iiiiimnniiniiH- i USEMENTS niiimiiiiiiHi Iltorium Roller Itluk. ig, niternoon ana evening td Opera House Dates. 16 Max Flgman in "Tho Man Jox." Tho Vaudcte. pictures and Illustrated rory afternoon and evening. lunday and Monday aftor- id Opeta House K). F. CORDRAY, Mgr. IE LAUOniNG DATE. SDAY, DEC. 26 Ir. John Court Presents MAX FIGMAN ,'a foromoat comedian In Har- ""old Macaratli's Story Man On the Box 10 Nighta In Now York. Dull Cnro Awny. yihe Speed Limit for Fun on snlo at box oOlco Thurs- m. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c .1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAT.KM. ORF.GOX. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, if) 07 If a mnn loses we say, "A fool and ,hls money are soon parted." If he I wins wo sny "A fool for luck." Phll- naeipma necoru, When to Go Home. From tho Bluffton, Ind.. Banner! "Whcn tired out, go home. When you want consolation, go homo. When yau want fun, go home. When you want to show others that you havo reformed, go homo and lot your family get acquainted with the fact. When you want to show your self at your best go homo and do tho act thoro. When you feel like being extra liberal go homo and prac tlco on your wlfo and children first. When you want to shlno with extra brlllancy go homo and light up the wholo household." To which we would add, when you havo a bad cold go homo and tako Chamber laln'o Cough Remedy and a quick euro Is certain. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. o Jack "Why didn't you bow to Honry Just now?" Jim "What's tho use? . Ho knows I know him." Harvard Lampoon. IPHLETS ARE DOING GOOD WORK A Rcnl Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strango natural formations, la a vorltablo wonderland. At Mound City, In tho homo of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Hor son scemc.l near death with lung nnd throat throublo. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred every flvo mlnutos," writes Mrs. Clapp, "whon I began giving Dr. King's Now Discovery, tho groat medicine, that saved his llfo and completely cured him. ntlro forco nt tho board of nUarantood fop coughs and coldn, loins has been busy during week mailing thousands of pamphlets, "Tho Chorry If tho World." to tho ncoumu- l(lrc?3CB of corroepondonts tout tho East. Uy courtesy of lamotte Vnlloy Pruno nsBOcla-1-. ' .1 M. I.I jUIl throat and lung trouble, by J. C. Perry druggist. 50o and $1.00 Trial bottlo free. o Hungry As a Bear and Can't Eat ir If, When Mealtime Comes You Suf- fer a YcuJfot Kind of I lunger, You're a Dyspeptic. How to Cure All Stomach Troubles. 1 y arc now Bonuing out wmi' ckngo of lltoratiuro a boautl color engraving of tho Ore- sant. This Is one of the ktrnctlvo souvenirs ovor got- tho intorost of the Wlllani- sy and Is highly prized by the it tho east, who aro not fa- Hth the bird. .Tint as a sam ite day's mall rocolved nt tho '3 desk, It might bo stated tcrday'B mall brought a lot- a gentloman at Spring- Vh, nBklng for lltoraturo ting that two famlllos from )uld Boon bo roady to settle Jnlghborhood. Another lot- pom Rtnton, La., stating that fthrco famlllos from their Hko to come to Oregon and l-nmrt mnnnv in lanil fllin Irian It In 100-acre tracts." A good many people got mnd whon you tell them thoy'vo got dyspopsln, but way down deep In tholr stom achs they know thoy'vo got It. "IM lovo to ent It, but I can't," Is one kind of dyspepsia. "I hate to think of It," Is another kind. Thero aro thousands of poo plo today who hato tholr monls, and lovo thorn nt tho same tlmo. They haven't that flno empty-hungry oat-ovorythlng-ln-slght kind of fooling which goos with overy good strong hoalthy stomach. That's bocauso they havo dyspopsla. And then thoro aro othors whoso mouths don't water at monl time or at any other tlmo. Thoy sit nt the tablo nnd go through tho motions, only bocnuso It's tlmo to oat. These people, too, aro dyspop tloa. Evory posslblo kind of stomnch troublo can be curod by taking some thing which will just tnko right hold of all the food In your stomnch and dlgoet It nlono without tho help of the stomach, and let tho stomach tako a rest. