiopemtai or aii urrgou. -nUIhsl Hverr Kvfnlnr Kxwpt flood, ffclera, Ore. sunscmimoN hates, (iDttrUblr In AJtdc,J UURfttfcy tlor, pf yetr. 0Ur, fcf milt, pr yetr. .... rkir, ,r ' pr yr ..W.OO IjOT .1.00 Ier month......30o Per mouth Mc 81 monthi .....JOc r- 81'EOIAL )EUVERY. Fter convenience of subscribers branch delivery offlce D" at toe following places at & cents per monio, i. "" (Asylum Store, P. 0. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avenuo Junction. Carllne, Seventeenth streot o A. W. Lane, Garden Road store. Ozao's Store, Alex, Dauo, South Commercial street. Electric Storo, C. M. Kpploy, East Btato street. Fair (Jrounds Store, Harrison Dee, Fair Orounda Road. Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. O. K. Orocory, A. A. Engleba t, Twelfth street. 4 Wheeler's Store, W. D, Wheeor, Highland avenue. Yew Park BJon, V. O. Powor ox. Twelfth and Leslie v,rt 14 ' n THE FAITHFUL ONE. i la tho storm and Uio slrifo, when lightnings of life . Had blasted my deepest endeavor, Sfho crept to tny sldo when tho last hopo had died, ' And whispered: "I lovo you foreverl" .rv Aud tho blttor unrcHt of a grlof-strlckon hrcaut Haw a star through tho black shadows living; JCnnwta Joy abovo In tho strength of thnt lovo f That Is wonindod, nml yet Is forglvlngl And Borrow now sccnu but a phaulom of drcminn, Aud I'enco shall depart from ino novor; O'er lilfu'M Vnllny of Slfihs, soot Tho light In tho sklesl For she whispers: "I love you foreverl" tnolo Remus Magazine. TAFT EXPLAINS TO GOTHAM WORKMEN Dafends the Good in labor and Capital, but. Gets After the Naughty. riiwiiini If sick hair only ached as sick tET there would be very few bald peonle in a runrlrt Whw h Unit .ft ..! A .,n Sick Hair IvoarJodorepproco,lhvseJ!ert Fccd3 wcak ha,r A fa , f hair Vigor. ftH" 'A"Mrefl- medicine, a halr-tonic. . world. Whv be kind tn vnn- ...... mean to your hair? Ayer'g Hair Vli- keeps well hair well. Cures sick hf? j .-' omploy of their employer in a body WIMJAM If. 'PA IT. Tho steadily lnbroalng popularity of Wllllnm II. Tnftnml his growing strength ns n I'realdontlnl onndlduto, am dlaolnHed by rteont incidents In Ohio and olsewhore, are boglnnlng to clottr the puhllo iiiIihI m to his re ialloni with PriMldent ItoonevoU. lindor ordlunry rondltlons It would b n hmvy hnndlonp to n onndldnto 'to he known na tho oholou of an outgoliiK Pnmldont. Tho tttnignth of 8crtnry Tuft Is not only ovldenoo of Mr. Itoose veU's uMonUhlng hold on tho iwople, hut It Ih deoldod proof of tiro con Jldonoo and imtoem In which Heorplary Tuft la hold. Tho publlo discriminate In this cam with nicety, nnooptlng Prosldent TIoomovpII'h vlow of Koorotnry Tnft wltlmot plnetng tha Prouldont In tho atiltudo of attempting) inlMimo his olllolnl powor or placdiK Mr. Tnft n tho nttltmlMof IihIiik a tiivro slindow of tho PrtMildnt. Tho nwiHin why tho pulillr t tiirnliiK toward TwftIS .NOT O.VLV UK QA1IHK IT IK KUItlJ III'. IH IN llAH.MO.N'V WITH Till. I.OOHKVI.I7T POM icjiics, mrr iiiuuuhk iik is; iniuviiumm.y and ihctinotivhi.y, in JUS OWN' HUJIIT, AI)I.MH.HLV IMITKI' I'Olt THE PltltSIDItNCY. The public does not domuiid front IerftMy Taft or nny other oamll dntn n, uUh!k that ihw IUmmvU potlrlwi will U wctetiUnl to th !t tt)r, antatly u UaImvU nmU ixeMta them. , In tho tlrat pWicw, no ohh ma forvUII wImU la Uat to b lOH uUr lrcMiHMUiHM ant ywt iltvlot. Mr. ItotMHrrt hlHUralf HH0t UP wlwu Im will do Ik tke raittaliilHf itmt if