Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 14, 1908, Image 1

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lot to Destroy Popular Legislation System
ope to Elect Legislature Inimical to Statement No. 1,'lt Remains Only For Heney to 'Indorse This Action to
and Return To Old Conditions
The Peoples Press, an independent
d wide awake Portland newspnper,
Its iue of Jan. 11, says:
Events transpiring during tho last
a dy in Portland and Oregon po-
Wd circled Indicate Unit the people
tie state aro in Imminent clangor
iMlng fhf ntlre system of'popu-
r lgi-!alon that has during tho
t three years mado Oregon onvio
i remaikable among tho ttntes of
Despite all the work that has boon
no by tho state grange, tho labor
dies of tho city and state, tb push
b forces and improvement bodloj
over Oregon, and by men who
re sacrificed monoy, time and tho
most endeavor for this ontiro sys-
ri of tbo direct primary, tho direct
ctlon of United Stntes senators
d the direct control of tho stato
rernment, It boo in 3 probablo that
the result of tho work of theso
a and public bodlos will bo lost
ough tho indifforonco of the great
rs of tho votors to tho shifty ma
untiong of tho astuto and crooked
Htlclans who would soo tho old.
lr again restored. Dirty politics
4 hnrt (lin funornl ml !. n11n.l avah'
....... wwna twitvu vf.vt
cold, still form, but dirty politics
p moro than nlno llvos, and la ovon
k yes this very hour, stirring it-
f In a dozen secret places In Port
ia and stirring Itself for bnit tho
dominant motive to bring back
m old order and to bow tho neck
the p ople to the yoko of tho ma-w.
Men who are politically Also and
o know what i happening, uner
ad thoroughly that in tho last
wks this movoment against
present popular system of logls-
ion hu come to a focus and be
& the wenes the mlno has been
f which is hoped will blow up tho
' bulwark the votors ever had
be aggressions of the preda-
7 politicians and elusive grafting
ers and Jobbers in fat things for
w This movement has even
d pre,6ion in tho daily press,
prs which suddenly seems ad
Is to staunchly supporting the dl-
c primary as jt once did, and when
men learn that W. P. Matthews
saln emerged and that the old
M ! openly fighting Statement
1. the wise men fear.- And to-
though this attaok against the
t Prlmarx and especially against
merit Nu. i jg generally known In
pair i-irc'ee, there Is scarcely
ef'Uti ! ,n Ian. r In iha eiafa flint
v "d hand and foot. Thara Is
fond Miv.hatlc roar from the edl-
i!san, ,nw for Sutement No. 1,
br. ,,., before the election of
tvor P.', . nv Tha niavnTiInn hoa
i in popular trumpets and the
0r lrt s 'm to bo tagging
m qui-' smothering all hint of
mst the aUaok of the no-.
41 i'irateg. j
:r.e was opportunte for the J
Thehe political eamesters
hl watched their ohances
8h tht e&rs when tho people
fcke knew that the financial
!J bd d verted the popular In
K from politics to bread and but-
w'n andidatos and their nrom-
,fl b"ers and their certificates, '
t What was In ho Hnnc umilrt
"t Derformal rvn ...I.I1A v.
li t'ert Then, too, these wise
t that RprmWif T)n.nn had
the pinnacle of his ambition!!
" acamaption of the senatorial ,
-u vuat ce no longer took the
deep and personal lntoroat in Stato
mont No. 1 that ho once did, and
withoutat loast one nggresilvo loader
to ropel' tho attaok, all soemod an fa
for tho buonnoors.
It Is alleged that ovon the men who
boforo were Stntomont No. 1 leaders
Make Some Big Ones Nervous.
San Francisco, Jnn 11. Comploto penltontlnry as tho result of tho graft
immunity has been promised to Abojprosocutlon, that man will bo Abo
Ruef," was tlR) repeatod nnnounce-
Ituof by District Attorney William H.
Langdon, and unless Rudolph Sprock
los and Francis J. Ilonoy object to
having It oxtondod, ulcoplng powders
will bo In groat demand among men'
hnvo gono over to tho onemy. It Is J f millions In San Francisco when the
nsiortod that John B. Coffey, John
Drlscoll and men of the same olnss
who wero lenders in tho Inst cam
paign for Stntomont No. 1 aro now
allied with tho practical politicians
(Continued on pngo four.)