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do this Tho Long-Halrod Ono "You know n poot Ib a prophet." Tho Sordid "Not to his publishers." Bal timore Amorlcnn. o Ilndly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Wintorton, N. Y., had a very remarkablo experi ence; ho says: "Doctors got badly mlxod up ovor mo; ono said heart dlsoaBe: two celled It kldnoy trouble tho fourth blood poison nnd tho very thing. Thoy nro composed of fifth stomach nnd llvor troublo; but tho best dlgoetlvo known to solonco, nono of thorn "holpod mo; so my w!foin" nbeolutely sare. Ono ingro ndvhcd trying Electric Bitters, which ulont n,o of " f thoo tablots nro restoring mo to norfoct hoalth.,w'" Rt 3000 grnlns of foodl 'Ono bottlo did mo moro good thnn.Theso tablots do oxaotly tho work nil tho fivo doctor proscribed." , " B rong neauuy aiomnon Gmnrnntood to euro blood poison, (,oa- weakness and all stomach, liver and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure kldnoy complaint, by J. C, Perry , of dyspepsia. Indigestion. druggist. BOC. iMunm, ur in wm, iuh ui iiir- wir, irimi, wawu, uvichiiib, urvrniuii to food. fermenUUoa nnd gas on tho "Do you believe thnt tho good die ,' anted Information ospoclnlly young?" "I tiuiiK mey uo. u an my g , Dy.wbila Tablet will a to sniem. A correspond- wim iu iu nuum ni m '"" mv lum ri "mum!" liafnra nml aft Latah, Wash., asked par- Is true. ricK-wo-up. o )r prices of live and ton aore roll located near Salem. An- lnrty from Hovor, Wash., "Pleao send mo n numbor a,ronge-t pamphlets about rt of tho state. I can bring )d pconlo thero In tho spring fvlf you will send mo tho best In tho way of lltoraburo." gentloman wrltos from D,, asking for Bpeclal In- in. ccrctary Is making arrango- glvo all mombers of the If trade tho benefit of this Kidenco and muoh good Is ex- j;eu -i think Maud has more color result from the same. Real t hft he sister. Belle Yes; about on who aro mombers of tho rn . . orth moro. -Philadelphia ill be privileged to use this neoonJ ndenco with a view to iur How Diphtheria In Contracted. Ono often henrs the oxpreeslon, "My child caught a sovoro cold whloh dovolopod into dlphthorla," when the truth was that tho cold had simply loft tho llltlo one particularly buj coptlblo to tho wandorlng diphtheria gorm. Whon Chamberlain's Cough Remody Is given it quickly cures tho cold nnd lessens tho dangor of diph theria or any other gorm dlsonso be Ing contracted, For salo at Dr Stone's drug store. luclng people to como here. rd will also distribute land Ing among applicants for Its and will furnish thorn imphle3 and literature need- promote emigration to our ilty past two days flvo families 10 to Salem to look about ey for a location, uuo e- fto pass through to Eugene Jthcr to Southern Oregon. lgh the t-xhlblts of tho board and tho efforts of Its offl- havo been Inducod to settle i, at least temporarily, which Rheumatism. Whon pains or Irritation exist on any part of the body, tho application of Ballard's Snow Liniment give? prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, El Reno, O. T.. wrltos, Juno , 1902: "I take pleas uro In recommending Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted wlh rheumatism. It Is the only remedy I havo found that glvos Immediate relief." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o ninks Doea strong coffee k-er you awaKe: jihk u u ...-.. tho end, moan that they have i boardiOH,ftrVHle Journal permanont resiueni. n" irk la being dono by this Bb- organization of the capital day In the week and oach tho year c WHAT'S Icing Is worth doing well. II to be cured ol Rheumatism ird's Snow Liniment and be "well cured." A positive Sprains, Neuralgia. Bruises, Muscles and all the His to heir to. A. G. M. WU- nvasota, Texas, wrltes: ra used Bnow Linimem iu ankle and It gave the best ictlon. I always weep It in Bold by D. J. Fry. A Home Made Happy by CTiamler. Juln's Cough Remedy. About two months ago oir baby girl had measles which sotlled on her lungs and at last resulted In a severe attack of bronchitis. Wo had two doc tors but no relief was obtained. Everybody thought Bhe would die. I went to eight different stores to find a certain remedy whloh had been recommended to me and failed to get It, when one ol the storekeepers In sisted that I try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did so and oar baby Is alive and well 'today. Geo. W. Spence, Holly Springs, N. C. For sale at Dr. Stono'o drag store. make you feel "good er eaeh meal, and make your stom ach strong and healthy again. They will make you happy. Send ua your name and nildrrws today and we will at once send you by mail a sample ieknge, free. Ad dross F. A. SUiart Co., U0 Stuart Rldg.. Marshall, Mtoh. