kit IEF REVIEW OF SALEM INDUSTRIES DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALKM. OnTCOON. WKiAKSDAY, DKCRMllHK 2.1, 1007. manufacturing city Salem lot claim greatness, but It is ring conviction that Oregon's City ha3 great stability and it growth in this direction. hor two scoro manufacturing ts can bo counted eorao of tho stent in the development of rn Oregon and sovoral of the concerns In tho state. A from other points nearly as much more. They employ In Salem during tho season from 75 to 100 people, and tholr payroll runs In the nelgh borhod of $1000 per wcok. Those people are originators of the Famous Pheasant Brand. lenslvo wo wish to call at to somo of the rest. !of tho concerns that circulate st monoy In our mld&t (and a very short season of tho ire tho prune packing houses. One of the concerns that employs a oubstantlal amount of labor the of these establishments aro year around ' tho Salem Iron ,r d in this portion of this .Works. They work from 25 to 35 ' of tho Capital Journal. Dut skilled mechanics. Messrs. Schnnd r to mako these a llttlo moro and unlerstand ovory detail of their business and manufacture machinery for wholesalo houses all ovor the Pacific coast under largo contracts. ThU season they havo turned out many of tho portable gasollno drag & Co., whoso plant Is located .saws, which aro being used in the u aim suhubu okiwto, luivu uii'suu kimuur. i ins Cuncuril IS HOW r bought nearly one-half in its fourth year under tho presont dollars' worth of prunes, successful management and the pay- theso processed and prop-'rol' frequently reaches $1,000 per ked mndor their famous week. Theso gontlomen aro always a nunurcu nconie wcro em- in tno market for cooa mechanics during tho season. Tho en- In their line. f their establishment is about i pounds por day and they aro! Tho planing mills operated by out a product that is holplng Frank M, Brown on Front street irtlso Oregon nil ovor tho employe from ten to twenty mechan- Thoy ship to nearly every les tho y.ear around. Their spoc tho union, as w 11 as Alas- laity is woodwork for buildings and export to Canada and a num- finishings. Thoy also manufacture S points In Eurooo nnd Croat all kinds of fixtures and furnlturo to This business has grown order nnd contract for mechanics In mil beginning nnd whllo it leading cities west of tho Kooky large concern there aro still mountains. Thoy also furnish their i possibilities in store for it. class of work for many of tho stato ly not only at Salem, hut Institutions and public buildings ,Bo3oburg and have about throughout tho western country. lucers on tholr list. Tho Oregon Slonnn Paint Co. Is fllnmotto Vnlloy Pruno As- a concern that Is receiving hearty on- is an organization com- couragonunt In Western Oregon nnd about sixty stockholders Is making a decided hicco83 of this 'undor tho muuncomont of now Industry. Tholr rnw sienna Is llo & Co. Thoy maintain u brought from tholr mines to Salem Mit in Salem and tho mnnag-Jln carllad lots. Hero It Is ground also conducts branches at and put Into tho llnlonod product llos burg and Dundee. nnd has tho roputatlon of Doing one lly capacity Is from S0.000 of tho best paint products ovor pro- pounds, Tholr total out- duced. ca-on to date, at Salem, has j ' lut 3,500,000 pounds find Salem has two flouring mills which completely fill tho field Hi their branch of business. Tho Salem Flouring Mills Co. operates ono of tho largest plants on tho coast whllo tho Caoltal Mills cater moro to tho local trndo. Tho tllo factory, operated by J. E. Murphy In tho north pnrt of town, runs a largo force of men 'in season and is scndinir Its nrodttcta to nolnts throughout the entire northwest. A. M. Hanson has most success fully conducted a planing mill nnd sash and door factory for many years. He has added consldornblo up-to-date machinery tho past Ben son and Is gradually expanding his business. Ho has a good payroll and brings consldornblo business Into our city from outsido points. Tho Salem soap factory is a homo institution which is deserving of liberal patronage. A handsomo ox hlblt of their wares can bo scon at the Board of Trado rooms nnd