Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1907, Image 28

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    H i. a , uH.-2J-'fisiJft !
m r,v r -.vtic.nwasj
Salem a Beautiful City of Homes and Flowed
., "mmta"nTTnAj ri
Wfc t
1I111II1I1 !!
Tlio following bit of description of .straight
Oregon scenery Is taken from an ar- terrific force.
ttclo written by J. H. Cradlebaugh,
of Tho Journal staff, for an Eastern
publication, It belnjg one of a series
of articles on Oregon written by htm
for tho Eastern press:
A description of Oregon scenery
might well cause one much abler
than myBolf to hesitate long before
unlortaklng It. Oregon is so big,
so grand, so beautiful that ono rea-
rlbbed channel with
The river Is liter
ally tAirned on edge, and Its vast vn!
umo rushes through a channel only
80 feet In wlUh. Just below Is the
beautiful little city of Tho Dalles,
the site of the old Indian village of
Wlshram, described by Washington
Irving in his "Astoria." Tho rlvtr
hero half a mllo wide and 150 feet
llzos the Tiamclty of language and tho deep sweeps In a great curvo
Inadequacy of words Jn attempting Grandly Into tho mighty gorge it haa
to tell of it.
Cutting tho state into two dls
tlnct sections, tho Cascade moun
worn through tho mountain range.
Tho hills rise on either side higher
and higher; tho bluffs of columnar.
Nothing bespeaks tho liberality
and substantiality of a progressive
community so well as tho fact that
perfect strangers can come here, bo
mado wolcomo, got Into a email busi
ness and build It up to largo propor
tions in a few years. Whllo they are
not tho only ones who havo done
theso things, McEvoy Brothers, of tho
Chicago Store, aro striking examples
to attest tho fact abovo stated. From
a small cubby-hoio, crammed wnn
cheaper grades of goods, on Court
street, with ono clerk, thoy havo ex
panded in a fow years to a largo
corner storo on Commercial street,
175 feet deep, and occupying two
floors, and part of it with threo
floors, and 32 employes at this writ
ing. They havo all departments of
stock well supplied, maintain a
dressmaking, mllllnory and suit de-
I1',,... . . . " 7T "M
IMBIIhiiMIBiliiii mi i r 7fe"fw3B "
HBMf W IHrnwIiWlifffiSnll '
tains parallol the Coast lino, at a dls-loasalt become bolder and begin to
an of nliont 100 miles from U. .tako on fantastic forms, rising ter-
whilo tho Coast Range, lying as its rac0 on torraco on tho Washington partmont, and buy direct of Marshall
namo Indicates, along' tho coast, B,do and sweeping In flr-clad ridges I Field & Co. and other largo eastern
sonds Its boHMicadlands out In ma- UD l0 lU0 Dnco or snow-crownou noou nouses. .mines Mcuvoy, as mana
ioGlln Im'wnrka to meet tho billows ,on tno south. Tho hills rise here, gor, has developed groat ability aa
of tho Pacific, and Its. innumerable jcach a stepping stono to the other,
stroams havo formed beautiful little until aftho Cascados tho bold bluffs
valloys and delightful nooks, nltower a mllo above the mighty tor
novrr ceasing delight to naturo lov-jrent that dashes its tremendous
.. ,,.. fl,m otiniwl Hinlr num. UlOOd abOUt their feet. For ClX
V a 14 V. if iivii ni'VMi wU...
miles then tho bluo flood rushes along
at raco-horso speed and then
through evor-wldenlng channol flows
a dry goods morchnant, and IiIb
brother, Michael, has a reputation
for bolng as good a Judge of fabrics
and tho wants of tho trado na can bo
for.md on tho Pacific coast. Tho
Chicago Storo Is too well known to
nocd furthor commendation to our
Ono of tho most charming places
to visit Is the Carl- F. Ruof floral
storo at 373 Stato street. Mr. Ruof
conducted tho Asylum Avonuo green
houses for several (seasons and thon this
Bed of Anton Grown by Cart F. Hucf, tho Snlcm Florist.
nuns ui iiuwum buiuiuju ior in0 City, Oregon. Flower t.
