mlx -mmr'zrsjLzzzz 1JBWW. i THURSDAY, JANUARY 0, 1008. riTT.V nAVlTAti JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, - n urn XBl'JtKSS DKSFKK i J'OK HTHONtf IIItl.VK AsMro to Orrtfon Voter ,011 How Bcl o Minimize UieflKflM of the "TVnfllc in laior. ' (By Win. H. Fchso In Oregonlon of January 5, 1908.) Prohibition, what docs It moan? At 1b generally understood, U mean to prohibit tho manufacture ond sole of, all aplrtluous and malt liquor as a bovwago not tho drinking tboro ft as Chat la a personal privilege, prohibition or no prohibition. I wish hero to make n plain state wont: The United State constitu tion plainly sot forth that it foster And protect all manufacturer. You way la oil honoly and sincerity vote for prohibition but to stop- tho pro duction of liquor, tho constitution if III have to bo amended by striking out tho word "all" and put In an ex ccptlon. Dow prohlBltlon prohibit? I am bold enough to soy emphatically, no. 1 need not rofor to tho elate of Maine, but lako my own natlvo slate, dear old Iowa. Prior to 1884 woind local option. Tho river counties of courso wero wet and wldo opon, tho wet, districts waxIriB rich on tho do sires and thirst of tho dry. Thon carao tho greatest stniKRlo of all, personal liberty or a stato prohibit ing nmcndmenU Tho Prohls carried by 37,000 majority. Tho Ropubll can party uphold tho nmondmont, tho Daroocrat voting for It ns an oxperl incut. What was tho result? Under local option wo had In my little homo town and place of burlaw a Gorman club, whereby we could 81 ood CUQENB ZIMMERMAN. Cincinnati capitalist who In purchnt ktic mortgage tut ninny hUtorlc en If In (Irt'itt llrltnln. lualudltttf thou f his aondu-law, tho Iiuko of Man Chester. IftKflr bow shipped to us In bulk. A good number of our member were rellRlously lnoIlRtHl who would at tend dlvlno aervle RuHilay morulHK tut In tho afternoon ihimk of them would, with their wive and families, como to thw olub, onJnylHx social and neighborly Itercourst with uwisl; eaUug and drluklUK; wine, beer, soda pop or lemenade: iluntiu mini. ,.! m'mmam" other sames. Now mmmm th BiMrrkjM,r7 prohibitory ametuliueut making U a WtatoMr for R mhiinon mitsm- to haul or twmlle flrUeiM or tswlt JlQuer. Thl of eoHnw m an end to the QorwMn RoaI elb. WlwC Milium nl. NVhat loltowwlT Th river eoo. tls (HMittiid w, )! smumeitt aHMkiN atNlM1, l th Qek being Klnt nil NMS4itry ki', km aoelor bwl' y writing rcrtp to us In the iMierhM wnf reJIgkMw tUoM Vo OregOM dry and sea) and. 1 mh4 my, In some mmm!!!" tk WU4 MMl lt dto tlM rank tanttttt nrvrniM. They 'lH,f Tw Mky wJr (o regMlat Mjr or toy are m(. T M MtMM " 'or tke drinkor teera will Im u sjp on tke i' rnMU nlsBvlf Hr. lUHe wane. Ys lWer were wfe. the Wr dft. Don't m lor a -Ocriuan So rWan u ralit w regnlato rmr o-n rot iy a -ong men's ei, oinWennd iKitwuni td bftvate MiBka ru 6tnritjr Mlckt titer won Imto co py ftlH box of kSMMMMW. Th Mti mOsjm um I kirn af ik. Pt. ( I m hum iow tolv "MW "1 . IMI: teetU JMo tWr. k.4 b. in vmII. jN,w,k,r II dni tAlvuM eonafilwi W Hit A'f Matox . 