Mm ":!". :,.rss- 7"7T auraal w i r i wx VOL. XVIII. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 100H. NO. 2. vm M"WM" "" " ' """ hmmm i . fi n : i , lflBg-MMjaMMMMM- , I, , mini - in, mm i i m , i i.,.. i ANBYMANrOUND MURDERED acoma Man Plays a Dirge at His Own Funeral iDY Of CANBY MAN FOUND IN THE WOODS bsed to Have Been MurderedHis Throat Cut and Stabbed Through Heart lirorn, Jan. 2. (SpacinI to thoiing "This buggy belongs nt Cnnby." Ital Journal). Tho body of sons or Mr. i'niogioy,wnon shown tho b Phlogloy was found this morn otc' rcognlZod tho writing, and said II hvni Hint nt Hind1 fnflmi A cnnfnli wo miles wait of Aurora In tho ng Brty m n)ndo up oro to gQ ,Q cl woodP. Thero wore no marks ti,0 ,,ift(,0 whore tho buggy was found and scour tho country around that vicinity. Tho Aurora searchers woro Jolnod by pnrtlos from Hubbard and Woodburn, and n thorough soarcn organized. oloncc on the supposed sulcldu, ils fac wna partly ottfon off. inqu-t will bo hold this nftor- roiuni a uiiitk)'. tRtcnla forenoon n buggy lining a slnglo set of hnrnosa Bins been recognizee as thoso bo- Tho body of Jnmos Phogloj', which was found noar Aurora this morn ing ,nftor his mysterious nhsenco of Ing to James Palcglcy, tho miss- ( nearly two weeks, Bhowcd upon ox- pnuy man, was found near tho animation that iub Jugular vein had AIR LINE GETS A RECEIVER FIRST GO TO WALL railroad that fell into mohan's hands is now turned ovku to this courts to he operated under receivership other links involved. OREGON OLDEST WOMAN NORTHWEST NEWS BY UNITED PRESS HAS PASSED BEVOND 1IKH HUSBAND STARTED IJPK AS A SALOON KEEPER- KEPT FIRST TAVERN WIIKHM HILLS HORO NOW STANDS -WOMAN TENDED UAH WAS CUSTOM OK TIIO.SK DAYS. Tacoma Man Plays Funeral Dirge, Smashes His Violin and Commits Suicide (United Press Leased WIro.) Ulllsboro, Jan. 2. "Grandma" Mary RuniBoy-Wood, who was 120 (United Pross Loused WIro.) New York, Jan. 2. Affairs of tho Sonbonrd Air Lino has ronchod n cri sis, and after a long conference of.yiw old May 20, 1907, died nt tho tho votlnc trustaes in HiIr nltv. if wni ihomo of her dauglitor. Mrs. C. T3. plncr, ono and ono-hnlf miles been cut, and that ho had been ,in.,inii f mnun iinMn tu novnnMn. In iha dtv. nt r. o'clock of this place. Tho buggy was stabbed In tho heart. Tho knlfo was 'C0Mrts for n rocoivor. Word was yootordny morning. Tho causo of ii Info 'he undcrbruHh. ami on not found. Tho officers havo boon '., mi. .i i. i i , . . loviib iu iiiviiiuuiiu, iuu iiuuuiiiiariui uggy real was foiind n note say- notlllcd. of tho comnnnv. to tho attorneys there to put tho concern In tho cus tody of the courts.' Dispatches from Richmond Btated that an application has boon mndo to Judge Waddoll, but that ho roforrod tho attorneys to m niCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE OUR ANNUAL CLFARING SALE iow in full blast and will be kept going until further - lice. The choicest new eoods must eo to make room our new spring purchases. This is our idea of doing iness-to close out each season's stock, even at a loss. v is your chance to get the greatest bargains that re ever offered in Salem. Ward 7c ontinir flonneln frk and light colors ird In 3c 'aney plaid dreaa goods in a tlful range of coloringi ir earing price yard ... 13C dreee goods in id shades rd pretty Btyle 2k ?laln and fancy dreaa good lextra flno matorlals- fearance price, yard 45c fing prices on :k of SIlkB. our entire fhlte outiug flanne.1 l'ity faring price, yard fine 6Wc nde of bedding at alearing ices. lants of Silks 3da Haif Price. and Dross $1.75 Flno Neok Scarfe Clearing Prleea 85c Bettor Furs at the same reduc tion Men's C5c heavy winter under- wear 2Qn Clearing Prhea . , 0?w m-....- . .... Au.u.ti. Clearing Prices 07C Mon's $12.00 Suit rn Clearing Pricea .JHJ 60c double blankotB. A Clearing Prlcee 07C Ladles' 39c white long bIocyo der by ribbed winter under wear. Clearing Price . . . 