Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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. f i lirMrMtf ' " 'A 'tin
''''mH'" .K M
X ClT 'M H ' M
w ? Lav frli !
ItlftFaMI) &" v TOW f$I
l&k:! r fv if
Clothe Your Boy
in a
"Mrs. Jane Hopkins
Boy Proof" Suit
And transform him into a little gentleman at once.
These clothes are the strongest fabricked, the most
cleverly tailored, the prettiest patterned and the lowest
cost garments you'll see this season. Tall styles now
showing at our store. See them before going elsewhere
llllll Hi ii li M in i
Auditorium Roller Rink.
Morning, aftornoon and ovenlng
Tho Vnmlcto.
Moving pictures and Illustrated
.ooTs y y
of the
Olean, pwro, moral, Every woman
should see this piny.
A Complete scenic production.
stago that is
Prices, 73c,
pictured on
on the
tho blll-
50e. 35c 25c.
wobojc office Wednosday 9 a. m
Week Commencing Dec. 30.
Miss Madge Larrabee
Wednesday and Thursday
r'4 Wednosday matinee.
F Iday. Saturday end
B S'ts a nd Saturday matinee.
Prices 15 and 25 cents.
Mrs. llonry Will, of 1S2B North
street, 'while imdor the
llnfluouco of a dolirlum reeuUlng
(irom u long iiinoee, nttomptod on
TuoJKlny morning to ond liar life by
slashing her thiont with a razor.
(Mrs. Will has had ovory enro, and
I has been watched very olosely, nnd
J mt how she nrocurod Mm rnznr la n
myatery to tho family, who did notroet con'ee ' ,,0'
dlscovoi- thnt nnvfliin wn. wrnn- ! which hai never falle
-w -t viMiv "u;uunh ua iUtiV)
j until aomo tlmo nftor tho injury had
I boon Inflicted, whon, owing to the
pallor o tho Invalid, her physician,
Mrs. Davls-Boan, was summonMl,
and found Mrs. Will with tho covers
tucked tightly around her to conooal
the" wound. The fact that the quilts
wero fastened tightly around her
throat probably oheckod tho blood,
and will be a factor In saving her
Mrs. Will was removed Immedi
ately to the Sanitarium, where she is
resting easily this morning. If com
plications do not result Mr. Will will
Tea is not infallible;
moneyback makes
amends. We are not, in
the least, uneasy about
t the money.
Your sreccr returns jemt mener K yon doo'l
UVe Schilling's Dest; we par him.
Rats got under tho North Com-
merolal street bridge,
To Cure Cold In One Day.
Tablets. Druggists refund money if
It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature on each box. 25c
Mr. Knox, of Pennsylvania, is tho
Iate?t presidential aspirant to send
out n,s deadhead literature.
TO ' A
Glcmlulc, It Seems, Hns n Knockor
And He Has Got Itusy Lately
(From tho Glendale News.)
Wo repeat again, what wo said a
short tlmo ago, "God hates a knock
er" and so does overyono else. Wo
hato to admit the fact, but It Is plain
ly evident that Glendale is blessed (?)
with one of this class nt least. Dur
ing the past few weeks ,whllo all
loyal citizens have folt that If our
bank or any other business enter
prise in Iho city word In need of help
they would do all In their power to
aid and sustain it, this aforesaid In
dividual, or individuals (wo know
not which) has started all klndB of
rumors afloat, Just for somo personal
dlsllko or potty spltofulnoss. Not
satisfied with knocking at homo, re
ports wero Bont broadcast to tho
RoBoburg papers and to othor neigh
boring exchange (tolling that our
bank had gono under and reporting
a run on this Institution, all rankly
false, arid, If other proof woro neces
sary that thoro haB been a knocker
abroad, personal corrospondenco
which wo havo received from tho
western part of tho stato, would Bot
tle that fact. It seems that tho bank
has not been alono In this envious
individual's hatred, for a personal at
tack has also been made. This at
tack Jibes so nicely with a cortaln
falsehood which circulated In our
own midst a fow days slnco, and
coming at It doos from so far away,
makes it seem posltlvo that tho party
who wroto us has heard from somo
Glondnle cttlzun tho yarn ho gives
It seems too bad that Glendale has
to put up with ovon ono of .this class,
Whllo nil our citizens aro trying In
ovory way posslblo to build up nnd
push tho city and hor Institutions,
this miserable, smnll mlndod IndU
vldual Is gloofully sending out falso
statements nnd thus trying to undoj
whnt others work hard to ucconi-
pllsh. 'than a small f motion or tno cngi-
I If this porion, or poisons Is not leering schemes that havo boon pro
jsntloiled with Glendale, for heaven's pood during tho prosont gonoratlon
'sako pack tin your hamnior and and iibudonod. It Is qulto certain
lonvo. Wo don't want them In town, jlhnt a man with this amount to Bpond
'our city can do without this' class. 'would havo enough to do. Cranks
What wo want are boosters, and
knockors neod not apply. Wo haven't
room for cowards, wuo uaro not
coino out openly and say whnt thoy
think, but must rosort to back-bit-lug
and a blow In the dark.
