Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    rriu 'i-r
" Vmi r.int I tint ntMSS tia heltwr fhiin -l."'
. IJ. IIOPKR, lid. and Prop.
4 Independent Newjper iHrotwl to American Principle and j vN
IhBVrntre nd DTclopmnt of All Oregon.
ruMlrfied Kutf BtwIdc Ecpt 8tidr. Salem, Ore.
(fawltIy la Adranoe.)
fiMRfbr mr, per ;er.... ...
SSt0tf, bf tat.il, pet r-
ttftMfcJft bf mad, per jfr..w.....
f,0) Per month .....Dn
. iff) rr month "c
,. l,ff) fill monthi ..0s
Per convenience fl( e'ibacrlbera branch delivery offices
HI 100 lUIIUITIBfJ pmto.1 ai u ivuii (iui iuwuiu,
aro ottnb?
$1.00 for thrw
Airtuw Store, F. 0. De Voo & Son, AnyUita Avonuo Junction.
Carllne, Seventeenth lreot o A. W. Lane, Qardon Road storo.
Dauo's Storo, Alex, Dauo, Sooth Commercial street.
Rtoctrlc Store, 0. M. Epplcr. Kant Stato street.
Fair Orounda Storo, Harrison Do, Fair Grounds Road.
Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets.
Whoeler'a Store, W. D. Whwor, Highland avenue.
v. " Yew Park Storo' F. Q. Bower ox. Twolfth and Lea He.
All llio neighbor folks who know hor
Poor, unlucky, little mtte,
4 CUmo (rom far and near to rhw her
i in nor utile Khroud eq white,
Tho remarks of sotno wero blttor, , .
I Though It cortnlnly was plain " ,
f "When tho flying motor hit hor ' '
' Thoro was not tho nllRhtcst pnln,
' And, of rntirse, no neodloss toburo. . .
I 'Twns n snd ocourroncc; hUII,
T Didn't Mr. Wchloy Hrorchor '.
Pay tho undcrtnkor'a bill?
i- , '
Onoo nnnlu tho ntople Hocking
To n lioiiio of mourning (1ml
Wftro illwtHlor, ami nnil shocking,
That n motor loavos bahlnil.
Just a bruited mid tmtlarori oroaliiro,
Htnrk and llfoiom thor but thin,
Thero wan otto ooiuwllrtK fontnro,
llo was throo-sooro years nml ton.
When n. man's Hint old mid ftHite
' It Is inorolful to kill
1 And moroover, Mr. Hoorolior
Pays the undortakor's bill.
lltdbj, are tolling In the totilot ' " '
Thurft nnnthor vlotlm dead
Ah, the iroro-atlllotw! popl!
Onu they not got niiifortd
As duty mnrk tho nolninn tolling
And thu riimblliiKH of the holMr
Is thore not aomo thought cousoIIiik
TJiitt HiHlr monody ooinpokT
urJ They know that mottir's IiiihIwI,
fHhiaired iwrtH art waring nf lit)
And (he nulrt or Itlelilay Sknrctitr
Pay ihe iiMdirlakr'i hill.
OhHioIIb StoMlHril ktrt 'limit.
-o - .
V h by tnr ths amallsft nrnty Ih th world wom iwws of atty
maRltHi-ccnUitt our iKVHlfitloc ow seklli nr pH btUr
than thttM of mnt atkr wuHtrr aM oHmmwIm ihm. mumwm.iw - .i
tr, tkrifi Midlur Mho wJ a fly fm, iwm ot h,,, wj
1I to ! a mw lift wltk or woo) than h would hart tn
Mkl' t Mv ft rltll llf. AN yt it la fovml lMpolbl bo tk
nrwr rniiiHj np to rvti atrtaftk r to jiwtat '-)m br tmmsuwa
whwlswi U-rtio Thai artry of wr mmmsj) m a imm4 Um
Tk nropMMloM tmimt mvwI pUmm.
Ihut bmv M4trru Wt irtMrlv ptlu.