25c If you want bargains that aro bargains in Ladles' Swell Suits and Coats .come to the Chicago Store. HE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSINESS hor death wn gonornl debility. Mnry Itnmsoy Wood wns tho daughter of a brick mamn, Rlohnrd Ramsey, and Was born nt Knoxville, Ttwn., May 20, 1787. She married Jacob Lorn ons in 1804. Mrs. Lemons movod from Tonnos- ;judgo Pritchard, whom thoy mot at boo to Alabama with her husband In Danvlllo, Va., Inst night at 11 o'clock i37. in ls&a biio orosseu 1110 plains Directors of tho company who woro to Orogon, riding tho ontlro distnnco seen said drastic action of some sort on horseback, on a maro she chrlst was necossar, and that tho com- oned Martha Washington Pioneer. pany, which has boon the bono of con Sho Bottled in Washington county, tontion between Northorn and South and on May 28, 1854, Bho was wed ern capitalists for nearly three years, ded to John Wood, who dlod In tho would very likely be thrown Jnto tho Blxtios. hands of receivers. Many mllljons I Wood built tho flrt framo boM of dollars of 80curit!a aro involvod. In Hllfllboro. This wns a tavom and Tho Soaboard Air Lino Railway Saloon combjnod for some tlmo, and Company wns formed In 1900 by tho Mrs. Wood frotjuontly tendod bar for consolidation of tho old Sonboard tho husband, whon ho was otherwise Air Line, tho Goorgla & Alabama ongngod. Sho thought nothing of and tho Florida Contra! and Ponlnsu- this, ns It was tho custom In thoso Jlar, and Its roads nggrogato 2600 lys. Sho wns dweondod from En- miles. 'BHrm stock. 1 The main lino rum from Rich mond, Vn., to Tampa, Fla., 842 miles via RRlfclgh, N. C, Columbus, S. C, Savannah, Ga., and Jacksonville, Flo. Several connecting links have been built recently. Tho company controls a stoamor lino between Nor folk and Baltimore, and has a large interest in the Old Dominion line. (United Pross Lenod Wire.) Tacomn, Wash., Jnn. 2 Prosont indications point to nuothor rocors brooking whaat orop In Washington next your. StiUe Grain Inspoctor J. W. Arrnsmlth roportod n grentor tier o 50 oven than last fall of whont and tho wonthor conditions havo boon good for the dovelopmont of the seed. If the wonthor conditions nro right the ro3t of tho wintor a tromondoiiR ylolj is oxpectcd. Churchill Found Gullty North Yakima, Wash., Jnn. 2. After dolihorating for 36 hours, tho jury cngngod In tho trial of ChnrlcH Churchill for tho murder of David Ray ZIoglor, yosterday rotumed a verdict of guilty of manslaughter Tho trinl has been ono of tho long est and most hardly fought In tho aunais 01 111 e couiuy. n cwiniiciivuu Novomber 16, Tho vordlct"ifneot8 with gonornl approval, and, It Is felt, will havo an Influonco for good In tho community. Thoro Is Httlo ohnnco of nn nppoal, or any bucccss should ono be tnkon, Illg SniolttM I'rohjtoroiM. Spoknno, Wash., Jan. 2 "At tho outsot of tho your ns nn Indication, of the harmonious rotation lxilwoon ths Granby Smoltor lntorn( nnil UiQlr omployos, wo will not only start tho now yanr operating at full capnclty, but furthor than that, In view of tho oxcoptlonnlly promising outlook for 1008, wo plan to luormuio Iir(nt1v in nmiiinltv if inn' nlnilbl. tho largest of tho coppor Hineltlnq; plants In Canada, and with tho qx ojptlon of tho ono nt Anaconda, Mont., tho largest in tho world." Thin stntamont was mndo today by J. P. Graves, gonornl manager of tho Grpnby proportlos In tho Bound ary, B. C., district, which In prepar ing to rosumo after a close down of two month. o ' ; M STE4MER 25 DAYS OVERDUE -o- 1 Seaboard Air Line Ttecelvei's. 1 Danville, Va., Jan. 2. S. Davles and R. Lancaster Williams havo been appointed receivers of tho Seaboard DISS0LER HARRIMAN MERGER A PTlHllcnI Disappearance. North Yakima, Wash., Jan .2. Albort G. Wells, a prlntor of Tnco ma, has loft his wifo nnd home, and Is wandering at largo under tho Ini prosslon that ho Is some ono olso. Wells nrrlvod hero somo tlmo ago, told a pnthotlc story to a harbor, and (Was holpod with monoy and ndvlco. J Now all traco of him Is lost, nnd 'Mrs. Wolls says that sho will havo to wait until he flndB himself. Twlco boforo WoIIb has disap peared, and was (traced with difficul ty by his wife. He Is not a drinking man, and