r'wrjjr. pwww-' DAILY CAPITAL .IQUItXM,, SALEM, OREGON. VKIXESBAYI DECEMBER 23, 10(17. ALEM TO PORTLAND IN 90 MINUTES i -...-- t p of Line Built by W.L Barstow & Co,, EngineerContractors, for the Oregon'Electric Railway Company. i Offices: Oregon Electric. ovv transportation lino be- Capltal City and tho met Oregon runs through ono khest agricultural and fruit regions In Western Oregon fifty miles. Tho Willam- oy in variety oi pruuucis toss of yiold of all kinds cannot bo surpassed In tho ates, and Is capablo of ous- denso population. Tho at each end of the lino tho sanio amounts to about of a million people, and ngs from freight and pas ta nro bound to become inch year. It Is expected "run between Salem and will bo made by express -ninety minutes, and trains run each hour. The cars 100 horso power Pullman tarrjlng about sixty people, ag $12,000 each. flio OnicorH KU'-t. plowing now oinccra for the electric railway, tho now ae bctwoon Portland and cro elected at a directors New Yerk: Prosldont, Moffntt, of tho banking Jffatt & Whlto, Now Yerk: lent and gcnoral mnnnger, Talbot; socrotnry, George who will also bo traffic ftnd auditor; assistant sec E. Goddard; treasurer, Midge; gonornl counsel, It. New York; counsel, Ca- krr, Portland; chief dls- J Phillips: chlof surgeon, 50 Pine Street, New Jfork. Failing Building, Portland, 4&$ . ' 0?GOA CTYVh-Sftr tV llrooko. noor, II. MlUlkon; roadmastor, P. W. Moffatt, W. A. Whlto, Sldnoy G. Mil Prahl; mastor mechanic, W. O. Frag mclor. Tho dlroctors of tho road nre: H Tnckor; oloctrlcal engl-'Chas. M. Pratt, A. C. Bedford, G. B. oholl, all of Now York; Guy W. Tal bot and n. Cooktnghnm, of Portland. Formerly sovoral Portland mon, In clMdlng C. P. Swlgart. 13. B. Mallory, II. O. Campbell and Scott woro In tho dlrectornto. Tho flrt car over tho road will bo run about tho firHt of tho year, when n party of tho company's ofll- olnltt will mnko u formal tour of In- Hpcctlon of tho right-of-way and oqulpmont, but It will bo bo mo tlmo thoronftur boforo a rogular passongor florvlco will bo put la oporatlon, A OIIILD'S 1IKAVH.V. (By Julian Strot.) go o hcavon, wuoro It's vry, wry high; rl lo around, with God, away up In th s)t. l.i. his relndoers, and then spRnk them with lh whip, tKo bells go Jlnglol whn they prune mid Jump and iklp. when Christmas comw nround, you'll hwir a Jolly nolw, n-l mo'll romo slIdltiK down the rhlmuoy with the 4ot! Freight and pasHOnror schodutM hiivu already boon published and flu Ishlng touohos aro bolng put on tU cotiBtructlou work with all posslbM ppood. H9K.' il Mike put the Irish In by ItuttliiK on the prefix O', and frdin tltftt day the land wu known tn their relatlvei by marrdiKe, the whole Indian tribe, urn! to their d ceRdbRtv a O'regen.' " u:go got its xamk. W Qmtloii Ih Settled Doll- by the Home KdltiM. II ! hll the nuostlon of i I tho nama "Oregon" and It has boon throshod t there Is Mttlo left but orJc? to sottlo tho matter and forever tho horse odl- the only man who roally vt to tho world tho truo tho old Snanlah cnlloon. leswax, was wrookod at two of the Spanish sail- or Don Miguel Orafortz, Tojn'y Tyrono, Iroland, as laffcrty, and Sonor Fran- jppt don Kelspoll of Ham- re ho answorod