Hot H ..( i in. furgntH that. wblU this rlek Mitloa eaa aKorU to
VJf RHH . tu the .Hull forw wklrk Wo HMlMiUa. Im tko ttm of a
tjr I etMotai Ut ny of tk sokllora m butkruot ortN tko UHltotl SUm
Wo mim ot forg.t ikt AmertMw itr .uptosl to bo uMtrloU InJ
that im .Hta.1, aHMy of tko oottoo aTtoltcSvJolot
aut b looitoiuttly in mltMl ouhhhkiiih
IT IH A IMIIM'll'lili AS ()1, AS OltOAMlll) FOCIItl'V THAT villi
Atu.1 iMoru Hattoiw kavo olvt,t lk proklow Wr uHivorail uui
w otKMtiWa uwo ujMitifce rogtar ary.
Ao botwoH tko aMontloo of ikm nollcr h U -. wkllh
Uk baMkrnin iko ooooirv to ooao . iAT7u -!??!! . l
mrk c-H... hW oooWy . u olW Vuoo "
OirrOHOUItTlMllMrMl -W" " lV WH CQVI.II Olff
S." "CI'MT 18 IW8UU.V 8QU.AU
U tntlky of k. amkoruioo-aod U at tk koot rrlliU mIIoi. .-
Hoi j-ooog Asofkoo rlilaoo of tkoi - uin . L
moorolaoooaiMoiMtiiMr eo-wo4
W U.VO AS Tllll 110.111 1Yi .t mMMic.
TllllOUdll WMST POKW TAX III! TlUvmisn v U",UWlS,J TU A'
WIM. lilt IIWIXIWICXt! UB1,, V S) Vm mtm
"iy 1 rook ao
Vor Xb. irfci Z1 'JT!." ? lMo
. . " -"' lIN
i oi otiit
HoUii ioaii to a
A feature of tho transfer of the battk-ahlpa from Ute Atlantic to the
Pacinc to which John Barrett, of the bureau of American republic, call
ed attention in a speech the other day should not be overlooked.
It Is the oloser relations and better understanding between the United
States and Sa.tth American ropubl'ts pretty sure to result.
iiKPti-uw ni,' tiii. iaiaviK IIIIMniW. THK SOUTH AMERICAN
It has not been long since Bllhu nott, secretary of state, visited tho
principal countries of South America as a representative of his govern
ment and bespoko closer relations.
Everywhere ho was greetod most cordially and the highest honors
vr-ro paid to him.
Now tho 8outh American nations will become acquainted with anoth
er branch of our governmnt
Brazil is preparing to honor the feet when It arrives at Rio Janeiro the
latter part of this week.
The minister of marine has directed that groups of Brazilian sailors
who bpenk English shall be at the c'jiposal of tho American sailors and
accompany them to historic spots n tho city, and a woalthy shipowner
- l II. I -. Al II I
huh piaccu. a targe pavilion taciug mo uay at me aioposui oi our uiuii
during their stay. ,
Nothing will bo left undone to mo'te the stay at Rio Jnnolro pleasant.
We Hear of More Cures
Of troubles originating In Irnpure blood
"" ."- r- --.-. ...... ,u usu ynu,
TO-V .lnifirfiliniifAvrr'it:hprrvPifrr1f '.ufl
irr fCkVs, colils,croup,bronchitis. Thousandsof famfitA'
JLJ' lvtv - always keep It in the house. The approval Ir
i, j i .incirjiiiyan.iauiiu im. (.Apcucnce or min
w 'ears hsve 8en them great confidence il
SftSSST this cough medicine. fcq&J
I Aurr'i Chtmi Ptdota
I mJlrln rirlnn orel'i
. UteHefnoLaiUotifdteiorsot
A few year3 ago Mr. E. Polk John-
a special agent for tno unnea
1 1 1 f II . I
States Treasury, was on the Pacific 'rst Christian. j
Coast. , ,, i , i. K Utturcl
. ...... i i ntut "Mvatlna ntiil )lm rinnn.in ... !
Mr. Johnson is now stauouuu u " "i.- - win y
Louisville, Kei)tucky--and on Dc- tho respectlvo themes at tho plrj,
cember 28th was interviewed in Tho ( Christian church. Hours of service
Louisville Courier TImo touching Blblo school at 10 a. m. Preach,,.,
this section. ,nt " a m- and 7:30 - . Chri8Ua
. .. . ..minn Rnrlnnvnr nt fi'.tO n m mi.. ..
