Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 07, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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U. HOFKB, K&. and Prop.
a IaoeJefll Kl' ptTOtod to Awtcn Wuclple and
the-lWooi n4 Dfdopwau of AH Ornon.
rnbUnbtd Krwjr Brwln Kfl ftoodar. 81m. Ow.
(InrrtW In Adtaow.)
mly,'br rrior, per jr. ...
frHv. Hr ietl, r 7r--
wwr. Jr ?Wt i rM
.U.00 Per montb.JSOo
.. iXB Per mouth.- Me
,.. 1.09 Six month Wc
tor ,We.ten. of HWh djllwotoi mM
T insykim Store, F. 0. De Voa Boo, A7lum Arena Jnnction.
'Carllse, Bereoieeath street o A. W. Lane, Oardea Road store,
fyaue' ftore, Alex, Done, Bonth Commercial street.
Rtoctrio Htere, C. M. Hepley, Et State street.
Fair arouses Were. Harrison Dee, Fair Qrounda Road.
Howell's Corner, Tweme ana orees streeis.
O. K. Grocery, A. A. Baglebs t, Twelfth street.
, Wheeler's Store, W. D. Whescr, Highland aresue.
? Tew Ftry ltotm . 0. I1 Twelfth and Leslie.
Giles, F.
ftowto uA. It Caosar, groat and bravo; but stain vm on his wreath;
He llrcd tho heartless conqueror, aud died tho tyrant's death.
France has;, Its enalol but hi wlns, though lofty thoy might soar,
Were spread In falso ambition's flight, and dipped In murdor's goro.
THeeo'noro-gods, whoeo mighty sway would fain Imvo chained tho wav,
"Wlw Keened, their blades with tlgor 7.onl, to mako a world of slaves
"Who, though their kindred barrod tho path, ntlll florcoly waded on
Oil whoro ehall bo tholr "glory" by tho rldo of Washington?
Ho fought, but not with lovo of strlfo ho struck but to dofond;
Aa4, ora ho turned a proplo foo, ho thouuht to bo n frlond.
II strovfl to keop his country's right, by roauon's gontlo word,
And slghod when foil Injuutlco throw tho ohallungo sword to sword.
Ho stood, tho firm, tho calm, tho wlso, tho patriot, and sage;
Ho jiliotfwl no deop avonglng halo no hunt of doapot rago.
)I stood for liberty and truth, nnd dnuntlessly led on.
Till shouts of victory gavo forth th niwno of Washington.
Ho saved hbt land, but did not lay hit soldier trapping down
To ohungo hom from a regal vost, nnd don a kingly orown.
Famo woh too earnost In her joy loo proud of suah n son.
To let n robo and tltlo mask a noblo Wnshlngton.
-KJUft Cook.
Tho mooting was called to order
by Mayor Rodgora and tho following
aldermen answored to tho roll call:
Bayne, Orccnbaum, Jacobs, Goodo,
Lowo, Frasor, Gesner, BtotVc, Stock
ton, Haas, Waldo and Downing.
Alderman Had cliff o, for tho com
mltto on current expenses, reported
favornblo on tho following bills,
which woro ordored paid:
Capltnl Journal
Pntton Bros ,
Capital Journal ,
Statosman ,
Statosman ,
H. K. Mooros & Co., 2G.G0
W. L. Wado COO
W. H. Groiw 2.00 .hill bo roforrod back to tho commit-
Klootlon Board 15.00 ,teo, which was ordorod.
Capital City Frnnsfor Co..
Election Board, Ward 4....
Election Board, Wnrd 1.,,.
Elootlon Board, Ward 7....
J. h. Froelnnd
If. 8. Jory
For all forms of nervous
diseases take Dr. Miles'
Nervine, whether it be
simple nervousness, or
those nerve destroying fits
and convulsions. It is a
tonic for weak nerves It
will restore nervous en
ergy, and give strength to
the entire system.
"In 189 tny little daughter una
trtckan with paralywlfl or tho brnJn.