In low 5 the name of Franz Joseph H, wero among those cast "h- lived many years aftor fach marrying an Indian id thus inleotlne a sllcht vhtto blood Into tho coast h from ono of their do th true atory of Orogon IB rms la derived. The Hu blast, and ae the shelter of the In-' dlnn wlgwnmt was none too good the mnrlnors both eufferod somewhat from the exeees of molituro. Mike was optimistic and took the pain, Juet as he did all other troubles, good MUMredly. Franz, on the other hand, was eternally kicking, and Ws greatest source of nnnoyaiioe was the fact that he had no umbrolla, or as he call d It, 'regensohlrm.' , After they had been In the country some tlmo, Mike suggested that thoy should give It a name , to which Franz agrood. Mike wanted to oall ( It New Irsland, because the grass of l JHE. sr FM.U OD Ladles" watch. Klgln or Waltham, finoly Jewpipd moPinent gold-tlUd ooso. ari anted for 20 years Jury HxoiMNnitOH Iiuuly. Ono of tho most Intorostlng In (rtieets t ob ohold In thin loonllty for many months pust maturod last Fri day, when the Jury empaneled to In vestigate the fnots connected with the killing of n hobo at Youcullu soino tlmo since mot, llstouod to tho ovldouco, mid after about an hour'u deliberation returned a vordlct ex onerating Mjireluil Luiuly, who com mitted the net, from all blimio, tho members of the body believing that ho shot In solf-deft line rmpqiin Valloy News, i lJJIJUfl STARR PIANO HIGH CLASS GOODS GEO. C. WILL I 7f)ae)e)as)osjiKias)fjM THAN8POHTATIQ.V fJMPAWlCi, $12.00 was so greon tt reminneu mm Hl namtlamu-w tm. Mlala or Walth his native land. Franz, on tke other Rin goKj.jmi fM, warranter 20 hand, 'nslsted on calling It 'Itegen- Tmt$, land.' on account of the steady rain- $j 2.00 to $25.00 faM. They finally, bolng unable to Unibrea8 8 ,)er cent ott. Christ- agree, shook the dice to see whloh mBb Rlfu Jn jarg8 abundanco, from should solect the name, and Fraai goo up. won, and Itegenland was saddler oa to It. While the right had been fair- (-b. " rlllNuLO y won by Franz. MIko was not satis- JfiaM Jt,M(.h,r and Oi.tlcjan. nNl. and said the name was too CoiI1IIH,I.dal 8U nMt , Hank. Duteh: that he had a right to have . . some IrUh mixed Ito It. i ' wa half the clvlltaed pofwlatloa. and under the local hw he Invoked the I . .. u. una i.. nv n t 1 nrynnllnn. n lha le- refereaauw. ami um " - -- - .-, . 'i-.i.i.,! mi hla rlcht to mako utTcmuer, ana ai vh.i"- w- Lui er "ndous Btorm wn rae- name nair irwu O.C Te Co Btontnors Pomona tS Ot vonls loavo for Portland Monday, Wou.os day nud Friday at 10 a. m, aud Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at G a. m. For Corvallls, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 0 p. in. M. P. Baldwin, agent. Offlccs and dock at foot of Trado stt'oot. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. SOUTIIKHN PAC1F10 CO. .Tlmo Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, llsidint Agent. OUlce with Win. Brown & Co., No. 29 Commercial etroot. MONEY TO LOAN THOB. K. FORD Ovor iJidd & Buxh's Bank, Balom, Or I NEW TODAY ? Merrv This . done uy - j "alny season was Jn full 'dropping the iJ ' Jt Juilt THANK YOU For a splendid holiday busiM-- tha greattt we havejver done SJ wlih you one and all a A MERRY CHRISTMAS BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Xmas AND BETTER PHOTOS Salb, THE PICTURE MAN lor .Sale Dry ash, maplo and flr wood doMvcrr-d to any part of the Uty M. A Budlong, phone &97. 