kta MlwlHlstfitUMt, nor wuia M b wts to tmel it )Mlg frotn him. n pU Hmm APMra wis aow might bo toeBsk. whoa Um Uhm arrlros tr It iM'Hilott. ' rrotrr Toll bollovw In tk ttOuMwU KatotOS. RMd K losloU MO will, no 4ntik4, otactTor lo eorry tOM ttttu wTi-ol. Hut lw will 4o m ,l"to tw sjr. Um is; M m rur4 moMor m not to rotJI tho otohtraliOB of Mr. Stuowwlt vilm h inok tk work 1M 4owi hy MiKtiiltr? Mr. ltMAovtH laborotl faithfully to txojwto tho MKIlor polteloa, kHuwtnc tkwy woro ooprovoil by lk poottlo. No om chart kl with fallttro, hut .mroly no ooo woW hftrt Iho tMnithoetl to tmm4 that tho history of tho ImI alx yofurt hi' what It would havo boM If Mr. MrKlttfoy had Hvotl aad rvMMlaod 1-roaMoat, TowponiiNMital dl(rorotM tMtwto Hooaovolt aad MclClaloy haro wtttt. mrptnut ttitaotlta la thU history. (UthoMih thoro way bo ho tradtoxl loottKoM fruat aay of McKlatoy'a rIam. Tkrwuth tho mm mnh alttillar rfoeta oaaM bo oxnotl If Mr. Tatt woro okHNotl Proatdaat. Aj h HMia f ladlTldaaiity aad aoaiMl oommmm waao. ho woold aot mm try to trato tho koosovoll nolkta la tha Hootvt way. HIH .MA.NMIII WDIMil) UK THH TAW MANWHJt-JTHII MA.V.VHU VATIVH TO TIIK MAX. Ha wohM travel alwag tho wthww f ht arwIoMaoar. hat ho woald -aaaj wlU oah KHatkia tu U ro. aoUaK aaoartllaK to etrtuMataaeos tw Um bM, wlthmtt regard to oator aoMraai. No toltvmta.ld waa woaW taalat uaoa a irfavtah ImltaUoa of aay aro hHHg aotioM. howerw raawal. Aa IfaaUhmt Mr. 'VU woaal ha la powmilou of aU aWtahla taiorwa. J9N. atMl III! CUiriilHIII llKlillll) VIHIN Til MAICI1 Plttriilivnu mu a-'liwr WNSItiMlLVnos. wkotkar hla aoelatoa whj ha oao that Mr nmvwii wht ha atatla or othaoioa, Mr. ltot htmtf it tha laat aiaa la tha Ualtad tteUa. arohahlr h wtMiW try to ilo Mr. Tail dowa to a oortiUa oaartoof aotloa oa f- tura avoaa. Aa a vrtaaof of frlaads ay aaraooat tamoai. UU wholoaoaia ritv. hW fod W. hta ovhlota ahlltty a4 adHAoaa t uwkto and orr- hTy hurdoao withoaa rMfoaatthlo rtrala aaa hia haarty Amimim aaa.r atral IfctTSlinffvVwS ai ta mju aoMMy. MwrKvn H UAf NOT 8lIMfllllllU IIV COMPARISON WITH ANY OTIIHIt Now York, Jan. 11. For the first tlmo sinco ho bocamo a recognized candldato for tho Republican Presi dential nomination, Secretary Thft faced a Now York audience, set forth In dotail hla stand, on tho question of tho relative Interests and rights of labor and capital, and tn -turn sub mitted to a rapfd-flro attack from the audlonco, which quizzed him keenly and In somewhat controversial spirit, according' to tho practice of the Peo- rIo'a institute, whose guest ho was. Tho secretary proved equally effec tlvo in attack and defense, and h3 prompt and forclblo rojllM and oc casional witty sallies evoked tho snmo demonBtrntlvo npplauso as grootod tho salient points of his ad dress propor. Two thousand persons, Its capne Ity, had crowded Into Cooper Union when polico rosrvos woro summon ed to clonr tho walks In front of the building', where n thousand or mor hnd oongrogatod. As tho form of tho soorotary of war made Rs way through tha throng a shout of "Throe ohoors for the next Prosl dont!" was tho signal for a noisy ovation thnt continued until Mr. Tnft mndo his acoustomod platform bow. In his prepnrud nildreas the secre tary pointed out tho dapendenctf, one upon tho othor, of onpltal and labor. Ho declared that great aggregatloni of wonlth proporly employed wldon- od tho field of labor and ware to be woJcomed, while wealth Improperly unod