'52 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, QltEGON, TUESDAY, DECESIliEH III, 1007. 6 f t I R " v t0im Wit... I oo Stf mm i Keep It Handy Nav.r 1st vour medlcino chest be without a bottle of Jayno's Expectorant. When you need It, you'll need It In a hurry have it on band. "r Pleuriav and Pneumonia often develop suddenly in the middle of the night with a tightening senBation in the chest and a diffi culty of breathing. Jayne'a Expectorant taken immediately will generally ward off an attack of these dangerous disease. DE. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT ia aloo of great benefit to Asthma Buflercro. nnd is splendid for re lieving oudden attacks. Coughs, Whooping Cough, Croup, In xlnmmation or tnc Lungs, pain anu uorencao oi iuo tucoi, - Bronchitis have nil been cured or grcntly relieved by this old, successful retnec'y during its 77 ycara of disease tigming. Ost boa's for ycur mciliclno chest today all druggiota cell it. Three olsea, l.cu, sue. nna 3c. Jt ' T'iuIc VcrsliUdc l ft reliable tonic for the vholo .Alu' laHcnclU lor cnuursc a iuo uuu uii"" Trwil. l.W crrn'a flnr.-flva Kin, are tne ceniiett nnu e 'o"t - i .-J known for the Hvcr and t-- -i i. NINTH ANNUAL GOAT SHOW 9i OiTlOT'KT T-TXTT1LT TJTTIT? A T T?T " T TO IB, 1907 OUO X V-JL DPtA WIN DIVCXl' AJUVJ wax Snmo on buck( Is Self-rising. It makes Genuine Brown Bread, Toothsome Quick Biscuit, and a GLORIOUS BOILED PUDDING The executive committee of the Polk County Mohair Association has issued the follewing: J Tho ninth Angora goat show for ,the state of Oregon will be held In Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, on Weil .nesday, Thursday and Friday, Jan- unry 15, 10 and 17, 190S, under the auspices of tho Polk County Mohair Association. TJio show will also be open In tho evening of tho first and second days. Badges will bo given to all prlzo winners. Each exhibitor allowed three In each pen. We would. bo pleased to hear from you, In what class you will enter, so that wo may make our arrangements accordingly. 'All exhibits muBt bo In by 2 p. m. of first day of show. No entrance fee will bo charged. Feed will be fur nished to exhibitors free. Yours for bucccsb, U. S. GRANT, K. L. FENTON, G. W. McDEE, W. A. AYRES, JA8. RIDDELL, J. I. REASONER, L. A. GUTHRIE, Committee. Thero will bo two grades of goats ollglblo for entry: Registered in ono olass and unregistered in anoth er class. Tho following 3S cash prlzoB will be awardod In the rogls fuod olrura lot prlzo, $3.50; 2d prlzo $2.50; 3d prlzo, $1.50 and no cash prlzos will be awardod in the unregis tered claw. All animals, except kid?, competing for prizes, mutt have boen shorn In 1007. Flrnc, socomi ami third premiums en: Buck kid born before March 15, 1907. Sumo on buck tfld born after Maroh Sold by AH Grocers -"saK ? "TNlo THE REST ROAST THK FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tondor and Juicy beet, mutton or pork. All our meats nro selected from tho choicest, and proparod for tho tablo to suit tho demands of the fBBtldlous. Our prices are lower foi quality than you can find at anj place In Salem, E. O. GROSS, TORRID ZONE FUNARCE 1 year old and tin der 2. i Samo on buck, 2 yoars old and un der 3. I Samo on buck, 3 yoars