(United Press Leased Wiro.)
Now York, Jan. 14. Tho Hamil
ton bank has been found solvent by
tho examiners of tho stnto depart
ment of banking, nnd it will bo re
opened January 20. Tho ro-exnml-nation
of tho bank has been in pro
gress for a week. In UiIb examina
tion neither tho $50,000 which grew
out of tho sale of tho Providence
Savlnga Lifo Asfiuranco Society,,
nor tho $200,000 bonds to P.
Augustine Ileinzo and his brother
wero put among tbo assets.
Tho bank will hnvo on hand $1,
800.000 when it reopens.
absolute nature of tho contract be
comes known.
Nolthor Honey nor Sprecklo wore
prtBont whon Langdon and Detoctlvo
William J. Duma, of tho graft prom
inent made by llenoy prior to tho vo
cont municipal campaign,
Heney has rolteratud this since,
but may have boon led to change his
J Ilonoy Is Sons.
Portlnnd, Or., Jan. 11. Frnnols
J. Heney was far from pleated thH
morning when ho read tbo news of
Ruef's nppnrent victory over Lang-
Cowardice of a Few men Causes Panic In Which 151
Women and Children Perish
(Unltod Prow Lonsed Wire.) J saved hor llfo If alio had not trlod to
cutlon, conferred with Ruof, but tho! don nnd Burns yostordny, and thoir
interpretation of tho rosult of tho nllogod promlKo of comploto Immuni
conferonco wns almost gonornl in Its'ty to the ox-boss, if ho would testify
in uiu gran cuucb iiuw cuiuiiig ni, nu
There wns only one thing that thoy
could not reconcile with this general
ly accepted result, and that was the
attitude of Honoy townrd Ruef.
Heney 'haB frer.iontly declared
since Ruef shed tears In tho tomplc
Sharith Isrnol that tho fallen boas
would bo sent to Jail.
"If only ono man Is sent to the'
scowlod ns ho road a United Press
dispatch containing UiIb nows, but ro
fUHCd to talk. "I have nothing to
say," ho snnpped, "not a word."
Then hoK0owled somo moro. Ho waa
still angry when ho arose to address
tho court in tho Hall caso, but he
persistod in docllnlng to talk about
the San Francisco situation.
TA THK DTTRT If On and after January 15 the banking
III Illn JrUDlal' hours for all Salem banks will be from
10 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. in.
Tho following docket entries wero
mado by Judge Durnett yostorday in
dopartment No. 1, of tho Marlon
county circuit ceurt:
John Walling vs. J. H. Poteraon, !
action for money; plaintiff's motion
for order for eale of perishable at
tached property overruled.
Defense Is Trying to Show Insanity In Remote Branches
Of the Family
Otllclal announcement wns mado
Into this aftoruoon that, according tn
tho bolt facta obtainable, tho llHt of
killed in last night's thontor panic
and lire will not oxceod 180; that 100
wero iicrlously Injured, 20 of whom
are expected to dlo.
The nuthorltion of the city have
been at work all day In an effort to
determine who could possibly bo hold
reiponslhlo for tho disaster. It Is
not Improbrblo that charge of crim
inal carelessness will noon bo mado
against ono or moro pnrtto. All sa
loons nnd hotol bars have boon closed
.A s.qund of tho state constabulary
hnvo arrived from Reading, Pn., to
assist in tho roKouo work.
Doyerstown, Pu., Jan, 11. Sovon-ty-flvo
of tho victims of Inst night's
torrlblo thontru disaster, duo to n
panic nnd an explosion, hnvo boon
Identified. Investigation this morn
ing shows that tho oarly reports on
the numbor of persons killed weir
not oxaggoratod.
Fully 100, tho majority of thorn
womon nnd children, aro doad, and It
Is feared this numbor will bo greatly
increased by death claiming many of
tho Injured. It is estimated that at
loaat 7S aro nro on the list of Injured
All night long tho ruins wore
senrchod for bodies, many of thorn
being found in- a mnnglod condition.
. It dovoloped this morning that
tho dleastor was duo principally to
tho panic that followed tho gaBollno
explosion, which wns not sorlous In
ltBolf. It waa loud, enough, howev
or, to stnrt a Btamiwde among tho
womon and child ron.