in addition to their lino of laundry and lollot oap thoy aro making a suc cess of tho tanning branch of tholr business, turning out all kinds of rugs and pelts. Tho Salem Fur Tanning Co., con ducted by W. II. Edwards & SonB, has worked up an oxteustve buslnoss In nigs, robes and commercial leather. I auiuiu hub lv.o uinviug creamer ies and n largo growth In tho busi ness of that character Is, ovldenccd from ono season to nnother. Dairy ing Is not only prolltablo to tho far mer, but the success of theso two plnntu In Salem ovhlonccs tho fact that they are run on good buBlnoss llnoi. I I Tho brick ynrdH oporoted by A. A. Burton have been under tho snino mnnngomont for nearly twonty yonrs and hnvo n growing output each wic cchsIvo Botuon. utiicil Canning Company I Tho manufacture of electric light fixtures has boon tnkon up in our midst during tho past yonr. A ,Htrong concorn known ns tho Wost orn Electric Manufacturing Co. has boon organized with nmplo capital and (holr work, which Includes all manner of lighting appliances, chnn- 'dollors, brnckots, otc, na well ns tho most elaborate nnd now dosIgtiH horo-toforo- unknown to tho trndo, tiro bo lug Introduced throughout tho ,who1oenlo tind rotall concerns of tho cntlro Paclllo northwo-t i The II. S. Hugluo Company hns put In an oxtonslve plant for tho mnnufneturo of tho most up-to-dnto gasoline engines, sprayings outllts, Riul similar goods. ! Anot lr-r foundry hntt also been Htaited. chlelly to handle the work of thla conoern, and they are two 'ontorprlsee upon which Salem look with great favor for futuro rotultt. Salem, Oregon s institution has the most modern up-to-date lent of any Fruit Cannery on the Pacific ist plant occupies an entire block witk buildings, ring added warehouse room 60 by 140 the past year. ' icky is being increased with a View to Great ture Increase in Business, and wiH be made as as business justifies. plant has employed from 50 to 250 during past canning season, paying $14,500 for Avs-iiicUo if nffiro hplri. All the helo l, c:uuit, " ablc was employed during the busy season more was needed. Salem Mutual Cannery has paid the highest prices for green fruit the past year. Fruit other points was handled on a large scale Salem Cannery. stock in the Salem Mutual Cannery is largely by Fruit Growers who have Received Regularly. Why I LIKi Knhin mid Vicinity. Docnuse Salem it ono of tho most delightfully located oltlos in tho wort. Ixwatod on gently sloping land, on the oast bank of otio of tho most bountiful streams of clour, cool (mountain water, with many othor smaller streams passing through It, 'affording excellent water power and transportation facilities, and sur ! rounded by an exceedingly produc tive nroa, whoro can bo produced, at amnll cost, almost every klndw of fruit, craln and vegetable nocea SALEM'S NEWEST AND LAKGKST EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY HOUSE Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, at 291 Com mercial street, In the First National Bank building, Is the manngor of tho largest oxcluslvo millinery house In tho city. As successor to Mrs. C. M. Illlko sho has demonstrated that fcho Is thoroughly conversant with tho needs of tho trndo nnd can suit the most fastidious tastos in milli nery au well ns cater to tho popular demand. Tho latest importations aro received in season from tho largo millinery houses of tho east nnd her own buyers attend tho great open ings in Now York and Chicago and shipments aro made direct to hor Salem establishment. Hor trim mers attond tho largo openings In tho Portland wholesalo houses and roturn with all tho latest Ideas for tho bon'flt of her trade. Sho cm ploys from threo to twelvo holpors tho year around and during tho big spring and fall seasons will havo oven moro. With her largo stock to solect from, with skilled holp and hor own exporlonc?, Mrs. Fullerton la nblfl tn mnkn nnv Irlnil rvf n hnf thnt Is wanted and tho buyor is pretty sure that It will be right In stylo nnd price. o i ShIciu'h Mont Up-to-Now Prlntory. N. D. Elliot has built up tho model Job printing ofuco of this city. Ho tnkos a prldo In getting up com mercial printing 