was to bo condemn!. He ad voontod unionism In so far as sym puthy and tho ratuiltaut co-operation made for tho public good. At tho conclusion or his nddresa the nudlenco had Ita turn. Chalrtuaa OharloN Straguo Smith announced thnt Mr. Tnft would road questions nathoy'wero handed up. "Do you think a laborer gota enough money?" waa a qnaotlon, to which Mr. Taft laughingly rajritad: "In doa't know what tho laborer geta. I don't know what labor ha aarforaM, hut I do know that torn got moro thaa they oaght to hava. and I thlak aom should got moro." would' it take the United States to collect $29,000,000 from tho Stand ard Oil?" Tho secretary said that tho solu tion would require an advanced form of mathomatlcs -with which ho was not familiar. There was ono quory over which tho secretary hcsltatod, whllo hla face assumed a thoughtful, serious ex pression, then ho read: "What la a man to do who is out of work in a financial crisis and Is starving?" Thoro was a pronounced pause. Tho secretary looked to the far cor ners of tho big room and tho long lines of workmon gathered thoro. "God knows," ho replied. "They have my deepest sympathy If .they cannot got work. It Is an wnful caso when a man Is willing to work and is put in this position." "I am asked," said tho secretary, "If tho government ownership of rnlnos and railroads would make dis pute between labor and capital oftHler to sottlo. I don't think so. Do you realize what a power you would put In Washington? You would put n power In tha handa of ono mnn or sot of man that would wall mnke you tremble for tho snfoty of tho republic." an Inconvcnienco as possible to In duco him to come to their terms. They havo the right in their labor unions to delegate to their leaders the power to say when to strike. They havo tho right in advanco to accumulate contributions from all members of tho labor unions a fund which Bhall enable thorn to live dur ing the pending strllco. They have tho right to uso persuasion with all other labororB who are Invited to tako thoir places In order to con vince them of tho advantage to labor of united action. It Is tho business Ing a different Judge cont In order to Impose on him as great proceedings from the Judco i.. . A IM l4tl Itlltt ntvtf n4 IT- - "iIj "Thero Is a closg of who look upon labor unions as so vicious, and a class of radl&i bor uniqniB who look upon cant, as labor's natural enemy, i X however, that the great majority! each class aro gradually becoaf moro conciliatory ln their atuj tho ono toward tho othor. uelt them la a iargor class, neither ew tallst nor labor unionist, h0J without prejudices, and I hopei! ono of these. Tho effeots of the ,. nrp not over. Wo must expect fob of courts and of the polico to respect (trial depression. This may bo fra these rights with tho samo tlegrcp of jful of labor controversies. I earn uutio liuuu u. uiuro conservative u conciliatory attlbudo on both t!i imi uvom mo aeaiructlvo stmrr1 Icndloton' Market Day. With rtvnrvhnlv niuj .. . . , i-uovu ana etc body, oven tho promoters thmseln happily surprised, Pondloton'a na kot days woro Inaugurated Satnrds caro that they respect tho right of ownors of capital ito tho protection of t heir property and business." Ho added, however, that "a resort to violence, or other form of law lessness, on behalf of a labor union, properly merits nnd rocolves Bhnrp cst condemnation from tho public, nnd Is qulto likely to loo the causo of