It was a repotltion of tho Iroquois
save tho lives of tho members ot lior
coinpuny, which "presented "Mnrr
Queen of tho Scots." She runaltocC
tho open air In safety, but returned
to seo If thoso behind the foenutt Itml
Tho llaiuee olotid In on hor uml
she porlahod,'
. . Reuben W. Slovor, who otnmpcil
from (ho theator by dropiilng from u
window, mnkos the stntomont today
that, had It nut boon for tho coward
ice of sevoral mon In tho nudlonco titer
(loath Hut might hnvo boon inucte
nmnllor. In fact, ho sayu, it pnnlo
would not have taken plnco.
"Ah soon ns tho children on Uio
stago saw grown up pooplo rush for
tho door," said Stovor, "thoy Tost
Uiolr courage, and Joined lit tho stnni
podr. Tho children bogan to Jiimn
ovor tho footlights. In Jumping' ono
boy kicked ovor ono of tjjo lamp. A.
few mlnutoH Inter tho stagu was a
mass of llntnoK. If tho mon had kept;
thoir scats tho llttlo onos wcyuld'. not
hnvo lost thoir heads.'
(United Press Leased Wire.)
New York, Jan. 14. Dr. Johu T,
T. Demar, who has been tho Thaw
family physician for many years, was
'the first witness callod by the defense
J. W. Meyers vs. T. A. Llvesley & tnis morning, wnon me inai oi narry
Co., action for money; motion for
new trial filed by defendants over
ruled. S. Page vs. C. W. Brashor, demur
rure to now matter In answer argued.
Miko Jacob & Co. vs. H. G. Bruer,
action for money default and judg
ment, with ordor to sell attaohed
Court adjourned to March 30.
Wood Alcohol in Marines' IJquor.
(United Press Leased Wirp.)
Vallejo, Cal., Jan. It. James G.
Hayes and Harry Wilson, marines, at
tached to the cruiser St. Louis, at
present stationed at Mare Island, in
the capaoky of blacksmith and fire
man, respectively, died In the sick
bay of the cruiser early this morning
from the offsets, it Is believed, of hav
ing taken a concoetlon of wood alco
hol. o
The. Plague Stamped Out.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Jan. 14. Plagne
has been almost completely stamped
out In San Francisco. According to
an official report Issued by the board
of health today, only two cases re
main. Since the discovery of the
first caso there has been a grand to
tal of 74 deaths Sixty-one patients
Thaw was resumed.
There wore a few spectators in
court whon tho physiolan took the
atand. Hhrry Thaw entered tho rdom
with a doprossod look', oven moro
pronounced than the one he wore yes
terday. Evelyn Thaw was an oarly
caller, but. with other wltneews, was
exekided from the court room.
sanity in tho Ross family. Thereup
on, tho direct examination ended ab
ruptly. o . i
Old Landmark Gone.
The Dalles, Or., Jan. 14. Anothor
historic landmark on Garrison Hill
has paseod away. One of the five of
ficers' residences at old Fort Dallas,
belonging to Fred Ilenzor, was de
stroyed Sunday morning a little after
1 o'clock by a fire of Incendiary origin
Bonzer lives in tho old garrison bak
ery, where, from 1S50 to till 1879 ho
baked loaves for Unolo Sam's boys.
In 1S77 Benzer, who .Is now past 70,
Tim nrrwao1 lilt's wfra nnt nnnniil
. liMnaVl. ,llA t.r,aZl .lboiiMll.iiil UAalnn.
o'clock bocause of the """'" " V.:T'..w,..,,m.
any, ami in issa no outainetj, so no
olalrns, a deed for the dwelling from
until 10:30
fact that Justice Dowling was de
layed In a blookado in the subway.
Dr. Demar was questioned by At
torney Littleton. The witness 6aid
he had known Harry Thaw since his
birth, and that whon he waa a ohild
ho was ourlous and the victim of St.
