Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1907, Image 26

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1 1
0tm ggk Escaped
gii MM'v Manv
iuHKiik u s i n g
BBmTF" ' ' if p' 1 liiMFlBIKTiiMi
Blfnrw IWIBfTPi n i
Mr. Isaac Brock, nS Years Old Last Birthday,
ISAAC BROCK, a citizen of MeLonnan
county, Texan, has lived for 118yonrn.
For many yours bo rostdod at Botiquo
Falls, clghtcon mllcB west of Waco, but
now livos with hla son-in-law at Valloy
Mills, Toxos.
Somo timo ago, by roqnost, Unolo
s&ao camo to Waco and sat for his
picture, holding In his hand a allele
cut from tbo gravo of Gonorul Androw
Mr. Brock Is a dlgniflod old gontlo
man, showing few signs of donrcpltado.
nis family 11 1 bio Is still preserved,
and It Dhows that the dato of hln birth
was written 118 years ago.
Born before the United States
I were formed.
Saw 22 presidents elected.
Pe-ru-nn tins protected him
I from all sudden changes.
Veteran of four wars.
Shod a horse when 99 vcats
I old.
Always conquered the grip with
I Pe-ru-na.
Witness In a land suit at the age
I of 110 years.
ueiievea rvruna me greatest
T remedy of the age for catarrhal f
the Terrors
Winters By
IN spoaking of his good health and
oxtromo old ago, Mr. Brock says :
"After a man has llvod In tho world
as long as I havo, ho ought to havo
found out a great many things by ox
porlonco. I think I havo dono so.
"One of the things I have found
out to my entire satisfaction is the
proper thing for aliments that
are due directly to the effects of
tho climate. For 118 years I have
withstood the changeable climate
of the United States.
"1 have always boon very healthy
man, but, of courso, subject to tho af
fections which aro duo to Kuddon
changcB in tho climato and tompcraturo.
"As for Dr. flartman's remedy,
Pcruna, I have found it to be the
best, if not the only reliable rem
edy for these affections. It has
been my standby for many yeara,
and I attribute my good health
and extreme old age to this rem
'It exactly meots all my require
ments. It protects mo from tho ovll ef
fects of suddon changes; It gives mo
strength ; it keeps my blood In good cir
culation. I havo como to rely upon It
almost cntlroly for tho many littlo
things for which I need medicine.
"When opldomlcs of la grippo first
began to mako their appoaranco in this
country I was a sufforor from this dis
ease. "I had several long sieges with
the grip. At first I did not know
that Pcruna was a remedy for
this disease. When I heard that
la grippe was epidemic catarrh,
I tried Pcruna tor la gtlppo and
found It to bo Just the thing. "
In a later letter, Mr. Brock writes :
"I am well and feeling as well as I
havo for years. I would not bo with
out Poruna."
Yours truly,
A lottor tlatod July 0, 1000, written for
Mr. Brook by his wifo, Sarah J. Brock,
"Last winter I had Just gotten
up out of a spell of sickness, when
I commenced taking Pcruna. 1
think it improved my health very
In a postscript, Mrs. Brook adds t "Ho
rccolvos a groat many lottora inquiring
about what Pornna will do. I do not
answer them all, as I think thoy can
got a bottle and try It."
Ask Your Druggist for Free Pcruna Almanac for 1908
"My hero has a strong faco," ro-! In the blackest and coldost storms
marked tho author. "Ho needs It," the soul of tho bruro man can bo
opined tho critic. "I notlco his faco bright and warm. Baltimore Amcrl
ialls evory tlmo ho moota tho hero- can.
lno." LouIbvIHo Courier-Journal.
Abont Digestion.
Tt is not tho quantity of food
takon but tho tun out digested and
Terribly Dlstrawtag,
Nothing can cause moro pain and
mora distress than Piles.
No wondor many Pile sufferers say
their llvos nro burdonB to them.
Oolntmont nnd local treatments
Aealtnllniwl 4ti.it ivlr ni.AMt m ml
....iiivu vmh. hiivn HhW ".,,.. u..n u... nnn -...,
vltnllty to tho syatom. Chambor- Dr. Loonhardt's Hom-Rold Ib guar
Iain's Stomach nud Liver Tablets antood to cure any case of Piles,
iuvlgorato tho stomach and livor and lf Horn-Hold doesn't cure you, you
cnablo thm to porfdrm tholr fune- B0MmUnJIV?ni-yb?iki t ,. . t
i..0 rn, ...! i ii i Hom-Rold is a tablet taken Inter-
tlons. Tho result Is a rolish for nnliy, thB romoving Uio causo.
your food, incroosed strength and ! $1.00 at druggists, or Dr. Leon-
weight, groator onduranco and n nnrt Co., NIngarn Falls, N. Y., Pro
cjour ueau. l'rico 25 conts. Samoloa
For salo at Dr Stone's drug
Por Infants and Children.
