k Hvff?i735 ITS 9 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1008. ii rn jwb 1 I RE-ADTUSTWENT SALE in this i ! t . Ctifl Stocks will soon be rearranged in our new annex and almost every dep j i ,eneral upheaval. In order to save time in moving too much goods, and also to make room c.. :-":.. ..c , nffcf nr hnv nr nflucements mat are wonn iuiiiumiu6. .m....s WONDERFUL VALUE-GIVING SALE ,-, EVERY DEPARTMENT CON 1 K1BU i Contract goods alone are excepted. Make your vagfajKe of early choice, selections as early as possible, thus getting the ad rw)v m JEaK M WorSh" Interesting Pur Specials Juit at the tlnut of tho yonr when you mot need thorn. Not nn Jli! fur In tho lot, ovory one of thl season's newest stylos. A frond awortniont or rellnblo furs 'xi clioooo from. HK.AIMUHTMII.Yr NAM. Less One-third SUITS SKIRTS Reduced Owlulf One-third 1 i ' Great Yarn Special i n nt a.vnnv u'nnl nnd Snnnlnh Floss In assorted colors tiji to 18o ynrd. A wonderful vnltlo during r this groat sale, tho nkoln . . . . ... "J? Dress Goods All this season's newest dress good In plnlds, check b and ovor pUMd In a wldo rang of color combinations In medium and dark shade 3d to hi inches wldo. 50c values, Moving Balo 75c value, Moving Snlo $1,00 vnlaos, Moving Balo , 11.26 value, Moving Balo , $1.00 value, Movini; Balo $2.00 valuos, Moving Solo , $2. CO valuoa, Moving Bale , ..35c . . t)C ..67c ..84c M .$1.34 .$1.67 Hosiery Men's fanuy hosiery In tho now Ml nnd host patterns. An oppor tunity to got your supply chonply 2 Co and 3 Co values Moving Sale 19c , Cleanup on Footwear Drokon linos of men's nnd wo jion'B high grade Bhoos nt greatly rcducod prlcon. $3.00 nnd $3.(0 Kid, patent and $2.29 doml-brlght bIioob for woman's wear $3.10 famouH Tingrao mndo shoes womon, ro-nd.iat- jr i XIEAQQDX) for Mle . $0.(0 valuta In men' shoos In n $2.65 fine variety. Sal prion 2to shoo polish; wild ovry whore 15c it the uniform prlco 2So. Re-adjustment sal . Remnants .Short lonetho of seasonable nnd do- HALF imidnhl gooda are on ilo for to- PRICE day only tit (! ttt&W 8 A MKWPOBATCD Clothes for the Youngster TWO YEARS FOR SMITH, FISHER FREE Great valuo Biirprlso In boys' winter nppnrol. Jauntiest stylod In conts, ro'Onforcod pants nnd n lavish uRBortmont of colors nnd matorlnls. Of courso nil wanted Blzod aro roproBontod In this stir ring nlo. It's to your advantage to do your buying now. Readjustment Sale Prices Grlmon vs. Curry, Action for Money, Settled Atipsland vs. Anderson Suit, Default and JudRtiiciiC Oili er Circuit Court Business. Sherman Smith, who, on last Mon day, plead guilty to tho charge of larceny in a building, was this morn ing Sentenced by Judge Burnett to serve 4wo years in tho penitentiary. Shoymnn Smith and James Flsh or woro arraigned on last Monday to answer tho ohargo of having stolen sonio Jewelry 'and othor valuables from tho dwelling of G. A. Young, near tho Fair Ground store on No- vninimp in tiisf. Tho uorenunni. Smith, plead gnillty-and Fisher, wheu arraigned on Tuesday, pienu yv. itiiimv nni wns ro