- tug
trado. Mr. Ruof carries a full stock
and equipment to furnlBh floral dec
oration for funerals, "weddings, par
ties, banquets and all occasions
whoro artistic decorations aro need
ed. Tho Illustration printed with
sketch shows Mr. Ruof's out-
wont Into business for himself In door aster beds, from which Inst
1004 on tho Garden Road. Ho hns season ho made largo shipments to
mer vacations thero, where the land
scapo 1b still as God mado it, and
unmnrred by man. Both tho Cns
cado and Const Rangos nro hoavl!y
tlmberod, whllo between them He tho
Willamette, Umpqaia and Roguo
River Vnlloys, onch with n beauty
all its own cnoli different, and
oach, onco soon, always remembered.
Tho Wlllamotto Is tho largest of i
tho thrco, with a length of about
350 mllos'hud a breadth of CO. It
was, no doubt, at ono tlmo nn arm
of tho Bon, but now a beautiful,
broad Bweop of gently undulating
plains, miles of prnlrlo, dotted with
groves of nh and maplo and dark
.Islands of majestic flrs. Tho climate
is so mild that snow Is a rarity, and
tho year around tho valley 1b an 1m
monno omorald tho "sot" In tho
ring of tho world. It is always beau
tiful, but In June who can describe
itl Mllo upon mllo of emornld
sward, as fair to look upon as wns
that vision when "Lot lifted up his
oyoa and behold all tho plain of Jor
dan, that It was woll watorcd every
where, oven aB tho Garden of tho
Lord." Tho mocintnln streams "havo
forgotten tholr turbulonco nnd their
courses nro bordorod by aldors and
fringed with willows, whllo wild
honoy suckles tanglo tholr tondrlls
round treo and shrub and wild roses
Jn riotous luxurlnnco mako groat
DanKB oi pimc among mo vuruuro. placidly on to lose itself in tho broad BUILDING UP A FIRST
Mllo after mllo tho scono stretches PaCflc, CLASS LADIES' AND
away to whoro tho long rldgos flr- For twonty miles below tho Cas- GENTS' RESTAURANT
clad and sinuous lift evor "higher cadea tlj0 8COnery j8 grand beyond Last May, Bullock Bros, establish- wero, iup to 1906, of a local character
nnd higher, whllo tho canyons Browdtt8crptonf Toworing bluffs of ed a lunch counter next door to the only, but In that year a national
aeepur mm uarKur uumuvu, uvi columnar basa t thro ethouoand foot Hauaer Bros, cun ston- and in No
jtuuy aim del vci i n
city. Tho good taste dbpl!!
Mr. Ruof In all his cfelceli.:!
his arrangement of iwxJi
rnnkes him a very aatbfaetorj
1st to deal with. He ansi IZ
nnd Plans fcr In advance ol t! J
'""' l" "avo ico latest and best !.
' " tiu wuq mi on 1
Blnco built two green houses of Portland and Sound cities. Orders by Miss Besslo Scbaltz, who t!oLi
tho most modern pnttorn, each 20 by mall and tolophono for floworsjrnroly good tasto In 'mikkt k
Iby 100 foot, and Blocked with solec- nro filled to points all over wostorn jtlons .tillable- for any occasion
SHBSHSBBBBSjf e cinBiRtu.j fcivi..j . . SSSSHFi mYi imw w w7vt?jI Bbb1BbbbbbbbbSD2BBHSSBSSH
'built at Belfast and thence towod,
tho voyngo lasting a wade, to South
ampton. Tho hazo lay thick upon tho river,
yostorday morning, nnd It wbb bato-
oven tno intellects of bllDttol&H
plnyorg might bo In danger of lrtsj
way. I
Thoy add that If any InuM h
tho complexity of the game Ytnjt-i
ly daylight whon tho operation ofjjlrol tho oUvIoub thing to to-1
docking tho bow wns commonued. jcronse tho stzo of the old-fulloud"
Tho nf tor-part of tho ship was nl.bonrd to twolve or ilxteen trer
ready in dock, ballasted and firmly jonch way. This, howem, k
Family and Home of Win. It. Aiuk'rson, n Well-Known Salem Pioneer.