0Ninee to tot itiia. M nd w I1" t111 tt .t wain rl4 until taw Tfceo w! Nmm IMipll nettner nkMsst had hr four drg uocea; nowi"" Ury' ul lnore, Alttt th wiii and aei.nort n drc iAaktjr' WiHo. Qwrun4o fcar rk$ iMrK(uf of tow kav Afcby' Lr Lolfren. terin UN built far :.,m.H. j r ., rv Mjrrtl tnMer. BmI HIMon. dme And. I am toW. luw rtt mmH 'Aal Wallore, Hm1 UartM. Ky m"2'"- " ' " H. Knr. Ut McOeo, 4 - -Mnrro) U4sjr. Orwa. Twin, Ir V I. I. I. W ? 1. " r -w f Our aelicidius Cod Liver prewiration withour nil Better than old-fashioned L1?I,?I2'0,IIU " tot ted iver iA an.1 n,i.i. F' u4 UUm- Wr. U restore bMlth for OWpopJe, delicate children, JSS wvnviiumui x.nrotitna I IttOf trtMiMf g. i now M. W. ltrX.Uf nrt ,. nn fine farms. Tho prona tion cry was, "Wipe out tho saloon." Then our moBt bolovod country would - . .1.-1 A Tstrrri bo snf. Bare from wuw ru.i,. invasion? I ETUdsa not. Safe against a man or woman patronizing a blind pig or a drug store? "Whnt Replace K." What do our most ardont support er of prohibition put lu placo of the saloon? Absolutely nothing. The opon saloon Is tho poor man' club, It is a frso Information uuroau; it u nincfl for a thirsty man to get a drink of cold wator Just for the aBk- ine: it a plaeo whero a strnngor js alway wolcome, a placo whoro ho can lcavo hi handbag and, feel that It will bo kept Hlfo; a placo wnere tho clerk, generally speaking, I an encyclopedia of fact concerning the city or town. Ask him a civil ques tion and 99 times out of 100 you will get a civil anBwor. Should yew have a call of nature, whore olso could n strnngor go? And "right her lot me nslc you who know of a law making tho drinking of liquor or becoming Intoxioated a orlmo? A person may hocomo Intox loated with Joy and dollght. Take for Instance our old-fnshlonod rovlvu! mooting or an old-tlmo enmp meet ing. To got drunk with llqnor I boastly, but not a crime In ItsoJf. If arrowed by a guardian of tho peace, tho charge In each any ovary. Instnnc W d-unk and dlsordorly. 1 nsod not horo mention In comparison tho ooio of Uie Holy Holler In Tncoma whloh Iim reeently coin to public notice through the public pre. Whoro Ijm f""' Citle nd ommunlllv have for ItttHdredi of yew to cnl,nd with the ntrong drink (motion, a well m iht of 4h sl They hv found thnt rtfnlnUon does regu i.i. Ht to m. oerutlM degree. 8up- prcoston doo nol upprems, Had lat terly prohibition doe not prohibit. The voter of the grand old stat" f Oregon are confronted by thvv muik ld pcoolem. Again .uppnlon doe not suppre, regulation tl"' not reguUUe and prohibition do nt prohibit. What Uen I the solution? , Ut me tll yon. the wofd Is ' nprt Ion." Take down your uuwlx idgvvl and see If 1 am right or wrong, mxe the words of Mlllen: "You deelre fori win and all delletoua drink which iiiuujr a famous warrior overturns iiKiu oiiuldHt renrues." Don't this bring buk the uuoetloii to the ludl vJtUiul him or ltrll? Iteprc our desire ami don't depend upon Icy leliUlon to curb your abuormul d aire and npputlto. l'or the sake of nrgument, If the llfjuor buslnww le wrong, a higher and uurensoHRbie IIcvhio doesn't iHHke It rlKht. The one grout trouble I the drinker ami patron of iwlooiu. Members of hlghU9Ud clubs have otr,eld tho Uarkeeiwr, but have forgottoH the beanie In their own oyo. is tho mUor nHjr worse thn ' his ousteiHerT Helng thus (Hitraelscd, he My to himself: "I've got tho ne-me. so here goe the gamo." u Hur n oii iiiMi