lnhor Its support In tho pnrtlculnr in an unqualified successful mane controversy." Hundreds of neonln worn u ' i -'- "wijiiinwna Tho "abuso of capltnl combIna-,tho city from tho surrounding tiona" industrial and railroad (try and moro than $.1000 worlh nuiu uittuiiBBUii a i, luiibiu, tiuu mu it- amil WU3 UblWI ana sold. Intlon of wage-onmors thereto point- It was truly a groat day in raJ wnys than ono. Tho merchants vj moro than pleased with tho pairj ku ii orougnt, but tho host of J od out. Mr. Tnft said: "Tho maintenance of such unlaw ful monopolies Is for tho purposo of tho fact that It demonstrated u,,,h ..,, u,u iuiuu ui vim iivvuDoi-.jiranucnoiiiiy or tno plan and t iiwu ui mu, niiu iiu uuumsNiiiiy i-mo8t sKoptlcnl wns mndo to bcllr diiooa tho purchasing powor of tho that oven in sparsely settled Umt wntroH thnL wnifft-nnrnnrii rnnnlvoJin nmint4. -.. n. . . Tl,a nn.l n,n.. . n..uftn.l " . " . . " I" -""V. tuo lumir DO Oih ,, ' ""'. """' ""- This Is a sorlous dolrlmont to them auccossful monthly ovonf nnd a roal reason why (hoy should without oxcoption, tho merefci condsmn such cornoratlnn nlmsna nml inni.in...n.i 1..-1 ... ... . . : , j.."-iiwwu liiut waning were n oji.ipunii iiu uiu vau.i iu immiii tnnn plonsed with Uio business of them out. It is not that they should l(lnv nnvimr imf i.i. . wero volla'd at tho secrotary, who Htiswerod thorn with facility and great good humor, which reflected Itsolf In the attitude of his nudloncu. Ono quastloner wnntod to know If worktngmon woro ready to work so hard for prlvnto Individuals, why hoy would not lie ready to work as hard for tha govoument undor fed ora! ownership. The socretnry ro pll(Hl without hosltatlen: I "Decauae human nature U not built 'filfitl. l.n Hha t. I. L II. I iui.K vunv IIIIS. Ik IH JIOl llHMtl)l to earry oh sovarnments tho same as a Duatnaaa, hy Indlvkluals working for private gala. You cniiuot chnnga th motive of enlightened faltlahueas Into akrulsm." Mr. Taft Indicated clearly that ha dkl not thlak tha tltua bad come for 11 Miny, any iik: thnt mnsi.i,,1.... , .a . ... . . I " - - -----w vwiitMUVllllir J sympntnizo with nn crrort to destroy 1 shortness of tho tlmo tho event i Olllill ll'llk LlllfUliVlU UlllVI H II9UD, IIU cnuso thoy employ enormous num bers of wngo-oarnors nnd lawfully and normnlly Incronso tho cnpltnl from which the wago fund Is drawn, but thoy should and do vigorously stistnln tho po llcy of tho govornmont MU. ... I . taara wa a HWd shoat whan tha u laeoma tax law. Ha waa accorded a-orotary eommoaeoU to laagh while aaothor oration whan ha finished, roadlag ovar a ajuaotlon which la- d many in tha audience fioekod to qulrod wy ho hd ehaagad his attl-jthe platform to ahaha him Uy the tuda toward lal.or t4aro ho left tho. hand. Mt. Taft said In hla addraaa: Wa are suffering now from a (panic it waa brotiKht on. In m Judgment, hy tha exhaustion of frea capital the world over, by tha lack irf an alaailo aj'atom of currency and also by a lack of eoafldanea In our uuaJnaas filipli. unA.t.u.1 .. t. -- w..w KlvrtNURI in iviiruiitv I..IV . .. !.......... ... .. ., . .. "- fM-i w. NuoiiMMHi aow.tnaro would , mroagh tha ravolatlona In certain ho no butlnaaa at all. Purthar. ha great corwratkona of liuinu ,n. said ha woold not dtaraaf th tariff jhoaaaty. corruption and unlawful tataa at thla Uma. neaa it had been rv rM a A aaaatlon coneornlag tha right of ,to purify Mwt of ir bnaii. ,-i,. .M AHtKlntia.. lo l..lu. ..... I .. i... .. . -w,. . H.,Hfi ...jHHcuon pro- ww; uui ma puruteatlon oaiinot stop .