found uv tno jury on Wednesday. Fisher admitted that ho was-with Smith at the time of the robbeiy, but thore wnB not Bttfllcient ovidenco to prove thnt ho was guilty of Iprcony. D'Arcy and Richardson wcro their counsel. Other Docket Kiime. Marcella C. Grlorson vs, W. H. Curry, action for monoy, settled. Rmll Aunslnnd vs. Olnf Anderson, nctlon for monoy, default and Judg ment, with order to nttnch property. Frod Soely and Mark seely vs. Sclent Hop Warehouse Compnny, ac tion for money, dofauit onlorcd. J. F. Robert, 13. B. Wntorg., part ners, vs. Isnnc C. Datos nnd Lucy Uaten, action for monoy, Jury trial. Jury: Den Smith, W. W. nonrdsley, Lafe Jermnn, Potor Heater, II. O. White, A. L. Frnser, William H. Crr :s, W. H. Dyars, .1. II. Pennobak- er, Fred Haselng, A. D. I'ottyjolin ana ,8 T. Hollmrt. THORNE DIES AT HOSPITAL YESTERDAY Unfortunate Man Who on December 1 14 Attempted Suicide in tlie Scott Jfofc'J, Droyped Dead oj iiPnrt Fail ii ro. HUMIHMUMMlUHfH CITY NEWS 3, A OWifMm 4 lmfwiMt tut J ipmfta tr towr QttuUbnkUo I MilMMimillllllllllll Wrrtth. OtVMklonnl rain tonlnht mid Ratur- Irfiirt' Handy (Irotvry Kvery tor in 8lem stops at Law ronco'ii uroeerv. corner Commercla' 'and Firry So do a bhI, blK harw I of Snlom'a pitoplo. Tho largwt awuirtmwit of oandy in Salem is at '.Iiiii'n. Kllntlllty Btauda for a great dwil, and, es pecially In a moat market titotisJoft HrtM. run a roJInblo markot, and thrtlr meata are always goI- Phoae 3S1. Corn Court aad UUoty. Attnttloii, IjiiiIIi Lap year party at ia kkatlng Tluk tonluht. M. 11. MoAIIIMit Iiniirxixltii; Wrni Vi lu Hmokrv M. u. MeAIHter. Ute waU-kuswii That slab wod you havu bean bura . prowletar ot Uie Pratwm ikntr milts. lntt. Why not try Mime large lxkli'wk kn beea daKrM!y III with rtr, Bwrnd-Ktowth nr r h. IViwr. (Wo4 Nitoa far ike put vrul iHK & Muff, pksnn 1417 or ma. Iwk. h aUU to alt , uU M grad- 1-9U MUy saltilMK atrMgtk. TVe noteoa W4 mmM kr a mulch eMMed m traji YiMr iv$w ,t)M Utmk, am torn m1 alt evtr .it v .ung nun IVIMKIH. vv iKNiy. p)o otUy- iwyU4y IhvUikI. I I ZiunV riant flMwiier to the The atwuAt iuHln of tho Dfcaxtf. tmMvn of th Capital NaUoBal.OilllciinN Xahlo StmlimU )aak of 9lui, for tto wlfcUon t T)m CnlllgM Xftftkvtlte, $M4eU 4lrecori will tn, bold at 1U baaktai Omp) W to a v-ry Urrc 7. V.l- vrwsua' M? TJtt et altai M tk Kltar QrA la. ig at 3 o-eicHJk n. in. J08. 11. AWltlrtT, lt3.i3.J0d OiWr. Mr. Kully HHwvvrlMj; Prlwl W V. f Keilr. o tMa Mfci. )4g fio tk ajHrfaiie t M appreetatt ky tW b&rt audlMt. TU ( "Uav J4a- a4 lwUeri Qirl" r. welt orta ihi rtc of a4alMtoa. Ttae coMtay gis a Utttty MMllae tM r" m . r Rewy. ti Uttn(neiy gnee a Uutly MMllae tM Uy ut sl4 la Iwt iUL km hM JUr. m4 will vtom Smmij nlgti m mr wnnii iroM mh mmm . iw mm a U (m ato to W mnuvvil i to Tlw SUm Wuwum' cm m tuu. u Mr Kelt, M Wt WM twaartw alt.r.oo. itrJl TT.Ti ' operaiwl mi inr iM lilt 'iikk , iw- -u. .. . i1 ,lk T wk i by Dw. A. & TkUm4 M U P. OrtmU. at t aaletd I'KIIHONAL MMNTION. Mies Lvla Tarpley la vlaltlng rola Uvea In Portland. L. I). Wood loft