Mil Vjl oumal SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 100B. NO. tT. AR WITH JAPAN IS POSSIBLE I Jk Tw dB m bbV a. sH sr yH T m i ii n 1 1 1 1 f jiw AsS HE iH LBb --""' "" ""'" vol-, xvin. - Kays" U. S. Must Have the Greatest Iffl PICK AND SHOVEL ' OR WITH SWORD AND GUN Japs are Determined To Invade This Country If They Have 10 ngiit 10 do it HE WANTS GREATEST OF NAVIES (United Press Lonacd WJro.) uwiincton. Jnn. 11. Nogotla- )!nn4 between the Unltod Stntos nnd jpan liavo reached a sorlous stago. whiid war ns an ovontunllty is not seriously npprehonded, Inrgely be- Uw of Japan's unpreparounow, h n known that friendly rotations arc strained almost to tho breaking point Tho offlclnl donlal glvon at tho sUte department of cabled reports of dtmands having been made on Jnpan jro literally true, In a diplomatic se, but tho donlal, In a monsuro, 'n an ovaslon. Tho "oral roprosontn- .Iom" and tho exchange, of "mem oranda," reduced to plain English, means Oils: Araalmssador O'Brien has been at tempting to sccuro from tho JnpanoBO government satisfactory assurances that tho Japanese government would assist In restricting the om ignition to thio cofuntry of objoctionablo Jnpan- oso labor. Twico has ha communi cated to Secretary Root roplios ob tained from Count Hayoshl, in which tho Japonoso govornmont mo ndroitly dodgoa tho issue. Mr. Root la now proparlng an an swer. Tho JnpnnoBO government will bo Informed that nssurancos cannot bo glvon that un exclusion aot will not bo passed, but that tho adminis tration will oxerciso iU lnllucnco to provont such legislation, if possible. ponding negotiations. Tho lssuo in official circles In Ja pan has caused ncuto agitation, and bocauoo of tho strained condition of affairs, Mr. Root will not unnecessar ily preclpitat'o matters, with tho bat- MUSt FIGHT CHINA CHINA WILL RAISE AN ARMY OP FIVE MILLION AND WILL DRIVE OUT ALL WHITES NAVY MUST RE Ria ENOUGH TO DOMINATE THE EARTH. TO FIRE ANOTHER ROCKET HENEVIN PORTLAND CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE OUR CLFARING SALE is a hummer. Every department is busy; we are selling the goods regardless of cost. We must have room for our spring goods. If you want bargains in this season's best merchandise come to the Chicago Store the store that makes the prices and is always busy. CLEARING PRICES 29c fancy plaid dreBS goods, pret ty styles. .. Charing price, yd ... I3C 75c fine wool dross goodB, every Clearing prico, yd . . . uDC Better dress goods at the same reductions. ' 15c bleached table damask r Clearing price, yd ...... Z3C Better table linens at the same re ductions. lo jards of plain and fancy dre and walsting silks at charing prions. lrt" rds of 7c dark and light 'ned outing flannels - C'earing price, yd 0 You u find soiled goods in the Afferent departments," caused ty ill-treatment during our fall ruh, at half price and less. ues ?15 suits now....? 7.90 Ladic' 2Q suits now.,.. 11.90 ies' $12 coats now ... . C.90 Ladles' $18 coats nowt... 9.90 They all must go. CLEARING PRICES On ladles' suits, coats, millinery, furs, underskirts, shirt waists, raincoats, men's and boys' cloth ing, men's underwear, hats and suspenders. Jstw lv) lf,v Will HI l ii I Mil UWwk (Unitod Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Jan. 11. "We'll soe within tho noxt ton yonrs an army of &,000,000 in number in China, drillod and instructed by tho Jnpancso and, whon tho tlmo comos, it will oust tho whltos from that country." This noto of warning, sounded 'n WILL TjAKU UP LAND VRAM) CASK AGAINST FORMER V. H. ATTORN HY HA LL PEOPLE NO LONGEIt HEED HIS PYROTECH (Unltod Pross LoftBOd Wire.) Portland, Or., Jnn. 11. Francis J. Hsnoy arrived this noon to tako ohargo of tho prosecution of tho enso against formor Unltod Stntos District Attorney Hall, chargod with timber land frnudB, whlcli boglns Monday. Ho hnd llttlo to Bay in rognrd to the i . .. . . . .. .. .... ... ii,.. an address last night by Associate, scnmiu ucusiun uy w.o ,..... T..uHn irnrim. of tho United Statos I court. Apparently, however, ho