'that looks right nnd give tho1 business or professional man satisfaction In prosontlng his bURlnoss or nrofesslon In tho wnv .. . ... i it -nouid appear to tno puuuc. Tho first improislon that customers got of nnyono'a business capacity nnd mothoda to front tho stationery used, nnd tho right kind of stationery not only brings business but It estab lishes credit and ctrongthons con-fld-ncc. Tills applies to all cbm morclal printing, from the most dnlnty visiting card to tho Inrgost buslnoss catalog and circulars, Mr. Elliot brlngB tho oxpcrlonco of yoars to llio servlco of his customers, sav ing them money by his knowledge of quality In Btock nnd In economi cal making up of impressions. Fin color work and high grado printing aro given special attention. All work Is put up In tho most durnblo tablot form, whoro required, nnd plain binding of blanka with stubs"" nnd perforations 'aro mado as cheaply as In consistent with good sorvlco. Mr. Elliot's olllco Is over tho Capital Journal olllco, and ho will always bo found ready to confer with customors on estimates for largo or small or ders. Ho ke)iH no with tho proces sion In tho Inrgor oltlos in typon and pnpar, and hie ouatomtrs got ttliu very latost Idoas In composition and prose work. Tho plant is onulppod with the lntoet deolgn of loose leaf mfl card I ml ox punches, porforntora nnd labor-saving dovloee, nnd ho Is prepurod to print In the most nrtls tie manner all kinds of olllce sta- tlouory Hiioh ns In usually done only by the IiIk flrmi In the Inrgor oltlos No mattor whnt Uio olnss of work is, Elliot has tho idant to turn it out quickly at tho lowost cost and In any quantity.. SUCCESSFUL ARCHITECT HAS PLANS READY Besides tho now administration building for WUlametto University, an addition to tho Stato Fair grand stand, sevornl now railroad build ings, and a now woolen mill in pros pect, tho now buildings of tho Stato Institution for tho Feeblo Minded and Epileptics will bo constructed Just south of tho city. Thero will bo a colony of now buildings, tho plans and specifications for which aro being prepared by Architect Waltor Pugh, of thla city, in his of fices in tho Murphy block. Tho buildings aro all of what la known as tho colonial doslgn, and aro of tho very latost styles of construction from tho standpoints of sanitation, ventilation and plumbing. Thoy will bo of brick and framo, and Includo tho follewing: Administration, building 70 bv 104 foot; first story brick and two stories framo. A dormitory building 44' by 124 foot; bnmo stylo and construction. A brick laundry building 34 by 99 foot, j A brick powor houso 40 by 19 foot. A framo horso and cow barn 40 tor 120 foot; two atorles. Tho bulldtngs will all bo heated from a contral heating plant of U most modern pattorn, Tho wholo ensemble of building will havo soworago provided into a largo aeptlo tank. Bids for construction will fc called for probably before tho eai of tho present year. j Mr. Pugh has been suprvttMK architect of tho now wing of Um stato lnsano asylum Jt coj-l44. He also erocted ite WW Salem hit h school, tho Salem opera, hou a4 city hall, and tho bHildlRg at the asylum cottage farms. In strength of structural work and gHWal economy of doslgn Mr. PugtulMM uo superior In tho lino of his prefe-nlon. Cvment IdiiHtry WaHtcd. Tho manufacture of comont could bo conducted in Orogon. Thero is nbumiatico of water powor and raw matorlal exists in sovoral placos. Comont mine exist in Jackson and Lincoln counties. , Whon itho Oregon atnto houso was built comont was jshlppod' to Oregon City to be rmrh- fractured, but it could not compete with tho imported cement which camo by water. TIiIb mattor ebo'uld bo Investigated by tho Board t Trado and a comont Industry etab lishod at Salem, whoro thord will always bo a great demand .locally and for shipment about tho valley. .Man Who Is netting Tlu-tv. Aiiiouk tho vouiik men who aro climbing tho troublosome way from obscurity to promlnonco In buslnoss olrolos Is Louis C. Btrlngor, who camo to Salem four years ago and attondod tho Capital Buslnosj Col logo. Ho was a studont at tlio Ore gon Agricultural Collogo nnd has nutMn hf sparo tlmo