The Timos is me evening cumuu io cnoroj
nttnla I1I tlltti nO .-.
of The Louisville Courier journal " " "b "" morning a
. .... .. iru M. flvpnlntr services. All nni.n. .
over wnicu xienry niasu '- "-uiuiij- j,
nn.i Is. theroforo .an Important .viteu. v. lrrett, minister.
svi ittvta .--. . . . .
sides, and is, therefore ,nn important
publication In tho State or H-emucKy
Attcr having reiaieu nis own
United Evanakical.
Sunday school at 10 . m. Preach-
scrofula, o of .ppotlte, catarrh. rhem- Sl.on.d TlM'y 1 Embain, Stuffed d" ? T TtTJnT
tlnn,b7llood'a8rap.rlll.th.nbrallotbr or I'lnml on Exhibition in I)lme a Uttlo story or an artist who happen-o-called
remedlei combined. Somehow i led to bo riding upon the samo train.
o-called remedies combined. Somehow
mosocurcii oy Jiotxi s seem to smy curcu, j
mrtit ,1.. nrlsill .. IaII II.k .l .aha.IIa 1
w I Ex-Proaldent
acreruia aoro Jir wire- ni a croiu. ariniH ,
. . . ... . i.i- ...ii nnnBnirn.. Inc flnrvlcct at. 11 n. m nn t...
when flrt crossing tho Rocky and m. by tho pastor. K. L. of o. B
. .. .-..-- i ..u. mfintlnir nt fisSO n tn vt i .
fun i:nn'nin .miiiiiiiihiih auu uuuiiiik ---d - -.- .. u.. xl .. iiav
down into Western Oregon, ho tells pastor.
ed to bo riding upon tho samo train. I Fifteenth and Mills streets. Preach-
It wus In tho summer tlmo and tho ne at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p, D
skv wns clear and as tho train as- wmuny Bcnooi at, a m. Testimoat
.. .,- . mi i- i. -..- - HOPVlPn nf ti!Sn n. m Tllt.1. .. .
"" Btnar
rer rnee..
All wel-
ii nnv Pi..int 8K' wn8 c,car nna " 'u' lralu as" """"' """ --I- i
,. v m . A ioended conditions made tho scene as Bervlco at 6:30 p. m. nib
n the Souths Compnn. wII(J. romnIltc and beiwltIfuI n8 Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. Pray
that the people of tho ,g Frldny nt 7:30 a m
should make some .. .....
nut cutlhi mn ni ftcmmin. nim wnirii i ' ' -" --" ...-, . . , .
hre b.,n troubW is V6n. n.l eu.l b should know what he In talking ... . .
rcclntlon. Mr llttlo lUtmhtrr hd a ..,..., .. ...,,, , , tho (Hshlnir Colli
lerofula (wnlllnir on her neek nml Hooil's uo,lv' OT'" " womiur, nowover, ,.,, . .,,,
Harnirlll!i nlnn cnrni! h.r Mnn. Noba ulitlii- Mr rini-nliiii.l I. f.l.l., ( P'l-Uire K Iirt'SOIl
Iloonar. Huobor, Tenno. h ,1IIlnnroil' nr MP,i,u m ti.i. ,.ni. I'0"1 (o ""' "Ht,ire-
Mr. Johnson declares
First" Presbyterian.
Church street, near ChemMr.i.
Rev. Houry T. Babfinntr ..
stltWU! iitvp ifith r - ir49
mbtn and thus a ,or- Morning aorvlco at 10:30 a. m.
nrosonto.1 that would np- '"ncnnig y mo pastor, tueme. "t
t'liooriui uivor." Sunday school n
Hood's JMMittwnlla in ld everywhere. cit, N()M w,, )9,0Vli ti.ut ho ,.l Mr. Johnson declares that up Vi ,n- Jn'or Chrlutlntt Endeare:
In the usual liquid, or in ubi form called ",.. u,r ,.,, fn(. Mia " ,, wntcliwl his artist frlond to soo what at 3:;J0 P- " Senior Christian Ea
flar.ataba. ia li, on. Dollar. Pre- J;"' "r ' "J". " r W.X '''; Improoalon this Cascade country was donvor at 6:30 p. nt. Bvonlgn WrT.
panal only by ai. Hood -q,U,M,. h. f.r bojond mm ,vo nt 7:30 p. m Mhg
- . . . a. nW..ror a 00il ,nnj onr,'.llk rtoir. ....tit ih. v-. H ii Francis, buslnous inanncor nf nttui
SI MMIt. HAM III rn. inlrv l.ml nn rtv. ' " " "" ""- " '"'' "' "" ..'... " " 's'i
im aa .& .. i. .. . i. i. ...i. Kiiiniriii' n- ill ainriir n u. .
irnuurii. wiihii nn nrinn nor m.ni. mn oiiuitiv ui iiur pinsn.