last evening for a vUlt In Portland. Harry RobarU was nuion those who went to Mnrlon lout evunlngr. K. C. Gamblo has rottirnikl from a Uubluees trip to Hflstorn Oregon. Mrs. S. II. Frost Is the guet of relatives In Portland. MlN Agile Lludnhl was a Salem vial tor from Wood burn. Mr. a tut Mm. H. F. Marak have rohw t. Portland where they will be the gueets of relative and friends. hklwaiNl Hlrsck and daNKkter. Mine Isiia. hav on to Portlaml for a few days visit. Mr ami Mrs. K. B. Uane of lone, Or.. ar tk guoeU of Mr. Bfcrwe' Hater. Mm. B H. tlerrtek. Wendell Helm of Portland, who kaa k ailMltM tk Wlia4 MkeAl. return to bi now. Mr. ami Mr. J. $. liulkx-k kav o to M City wker tk) will visit frlentU hm) r4aUv Frnnk Frleky wn among tk Sa lent violin! wko Umi tk Kit Wllk eoawert in PortlMMl Imu alght. Mm. B. . Wood h )Mi erenins for Portland wkere an will visit rrMk tor a fw its. Mr. Jui suiwor ot JHCwroo. U vUttlnj kr 4aniktr. Mrs. rrmak Pont . of tkl otty nrt Snow nn reinrnnd ia kU' - - A i in4l4 titer vMtimi reloUvw It fMl eJry. itr. F. Wnttr ha returned (my. tno motronoUs. fir . -,- .w. - w----.. m .vw wivil 'A. X. Mnorm. onrnr of -JL.I ?? k " tttnvn. knsUon rr.s Tk.WLL!l j iL.fc . liB rk la a fftay w 2L MftnjHM. ubiinlM,k4. Wtanumotj w work ct kmt r oaju. Hmm wUl doMhW to Tnny- . MM A4MM, ttk instructor In bony, wos u ik iv- L.inmlArv i uhii-... ... .' y. -w- ..n .v, ,., . it i. Biivraiiv. i . tk etty on D Mnyor ku kntnjt retamod Iii)KV CIMlr! lt)i yonr HVJ" ii lKkt ttwy Men Inr nanntei eadr wttl mm4. aMi Jp- w r.. .. . .7v MN, a D. Sioyor ku MiriiJ , . --. -- ... vva.wm flWI Iw.- 1..-.. . . " . AM - '';.U rSLTrvrJrJi1" ., ., ... w pjun wB WBKUmrHClHWMu-ri1a.t L "" i tone to lOrt Ton uuieAl Tkl Hxkt kr t gliM tJlrt ta WtM?aetero4 Hwr j I- oM yfcr. nA Uni, !. k v,. ! nn tnt lOUd nteeiing a tk. nMi. knm OhjmhiicIiU Clnk will n nM in Dm "Qa citr' tnikt 4 H taiHrtant ntwhnnM wktek win ! tOBjIOjOtwd k Ik mi ... wnnmni iit4 to naUrtt MrinUons urU tk bnlMluK of tk! IM4 tor a nkort kiulnns trip. . mu Walnetott lft i. .. ternoon Inr Portland k win Melt relnure for . h.f( WVrl Srry. iomr . of tkl elt now of PnMkiid i, . . . ' iw.. TT ' "i11 ni iiiMMo an mnavo. cru vd u, wii,u - ,:..r ::!..A,r v TTk . to cn . ,; n":..;r hi wn ,ut r-d Tho Mlt-si'B ReiiKkn and Addenn Swart went to Portland to attend the Kiibellk concert. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cook nro callod to oodbttm by the Illness of tho for mer's brother, Rev. D. W. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Urokaw nnd child of Frultland have gone to For est Grove to vllt friends and rein- th'Ori. Mrs. H. a. Worwmnn has gone to Portland to visit relatives and friends for a few days, Mrs. W. M. Robinson , who haj been been visiting her damghtor. Mrs. Salb. of this city, returnod yesterday to her homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vorchler and dangfeter and Mlw Gaynetl Baldwin attemled 'the Ksibellk eonoert at the Heillg In Portlaml last even lug. Mrs. Claude Skinner went to Port land last evening