did supromo court, has cronted a stir at tho capital, nnd is being generally dlscus'tcd today. Tho speech was Imiifln at tho annual dinner of tho not feel that tho flrfit trial had boon onilrcly fruitless of rowult. "If I did not do anything olso," 1ij remarkod. in reforenco, to SounutK, THE PRESIDENT AND ADMIRAL BROWNSON Roosevelt Bitterly Scored, and His So-called Belief fit A Square Deal Ridiculed (United Pros Leased Who.) j matter may be brought before n court Toledo 0., Jan. 11. Cyrus Town-, In tho regular way? In other word loieuo, u Jnn. w Proliant of tho Unltod State. send, tho author-preacher, vigorous- w(h ft gngnr nek Qf C0Ur(0l, lmB ly crltlclso tho Prouldoiu for his no- ncoH0,i nmJ condoinnod, wlthont war tton in tliu RiownroL affair, in a stat Pftnt or law. In tho most public man- munt publlfhad line, part of which" ner possible, u mnn who 1 unnbta to . .. .make reply, aim no nas nggrovmuu Tli.." l'reUdtnt U. couatruotivoly, his offoma by supprosHlng or wllh- thejlrt ue,.t:nn of Amtrlw. I um MdlnR ho reason tlm nctiuited the the term for nhr motor, not degree. A "" ' ' 1H,Hl square real for tvoryone In overy way "ii is a iihiu( vi,...ft - -- Ih h fnvorlto policy. What kind of wmcli ovory man oi nonor mm . n donl has ho given tho admiral, In man who values tho prlnolplo ot mi publlHhu.g tho President's own lottor I thorlty routing upon htm, and who. of corMire, von at tho tlmo wido appreciates tho linportnneo ot on spocuhtllor. to tho admiral's JiiBtlll- forcing law should rosont; that n vct caMon renlU.HK that by tho laws of'crnn olllcor, at tho oloso of i long, that Borvlco In which t)io admiral had I highly honornblo nnd groatly dlBtln boon trained nnd to which ho luu do- gu lied carcor should bo at tho mor votcd his fife, ho has no option but cy of an Irresponsible occupant of Um innn hIIoiico until such tlmo as tho White Houso." The Store That Does the Busiiess Navy League, where Justice Harlan, "I kept lifm In Jail so long that ho was ono of tho principal speakers, (could not run for mayor again. Ho .THi Harlan nredioted a groat, OUgnt 10 oo in uio iJimuiy, u war between tho white and yellow races, and earnestly urges tho Unitod Stntos to make preparations to meet tho lssuo whon it comos. This state ment closely followed his remark able declaration that a tremendous Chinoso army will bo established to drive tho whites out of China. "I want to so eour navy grow to such, an extent, or bo in such condi tion that no nation on earth could daro for n moment to entertain the question of entering Into a contest with us. Justico Harlan prefaced his re marks with tho statement that ho would speak as a soldi r of tho civil war, and not as a "Jingo." Ho said that an increased army is not so nec essary as a largo navy. "Thoro nro 10,000,000 men In thU country," ho contlnuod, "who would be ready to go to war within 90 days. Tho avorago American does not ro qulro moro than three months train ing to become a good soldier. It Ib ' mv honest opinion that no country .would over send an army to invado 'our soil. Wo havo enough mn right hero in this country to ovorwnoim tho greatest army over in oxistonce." Justico Harland doclnrod ho did not caro to vonturo an Idea a how I hono to sond him there." Honey declared that dho rocont lo clsion of tho United States aupremo court, in relation to tho caso of form or Congressman Williamson, of Oro gon, who was under sontonco of land frauding, practically puts an end to, all furthor prosecutions under the (timber and stone act. o ENTERTAIN THE JACKIES ta THE IHTlHTfi Jn and, after January 13 the Mdiifl TO IHb rUlJUb hours-for all Salem banks till & 10 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. in. REUF RUNS A BLUFF AGAINST A BLUFFER .V Refuses to Testify, Unless Given Immunity and Heney Make Threats Washington, Jan. 11. To make sure that Rear-Admiral Evans and j tho offloors and men of hla fioot will havo no complaint to register on ac count of an insufficient food supply whon they arrlvo in San Francisco bay, tho navy department today au thorised tho purchase of 1S00 tons of nrovltlon to bo delivered at tho Maro Island navy yard. This order include 700000 pounds of sugar, it evidently boing tho intention of tho navy departmont to tako good care of tho sweet tooth of tho floot. The navy department is women- A II.. ...nM,ln. iisi.l f.ntn tlla fltaftt . iMniv w. I1...