whllo at homo is a good husband, fond of his wifo and daugli tor. Mrs. Wolla Bays that sho ho llovos he suffers from porlodloal at taoks of somo kind of Insanity. V (United Press Lcasod WIro.) St. Johns, Nova Scotln, Jan, 2. Tho Cnnadlnn Pnclllc llnpr Mt. Roy al Is now 2C days overdue from Aut- Jworp, and great anxloty Is folt for tho snfoty of tho big vowel. Tho Mount Royal carrlod 400 pasiongors. Cap tain Purcoll is in command. Heavy storms In tho Northern Atlantic and unusunlly largo numbers of louborgrt nnd (loos nro off tho coast thlu year, and ndd to tho fear that tho voshoI's non-npponranco may bo tho first Inti mation of ono of tho most sorlouH dalesterB to tho Atlantic piiHaongtr Stoamors sinco tho ill-fntud XOlho plungod Into tho dopths of the IrUh sou. CUnlted Press Lsed Wire.) -- Oinsh. Nob., Jan. 2. Whllo not Air Lino rnllroad by Foderal Judgo officially aanounced, It Is understood PrHcbard, Tho Fidelity & Deposit oy well-informed persons In Omaha, Company ,of Baltimore, furnished that Attorney-Genoral Donaparto has tho bond for tho recolvors, who will decided to begin, within a month, take possession of the road at once. " 'n " federal court in this city to ulssoivo mo union racinc'soum em Pacific combination. Just what dato tho suk will be filed Is unknown 1 but a high authority today Btatod that It was oxpeoted wJthin tho pros- ont month. Siioclal Assistant United States DI lDtJ Attorney-Gonoral Rush Is In the city, llUniJ I but neither ho nor District Attorney Goes has had any notice of the pro posed suit, according to statements . , . ,. . imado by olther-of them last nigh uu."-- r4""' """ """' Mr. Rush said that neither he nor Vancouver, u. u., jh. -. van -o BRITISH WIN AT couver won the Keith cup today by 'winning the deciding game in the Rugby series by a scoro of 9 to B. It was a very exoitlng game and was Mr. Gobs would know of It, In tho or dinary course of matters, mntll a special messenger of the attorney general's office appears with the pa- watched by several thousand people, ' In spit of the downpour of rain. Just . ' before the game started an old aian' TO SUCCEED created some excitement by tearing ' Qp fiCANADL down an American flag. Ills action preE8 created a melee among the speota- Wa8hIngton Jan 2 n wa8 an. tors, but no one was hurt. at tb0 wh,to HoUBO ioday that Captain J. E Plllsbury would bo To Cure Cold In One Day. appointed chief of tho bureau of Tako LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine navigation, vice Brownson, resigned. Pfaita toDfc1frge.8tBEr.e W $& ,9 COnDeCtCd W"b tb lU One Man Sworo Off. Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 2. Dospond ent because the woman ho had mar rlod In July hnd dosorted him four months lator, Chris OttoBon hanged himself about tho itlmo tho now year was ushorod In yosterday, after play ing a funeral dirge on his choriahed violin, and then doetroyod tho Instru ment. Tho body was found In a a room In the Revere hotel, 732 1-2 Pacific avomie, yestorday aftornoo'i with a cord around his nock, ono end bolng fastened to his bod post. OUoson was 30 years old and hnd .ocontly rotumed from Kvorott ...firkfA list knil Itnf.n rim Vllnvflfl In SI papor mill. I SAFE CItACKEHS MAKE QUITE A HAUL. (United Prqss Loaaed WIro.) Mesa ,Arlz., Jan. 2. Craoksmon blow up tho safe of itho Phoanlx ft Eastorn railroad Inst night and b oured $200 In cash nnd several hun drod dollars In checks and vnluablu papers. o- This K tho soason whon youn blopd needs pn,ifylng; If tho blood Ib pure, and hoalthy yoru'll be well. Tho most rollablo blood romedy Is HollUtor'u Rocky Mountain Toa. Nothing onn do moro good. 35c, Toa or Tablota. For sale at Dr. Stone'B Btoro. M M M H M H !" KHHHIBHM BONDS BONDS BONDS M M Waters Bros. Investment Co. offers a limited number of bonds for sale, drawing 5 and 6 per cent interest. Security A1 , semiannual interest. A BOND IS A FIRST MORTGAGE Waters Bros. Investment Co. Rom 16 wwf 17 over Btfifc's few, Safe, Ore. H H m u s a u m m m. m M mi 'VI i 1 -' L! "j L 1 HI mJzaatura Oi uek box. 26c iau ai prscui.