to visit her sister for a fow day. Mr, II. it. Hontier. wko has W tk gneot of Mr. K. C. Miller, of tUU elty. lft ytrday for her kow la Astoria. It. J. Klrkwood. of HRn. of tk International CorrwoondejiM SckanU vtattod tk loeal rrniUtlve, R. Q. llnnter, in this ell; ynntnrday. Mr. and Mr. J, J. Akbr of lVmi. roy, Wnk.. wko havo boa visiting Mr and Mr. Honry Tarpley, of this elty. tft ystrday for Wll'a Walla wnor they l ytait bfor ntum- nag to tnir konM. Mr. A.hkr u orotnter of Mrs. Tbrploy. air H. C. X orris, ko ba been MalUng mlauros In tnls rlty. kas re- UKfind to nor kom In Portlnad. ?. O. Pntumon. forntertr of thi. ,ity. wno kas uomi In-Bnrtland for n pant etgkt years, an bn ap PoUsd nmnr of lb nnlm ant II r of w. P. rnller Co of I oM. Mr. Pattereo. will soon! l -. ... 1 io mat city to rattd. hu 3f Mawts kre wUI b glnd to lw of bjs nM. A. A. Uadorwoad nn tturm Iro btwlnons trip to Ipnn. a. O, Wlvor. of Tumor, onm div. ibis monUng. Mrad mjts. nn PltMintMtons. of Pontiror. Wanklnaton. arn tk cRt- I Mr. and Mra. Jo nji. of thia tty. J N. Davis, of LinrolB vk i. vl blag in tho oit u wm prob. p tH'te m this victalty Uoorge W Johason, Sr, has re-j t'irii.d from n business trip to Call fomlr.. I2.'Mayor Wators was among those who went to Portland this morning. M. D. McAIIIstor, of Prntum, Is visiting friends In this city. Mrs. C. Johnson, who has boon visiting her dnughtor, Mrs. V. Kelly of this cty, has roturuod to nor home In Portlnnd. Dr. C. J. Korlnok, tho voterlnnr Ian, has loft for Portland nnd points on tho west sldo to Inspect stock. He has Just complotod a tuborculosls test of a bnnd of cattle at Chemawa. The animals were found to be hoalthy. Mis Mlnnlo Frickoy, formerly a teacher of this city, arrlvod last ov- lonlng from Chattnnoonga, Tonn., In answer to a telogrnm announcing the lllnoas of her fathor, C. Frickoy, of East Salem. Miss Frickoy Is engngod In missionary work in TounosBoe. Sha will remain in Salem sevora! weeks boforo returning to tho East. o To the Public On and after January IS, tho banking hours of all -the Salem banks will be from 10 a. m. to 3 P. m. 1-10-51 William Thome, who, on SatAiriB afternoon, December 14, slashed his throat and completely severed hia windpipe with a Jack-knifo, in his npartments at the Scott Hotel, died Thursday afternoon at '1:30 o'cloMr at tho Salem hospital, where ho had been taken shortly alter committing tho act. Thorno was thought to bo gradual- ly gaining strength until yesterday at dinner, when ho suddenly fell over and expired from henrt failure. Ha had been walking around In tho hos pital but n few minutes before lunch time, nnd seomed to bo feeling ns well na usual. Thorno was a nativo of New Zea land, and was 41 years of nge. Ho was a resident of Salem six years ago, at which tlmo ho moved to Cal ifornlo. nnd was 111 in San FrancisM at the time of tho oarthrjuako. After his sickness there he wont to Illi nois, whoro ho resided until last Jane, when .he returned to this city. Ho owned a itonm of good horses and, provious to his rash