For seven ionjr weeks she ny like
one dead. At times he would rally.
and paams would follow. I had the
orvtce of two of our bet doctors and
they could do nothing- for her. At
times It would tako two persons t
hold her In bed, nnd for seren day"
and nlghta we had to keep her lit lit
heart packed In Ice. tho psln ehe Buf
fered was so severe. Mr, Prentlct,
tho druggist advised Dr. Mltea Nerv
ine. I got bottle and began giving
a teaepoonful every two hours. After
about ten. days she began to quiet
down, snd within two weeks' Uma
he could sit up In bed. and rapidly
Improved from that time. We hava
given her about twenty-rtvo bottles of
Kervlne along with the Nervo and
Liver rille. and to-day she is wsu
and healthy oa ever, ily wife and I
were completely worn out; staying up
i.ht ri)h mii- llitla on, fliirlnir her
alckneee, so wo began , taking tho
Nervine ourselves, and with the very
bet of resudts."
EMANUHL. BODBT, Payne, Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your
druooltt, who will guarantee that tho
first bottle will benefit. If It fslli, ho
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
nnn V T). MIlCS. E. C
Tho Xeiv Council.
Tho n.w council was called (to or
der by Mayor Rodgerg and tho fol
lowing new aldermen were preaent:
Elliott, Mooros, Millard, Eldrldge
and Mbffltt.
Alderman Jacobs remained at his
post pro tem, as his successor had
not been duly qualified.
Tho legal question arose whether
an alderman should bo allowed to
hold his Beat after (tho expiration of
hla office. Tho mayor Btated that
thcro was nothing in tho charter
that covered that point, but It was
tho custom for tho members of all
legislative bodies to hold ofilco until
iholr successors wero elected and
duly qualified. Alderman Jacob?
bald ho did not wish to force his
company on tho city fathers, but af
ter being assured that his prcsonce
was a source of pleasure tb tho city
law-makers ho decided to remain
Tho mayor, in a lengthy and
strong article, read h proclamation
to itho now council, after which tho
regular business roiitlno was taken
Lights Too Expensive
Alderman Greonbaum, as a mom-
bor of tho committee on lights, rec
ommended that tho lights at tho
fountain at Wlllson nvenuo bo dis
continued ns a matter of economy,
as, ho stated, that tho light bill for
that placo was supposed to cost
"Mr'thef hdbn nfferrfrnm ilckv,,, '
for the l wntynT yer and narer talZt
..II. t until h h.irun liklni. h. n ' T"1 I
babMberin taklne t'aieireli lie hai n,V. ,1
tho edche. Tlier h Dilrslr cam ij
Ccrett dowhl joa recomtneuJ tbam u j 1
will eW rod the prlTlleee of ntloe hi, .r1
E.U. niekion, 1IW IteilnarBt. W.IndUa.p,1
6est For
The Dowels
lTr Slelten, Wkn or Grip, ko, e iVtf
old Id balk. Tho snnlns bf iliSoa
Qornt4d to ears or roar eiontr bxkJ u
Tterltog Remedy Co., Chleira or M '
fTlt HAAAHtA nl.j..l
uu luwiuut ouuuia DO ron.,1.,
tn ronnrf mnntlilw il.
. .-.,.-. m .wu.u.j w lno p0.i
iiio iu.iuB di eacu rurtd.
That tho city should derl
rrrtrtltf elint . J a
source othor than gonoral taW
now Boomo goncTally accopted nJ
Jire&eob income- ffom suoh s'ourJ
iuiuj luua man ono-iiitb. of
wholo rovonuo.
Many of our oxlstlnK Hcen9n ,J
should bo increased and ai.I1
uiiuma no esiaouanod.
Now that wo aro ontorlnp- an ,
M i-.i " '
m oiruut improvomont, thero Bhon
uo a vemcio ucenso tax.
COO The bills for $491.25 and $100.50
15.00 ,of If. C. Tillman woro also roforrod
15.00 !b'ck ito tho committee.