-... m.inmni ir cT(Hry to ettt boon ndvortised tho results wereri mnrnnuio. All woro unnnlmoni tho belief that thoao that are loce: win Do ovon hotter than this. A plonalng fonturo of Saturdi snlofl wns tho largo number of hor DroilCllfc In AnntlinH .....II...1.. i In bringing thoso grtnt corporations hlPO n, ihn ..,. ".' Z . .. Within hn lnw n,l Mll .!.. ." ' "J o UW IH li to conducl thir .in li nort-ISrS :.i0I!.!r!h-?, rt.ulf " nnco with tho statutes of the coun- ;""----" " on.y i26 . , - -.....-.,, II ) . , "In rare Instancas corporate mali ngers have outer! to a courao of 1olanee to mainUIn their side of a Oolo bonrh. Tha arreUry declar-d Chat his attitude had aot changed, and that ta things ha had said to night ho had always atood for. "la aot aa ladootilal oltaatloa baaad on a tariff (abjo one?" Tha aaeraury renUad that. If tha a onto In which ha appeared ha coun- m. Moora & Co. had Ahtalaa.1 ma paaie. it will doubtlou make another In tha far future laaa likely. Moaatlma, all mat suffer, both the lUiT T, ,l,!i g rh,,0 l ltty. and tha innooont T'Jt t " U tMk ywralmor " 8"IUy- Cortalaly tha ,. xwnr, ma ariarr muorar wao u throws n..t ui. oaAoot. tomtan- Tgfl la world. added that, if a lafciartloa had b ohtalattl hi- Moora & Co. they wonhl not hava anffored aay damaKa. Short. b nftarward a haiaoroanty Inclln! aadltor at up Ua following qat- Uoa. whloh eaHaad a gonaral laNgh: "If It took Mooraa i Company toa yearn to eolirt iigaa. tuu- Ln.! oat m Ui "WW to tote fct Mr. Taft'. adfhwr. havo poUtd Cha adawliaa ot hla traooi vtKanx., wioro tho mk. ? Tto maaa. N la It. ola. uHH a d-Li-.. Hue tar Am roiiaaaa aaoa a ttaa vho hi aaoa to W aoataa-d krL- JMUJJJI.. H ho garfuraMOco 1 poiot. r.t TSTj.S Ifcfar of (h U, "KaH, aad tho aohghoar. I'd UV t iMkrww that wtthi of igKiiSAtOl nwi44f. -im gv h tlHi)itnuj 9. wit i-a aarf aoto asirla mU o lav. If a huk U VaftM-ihi, .ui. 4.a aau of hlj ag, an WM Xbw lugariHiratlttug. Qo. PttMal wmm wruva. nun. rv. T ,K' '. laaNMao i. ooaa. va. n ri r jhv DoUmiiio. J MetMda Tfeoh. iw .'i . . r v-im. Qaoaor, Pj. feu IC i4 kt mala ou Ii wWnt W ZTTT. fe w Mtahl .tlo.- WaMtiaoa Star J? "?' I,0,"W DEPOSITORS in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the Capital National Bank Arc requested to pre sent their pass books for the purpose of hav ing credited the semi annual interest due January 1st. ploymaat by the hard Umea Is Inno eont and suffers mora than the oapl- mil, wnotnar InaoeaM or gulky. who has moaay u llva oa meantime HHUl proaparlty shall be rostored." Ditettaaa tha dimoaltlaa In poaea fntt HdJatont of ooatmvIw be tween capital and labor. Mr. Tuft eommaadad tha work of such organ Italians as tho Ctvle Federation m aaaklag to bring together capitals and labor laadora. and axpraaaod the opo that by roason of this friend lr aootaot hotwaoa employers and labor fwaoora taoor anloac may ho ladttead ,to aaatat tha isneoof hoaoat InduUry. ,to !" the "aobrloty, Indaatry ,klll and (MVUty to tho ompioyars' a. rooia in tne employe." Oa th ubect of arbitration Mr ITaft argued for th adjuatment of ! labor dlult by submission to n ,trurtlal tribanal and agreement to -w iia jaagmeot. ud la uU ron owioa commaodad the 'M.fh " ! " ThJ mthaA k 'ard. had praetieallr hM ..i, tkv W..I,,-4 .. . -rf vimiHi itooaavait ss.t ...i o woataaUaJ and prwtici re., aitc Thai hi a