act, ha-J been engngod in work on the new- Court street pavement. Six dollars wns found In his trousers when tak- on to tho hospital, and it io said 4 hat ho has a snug bank account. Before ongaglng apartments nt tho Scott Hotel Thorno had a room. at the homo of Harry Hatch, tho well-known mall carrlor. Mr. Hatch said that Thorno scorn to bo a mnn of steady habits. Thoro seems to bo nothing known as to his relatives. Dr. Carlton Smith, Thorite's phy sician, said that Thorno told him ho had no relntlvos In Orogon, Mnrrlugo I.lrtn.o A marriage license was this after noon issued to Jako Rlly Sanders, aged 81. and Grac Rich, aeod 22. both of Woodburn, F. L. Rich wit-ne. DIVORCH IX HIGH NKW YORK SOCIKTV. (United Press Loosed Wlro.) Nw York. Jan. 10. -Martin Ma lonf, tk Standard Oil raultlmlUlon- air, and a papal marquis, today con- armed the tory that bis daughter Helen, bad sued for n annulment of her niarrUse to Broker Arthur H. Os- borne. Tim nine Moon nt tlio Grand Last Night. Those who missed seeing tho "Blue Moon" last night missed tho blggost troat of tho season. Tho company, ns a wholo, was one of tho best looking nnd most 070nly bal nncod -thnt has ever vlsltod Salem. Instead of one lono stnr, there wore about six. Powers took tho leading- mnlo part, while Clnra Palmer played to him. Powers' ability ns nn ado. Is too well-known In Salem to need any mention. Miss Palmer, who Is new horo, mndo a groat hit with tho audlenco. Tho singing of Nanon Jacque, as "Blue Moon," was the host that has been hoard In tho Grand opora houso this scasan. Sho sang very cloarly, and tho nudlence was able to understand ovory word. Space will not permit tho proper montlon of all tho characters for er- ory ono of tho principal parts was taken by a star. Tho stage settings woro boautlfu' and entlroly out of the ordinary. The Bconery Illustrating tho song "Moon, Dear," was Bimnly magnificent, an-! the smllo on tho face of tho man In the moon was no broader than that of the audience. ISTARR PIANO ii Z 1 1 iHIGII CLASS GOODS n GEO. C. WILL Ii itgeat8gnnjiinn-glrff i MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD. Over Ladd & BuhU'b Bank, Salem, Or EARLY POTATOES WANTED are in the market for a!' WU.MU of Early S4 PoU. and are paying food pric. Bring in wbat you may have . BU mtre ts a ket. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Ageut. Offloo with Wm. Brown & Co,, No. 29 Commercial street. mar- D. A. WHITE & SONS VKRD AND SBBOSIK.N roiLTRY, 11BE AND SPIUY Sl'Pl'LlBS. SVLKM, . . OREGON' 1 taeintnatjnaa S NEW TODAY i For Sale Several houses In Salem and farm 'ands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. 6-1-eod Will tho Party Who borrowed a Tribune bicycle from Tho Journal office about two weoks ago kindly return same, as the owner needs . i-10-tf For &ile or Kent Situated in Far mount Park, a nine-room cottage, partly furnished, electric lights, ad all modern improvements, tw lots, fruit and berries. For furth er particulars enquire of M1 Geo. H. Jones, end of car l.ne, south 1-10-lwk