IMtBlilcm U m iioi xiriinunuiiy . ., ... . . -r.
able to car for himself, a. far as th.1?"1 " f001 r l,av ,,eon- crow""e nC8 ,n Walog rovlynl. Mld-wet,
bread and IniUcr motttr gow. U,e omn 'wr th I"ayor mooting Thuridoy at 7-30 p
f- m....inni . . . I wno mountains, the miiio people, itn Iwl"o conllnlly Inlvtcd to i
Mr. Cleveland Is always so tre- .....,. .... .,... ...... . ' n, c....inn
momloiioly nonderous and serlmu In ."" w m l um UI my own country, - -
all tl.ui h . ii,. ., i. .1 " "' u" ,M,,,, l" ","l iimuniiioon:.
all that he says that it Is
nlmosi' .... . ..: .""".".""". " """'I
HI. Paul's.
I" It Btvtrklikt n ntt.l nt.i.u.t. i i
(United Pross Loaied Wire.) wlrko.1 to dltcusa him. or whatever u ",M ' "?' .,,","V" ' ,c0",ry t,, :" T,r-.T.'lT
Wnahtnatoa. Jan. i , -S.vera, CM 'rman.it. from his ,, In another ,.t 7 i '"" , "r,t V,S' lav af tor r.'.lnlnn , L , T""
Ifornla MincroMiMOii or. not .ornriMi vein. But It I. ,i..bir..i If ih. '' ,K,t ' ,I,al1 (om '"' "S'""-1 ' l "fcr Ll,,1) ,Hny U8Unl mxlw
that Sohmkz had bot iloclaro.1 xullt many who will lve hi. .Miin,'",,.,,U . l,mo "en' nn'1 b,"' '' ni ''?'m'Jttnl'L nnd 7'30
Iom of .,rt,ni i.. . .ii.. "aiiim. i-i.. ... .u.. T.. " i"i"io witu me. We in Now York '" "nuuy scnooi nt lu a .m. Mora-
court, tho ,.,., I. .:,T,i::: WW J mi. r r. " . ..' r: l"k w. know everythlng-but my K ibJtot. "Jotr.,8 Christ, the Man-.
. ww j B .T .avf u aim u aBruaa am ma iiii u. i u i iisii aaf ii aaji .... .....
the mutter for publication, wkh tho Aniorle.-! will tell Mr Clovolnn , '", (H,,,,,rw,n Mr- Johnin) wo r"tuiion o Life. All cordially
txNIKlon of Iteproseoutlvo Duocan hot . ex-prealdont has a 'line chance 'IT II,.?t,,,n- ,m,8t,,, W9 lf.COm t0 B" 80r,?8'
MoIClHlay; I Why. he cim beoome a director In imhln' Hotlicl.
"I fait all nlonr that lienor waa'a mlnlnr einB. .,, nn h. ,..,' A,n l"Ung upon atory tolling' Sorvlcoa will bo hold Sunday. Jan.
riiKhliiK SchmHi to conviction on a have to do will 1 to cut off hie co..-' Jol""'n "fom to a Sabbath ; t ' ' ' t JJo nothol church.
whvo oi puuue tonuiNont," said .Mc- pons and take them tn tiia nnrwt "'" """ " ,1,",' "w,n " ' -. ...u .
i .... .i .. i... u -.. .... .... .... lrHwinr to a Hom mni ,iiunnUin urovo. North Snlom. AM Invited.
ICIulttS', -ami not bom
bad oommkted a crime
itt SkHmltz bank ami uet his money.