Aldorman Stoltz, in roportlng for
tho eommlttoe on Bowors, statod thnt
Tl, .
$5.95, counting nn nvorngo of tho promo court has sustained tho ell
70 nrcs of tho city. Ho clnlmod that.In tho road noil fax ami rin n...l
tho cost of tho arc on tho fountain
cost ovor $10 per month.
Tho motion was lost, but tho mat
tor of roduclng tho lighting bill nnd
poll fax and dotr li,!
tax cases. Tho council shouM J
that every offort is mado to scent
thoso full revenues. I seo no ran J
why tho city should not roqulro lj
obtaining bottor sorvlco was deemed torest on tho donoslt of n ...,
oxpodlont by sovornl of tho council- cortalnly ample security should 1
E. I. Wnlkor ;...'. 5.00 ho had told tho proporty owners on
W. H. iMvr B.OOiHth stroot, who recently potltlonod
Elootlon Hoard, Ward C... 18.00 ,for a sewer to bo luld In a cortaln
Elootlon l)o.rd, Ward n.... 18.00 block that If thoy would petition tho
Elootlon Hoard, Ward .... 18.00 council to placo two blocks of sow-
Statosmnn or or tho petition would bo cruntod.
. . . . . . . j. .... . .. i - .,..-,..
iirttimroora ruviow or tho lisinow or m.U7 snown that, in splto or saiom Walor Co 145.00 Aldorman Stoltz said that If ono
'tho monotnry crUls toward tho cloo of tho yar, thero was an avarnga J. N'oron 5.70 block was placed In position that
i suinauimi jiroiporiiy. i. tkk v.ii.i'isi in- .uniu uii t-iiaij rut), v. h. T. & T. Co SO tho second block would havo to uso
MU7J-8 Tllll lKI.IM KXCEKDKI) THE ACi(lK(IATK 01' THE VII-:M)H,H. L. Hborhnnl 20.00 tho same plpo and thnt tho two
OF TI1M HIGHEST ItliroilU l.V EACH IIIIA.NTIt OF IMIOIHJCTIOX Fred Htolgor 28.00 blocks should bo Installed at tho
AUIIIKVKIl l.V ANV I'llKVIOlM YILH. In brnk cloartngn, volumo of Mnry Parmontar 30.00 'samo tlmo to Insure gottlng n plpo
tradf, Imports, oxporta nnd railroad oarrlnjw lat yonr mado new nw-.F. I. Shafor 3.15 largo onough' and at tho proper
ord. TJut output of trou oru wn gralor tlmii lu any previous mr.jF. K. Shafw . .' 5.90 'depth to do the worl- for both
but tho output of pig Iron wns n trlllo balow that of 1900. hut would. Slfttoamnti in.BO i,in,,i
bnvt ovldantly wceoded It with n wjr fw dVn inoro of oonlhUuta bo-, I'. S. T. & T. Co 1.00 1 Tho' commlttea on llconm ronort-
foro th lioltiim foil out. Moro nnthrnclto ooal wiu mluod than evir b IS. C. Dudlong 21.00 l9l u,o application of W. n. Andtnon
I'HP lil,t 17.000, ns iiRiilnal 060,000 Ih 1&09 tlie roord yonr
nnd.twrt) mu no mm
Daliyniplo CoinplnliiM.
A complaint of A. M. Dnlrymplo
against Street Commissioner Mar
tin for digging mi Home plpos In
Minimal muubr of buUtw fHllwrw, th ichmI roe
or of tho llrst nine inontlm offittlic lk bad rtwrd of tli ItvH thrae
U Is kMory that UHBHrlal oowllilona ka- thttr upa and down. lttsmH
MtliAJkaa on...l. .t.a.. -... n, . luaullaLI. -. - -. ..e.i.a .
mvii mtfii ufiiwri raHnrtjv writ HiiiMwii w r9niMii
r i fgwiAt.
llakor & Tay4r & Co
X. I). milntt
J. IC. Gill Co.
W. A. Moons
ri nn i .. ...
ui.v iur a liquor ucnw, wiiicn was
22.41 'grnntiNl.