old and un dor 4. I Samo on buck, ! yoars old or over. I First, second and third premiums; en: t Dee kid born before March 15, 1907. ' N 1 snmo6n'd6Kia-n"6rnnrtrrMarcir Phono SOI. 870 BtAte Ht THE O.K. GROCERY I y OUR DELIVERYSERVICE Is as prompt as our groceries arc good and that is Baying much. We shall bo glad to make dolivory to you whether your order bo small or largo. If you need anything in a hurry don't hesitate to let us know anil wo'jl suiul tho groceries. They'll bo just ns good as if you selected them in person, too. Wo handle only standard qualltlos so thero will be no danger of your gottlng inferior groceries no mattor how you ordor. A. A. ENGLEBART, The above cut represents out brick lined Torrid Zone Furnaco. Guaranteed gas, smoke and dust proof. Economical and durable A. L. FRASER 258 STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on heating 15, 1907. Samo on doo, 1 year old and un der 2. I Same on doe, 2 years old and un der 3. I Samo on doo, 3 yoars old and un dor 4. I Samo on doo, 4 yoars old or over. I Sweepstakes, bo&t buck of any age, and tho same on doo; samo In oach class. Sheep nnd Swine. F,reo opaco will bo glvon to all thoso who deslro to mako an exhibit of shiop and swine. Tho latter ex hibits will ho entirely Indepondont of tho goat thow, and this nrrangomont U made simply to givo the shoep growoi and swlno raisers an oppor tunity to show their blooded stock. Tho Southern Pacific Company and tho Salem, Falls City &, Wostorn Railway Company will charge tholr usual rate on nil animals sent to tho show for oxhlhlt;; but upon preion- jtntlon of a recolpt from tho heerotary of the association, those companies will return all animals from the point from which they were shipped free of charge. ' ' O- ' FORGOTTEN INVENTIONS. P. D. (Detroit): Who was the In ventor of tho bloyclo U Is an old oxperlenco that tho many, In 1G33, hnd made a throe wheeled wagon in which ho rodo to church without anybody's aid. This threo wheeled solf-propollor is still to bo soon as a curiosity in the pub lic library of tho city of Nuremberg, In 1C90 a Frenchman named. Do Slrvac invonted a two wheeled "celorifcro" having a horse Bhaped woodon body with a Baddlo, and Bteored by tho rider's feet; in 1G93, Ozannm described before tho Royal Society a vehicle pedalled by a foot traveller. 1701 tho "Universal Magazine" describes a similar ono In vented by an Englishman named Ovenden. On July 27, 1779, "Lo Journal do Paris" describ s a veloci pede Invonted by MM. Dlauchard and Magurloi4, which is meroly tho colerl fero with an upright bur to support itho hands. In March, 1784, one Ignaz Trezler, of Gratz, Austria, In vented a pedomotor credited wlih tho siiood of a galloping hone, un questionably moaning dovnhlll. ,feut tho direct progenitor o? tk rrjodvn blcycIo'waB ono built to Si$ by Baron Karl von Drte, Frn,err von Sauerbronn, chief forjcJtar to tho Grand Duko pf TJatyn, oftot called 'Mho father of vRjie. The rldor propelled It on (rSi ground or up hill by strl nK ih. ground with his feet, nnd comr. downhill, in 1818 ono Douttii Jofcntoo pt tented In Eng land e Uuproted fmu called 'Mto "pedMrhui eurrJde,' VRh ad lust- uble saddle. eU)d flfi tbo United States William !. Glarxton was grnntod a