, WOBMfc M1T1" -"""'""W' DAILY CAPITAL MOVING AND READJUSTMENT . i rt fntMttinilific rnmtic w,llt, ,., .. --- rr:: - - - Our present quarters are inadequate to tue voinrae 01 nw . . - t sock of Mgh cIass mei .. . . Jt- 1 "WEVPDC" SALE clianuise ana 10 mane iuum iv invv..6 to- 1.j.-4 f ntW wliiVli means the "REST " EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE Except a Few Contract Goods AT REDUCED PRICES ALL SILK TAFFETA RIBBON All silk tarfota ribbon I" ort red, brown, llKht Io. wh,u, blnak, pink, lavondnr, grcou and navy, nt tnuoh loan tlmn rogMlar. Nuinborn 22 to 40 Spealal prlco NumUur SO id 00 SpoaJnl pries Numbora 80 to 120 Special price..... I2I-2c 19c 23c JReady-to-wear Our jvady to-waar eeotlun II full of bargain went that are juowt inturoHJng. IIh of wenrliiR Unu ahwul for thec. Suits reduced one- third and one half Skirts reduced one third and one half Coats reduced one third and one-half Lace and Embroidery Soon Im maklng-up mm when you will need 1qoj niul ombrolJ erloa lit qtmntlUui. .Vow'k tli Utile to niiiko your aelootlons. Your wivlnga will bo vary Krwit If you buy during thto wlo. Reduced One-third Silk Organdie Pratly atlk organdlo In Ugh ami dark eolom in pWttn iym. aheok. dot and ItKUrtH, worth uj I Self respecting BBtffSfOBOKS j! Women get IB' A 8? jjA scarf or muff BjPrWF JO Of else a set. PkP'W ei-?y. svo-s ,, COPYRIGHT lO0 BV -JIN t0 co.n.v. ti 66c ii yard, moving sale 18c Let Winter Bluster and Blow We have furs that add to comfort and appearance the largest showing of reliable and new furs in this city. Everyone is of this season's make, and style. Reduced Onethird Dress Goods AH this season's newest dross goods In plaids, checks and over plaids in n wide rango of color combinations In medium and dark shades 3C to 54 lnohos wide. 50c valuos, Moving Sale 75c values, Moving Sale . $1.00 valuos, Moving Sale , $1.25 valuos, Moving Sale . $1.50 value, Moving Sale $2.00 value, Moving Sale $2.50 valuee, Moving Sale . ..50c ..67c ..81c $1.00 .$1.34 .$1.67 'JJhat Wednesday Only "WVtlnt'Mliy llnrguln Stile No. M For' Wodnoed ay's bargain Mis wo offer a complete lino of noweet cotton Comforters In light medium and dark shades, standard lte, silkallne cover, quilled, knotted and Mod. Well worth $1.75. For Wednesday only. None Fold until S:S0 a. m. Xo telephono order will be taken $1.19 yyi CoDvrieht 1007 by Hart Schaffncr W Marx Raincoats Handsome, warm and stylish. One good thing about this store, your pookotbook is always safe from fakoe. Your ploasuro In buy ing it part of your profit. ... $7 ... $9 $12 $12.00 valuos, Moving Sale. $15,00 values, Moving Solo. $1S.00 valuos, Moving Sale, 1 rt3 viihu m nnHUKi irumi ui fwuv. f TU ikI teetnt am Abbto lny". tk wklow. luul Mvim 4Rhvn ami on fcwM. CITY NEWS 1SS-U4N y.3 1 1 X A OlMtlou ut lutKirttil l'r Adiutulntmior of Tlionia llslt, T immpU for Your l)uliK'rntion 4, C L. MeNary mm bw apitolnlM tHtHHIIIimiHUIMiH' by JmHk m m tulaitMUuaUM- of ......... 