2.80 j street CommUoUontr Martin r
40.71 irortCHl that 47 cltlns of th alty
7.0fi bad failed. Neglect! ami refxsed to
08.00 my the road poll tax.
1.09 I llciiltli I Ion cl H..11111I
Wmw1 '80.00 1 w. Carlton Smith. In the report
Q. UOflg) ..w... 12,09 tar ilrn nbv IhmIiI !,.... I .u..n.i.i
We do not II. m. KUUtllii, ' .. go :":'' """"" "-. ,",lW,
Uk Utta at nil. The aeneatlen of fHlllag is dtoareable and mmb ere Fleteker ft Hynl .... ia 90 T . , , , . . .. .
injured when tker slrtka bouuim. Mat tkera u iwa a JZt J!I!: ,. ! :.: '' rtnorled In the city
" .-. .w -w vj vwv vwmiwi e a" inauaiBir vt iiwhi .. a mi . .
Is eome-.r. G. Haae
-.-.. A
iiUHK WHtoh men may ejHWHlate ovr. bet fee faet Is tkat they aever m.
have been piwraaletl. We slowly ruck a plmtecle of eroeoerlty and a
noN awuuy ami mgioriftuajy tniiiuie io lite very bottom
Tbuee who are dawn used fear mi full, and while U Is human exert-!spMlllgig lK Co TtfiD i iu,riB--m, r,w
no0 that theae ilnaneial tmnblw may be oonfldeatly peeled, yet Prwlk Tvf nrown J-JJ MmiUtr oX dentkt, UO. Nh
tMlHJ4y reliable exrlenr ahowa that the recneerallve uroress begins' rvu-i 1 n,, 0 of lJr,lo,, rortoil d;i
uHtt at one.
r r. wW wn.w . vlMBUll 1JHB. LMJ. ......... UUI1
TUul U In aav wbiH all tami m.U it..., K....1.1 '.. .... ' . ,Cai)rr
..,. . , -, , - .... .,, ..w,n nwiHiiit m. J. I'MiiW 1 nn 1
female EC.
Number of
ring De-
14, which, tho doctor sug-
bottom has aetnatly been UiNfked eoniUlenee In the fntnre retnru a If L Kftwkan 10 ",' w
by nmgle. Air fi,ree ftre advenes. In vaMee and hasten to nUtee,! city THtiiitV',oi!,' ' 1.95 H " ,1:
.,.v.lu,, v mwt war uraHi ut mm. rtH im ntenns gnua nines, c. W.
M(ti or n tHiak we ate at the bottom now. We are feeltn of our v.i. m.
-- - iowiiwi iaMiwj
i An i
-. w enuee! by an unsanitary
He recommended n gen-
rol olitunlnir 1111 Vnrrfli CUm I
Unload 30.00 ,u -i " ' u-..,., ... ...JI
, n. wn.w vRvuiM uv uvuvr
"" dralaeil and a rigid Inaoeotlon be
exacted for tholr nafo keeping.
Ono of tho princlpnl reasons k
tno prosont Bhortago of funds Is tl
tuu. iiiiiL uvur (jiii..rnipi nr ,h .11.
frnnf nf hl cnolilnnrn tvna mfnvmA' . ... '"
" ;; .,: v" """ """" iruvoiiuos irom gonoral taxation w
to o commiuoo on strccis. U80d to pay for tho construction d
ivi jiijmjo nuiu emu iu imvo uuviino bridge.