Dm Kind You Have Always Bought
denature of 0&y$fM&y.
Sold by Dr. S. C. Stone,
In January, 1849, qno year after
the first discovery of gold In Califor
nia, thoro wore 100,000 men mining
On brokon lots of Ladles and Chll
dr.'s shoes.
Ladles' wool lined rubbers aro
Just what you want for tho damp,
cold woathor. High ton rubber!
boots. Rosular 94-7S values
14.50; $6.00 values now 5.75.
Plies CurtHl In 0 to 11 Days.
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
Ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14
day sor money refunded. 50c.
Will treat you with Oriental herbs
nnd cure any disease without opera
tion or pain.
Dr. Kum Ib known everywhere In
Salem, and has curod many proml
nent people here. He has lived In
iSalom for 20 years, and can be truat
jed. He uses many medicines un
known to whito doctors, and with
I them can cure catarrh, asthma.
lung troubles, rohumatism, stomach,
llvor and kidney diseases.
Dry Kum makes a specialty of
dropsy and femalo troubles. His rem
edles cure private disease when ev
erything else falls. He has hun
dreds of testimonials, and gives con
sultation free. Prices for modlclnet
very moderate. Persona In the coua
try can write for blank. Send stamp.
If you want' some extra fine tea,
Don't closo tho oven door with
bang when cako Is baking.
Como to Hundreds of Saleni People.
From F. MtUion Crawford's "Beat
rice Cencl" in the January Cen
tury. As a novollst I do nat feel thnt
to show tho truth about tho Cencl
Is to dostroy n romanco which hns
an nrtistic ngnt to uve. .Nonsense
is 'not romantic; Impossible monBttrs
that have no human trait aro not
romantic; foolish anachronisms,
Birl' as that involved in tho sup
posed portrait of Beatrlco by Quldo,
aro not proper foundations for fic
tion; tho Bentlmentallsm manifested
by the rows of poor deluded tourists
who aro dally brought almoBt to tears
In contemplating a second-rnto sketch
In tho Berborinl gallery Is not hu
man sympathy. If Shellpy had not
been a great poet, his groate&b drama
would havo been lntolernblo baldor-
dash; so, without Victor Hugo's ge
nius, "HornaiU" or "Ruy Bins"
would havo boon ridiculous twnddlo,
a moro linsh of absurdities.
But divest the story of tho Cencl
of what has grown "Pon It, and you
Imvo a groat lovo-drnmn, loc3 noble,
but oven moro human, and surely
far more awful', ithnn tho "Bride of
Lammermoor." Thoro Is the trag
edy of tho sins of tho father Inherit
ed by tho children sins punished
by hlo death rvnd theirs. Upon his
bouI is tho diro horror of knowing
that their birthright of evil Is from
himself; of seeing thorn do again
what ho hns done, and worse; of
fooling from afar off tho coming of
their vongoanco upon him for having
brought them Into tho world to sin
and suffor, to slay, land in tholr turn
to die. Thoro Is ovor all his llfo
and th-lrs tho shadow that ovorhung
tho prloet of Norn, the dnrlcnoss of
Inevitable doom. Thoro h, the wild
and wayward girl's unhappy lovo for
tho young warden; tho Irronlstlblo,
passionate call for tho blood to evil;
tho deprnto secret to ho kept; th3
Inhorltod, violent Instinct to strike
nnd bo free; and w1imi tho momont
comes at lntt, tho Invincible cor.irago
and nmn-llko calm of Modwa horself.
Abovo all, whon Bentrlco'8 lover Is
dead and hor child Is safo, and sho
sets her foot upon tho scaffold, thoro
is tho strength to die bruvcly. Maid
on Polyxenn's look was not moro bc
reno. Like her, Beatrice will lot no
common touch como near hor; llko
her, tho Roman girl bares hor own
neck to tho stool, speaks her last
quiet words, bonds, nnd awaits tho
blow. All Is accomplished accord
ing to the mystic law of blood-horl-tago;
all Is ovor; tho world is be
hind; her sin Is confessed and for
glvon. There is but one 'second
moro, and then oternity. That was
tho roal tragedy.
Why isn't everything
Everything isn't goc-d
Your crwerre tir yo'r anney If you don't
like Schilling' tt: ua my luia.
A Dnngerons Deadlock,
that sometimes terminates fat-ally,
Is tho stoppago of liver and bowol
function. To quickly ond thlB con
dition without disagreeable Bonsa
tlonn, Dr. Klug's New Llfo Pills
ohould alwuys bo your romody.
Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory
fl!Ilo Klua You Havo Aim,
Exporlmoiits that trlflo wltU ,J,7 "
Infante and Olulow-as,
What is CAST0RI4
contains iioithor Opium, MoSE tfap,
nbstnnco. Its ago ig its St 7t fc
nd allays FovertoliiicM. S5S f1"
Colic. It relieves Toothlnt? Trouhlf
nd Flatulency. It wX&
Boaro the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bos
In Use For Over 30 Yew,
"f"'" commnv. Tr uujMrtTwiT, uranium.