road lug law . m M .1 tnn. .tllll flltff I I ffl tX I k I 1 1 I I if t n. ItA ft ,1 1,1 I t f Jilt t t sary lor ioou ior muu mm uvuai, " " " u ... ..vw v 'supplied with an abundance of tlm- the bar. Ho hns boon building up a bor sultttblo for fuol and buiiuing uiiny iiuihui tusi win unauy p-urposos. It affords an Idoal place cover tills valloy with a network or for homo for many people at small J coat. It cannot bo othorwlso than ransaotlona In farming machlnory nd imnlemonts suoh as farmers and fruit grower and dairymen use, and n return exchange farm products nd Itvo stock. Among Mr. String- nrwnerouj. Our schools and aollogos offer li avai-u fnUU.v tnr finnnlrlnu n irood 01 LinMiinn whiin tha iiifh tnorftl and er's promotion enterprises has boon UUWUt.vr... T.....W -w .o- ----- - social etandard of tho icopIo make mo osiauuanment or an oxcewor ram this an excollont placo to llvo for at Kaiem. a project wmon no nopoa pooplo who doelre to glvo tlioir onu-jvo mim ana ijibko iiin cuy mo uaom dron the beet opportunity available of largo operations. Animated by to b-como good and worthy clUzona. suoh ambitions for tho upbuilding In couvwMitlon wRh a lady from of Uiotolty nnd country, Mr. Stringer Iowa, who now Hvoe in Yow Park.enn truly bo olasjiod a a progressive Lhe said they came to Orogon forioltlzon. His offlooe aro ovor tho Itholr hBftkh. e d that she had noladd & Bush bank, and ho senilis ...,--- , I ITALIAN PRUNE TREES It you want to plant nnV I'raino trees this sonson, had you not botlor bo getting your traos -ordored? Tills vnrioty Is qulto soaroo In the country nnd prices nru llnblo to ndvanco, Sond in tho number you or going to requlro nnd get our prices, Ordor now and wivo money. In apples, wo onn furnish olouii thrifty fbut to six foot, on-year-old trees In tho following varieties! also some splendid twoi year-olds suitable for "lllllng In" pifniosost ALKXANDIlit AUKANHAB UIOlC llhACK WHS DAVIB IJALDWI.V coos Hivuii iu:aikiV 1)1011. OF OLDHNIIUIIO PALL PIPPIN GIIAVK.NHTHIN (Jltl.MIW OOI,l)i;,V KINO McINTOH Hi:i MISSOL'ltl PIPPIN NOimil.HN HPV OltHCiON HHI) WINTKIt Itlll) AHTItACIIAN OHI3NCX) II. O. PIPPIN HO.Mi: HKAUTV SPITKNIIKHO SPOKANI! IIKAUTV WAdHNIJH WMAIniV HTAYM.l.N'8 WINKHAP YKUAiW UlANHPAUUNT Y. N. PIPPIN idea that ho was oomlBg to suoh a paradiiw as thie; that sho saw moro haniiy. proiorons and wou- droa4.d people last Fourth of July In Salem than she had ever fOii on similar occasions anywhere she had ovor lived, and that sho was glad sho bad como to Salem. As I say. after having lived In this city for 42 years, I am glad that I imvft mado It my homo and raised my children here, and oan honestly advlso others to oomo and llvo horo with us. J. P. VEATCH. Cement Contractor. to enjoy tho oonfidenoo of all with whom ho does buslne. Ho was born and rald at Laoomb, Linn county. HAH IIUION I,V IIUSINL'HS VOll FIITKKN YKAHS ifinin TbtKikJTMlUMiiNriBK In thin aior is the advertisement of T. B. Walt, a prominent Indian war veteran, who has been orating bronze monumentu for tho past flf- teon veare. Ono Juat put up was by John Vaughn, a pioneer of Silver- ton, as a Christmas present In mem ory of bis son. Mr. Walt can guar antee tho durability of these monu ments and many of them aro to be found la the beautiful cemeteries The nbovo aro pnly a fw of tbe varieties wo carry, our list is complete, if you will send us a list of your wants In Apples,, Pours, (Jlmrrloa, Plums, Prunes, Smalt FrulUt, Ornamental Shrub, bery, uto,, will be glad to quoto cnir best prloff. About Walnuts Iternqnibor, wo aro sole propagators of tho Vrooman PUlltt STRAIN FnANQUBTTH WALNUT, conoodod to be the host strain of Walnuts now bQlng orfared the planting public. For tho slight difference In coat, you cannot afford to plant an Inferior grad. Space hero will not permit of an exhaustive explanation, but call at our oirtae or write us, If you are interested. We have special literature, on "Walnut Culture" you should hty It. AddrOM all ooramunteutlons, " OREGON NURSERY CO. SALEM, OREGON ..v. ,; ,;;,.. ..r.-riTiT, it . Mwinia.iim! -rr rar, ,. ,';.' A FEW M0IE IEUAHE SALES1EN f ANTEI HI Z&m&t of this eUy at