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro sold at every drug etore for 50o a box. Butt tU -J? m fW Hw Unn & Free Box Voting Contest Tho Capital Journal will present a freo box of flvo Boats, prlco $1.50 oach, to tho moat popular saleslady. Voto your cholco. COUPON 'APPEARS DAILY Cut out this coupon and deposit tn ballot box at ono of tho places montloncd below. Ono ballot for Freo Box of FIVE SEATS, Thursday Even-j Ing, Decomber 26, to Max Flgman In "Tho Man on tho Box," at tho Grand Opera House. (Write namo ahoyo.') CONTEST NOW ON Ballot Boxes at Jos. Myers Sons Patton Brothers Book Store The Spa Confectionery McEvoy Bros.' Chicago Store Capital Journal Office It will bo tho grontcst sorlal ami dramatic ovent of tho Boason. Max Flgman Is ambitious to bo tho foremost comedian on the Amorlcnn stage. Ho Is naturally nnd lrroslstably funny. Has tho hurolno tho right to domnnd such n sacrlflco of tho man sho loves? "THE MAN ON THE BOX" Dramatization of Famous Book by Harold Macgrath will be presented at SALEM Thursday Evening, December 26 AT THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE IiqTELS. t h i i ii t mm in 1 1 im ui The White House Restaurcint 4 For a Rcgidar 1 25c Dinner at 20c I They can't ho Iwat McGilclirist & Son Proprietors. iiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiH Hotel St. Philip Fourth nnd Fifth nnd UariiRldt Htret, PorUnnd, Oregon. Now fireproof European Hotel Stoam heat. Modorn convunloncts Ratos 11.00 por day and up. Union depot car will land you at tho door H. PIERCE, Prop. Tap 'V H nn 4hr.WVTm II.. ! ff aw lAJUivi.' naBHi. Call and try tbtaa. Heals f 16c Board per vroek 12.76, also furnished vcoms verr reasonable, AT THM Salem Restaurant MEALS 15c iigiiii8B68gi8i8lf imHi'iimiiiniiiiimt Dr. Stone's Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oregon, owes no ono, and no one owos It; carrleB large stock; Its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors ol all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is a regular graduate In medl olne, and has had many years of experience In the practice Consul tations are free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at bis drug store, Snlem, Or., from t In the morning until 9 at night. GRAND OPENING Tho Horsehhoo Rratauraut. Scott Ferguson old stand, T thorpughly renovated and new ly furnished throughout. !! Best 26c Meal in the City J ' Chicken dinner on Sunday t I-; Call nnd be convinced. i:, 9i. AUivisii.MArt, rrop. 333 State Street. inniiiimiiiiiHiitiiu lllllHillllllllllHHII' ELITE HOTEL j; Restaurant and hotel, on ; ; ! ! European plan. Meala at all ' I ; ; hours on short order. Regular ', ', ' dinner 26 cents. Thirty new- ; ; ', '. ly finished furnished rooms. ! ; E, KCKKKLEX, Prop. ' ; ; 148 Commercial St. ' i'liiMHfniiiiimnnnt DO YOU KNOW That we are actually selling goods at the most reason able prices. Wc are not setting at cost, neither are we holding you up for large profits. Besides everybody wants to economize at Christmas time when there arc many presents to buy. These are a few of our exeep lional values. A Nice Rug A Carpet Sweeper A Rocker An Oil Painting A Set of Chairs A Conter Table A Set of Dishes A Couch A Jardiniere Fancy Decorated Crockery ware Other Articles too Numerous to Mention J. A. PATTERSON 285 N. Commercial St. Deupcruto Vllllnn, Mother Why did you not Burwam whon Hans klsaod you? Daughter He threatened mo Mother How? Daughter He aald If I did he'd never klaa me agln. Maggeudor fer niaaetsr. -. 'O fairly to lied and oarly to rise, makes one healthy, happy and wlso especially II you take Herblne beforo retiring. A pos itive cure for constipation, dyspep sla and all liver complaints. Mrs. 8 , Columbia, Tenn., writes: "I al ways keop a supply ol your Herblne on hand. Am so pleased with tho relief It gives In constipation and all liver complaints, that words can't express my appreciation." Sold by D. J. Fry. O' iB.A-mT'd OlIO FIlllHU of It. "Doubtles tho ao;vant-glr prob lem Is very annoying to youT" "Vary," reoponded the houBewlIo. "I have a really deeperato time get ting maids my olothim wou't fit." Philadelphia Lodgor. o I'llo Cured at Home liy New AborM lion Method. If you surfer from blooding, Itch ing, blind or protruding Plies, send mo your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and wilt also send some of this homo treat moat free for trial, with roforescee. from your own locality II requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others ol this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Dos P, Nort Dame, Ind. OA0VO3H.ZA. - . k y g - cjgt"