Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 28, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    ZCMhl il . I.MIMaa.HUhuUrj
We publish the complete formulas of alt
medicines. We art proud of them. Wc
nothing to conceal : no secrets to htJe.
Condemned Ills Own Cont.
periodically thero arc held in tho
Now York flro department inspec
tions of uniforms of tho men. This
js usually conducted by n deputy
chief or by a battalion chief acting
In his place. Tho men In a given
battalion arc ordered to assemble at
a certain engine house, and tho chief
cal,la and makes the inspection. Thero
is a man referred to in tho book
known as "Fire-Figntcrs and Their
' pets," a recent Harper holiday book,
who had a very remnrkablo expert
once at one of theso inspections Bonut
; years ago. Tho Btory is a good one,
'and illustrates tho firemen's quick
ness of wit. The Inspecting offlcer
on tha' morning was a man who was
afterwards temporarily In charge of
;tho bureau of chief of department.
Tho fireman did not know that tho
rubber coats were to bo inspected on
that morning and did not havo his
with him. When ho discovered his
error, ho hastily dnshed out, took
the chief's rubber coat out of tho
Irnck of his wagon, quickly put It on,
Mid hurried back into the inspection
line. Tho chief went nlong with his
votk oxaminlng the uniforms and
boats, nnd when ho came to this par
ticular mnn ho made a rapid oxaml-
antlon of his rubber coat, not know
ing mat it was mi own com,
romptly condemned It, and ordered
tlio man to buy another at once. To
iho author of "Flro-Fightors nnd
rhclr Pets," who Is tho prosont sec
retary of tho tiro dopnrtmont, Ai
red M. Downog, this fireman said:
H had to run nearly a whole block
Moro I could got that mibbor coat
uto tho deputy chief's wagon ngnln.
wns n hard Job, but I got nwav
rlth It."
;Do People Turn Away ?
u Can Re IiwtnntJy Freed From
Itho lliuiilllatloti of Knowing That
Micro Detect Had Odors on Your
Itreuth, ArlHlng From Indigestion,
Inioking, Drinking and Rating.
Hi Package to Prove It Kent Free
trcath porfumos do not strlko at
root of tho ovll. Thoy only con-
Id tho odor for a timo. Dtit char
ill kills tho gns that coubcs tliu
r, purifies tho food lying In your
inch and Intostines, facilitates
procosB of dlgostlon, acts as o
Id laxntlvo, gives tono to tho sys-
In short, gives you a clenn bill
health. And all tho chnrconl nec-
iry to obtain theso results you
got In a box of Stuart's Char-
ll Lozongea, prlco 2 Go.
rho lUBoa of charcoal nro many.
tart and oloctrlclty It Is constant-
U8ed, but It Is especially vnluabl)
ere purity of product Is required.
an absorbent and disinfectant It
no equal. That Is why you will
lariably find It in. every wnter-
Ituart'a Churcoal Lozengos are
Jo from puro willow charcoal,
lu a Blight rnixturo of honoy to
Ider thorn palatblo. Thoy will
er you blood for you, destroy ev-
particle of poison, nnd Impurity,
)rb all tho gas In your stomach,
joy n sweet, clean breath, and
levo you from tho awkward feel-
you aro bound to have when you
ect by tho expression of othor poo-
that thoy smell your bad breath.
Ry who aro fond of onions avoid
ng them because of the odor
leave. One of Stuart's Charcoal
enges Immediately kills this, how-
Tho same applies to smoking,
Ming or chewing,
fe aro ao convinced that you will
these lozongoa Indlaposnble after
using them, that we will seud
a sample paakago by mall, free.
iu will send your nama and ad
today to F. A. Stuart Co., 200
irt Bldg, Marshall, Mich.
.. - . an.
lat na You'vo bean a very
fh's child! And only last night
;Prafd to be made an angel.
ulv Aw, but I dowanna ba one
H rim ilnoH niovoland Lea-
Early to Red
ear'y to rise, makes one healthy.
y and wise eaneclally if you
Hrbine before retiring. A pos-
cure for constipation, dyspep-
d all llrer complaints. Mrs.
Columbia, Tenn., writes: "I al-
eep a supply of your Herblne
a. Am en niAAKtHl with the
It elves in constipation and all
complaints, that words can't
,a my appreciation." Sold by
" your doctor fullv endn
taking Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for
your hard cough, then buy it and
. ii. 11 uc uuc3 not, men do not
our cas'nglcdoseof It. He knows
have ?" aDUt this splendid medicine
forcoughs and C0ld3. fc0;"!,??-'
Must Unvo Seen Reflection.