1 Ut 4at t k W WtUUm Thome (KftLloiul ruliiionlitbt ami T " JHMIWt w MM4 upon la tUt pAtitMi of IMm MuNary. wfei l Om UirtMltMl trIHw of Um dtWHMtl. Kutlt P hi l at $, HMtl dlroN' win b attdat lt WkhWIdb l ',, loam u 8aUn, OrtK an JUMry(.- . . , ... . , 18. if OS at S Vk . ' Ww,w,r uvn Awlu JOS. IL ALUHHT. il. 1. U. ''tekw. of WtllUMlM Oi4itr. ''v'-. te iMt ) 111 iUi ty M pko!4 Kwr m Ik WUIaMt Ma i.i... . Win. U rvi4 UI m, Nlly mov- um44 by tW ftMl&f Utf y Oow.1. prki ia id ?i ta led. A iitmmt of 11 mmIm imt ldil AM III I I M. 1.1 lf ''i u fc. T. Uuct. aatd 11. ol banVtn )Mf ( illihi Sotoa - liAHka ll W tmi 11 fc m. tu 1 saw w StoUiM ,nmmm m k Uka tut. i ftktos Uw )mmkM r4i tkM liuKloi f tho llox and lauubvr C"jn- pn m-tai . jo tuu fsfiunif Thfso V't lj J mM ko4M yowr uritn for pro eort Ui M4k 111, wmI J. X. Law rtHw win gtry you what jrow want ltoioii lloiuiyvtiiiib TmiT) U Dm iiowat coafoOo. At tba MwUtHtfHtU! irHttt VluIlL llmttfr Vuuidula.1 1hIm Jww vt -irl"Wil M- r ,'sr, Ball,i ''' tNMrter rf i M4 of Jo Don. '1rr 9twg fro u . yr. tlJUMl. arox aftorm. M h to w iltr a UHU kk- too (ft ,,A rnateoi orrai wh KWtrUtftlb4. Taotnu.1 n? ! 44oy vvw w moh U imt a( " v ld to (h aptam 0 WW, tttte Oorv, ovor wkJ Wmw h Ui Ite w fcsi4 ri Uvm ( 4oiUu.fcQ'u rwfo, tfott ami w4 iMW ta faww 0 iKo -- omff. owtaK taikfwlk, 44(Abuual MmtflHf--lwrt44 U o n4i ruaiiou.) y ..j,,. ,4. UK u -if ! tli9 ,ut rh t.ui aj 1 . . UM Tto ock On You llmt To mom, or Um prleoa yov ii ai HoHf Mn,' warkot. Olv laow an oror aoti 1m toiitlBOHl tost vo oajt'u Aftr tb IWty- Too motaroti oa Um Soutb $aiM rwt kv boot grottly aoooyoi by ommI of boya wao aoUubt In oiaie ottiu Um otrotrk cart ami rkltof ad iJo'a too toag allla. Tho oiotor. a Uv raiwa 10 ko taou off. wul H OMxbMg oa aad jumolaf ol valla Um aara am toia faat u daArou buataojM OafUla Folaaa. ol U Sa MM aoiiao foroa BMd a trip out Sat luroay olbt aaa 4taprco ib bn'l MMir railroad utaaoaar. aorf aloro looa ttero Mia bom ao troublo. K'Hi m Pfitaiul Frlda with soer al itieota of th- Jeweln which were taken from the Alt man home. The man wa UlenUrlod by a young wau of Portland a a bobo who formerly waa a reoldeat of a tramp ramp loost- ti near Duaomulr. Califorala. The won wa fa at the AHmaa homo on Mootlay prooMliag tao robbery aad. froM vba dtacrlptioa. waa undoubted ly tbe tame person wbo wa eea ia Portlaad wiu he Jewelry. Al Uuak tba local ojtteers have 00m MMaieatoa wltk Um autitoHtlec in IortJaMi. aaa a vtgtlaat aaarcb m bo Wo AiMm All to se the Great Paaelon Play, at the Vaudette tbla week. C. H. C. Wins from Sllvorton Tao Capital Buoineas College bas ktbaH toam returned from Sllvorton early Sunday morning with the scalp of too SHverton high school husky asirAgftUoa, aad singiag ike tune of 54 to 14. The buaiaeaa college five took naaoaga to Sllvertoa on the Odd IM JSTARR PIANO; HIGH CLASS GOODS ' GEO. C. WILL I ijiniminmiimiiiiiw iHHiiMMl, aad a vistUat aaarcb m b-l P-age to siivertoo on the Odd teg at, all attoau t ktcotlag 1 'How train Saturday evonlng, and -. .... . ..... tAAI. .. 