-L111 iz. n ill u Hum ...B ..w- big our navy should bo, Ixit addod m It n arrived at Rio Janorlo. It that it should b sufficiently big to Js in at fhat point today, and wKl protoct our ports on the Afantle i probnbly arrlvo on tlmo, as no mis hap to the Miuadron has been re port Ml. T oflleial program for the enter tainment of tho officers of tho war fchip has bean approved by the American ambassador, Irving B. Dud ley, tutd U elaborate U provldoa for ontontiUnliiK officers and men royally for a whol oweok. . .,.., -.. Tneo,! wro. Ion. For throo hours Uio matter -was 8i Prno.o, J. !?.- ??' ? "T TZ Ruofs last bluff has been called anu ocean. tleehlp fleet so far from IU baso in the Pacific. Su.vh Situation Is Serious. Portlnnd, Or., Jan. 11. in this ev ening's Portland Journal will appoar an interview wKh an unnamed offlcor In the American navy, who, it is sold, Js of high rank, and who declares that the siwiatlon bstweon the Unltod States and Japan Is of a meet serious nature. "The people, as a whole, do not realize how serious a position tho two countries are In," ho says. "The United Statos Is making overy prep aration for an armed conflict in h near future. The fortifications at Point Loma havo been placed on h war basis. The bay of San Francisco and tho Puget Sound forts have been mined, and the work of complotely mining tho mouth of tho Columbia river is almost over. They are only awaiting tho arrival of tho mines from the East Tho oleotrlc wiring of the river mouth was finished verV recently," Schmitz Still I'ndcr Ilouds-. San Francloeo, Jan. 11. The at torneys for t-x-Mayor IGugeno 15. ehmSitz, whom tho appollate court has declared to be iliogally convicted of. the crime of oxtortlon, In connoc- 'ti with tho famous French restau rant cases, appeared boforo Judgo Dunno this morning with a motion to secure tholr cllont's rolcase on half. Tho district attorney scoured a continuance of tho matter until noxt Monday. Strenuous opposition to granting bail to Sohmltz until tho ex piration of tho 30 days allowed tho state in which to tako an appeal will be made by tho 'district attorney's of fice. . . tho fnto of tho imprisoned ox-bos is nttifld. Ho hnB boon given a laBt op portunity to accopt the proffered Ion ionoy of tho graft prosooutlon in re turn for hla tostimony against tho other indiotod bribo-givora. Ho re fused to nccodo to any torms short or absoluto Immunity, and, ns a rosult, all neuotlatlons botweon him nnd tho prosooutlon nro at nn ond. Ruof is 10 standpoint. At tho ond of tbroa hours Ruof hnd not altered a sinsto demand. "If only ono man la Bont to tlu penitentiary as n rosult of thcaa graft prosecutions, that man will bo Abo Ruof." Such was tho public Uoolnnilfoa wade several weoks ago by Assistant District Attorney Hunoy, wheu Jt bo- oawo known that Henoy was roiyms bo proBooutod without morcy, and If .upon tho position in which ho found it Ilea in the powor of the prosecution J jjjmself Intronchul to domnml hi to securo thont, he will be given own freedom nshe price or mo w- .. . bxon lilm in thb'innnv HlffllllHt tllO "higher UIM" ii twt m k. ii. nj a a br -- m - penltontlnry for life At n innir ronffrence botweon Ruef, .. . , ii...-. o.wi niutHM At. dominated yoetorday, tho final answer was giv- day. mmmut among the tiorenuniws mi uw ti'. oases, and it is this policy Avhlch tho altitude of LRiunion U M BONDS BONDS BONDS M H M M M m Waters Bros. Investment Co. offers a limited number of bonds for sale, drawing 5 and 6 per cent interest. Security A1 , semiannual interest. A BOND IS A fIRST MORTGAGE Waters Bros. Investment Co. Room 16 and 17 over Bush's Bank, Salem, Ore. K m m m M a m m m H M m m m m HHHHMBiailBHaiBH