O'.ir Glendale correspondent to tho
Umpqua Vulloy Nows of Monday,
December 23, In an Item regarding
the bunk voloos our sontlments ex
actly and thoso of tho. majority of
the best cltlaons of Glondnle when
she pays:
.'... . . ...Jlt
ine vary gaimtuiunni roporn inni
wero circulated hut week In regard to
our Qltndalt Stato bunk OMiMd a rip
i , ...,ai- m o n .ii..
l" ' .... ..V .. w --
" ' ' '
,n om' ,,nnk ' now B,ul QV9r ,,n" ,,e9n
r.. fnlth
. . ..... .. ..
sure and stcauraat. unanior uarry i.i
Pratt, who has been critically ill for
, , i, n.
aome time, la n ninn who holds th.
confidonce of all of our people nnd
hie statomeiu that 'all was well' was
nil that was neoded to koVp up por-
Givni Schfiiu'rt Awaiting Kuullntloii.
Whether tho sohenio put forward
recently for the construction of a
canal through tho hoart of Canada,
to conneot tho wheat district with
the son, will over got beyond tho
stngo of plana and become an accoii)-
pllahed fact, remalna to be aeon.
At any rate, wo aro told that thero
Is ovory probability of tho canal bfr-
ing construoted. This canal would
C03t 20,000,000 or so, but or so
i-tho promoters atato tho advantage
to Canuda would ho tromodous and
the canal would soon become a pay
ing concern.
The ourlous thing about this
sehemo Is that, like many othor groat
schemes, It waB put forward sevoral 8t0I) jt aa much as poealblo. The
yoars ago, but never matured. It foil da of Kentucky havo burned more
Is at least twenty yoars since this 'immiKratlon from that state than
Canadian canal was first mooted. any other one thing. The murder of
At that time It was regarded as too tx-Govornor Stouenberg has been re
oxponslve a mattor to bo takon In haaraod when eastern peoplo contorn-
hand, and so it was allowed to drop.
Since then, of courso. things have
altored. Canada has boen becoming
of late years, and It may well be
that the development of tho country
calls for the canal and makes Hi
financial success moro aaciirod.
A canal across Scotland to conneot
the Forth and the Clyde has fre
quently been suggested. This would
provide a short out for battleships
in oase of war, and although the
work would cost ovor sovon millions,
It is said that tho advantage to the
nation should far out-wolgh any con
sideration of oost.
Last year two old scheme were
revived In England, but neither of
them was approved by parliament.
One was a proposal to construct a
new railway round three parts of
London- Whole streets of houses
I wore to be swept away. The parlla
FINISH.mentnry estimate of tho cost was
enormous and parliamentary esti
mates havo a knack of always being
largely exceoded.
As a matter of fact, this particular
proposal had been approved 'by par
liament and the line authorized somo
1G years before, but no one had
sulllcient faith In Its paying capacity
to construct tho lino, and so tho
powers woro allowed to lapse.
What with schemes to burrow un
der tho channel, to bridge right over
It, at ;i cost of 30,000,000, and to
make ferries for tho trains, Father
Noptuno has been often perturbed
and these schemes aro cortaln to bo
put forward again periodically. That
a quick routo to Franco Is dcslrablo
can hardly bo doubted; but tho
enormous cost of a tunnol and 'tho
smallness of tho rovenucs It womld
bring In makes this schomo unlike
ly to bo carried out.
Taking It all round ,tho Tiber Is
probably tho most famous rlvor In
tho world. Once it was tho subject
of a big- scheme. Garibaldi, who was
alarmed at tho dangerous floods to
which tho Tiber was subject, wanted
to have the 'courso of tlio river di
verted. This was, of courso, for tho
protection of Rome.
Ono of tho most famous English
engineers was asked to undcrtnko
the work and the Idea was only final
ly abandoned when It was proved
that tho cost of tho schomo would bo
simply onormoils and far onit of pro
portion to tho benefits, if any, which
would bo derived.
Rut tho most daring schomo of all,
and ono which Is unquostlonnbly ab
surd, was ono to construct c wall
round Groat Hrltain. The cost would
bo 1:00,000,000.
Tho top of tho wall was to havo
boon mado Into a nlco wldo road, but
what uso tho whole thing would
havo boon no ono scorns to know,
And yot tho scheme wns revised In
all HorlousnoBB within tho last ton
It Is doubtful If 300,000,000
wo'ild bo sulllolont to comploto mora
havo small notion of llnanco, and tho -
mor a schomo costs tho hotter uioy
mini; oi u. awi.
.More Munler In Oregon.
(Bokor City Herald.)
Seldom u week paeeoa In Oregon
that fiom ono to four murdors aro
not reoordod. Thins uro reaching
'r dospornte condition whou human
I lift In w lightly valued. And why is
llHchtlv vuluwl? Simply becauee
. : ,4 , .. ..
thow who oomnilt murder not
1",, w,t ,h ov,r V' "
oou tho rule rather than the ox-
..... - , ,, .-,- ,,,n
i'i'Hu" ,"' niw" ' ""' " '
nave laicyii nullum iu in uui uo
tn coino fruo.