prorteloa of i,w I which am Impartial trtbaaal than . . ,lglo all tho aoadlttoos aurround- M to dtaiMto. take ora ortdcnr I dra a eaamiHaton to . to uj, rtw of tho teoao ami pahUah U :o Uo wwhi. labor controreray. They have Juatl dad In on tho ground that they were simply fighting flra with lira, and that If tha labor union proceeded to nee dynamite. hey would uaa dyna mlto In return. I cannot too strong ly condemn this course of argument. No amount of lawleaineas on the part of labor striker will Juatlfy lawleas neae on tha jmrt of tha omployors. Such a cowrs menus a rocurrenco of elvll war and anarchy. "A aoooiul abuso which amployors aro ometlmaa guilty of Is what toch nloally Is known as 'blacklisting.' Thla Is unlawful nnd should be oon dentned," Mr. Tnft condemned the "abuses of labor, such ns violence, intimida tion and the boycott, and pointed out the legal remedies by which a per- son may uo protected agnlnet the IN legal acts of combinations of canltal aad combinations of labor. "In caeos or unlawful combinations of capital, as won as of such combinations of labor," ha said, "tho motkod In oquN ty by securing an injunction seoms to be preferred by those who nre ahoHt to bo Injured." ' He dafendad the Injunction against the crKIclam that it nlaces In th hands of Judges laglalative. Judicial and exeeuttvo powers, and dedarod that "prevention U batter than cure." Ha granted tha contention that the Injunction hd been abuse.! In uw uispiMe-, and favored auu-ndment af tha law to provuu. that n. t.inporaiy reatralning ouLt .h,.uid IfMie until after notu,. and h-ai.ti: a' o ren,,ir. LAZY LIVER Nearly ovarythlng was put tin trl vegetables nnd hap to blooded K.I lions. Pendleton Tribune. Depends on I.onillty, !mppenod In Mlneapolii "What wouW the hidory of t'j country havo been," cxtlaltwd i loquont locturor, "without tl morUl John Smith?" Ho paueatl. "Apptoud that name!" he otornly, Ahhotigh most of the perwu tha nudicnoe woro namvl John tiiAV lilkOtnililnil Vitnfnli. tn elmv l thoy bore tho Into John Smlli grudge. 01 u 4 if L0 'U ou In pa !ar CUHICS A COVGH OH COIJ). The following formula is a w failing romody for coughs or coldcl Two ouncoM of glycerine, oue-l ownco of Concontrntod oil of fl ono-hatf pint of good v.Jilsky, and shako thoroughly each time' use in doeos of a teaspoonful U tablespoonful every four hour. This, If followed up. will curat oough that Is oureable or brk' an acuto cold In twontyfour tes Tho ingredients nil can be goU any drug store. Concentrated oil of pine comwll nn .w-i i n .. In J ! tut iiiimiuiuui usos uu; " ounco vlala sealed ln tin sere cases designed to protect It hect and light. Other ells of M aro Insoluble and'aro MkIy to ! duco nsuroa and cannot give UM olred rosults. Azm i in ii i i BBcaggf bfTl P I k i I l.J r. I , .u. :"r., " 1 t.il I ... . . Jj-..5v:j:-:.- -...5 a ;r.r.-v- ....,; - ya ,v- ---. r.n u r. cmtDtua i Miir I -.nv iHiMr i,. I .... .., Best For The Bowels &owo HICKORY BdRK Cough Remedy ioiTrtrnt im u I L.,ipca r. Coughs, Colds CROUP ffHTMrtfa HliHl'rir IWhodptnf Coujh Hrfni Brn SORC THROAT THROATdllNCS CANOYCATttWTIC U3 " l,aen tasnieri H ttor uto to,trike. Mr T.ttjttt<.vu::v 1 1 Mid j MUwIori TAttA Gaa.1 n n . . . NSSfewaffis m h, .h, llrtl to ,m, ,ujwisiu,KiiWoiriiits itauwiuztiiMUtta I awfrf B MtMM SAtrU.OR(CON.l $. BMnnnniW1" fit. iMtfhfl taa Prices asc. 60c H.OC flrst-clasa druggists OTerywa! Tin JlE S ( AKP IT J rUl SA K-ID1 . TISI