A man carrying a looking glass
said to a newsbey: "Come hero and
look Into this glnBs and you will see
a donkey."
"How did you find that out?"
Catholic Standard nud Tlmos.
A Real Wonderlnnd.
South Dakota, with its rich silver
mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges
and strango natural formations, Is a
vorltablo wondorland. At Mound
City, In tho homo of Mrs. E D
Clapp, a wonderful enso of healing
has lately occurred. Hor non seemed
nenr death with Sung and throal
throublo. "Exhausting coniphltiK
spells occurred every five minute "
writes Mrs. Clnpp, "when I bisjan
giving Dr, King's Now Dlscoverv.
tho great medicine, that saved hi?
Hfo and complote'y cured him
Guaranteed for coughs nnd colrti,
throat and lung troubles, by J. C.
Perry drugglot. 50c and $1.00
Trial bottlo free.
Job's Comforter.
"Cheer up, donr," snld the poet's
wlfo; "there are flowors b?noath the
show "
"Yes," ho sighed, but nobody will
lend mo a shovol to shovol 'cm out."
Aalnnta Constitution.
Rndly Mixed Up.
Abraham Drown, of Wlntorton, TC.
V had a vory remnrkablo export
once; ho sayv "Doctors got badly
mixed up over mo; ouo said heart
dlscnso; two cr 1 It kidney trouble
tho fourth blood poison and tho
fifth stomach end liver trouble, but
nono of thorn halpod me; so my wlfo
ndvhod trying Electric Bitters, which
nro rostorlng mo to porfect health.
Ono bottlo did me moro good than
11 tho II vo doctors prescribed."
Gnmrantood to euro blood poison,
wonlcnoss and all stomach, liver and
kidney complaint, by J. C. Perry
druggist, 50c.
The IU st Policy.
Father (to son, who Is going to
onter n bank) Above all, bo honest
especially at llrBt! Transatlantic
When to Go Home.
From tho DluCton, Ind., Banner:
"Whon tired out, go homo. Whon
you want consolation, go nome.
When you want fun, go homo. Whon
you want to' Bhow others that you
havo roformed, go homo and let
your family got acquainted with the
fact. Whon you want to show your
solt at your best go homo and do
tho net thoro. Whon you feel like
bolng extra liberal go homo nnd prac
tice .on your wlfo and children first.
When you want to shlno with extra
brlllnncy go homo and light up the
wholo houBohold." To which we
would add, whon you have a bad
cold go homo and tnko Chamber-
laln'a Cough Romody and a quick
cure Is certain. For salo at Dr.
Stono's dnug store.
Juht Reason. -"I
cannot understand why a man's
wlfo is oallod his 'better half.' "
"You would If you had to devlde
your salary with one."
That's It! ! I
Cough yourself Into n fit of spawns
and then wondor why you don't get
well. If you will only try a bottle
of Dallnrd's Ilorohound Syrup your
cough will bo a thing of the past. It
is a positive euro for cougbB, lnn-
enza, uroncu.i.s aim an jju.u.u"w
dlsoasos. Ono bottle will convince
oil at your druggist, 25c, 50c, ?l
Sold by D. J. Fry.
aaaiiAVAiiaAa h'ivb uoj
m jii ' i i ii rnwii. i.i"jr , i.Jii1'!" fC9 ' I'
I'lVaO OKIMVII SXI OXICiaVOaU arj & ,HXUry omly wilcll the iklll
avs ox sisivu.1 ao sdiioAV x.ni,of tht baker j glTW umt ld-
DXIHXOM 3.VVH liaaAVOJ iMrlbab,y ImIouj savor U Mi nro
51 VH XOIXOH.Uia.1 B.AarIJI aO duc(toB8 That only real skIM and w
SUaS.lTlV 'XOa.lWIU AHMAa XI WB roTld8. Therefore
AOA OX AHOXOVaSIXVS aAOlI.1- b(j thfty mtul be super-ex-
TIIAV XVHX asm ana. "A"(on,nt. and that la Just wnai u.
-- - ...inn
aaoA xo xsiBXi aoa vhiiav
sasodiLia oxi
-Mva fioa ao oxihxox avoxm
roa uaoAioj oxravu v as.i
i ICO xnaU XVU au.v -""ill r Thev
Ho Could Improve It.