Vitus dance. He declared that Henry
W. Copley, brothor of Mxs. William
(United Press Lonsod Wire. 7
San Frnnelmio, Jan. 14. Tim trial
of Patrick Calhoun, aoaisod of brib
ing suiwvlHors to pns tho overhead
trolloy franchise, was again post
poned today at tho roquoat of Uk
prosQoutloit. tho caso buhii; set for
thontro firo In Chicago, on a smnller I Monday, but District Attorney LniiR
scalo. Instantly following the first don could not stnto positively wliait
rush, tho ono small oxlt was clogged It would actually bo called for trfaL
with bodies. Thoso who trlod to leave Aftor court adjournod Langdon und"
there, the main oxlt, oncountorod this Calhoun's nUornoys held an oxueod
wall of human forms, hooped ono on Ingly hentod conforenco, nt wfiIon
top of the other. As tho panic In-j Langdon promised to give Calhoun
oroasod tho honp grew. The llvos of ( and the other Unltod Railroad de
thoso noarest tho floor wore crushed fondants a doftnito date for tho opon-
Uncle Sam. "Uncle" Benzer claims
ho had about $400 worth of furniture
in the houso. somo of wJilch had boon
brought across the isthmus in 18C3.
It is inferred that the historic dwell
ing was burned to clear Mount Hood
street, or the improvement ot which
Thaw, was an Irabecilo six years b-the WM,ncl1 had appropriated $200 at
foro his death. I!"" f-'- - - "'1 """
Distrlot Attorney Jeromo objeoted
vigorously when Littleton asked Dr.
Domar concorning John Ross, son of
Mrs. Thaw's sister. Jerome thought
the Ross family was not olosly enough
related to Harry Thaw to make any
difference. Littleton argued that he
bad a right to bring in any allega
tions of Insanity affecting even the
farthest removed relatives.
Justice Dowling ruled that the
question must be prefaced with an
inquiry as to whether there was in-
Roads Association. Benzor's dwel
ling was In tho center of tho street.
At the time the aged man bought the
bouse the surrounding land was not
out in lots, nor wero thore any streets
Jerome cross-examined Dr. Doraar
very closely about the exact mental
condition of Henry Copley. Tho phy
sician replied that Copley could not
work, and that ho was supported by
money given him by Mrs Thaw
Dr WHjlam p. Putter, of Roan-
( Continued on pago four.;
out In a twinkling.
While this scono of death was bo-
ln' enactod In tho front of the thea
tor the mombors of tho nmnteur the
atrical company that had been fur
nishing umousomont for tho women
and children (led through tho rear
The victims caught in tho fire trap
wore soon enveloped In flames which
swept over tho audlonoo, in tho samo
way that tho shot of firo attacked
tho pooplo in the Iroquois theater.
When tho stago door was opened
by tho paniortitrlokon players n
strong draught was oroated. This
current of nlr fannod tho roaring
flames, which swept down on the poor
wrotohoii caught In tho narrow exit.
In removing tho oharred bodies
this morning tho polico and firemen
found the remains of a mothor who
hnd did with hor baby still clasped
to her bosom. Tho two bodies were
burned into a crisp.
Others wero found with hands
clasped In prayor; othors with bones
and skull orushed into a mass.
Ing of their trials tomorrow uf tar
noon Tho conforenco wns tho result
of tho requost of tho proseoutfon this
morning to have tho casos coiitlunecf
until noxt Monday. Whon the emiet
wore last sot the proMoaiitlon prom
lid tho defense that In all profuiMfty
It would be ready to give a dytlulta
answor as to when tho canoe would
aotunlly eomo to trial by this morn
ing. ' .
Robbed tho Mall Currfor.
(United Prose Loused Wire J
San Francisco, Jan. 11. Advlc
were received this morning by I'ot-
o 111 co Inspector Johnston that u mall
driver at Marysvllle, while nn IiIh way
to tho depot Inst night, was hold ui
by two masked men, and tho regfe
to rod mail pouoh rlilad. Aftor hold
ing tho driver up the robbgrH forced
him to drive Into a dark alloy, where
they struok him over tho hand with
an Iron bur, fracturing his skulL
Thoy thou fled, and have not boy
Mrs. Stella Mayes, who had charge Society night tonight. Every nmwla
of tho amateur playors, could have for couplo only. Everybody welcotuer
; 3. W. CLARK, the EloctrifUn, at the First Christian Church. J J
iltlllllHltlftlitlf ltJfititltlHlilf Itttjfc