potent for nn "twprovod voloclncdo." Tho oral ancdrtoi of our bl.yClo, tho crank-Jrlvon voloclpodo, i.roo In Franco, somo accrediting tlie inven tion to Ernoet Mlcharax, of IurlM, to whom a monuinont was erected In 1S94; otherg to Plorro Lalloniont, a Parlolan blnclcHitulth, nnld to bo in MIcIhiux'b omploy. All lator I'nvon tloin wore but .ImprovomoutR on tills velocipede. Now York Trlbuno vnr. in or. o COFFEE Schilling's Best1 is a business-like name; you know what it means; an.d it means what you want. Vour ifroccr return rour money )( you don't Ukcll: e )r him. Morning Star Gratis,.. Jefferson, Dec. 31. Morning Star arnnse eicatud its ofllcorH at Us reg ular moetlng Dccombor 28, tnd tho following wero choton for tho next year: Mastor, A. O. Llbby, Jofforsoh. Ovorseor, Clarence Radforri, Al bany, R. F. D. No. 2. Locturor, W. W. Francis, Albany. Steward, W .Truax, Albany, n, f. D. No .2. Aslsstant Stownrd, Fred Farlow, Albany, R. F. D. No. 2. Chaplin, Iko Meeker, Albany, R. p. D. No. 2. Troasurer, Jas .Davis, R. H d. No. 2. Soorotary, Mrs. Eugene Fisher, R. F. D. No. 2. Goto Keeper, Ellas Truax, AVbany, R. F. D. No. 2. Ooros, Mies Ermn Radford, Albany, Albany R. F. D. No. 2. Pomona, Miss Vlni Groahong, Al bany, R. F. D.jS'o .2. Flora, Miss Bessie Miller, Albaijy, R. F. D. Nok 2. Lady Assistant Stoward, Ml3s Ruby Winkloy. Albany, R. F. D. No. 2. Tho ofllcers will be installed on tho second Saturday of January, 190S. jmb. st. Phone 122 , . i $ IN ONiI OH MANY COLORO 'tiftv S LARGEST FACILITIES g karirv ... . - ... ,. CM THE PRODUCTION OF Gf ! HIGH GRADE WORK'H m ml Wr, RATES AS 10W AS tASTIRH HOUSES 9 M.V9 V KJ VVt:Jai f VflgjwJH wgwuwifaiiijb'gajw i The dull fooling in tho head whish is uot quite an ache, but bad enough to make one miserable, can be driven Inventors of the vflcy things in ovory- grip cough than Kemp's Balsam, the day uso aro easiest forgotten. Thus, best euro for hoadache. HOLLISTkCR'Cl fiocky Mountain Toa Nt!33i:& A Bbjj Mi-dio uf for "Oi'j TivpW Bthgi QoMea Hoalth and ltB.j.- 7 -.-A oeoifio for O'iniitiiwtioti, Iu.Iiaj-i.oiI.i nnd KJJuey Trouble, lM'npU'fc Ui-iriu- I:.ii.r Ulixxl. Dad Ureath. Slumcisli Uot.pl., KMuttich" and Uaukaclw It's Hooky -Mujiiititin 'IV i ub let form. 8R oentH i box Qriiuinc uas bj HbtusTKK Ditua Comi'akt, Madiann. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE , probably few will know that It Is tho famous ma-thomatiolnn Pnscal to whom wo owo the wheelbarrow ns w -11 as the omnibus, and that one of the flr-t veloolpodec, the progonK ,tm of the blcyolo of today, Is duo to the great Newton. But oven before , New ton existed vehicles that could be propelled by the occupant without ext mal aid. In faot, the pedomotor Itself goe hack perhaps to Egyp tian, and probably at least to classic, times, winked flgures astride a stick ! connecting two whoebx being found in the frescos at Pompeii. In tho , seventeenth contury, however, It ap pears with 8urprwn' frequency in ahnoBt every coiuntry. In August, 1lrt T --. 11 lt'all.n Tfl-lt(V5 In Ills , AVWV, HUH" V.J. HHWO U UIO diary of "a whoelo to run raoes In,' b tudoes not mention tho invontor. According to Doppelmoyor's "HIs torlscho Naohrlohton," Nuremberg. 