"I went to the theator Inst night."
"What did you see?"
"A pity called 'Hamlet.' "
"How wan It?"
"Fair, only fair. A good llvoly sox
totte would do it a world of good."
Knnuro City Journr.1.
Constipation and bad blood are
twins, kill people inch by inch; snp
life away. Holllster's Rocky Moun
tain Toa relievo constipation nnd
bad blood. 35c, Tea or Tnblets. For
sale nt Dr. Stone's store.
I skimp on coal, I skimp on clothes
For both myself and wife.
I skimp on food, and goodness knows
Ie lad the sktmplo life.
Louslvlllo Courier-Journal.
A Notre Dnmo Lady's Appcnl,
To all knowning sufferers of rhcu-
mnthm, whether muscular or of tho
Joints, sciatica, lumbago, backache,
pains in tho kidneyB or neurallga
pittas, to write to her for a homo
treatment which has repeatedly cur-
id nil of these tortures. Sho fool
It her du'y to send It to all sufforors
FREE. You cure yourself at home
as thousands will testify no change
of climate being necessary. This
simple discovery banishes uric acid
from the blood, loosens tho stiffen
ed Joints, puriflos tho blood, and
Irig'.JtPn tho c.e, giving olnitlcliy
and tone to the wholo systom. If
thj nbovo Intorosts you, for proof
addross Mrs, M. Summers, Dox- R,
Notre Dame, Ind.
Agrcel With Her.
Mrs. Digs Aftor nil, donr, "homo
Is the dearest spot on onrth.
Mr. Digs (ongnged In auditing the
month's bills. It Is. Brooklyn
About Digestion,
't Ii not tho quantity ot food
taken but tho anient dlgostod and
nsslmllatod that givos strength nnd!
vitality to tho systom. Chnmbor
Inln's Stomnch nnd LIvor Tnblots
Invlgornto tho Btomach and llvor nnd
cnablo thorn to porform their func
tions. Tho result Is a rollsh for
your food, Increased strongth and
wolght, greator onduranco and n
clear head. Prlco 25 cents. Samples
free. For Ealo at Dr Stono's drug
Notice of Appointment of Adminis
trator. Notico is hereby given that on tho
20th day of Decembor, 1907, the
County Court of Marlon County, Oxo
gon, duly appointed J. C. Robertson
ndmlnlatrator of tho estate of Jamo
C. Joseph, deceased, and having duly
qualified aB required by law, all per
sons having claims against oald cs-
tato aro hereby notified to presont
them with proper vouchors, na by
law required, to tho undorslgned at
his reeldonco In Salem, Oregon, or at
tho law offlco of F. A. Tumor, in aald
city, within six months from tho date
of tho first publication of this no
tico, to-wlt: Docomhor 21, 1907.
F. A. Tumor, Attornoy. 12-2 l-6t
' For All Kinds of
Spray Material
Lime, Sulpher,
Blue Vitriol Etc.
! .. mi.... w nnt aommOS
p,aw .aad glvaa adcM rour
breakfast that nothing el ean-
C. mom, Prop.
430 Court Street.
Th manngemont of tho Cap
Unl City Laundry wishes to no
tify its pntron3 that it will bo
sloscd for repairs and to in
stall new machinery until tho
first of tho year. After tho
flrBt of tho yoar. After tho first
of tho year it will bo run un-
The ownorB being tho managers
O C T. Co
StcnmerB Pomona UJU Ot ronfa
lenvo'for Portland Monday, Wom.es
dny nnd Friday nt 10 n. m, and
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
0 a. m. For Corvnllls, Tuosdny,
Thursday and E:turdny about 6 p.
m. M. P. Dnldwin, ngont. OfflcuB
nnd dock at foot of Trndo stroot.
Trnlns from nnd to Ynqulno.
No. 1
Leaves Vaqulna 7:15 n.n.
.... .. .... ,,.ftn...
unvo ub rfUi funisi tiiiuu iiiiu
Arrives nt Albany 11;5Xa.ui
No. 2
I.onves Albany 12:35 p.a
I.onvos Corvnllls 1:30 p. tt
Arrives nt Ynqulnn
6;4fl p.ui
Train to nud from Detroit.
No. 3
Loavos Albnuy 7:30 a,ra
Arrives at Detroit 12:30 p.m
No. 4
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m
Arrives nt Albany 5:65 p.m
Trains for Corvallls.
No. 8
Leaves Albany 7.55 r.bq
Arrives at Corvnllls .... 8:35a.m.