niu y mr. un.rymp.o nnti woro en- i don.t thInk oxpon5,Vo brfd
'"' w -"' w carry no waior, biioIi ao tho ono recently cornnletei
Innvlni- Hill o rnn D fl.vn.l.l tvn ' v.h1ii0ii;
. .. """"" "' Biiouid do bill t out of ono vr
.w...v, i... ... .v.w vui,uino iw- oruinarv rovomioa Tnvn
(lltnnf. 1 Mm atront nnmmliiilnnAH Inl '" u
" '--' ....i..iuUvi m Mimod fn tin Invln1 tn .. . .1
not nti.l ,! !...... .... " " ' - iur IC
:;.::,.;::",.' "B Hvvwuur current needs of tho city, and
.uimiu... concroto bridges or othor perraanei:
Tho plpos woro dug tip In orclor Wnrb. nm t,.if ,.- , '
that larger one might bo Installed, a.rectly benefitted should share I
a n0'hS S'To .-..J Pnto of tho cost or J
. I'.iiuvMI ui iliu n. S3. IJIIKIIIW ! ol,..l,l 1,n.,.l llt. - it.
WfirUB to tlln I., nnnlllnn n !.. I ' -" """ I.U Or IUO PC
. ,..,.vw ... ru.iimii it lllh'l nnsll tnlrlnir n r IM.A..M. . .I..c
nn. ttin wnll. n !.. .. ' v"' vv l"u"ul' '
Z,":::,TO "".K ' r tho redemption of U
Vlllllin 11m llrnii nn.t TnaAnl. nr..l. .
" """ -!'" ir t fnv- iimlfA,i -ftlnrtM.,
, . ....... ivu luiuiuiicu 1 UUl.
"".brldgo construotlon whoro It can I
flrtTia undni. nltlinn nf Hm r.M.n.z.1,
OIII.....S, n..iw.. .... -.v... , v.. tu,vlu,
T4. rii,.i, n, '... , ),an- r do not, however, think E
for the ensuing year: """""V Prtparod to enter -rendu
J. A. Darr. Flro Chlof.
William King, Fire Englnsor.
W. h. PhJllIp. Engine Drlvor.
18. L. Tnwneend. Hose Driver.
Wm. Irvan. Chomlcnl Hoiomnn.
J. M. Martin, Street Commission-
wrt ivou iicenuos io onrry
liquor' buslnoesoa In tho city.
bone, klttdlng uh our wuiwl nud HutUng liniment on onr brutofg, w h ijyara "' igoo rtrw,H, HHa H r,w I'wneotlon be
nnd before wt renllie It we tll be eernmbllng np the kill again. W W Crq-J ihejinnr j" made of nil sewers, saye, the doctor,
way rt tor a time null the .wire plana are healed, hut probably not' j iiimM ,,! Ammh'iii o. k.
long llutnoit energy U sure to aeeert UeeU. vnlnsi will rlee and pros.'i,uildr & Uvni sio' Ctty AurB, A - CoR,tt. '
perliy wttl relnrn. and while w may knv to itrwv onr Rains hr oow- Piai-i,., r uLi '' ml , !" h the petition of Watle,
tUlHltir ikU "''" sia th iiuiiiiL. iu l.u 1.J1I. .1. ... -'. ....
-" . - . .. , hm tw t jannary, ires. Snlem Iron Warkx WR7SI
-. . -.,.., ,.r....- .,, ""in !TVOV .inrMIIIajT proe.U'iulik. Iiunu AV
lUMliu .,. . Ill,..nl... . al.. .. .. - t. . !"!- " w
,.....,, ,,, .winning Bur bwuhi i' me Tnmo of eer present
wtolnaa San Hrailii OkrealqiD.
& Oo CO
A. U Frneer I7.ST
A. U I'weer S3 SO
IStrUnnd General UUotrlo.. 0.7S
Portlnml Ooneral Hlootrlc. 60
A UMdtug kiwiw ef Now Verk wkn has Inveelsgnied the Juhjeet uri
U I aiv-lliuj- (rt u, the MHrnhor nf eollnce grittn4ee of long stand.