lino of work between tho various
classes of trades employed. In tho
building trades conciliation boards
bolder and moro rugged until at last nlgh rj80 on tho Oregon shore from
tholr rounded summits mark an iun- tll0 Water8 edge. Fantastic shapes
dulatlng lino of boauty against an of old ca8tio3 with their battlements;
amothystlno sky, and over all naturo tromondouB spires that stand out
has draped a vail of royal purple, boldly whoro tho canyong broaJc
distinct yet dreamlike, and lnde-througn. Eag,0 Gorgo 80 deoD nn,j
scrlbably boautiful and from those B0 narrow that tho sun in all hla
lofty cumralts rlso tho majestic course ha8 nevor f0lnd u. Ml,itno.
peaks; snow clad, whlto, emblems of mal, Faij8i .. warn of wat0r nnd
sllenco, of purity and majosty, andW00f of sun8bIiJo' that poura In'best whlto help and buying tho best
thore aro many of them Hood, )Wavlng billows of laco a thousand'of ovorythlng and serving It in tho
Jefferson, tho Three SlsterB, Thiol- foot down lnto ft bow, of bn8all:best 8tyo Wotch tho Improvemonta
son and many ethers: a string of BnMm wti;moss and waving ferns; at "Tho Capital," as It will bo called
pearls upon a thread-of purple! ,faint. soamsuncbo Bhrdlu shrdl sh nftap nw vnr's
-I .. .v. ...... t..,. .., -i '
O '
voraber Mr. Grant Teetor becamo
tholr successor, Ho is a yung man
who hns all his llfo been engaged
In tho restaurant business. Ho was
six years at tho Whlto House, "whoro
ho was commissary, and two" years
at tho Ellto. With this exporlonco
ho proposes to mako tho now venture
a success by employing only tho
uui mo vanoya ana mo uxuun- near lt tho mtlfl rrIdnl Val, a0
tains, with their sontinel snow faJnt( 80 deHcnt(?i tnat ,t ,8 biown t0
poaks beautiful as thoy are, aro nnd fr0 acr0B3 the faco of tho bluff
evory-day affairs, for they, aro with as ,t floatB llght and 8ub8tanceleas
ub nlwayB. Other countrlea havo as thlstl0f down for mor0 than 150o
beautiful valleys and boautiful hllli, feot vanj8ninB ,n falnt mst and
but Oregon has ono scenic wondnr j08,ng lt80iftoo fair and beautiful
aaldo from ieso that Is not equalled to touoh U)0 earth. Capo HorD wlth
in tho whole ring of tho world, and lt8 magniflcent columns; Castle
that is, tho grand gorge of tho Co-Rook R thousand feet high, stand
lumbla, whoro tho 'nttor broaKs Jng soinariy and aiQn0i and whose
through the mighty Cascade Ranso lop goarco a dozen porao(ls bave
nnd sweopB unhampered to tho Bea.Boen. Ro08ter Rock Latourollo
It Is a magnificent stream, tho fifth Fal,Sj Brldnl Vn,u IJorso TaI1 PftH8
in size in tho world, and easily first. ench wlth ft beauty aU lts 0WB and
in tho grandour and beauty of Its thea tho grand vlstas of tho Coium.
sconory. It rises amid tho snow- blai n mll0) two me3 wIdGf a u,r.
crowned mountains of British Co- quoIgo sea broldered wUb emerald,
lumbla, and from tho character of ftnd over n ft gky ag dJ0p and bUie
tho country through which It flows and puro a3 chudhood's eyes. It Is
its waters, except at flood, are clear aH Jnde8Cribable and Ono can drink
nud cold, and of a deep bluo tint ,n tho beauty and 8piondor and
that mirror tho floating clouds until grandQUr of lt aU but n0no can toll.
as ono glides over lis nzuro uopms
it sooms as though ono were, sailing
over an inverted sea. Fifteen mllea
abovo the DalleB, and about 100
mllea east of Portland, tho river, as
ihouch preparing for ltd battle with .everyone In the room making a face,
tho mountain range, plunges over 'and tho ouo who mado tho worst faco
tho Colllo falls, a series of broken
apd aeparato cataracts, but magnlfl
ent in tholr crandour. Below tho
waters, after a brlot resting spoil,
plungo Into tho narro.ws, "the
riailos " and for a railo or moro tho
whole mighty flood rushes through a , Ing.M--Montreal Star.
schomo of conciliation was formed.