In Dill partlc- tncl I nation II not In the
Or. If his
with another friend tho beuutleM of
W. C T. U.
I Thoro will bo tho rognlar rmmI
tern pern noo mooting at the hall Sua-
1 p. m. All nro welcome
yea never wltnoieod in your wan. I',','st Congti'Katlonal.
doring through tho Old World. I Corner Center and Llbort f'reti
am glad that you are here and that I'levchlng Sunday morning at 10 4
wo will see hls glory together.' Ai m n(1 ln tl0 ovenlng ut 7 30 p.
It happenod tho mlato wore awetit m- '' ""' Arthur J. ToNom of
Bue Mr. Cleveland i. u .HJ. , T " SwWy wor. 1 lorm orov Htat0 ""Periiuendeat
alw.v. . a ZZ " V2S1 ..kli frow my window I Mw Ml. Snndny school at 12 tn. V. P S C
ni 6:30 p. in. Prayer meetUi
Thurotlny evening nt 7:30 p. m Tb
bualnosB mooting of Ut
for olootlon of ofllccrs anl
.,i...A w,lM anotner
mar omo. 1 bolter, rj.aoy bu done mining, bo eon eaofly otnnd aa irM.lh!. ",ounH, M,Jr I Th01
aimoet Irreparable bam to tko eaueu dont In name of nn lee company or a ' Wm " ",,8t wUI c,wtr WV ' t1l,u,,
of Jostteo In California Ik broaklm land onhraM J..h mi,il . , ..u. y"" w,,l v" R ce inch aa your ""' Rt
... nHn wciH iri itt TUB " i
town tho lawa of the state and . woat and the shekels will come bumb.
curio, convictions on the probable ling In. Tho prestige of an ex-preal-moral
guilt of prtaouers. Instead af dtnl la anrh thai k. .t.nuu ..
looBvlcUon. for r'lU arronJigg to the hungry If he has the American ey-
Kvwaicamim m inf l& for htiaoa
" U I a... , .
bhv air. iJiaTaiaBii. II I. .vl.l.ut I. .. -
. Mil rc . i,1.',r-r!-:-zru.7.rl'::;.: r: ?i
Part.-.. 7 1, . . w, , before .ad.fter and tM,lU Cm 0 W ,nlm, Wh ThUrW.1
I2?U. 1' With H H prMumoo thaiho look, ul "W,MCm wy fr,iWl wlu " thlg '-
. - -. . P.H.N. wh alnociir. positions as mentioned' n,nr Thft w,,u vo elearrl 'wii ror olootlon of ofllcor
'a booMth iki..!... V v")!'""11 tb mountain ahow forth "lng reports for tho jcar
Tho mjJ proelaea of . "" lf lntt ot fop" . their nrv iku ror"l.TiiM,i-i. Jnm.i ,n u
Uo, omtMUloo, at IrtUo4 ot not ,"32 .i?. .f???.1 fS thHl h ''r wM I Ulaanoolnie.. fr 'm ara cordially welcomed a' thm
uoa Uklahloia at IoHiamt imw not , f1l,t ' .Vi-o koi.?., , . !' "Nor WM ' aiMiipoInte! for nev- wo cordially wolcomed a' then
ml, "aSrjL'JLS - """!" 5i 'US t.r ?- oro o.oent,V, regular oervlc, AU members ol
aa avnaoMH. ,Uooablo. there are the 10-oent tuaaa ' p " h ,U'1, th Winwc of tB ,,l,,rc' "ro ursod to bo present it
Tuft uokUa th. u- -.. .. '!- HU for them aid !i.r0.ttt",n, ! ,,,M" 0' ".the Sfl,!l anm!nl meoUus:. .
. .... iW ,.,, h - oogiw. -When summer I tommi vo.tKt.
: , . write, only allow his name to bo """'' be mM t0 w ""f,'u. 'you1 Mwtowth and Forry
aai ot . -la, f lo ' br a bright ),0H, " ! MWl m,H wUl 1 K,,,5Ut Im,,t0r- Sl,nda
Taft laoklos
foarloaa muanor,
ftilte will not H a Imea fa. lo " rtl" r
Uoura. 7 J'OUnx OOllOgO KraUuata
-"- . "" vwio-mn,
Hgnriag aa a mafaatito wrker. would
Ooo oscMraUoa tin naaa i.'41 eortdr beneath the ilkJu '"" ,s,,(, thtU m w
roofaUfmo to kola faLaT. .JS! I,M,,,, i-If In that MatiMa . jM,ck to ad so ,t
ot Ui a wkttof Moreow, tho article, are Ms own.Ci t,w we has root.
wnuer or fact oaly aueh dltsnl- - - or soon thorn I
M ox-t.ro-4.leaU ami noraon-' m.Hl ,M th U,H w of the l0
streets. P. S.
t .i
n iviuKiu nnaxor. sunuay sniou
CertalMlv 'U thJ otln and we will 10 " followed by address by Rr.