.... .. .. .... n, .
l" " M " "" " f " w '
recently to pardon a man from the
, ' . . nnnlvat, .
! "" " -":" " """
red-handed murdoror, and convicted
a Biioh. What la to he expoctod
whon a chlof e.o(itlve goea off on a
tuugont like thai? Whon he will
undo what aomo honeet court hns
workod faithfully and hard to ac
compllah, what Incentlvo la thoro to
Baker county aJone haa a record J
f0r miinler that la disgraceful almost
boyoiul endurnnco. Th term of
onunb two nl0n nvo to bo tried for
tjl0 cnpltul orlme. It is not tho do-
slro of this pa por to publish Inllam
nble Hteraturo that would I1170 a
tondency toward convicting a man if
)l0 lg r0ally Innocont. Hut on tho
otj10,. j,nnd It is mighty bad policy to
alwaya tnko the slmplo aorf-defonso
ploa .and thnt, somotlmoa, when It
la rather woak .
Thore Is only ono wny to havo n
state that peoplo will want to live
'jn allli that Ib to ferret out crlmo nnd
Jpiaiod going Into the rich agrloul-
tural portions of Idaho to make their
uomM. And worse than the crime
committed, If aiioh a thing he possi
ble, la tho failure to qonvlct the
guilty ones.
Thero needs to bo some new ad
justments made, and with those new
adjuetnionta no margin should bo
glvon to tho man who carries a gun.
That onforoed, would do away with
a large part of this promiscuous kill
ing, and aomo fearless ovon temper
ed Juries with positive instructions
from tho court as to tholr dutlos
might have a tondoncy to atop more.
Bwt tti xflla to oa Haw r BoajM
1 907 Was the Most Success
ful Year in Our History.
Our Sales for 1 907 Show an
Increase Over Any Former
Year's Sales.
Sixteen Years in Salem
And every year shows an InCrcaao in our business.
It is bocauso our customers find it to their advantago to trade
with ius year after year that we contlnuo to grow.
Wo aro ixroud of tho reputation wo havo gained for carrying
only rellnblo merchandise, and for undorsolllng "regular- stores. '
Tho en ah plan simplifies business methods. Thoro's a saving In
tho gcnoral storo manngomont. Thoro's a saving la each Individ
ual transaction. Thoro aro no losses from bad accounts to chnrgo
to customers who pay thotr bills.
If you havo cash to spend, trado at a cash store, becauso It costs
a crodlt storo 10 to 15 por cent moro to do buslnoss.
Who pay It?
Comparo our prlcos with prices asked by crodlt storos for good
of tho tmmo quality, and you'll know.
?s?z&d to&dSfr urswe
G. of &,crssie4', &rcfa
We Wish You All a Happy
(Unltod Pross Lonscd Wro.)
Seattle, Wnali., Jan. 1. Tho fol
lowing telegram niunnlmously ap
proved by a atnndlng voto of tho
dologutee to tho preaont oonveiitlou
of tho Wtiahlngtou Educational As
sociation, In thu uulvoralty gymnasi
um, tills morning, was forwardod to
thn governor of Goorgla today. Tho
tolegram waa road mid offorod by h.
"I bellcvo thnt this mattor of specialization U already nnd &i
tho yoara puaa will hocome movo nnd more the koynote of success
The world's offectlvo workora uro constantly lncrealng in num
ber. Competition Is growing keoner. To win recognition a man
will havo 'to do 0110 thing o.xtromely well. If I wore giving Just one
word of advlco to a young mni Iahould say flciioiiitratfl" Alfrod
Art Photog
Is my life work, I don't oluhn to know miiQh about astronomy
or wlrolos holography, but I have acquired somo knowlodgo of the
art of photography (for photography la an art). It dooan't require
nui oh export knowledge to take picture but to mnko eaah photo
graph an artlatlg creation a thing of bauuiy that will- haQome
more precious In the ww of the poaseaaor with the pasting of tlmo
require a knowlodgo of lights and shadats of moAtmiiigH and ma
terials in faet, of the whole teoJinlqu of photography that en
tltloa tho poMgMaor io a plaoi among those laurned in the flno
arta. I bollove n oriUoal Injpsotlon of my work will bear out my
claim Qt being Th Ari VhQtAmiAm' Of Salem." I am trying to
do my work "eitramijy wsl! III it IQT yW tQ dtfil vUltfur I
am auaotodjng, - t
Salb, the
Picture Man
Entrance at Post Card HaN
t ,
and Prosperous New Year
h. Uonbow, of tho Pugot Sound Uni
versity of Tncoma;
Seattle, Wiwli., Jan .l.To tho
govornor of tho atiUe or Goergla:
Tho Wnahliigtoii Ediioatlonal AbsooI
ntlon, 2000 HtroiiKT, somla New Years
greetings and congratulations on tho
iunugtiratloii of the ndvancod stnnd
of io atate of Qeorgln on prohibition
Wo bellove It ta a necomnry stop for
every atato In safeguarding th3
Amerlran hoy.
Photos from $2.00
S Cfl.
B' 1
9 r
i r '