Ue wha r today HIUhk elerloal poalUOas at $t0 w $1 a week. For
mm- jar he hjh. It U beou pMtbl In New York etty to enuMov at
$19 w fit a wk larse numbers of lAw)er wf oc Ua years' ttandintl out M vemi (tarU
WKw worn KratHiatee of both eellege and hw sehiMl. DenhtleM these
ttaiamtehta mU be wueh een4e ami Inloreneoa dmwn from them preju
Uleal to ee. edaoatlon. hnt It will he tjtt dlMrau to coovlnee en.
iMHie rerHe iai a )ennn man with mu an ee.nipnui U not la hot-'
ti MM m iln In lh hetlle of Hfe than wlthont U I
w m, i i , , . .J '
UKOmtAl'HV OF HOl-ril AMHItllM very tnneh In ealeorrvltrNorth '
. w. , JAmerka awl Kneooe; so while thev '
The Star Wk 8n remnrU edl..wo taming ont ma after map oi'
terialiy that "many tHm hve Uooiit parts x North Ameers'
wy Mtnne nottona ae to gen- iW "" 'erno oenlea. they
jrmnhleal eJlmt lontllhi In go ?" I,Jr u,lr l , Awf
Aet4tiu Thy mm set th lCti! .T ? ,fcttl,l
ftl Wt Mint UjaiA . Hirty a tesoVvf 7JZ ' .J! !T. T
... iT. .v ..I -"-"- ""w faoi, Aoaa-
PnrtlavUil naaanl Mlantrln 4T K
AldrimA nrniin,.,,. i ....i,i-',",lwwt roportet that the
,.,., ... .-..uu...... ... B,.vn,un
X the elty light bill, trhleh was
HIS. utimwl thnt thn Mil ta oi.fi
'dwn to $123. owing to. the light 'I111 ' f ,4T'M0 fM,,y ,,ovor,
Pearee & Co. regarding the as
meat of a tract of land In Lot Ko. I,
Hloek it. mUl tkat It was his opin
ion that the kind iu question had
been properly aeseaeed.
Flro Department Hoport.
Chief J. A. Darr. of the fire de-
,vty had reetwiided tu 44 alarms
daring the year, with a total eetl-
r . . . . , .v
want araln tn imnniu ...,.. .... .t... donor should bo secured to piai
ho far as I Rm oonoorne.1 nit m' ont,ro Park- sltes 8hou,d b0 r
brs shall be treated on an absolute "rvad f0r ,emorlals llh,cb,ti;
parltj-, regardlose of anv dls,rI! doubt- tho future wlU t0
weU la our vla r nu.., ,T'lro r0 no moro fitting spo '
i . ' Orocon fnr rhn orortlon of metDCi
i ia.m lniiu u umviii nai a- aiuaiiitw i - - --- T- -. .
wy on var.uj8 occasions. . ,,. ,..." iiv ro-. nf r.. lals and statuen of its nloneers
ft a ... ! mm i bif miiuihbii nBBaj bxs - v w xa v iL vw i l-Ti inntiinnM --. ...
Aiwetman ueaner moed that tsoi ":-.""." " "w,w '.'iiv l. u-.. 7 "' -""" iii,,str..a .n. nnn rtanchters
wbicu reommenrtuoni' ""aw " ui expanse durine tho ---
im .. . . tiiinr . . b biii in
""f Ji Ptuit, the eity Is now prac-i "" u wut. --
of the i
by Iniuranee: $49,000 of this loss
woe from a siaglo ftre.
into conorote or Htoel brldgo co
struotlon work. Piling and rear:
lllrtlllftr nrft i1ii.nii linrn nnit arfl
doubtlese be our most arceptab'
brldgo materlnla for some noarg t,
n.. i. t. d ii.. i i g it
t-ai-w r..l -.i t mi.. I "i lo lurms OI UIO ' "J i
Poii-moH ' '"'"""'lato Mm. E. Xf. Walto. tho city
WaiiAr Kmvm nu- m.., bequeathed tho proceeds from
O. n. Miu..'rnv nh.i.i. 8al of 'w Proporty, to bo devot-
Th. hoaoman wi.o ... ,.,',.., !to ' oroctlon of a splondld founh!