Of tho 7248 cases sottled by con
ciliation boards in tho last ten years,
only 92 (or about 1 per cent) wore
preceded by a Btoppago of work.
Most of tho boards provided that all
their decisions or the awards of their
arbitrators shall bo final and binding
and a fow go further and Impose a
money ponnlty for breach of agree
ment or award.
This penalty has In ono or two
cases boon onforcod, not only on tho
employers, but on tho men.
Following upon tho recent confer
ence In London between tho various
European marl tlmo employers' fed
erations, steps are now being taken
fixed upon tho block in rondlnoss to
rocolvo tho now bow for which nho
had been waiting bo long. Fom
squnro logs -10 foot long had been
fastened to tho plates of tho after
part of tho ship for tho purposo of
regulating tho dlstnnce. Whon the
bow was admitted to tho basin tho
mo3t enroful handling wns impera
tive, but tho bow wns accurately
contorod nnd pulled Into position by
tho aid of her own stenm wlnchot,
and careful mcnsuromontB then re
EMlted In thp satisfactory anuounco
montB that It had been worked Into
tho oxnet position required. If the
I least miscalculation had been mado
jit would havo boon nocossnry to r
I float tho bow and perform tho doll-
cato feat anow.
It Is oxpected that tho work of
uniting tho two portions of the ship
will bo completed within two rnonthR
Tho first work to bo done will be to
remove from tho bow a number of
temporary plates which wero put on
to glvo tho necessary talghtness to
lt during tho tow from Belfast. For
theso regular lengths of plato will bo
substituted and tho work will then
proceed on moro or less normal lines.
London Chronicle.
o ;
Elght-story Chess Boards,
Dr. Ferlnand Mnack of Hamburg
proposes to add to tho torrors of
chess by raising It to tho third di
mension. He proposes cubical chess
as an advance on tho existing game.
Tho cubing ho proposes to accom
plish by rigging a series of eight
chess boards one above another, con
necting them at corners by thin
rods. Tho scope of the game would
thus extend to 512 squares Instead of
Doubtful Compliment.
At an evening party they were
playing a game which consisted of
was awarded a prize; all did their
level best, and then a gentleman
went up to ono of tho ladles and
said: "Woll, madam, I thuk you
havo won tho prize."
"Oh!" sho said, "I wasn't play-
British Industrial Conciliation.
Tho number of boards and Joint b h of tho countrle3 represented
committees for the settlement of In- to nt two dolegateB t0 the ln.
dustrlal disputes known by the ternatIomil committed which Is to
uuum ui imue 10 uo ui existence ,n,m11i((1 anhama nt intnHnnnl
Mnnck pronounces nonceme,
Tho object, ho says, Is not tot
plicnte the game, but to rtttorti
to natural conditions. Sltce raj-
thing olso in naturo hu ttw fr
mansions, chosa should. X kl J
Sun. i
The Indicator,
Somo call his "fan," lolto '
"slow," II '
Thoy say that all he etU
Ho Bpends right off. I crijton
Tho way he pays hU dwi
Catholic Standard atlllss.
. -o
A Panic Victim.
"What can I fotch you toiir.St
"Somothlng cheap, 0r W
any terrapin ha8h?"-KHC
She Ho has a most extrtordhwj
figure, hasn't he?
h That's so. I henere m
Knnllo la nhnitt thfl ODlr thing t"9
buy ready madel-PMWdpH 1
A Stranfic SWHf-
Thnrn wfla a QUOer B&n ke" J"
torday a powerful queer oa,
marked tho landlord of tie tam"
Polkvlllo. Ark. "He was b!g
consiueramy rw- r . u-
n a ho bad regisierw -
-.. . .... h us sieww?