1 1-3-1 in Vuiii'1 Mrs. WestaooU wants n few good places to wash or work by the day. Prloe 20 oeats per hour. Pboa UTi. 18-21-31 ltr Hulv Several housos Ib Salem and farm 'ands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. C-l-eod For Sal at 526 12b7 Fresh milk cow. Knqulro Twentieth street, or phone 12-23-tf Found A Fur collar. Owner ean have same by paying for this ad at this offltr. 12-2331 Situation Vitnt4-il By oxperlencod man as bookkeeper or olerk, frosti from grocery and hardware store. Al reference given. O. D. DItniok, 1124 HJntw steet. 12-23-lwk WnntMl Young lady to do reporting for tbo Capital Journal CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. TIMB TAnLK NO 87. Trulne from and to Yaquina. No. 1 Leaves Yaqulna ........ 7:16 a.m Arrives at Corvallli 11:00 a. no. Arrives at Albany 11:68 a.m. No. 2 Leaves Albany ,12:36 p.m. Leave Corvallls 1:30 p.m. Arrives at Yaqulna ..... 6:40 p.m Trains to and from Detroit. No. S Leaves Albany , 7:30 a.m. Arrives at Dotrolt 12:80 p.m No. 4 Leaveg Detroit ......... 1:00 p.m Arrives at Albany 6:66 p.ra Trains for Corvallls, No. 8 Leaves Albany 7.66 a.m. Arrives at Corvallls .... 5:36a.m. No. 10 Leaves Albany . 2:36 p.ru Arrives at Corvallls .,. 306 p.ra No. 0 Leavei Albany ........ 7:36 p.m Arrives at Corvallls ..... 8:16 p. w Trains for Albany, No. 6 Loaves Corvallls ....... 6:30 a.m Arrives at Albany ...... 7:10 a, m No. 0 Leavos Corvallls 12:30 p,m Arrivos at Albany 1:16 p,m No. 7 Leaves Corvallls 6:00 p.m Arrivos at Albany 0:40 p,m No. 11 (Sunday ouly) Leaves Corvallls ...... .11:16 a.ro Arrives at Albany ... ...11:68 a, No. 12 (Sunday only) Leaves Albany 12:36 p.ra Arrives at Corvallls ..... 1:18 p.ra For furtbor Information apply te GEO. P. NEVINS, Ova. Psu, AgUt Albany, Ore. n Seven men out of tea who get Into able to trace their down-Issues. society jtroublo are ournaj 'fall to aide Card No. -1H Effective Juno 10. Townnl Portland Pnasonger. No. 10 6:83 a. m., Oregou Bv press. No. 18 8:40 a. in,, Cottage Grovti Passongor. No, 12 2:46 p. m. Roseburg Express. No. 148:60 p. m Portland K proas. Toward Portland Freight. No. 22210:06 a, m depute 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Freight. No. 23010:40 n. m departe 11:38 a. m Way Frolght. Toward San lVaRclsco -PasswigV No. 11 11:03 a. m Roseburg Rxpress. No. 17 0:47 p. m. Cottage Qrov Passongor. No, 169:66 p. m., California He press. No. 131:31 . tn., San Franote- oo ExproM. Toward Baa Francisco -Freight, No. 2212:33 a. ra., Ban Fta claco Fast Freight. No. 226 U:J6 a. m., arrive 11:26. Null i think Maud haa more color than hor slstor. Uollo Yes; about B0 oenU worth more. Philadelphia Itooord. fW" iOHTH'OHf BIG REDUCTION On brokon lots of Ladlee and Chit- drt-'s shoes. OUR SPECIAL Ladles' wool lined rubbora ar Just what you want for tho damp, cold T'eathor. High top rubber boot. Regular $176 valuea now $4.60; J3.00 valuea now $5 76, JACOB VOGT i H H I Ifl m n K ',!'! , ll llTl "j ri f