1--. too robber bava taibr rit-to-nat' la tao boat way to Jeoerlba' the JtlUl StMrwtt I After aoiof aawt toan for a ook rao SiMNmilag Lomowt roataaay Utftoa lata raiaj wut f-u roM- oa a a ao ay. Aboat ? mm ar owployoit, aa4 aH oopsu to roll bbMt. UKor tk tea-boor ilay wl bo aut oa. u aarao. Abut aH ajowoi. eaaajMl 4our fartory of A."Mniaa soaT Ha turaa out tao beat flaw of MtU work on abort aotte. Corner Mill aad ehore airoout. Comity Cltrk Allen III Oooaty Clork Alloa wa taken from bla amea tola MonOag owing to a ao4a uiaoaa, wbldi will arobably aooaaaltato bk. botar eoaaaoa to bit boa for eererol ojtya. You ilaji Kara aaoa a Ufa of Ohrtot or rMa- m lMajr. bai tbo araaoatJoa aa te Va4etto tba Uttoit al moat oria taai. Too llTiag oloUiroft aro all banj JMIOVn by tbo moat tloraid anlot boon ator arrlring at their dosttna lon wore taken to the opera house, whore tb game waa called at S o'clock. Tbo nrat half reeultod In a eora la favor of tba tocal five of 25 to 15. a too saeoad. while the Sil- twioo boya obiyeU good ball, and rnaoo a gallant fight, th- locals again proratl too much for thorn, and came ont with a tally sheet which rea.i 0 to It, tbAia making a Una I score of 54 to 14. Tbo ootlra ooatoet was roueh aad loekaibtoaMt work. Viator Allou. of tola city, refored the game. The COHUJ Biuiaoas Colbge lineup was aa follow.: Comer, Cela: forwards, Hargrove aad Jory. aad guard, Paul m MUl SiworaL Tba tea will piAy tbo ladopeodoiifa av la ladenond- oa tbo evealag of January S3. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Office with Wm. Drown & Co., No. 29 Commercial street. : 2 Whan Yot bay or roaMoibor tba WIW Rom brand. It Is oa at koma. aad HwbtMr snt ia !NrtUl Tf h Ihi who ti(k ititv Ir lrra,-i ij.ua ,a TWJv .- A't-w& Qthor Plac' lutvo ebartad ft ad Si oaata to M an iniortor proUaoUo ftf the Ufa Of CbrtaC Ow ttpnlar adoue is Hy ooafglog 1$ taabi aiut, aAar nooaa 11 oaois. Ut tlk Clitldn'n Sea the Paator never fv rgt t ay ., .. ."fcrHNy Dlstrwlg. etaug eaa eause xaore Del and l"W aiCCMXM th nti I No ld tnitTiT mi. ,.. weir huw are bordeos to them. m2 rellere but cannot cure. ...V01'8 Hm-Rola U guar- ttVtto !?re ay o ot Pilee. PJVfc'cn"i-0,d doeaa't oare yan. yon Et yoar saoaey back. AiSnoW u tab,e tftkett tator tfAb'" oo'lag the cause. .ii. ." arB"Uts. or Dr Leon Play, they Mjfftii'Iw.N T..Pro- MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD. Over Ladd & Duph's Dank, Salem, Or iMoogoBOoiuoamM' I NEW TODAY ! oooooooooooaoiooooar For Sale Several hnnsaa in Salem and farm 'ands at a bargain, Cap ital National Dank. 6-l-od- Hon Vnrtl to Kent 3(5 acres: houses all Inittlemnts tnerothor Wi.h I"15" kota and aacks. Cultivation ant pleklag raouoy furnished. Enquire Of Wra. H Eean. Hprvnls. Kv) 2, Phoae Farraors' 36. 1-13-lwk Wantwl If von iint a Tiiftrble 3r granite monument we can save oa monoy. Wo don't pay big rent nor ctty taxes you get the benefit. Come and got our prices, and he convinced. Our shop Is In Cltf View cemetery. Dlaesing Grantia Co., J. D. Dohannan, manager. 1-13- Wood WantiMl Dy ithoso that a competlod to burn wet slab wood. Why not phono 1419 and get the best dry wood on tho market M. P Dennis. i-13-3t