n more iiuerai and generous als than the average Let a oivlo QNMtlun rt,, ,H" HlU,ta ""v"t r1"1 l" pj'wet noon ior m pwwr NHweer, He i owe o( in r number, he hi one of tUret to contribute. Vote Oregon dry and tnorvfcy rtofc California mmI 'niio. "' our 'WH'lf lm nrlvate aMMI n. HeiKjrt of Hlgkoy SotiJl. voft of KMkr nooh eenool fw U tl44KU' M4nll. Mo? r. hm Cooiojr, Wwren CooWy. ;vr' !. Wre WaUo, lkoeo wJh,w. o:m. xh llli 7 Itaiei Uaaraa. A. Mynn, TwWr. -a- l m j'Jtt.'MtJ! "utftri itoky iitau t Keen te orptn WiHkllMf rfsW. 3Je TV " " ,'v vr .vi lr Jho Kind Tou Have Alwnyfl ia use for over 30 years, jT ,s and lixis uceninauo wmw iua ru- JV-z. Bonnl pnpcnrifllon fllnco ita infancy. a . n r-i- Tmuntn InAntfl and Children-Experience agnlnat Experiment. What is CASTORIA XJtorlft Is a harmless snhatltnto ftt Cjstor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrupri. It Is f"; " Jontalru. neither Opium, Morphine nor other & ubtanco. Jtn ago is Ita guarantee It destroys & and allays FovcrlHhncss. It cures Dinrrlioja and AYlnq. CoUc. It relieves Tccthlnff Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, riviuff healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Pnimcco-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bca?S tho (a7uZcA4U The KM You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. m wmMwmmmmwmMmmmmwmmmMwm FOR Two good houses In subiub of Salem, Ice orchard; also n good buslnoss a cplcndld blacksmith and wagon nnd pnlnt shop, with u good business In full running order at tho present tlmo. m 4 Tho shop building Ib a strong frnmo building with concroto founds tloo nnd hoavy framo well flnlshod, and would be flrat class for a storo building, or warohouso 3r factory, or good boat landing, nnd within one block of tho now hyed out railroad. Oho of tho most beautiful homes and business ocatlons iu Solum. Will tnko In ox chango as pnrt paymont a good small farm. Will glvo easy terms and lew Intorest for part. Farm to bo In "Wlllniuetto valley near Solom or Portland. Address correspondence to DERBY & WBLLSON or Salem, Ore. iiiiiiifcitiiiiitifciiiiMiiMiiifcitiiiitfciiiiiiwmiwimnwfcmiUHiH . PfSt ClBSS -. 'LUnVCydllLS and Reliable Horses You always gvt at Yannko's, We can giro you any kind of a vehicle that you dwlro nd a horso to hitch to It that U gentle In harness. Horso boarded. . FASHION STABLES O. W, YANNKK, Prop. ISU.m X, High St. Phone Main U C A L IFOR NI A 18 THE PLACE WHERE GOLF, TENNIS, nOATINO, BATHING- 1UUI.NQ, DRIVING AND ALL THE BKJOYHD RATH, SALUM TO LOS A.NGBLKS AN0 RHTURN OTrnspoodtosiy Low Rait tin the famene Sliasla Roiite-Soulhern Pacific Company KNOWN "The Road of a Thousand Wonders" fHT1 mwimti '. derlpUve of Cultfornia aad li Winter Meeoru, eU an SoutWn Pacific AiU. jjBamjMijap BOSTON BROWN BREAD FLOUR h SeU-rhlng. It makcs Gtnalm Brown Bread, Toothsome Qaickj Biscuit, and a GLORIOUS BOILED PUDDING Sold by All Grocers Bought, and wWch Iina Jbcon Iiaa borno tho slgnatnro of nnd .Tnst-ns-irool,,aro uuo Signature of l CITY. GEO. B. JACOBS, R. F. D. 8, Salem, Or. t SUMMER SPORTS MAY $55.00 O nOb ssW rO l! fj9 - t tBit xaSAfi to otnor O4U0 la Seuthora California AS a- ., ijiundrv business waxed Btrong so have tho mothods laundering become more moro refined. THE