Thoro aro daya of dizziness;
Spoils of headache, sldoacho, back
ncho; SometlraoB rhcumntlo pains;
Often urinary disorders.
All toll you plainly the kidneys
nro slok.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure nil kid
ney Ills.
Hero Is proof In Salem.
I. N. RIdgeway, with the Orogon
Nursery company and living at 2 OR
Commercial St., Salem, Or., snys: "Iin ovory caso or money back at
kiiow i naa Kiunoy trouble bocause
thoro wero palnB In the small of my
back and twinges whon I stopped
or lifted. Even at night tho pains
wero still thoro, and In tho morning
I would rise lame und sore, I tired
easily nnd felt languid nnd sometimes
wns dreadfully nervous. Occasion
ally I had headaches and at such
tlmae vn.. rtrwlit . .1.1 t. - i.t
..... ...J DifjUL numu no uiurruu. i
There was also sediment in the secre-1
tlons. My oxporienco provod thnt
Doun's Kidney Pills have no superior
for curing kidney complaint and
bttoknoho. Thoy are just
overy sufforor from these troubles
should use. Nothing uould havo suit
od my caso bettor, Thoy wont right
to tho soot of tho trouble nnd com
pletely relieved me. Doan's Kidney
Pills havo my endorsement."
Por salo by all dealers. Price 50
conts. Poster-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for the Unl
tod Statoa.
Remember the name Doan's
and tako no other.
J. C. Perry's drug storo. 25c.
Proposals for Reform School Sup
plies. Sonlod proposals are hereby re
quested for furnishing the Orogou
:Stato Reform School with supplies
for the coming six months, ending
,Juno 30, 1908. Lists with specifica
tions on what Is noeded will be fur-
'nished on application to tho super
intendent. All bids must be in by
(December 26, 1907, and goods muet
ho In nnhrnWnn nnnlrniroci wlinrn nn.
h Jl06. Bible, and true to contraots. Goods
to . be delivered at tho Reform
School January 11, 1907,
12-lS-tf Superlntendon:.
. rO
Two good hou303 in suburb of Salem, ice o:ctoi;i
good business a cplondld blacksmith and wagon mi n
with u good business In full running order at the rtt'
Tho shop building lo a strong frame- building with eosmijW
tlon and heavy framo well finished, nnd would be firu&l
store building, or wnrohouso or factory, or good boitltst
within ono block of tho now lived out railroad. 0nd)
beautiful homes and business ocatlons In Salem. W1H
chnngo as part paymont a good amall farm. Will jluJf
nnd low Interest for part. Farm to he In wiilamU;
Salem or Portland.
Address correspondence to
Salem, Ore. R. F.D.8rSi
First Class
and Reliable Horses
You always get at Yannke's, We
can glvo you any kind of a vehicle
that you desire and a horso to hitch
to It that is gentle In harness.
Horses boarded.
O. XV. YANNKB, Prop.
131-137 N. High St. Phone Iain 44
aw0aV h
SHI. msfLm
iliilfi BwiTi 'iTHni
now get It from us.
' DR. KUM BOW WO 00.
17 Sovtk HJgk street, glcm, Oregou
Tho sacrod orocodllos qf Egypt
wero burled with her proudest kings.
That's It I ! !
Cough yourself Into a fit of spasms
and then wonder why you don't get
well. If you will only try a bottle
of Ballard's Horehound Syrup your
cough will be a thing of the past. It
is a positive oure for coughs, Influ
enza, bronchitis and all pulmonary
diseases. One bottle will convlnpo
you at your druggist, 25c, 50c, 1.
Sold by D, J. Fry.
Xotico of Appointment of Adminis
trator. Notice Is hereby given that on the
20th day of December, 1907, the
County Court of Clarion County, Oro
gon, duly appointed J. C. Robertson
administrator of the estate of James
C. Joseph, deceased, and having duly
qualified as required by law, all per
sons having claims against said es
tate aro hereby notified to present
them with proper vouchers, as by
law required, to the undersigned at
his residence la Salem, Oregon, or at
tho law office of P. A, Turner, In said
city, within six months from the date
of tho first publication of this no
tice, to-wlt; December 21, 1907.
P. A. Turner, Attorney. 12-21-51
other Cities In Sott
Correspondingly Low Rates to
via tho famous
Shasta Route-SoHiherii Pacific Co
"The Road of a Tiiousad
l .!(
For beautifully illustrated &' pwice W
its Winter Resorts, can u
riotlte w - .
I ZiZn
! -mrrnPRVED
I : Pure and, fancy candles a . .
' ' specialty. Will teach the trade ,
and anyone wishing to learn ,,
I : to make candles will do well . ;
; ; to call at once. Terms tea- . .
sonable, ' )
; ; m North Commercial areet. J
. mtt0
UiM fzL "
- L.
n fl