III llta ratvnrt nt ihn nni...i,4n ..
Art and water were ehoton by tho f'1, f c"0' T" d V P!!j.
eo it noil i'uK a suitable slto and proper mi!
Mayor Ito,gin' MNiKo inanco. I have no doubt tho com
I tako thia !.,.! . ...!.., i will My co-operate with th.
groetlnei t n,a ,.. ...', :...'..". exooutor of tho estate In nrrangl
w . ... uwuuv.l niiu Itsiliuru
eka bmia that ... . i
r. .. 7". ."". "" '"" ,wv yar ihi. w ..-! -. m,o i.A.'ntfA
oi irusM.il labor, and that amity and " . VJ , " I
goou reeling may provall
As In the nast. diffarA,, , , 'reoolvo tho Walto fountain, tho
Ion will arfsa boiwiian .. r v'008 of a competent landscape p
- ' --" UWVl
Ua ttlik wUnlj. u( M.uu.1 L.( .v . ii. I .
tTn iwn ;ti ri!r;.-TVw' ' - -'
Mjni a.r:Zl. .TT.7T,pp,1,ll Mutp4 As long
wde of OhHt is a groat as that laLl 7ITTL tL.
WA the NetHh aae of ItneoM and 'uTZ .7 JH!Z .f'. "
eibefHr. onJ.Otf reamer al-'tkhTrt a TeelanhtonThJ;
teooi itMbU iumIi .i Jiv .J. MiO injnsM iter.
th uT.u.r .1" r? .-r.wa w ' I ! oi ntls-
r: ,-, , tr.snajr .am- ineMis au,-,. a. ft..,,
nil txi k .IU.... u..i . . - -
--w m p am uanaaBH a mbki hiiiibi a . . .
WJWIr WhTndlTCTv 2L1T.. LV
il-! ?HaS 'wait the taPf mh i7 mL of"
iw tm a Oerwaay. u u ena- to &wlh AmX ! 5!. fl4,
ten vt efairnd. Far saavL2.iw J M5noat at the
WU Asterle dli net amount to world toi tJw
in the
of the
Capita! National Bank
Are requested to pre
sent their pass books
for the purpose of hav
ing credited the semi
annual interest due
January 1st,
Jos. H. Albert, Cashier
, was aowpte:i later b to n w eonn
rtl. A. O ioe, P. tlraber. . T.
ropHr. K. Himmelrick. C. V. Nel-
1 i
This I
is the trade
is on every
bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
wM In txaHv aU the rounW r
thewoiW. Noth!nijeftjaUU(o
bu8d up the wu nn4 w(ed
tjcnlly without funds, and I should
"Kit to urg MMm ik oounell the,
eei of the strietset eeonomy till
euch time as our revenues for 19QS 1
are available. j
1 m unable to prtseat to von a'
(P'operiy cUssltled statement of th'
city's nunneee at this time. owin.J
to the fauHy aj'steni of buskkoenlns
'; corder hne been required to'
"'lov and I rospocuully reier m!
,o the reports of the trees- mt '
, reorder for tnfomatlon on thte sub
'Ject. l.-1!!0 r111 the ooun.
ii ia tu ndooiton oi a new an.t u,.ai.
nenu wcwlJltUg V9imm tw the
,ces of reeorder and treasurer.
", aM Item, or revenues and
iPndltMr aro senaatAd ,.. . '
1 .1.11 .. - MO U-
(tln,e tho exact stalne of the city's
,, By eetabrtehlng some
-jt oeu rnnds and snb-fnnde and
rjwir expendltn,w ,0 he confined
' M...V -..-. . " B
C7: aavaQee st6P la the
p.-rf a uatarog.
(Continued on page three)
(fffi, ,,
Cough Remedy
Coughs. Colds
IMu. IxsftJfct cu
Price 25c. She, fl.eO Soli
jlrst-daas drngtnta orrxwhre.
r -v- '