of and SALEM LAUNDRY CO. "The Laundry that Knows How" 13C S. LIBERTY ST. TORRID ZONE FUNARCE 335 Tho nbovo cut roproaonts our brick lined Torrid Zono Furnace. Guaranteed gas, smoko ond dust proof. Economical and durable A. L. FRASER 2."58 STATU STItKET. Estimatos furnished on heating THE WEST KOAST Tin5 FAMILY KVEIt HA1) Can bo obtained from our prime tender and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our moats are solectod from the choicest, and prepared for tho tablo to suit tho demands of ths fastidious. Our price aro lower for Quality than you can find at any placo in Salem, E. O. CROSS, Phone 01. 870 State St. f wjiigj Gold Dtist Flout 1 Made by TUB 8YDNBY POW SB COMPANY, Kidney, Oregon. Mado for farnllr ua. Aak your grocer for it, Braa sad skorts alwaya oa hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT wonjnjn,nnaaatj SALEM WATER COMPANY! OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offlc. Bills payable monthly in advane. HOLUSTER'3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bit Mthatat for Buy Pefl. BHai 0Um Hut .4 R4Tvir ,Kfs,e t0'!". 1HM i,T, Wl rC " - TftQ CM W PCABI C CHICHESTER'S PILLS 'JS. TUB UUMO.ND UBASbT TM ':' Kr4 4 UU iwIuJN vKftTsgHggggfilgJHglKga ngftagDlggggggHgVggwalgK'L'Wk 1 ) W 'M3 apB ljw 35 irj p y m, w KslHa?OSfll HPkBnfcaJbie7am?iyKlBlyHB i N "M ONE OR MANY COLORS (3 JW LARGEST FACILITIES H 1M IN THE wrST FOrH IN THE PRODUCTION OF B m HIuH GRADE WORK B H""" lBW As " HSSStt I 3 1li JIubTXS' rVTQIvaB , I- ' PHONE 25. Has availed itself of all tho mar velous changes In the process of laundry work, and today atonds without a peer. THE O.K. i GROCERY THAT SMILE OF DELIGHT Is on everybody's faco who bought our holiday groceries, and it will not como oft, olthor, as long as you pat- ronlzo us. Good grocoiloa and good sorvlco is our objoot. Wo havo a large stock of stnplo and fancy goods for you to Bloct from. Try us. Wo are googrnphionlly in tho contor of tho city Wo wIbIi to havo you try us. A. A. ENGLEBART, Twelfth Street uoar Woolen MM Phono 122. WHITE 1IHONZE MOKWIEXTS Nover chip, crack tnrnlah, mosa or corrodo. Tho 'jcly kind that nover need cleaning. For tho truth of tho nbovo boo thorn lu nil tho Solom and many of tho coun. t y comotorliM; 8omo of them have boon thoio fo ?2 years. If 3ou want tho very bjt nt living P'lctv call on uridMieBB 458 Mill St. Phono 12S-L Salem. 0:. T. B. WAIT. New Management mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmm The management of tho Cap Ual City Laundry wlshe to no tify Its patrons that it will bo cloaul for repairs and to In stall new machinery unKl tho first of the ear. Aftor the first of the year it will be run un der tho management of COMBS & HAINER The owners being tho managers WHERE? WhJ0HN HUGHES CO. For All Kinds of Spray Material Lime, Sulplier, Blue Vitriol Etc. PRICES TnH LOWTEST. THE AVENUE Creams, ices, cigars and confec long. Corner of Seventeenth and Asylum avenue, N. u. 5ter. pro prietor. i1 IjiflHfW fa iv.irnfot'wu rr- "H H.i nr k n,Jv".w!w .- uiiuusiisi diU! U r I Li u vi M -4 r tf a i i"c ftirr "mims xtt . nnrAia R a "-"r ,W '810M Jagjai2h5g?. i..r. f- if nttti?iLlt5?5 nrr.u i.lV-;h ti?,' : SOllirMUttlSTSLlCIWie SoW fe Safeia y Dr. S. C Sont IWti Pi d mm nf