.. .1Ji.' n " ehl4'en again.' H. N'- Smith. Sunday bpIjoo! superuf
) "There U a legend that otto who tetitUnt for Orogon. Docislon meet.
iK at a o'clock p, nt. Evening w
vleo at 7:30.
Fltt MetlioilJst.
Itev. W. H. Solleok will preach t
30 on "Tho Christian Life, a R"
- i ww mva uiKNI-
i..i. .. . tarlOl aa .v.m.i.i..i. .... .
get the eaitor a. .-i aL!!,,!r if5 wHh,t HUrarr training eun ,-i",hB '"" uck o thorn some Produotlon of tho Life of Christ," at
ttt-r.t I. ii ...... ... . .... IStto tk ataaaai.A. .r ..,.. .. . "? ao If OH ktitr v-UH n. :30 "A Potrlfloil Man. Chora3 chSlf
. . r .t.. lull E.1
air hi 1. Mil v t.. ... .41 tBP tMAawalaa f ...... .
-.. . m mm ua nr nila lailk.'. -..- wuij, p aara ,..... "" "
Uv It xelualvo field. With the oi-' , "" w W,U return son' "'
. . . I port watt Im sa ma.. .. ...... t0 bathe iu its heuvenlv .mi,.
m. . .... . . I'knax. ...-. ... "
o Hoarn of Tnuie mmm Salem .. . '"' " rtoMbtful
not rmatn unknown I A"rlc IhwoIo will pay
- -.,.. ' 'faM to Mr C'oveland-s lu
asm. ior u
nttmmm MaaeMo to wt tZTkatLaV J"- otaWr.
AOJ II VjbJ aooaa kai iki. Waw ....,. . . .
a.i.T-:r, "7 r ' ' Hrr-ao of tho ov
ws MM aoart. aa. ,- ZLZl lZ ,,W sOjimMua.
----- aaa mam anaaialir ! on - a.k
ottoiM. ---" wa hmmo a
Amalhor thin iaa ......., . .
Wie aa4a aanuan law. -,"iWRPV MWto fJMortloo id
Tko sUIon rooo4 M.
U 1 uu, N-)eh till (W MN ko tv
U to b 100.404 ttlw oWwSa ait it iSL'JI K
TSioy want to bo tn liui?EmkM'
mmr i. their diet fit utiiiSl WW aW to ,
in the
of the
Capital National Bank
Are raquGstedto pre
sent their pass books
for the purpose of hav
ing credited the semi
annual interest due
January 1st.
Jos. H, Albert, Cashier
JF the active liwr of (he
cod-fuh could beput into
the place of the torpid IW
onhcconsumptivc it would
probably do him a world
ofSood. Ntbt thine U
Scofi's EmulsiDn
of Cod Liver Oil Almost
a5oodajannv,vtf. The
Srt power of SC0TTS
duccr prove that muchof
w activity of the cod'i
lw b contained In every
Jpoonful. A '
lt -
much ' " -
t a-
1 vosyRWa
and plpo organ. All cordially InrHei 1
To Cure Oold In One Day.
Tablets. DriippiRio rnfnnrt money u
,lt falls to cure. B. W. GROVE'S
signature on each box. 25c
WHKN oi- aw sUnHIK)
o her made. Tbm1 k "
IBOM bo aro bumuj ..
i. .rr:r x,M,c, io -.
jltbfm aad autrttloaa.
lWF vu sirvtt
Cough Remedy
pSSSC .rt. ptCT-j
Coughs, Colds
Whoopmf Couf h
ttt&Mr&UA HUUI CO.
Ii.l. wtst
wmm iMiiHlhi
iunt. 0tCOH. U J. A.
rttt ict)-n cau
I PHr IK. CA 1 AA Orttd
Phoaoairn'o v;,r .":." .vu 'r
ii.-iiisa uruggioxa OTOTTwnwo.