1730, as early as 1G94 a mechani cian named Johann Hantsch rode in a self-propelling vohjelo through tho stroots of that city, making two thou sand steps in an hour. The samo authority also tolls us that a watch maker by tho name of Stephan Ear ner, who was born at Altdorf. Ger- Tho public is curious to know whether tho hopgrowers associations now being organized on the Pacific coast will tako a stand on the can tflon and smlllar questions. Cuba Eats Fruit New York cab meat, Canada cats pork and Iceland cab fat. The colder the climate the fatter ihc food because fat heab the body and heat U life. The finest fat that grows' makes coif's Emulsion It Is the Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. SCOTTS EMULSION Is full of heat and nourishment It has a nower in it that gives vigor and new flesh to those who suffer from consumption and oiher wasting, diseases. I Wm( gWffSRwfwnwita. Bears Vl Wmm WtolcsDigcstioiiJctTuJ Ar Jf.f 1 'Hi! nessahdlfestrontalnsKcittw vl (VAlf 1 5 'i, sNot Narcotic. I tIllT ' m ti&L. ft iA H BClp Apcrfcct Remedy for Ccmsfifa- ff 1 (r Wvji m'iK Hon, Sour SloroJcii.Dlarrhoca I kj J Ete'lir 'Worms.Com-ulsloiis.rOTrislf m ny f,..w Egg ncssandLossOFSLEEP. P f MVD l. .. ,z .. . a Facijmuic Mgnmurc c Tl tt i tJLtjrrrxxiauv- iiiiiiu tiii-ipa iSl. xrr.w'vnmc. ' illlllf 1 Dul a CASTOR I TMtCIWTUrmilMIIT.IHBtHI ' Kw n i.uv v fell WW teili Guaranteed. unckTIncTOT Exact Copy of Wrapper. '-'TTiTi'iinnrnjinnniTiiriirrnnnnnwnnnnnj T-5 rV T O A T W r kjm DALE li 2 Two good houses In suburb of Salem, Ice orchard; ibj 1 1 good business a cplondld blacksmith and wagon end paint with u good business in full running order nt the vmstttn Tho shop building lo n strong frnmo building with concrete Iwk tion and heavy framo well finished, and would be nritdujtei ntoro building, or warohouso ar factory, or good bout ludlsj ai within ono block of the now ltycd out railroad. Ine olUitmt beautiful homes and business ocations In Salem. WIUUIiDh- chango as part paymont a good small farm. Will tfritttftsu and low interest ror part, rarm'to'bo in wllltuner4itvu Balom or Portland. Address corrospondonco to f DERBY & WflLLSON or GEO. B. JACOBS, Saf cm, Of c. R. F. D. 8f Sako, Of. HiaWfcWfcihmWUlirtlMHWHI First Class Conveyances and Reliable Horses You always got at Yannko's, Wo can givo you any kind of a vehicle that you deslro and a horse to hitch to It that Is gontlo In harnoss. Horses boarded. FASHION STABLES O. W. YANNKE, Prop. 131-137 N. High St. Phone Main 14 CALIFORNIA IS THE PLACE WHERE GOLF, TENNIS, D0ATJN0, BtfHR RIDING. DRIVING AND ALL THD SUMMER SPORTS MAT ENJOYED RATE, SALEM TO LOS ANGELES AND -RETURN $55.00 Correspondingly Low Rates to other Cities Jn Southern Califof via tho famous Shasta Roiite-Soiitliern Pacific CoifJ KNOWN AS "The Road of ' a Thousand Wolffs . fjaiforol For beautifully illustrated booklets, descriptive itij Winter Resorts, call on Southern i-awuu . i t 0 i AMDruUut McmJU-W- iiminiiiiimiiiiH-t T REOPENED '. '. CXulRK'S OAXDY inTCHEN. " Pniro and fancy candies a .. t specialty. Will teach the trade ; ; UA fi jf g anyone wishing to learn ; ; ruf f- .fcimu uuuuira vtju mw " once. Terms rea- . . ! KjdaJ areet. .. "T '.-V.WH , , fchbo1! s a ! at ho dcpUs e. Gold Dt -Z0- u. br r r? frooer for it. rS alwnj o P.B.Wf AGW i