No. 10
Loaves Albany 2:25 p.m
Arrives nt CorvallU .... 3:05p.m.
No. 0
Loavos Albany
7:35 p.m.
8:15 P.M
Arrives at CorvallU
Trains for Albany.
No. B
Leaves Corvnllls 0:30 a.m
Arrives at Albany 7:10 a,m
No, 9
Leaves Corvnllls 12:30 p.m.
Arrlvoa at Albany 1:15 p.m.
No. 7
Leaves Corvnllls 6:00 p.m
Arrives at Albany (1:40 p.m.
No. 11 (Sunday only)
Leaves Corvnllls ,. 11:15 a.ra
Arrives at Albany ..... .11:58 a.a
No. 12 (Sunday only)
Loaves Albany ......... 12;3C p.m
Arrives at Corvnllls 1:18 p.m.
For further Information apply to
Gen. PflM, Agt, Albany, Ore,
Time Card No. 48 KtfecUve
Juno 10.
Toward Portland Tawnger,
No. 165:23 a. m., Oregon Ba
preas. No. 18 8:40 a. m., Cottage Grove
No. 122:45 p. m. Roseburg Ex
No. 148:50 p. m., Portland Ex-
Toward Portland Freight.
No. 22210:66 a, m., dopart
11:38 a. m Portland Fast Freight
No. 22610:40 a, m doparti
11:38 a. m., Way Freight.
Toward Sun Francisco I'asmigy
No. 1111:03 a. ro Rosobur
Hip r os,
Ko. 176:47 p. m. Cottage Grove
No. 16 9:66 p. m California Ex
No. 131:31 r m Ban Francis
co Express.
Toward Ban Frauclaco Frfclght.
No. 2212:33 a. m., San Fxan-
olsco Fast Freight.
No. 22511:66 a, m., arrive
A. A. HURTON. Prop.
Brick always ca hand, In car lot
or otherwise. Pressed brick made
to order. Yard on State street, south
of pentltentlary. 7-l-tf.
Creams, leea. elgarj and coafec
inM CoWof gereaueetk aad
Aswinm avenue. N, O. uvMtj
p;W k
fOtt BAIAl
For Sale Fresh milk cow. Enqulro
at G25 Twentieth street, or phono
1287. ia-23-tt
For Snlo oi Trade A 0-room resi
dence on Center stroot, good loca
tion corner lot, coment walks, al
so bnrn. Latham Land Co., over
Portlnnd doncrnl Electrio Co.
For Srtle 320 acres of good Innd
nnd farm Implements, for $3000,
12G7 Marion stroot. 122-20-3t
For Sale Good houso and barn,
now, 25 ncrea nil undor cultivation
berries, prunes and nil kinds of
fruit, flvo miles from Salem, $3500
This includes G cows, 2 horses.har
noBs, 1 heavy wagon, spring wagon
200 chickens and othor farming
necessities. Enqulro 492 Stata
Btpcot. 9-23-tf
To Rent. Flvo room flat, otor Far-
rlngton & Van ratton'o market.
Inquire of Stotnor A Borgor, 188
South Llbortv street D-24-tf
a inke common wnshlnRs. At
dross 200 South 21st street. Phono
471 Salem, Or. Kntlo Van Lnan
on. 12-2C-3t
Vogct Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum
ber .Bhlngloi), building materia),
wood nnd conl. Low prices and
prompt dollverlos. Ono block east
of S, P. pnwongf? depot. Phono
108. 7-2-tf
'lluttij ii Wenderoth Finn wlnos,
liquors and clgard. Wo hnndlo
tho colobrntcd Kollog gaud Casilo
whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing boor
conBtnntly ot draught. South
Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr
Our mont market on East Stnto
street bus boon doubled In slzo and
wo nro bottor proparcd tkan ovor to
sorvo customors. Prompt sorvlco and
tho boat of moats our motto. Call
oi phono 199. D. E. Edwards, Prop
We Are Cash Purchaser-Of poul
try, oggs, and all kinds of farm
produce Derry crates made up
In unlimited junntltlos. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial stroet, Snlom Phono Male
Situation Wntitwl Ily exporloncod
mnn as bookkeeper or clerk, fresh
from grocery and hnrdwaro etoro.
Al roforeiicca given. G. D. Dlmlck,
1124 Hlnes stoet. 12-23-lwk
Wanted Young lady to do society
roportlng for tho Capital Journal.