Going to stay w "',T he mi
Coloneir and blamed I
r'ar back ana aj,
sir, and never was one
it some"'
r::v ilv
of a durneu crR " "
feller, I betchar-ruc.
64kt tho opening of tho game the r
pieces and pawns aro to bo arranged pfory had a luuan" ' youkno,
as at present, on tho lowest noara, ww "--
,... . i. ,. on pvtrn. aet of And everywhere w .":
UUk UUtll 1J141JU1 lo .." ...
the present time Is 194,'and It Is es-IJ' ho places on the , king
tlmnted that moro than 1,250,000 djsputegt
nuiit jjeuiiiu uru cuvurea uy mo opor-
atlons of all the conciliatory agen
cies. In addition, thore are two boards
aro Belgium, Denmark, France, Ger
many, Great Britain, Holland, Italy,
Vnrwnv nnrt Swnrtnn. Snnin was not
whoso work Is restricted to question! Le presented at tho confernco hut has
affecting employes of co-operative' been InvUed to nomiato two dele
socletles, ajul 15 district boards not tbe lnlernatIonal commlt-
confined to any particular trade, t wh0SQ flrst meot,ug wlI1 be neld
In ThA nrtnl m InlnM nl Imah r 1 '
a ,. . . B in London
uieci ujuusinos, wages mo most ire
quent causo of disputes aro in most
districts controlled by conciliation
boards or similar arrangements. In
other largo Industry, tho cotton
trade, conciliation is provided for tho
spinning branch by tho Booklands
agrooment, whllo tho weaving
branch hns a Joint committee with
limited powers. Jn tho engineering
trados tho torms of settlement made
in January, 1898, of tho dispute ln
1897-98, provide conciliatory meth
ods of arranging disputes for nearly
tho wholo of tho United Kingdom.
In the shipbulding trades machinery
is In existence at tho important cen
ters for avoiding a common causo of
disputes, namely, tho demarcation
row of tho second board. These are
Ln.mno,! in nrnt Oft ttlfl WW Of nl&CCS
Tho coutrles selecting delegates i'i'u .. -"-- ,rnm
ueneain 'inem uguiuai. unvn. .
Clever SIili Surgory.
An unprecedented feat ln what
may bo termed "ship surgery" wus
brought to a stage nearer successful
completion yesterday when tho two
parts of tho severed Suevlc, old and
new, wero brought Into exact Juxta
position at Southampton and now
only remain to bo securely -riveted
and plated and hammered together.
It was in tho middle of March that
the big Whlto Star liner, a vessel of
over 12,500 tons register, was wreck
ed on the Lizard and tho foro part
of tho ship broko clean away. The
after part was brought safely to
Southampton and a new forepart was
above. Each player has, tnereiorc,
24 combatants at his disposal.
The moves are extensions of the
present moves to the conditions of
tho cube. Tho rooks, for Instance,
can mount from ono board to an
other along verlcal lines only, the
bishops only on diagonals.
The queen can Jump from one cor
ner of tho lowest board to apy of
tho other boards on vertical or tllag
onal lines. Tho knight, cannot climb
or descend more than two boards
in his own peculiar way. Tho moves
of the king and pawns cannot exeed
moro than ono board, and they must
choose between changing boards and
changing squares on the same board.
Dr. Maack's invention has not been
received with entire good humor by
chess players. Somo of them write
to the papers that tho game wa3
enough for tho ordinary brain al
ready, and whon it camo to having
tho king climb out of check by get
ting on tho roof of tho chessDoara
The hint was sure o ssj ,
jfew York
Catarrh C-MjJa
with LOCAL -APWJpfui
they cannot reach the8 r
disease. Catarrh Is ft 7order
8t.tutlonal disease nwBji
cure it you must B b t
internally, and acts a .
Wood and mucous J J
Catarrh euro 13 ntaQM 0f ti
cine. it was Vnl
It was P-T ' u count
physicians In "V
It Is composed of th
known, comD nea - if
purifiers, act ng JWdV
cous surfaces. TM Juh1
-tlon of the two WjJ
produces such wona
free. J v
Toledo, O. pr!e lit,
, Sold by &maP v