Wanted. Manager for branch ofllco
wo wloh to locato hero In Salem.
Address, with roferonces, Tho
Morris Wholetmlo House, Cincin
nati. Ohio. 12.9-lm
TKeb. M. lUirr Plumbing, hot water
nnd steam heating and tinning.
164 Commercial stroot. Pbont
Main 193. 9-1-lyr
M. J. I'etxcl Plumbing, steam nnc"
gas fitting. Successor to Knox A
Murphy, 226 Commercial street
Prono Main 17.
Llvury and Feed Htnbles Old Post
offlco Stables, at 264 Forry street,
between Commercial and Front
streets. Tolophono 188. Bomo of
the finest liveries In tho city can
bo found hero. Dick Wostncott.
proprietor. 10-1-lyr
Cummin Ilroe.1 Transfer Company-
All kinds of transfer work done.
Furniture and plauoi boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt service l
our motto, Stand and olHco at
253 Bouth Commercial street
Phone 210. Rsldenoe Phono 908,
Frank M. Drown. Manufacturer of
sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds
of houuo finish and bard wood
work. Front street, between Stat
and Court. Make all complaints
at tho office.
Salem Fence Works
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Netting, Pickets, Qutes, Malthold
Roofing, P. A R. Roady Roofing
All at lowest price.
Walter Moriey
250 CmtilSL Sato Oc.
.nneiucrs Union So, 1005 Lonl
Union No. 1065 ot Carpenters aa4.
JolrerB of America meet overy,
buiurday oveuing at 7:30 $. ra. 1a
Hoarnt hall, 420 Btato BL A. W.
DenuiB, ittc Sue
rorcswra ot Antcrica Court Hr
vo-d Foresters, No. 19. &te4
Wvdnosdny in Hurot hall, 8ta4
sliuvi. Lo oAbbe, O. R.; J. CK
Poto, financial secrctKry, '
Central LodffO No. 18, X. f
Castle Hall in Holraaa block,
nor State and Liberty etreeU,
Tuesday of each week at 7:31 9.
m. Osca,r Johaaoa. G. O.; 1ft, K.
Andorson, K. of R. and S.
Modora Woodmen ot Amerka Ore
gon Cedar Camp No, 5246. Meets
every Thursday eveslag at 1
o'clock la Holrans 11. W, W.
Hill, V. O.; F, A. Tamer, elek.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, la Holms kail,
L. E. Ponnoll, O. C; P, L. Fraa
lr, Clerk.
Lincoln Annuity Onion. Sick, awl
dent and pension Inaurance; ,
000,000 plndgrd; every claim p&Hl
Good ngont wanted. J. II. O.
Mongomory, supremo organiser,
Uox432 Snlom, Oregon. , R.
Rynn, socrotnry, 546 Stnto street.
Burgeon. Tolophono 307 Main.
Oiltces, 540 Stnto street, opposlta
court huuo, Snlom, Or. Ucnldonce
Phono 313 Mnln. 8-13- lmo
-f4-l 1 II I 1 1 i I M HI 1 1 I I Ml l
White House Restaurant
For a Regular
25c Dinner at 20c
They can't bo beat
McGHchmt & Son
Hotel St Philip
Fourth and Fifth and BarasMn.
Streets, Portland, Oregon,
Now fireproof European Hotels.
Btoam heat. Modern convenience,
Rates 1.00 per day and up, Union
depot car will land you at the oor
H. PIERCE, Prop.
Call and, try t. Meat
16c Board per week $2,7i
also furnished uosn very X
Tbti Ilorscshoo IleUurant.
Scott Ferguson old stand,
;; thoroughly renovated and new
ly furnished throughout.
; ; Best 2c Meal i iho City
;; Chicken dinner on Sunday
Call and bo convlncod.
333 Btato Street.
gmniHiimmt int-HM
i 1 1 1 H I II I I 1 1 1 M H til M 1 1
neotaurant and hotel, 0D
Europonn plan. Meals at all
hours on short order. Regular
dluner 25 cents. Thirty new
ly finished furnished rooms.
tlO SVw.irflArlt Pf r
rw 1 I - I I t.'T!
likAsTiaJUfk HlflHli tlLUi. k Bsti
- -..ki Kift it-..A.U.t 1
IlllSVfSMeVKt"""" mW" i m
For water arnica apply at .
UU watt asoataly la aJwuMtw
mJ'ZZ tiik 1,1 AMU
J '